Yogurt in a multicooker – prepare your favorite dairy dessert in a “smart” device. How to cook yogurt in a multicooker Redmond Yogurt in a multicooker with Activia recipe

Yogurt in a slow cooker (easy way)

We will need:

1 liter of milk, I bought 2.5% fat in the store

1 jar of Activia without additives (by the way, with such a starter, yogurt is even tastier than with flavors and fillers).

How to cook:

Pour all the milk into the multi-cooker pan, turn on the “Baking” mode, and stand nearby so as not to miss the moment when the milk heats up to 40 degrees. I cooked in a Panasonic 10 multicooker, I didn’t close the lid, so the milk heated up to the desired temperature in 5 minutes. I checked the temperature with a thermometer, this is important because the quality of the finished yogurt depends on the temperature of the milk:

As soon as the milk reached 40 degrees, I removed the saucepan from the multicooker so that it did not overheat. I turned off the “Baking” mode.

I poured some milk into a mug and mixed it with Activia:

This mass was poured into milk and mixed thoroughly.

turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes.

Turned off “Heating” and rested for 1 hour.

“Warm up” again for 15 minutes.

Left for 6 hours. I left it overnight, early in the morning I put the pan in the refrigerator, and when I took it out, the yogurt looked like this:

I poured the finished yogurt into jars and closed the lids.

no fuss with banks

no need for a napkin on the bottom of the pan

Why is homemade yogurt better than store-bought yogurt? Everyone! It is not inferior in taste, does not contain excess sugar and is easy to prepare. The only negative is that the product can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than four days. Although this is also a plus - the short life is explained by the absence of antibiotics, artificial thickeners and other unhealthy nonsense.

In this article you will find a simple step-by-step recipe on how to make yogurt in a multicooker with the “Yoghurt” function and find out the answer to the question of what to do if your gadget does not have special jars.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker from milk - ingredients

All you really need is:

  1. Multicooker
  2. 1-3 liters of milk
  3. A packet of pre-purchased starter from a pharmacy

I use GoodFood products, but this is not a dogma. The photo below shows the remains of already prepared yogurt. As you can see, it is thick in consistency and looks very appetizing:

3+ important rules for ripening

  1. You will need starter for the first time. Next, it is enough to use 2-3 tablespoons of the already prepared product.
  2. You should ferment milk with homemade yogurt no more than three times., after which you need to use a new bag of starter. Otherwise, both the taste and beneficial properties will suffer, and the yogurt may not work out.
  3. The fat content of the product is regulated by the fat content of the milk.- the fatter it is, the fattier your yogurt.
  4. Boil and cool fresh farm milk. Heat pasteurized to 38-40 degrees.
  5. Before cooking, take out the multicooker bowl and dishes where the finished product will be stored, pour boiling water over it and dry well.

Benefits from “Pate”: I use disposable coffee cups to store fermented milk (see photo above) - eaten/thrown away. First of all, it's convenient. Secondly, you don’t have to take up all the free glasses in the house. And, anticipating the question, I answer: no, it doesn’t turn sour.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker - step by step preparation

Step 1: We boil the milk (farm milk) and cool it, or simply heat it (store-bought) directly in the multicooker bowl. I turn on the “Cook soup” mode for 15 minutes, after which I let it cool. If you don't have a special thermometer (I don't), aim for it to be slightly hotter than lukewarm.

Step 3: close the lid and set the “Yoghurt” mode. The minimum ripening time is 8 hours. In any gadget, be it Tefal, Polaris, Redmond, or whatever animal you bought, the ripening period can be increased to 12 hours.

Through trial and error, I came to the conclusion that 8 too little is a bit runny, 12 too much is sour, and 10 is just right. Therefore, we increase the time to 10 hours and start.

Step 4: after 10 hours the product is ready. As you can see, there is some whey accumulated on the top. It is better to carefully drain it using a multicooker spoon.

Step 5: At the final stage, let the yogurt cool and pour into cups. As written above, I often use disposable ones.

