How to make juice from viburnum. Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Every day, when I wake up, I see in the window the most beautiful fruits of viburnum, which beckons with its beauty and brightness of the fruits. Of these healthy red berries, my mother and I always make many types of preserves, ranging from ordinary jam or to juices, the recipe for one of which I will tell you today. Did you think why I wrote juices? Yes, because there are a large number of their recipes. Each one differs from each other in its unsurpassed and unique taste. After all, other components can be added to viburnum, thereby changing the taste of the juice. For example, if you add lemon juice to viburnum, then the taste will be such that you can safely add such juice to tea, and thereby replenish the body with the most valuable vitamins. Oddly enough, viburnum juice is very easy to prepare at home, so you don’t have to worry about anything.
However, today I will talk about how to prepare viburnum juice in its pure form.

- 0.5 cups sugar,
- 2 sprigs of viburnum

Sort the viburnum very carefully, throwing out dry branches and discarding spoiled berries.

Then wash the viburnum very well with water.
Add a gram of water to the washed viburnum and add sugar.

Boil the berries for 5 minutes until they just become soft.

Using a potato masher, crush the viburnum berries.

Strain the resulting juice through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Place the resulting viburnum juice on the fire and simmer over moderate heat for 30 minutes.

After this, viburnum juice can be consumed immediately, added to tea, or closed for the winter.
Don't forget the fact that this pure juice is quite concentrated, so you shouldn't drink it in large quantities. It will be very tasty and healthy

Viburnum juice at home

Every housewife should definitely have viburnum preparations, be it compote, jam or viburnum juice, which we will talk about today. If you plan to prepare viburnum juice before the first frost, then you should know that the taste of the drink may be slightly bitter. But many people like precisely this pleasant bitterness that is characteristic of viburnum berries. To remove some of the bitterness, you need to freeze the berries by placing them in the freezer for about a couple of hours, then the juice will taste more pleasant, and the pronounced bitterness will no longer be felt.

To prepare viburnum juice at home you will need:

How to make viburnum juice at home - recipe with photo:

Viburnum berries should be carefully inspected, discarding all spoiled, wrinkled and rotten fruits, washed well, draining the water several times, and dry the clean viburnum on a kitchen towel.

Then throw the berries into the deepest possible bowl, pound them a little so that they crack and release the juice.

Transfer the crushed fruits in small portions to a sieve with the smallest holes. Grinding berries is the longest and most monotonous process, so you should arm yourself with patience. It is necessary to place a bowl under the sieve into which the juice from the viburnum will drain, and press down the berries themselves firmly with a spoon. In principle, many people do without this manipulation, having a juicer on hand.

From 1 kilogram of viburnum you should get approximately 400–500 milliliters of pure juice, this depends on the juiciness of the viburnum itself.

The cake that remains from the viburnum must be loaded into a saucepan and filled with the specified amount of water. Turn on the stove, set the burner temperature to moderate, and place the container with the contents. After the boiling stage, boil the mixture for about 3 minutes, during which time the cake will release the remaining juice to the water. Remove any foam that has formed with a slotted spoon.

Separate the cake from the water using a sieve, pour the liquid back into the saucepan, and discard the remaining viburnum.

Then combine the juice obtained from pure viburnum with the liquid in which the cake was boiled.

Next, add a portion of granulated sugar, the amount may also vary depending on personal preferences. Place the saucepan back on the stove and simmer the viburnum juice at home for about 10 minutes at medium temperature.

This juice can be stored for a long time on the refrigerator shelf in tightly sealed jars, and it can also be rolled up in a sterile container and stored at room temperature.

All is ready! Now you know how to make viburnum juice at home!

how to make viburnum juice at home, recipe with photos, Canning

How to make juice from viburnum?

In the current frosts, everyone is fighting a cold as best they can, some use pharmaceutical medications, and some opt for natural products. The latter will be pleased with our article today, devoted to methods and recipes for preparing viburnum juice - one of the leading products in the fight against infection.

If you don’t have the courage to drink viburnum juice in its pure form, then add a few spoons to tea or compote, or drink the juice as a snack with sugar or honey.

In addition to the anti-cold effect, viburnum drinks help cope with neuroses, heart disease, lower blood pressure and help strengthen the immune system. Water-based juices without sugar are often consumed for shortness of breath, diseases of the stomach and digestive system. But it is worth noting that viburnum juice is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with an increased risk of blood clots.

