How to make wine from jam. Homemade wine from jam: step-by-step recipe with photos

Not every home winemaker has access to the right amount of grapes to produce delicious wine. Buying good wine is very expensive, but you don’t want to drink cheap, low-quality wine, and it’s dangerous. But there is a way to make wine from jam; of course, such improvisation will not replace a real grape drink, but it will turn out much tastier and healthier than a store-bought surrogate. In the fall, every housewife prepares a large number of jars of jam, but as always, there remains a lot of unused sweet preservative. Over time, the delicacy becomes candied, ferments and stands idle. You can’t throw away such raw materials, so this is where the idea comes to use it for wine.

Wine made from jam at home has a pleasant tart taste, and the bouquet contains a subtle aroma of raw materials. Making homemade wine from jam is easier than making it from grapes or other fruits and berries. The jam does not need additional preparation; it does not need to be sorted, washed, or peeled. The percentage of sugar in jam is quite large, so the fermentation process will be more intense. Almost any jam from cherries, strawberries, strawberries, apples, currants, raspberries is suitable for making homemade wine, as long as it is mold-free. It is advisable to use one type of jam for the drink, since assorted varieties can spoil the bouquet. Cherries, raspberries and black currants are especially popular among home winemakers.

Homemade jam wine recipe

This is a universal and simple recipe for making wine. Using it you can quickly and efficiently make wine from raspberry jam. You can also make delicious wine from cherry jam at home. The strength of the resulting wine will be approximately 10-13%. To make wine from old jam, you need to prepare a fermentation container with a water seal. It is advisable to use glassware: jars, bottles. Use sugar in the recipe only if the jam is not too sweet.


  • Old jam - 3 l;
  • Water – 3 l;
  • Raisins – 300 gr;
  • Sugar – 50-300 gr.

How to make wine

  1. Place the jam in a clean enamel pan, pour in the required amount of water and add granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. Measure the amount of sugar in the wort with a hydrometer; sugar content should be in the range of 18-22%. Add raisins, which are used as wild yeast.
  2. Cover the container with clean gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Place it in a warm place, the optimal temperature for fermentation will be 20-25 degrees. After a few hours, the wort will begin to ferment, gas bubbles will form on the surface, and foam will appear. The raised cap of berries needs to be drowned and stirred every day.
  3. After 5 days, strain the contents through a colander or sieve, separating the pulp. Pour the clean wort into a fermentation container, leaving 1/3 of the space free. The fact is that during vigorous fermentation a lot of foam is released, which can run away.
  4. Close the container, install a water seal, instead of which you can use a regular medical glove; to do this, one finger is pierced with a needle to release the gas.
  5. Place the fermentation container in a dark place for 1-2 months, the temperature for fermentation should be within 20-22°C. The end of fermentation can be determined by the water seal in which the gas stops gurgling. If a glove is installed, it deflates. In addition, the wort is partially clarified and sediment falls to the bottom.
  6. After vigorous fermentation, the young wine must be decanted, that is, carefully drained from the sediment using a siphon or silicone hose. Taste and add sugar if necessary. Also at this stage you can strengthen the drink with strong alcohol, alcohol, vodka, brandy or cognac. Alcohol-fortified wine made from fermented jam is better preserved, but the taste is noticeable. This wine is reminiscent of port.
  7. Pour the drink into a clean glass container, right up to the neck, so that as little air as possible remains in the container. Close the lid tightly and put the wine to ferment in a cool place with a temperature of 10-15°C. Keep the drink at this temperature for 3-4 months. At this time, sediment may form at the bottom; when it appears, you need to carefully drain the liquid fraction without touching the turbidity and pour it into a clean container.
  8. At the end of the period, pour the wine into bottles and seal. It can be stored in the basement in glass bottles for three years. It is undesirable to use plastic to store the finished product; it reacts with alcohol, during which harmful substances are formed.

Video recipe for making wine

How to make homemade wine from jam with yeast

A quick recipe for making wine from berry jam. Of course, this drink cannot qualify as wine, but if you need to quickly prepare light alcohol for a holiday, then it is permissible to use it. The jam in the recipe can be made from any berries and fruits. It is strictly forbidden to use jam with mold.


  • Old jam -1 l;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Rice – 200 gr;
  • Dry yeast – 20 gr.

How to put:

  1. Put jam in a clean three-liter jar, pour in warm water, add rice. Stir, add yeast at a temperature of 25-28 degrees.
  2. Install a water seal on the jar or wear a medical glove. Place the vessel in a dark place for fermentation, which lasts 3-5 days at room temperature.
  3. Drain the finished drink from the sediment through a hose, add sugar syrup to taste. Store in the refrigerator for several days before serving.