Cover the top with foil or lids and place in the refrigerator for a short stay (no more than four days).

Benefits from “Pate”: We add fruits, jams, nuts and other goodies directly to the finished product, but not during cooking. This is an axiom.

Bon appetit!

In the video recipe below, the most adequate, in my opinion, way to prepare yogurt without a slow cooker:

It's no secret that fermented milk products are good for the digestive system. And for the whole body as a whole. Bifidobacteria, vitamins, calcium again - all this is important and necessary in any diet.

For me, the best example of fermented milk is yogurt. Light, tasty, combined with all fruits and berries - easy to eat. But the question is: how to choose this product in a store so that it has more benefits than harm? Dyes, flavorings, preservatives – it’s scary when you read the ingredients.

I decided to learn how to cook such happiness at home. My mom knows how to make yogurt in a slow cooker, so I borrowed her recipes. We even made the first one together at her home - so that I could probably do it myself.

Yogurt in the Polaris multicooker

If you don’t have starter on hand, you can use either leftover homemade or store-bought yogurt. My mother and I cooked with a store-bought one in her slow cooker, and everything worked out well.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker and mixer, mixing container (deep), cups with lids (we got 6), spoon, multicooker bowl.


To make yogurt tasty and healthy, you need to responsibly approach the issue of choosing ingredients:

  • You can use any milk, be it whole or pasteurized – you can get yogurt in any case. The main thing is that it is fresh; do not be lazy to check the end of consumption date on the packaging. Milk must also be sold from the refrigerator. If you buy whole meat at the market, always pay attention to the cleanliness of the seller’s hands and never hesitate to take a sample. There, this is the only way to establish that it is good and has not gone sour.
  • Take any yogurt, preferably in a glass. At least with filling, at least without - to your taste. The main thing is that the expiration dates are observed, it is sold from the refrigerator, and the label indicates that it contains the bifidobacteria we need. My mother takes Activia, and everything always works out.
  • Take fruits or berries according to your desire, taste and season. Even frozen ones will do. This is an optional ingredient, but they make yogurt taste much better.

If everything you need is at hand, you can start creating our fermented milk dish.

Step-by-step preparation

Bon appetit!

Recipe video

If you still have questions about how to make yogurt in a slow cooker, just watch this video. Here, step by step, the entire algorithm for creating this healthy and tasty fermented milk product is analyzed.

Yogurt in a Redmond multicooker in jars

At home, I decided to prepare this dessert strictly according to the recipe - with sourdough. I don’t have multicooker cups, so I cooked in jars with lids. It turned out no worse.

Cooking time: 11-12 o'clock.
Number of servings: 4.
Calories: per 100 grams of finished product 120 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker, deep mixing container, jars with lids, spoon, multicooker bowl.

As you can see, the set of dishes and equipment has not changed much. Nothing complex was added to the products either.


You already know how to choose milk, now let’s figure out the rest:

  • Cream can be found in any store. As with any dairy product, the main criteria are that they be sold from the refrigerator, that the expiration dates are in order, and that the container is not damaged.
  • Dry sourdough can now be bought anywhere. But I am suspicious and only buy it at the pharmacy - there is at least some kind of quality control applied to the products. It is important that it is refrigerated, that it is sealed tightly and that the end date is correct. Otherwise, the bacteria inside the jar will die or there will be fewer of them, and this is not at all useful for us.

When you have everything you need in the kitchen, you can start preparing our fermented milk dessert.

Step-by-step preparation

Bon appetit!

Recipe video

This video explains in detail the entire process of creating homemade yogurt in a slow cooker. Be sure to watch it, then even if you are a beginner, you will definitely succeed.

How to decorate a dish

The yogurt itself is quite dense, so you can put beautifully chopped fruits or berries on top of it directly into open jars:

  • Oranges;
  • Kiwi;
  • Bananas;
  • Peaches;
  • Cherries;
  • Raspberries;
  • Blackberry.