Viburnum juice recipe

We sort out the viburnum berries and rinse them with cold water. Place the berries in an enamel bowl and fill with cold water to cover. Cook the viburnum until the berries become soft, then grind them through 2-3 layers of gauze placed in a colander. We squeeze out the gauze, pour the resulting juice into the same enamel pan and let it brew for 2-3 hours. During this time, the unnecessary sediment will go to the bottom and all that remains is to pour the finished juice into a new, clean enamel bowl. Put the juice on the fire, add sugar at the rate of 1 glass per 1 liter of juice, or to taste. Cook the viburnum juice until the sugar is completely dissolved, periodically removing the foam.

Filter the boiled drink through 4 layers of gauze and pour into sterilized jars.

How to make viburnum juice in a juicer?

The easiest and fastest way to prepare juice is to use a device designed specifically for squeezing and boiling it. If you have a juicer at home, be sure to use it for this recipe.

Take the brushes with viburnum berries and rinse them thoroughly in cold water. Ideally, you can pour water into a basin, put the brushes there and let them stand so that the dirt settles to the bottom. Now the berries, without removing them from the tassels, should be placed in a juice cooker, and the latter should be put on fire. The resulting juice can be poured into sterile jars and rolled up. Sugar is not needed, since the juice from the juicer turns out to be quite sweet on its own; moreover, if the viburnum berries were picked in early November, after the first cold weather, they retain their sweetness.

Viburnum juice with honey

If for some reason you do not consume sugar, then it can be replaced with fructose or honey.

We sort out the viburnum berries, wash them and scald them. We quickly pass the viburnum through a juicer, and mix the finished juice with water and honey. Place the resulting drink on the fire and let it boil. This juice can be stored in a clean, sealed jar in the refrigerator or cellar.

Viburnum juice with honey can not only be drunk in its pure form, but also used to prepare other dishes, for example marmalade, jelly, or marshmallows. For marshmallows, the juice and pulp should be boiled with 500 grams of sugar to the consistency of dough, and then the viscous mass should be spread over a baking sheet and dried in the oven at minimal heat. As for marmalade, it’s even simpler here; the finished viburnum drink already has gelling properties, so you can add applesauce to it for taste and boil until thick. Ready-made treats based on viburnum juice are in no way inferior to the latter in the vitamin set and are eaten with pleasure by children.

How to make juice from viburnum? In the current frosts, everyone is fighting a cold as best they can, some use pharmaceutical medications, and some opt for natural products.

In late autumn, viburnum bushes are visible from a great distance, and all thanks to the bright red berries. This is an incredibly valuable product that has been used in folk medicine for centuries. In the spring, people harvest the bark of the plant, at the beginning of summer they collect flower inflorescences, but with the arrival of the first frosts, they can begin collecting amber berries.

There are several ways to prepare viburnum fruits for the winter, and they are all very simple. This:
drying (the bunches are hung in a secluded place where they gradually dry out);
freezing (the berries are separated, portioned into bags and stored in the freezer);
grinding with sugar (berries prepared in this way are placed in jars and stored in the refrigerator).

This article describes in detail the intricacies of preparing viburnum for the winter, so that this natural gift not only helps maintain immunity throughout the cold season, but also delights with an unusual, pleasant sweet and sour taste?

Viburnum without cooking


  • Kalina- 1 glass
  • Sugar- 1 glass
  • Viburnum berries are taken in the same ratio with sugar. For example, if you managed to collect 1 cup of berries and you want to grind them, then there should be exactly the same amount of granulated sugar. That is, 1 glass. The ratio of viburnum juice (without pulp) to sugar is 2:3, that is, for every 500 grams of pureed viburnum you will need 750 grams of sugar.

    How to prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking

    1 . Separate all the berries from the stalks and rinse them thoroughly with water. To get rid of small debris, it is better to put the berries in a deep bowl and fill the container to the top with water. They will all sink to the bottom, and dry leaves, sticks and bugs will float to the surface. Pour out the dirty water and rinse the fruits again.

    2. Now the berries need to be crushed. For this purpose, you can use a masher used in making mashed potatoes or cheesecloth.

    Add sugar to the mashed berries and stir until completely dissolved.