About choosing jam

Before making wine from jam, you need to know how it is prepared, from what and in what proportions. This is necessary for the correct determination of sugar and other substances in it. Classic jam is prepared in a one to one ratio. This means for 1 kg of sugar, take one kilogram of fruit or berries and boil it. Such a classic is suitable for our business only as a last resort. The fact is that during prolonged heat treatment, fruits lose many aromas and nutrients. This product is more suitable for mash for moonshine.

There are also marmalades and jams. It is also not advisable to use them for making wine. Such products contain a high content of pectin, which releases methyl during fermentation. Instant jam suits us best. When fruits or berries are filled with syrup and canned. It contains less sugar and retains quite a large part of the nutrients. Well, the best option is when fruits and berries are sprinkled with sugar and preserved without heat treatment. These are practically fresh fruits, an ideal raw material for the drink, after freshly harvested winemaking products. They retain maximum aromas and all vitamins.

For wine, it is advisable to choose jam from fruits and berries that contain a lot of tannins, tannins and acids. Also look at the reduced pectin content. The most suitable in this regard are black currants and raspberries. Firstly, it has a unique aroma, beautiful color and amazing taste. This group includes dogwood jam, blackberry jam, serviceberry jam and barberry jam. Next, you can arrange jam from stone fruits - cherry, plum, apricot. The latter generally gives the drink a unique almond aroma.

Less suitable are raw materials made from sweet strawberries and blueberries, which have a low acid content and a worse aroma. The most common apple and pear, according to many distillers, are more suitable for making moonshine with the aroma of the raw materials. And finally, an assortment of several types. They need to be mixed so that the taste harmonizes and complements each other. For example, sour cherries go well with sweet, aromatic raspberries. Apple with currants. Good wine is made from plum jam. Try, improvise and you will be happy!

For each of us, if you carry out an audit in your cellar or pantry, you can find several jars of old, perhaps already fermented, jam, which no one will eat anymore, but do not rush to throw away such a find, it can still be given a second life. Old fermented jam is an excellent raw material for making homemade wine. We have already told you, now it’s the turn to satisfy the needs of people who prefer less strong drinks, and tell a few simple recipes on how to make wine from jam at home.

Recipe for wine from old jam

We will need:

  • 1 liter of jam;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100g. raisins

Very often people ask what kind of jam is best to use, there is no definite answer, because there is no friend for the taste and color. You can take any: apple, raspberry, apricot, plum, strawberry and other fruits. The only thing that should be said is that you need to mix different types of jam as the wine will lose its original taste and aroma.

We will use raisins as yeast, because bacteria live on their surface, which helps fermentation. It is not advisable to use ordinary yeast, in which case we may end up with ordinary mash rather than wine. There are special wine yeasts on sale, but they are very difficult to find and raisins are an excellent alternative. The most important thing is not to wash it before adding it, as we will wash away all the bacteria we need.

Fans of dessert wines should also include sugar syrup in this recipe, which must be added to the wine immediately before fermentation. Sugar syrup is prepared in the proportion of 250 grams of sugar per half liter of water.


Recipe for wine made from sugar-free jam

If you don’t want to wait a long time and the recipe described above does not suit you, we suggest you prepare another, relatively quick recipe for wine from old jam without adding sugar. It will take us about a month and a half to prepare it.


  • 3 liters of any old or fermented jam;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • A handful of raisins.


Mix water and jam and simmer over low heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let cool, then pour into a container in which fermentation will take place and add raisins. We fill it in such a way that the fifth part remains empty.

To block the access of oxygen to the wine, install a water seal or put on a rubber glove with a hole. During the entire fermentation time, which is about a month and a half, we do not open the container. As soon as the glove is deflated or air stops coming out of the water seal, this is a clear sign that fermentation is over and our wine from old jam is ready. All we have to do is carefully drain it from the sediment and bottle it.

It should be noted that, unlike a water seal, a medical rubber glove is a disposable device and must be new every time you prepare wine.

Recipe for homemade wine from jam with yeast

  • Old or fermented jam -1 l
  • A glass of rice;
  • 20 g – fresh yeast;
  • Boiled water - 1 liter.

How to cook:

The process itself is not much different from the first recipe, only the ingredients are slightly different.