Choose any fruit or berries according to the season - they will definitely decorate the fermented milk product and add flavor to it. In addition, if desired, such a dessert can be topped with thin streams of topping or melted chocolate, and even jam. Or just sprinkle with chocolate chips - all options are good, choose to your taste.

Tips for preparing yoghurts in a slow cooker and serving them

  • When preparing such a product at home, it is very important that the milk, cream and yoghurt (or starter) are at the same temperature, preferably from the refrigerator.
  • The fattier the milk from which you are going to make yogurt, the thicker it will turn out.
  • In order to make yogurt, bifidobacteria need to work. If after the allotted time you open the multicooker, and the contents of the jars are completely liquid, close everything and leave for another hour or two, everything will definitely work out.
  • Store the finished fermented milk product only in the refrigerator and for no more than three days.– there are no preservatives, it tends to spoil.

These desserts are served chilled. This is a great light breakfast for those on a diet. Yogurt looks great for an afternoon snack. This dish can be the perfect dessert for any table and any meal.

Options for preparing yoghurts

In fact, making yogurt at home is not a difficult task at all. In addition, you can prepare it in different ways:

  • If you have such a unit, you will like the recipe for making yogurt in a yogurt maker, it is very simple and just as tasty.
  • Greek yogurt turns out very well, be sure to try it, it’s an amazing dessert.
  • It was an unexpected but pleasant discovery for me. Be sure to prepare it, both you and the children will love this dessert; everyone in my family loved it.

No recipe can be an axiom; there is always something to change, supplement or improve. Each housewife adapts the cooking method to suit herself. If you can complement or improve my recipe, or you have your own delicious way of preparing yogurt in a slow cooker, share your ideas in the comments, I’m interested in your opinion!

Step 1: heat the milk.

First of all, decide on the milk; if it is regular fresh milk, it should be boiled and then cooled. If you are like me and I use pasteurized milk from packages, then simply pour it into a clean, better sterilized pan, place the container on the stove, turned on to a medium level, and heat the liquid up to 35 – 40 degrees. The dairy product must be warm, not hot, otherwise the bacteria in the starter will die. At the same time as the milk, heat regular running water in a separate deep saucepan, also until 35 – 40 degrees, its quantity depends on the size of your multicooker.

Step 2: prepare homemade yogurt in a slow cooker.

Now decide in what containers you will prepare yogurt; it is better to use small glass jars from mayonnaise and baby food, but, as a last resort, you can use plastic jars from yogurt or desserts. Open the bottle with the starter and pour it into it 1 tablespoon warm milk. Shake the bottle so that the powder in it dissolves in the liquid until smooth, and then pour the contents of the bottle into the milk remaining in the pan. Mix the mixture with a whisk until smooth and pour it into jars.
Then place a small kitchen towel or cloth napkin on the bottom of the multicooker. Place the jars of sourdough on it and carefully pour warm water into the multicooker so that its level reaches almost to the shoulders of the containers and while shaking lightly, the liquid does not pour into the sourdough.
Now carefully examine the model of your multicooker, if it has a “Yogurt” function, then simply close the lid, click on this function and set the time 8 ocloc'k. If you want the yogurt to be very thick, add more 1 hour, it will eventually come out 9 o'clock After this time, the multicooker will turn off by itself and all you have to do is close the jars of yogurt with the lids and put them in the refrigerator. If your multicooker does not have such a function, then close the lid and set the “Warming” function and set the timer for 1 hour, the displays should show 1H. Through 1 hour, your multicooker either turns off on its own or you turn it off yourself and let the yogurt sit in it for a while longer 2 – 3 hours. Then also transfer the jars to the refrigerator and let the dairy product brew for some time. 2 – 3 hours, during this time it will become thicker.

Step 3: Serve homemade yogurt in a slow cooker.