    4. Viburnum berries are obtained in their own juice. Divide the mixture into small jars and store in the refrigerator.

    Viburnum ground with sugar without seeds, recipe for the winter

    If you want to get pure syrup, without seeds and peels, then at the stage of pressing the berries you need to squeeze out the juice. To do this, place the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the liquid. The remaining cake can be used for alcohol tinctures. The result is juice without seeds or peel. Mix it with sugar and pour into a clean, dry jar.

    Store the preparations in a cool room, refrigerator or cabinet so that they are not exposed to sunlight.

    Viburnum goes well with many fruits, both those growing in the middle zone and exotic ones. A rather interesting taste (while maintaining all the benefits) is obtained if you add oranges to mashed viburnum. To do this, you need to mix the mass prepared according to the above recipe with chopped and then ground in a blender unpeeled representatives of the citrus family. The number of oranges depends on the initial weight of the viburnum: 1 orange per 750-1000 g of berries.

    An amazing shrub with clusters of red berries is viburnum. The fruits of this plant are a real storehouse of useful substances: from a huge amount of a wide variety of vitamins, to antioxidants and radionuclides.

    Our ancestors actively used viburnum to treat various diseases. Their list is no less large than the list of useful substances. Viburnum helps with infections, asthma, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. By the way, not only the bitter berries of viburnum were used for medicinal purposes, but also the flowers, leaves and even the bark of this shrub.

    You can make tea from the berries in their own juice, and the sweet syrup is great for pies, pancakes and other baked goods.
    Viburnum contains vitamins A, C, E, K, P, it has a lot of iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, it is rich in useful acids (valeric, formic, acetic, linoleic, butyric and others). This plant contains such a valuable substance as the glycoside viburnin, as well as many resins and essential oils, tannins and pectin are present.
    People with low blood pressure, diseases of the blood system, kidney diseases and pregnant women should not abuse viburnum.

    Collection and preparation of viburnum

    It is recommended to collect viburnum in late autumn, as soon as the first frosts begin. The fact is that the berries have a pronounced bitter taste, which disappears when exposed to cold. Berries should be picked in dry weather. In this case, the bunches must be cut off entirely, and not the fruits themselves.
    Of course, not all viburnum berries should be left for storage or sent for processing:

    First, they must be fresh;
    secondly, you should not harvest unripe or overripe berries;
    thirdly, crumpled and rotten fruits must be immediately discarded.

    After picking, the berries should be prepared. They must be separated from the branches (if necessary), stalks, leaves and other debris removed. Then the fruits need to be carefully washed and dried. They are now ready for processing or storage.

    Freezing and drying viburnum

    Viburnum is stored quite well. In the old days, the bunches were simply hung in the basement or cellar. In a modern apartment, you can do it simpler: put the bunches in a pan and put them in the refrigerator. This way they will retain all their properties for up to six months. Viburnum can be stored even longer when frozen. To do this, just put the fruits in sealed bags and put them in the freezer. You can only package the berries by carefully removing them from the branches. But you can freeze the whole bunches by placing them in containers.

    If there are a lot of berries, then you can use the following technology to save space. A portion of viburnum is poured into a bag, and then the bag is placed in a rectangular container and sent to the freezer. When the fruits are frozen, you need to remove the resulting briquette from the container. Such berry “bricks” can be placed in the freezer more compactly. However, the freezing process in this case will take a little longer.

    The optimal temperature for freezing viburnum is considered to be from -18 to -23°C. It is under such conditions that the process occurs quite quickly, which means that the berries retain their beneficial properties. In addition, this temperature allows you to store viburnum for 8-12 months.

    It is worth remembering that you need to put the berries in bags or containers in such a way that after removing them from the refrigerator, you can immediately use all the contents. The fact is that you should not refreeze viburnum.

    Viburnum can also be stored well in dried form. You can dry whole bunches by hanging them somewhere in the shade. You can also use the oven. Then the berries must be washed, placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment, and placed in an oven preheated to a temperature of 60°C. At the same time, the oven door should remain ajar.

    Dried berries should be transferred to a glass jar or cloth bags and stored in a dry place with good ventilation. In this form, viburnum can be consumed until the next harvest.

    From frozen or dried berries you can prepare many delicious, and most importantly, healthy desserts and drinks. However, it is no less effective to prepare viburnum in the form of preservation.