  1. Prepare a three-liter jar: wash with soda, scald with boiling water.
  2. Add rice (millet can be used as an alternative, but rice is still preferable), yeast and add water.
  3. We put on a glove or a water seal and place it in a dark, warm place to ferment.
  4. As soon as the sediment falls and the wine becomes transparent, drain it from the sediment and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, after which the wine can be considered ready.
  5. If the drink is not very sweet, you can add a little sugar to it, at the rate of 20 g per liter.

We wrote above that it is highly undesirable to use yeast to make wine, but this recipe is quite often found on the Internet, although I myself have not yet had time to try it. So if you do, I’ll be glad to see your feedback under this article.

Tips for making wine from jam at home

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It's time to make jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, but the availability of last year’s unused product is stopping you? There is a solution: start making wine from jam. This way you will empty the container and proceed with new preparations with a clear conscience. The time has come to prepare jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, but the availability of last year’s unused product is stopping you? There is a solution: start making wine from jam. This way you will empty the container and proceed with new preparations with a clear conscience.

This recipe for homemade jam wine is simple and will not require additional costs. If you want the wine to be tasty, you just need to be patient and follow the recipe exactly. You'll see - everything will work out!

Basic terms and devices

Sometimes the terms of winemakers seem incomprehensible to an uninitiated person, and the process itself is very complicated. However, it is very easy to make wine from jam at home, and a simple recipe will be an excellent help for this. If you look carefully, there is nothing complicated or confusing here.

So, first things first, let’s look at the basic terms and understand the devices.

The entire process of wine formation is divided into several stages:

  1. Formation of pulp, while all the ingredients are mixed and the container is left for several days in a warm place under or without a lid, but covered with a cloth on top (no third-party particles should get into the wort). The duration of this stage is up to 10 days.
  2. Fermentation. During this period, you will need a special device (water seal) and a fermentation room - a dark room with a stable temperature of 22–24 C. This period will take about 50 days.
  3. Maturation of wine. This period of time depends on how strong your endurance is. The longer the young wine sits in the cold, the tastier it will be. On average, this process takes from 2 to 3 months, and the room temperature should not exceed +16 C.

Between the main stages there will be several intermediate stages, which differ in different recipes for wine from jam; they will be discussed separately.

Now about the devices

To prepare the drink, you will need a container for wine from jam; it is better to use glass jars or bottles. They allow you to control the fermentation process and do not produce foreign odors.

You can use barrels or enamel dishes (but here during fermentation it will be problematic to arrange a water seal).

You cannot use plastic or aluminum utensils for these purposes - the wine will develop an additional smell and taste (not always pleasant), and in some cases ethyl alcohol will react with the plastic and form substances harmful to humans (you can simply get poisoned).

Before making homemade wine from jam, be sure to make sure that there is no mold in the containers with jam.

How to install a water seal? To do this, you can take a thin tube from the dropper system (new) and insert one end into the nylon cap. The other one needs to be placed in a glass of water (½ full). This closure is good for ordinary glass jars, here the tube is disposable, and the lid can be used many times, only by changing the tubes.

You can buy a special factory-made closure, usually it is suitable for bottles and cans, it all depends on the crust.

If all this is too difficult, then take an ordinary medical glove and pierce a hole in your finger with a gypsy needle, and then put it on the jar. Under the influence of gases, the glove will inflate and act as a water seal. It can only be used once.

Important Rules

Be sure to sterilize all containers and equipment

Before making wine from jam at home, you will need to carefully wash with soda and sterilize (boil and steam) all containers and devices that will be used. This way the wine will not receive any unwanted or foreign odors.

Jars or other fermentation containers are filled no more than 4/5 of the volume. It’s even better to leave 2/5 of the container unfilled. And this is so that there is room for foam and bubbles, otherwise they will rise too high and clog the water seal.

Cooking technology

Before making wine from old jam, carefully study the technology and think about where each stage of creating a tasty drink will take place. It is also important to stock up on the necessary containers and devices or make them.

1st stage

Mixing ingredients and forming wort

This is the mixing of ingredients and the formation of wort. For wort, the water must be boiled and then cooled to a warm state (+25C).

This process can be organized in a regular enamel pan or in a 3-liter jar. It is better to store the container not in the apartment, but in a pantry or on the balcony, but to start the process you need a temperature of +18–25. The container is covered with cotton cloth or gauze to prevent insects from entering.

First, mix all the ingredients very well. During the fermentation process, the jam will rise to the top and begin to make noise; it needs to be stirred twice a day for better distribution of the yeast.

