How to marinate ribs in soy sauce. Amazing pork ribs in soy sauce in the oven (on an onion pillow)

  • 1 kg pork ribs;
  • 5 st. spoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 teaspoons of tomato paste;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground paprika;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of ground black pepper;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon curry spices;
  • salt, rosemary, thyme - to taste.

Start by preparing the marinade. Peel the garlic, pass it through a press or grate it. In a deep bowl, mix paprika, garlic, rosemary, curry, thyme, ground black pepper, soy sauce, salt, mustard, tomato paste. Mix everything until smooth.

Wash the ribs in running water, dry with a paper towel and (fascia) from the inside of the rib layer. Cut into portions along the bones. Pour the marinade over the ribs, mix so that it is evenly distributed over the meat. Then put the ribs together with the marinade into the culinary sleeve for baking and put the dish to marinate for an hour in the refrigerator.

After an hour, remove the ribs from the refrigerator, transfer to a baking sheet. Make a few small punctures with a needle in the sleeve to release steam, and send the form to the oven.

Set the temperature to 160 degrees C and bake for 1 hour. For 10 min. before the end of cooking, increase the temperature to 180 gr. - this will give the dish a baked crust.

Serve cooked ribs with any side dish.
Bon appetit!

Pork ribs in the oven are very easy to cook. A simple recipe does not imply lengthy preparation and the whole trick is to marinate the meat in advance. Despite the elementary technology of preparation, the dish turns out "to the feast and to the world" and worthy of taking a place on any festive table. And small variations of the main recipe will help the housewives to experiment and change the dish endlessly.

The first thing that is important for housewives to learn is to choose the right meat ingredients. The best part is the brisket, it is moderately fatty and will always remain juicy. More tender meat in a young pig: an adult animal takes longer to cook, and ready-made ribs are chewed with difficulty. It is easy to distinguish such a cut by the fat of a yellowish hue. In general, there are no special tricks, and the right ingredients are always easy to find in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • Ribs - 1 kg.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Garlic (optional).
  • Sunflower oil.

We wash the ribs with running water, remove excess fat, small parts of the bones. Dry with a paper towel. You can cut into large pieces, or leave the log house entirely. The optimal serving size is 2 pieces of meat on the bone. Squeeze garlic into sunflower oil, add salt there. Rub the ribs with the mixture and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes. Ideally, you should marinate all night or at least 3 hours: such a dish is more difficult to dry out, it remains juicy. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

We put the ribs in the oven and bake for 40 minutes, pouring from time to time the meat juice that stands out. The ribs will smell very appetizing, but they are considered ready only when the meat juice is completely transparent, and a golden crust has formed on top. Serve the dish with boiled potatoes (you can cook pork ribs in the oven immediately with potatoes), and even better, a complex side dish is combined - potatoes and stewed cabbage. But the ribs are also suitable as an independent hot appetizer, for example, as an addition to foamy drinks. Also, baked ribs are ideally combined with sauces: from classic tomato sauce to satsebeli sauce made from natural yogurt, mint, garlic and fresh cucumber.

Cunning! Is it possible to take a frozen product? The ideal product is chilled. But in emergency cases, it is realistic to use meat from the freezer only to let it thaw naturally, without resorting to the help of a microwave. Then the ribs will be juicy, especially if they are pre-marinated.

How to cook baked in foil in the oven

Cooking in foil is a real pleasure for many housewives. It is very simple, and moreover, it is very convenient because you do not have to wash the baking dish from fat after a meal. Pork ribs in the oven in foil is an elementary dish even for those who are not familiar with cooking. In addition, you can serve the ribs without removing them from the foil - such a serving is spectacular and suitable for solemn feasts.

The cooking instruction as a whole does not differ from the basic recipe: the pieces of meat are washed in the same way, smeared with spices, and then each one is “wrapped” in a layer of foil. Meat pieces are baked for 50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees and served with a side dish or sauce.

Secret! To form a beautiful crust, you can remove the top layer of foil 10 minutes before being ready and let the ribs fry. The “grill” function, which almost all ovens have today, is even better suited for these purposes.

Pork ribs in honey mustard sauce

Honey and mustard is a classic and perhaps the most flavorful sauce for roasting ribs. The national cuisines of the Czech Republic, individual regions of Germany, are simply unthinkable without this marinade for meat: chicken wings, knuckle, ribs are baked in it.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. pork ribs.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard.
  • 3 art. spoons of honey.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

Honey slightly melt in a water bath, mix with mustard. Rub the meat pieces with the sauce, let the marinade soak the meat well. The best time for marinating is a few hours, so the sauce soaks the meat fibers completely, makes the meat more tender and much softer. Then we do everything as in the main recipe - put the ribs in a mold and fry for 40 minutes.

An important nuance! Just a small game in proportions, an increase in the proportion of honey or mustard, significantly changes the taste of baked ribs. Want more sweetness? Get more honey. Do you want pinstripes? Don't feel sorry for the mustard. And one more secret: all over the world, Dijon mustard is used for marinade: the Russian national product is vigorous, while Dijon mustard is soft and fragrant.

With soy sauce in the oven

Today, Pan-Asian cuisine is in great fashion, and soy sauce is the very ingredient that gives the dish authenticity, and so reminiscent of the cuisine of China and Japan. Soy sauce is a great accompaniment to pork, so feel free to try the recipe, even if you are not a fan of Asia.

Ribs baked with sauce are prepared easily and simply: the main thing here is to marinate the meat longer and then it will literally slide off the bones after baking. Such a dish will be properly served with boiled friable rice, and separately offer several types of sauce.