    Viburnum juice for the winter

    Our ancestors made juice from viburnum berries. It should be noted that the method of its preparation is somewhat different from the standard one.

    First you need to squeeze out all the juices from the prepared berries. This can be done either using a juicer or through gauze folded in half. However, the juicing process does not end there. The resulting cake should be placed in a saucepan, filled with water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat.

    The finished broth should be filtered and mixed with the juice obtained earlier. Then add sugar to taste and heat to a temperature of 85-90°C. All that remains is to pour the juice into jars or bottles and seal with boiled lids.

    In a cool place, viburnum juice can be stored for quite a long time. In a city apartment you can use a refrigerator for this purpose, and in a private house you can use a cellar.
    The juice obtained in this way is quite concentrated, incl. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form. It is better to first dilute the vitamin drink with plain water.

    Additional tip. Instead of sugar, you can add a natural preservative – honey – to viburnum juice. This will not only increase the shelf life of the finished product, but will also give it new taste qualities.

    As for the amount of honey, each housewife should rely on her own taste. The optimal ratio is 100-150 g of bee product for each liter of juice. But this is only a recommendation.

    Viburnum syrup, preparation for the winter

    Viburnum syrup can be prepared using approximately the same principle as juice. To do this, you need to rinse the berries, put them in a saucepan and add water. It is advisable to prepare the syrup in an enamel bowl. You need to pour in enough water to lightly cover the berries.

    Place the pan with berries on low heat and cook until the berries are soft. After this, the berries should be thoroughly crushed. The resulting mixture must be filtered through thick gauze into a clean container. The cake should be squeezed out thoroughly. Leave the finished juice for 3 hours so that all the sediment sinks to the bottom.

    After this time, the liquid must be carefully poured into a clean pan and sugar added. The amount of sugar should exceed the amount of juice obtained by 1.5 times (1 liter of juice 1.5 kg of sugar). Place the pan over low heat and heat, stirring the mixture constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved. You can add a little vanillin to the finished syrup. This will significantly improve the taste of the product.

    The resulting syrup can be poured into jars and sealed with lids. It should be stored in the same way as juice in a cool place.

    Winter viburnum jam

    There are a lot of options for making viburnum jam. However, the optimal method is considered to be one that minimizes heat treatment of berries, i.e. without cooking. This will preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the viburnum. This method of making jam has already been described above under the heading “Viburnum viburnum pureed with sugar.”

    If we talk about classic jam, then it is best to use the option below.
    So, to make jam from viburnum berries you will need to take:
    viburnum (berries) – 1 kg;
    granulated sugar – 0.8 kg;
    water – 400 ml.

    Place the viburnum berries in a heat-resistant bowl, add 200 ml of water and place in an oven preheated to 180°C. The time of such processing should be such that the berries become completely soft.

    While the viburnum is undergoing primary heat treatment, you can start preparing the syrup. To do this, pour all the sugar into a saucepan, add 200 ml of water and cook over low heat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

    When both components of the jam (berries and syrup) are ready, they need to be mixed and simmered over low heat for about 30 minutes. You cannot leave the stove at this time, since the mixture must be stirred all the time.

    After this, the semi-finished product should be removed from the stove and allowed to brew for 6 hours. Then you need to put the pan back on the fire and bring the jam to readiness, stirring it constantly and periodically skimming off the resulting foam.

    The finished jam should be immediately poured into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

    You can add an unusual taste to viburnum jam by adding the juice of 1 lemon and a bag of vanilla sugar to the finished product.

    Viburnum jam with apples

    You can also add various fruits to classic viburnum jam, for example: apples. This delicacy is made as follows.
    Grind the viburnum berries in a blender or simply mash them. Then transfer the resulting mass into a colander lined with a double layer of gauze and squeeze out all the juice. The cake remaining after this procedure will no longer be needed, incl. you need to squeeze as thoroughly as possible.

    Core the apples, cut into thin slices and place in a saucepan. Sprinkle granulated sugar on top of the apple slices and cook over low heat until all the sugar has dissolved. The result should be a kind of applesauce. After this, you need to remove the dishes from the heat and let the finished semi-finished product cool.

