How to cook currant compote? How to cook red currant compote for the winter Red currant compote without.

For the winter I want to save more of the vitamins grown and collected over the summer. This doesn’t always work out, especially with berries. During heat treatment we lose the bulk of vitamins. That’s why today I want to talk about how to make compote from red currants, this champion in health benefits. It is compote that allows us to preserve as many vitamins as possible, alive and real, because we do not cook it for a long time, like jam.

You can make compote from this wonderful berry not only for the winter. During the berry picking season, we like to indulge in a fresh drink with the addition of mint, apples, and raspberries. Sometimes I cook it by mixing three types, red, white and black currants, and it turns out delicious too. You can also cook a delicious compote from berries frozen for the winter.

How to cook red currant compote

For this drink, you need to select ripe berries, but only when they are still elastic, so that they look beautiful in the jar. Red currants are more tender than black currants, the berries burst easily.

It is not at all necessary to get rid of twigs for making compote. Whole bunches look very beautiful in jars. I like red currants because it’s very quick to sort them out for compote. It is enough to fill it with water in a basin, all the garbage floats up, it is easy to drain it and that’s it.

Sugar is usually added to compote according to taste and depending on the number of berries, but it is worth remembering that red currants are sour. Usually jars for compote are filled one-third full with berries, but some, in order to save space and containers, close the concentrated compote by filling half or even a full jar, then, naturally, more sugar is needed.

Redcurrant compote for the winter, recipes

A simple and quick recipe for redcurrant compote for the winter

Of the ingredients, all we need is:

  • Berry
  • Glass of sugar

How we will cook:

No, we won’t boil the berries, only the syrup is cooked here. I put a third of the berries into a jar, which has, of course, been sterilized in advance. And by this time my water is just boiling, which I pour into a jar of berries. I let the water cool for about fifteen minutes, just enough time for the juice to be released from the berries, which we will need to prepare the syrup.

I return the water to the saucepan, it has already been measured and colored with juice, I pour sugar into it and cook for five minutes. I immediately pour the syrup directly onto the berries into a jar and cover it with a clean lid. I let it cool slowly, upside down under a warm blanket.

Compote of red and black currants

We will need to take:

  • Half a kilo of berries, see the proportions for yourself, I take half red and half black
  • 230 grams of sugar

Preparation of compote:

The berries are sorted and washed, you can do them all together. Pour a third into jars and fill with cold water to measure the amount. Boil the measured water with sugar at the rate of 230 grams per three-liter jar. Cook the syrup until it becomes transparent, five minutes is usually enough for this. Pour it into the berries, do not roll up the jar, but just cover it with a lid and place it in a spacious saucepan with hot water, sterilize it for 20 minutes, and only then close it.

Compote apples red currant

We will take the following products:

  • Currant berries
  • Apples
  • Three hundred grams of sugar

How to cook:

First, as always, we’ll wash everything. Core the apples and cut into slices. Fill the jar one-third full with apples, then add currants another third. Pour boiling water for 7-10 minutes, pour it back and cook the syrup. Then we fill the jars to the very top and immediately roll them.

Compote raspberry red currant

What do we need:

  • Raspberries and red currants
  • Glass of sugar

How to do:

We wash the berries and let the water drain. Mix in raspberries and currants so that the jars are filled to a third. We boil two and a half liters of water with sugar and pour it directly onto the berries; if there is not enough, then add boiling water from the kettle to the edges. We roll it up and hide it under the blanket, not forgetting to turn it over.

Red currants contain many vitamins and other very useful substances. Of course, currants are more useful when eaten fresh, but properly cooked red currant compote is also very tasty and quite healthy. To preserve the beneficial properties of berries, when preparing compote you need to heat them for as little time as possible.

Redcurrant compote: simple and healthy

Ingredients (to prepare 3 liters of compote):

  • 2 liters of water;
  • from 800 grams to 1 kilogram of fresh currants;
  • from 100 to 400 grams of sugar.


Without sugar at all, the compote may turn out to be too sour, but this is a matter of taste. Red currant compote prepared without sugar is useful for both those who monitor their blood sugar levels and those who do not want to gain weight. Red currant berries for making compote must be freshly picked, ripe and undamaged.

  1. The berries need to be sorted, separated each from the stalk, rinsed well, placed in a colander, and allowed to drain.
  2. Now you need to prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, boil water in an enamel pan and add sugar. Mix thoroughly and, when the sugar has completely dissolved, add the prepared berries to the pan.
  3. Bring to a boil again, boil for 1 minute (no more, otherwise the berries will crack and wrinkle, and the vitamins will disintegrate), cover with a lid and turn off the heat.
  4. Let the compote brew for 20 minutes, cool and the compote is ready (then you can even cool it).