Homemade yogurt in a slow cooker is served cold for adults and at room temperature for children. You can eat it straight from the jar or put it in deep bowls, ice cream makers, or on dessert plates.
Any crushed fruit, berries, syrups, preserves, jams and even oatmeal are suitable as a supplement to this dairy product. Cook with pleasure and enjoy!

- – Instead of yogurt starter, you can use any bifidoyogurt that does not include any additives, for example “Activia”. Simply combine it with warm milk and then follow the instructions given in this recipe. – If a clear liquid with a slight yellowish tint has collected on the surface of the yogurt, do not be alarmed - this is whey. You can easily get rid of it, just carefully drain it from the jars. – If you want the yogurt mixture to be even thicker, take a fine mesh sieve and place it over a deep bowl. Place a piece of sterile gauze folded in 2-3 layers on the bottom of the sieve, bring the edges of the gauze together and tie them into a knot. Now the knot can be hung anywhere or left in a bowl after about 2 hours, all the whey and excess moisture will drain, and only thick yogurt will remain in the gauze. Then transfer it to a sterile container, close with a tight lid and refrigerate for a couple of hours so that the yogurt becomes even thicker. – If you wish, while heating the milk, you can add 2–3 tablespoons of sugar to it, it will highlight the taste of the finished fermented milk product. – Milk can be combined with liquid 11% cream, for example 500 by 500 milliliters. – To prepare yogurt using this method, it is better to sterilize all equipment in any way convenient for you, since in addition to positive bacteria in the environment, there are also negative bacteria, which at a certain temperature can develop into negative microflora.

Making yogurt in a slow cooker without jars is easy and simple. But, unfortunately, not all housewives get such a delicacy the first time. In this regard, many of them prefer to purchase dairy products in the store. However, natural yogurt without various additives is very rare on the shelves. In this regard, we recommend that you use our tips and make your own tasty and healthy fermented milk product.

Yogurt makers are no longer a luxury. Almost every housewife has such a device. However, in most cases it just stands there and is not used for its intended purpose. In this regard, we suggest that you immediately acquire a multicooker. This kitchen gadget will definitely not sit idle. After all, you can cook not only but also other dishes in it.

Before I tell you how to cook without jars, I should tell you a little about the product itself.

Yogurt is a fermented milk dish that is formed as a result of the joint work of some living microorganisms, and more precisely thermophilic streptococci. Such beneficial bacteria live at a temperature of 37-40 °C.

The required amount of starter is gradually introduced into the milk, which has been heated to the specified temperature, and then left completely alone for several hours.

The longer microorganisms multiply, the thicker the yogurt turns out in a slow cooker without jars. However, it should be noted that it is highly not recommended to overexpose such a product in a kitchen appliance. Otherwise, it may peroxidize.

To stop the activity of microorganisms, the finished product is cooled and then placed in a refrigerator.

How to make a quality product?

Questions about how to prepare yogurt in a slow cooker without jars and how to make a quality product are different questions. After all, even an inexperienced cook can make such a dish. But if you don’t follow all the rules, it won’t be very tasty.

To prepare a quality product, you must use only boiled whole milk without any additives. You should also sterilize all utensils that will somehow come into contact with the raw materials.

Sourdough selection

Before making yogurt in a slow cooker without jars, you need to purchase a suitable starter. The correct choice of this particular ingredient is the key to obtaining a tasty and healthy homemade fermented milk product.

The highest quality sourdough is dry. You can purchase it at any pharmacy or specialty health food store.

If you don’t want to bother with dry starters, then it’s better to buy regular yogurt (not drinking yogurt) without fillers and with a short shelf life.

Cooking features

You can prepare yogurt in a multicooker without jars (the recipe will be presented a little later) regardless of whether the device has the appropriate program or not. The process of creating such a product is the same for all kitchen gadgets.

Heat to the desired temperature using heating or some other gentle mode, and then add the required amount of starter, stir and leave for 3-5 hours.

Properly made yogurt in a slow cooker without jars has a shiny and smooth surface. If you want to prepare a drinking product, it should be kept for a shorter amount of time.