    Then pour the resulting viburnum juice into the puree and put the pan on the fire again. As soon as the mixture boils, the jam is considered ready. All that remains is to pour it into jars.
    The most delicious jam is obtained if you take the ingredients in the following proportions:
    viburnum (berries) – 1 kg;
    apples – 2.5 kg;
    sugar – 2.5 kg.

    Viburnum jam with pumpkin

    In addition to fruits, you can also add vegetables to viburnum jam. True, not any. An excellent option is the combination of viburnum and pumpkin. For such preservation you will need to take:
    viburnum (berries) – 1 kg;
    pumpkin – 1 kg;
    sugar – 1.5 kg.

    Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and boil in a small amount of water. When the vegetables become soft, you need to drain them in a colander, and then chop them in a blender or mash them thoroughly.

    Rub the viburnum through a sieve and mix with the pumpkin. Add sugar there. The resulting mixture should be allowed to stand for a couple of hours, and then simmered over low heat for about 40 minutes. All this time, the jam should be stirred regularly and the foam removed.

    About indications and contraindications

    In conclusion, a few words about the indications and contraindications for using viburnum. After all, everything is good in moderation.

    So, at the very beginning it was already said that viburnum is an excellent supplier of numerous useful substances to the body. Among them: iron, iodine, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. In addition, it contains acids that are very important for humans: valeric, formic, citric, ascorbic. And, of course, vitamins: A, K, P, E and, of course, C. It is thanks to the latter that viburnum perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps get rid of numerous acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

    However, experts recommend consuming viburnum for other diseases, for example:
    gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
    circulatory system (atherosclerosis, angina, hypertension);
    central nervous system (headaches, neuroses, periodic hysterics);
    oral cavity (stomatitis, bleeding gums);
    skin (dermatitis, furunculosis, teenage rashes);
    gynecological (ovarian inflammation, erosion, cystitis).

    However, viburnum should not be considered a panacea for all diseases. It is highly discouraged for some people to take it. It's worth starting with allergic reactions. Due to individual intolerance or overdose, viburnum can cause an unpleasant rash. People with the following ailments should not consume these berries:
    low pressure;
    increased blood clotting;
    increased stomach acidity;
    joint pain.
    Of course, even if you have the above diseases, you can drink tea with viburnum jam, but only in acceptable quantities. The main thing is not to abuse it.
    Well, for the rest of the citizens, viburnum will only benefit. Especially in winter.

    Prepare delicious and healthy viburnum juice for the winter, which has valuable properties and is perfect for saturating the body with useful substances in cold weather. Below we offer you several recipes for this healthy drink, which are prepared in different ways and are well preserved as a preparation. Since everyone knows the beneficial and medicinal properties of viburnum, how important it is for helping with cramps, colds and high blood pressure, there are many recipes for viburnum dishes. You can make all kinds of preparations for the winter from the berries, the recipes of which you need to know in order to use viburnum for a long time.

    Let's look at recipes for preparations, the main one of which is juice. Most people prefer it, since viburnum juice retains the greatest concentration of beneficial properties. Prepare the juice with or without pulp, with granulated sugar or syrup, or you can completely avoid adding sweets. The main condition is storage in a cool place.

    If the number of regular cans has come to an end after the seaming season, it doesn’t matter! Viburnum can be placed in any glass jars, such as coffee jars. The lids are suitable for any kind that tightly close the jars. The only condition is that both the lids and jars are thoroughly washed. The dishes must be treated with boiling water.

    Viburnum juice for the winter without cooking


    • 1 kg viburnum berries
    • 200 g granulated sugar


    1. The viburnum needs to be sorted out and the berries separated from the branches. The berries are washed and ground in a wooden mortar. The processed berries are placed on cheesecloth and squeezed thoroughly to remove seeds and grains.
    2. Granulated sugar is added to the pulp, mixed and left for a while so that the sugar dissolves completely. Then mix again. What comes out as a result is viburnum juice with pulp, which more closely resembles a liquefied puree.
    3. Next, pour the juice into heated jars. A dark and cool place is ideal for rolled jars. However, if desired, the jars can not be rolled up, but stored in the refrigerator. Such a preparation will not deteriorate here either.

    Juice from viburnum through a juicer

    When preparing juice for the winter, only the seeds and husks are removed, so the drink contains almost all the benefits that are found in the berry. Viburnum juice can be stored in sterilized jars for almost the entire winter. To make juice, it is preferable to take fresh berries, but not frozen ones. This will help the juice be more concentrated.


