Seafood salad recipe with photos. Seafood salad Seafood salad

I accidentally bought a salad at the store with squid, eggs, champignons, tomatoes, and crab sticks. It turned out to be very tasty, the salad is juicy, with rich flavors, and the cutting is correct, everything is very appropriate and harmoniously combined with each other. I decided to repeat it and now I cook it often and advise everyone to try it. This sea salad will decorate the holiday table (comprising serious competition with ““) and will delight your family on the weekend!

What you need for a salad

for 4-5 servings. Cooking time – 40 minutes.

  • Squid – 200 g (canned);
  • Crab sticks – 100 g;
  • Canned champignons – 200 g;
  • Boiled eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Tomatoes – 1-2 pieces;
  • Onion – 1 small head (preferably red, it tastes better);
  • Dill – 3-4 sprigs;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Everything you need for a delicious squid salad

How to cook

  • Remove skin and entrails from squid. Cook (throw into boiling salted water, cook for a short time, 0.5-1 minutes, until the color changes). Cut the boiled squid into pieces.
  • Crab sticks, eggs and tomatoes cut into small cubes. Cut the champignons into slices. Cut the onion thinly (in rings or half rings). Chop the dill finely.
  • Combine all ingredients. Mix. Season with mayonnaise and try. Add salt carefully if mayonnaise alone is not enough for the correct saltiness.

The salad will taste better if you let it sit in the refrigerator for 20 minutes after cooking.

A delicious salad of squid, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggs, crab sticks and onions is ready!

Delicious seafood salad close-up!

This salad will decorate any holiday table with both its appearance and excellent taste!

Bon appetit!

You can prepare this salad with squid in a different cut (not cubes, but stripes). The taste will be slightly different. Also very tasty.

  • Squid - 2 cuts on the sides of the carcass and then stripes across (you will get half rings).
  • Eggs and tomatoes (small and strong) - in semicircles, onions - in the same way (half rings), champignons - in slices; crab sticks - either crosswise (as usual) or stick in half, and cut its halves into strips. Chop the dill finely as well.

Squid rings

If you don't have frozen or canned squid, but only rings, you can use those too.

First you need to defrost the rings (I put the bag of rings in water at room temperature). Then throw into boiling salted water and cook for 1 minute.

It is inconvenient to cut boiled squid rings into strips, therefore, it is better to use them in the main cutting option (in cubes).

Other salads with squid

Can any person’s diet be considered complete without salad? Probably not. How can you even refuse to eat fresh vegetables, because salads, although they come in different varieties, mostly include fresh ingredients? From this it turns out that they are healthy, tasty, rich in minerals and vitamins, which our body so needs.

What's so interesting about a seafood salad?

Any similar dish can be made even tastier and healthier by adding the flesh of fish, crab, seafood, etc. There are plenty of recipe options on the theme, but among them one stands out - the “Seafood” salad. This dish has become popular lately. It is nutritious, and its composition allows you to come up with any presentation and decorate it however you like.

This is a seafood version of salad and is perfect for summer. The ingredients can be found in any supermarket. It is unlikely that you will be able to prepare such a dish every day, because the cost of the ingredients for the recipe in total will not be cheap. But as a decoration for a holiday table, the Seafood salad comes in handy, so if you are thinking about which dish to choose, feel free to give preference to this option. Unless you have a seafood allergy or it's just not your thing.

What will you need to prepare?

Ingredients for the seafood salad for this recipe you will need:

  • shrimp – ½ kilogram;
  • crab sticks or crab meat - 2 packages;
  • canned squid – 2 cans;
  • chicken eggs - 0 5 pieces;
  • hard cheese – 150 grams.

How to cook “Seafood”?

To prepare seafood salad, you can use the step-by-step guide below:

  1. Boil the shrimp. Clean them, do not forget to pull out the intestine from the shrimp body.
  2. Finely chop the crab sticks and chop the squid into cubes. Try to make sure that all ingredients are cut into approximately equal pieces.
  3. Boil hard-boiled eggs.
  4. Grate eggs and cheese.
  5. In the classic seafood salad recipe, all ingredients are laid out in layers, although other salad design options are possible.
  6. All seafood is mixed together and laid out in a layer on the bottom of the plate, with mayonnaise poured on top.
  7. Place a layer of grated eggs on top, then mayonnaise.
  8. Next, cover this “pyramid” with a layer of grated cheese.
  9. You can make a pattern on top by drawing, for example, a mesh or a chessboard with mayonnaise.
  10. A little red or black caviar is placed in each square or cell.

The salad is complete and ready to serve.

The result is such an interesting salad. The recipe itself is not complicated, and all the products on the list are easy to find. You can come up with any other option for decorating the salad. Creativity is always welcome. Thus, you will definitely be able to surprise the guests present at your holiday, because such a simple recipe for salad with squid and shrimp can be implemented in a completely new way - in a form in which no one has ever seen it before.

Good luck with your cooking. Don't be afraid to take ordinary recipes and make them unusual in appearance. Don't doubt that you won't succeed with this version of the salad. Feel free to try cooking, no matter the level of complexity of the dish.

I offer you a very tasty, very nutritious and very beautiful salad today.

It consists almost entirely of components rich in proteins - a good choice for those who want to lose excess weight - because protein saturation occurs very quickly, in small portions, and the body processes protein for a long time, providing a long-term feeling of fullness.

We can talk a lot about the benefits of seafood. Shrimp and scallops contain B vitamins, squid - vitamin C, red caviar - vitamins A, D, E, and folic acid.

All seafood supplies our body with polyunsaturated acids, trace elements, as well as phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, iodine, sodium and copper.

100 g crab meat
100 g scallop pieces
100 g shrimp
100 g squid
50 g red caviar
2 eggs
mayonnaise for lubricating layers
greens for decoration


The salad is prepared in layers, not mixed and served in the same bowl. Therefore, you should immediately take a container for the salad such that it looks beautiful on the table.

Cut the crab meat (I had crab sticks, but, of course, natural crab meat is much tastier and healthier) into small pieces and place on the bottom of the salad bowl in an even layer.

Place a couple of tablespoons of thick mayonnaise on top of the crab and smooth it out with a spoon. I prefer to use Golden mayonnaise - it has a pleasant creamy taste, but I still don’t go too overboard with the quantity and don’t put very much mayonnaise.

The next layer will be eggs. We boil them hard-boiled, separate the white from the yolk, chop the white finely or grate it on a coarse grater and pour it into the second layer of our salad.

Again, put a couple of spoons of mayonnaise on top and distribute them evenly over the surface. You can lightly press the layers with a spoon.

We will place the squid in the third layer. They must first be boiled in salted water, peeled and cut into small pieces.

Lubricate the squid layer on top with mayonnaise and move on to the next layer. To do this, grind the remaining egg yolk into fine crumbs with a spoon and pour into a salad bowl. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise.

The fifth layer will be scallops. Just like squid, they need to be boiled in salted water and cut: if the snouts are small, then into quarters, and if large, then into 6-8 pieces.
We spread and grease, as in the previous stages, with mayonnaise.

The final chord remains - the last decorating layer. It consists of shrimp and caviar.

Be sure to boil the shrimp, dry it with napkins and place it whole beautifully on the surface of the salad. Fill the gaps between the shrimp with red caviar.