When the pulp begins to rise, it is filtered through cheesecloth (preferably in 2-3 layers), squeezed well and the pulp is thrown away.

2nd stage

Formation of young wine. The resulting liquid is poured into sterile glass containers and sealed with a water seal, filling them as indicated above.

The containers are kept for 1.5 to 3 months, depending on the recipe, for preparing wine from jam in a darkened room (necessarily without direct sunlight) at a temperature not exceeding +23C.

The fermentation process is considered complete when the glove falls off or bubbles stop coming from the water in the glass.

If after 50 days the process is still intense, then you need to remove the water seal and pour the contents into a clean container without affecting the sediment. The new container is closed with a clean water seal and the wine is allowed to ferment, otherwise it will be bitter.

3rd stage

Excerpt. It is needed so that the wine receives its own unique taste and aroma. When the fermentation process is complete, the wine is drained from the sediment (3-4 layers of gauze) into a clean container. In case of large sediment, the procedure is performed several times at intervals (3–4 days).

After the sediment is removed, the young wine is placed in a dark, cool (+16) room for 1.5–3 months. Then it can be served to the table.

The strength of this drink is about 10 0.
It should be served slightly chilled; it goes well with dessert.

You can also use yeast or ethyl alcohol, then you will get a stronger drink.

Simple recipes

If you are making homemade wine from jam for the first time, you need to choose a simple recipe. Here are a few recipes using different types of jam.

Tip: to make the wine tasty, combine sweet and sour fruits, for example: raspberries and gooseberries.

Wine from jam is prepared in a 1:1 ratio of water and jam; raisins are added to each liter of jam (they cannot be washed so as not to remove the yeast). Raisins play the role of yeast.

If you make homemade wine from jam, you can even use sour, spoiled jam, but you cannot use moldy jam (the wine will have an unpleasant aftertaste).


  • Apple stock – 1.5 kg;
  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Raisins – 1 handful;
  • Granulated sugar – 0.2 kg.

The easiest to prepare. It turns out moderately sweet and aromatic.
For the recipe you need to take equal parts water and jam, as well as a handful of raisins. To these ingredients you need to add ½ cup granulated sugar and mix everything well.

Leave the mixture to prepare the wort for 5–6 days in a warm place, stirring 2 times a day. When the jam rises and begins to make noise (this may be a little earlier if it’s warm), the pulp is filtered out, and the wort is poured into a glass container, another 100 g of sugar is added and sealed with a water seal.

Then you need to put the containers in a warm place for fermentation; when the bubbles stop appearing, the young wine is ready. All that remains is to decant it through 3-4 layers of gauze (do not touch the sediment), and then place it in a cold place for ripening for at least 2 months.


  • Raspberry preparation – 2.5 kg;
  • Water – 2.5 l;
  • Sugar – 0.1 kg.

Here all the sugar is added when preparing the wort. This wine needs to be kept in the cold for at least one and a half months.

Easy to make into a great liqueur. To do this, after the young wine is removed from the water seal and drained from the sediment, add another 100–150 g of sugar for each liter of water (if you want a very sweet liqueur), less sugar will make the liqueur less sweet.


  • Currant preparation – 1.5 kg;
  • Cherry leaves – 5–7 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 0.1 kg;
  • Raisins – 60 g.

Currant wine has an original taste, thanks to cherry leaves.

We prepare the wort from the proposed ingredients. It can be closed with a lid and just stirred for 7-10 days, 2 times a day.

Then strain the pulp through cheesecloth and leave the sediment at the bottom. We arrange the shutter in a container filled ¾ with wort.

After the process is completed, the young wine will become clearer (this will take up to 40 days), it can be drained from the lees and aged (at least 1.5 months).

Wine made from currant jam is perfectly stored in a cool place; the longer it sits, the richer the taste and aroma will be. It can be stored for 2–3 years.


If a new harvesting season is on the horizon, and the supply of sweet twists in the cellar or underground has not yet dried up, you urgently need to process them. Our grandmothers knew how to make tasty and aromatic wine from last year's apple or other fruit jam, and we should learn from them the experience of saving. The main guarantee of obtaining the rich taste and aroma of an alcoholic drink is high-quality raw materials and adherence to technology, which in this case is very simple.

If the remaining jam is moldy, it is best to discard it. It won’t make wine – we’ll just waste our energy and precious time. But you can use candied raw materials - it will produce a drink no less aromatic and delicious than a freshly brewed dessert.

It is best to prepare the drink from a sweet product obtained only from apples, without mixing with jam from other fruits or berries, otherwise the unique aroma will be lost.

