BBQ pork ribs are almost like Tony Roma's. Delicious pork ribs in marinade Pork ribs miratorg recipe

Miratorg pork ribs are high-quality products from a well-known Russian manufacturer. Valued for its high consumer and culinary properties. The Miratorg company is a leading supplier of meat on the domestic market. Offers a wide range of safe and affordable products. There is a wide selection of products from this manufacturer on store shelves. Including pork, beef, pink veal ribs.

They are delivered to retail outlets chilled. They have reliable vacuum packaging, thanks to which they are stored for quite a long time. Miratorg Holding offers meat ribs of different varieties in their pure form, as well as marinated in a variety of spicy mixtures. They can be used for preparing first and second courses and snacks. They are boiled, fried in a frying pan or on the grill, baked in the oven. When prepared correctly, they have high taste qualities.

Rack of pork ribs

The product is available in several versions:

  • A classic - chilled pork belly ribs. Suitable for all types of culinary processing. They are characterized by a significant meat content and the presence of soft cartilage.
  • Ribs from the loin. They are considered the leanest and have virtually no fat layers. They are characterized by a fairly low calorie content (240 kcal per 100 g of product).
  • Ribs in various marinades: classic, spicy, ginger, honey mustard. They cook quickly, have an appetizing appearance and a unique taste.
  • Grilled ribs. This is a ready-made dish that belongs to the “heat and eat” category. The composition includes meat, soy sauce and spices. Tasty, fast and inexpensive.

Pork ribs are cut into easy-to-cook pieces weighing from 300 to 700 grams. They are in steady demand among consumers, as they are quickly prepared and have a reasonable price. One package is enough to prepare a meal for a family of 3-4 people.

Advice! These ribs are sold in clear, sealed packaging. You can visually assess the quality of the product and choose a piece with the largest amount of meat.

The Miratorg product range includes chilled ribs made from marbled beef and pink veal:

  • for first courses (pieces of meat cut into portions);
  • for grilling (with short bones and high pulp content);
  • for second courses (with herbs, aromatic additives).

Beef ribs are a wonderful choice for everyday and holiday tables. The producer raises bulls using a special technology. This makes the meat tender, healthy and tasty.

Beer ribs are especially popular among lovers of a foamy, intoxicating drink. They are long strips of meat with a small number of bones. Marinated in a special spicy mixture. They can be fried on the grill or in a frying pan, or baked in the oven. The finished dish has a pleasant aroma of dill and smoked meats.

Advice! This product can be used not only as a beer snack. It is well suited for preparing second courses, as it does not have large bones. But there is a lot of meat without fat and soft cartilage.

The beer snack is prepared in 20-30 minutes. It can be consumed both hot and cold. It also goes great with white wine.

This is another offer from Miratorg. “Gourmet” ribs are prepared in a special way. They are cut from the loin. The sharp ends of the bones are filed off and the meat fat is removed. The result is lean pieces weighing 500-600 grams. They go on sale in their pure form: without spices and seasonings.

Packaged in a transparent sealed bag. Sold chilled. Shelf life - up to 15 days. Preparing such a product will not be difficult. It can be boiled, stewed, baked and fried.

How to cook - simple recipes

You don't need to be a professional chef to cook a delicious rib dish. It is enough to have a desire. And also a little bit of cooking skills. Simple recipes will help with this.

Bake in the oven

The Miratorg company cares about consumers. And it offers chilled meat products in several packaging options:

  • A regular bag that needs to be removed from the meat before cooking.
  • A baking sleeve from which you only need to remove the sticker.

In the second case, the ribs along with the packaging are placed in the oven. Usually they are already pickled. The manufacturer suggests cutting the sleeve during cooking, a few minutes before the end of the process. Then the dish will acquire a beautiful, appetizing crust.

The product in regular packaging can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • pork ribs - 1 package;
  • tomato (tomato puree) - 300 gr.;
  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 150 gr.