Cool compote with red currants perfectly quenches thirst on hot days, it has a pleasant sour taste, and the beneficial substances in this drink are preserved to the maximum. You can make currant and orange compote - this combination is somewhat unusual, but quite refined and original. The taste of this compote is invigorating and refreshing.

Ingredients (for 3 liters of water):

  • From 100 to 400 grams of granulated sugar
  • from 0.5 to 0.8 kg of currants
  • 1 orange.


  1. We sort the berries, remove branches, stalks, etc., and wash them.
  2. Peel the orange and cut it in half, then cut each half lengthwise and crosswise into small cubes.
  3. Prepare sugar syrup as usual in an enamel pan. First, boil the sliced ​​orange in the syrup for 3-4 minutes, then add the currants and boil for another 1-2 minutes.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat.
  5. Under the lid, the compote will infuse while it cools.
  6. Your guests and family will undoubtedly like this compote, in any case, they will be pleasantly surprised.
If there are no fresh berries

You can make a compote from frozen currants - such a product, bought in a supermarket, is convenient to use when the currants have not yet ripened or their season has already passed. By the way, vitamins and other useful substances are well preserved in deep-frozen products, so this compote is also quite useful. If in your region currants ripen in quantities suitable for freezing, do not skimp and freeze red currants for future use. In winter, this source of vitamins will save you from colds and flu. There is no need to defrost the berries to make compote. Cook frozen currant compote as follows:

  1. Boil water, add sugar, stir.
  2. Throw the berries into the pan, bring to a boil again, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat. This is enough to preserve the greatest amount of vitamins.
  3. While it cools down, let it brew. In the cold season, a compote of frozen currants will not only warm you up, but also boost your immunity.

Currant compote can be preserved by rolling it into glass jars. How to make currant compote? They do it in different ways. Some people sterilize the compote, but with this method most of the vitamins are lost. It is better to roll up the compote without sterilization.

  1. Place the berries in clean, prepared jars in advance. Boil the syrup and pour the berries in the jars to the top. \Wait 4 minutes and pour the syrup into the pan.
  2. Let's boil it again and pour the berries into the jars again.
  3. Cover the jars with lids and screw them on.
  4. Place jars of compote, hermetically sealed, upside down on an old blanket and wrap them for a day. While it cools, it will brew.

After a day, you can put the jars on the rack. It will not “explode” if you use domestic sugar. Currant compote preserved in this way is also quite good, especially in winter and spring, when the body requires vitamins.

In winter, the body experiences a shortage of vitamins, and in order to replenish their supply, we are happy to open summer preparations: jelly. Meanwhile, 20% of the original amount of vitamin C will remain in the jam, while when preparing compote, the berries are less exposed to heat and retain vitamins better, moreover, short-term heating is aimed at removing air from the product and destroying the enzyme system that oxidizes vitamins. Today we’ll look at how to prepare a delicious and healthy redcurrant compote for the winter.

About the benefits of red currant compote

The main raw material for the drink is currants. And of course, it is better to use a product for cooking that has a higher content of vitamins.

Did you know? Currant compote removes excess fluid from the body, reduces swelling, improves appetite, and has a positive effect on metabolism. Not only berries are used for medicinal purposes, but also.

  1. The degree of ripeness of the berries - the riper, the higher the content. Moreover, if the fruits are overripe, the amount of vitamins begins to drop sharply.
  2. The content of ascorbic acid is higher in clear weather than in cloudy weather. Use raw materials collected on a sunny day.
  3. Many vitamins begin to degrade when oxidized by air. Use raw materials on the same day that the berries are picked.

Did you know? Soda is considered one of the best substances for washing containers for preservation: it leaves no traces or odor, and removes any dirt well. Soda is extracted from soda lakes. In 1736, French chemist Henri de Monceau first obtained pure soda from a soda lake.

Most often, jars are sterilized for a couple. To do this, place a grate on a pan of boiling water, and place a jar on the grate. The sterilization time for a three-liter jar is 10-15 minutes.
The second method of sterilization is oven. Oven temperature - 160°C. The processing time for the jar is until the water drops dry.
The purpose of sterilization is to prevent fermentation processes. The source of fermentation may be unnoticed dirt or rotten berries. If you are confident that you have thoroughly washed the jars and processed the fruits, then you can do without this process.