Homemade wine from apple jam: step-by-step recipe


  • Apple jam— 1 l + -
  • - about 1 liter + -
  • - 2-4 tbsp. + -
  • Raisins – 100 g + -

How to make delicious wine from apple jam at home

During the fermentation stage, water will be needed in an amount depending on the sugar content of the starter. You shouldn’t take the one from the tap, because the process of making this noble drink requires sterility. Filtered is best; boiled is also an acceptable option. You don’t have to add sugar to the starter at all. Then we will get a drink close to its dry variety.

  1. We start by preparing the container. We take a standard 3 liter glass jar, wash it, and then wipe it with a pinch of slightly moistened baking soda and rinse. It’s even better to pour boiling water over the fermentation container, not forgetting to place an iron fork or spoon in it - the cutlery will protect the container from splitting when it comes into contact with boiling water.
  2. Transfer the jam to the jar that you just prepared and add water. If you want to get a sweet wine, add granulated sugar, but this is not at all necessary.
  3. Add raisins. Under no circumstances should you wash it before this, as this will wash away the bacteria needed for fermentation.
  4. The mixture in the jar needs to be mixed thoroughly.
  5. Then cover the neck with a clean gauze cloth to prevent debris and annoying flies from getting inside.
  6. The fermentation time of such a starter is 5 days. At this time, the jar should be placed in a darker closet. The ideal temperature at this stage is 20-25 o C. Every day you will need to visit there to check the starter and mix it. It is best to do this with a clean, long wooden spoon. An indicator that the process is proceeding normally is the appearance of a vinegar aroma and foam.
  7. Next, you need to carefully remove the slurry, which by that time will rise to the top, and strain the semi-finished wine product through several layers of gauze.
  8. Pour the pleasant-colored liquid into another clean jar, filling it no more than 2/3 full.
  9. Now we need an ordinary rubber glove. We put it on the jar, not forgetting to make a puncture in any of the fingers with a needle.
  10. Again we send the container into the warm darkness for further fermentation. The gases emanating from this will fill the glove. When it falls, it will mean that homemade apple jam wine is almost ready. It will become lighter and completely transparent, displacing the sediment to the bottom.
  11. Before pouring into portioned bottles, the liquid must be tasted. If it seems too sour, you can sweeten it and leave it in the dark for a couple more days.

  • To increase the degree of alcohol, you can add alcohol to the drink (no more than 15% of the volume);
  • Fortified jam wine has a much longer shelf life, but it will also have a harsher taste compared to an unfortified drink;
  • You need to pour the wine drink into bottles up to the neck, so that there is no room for air and no chance for unwanted chemical reactions.
  1. After spilling, you need to tightly cork the bottles and send them to a cellar with a cool climate (up to 15 o C). The optimal holding time is 5-6 months.
  2. There will be sediment at the bottom - this is normal. The wine will need to be drained from the sediment into other clean bottles each time.

If sediment no longer appears, then the wine is completely ready. The mature, intoxicating drink with apple flavor should be stored in a cool and dark place, hermetically sealed.

Good owners never waste anything and everything goes into use, even ingredients that are not the freshest. Homemade wine made from last year’s apple jam according to the proposed recipe is aromatic and, most importantly, natural. Savoring it while sitting under the old family apple tree is a pleasure!

Currant jam wine is a wonderful aromatic drink that is very easy to make at home.

Taking into account the fact that each housewife has her own taste, and the sweetness of the jam may be different, the amount of sugar may be a little more or less. The main condition is that sugar must be added, otherwise fermentation will not begin.

You should also remove mold if it has formed on the surface.

To prepare the wine, mix the jam with warm boiled water in a large saucepan, add 50 grams of sugar and mix well. Place the pan in a warm place for fermentation.

The wine mash will be ready when all the pulp rises to the surface.

You only need to put wine from currant jam in well-washed, clean containers. Therefore, rinse the glass jars thoroughly, dry them in the oven, or even better, sterilize them.

Strain the mash and pour the liquid into prepared jars, add the remaining sugar and place in a warm place for another 3 months.

When the wine is ripe, it will need to be removed from the sediment using a straw, poured into bottles and tightly closed.

Place the wine in a cool place for a day to allow it to rest, after which you can taste the aromatic drink.