Mix tomato with sour cream, add salt, pepper, finely chopped onion. Cut the ribs into portions. Place on a sheet of foil. Coat both sides with the resulting mixture (in a thick layer). Close the foil hermetically so that the prepared semi-finished product can be saturated with marinade. Place the dish in a cold place for 50-60 minutes.

After this time, bake in the oven at 160 degrees. Cooking time - 1.5 hours. 15 minutes before turning off the stove, open the foil and increase the temperature (up to 200 °C). Pour the resulting juice over the almost finished dish. Ribs baked in this way can be served with vegetables and herbs. Side dish - potatoes, buckwheat or rice porridge.

Advice! You can cook beef ribs in the same way. You just need to increase the baking time to 2 hours.

Barbecue ribs can be cooked outdoors or at home: on the grill or in the oven. This is a signature dish for a picnic and an ideal snack for beer. The semi-finished product is sold already marinated in a mixture of vinegar, herbs, garlic and pepper. How to cook it? Remove the packaging, cut into portions, leaving 3-4 seeds. Place the meat on the grill. The pieces should not touch each other. Grill on the grill for 20-25 minutes until done.

As soon as the meat is removed from the heat, it must be placed on foil, wrapped and left for 8-10 minutes. Thanks to this technique, the ribs will be juicy and tender. In this way, you can prepare other types of Miratorg products. For example, buy European-style ribs, which have a minimal content of cartilage and bones. Marinate to your liking and make an unusual dish.

Price and product reviews

Ribs from a Russian producer have an affordable price. It varies from 280 to 500 rubles per kilogram (depending on the type of meat). The Miratorg company regularly holds promotions, so you can buy its products at a significant discount.

Numerous positive reviews about pork and beef ribs confirm the high quality of the products. Miratorg takes its reputation seriously. The only drawback that some consumers note is the insufficient amount of meat on the bones. But this is a characteristic feature of ribs and there is no escape from it.

I am a 100% city dweller; never in my life have I lit a barbecue, cooked on a grill (except for a home grill, after which you need to ventilate the apartment for another two weeks) or eaten freshly prepared barbecue ribs (restaurants, cafes and pubs are not taken into account ).

But I’m a girl, I should be able to cook - it’s not for nothing that I watch cooking shows in the evenings and memorize recipes (oh, Gordon Ramsay, your beef Wellington is simply magnificent.. not my version, unfortunately..).

Just for people like me, unfortunate cooks, Miratorg has made a good selection of meat dishes. All you have to do to amaze your other half is just put this delicacy in the oven and wait for the result.

With these ribs, everything was not so simple - there is no recipe or cooking instructions on the package. Although, the phrase “barbecue ribs” should have made me think that they are not entirely suitable for the oven. They didn't point...

But that didn't stop me! I know all of Ramsay’s recipes almost by heart🤓

Moreover, these ribs looked painfully tempting. By the way, the composition of the marinade (and they are in the marinade) is very good. The only thing I would remove is the smoke flavoring - well, why, why add flavorings to the natural composition... I can’t understand. That's why I'm not the director of Miratorg))

I cooked them like regular beef ribs - wrapped them in foil and threw them in the oven (200g for 60 minutes and another 10 minutes under the grill). And this is what I came up with.

As for the taste, I can’t say for sure whether I liked it or not. They are delicious, honestly! Soft, soaked in marinade. But there is one BUT - the meat does not come off the bones very easily and there are a lot of hard veins in it.

Yes, there is a possibility that I didn’t keep them in the oven much longer. But for me it’s better to underexpose than to overexpose. How many steaks did I ruin, how much pain was in my husband’s eyes when he tried to eat my next dried out culinary masterpiece.

Will I take them again? Definitely yes! Even despite the terrible calorie content (then I’ll torture myself with boiled chicken breasts and stewed zucchini, but for now I’ll enjoy the juicy meat).

You know, even in the oven they came out very well. And on the grill it’s probably absolutely delicious)) So, if you are the happy owner of a barbecue, these ribs are definitely for you.