The lids are boiled just before the jars are sealed. Boiling time - 1 minute.

Kitchen tools

Equipment used in preparing the drink:

  • jars and lids;
  • Seaming machine;
  • container for processing raw materials;
  • pot.

To prepare berry compotes, stainless steel or enameled utensils are used, without chips.

Important!Stainless steel does not react with acids and is therefore easy to use. A pan with damaged enamel can react with acid, and then metal particles will get into your compote, which will lead to fermentation and spoilage of the drink.


For 1 kg of berries you should take:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 20 g citric acid.

For lovers of very sweet compotes, you can increase the share of sugar to 500 g.


There are two ways to prepare compote:

Blanching destroys enzymes that lead to darkening of raw materials. In addition, blanched berries release juice into the drink better and are imbued with sweetness than berries in syrup.

Important! The container can be filled with fruits up to the neck, but remember that the filling must completely cover the berries. The more berries, the higher the concentration of the drink.

Video: recipe for making redcurrant compote

What can you add for taste and aroma?

To aroma and change the shade of taste, you can add a little spice to the compote. and give a pleasant aftertaste, and a slice will complement the drink with the taste and aroma of real fruit.

What can you combine with in one jar?

Several types of raw materials can be used in the preparation of compote: it is appropriate to mix red and or red currants in combination with,. New combinations of flavors will add variety to your winter table.
Usually the ratio of different types of raw materials in the compote is 1:1 - for one part of red currants, the same part of white currants is taken. For currant and apple compote, the main component is considered

If you stocked up on aromatic red currants during the summer season, then on cool days it’s time to prepare a tasty and bright compote from them. This drink will not only delight you with its appearance, but will also fill your body with healthy vitamins and minerals. Red currants contain a large amount of vitamin C, it supports your body's defenses and prevents diseases - ARVI and influenza. Remember that red currants are a sour berry, so it is recommended to add one and a half times more granulated sugar to the compote, especially if you are preparing the drink for children.


You will need for 1 liter of drink:

  • 300 g frozen red currants
  • 7 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 2 pinches ground cinnamon


1. Place frozen berries in a deep container and fill with cold water. Immediately begin cleaning up brushes and stray debris. Drain the water. If you leave the berries in water for a long time, they will become soft and you will not be able to properly remove the excess.

2. Pour the peeled berries into a saucepan or saucepan.

3. Add sugar and cinnamon if you like its taste in drinks - it will add additional sweetness to the compote with its spicy note.

4. Pour in warm water and place the pan on the stove, turning on maximum heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat to minimum and simmer the compote for about 3-5 minutes until the berries sink to the bottom. There is no need to brew the drink any more so that it retains the maximum amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Currants are great for making compote. The compote made from it is aromatic, tasty and very healthy. How to cook currant compote correctly and quickly is described below.

How to cook red and black currant compote

To prepare this compote you will need the following:

  • water - 0.5 l;
  • red and black currants - 500 g each;
  • sugar - 250 ml.

The compote is prepared in this way:

  1. Sort through the currants, set all damaged berries aside, and rinse the rest thoroughly.
  2. Then pour water into the pan and bring to a boil.
  3. Throw in sugar and currants. Be sure to mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Keep the compote over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cool a little and you can enjoy its excellent taste.

How to make currant compote for the winter

If you want to please your loved ones with currant compote throughout the winter, then preserve it. The recipe for preparing compote for the winter includes the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • currants - 7 kg;
  • water - 5 l.

Prepare compote for the winter in this way:

  1. Sort and wash the berries. Place them in sterile jars. They need to fill 1/3 of each container.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan and pour it into all the jars. Then leave them for several hours. Drain the resulting liquid from the cans into a saucepan, add sugar and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the finished syrup into jars. He must fill them completely. After which you can twist the compote. Then turn the jars upside down and leave them in a warm room for a day.

How to make compote from frozen currants

If you have frozen berries, you can also make compote from them. The following ingredients are required:

  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • currants - 1 kg;
  • ground ginger - ½ teaspoon.

The compote preparation process consists of the following stages:

  1. Pour water into an aluminum pan and bring to a boil.
  2. Place frozen currants there. Please note that you do not need to defrost it before this, otherwise it will lose most of the vitamins and juice.
  3. Bring the compote to a boil and add sugar.
  4. Cook the compote over low heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Then put the ginger there, mix everything and cover the container with a lid. Leave the compote to steep for 25-35 minutes, and then you can pour into glasses.