You can add absolutely any fillers to homemade yogurt. For example, such a dish is very tasty with grated chocolate, cocoa, pieces of fruit or berries, jam, natural juices, nuts and dried fruits. It is very important to remember that all of the listed ingredients can only be added to a ready-made product.

Yogurt in a Redmond multicooker without jars: recipe

If you have never made homemade yogurt yourself before, you should not experiment. To obtain the most healthy and tasty fermented milk product, we recommend following all the requirements of the recipe. To implement it we will need the following ingredients:

  • cream not very fat (10%) - about 500 ml;
  • whole milk 2.5% fat - approximately 2 l;
  • fine white sugar - 5 large spoons;
  • Activia yogurt without fillers - 1 small jar.

Cooking process

Despite the fact that homemade yogurt is a very capricious product, it is easy and simple to make. To do this, prepared low-fat milk and cream are poured into the multicooker bowl, and then the “Steam” mode is turned on. In this program, the drink is gradually brought to a boil, stirring regularly. After boiling the milk for about 5 minutes, turn off the device. In this case, the product is allowed to cool under a closed lid to a temperature of 40 ° C.

After the described steps, add natural Activia yogurt to the warm milk, mix the components thoroughly and close them again. Having set the heating mode to 2 hours, leave the kitchen device for 4-6 hours without opening the lid.

After the yogurt in the Redmond multicooker without jars is ready, it is poured into another container (preferably glass) and mixed together with sugar. In this form, the products are covered with a lid and left in the refrigerator for several hours. Only after this can you add various fillers in the form of berries, fruits, nuts, etc. to the yogurt.

Easy homemade yogurt

Once you make homemade yogurt, you will make it again and again. After all, such a product is not only very tasty and nutritious, but also surprisingly healthy.

To prepare plain yogurt we will need the following ingredients:

  • whole milk 3.5% fat - about 1 l;
  • Store-bought yogurt "Actimel" without additives - 1 bottle.

Cooking method

To prepare such yogurt, whole milk is poured into a clean and dry multicooker bowl, and then heated to a temperature of 40 ° C in stewing mode. After this, the store-bought product “Actimel” is added to the drink. After mixing the ingredients, close them tightly and set the heating program. After 25 minutes, the kitchen device is completely turned off and left in this form for 5 hours. In this case, the lid must be closed at all times.

The finished thick yogurt is transferred to glass jars and closed. Before use, this product is kept in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Only after this, various fillings are added to it and served to the table as a tasty and healthy dessert.

Making homemade yogurt from dry starter culture

If you doubt the quality of store-bought yoghurts, you can purchase starter for a homemade product at the pharmacy. With dry powder you get a real dairy dish with high nutritional value.

So, to make delicious homemade yogurt we will need:

  • whole milk of any fat content - about 1 liter;
  • dry starter - 1 sachet.

How to cook?

To make healthy homemade yogurt, whole milk is heated in a slow cooker using steaming, and then cooled to a temperature of 40 ° C. After this, the dry starter is thoroughly stirred in the warm drink. To obtain a high-quality product, this process is carried out as follows: pour 1 glass of milk, and then pour dry starter into it and mix thoroughly. After this, the resulting liquid is poured into the main part of the drink and mixed thoroughly again. It must be remembered that all utensils used for preparing yogurt must be sterile.

After the milk and dry starter are in the multicooker bowl, close them and turn on the “Warming” mode. After ¼ hour, the device is completely turned off and its contents are kept under the lid for 6 hours. After this time, the finished thick yogurt is placed in glass jars and placed in the refrigerator.

Let's sum it up

As you may have noticed, there is nothing complicated about making yogurt in a slow cooker without jars. It should be noted that the first batch of the product using dry starter turns out a little slimy and very similar to jelly. However, this structure of yogurt does not in any way affect its beneficial and taste qualities. Place a couple of large spoons of this product in a separate bowl and use it later as a starter. Each time, homemade yogurt will turn out tastier and tastier.