Instructions for use

BBQ ribs: cooking secrets

BBQ ribs, rosy, crispy, with an appetizing crust, are cooked outdoors, at home on the grill or in the oven, and served as a main course with vegetables and potatoes. Ribs are a piece of brisket with a layer of muscle, fat and ribs - this meat is considered the most tender, juicy and delicious, especially if cooked correctly. Pork, beef and lamb ribs, smelling of wood and fire, are an ideal snack for beer and the signature dish of any picnic. Your family will certainly appreciate the aromatic, spicy and juicy ribs, which are a real pleasure to cook!

How to Cook BBQ Ribs: Preparing the Meat

For this dish, take chilled pork, beef or lamb ribs with a large amount of meat and a thin layer of fat. It is advisable to take the ribs of a young animal - they can be distinguished by the light shade of the meat and a thin layer of white fat. Although barbecuing pork is considered better because it cooks faster, lamb and beef are also very tasty, and the toughness of beef or veal meat is eliminated by long marinating. However, if you cook the meat correctly, it will be perfectly baked, tender, juicy and very aromatic. The best ribs come from the rib area near the vertebrae, where the ribs are very small.

So, the meat is washed well, the film is removed from the back of the ribs, picking it up with a sharp knife. The film that is not removed can cause the ribs to become tough - they will appear “rubbery”. Next, the ribs are chopped into several parts so that each of them has approximately 2–5 bones. Some chefs claim that the larger the piece, the tastier the meat will be. If frozen ribs are cooked, they should be thawed in the refrigerator at 5°C, where they are best left overnight.

How to deliciously marinate ribs for barbecue

The meat is rubbed with salt, pepper, vegetable oil and left in a cool place for several hours - this is the easiest way to marinate. At the same time, about 20 g of salt should be taken per 1 kg of meat. You can add chili pepper, smoked paprika, dried garlic, cane sugar and chopped dry herbs to the grating mixture. If you cover the meat with cling film and put it in the refrigerator, the dish will turn out more tasty and piquant.

Some housewives marinate the ribs either in a barbecue sauce made specifically for grilling ribs, or in a different sauce, depending on the recipe and personal preference. Usually the ribs are marinated for at least half an hour, but more is better, so they will become tastier and juicier. How to soak ribs for barbecue so that they are maximally saturated with the aroma of spices? To do this, it is better to leave them in the refrigerator overnight.

Various ingredients are added to the marinade for barbecue ribs - soy sauce, honey, tomato sauce, dry white wine, lemon or orange juice, garlic, onion, mustard, sugar, ginger, wine vinegar, aromatic herbs and spices. One of the most successful marinades is apple juice and vinegar, but if you rub a mixture of dry thyme, smoked pepper, fennel seeds, garlic and brown sugar into the meat before marinating, the ribs will turn out unusually tasty. There are many different sauce recipes, and each housewife can come up with her own signature sauce, the main thing is to marinate the meat longer, and this is the main secret of juicy ribs.

BBQ ribs recipe in the oven

Place the ribs in the oven, preheated to 200 °C, directly on a wire rack or baking sheet, pour over the sauce, cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and cook for another 20 minutes. This is done so that the meat is first stewed well and only then browned. If everything is the other way around, the ribs inside will remain raw. It’s good if the oven has a grill mode, then at the very end you can leave the meat under the grill for 10 minutes. Using the same principle, the dish is prepared on the grill. There is another cooking method - fry the ribs in hot oil in a cast-iron frying pan until golden brown, then add onions, garlic and spices, pour wine, water and simmer for an hour. The finished ribs are allowed to dry, brushed with barbecue sauce and baked in the oven for 5–10 minutes until a delicious caramel-colored crust forms. This method is a bit reminiscent of ancient recipes, where the ribs were first boiled and then fried over a fire; it was believed that meat prepared in this way became more tender. Many modern chefs consider this method unacceptable, claiming that it spoils the taste of the ribs. Interestingly, the British bake ribs for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 80-90 ° C so that they melt in the mouth.