    • 1 kg viburnum
    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 1 glass of water


    1. Wash the berries well in a deep bowl, without separating them from the branches. Next, carefully separate the berries and wash again under cold tap water.
    2. Then place the berries on a clean kitchen towel to dry completely. Next, squeeze the berries through a juicer. Since the seeds of the berries are quite hard, the juicer must be cleaned several times. After that, the bones are filled with water and brought to a boil. Sufficient time for boiling is 5-7 minutes. Next you will need gauze folded in several layers. The decoction is filtered through it.
    3. The hot broth and juice are mixed and brought to a boil again, sugar is added. Boil the juice for about 10 minutes. Prepare sterilized jars. Pour hot viburnum juice into jars and cover with lids.

    Viburnum juice with honey for the winter

    Viburnum with honey can be easily stored in the refrigerator and is used for colds. This medicine is not only tasty, but also healthy and suitable for the whole family.


    • 0.5 kg viburnum berries
    • 250 ml honey


    1. Rinse the viburnum berries thoroughly with warm water, without separating them from small branches. If the berries are very dirty, pour boiling water over them. Then carefully pick the berries in a deep bowl, since this procedure often causes splashing of juice. Next, without removing the viburnum from the deep container, gently crush it with a crush.
    2. At this stage it is necessary to separate the seeds, skin and juice. To do this, you can use a metal sieve, where you place the contents, place everything on another container and then grind the juice with a spoon. The seeds and husks should not be thrown away. They make a delicious compote.
    3. Next, 250 ml of juice is mixed with 250 ml of honey. It is better if the honey is floral. Because it is an early variety of spring flowers that does not crystallize. If the honey is already crystallized, you need to pour the juice into a half-liter jar, adding honey little by little. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved. This way the jar is filled to the brim. It is very important that the honey is real and stored for no more than 10 months. Older honey loses beneficial vitamins.
    4. According to this recipe, the juice initially comes out bitter, but thanks to honey, the resulting mixture will gradually lose its bitterness. Viburnum juice is poured into jars and placed in a cool place until ready to use. You can use viburnum with honey after a week.

    Viburnum is a healthy berry, common in mid-latitudes. It finds wide application for both fresh consumption and for storing for the winter. You can dry viburnum in , but you can make viburnum juice at .

    What are the benefits of viburnum juice?

    Viburnum is a fairly healthy berry, and its juice also has a beneficial effect on the human body. The drink is especially rich in iron and vitamin C, which are beneficial for immunity and recovery processes. Also, viburnum juice, when diluted and sweetened, has a rather pleasant taste, with a slight sourness. Concentrated juice is, of course, sour and quite difficult to drink.

    True, for the drink to be truly healthy and retain at least some beneficial properties, it is better to make viburnum juice in auger juicer with the possibility of cold pressing. Thanks to gentle pressing technology, viburnum juice, passing through the juicer, will retain quite a lot of vitamins and microelements. If you squeeze viburnum through a centrifugal juicer, the drink will become very hot and lose its uniform texture. Viburnum juice from a centrifugal juicer will eventually separate and lose its natural taste and almost all its benefits.

    Which juicer is better to extract viburnum juice?

    In order for viburnum juice to retain the maximum amount of vitamins and other useful substances, it is better to squeeze it using a screw juicer with cold-press technology, for example. The electric juicer is easy to operate, and the finished product is of high quality.

    How to preserve viburnum juice for the winter

    To extend the shelf life of freshly squeezed juice and prevent it from oxidation and fermentation, we recommend pouring the resulting juice into a bottle or other container with a stopper and vacuum sealing it using. This way, the shelf life of the juice will increase several times, while all the beneficial properties of the drink will be preserved.

    How to make viburnum juice using a juicer

    So, to get viburnum juice through the Dream Modern juicer, turn it on and set the Hard mode, suitable for squeezing hard fruits/vegetables or berries with seeds. Click the Start button - the process is started. Now we just put the berries little by little into the loading throat. When all the viburnum berries have passed through the juicer, turn off the device and open the juice valve - the drink will pour into the container provided (the set includes a standard glass for juice, but you can use any other one). Next, if we decide to save viburnum juice for the winter, pour it into a bottle and vacuum it using a kitchen