Blackcurrant jam wine recipe

Wine made from blackcurrant jam is very beautiful and incredibly aromatic. Your guests will enjoy a homemade drink at the festive table, especially since it’s not at all difficult to prepare. To prepare this recipe you will need a simple set of ingredients:

  • Blackcurrant jam - 1 liter
  • Water -2 liters
  • Rice - 200 gr
  • Fresh grapes - 200 gr

Pour jam into a convenient large glass jar, add grapes and rice.

You can take any rice - round or long. It is best not to wash the grapes, of course, if you are sure that they have not been treated with chemicals. Separately, heat the water, bring it to a boil and cool. Pour boiled water into the jar with the prepared products, mix well and put a water seal on the neck.

If your household does not have a water seal, it can be easily prepared using available materials. Take an ordinary rubber glove, use a needle to make one small puncture in your finger and put it on the jar.

With its help, it will not be difficult for you to observe how the fermentation process is progressing. Place the jar of mash in a dark, warm place for 3 weeks - this is approximately the time it takes for it to ferment. When the glove “falls off”, the liquid in the jar becomes transparent, and a small sediment forms at the bottom, you can begin to filter the drink.

Carefully remove it from the sediment and pour through a gauze filter into a clean container.

After this, the delicious wine can be poured into bottles, tightly closed and stored. Don’t forget to pour some of the drink into a decanter and taste it right away.

Wine made from fermented currant jam is a delicious light drink, the subtle aroma of which is unlikely to leave you indifferent. To prepare it you will need:

  • Fermented jam - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l

For better fermentation of the mash, it is better not to wash the raisins. Then the wild yeast remaining on its surface will allow the drink to ferment well.

The water should be heated to 35-40 degrees - this will also help the fermentation process begin faster.

Mix water, raisins, sugar and jam, put on a lid with a water seal and leave the mixture to ferment in a warm place. Infuse the drink for at least 10 days - sometimes fermentation lasts a little longer.

When pulp appears on the surface of the mash and the yeast precipitates, the drink will need to be strained and poured into a clean container. Store finished young wine in a cool place in closed bottles.

Making wine from fermented blackcurrants

You can make wine from fermented blackcurrants or from berries forgotten in the freezer. Frozen, unripe and sour berries, which you would hardly use for preparations, are perfect for preparing the drink.

To make wine from fermented blackcurrants, take 3 parts water, 2 parts berries and 1 part sugar. Rinse the fermented berries well so that they are free from mold, mash well or heat over low heat or in a sauna. This way the berries better release the juice needed to make wine.

Add half the sugar to the berry mixture, mix well and place in a warm place to ferment for about a week. When the pulp rises to the surface, it will need to be carefully removed and the liquid drained into a clean jar.

Add a quarter of sugar to the purified wort, stir, put on a lid with a water seal or a rubber glove and place in a warm place for further fermentation.

After 21 days, the wine will need to be drained from the sediment, add the remaining sugar and leave for another 3-4 weeks. When the fermentation process is complete, the wine will need to be filtered and poured into a convenient container - jars or bottles. Cover with lids and place in a cool place for storage.

Homemade wine from currant jam is a great way to recycle old homemade preparations. If you forgot about the jam, it has become candied or fermented - this is not a reason to throw it away. Add a little warm water and wine yeast to it, and in a month you will have excellent currant wine on your table.

To prepare wine yeast yourself, you will need to take 150 g of raisins, 70 g of sugar and 2 glasses of water. Dark raisins are best suited for sourdough, although white ones can also be used.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan and add water. Place the mixture over medium heat and cook the syrup. When the syrup boils and becomes homogeneous, it will need to be removed from the heat and cooled to 27-30 degrees. Infuse raisins into a glass jar or bottle and pour warm syrup. Leave the starter for fermentation in a warm place for 3-4 days, after which it can be used not only for making homemade wines, but also other drinks.

For 3 liters of homemade jam you will need 4-5 liters of boiled chilled water and a glass of raisin starter. Mix all the ingredients in a convenient container - it can be a regular saucepan or a milk can, close tightly with a lid with a water seal and place in a warm place for fermentation. It is most convenient to prepare homemade wine in glass jars - it is easy to put a lid with a water seal on their neck or use a regular rubber glove together. After about 45 days, the homemade wine will be ready - the liquid in the jar should become transparent, the pulp will rise to the surface, and a yeast sediment will form at the bottom. Carefully pour the wine into clean jars and place them in a cool place.

Homemade wine made from currant jam is not only very tasty, but also a very healthy drink. Despite the fact that the currants were digested, most of the vitamins were retained. Thus, you can not only enjoy the wonderful taste of this drink, but also replenish your supply of missing vitamins.