Cooking ribs on the grill

The ribs can be cooked on the grill, on the grill or on skewers, like kebabs. They cook for 20–40 minutes, while they should be poured with sauce for juiciness and periodically turned over for even frying. To cook lamb and beef, the heat should be lower, otherwise the meat will quickly brown, but the inside will remain raw. The readiness of the meat is easy to check: you need to pierce it and observe the juice - a clear liquid indicates that the ribs are ready.

If a charcoal grill is used to cook the ribs, the meat is laid out half an hour after the coal begins to smolder, and it is not cooked over direct fire, but in the direction opposite to where the coal lies. Cook the ribs this way for 1.5–2 hours. The same rules apply on a gas grill, with a cooking time of about 40 minutes. You can do it differently - wrap the meat in foil and cook over direct heat for half an hour.

Secrets and subtleties of cooking ribs

A large amount of fat often prevents the meat on the ribs from frying well, so it is better to remove the excess.

If you want the meat to have an interesting and bright taste, place any berries and fruits with a sour taste - lingonberries, cranberries, currants, sour apples - along with the ribs on a grill or baking sheet. To make the meat tender and at the same time crispy, fry first over low heat and finally over high heat to form a golden brown crust. Another way to tenderize meat is to marinate it in pineapple juice, which contains the enzyme bromelain, which softens the toughest meat fibers. However, ribs with a tropical taste are not an acquired taste and may not appeal to everyone.

When the meat is cooked, remove it from the heat with tongs and wrap it in foil for 10 minutes to finish cooking - this trick helps preserve the taste and aroma of the dish. Serve the ribs hot with your favorite sauce.

BBQ Ribs Recipe with Juice Marinade

Wash and dry 2.5 kg of pork ribs, chop them into small pieces no larger than 5 ribs and marinate. For the marinade, mix a glass of ketchup or other tomato sauce with half a glass of cherry or pomegranate juice, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, 3 cloves of crushed garlic, pepper and salt to taste. Soak the meat in this aromatic and spicy liquid for about 6 hours and grill on the grill for 20 minutes, pouring the sauce over it.

Pork ribs with beer glaze

Cover 2 kg chopped with a pickling mixture of pepper, salt, coriander, ground paprika and crushed garlic, previously mixed with vegetable oil. Place marinated ribs on the grill and grill for 15 minutes on each side. While the meat is cooking, make a glaze with 1 cup barbecue sauce, 5 drops Tabasco sauce and 150 ml dark beer. Next, brush the glaze onto the toasted ribs, do this 2 more times every 5 minutes, then turn the ribs over and repeat the procedure.

Tender lamb ribs with cilantro

Wash and peel 1 kg, chop into pieces of 3 ribs each. Rub the meat with salt and black pepper and prepare a mixture for the marinade by mixing dried paprika, dried tomatoes and ground cilantro seeds by eye, rub the ribs with these spices and place them in a bowl for marinating. Put 2 chopped onions, chopped cilantro and other greens there, mix everything with your hands and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Fry the ribs on the grill for about an hour, and the fire from the coals should not be very strong.

How to Make BBQ Sauce for Pork Ribs

If you pour barbecue sauce over the ribs, the meat will look shiny and glazed - it's not only beautiful, but also delicious. The simplest sauce is made from ½ cup of ketchup, 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp. soy sauce, ½ cup cane sugar and 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce, which is made from vinegar, sugar and fish.

Sometimes onions, oregano, butter, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce, garlic, red wine and spices are added to the sauce. Brown sugar, sweet mustard, honey and balsamic vinegar give the sauce a nice sweet and sour flavor.

Pork ribs are a favorite delicacy for many. Often they are either too fat or too thin. The ribs supplied to the Leaderfood online store have the ideal balance of fat and meat. The fat layer present on the ribs protects the meat from drying out during cooking. The ribs are juicy, but not greasy.

Cooking time: 50 minutes, excluding the time required for defrosting and marinating.


  • pork ribs – 500 g;
  • soy sauce – 5 tbsp;
  • ketchup – 3 tbsp;
  • dark honey – 7-10 tbsp;
  • salt with seasonings - to taste;
  • granulated garlic - to taste.


1. Take freshly frozen pork ribs out of the freezer, transfer them to the refrigerator and leave overnight to gently defrost.
2. Cut the ribs into portions.
3. Prepare the marinade: mix 5 tablespoons of soy sauce, 7-10 tablespoons of dark honey and 3 tablespoons of ketchup, add salt to taste and granulated garlic. Mix thoroughly, generously grease the portioned ribs, put them in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator for 1-3 hours.

4. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Place the ribs on foil and place in the oven for 35 minutes, basting the ribs with the remaining marinade every 15 minutes.
5. While the meat is baking in the oven, prepare your favorite side dish. When ready, serve.
Bon appetit!

Cook with LeaderFood!

There is such a chain of restaurants - Tony Roma's. These restaurants are open in many countries of the world, but not in Russia. Perhaps because the requirements for franchisees are very strict - the reputation in the restaurant business must be long-term and impeccable, and the amount of investment in opening one restaurant in the region of $3 million and above.
The restaurants are not super expensive, but quite reasonable in price. They specialize primarily in barbecue ribs, as well as steaks, lobsters and other American classics.
I can testify that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find better ribs than at Tony Romas. But you want delicious ribs! What to do? All you have to do is cook it yourself. As a result of searches and experiments, the result was a dish that is as close in taste as possible to the ribs that you will be served at Tony Roma's.

BBQ ribs

Pork ribs, 1-1.5 kg
Brown sugar, 1/2 cup
Paprika, 1/2 tbsp. spoons
Dried garlic, 1/2 tbsp. spoons
Coarse sea salt, 1 teaspoon
Ground red hot pepper to taste
Liquid smoke (if we cook in the kitchen)

BBQ sauce

Ketchup, 2/3 cup (besides Heinz, we don’t have normal ketchup, I think)
Light honey, 1 tbsp. spoon
Dijon mustard, 1 tbsp. spoon
Apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons
Garlic, 1 clove
Soy sauce (not sweet!), 1 tbsp. spoon
Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp
Tabasco, 1 teaspoon
Black pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
Maple syrup, 1 teaspoon, optional

Start by mixing brown sugar, paprika, garlic, salt and red pepper.

Take the ribs and brush them with liquid smoke. The ribs I came across were very good, simply top class:

Rub with sugar mixture on all sides.

Cover a baking sheet with foil, preferably in 2 layers, and place the ribs on it, meaty side down.

Now we “wrap” the baking sheet in foil on top, also in two layers, and send it to the oven, preheated to 150 degrees.
Leave them there for at least 2 hours. If the ribs are meaty and thick, then for all three.

Now mix all the ingredients for the BBQ sauce.

Heat the sauce, stirring, and let it simmer for a couple of minutes. After 2 hours we take out the ribs. As you know, if the bone is exposed, then the meat is ready.

We turn the oven to the “grill” position and set the temperature to maximum. Coat the ribs with sauce, spread generously, without being shy.

Place in the oven, on the top shelf, under the grill. Now we no longer cover it with foil, of course. On each side you need to hold the ribs for about 10 minutes, until the sauce begins to char slightly. The result is the world's best tasting BBQ pork ribs. The meat should practically fall off the bone and melt in your mouth.

While the ribs are cooking in the oven, it's time to prepare the side dishes, recipes can be found on my blog. In this case, they were:

1. Onion loaf
2. Coleslaw salad
3. Twice-Fried French Fries

When everything is ready, all that remains is to pour a cold beer and enjoy a luxurious dinner. Bon appetit!

PS By the way, I started a journal recently, so I will be glad to everyone who adds me as a friend :)