What else to diversify the marinade:

  • Garlic.
  • Grated ginger.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Honey.

There are many variations of cooking pork with soy sauce, and each component brings its own flavor, changing the taste of the finished dish.

Pork ribs - barbecue in the oven

Barbecue is usually done in nature. But what to do on winter evenings when there is no possibility to fry on an open fire? You can bake barbecue ribs right in the oven and few of the guests will distinguish them from the original from the fire. The basic recipe remains the same, but with marinades you can experiment from the heart.

What marinades will help to add flavor to barbecue?

  • Ready marinade with prunes - it will shade the ribs, fill it with a light smoked aroma.
  • Vinegar.
  • "Liquid smoke".

It is important here to achieve a crust by frying pieces of meat on the “grill” mode. Serve ribs with boiled potatoes or french fries.

Cooking method in the sleeve

The baking sleeve, like foil, saves a lot of time for housewives to clean up after cooking. The meat in the sleeve is cooked in its own juice, which makes it tender, juicy, and the fibers literally slide off the bones.

How to cook these ribs? We marinate the pieces of meat, dry them, grease them with any marinade and spices, place them in a baking bag or a sleeve. We put the ribs in a preheated oven and simmer for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees. Some housewives complain that the meat turns out as if boiled. The fix is ​​simple: just cut the bag 15 minutes before cooking and let the dish fry on top.

Pork ribs in the oven can be cooked immediately with potatoes - it absorbs meat juice and becomes very tasty, turning into a hearty, solid side dish for men.

Gourmet Secrets. You can supplement the food, make it richer, if you put large pieces of any vegetables in the bag: eggplant, pepper, zucchini, carrots. It will turn out a kind of vegetable stew, which is distinguished by a strong aroma, bright rich taste.

Marinades for pork ribs

Fans of meat dishes are well aware of how an ordinary marinade can change the taste of a dish beyond recognition, shifting the emphasis from spice to sweetness, from bitterness to spiciness.

The best marinades for pork ribs (in addition to the above) are:

  • Orange juice.
  • Kefir.
  • Yogurt.
  • Natural yogurt and matsoni.
  • Spicy tomato sauce and Provence herbs.
  • Tkemali (cherry plum sauce).

There are also fans of unexpected marinade mixtures like apricot sauce or pineapple-based sauce. In any case, baked pork ribs are far from a trivial dish and, with some effort and imagination, can bring real pleasure to gourmets every day.

I am glad to welcome visitors to our blog - lovers of tasty and fun time with friends and family. Today we turn to the eternal topic: cooking meat. He is loved and revered by everyone from young to old. Marinade for pork ribs, I hope, will arouse genuine interest. After all, this type of meat enjoys well-deserved popularity and honor.

The ribs are the top part of the sternum. There is a layer of meat and fat on the bone. If the fat layer is larger, this variety is best used for first courses. "Meat" ribs are an excellent product for preparing simple and tasty hot dishes.

Calorie content of 100 g - 320 kcal. Proteins - 15.2 g, fats - 29.5 g. Eating dishes from pork ribs, we get vitamins of group B almost in full.

Minerals: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, nickel, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc and many others. So the assertion of some nutritionists that pork is poison is debatable.

Here are some tips for cooking ribs:

  1. Cut the meat into 2-4 ribs, depending on their size. If you grind one at a time, the dish will come out a bit dry.
  2. Marinate for at least 2 hours, but it is better to leave it overnight in the refrigerator.
  3. Before frying small ribs, chefs recommend boiling them. So they will come out much tastier. Below is a version of the recipe. The fundamental difference from cooking the broth - put the meat immediately in boiled water.
  4. You need to marinate with spices, spices and herbs. Experiment - from simple black pepper to a mixture for meat dishes.
  5. If baking, line a baking sheet with foil. That will just be cleaner.

But imagine a picnic in the spring forest. Pork ribs are browning on the grill. On the impromptu table, fresh vegetables beckon invitingly. Misted bottles with something strong stand modestly on the sidelines. Well, it's a beauty!

By the way, if you want to cook beef ribs, I recommend looking at marinating options. And now let's figure out how to pickle these same pork ribs.

Pork ribs in the oven with potatoes

Dear ladies, I share a super recipe. Your faithful will be delighted. If you want new boots or there is an unauthorized purchase in the closet, go for it. Ask and confess only after dinner.

You will need:

  • 500 g pork ribs;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 250 g each tomato and eggplant;
  • 150 g of onion or leek;
  • 50 ml of pomegranate juice sauce (Narsharab type);
  • salt pepper,
  • 1 tsp any spices for meat;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 90 g of vegetable oil.

Cut the ribs into portions, add the sauce, spices, salt. Stir, cover the container with cling film and place in the refrigerator overnight. If you need it in the evening, it is better to marinate the meat in the morning.

Peel the potatoes and cut into arbitrary, but identical pieces. Season with a little salt, spices and herbs. Stir, set aside for a while.

In the meantime, cut the eggplant into cubes, onions and tomatoes. Squeeze garlic into vegetable oil, a little spices and salt. Now proceed to bookmark the form. First the meat, then all the vegetables. Drizzle with garlic oil. If necessary, you can still slightly salt.

In the oven, set the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for an hour and a half. Wow, set the table for dinner!

Marinade with honey and soy sauce

This version of the marinade is suitable for cooking meat on an open fire, or rather on coals. For barbecue or barbecue - it's the most. The meat will turn out ruddy, with a caramel crust. Very spicy and somewhat unusual.

You will need:

  • 5 pieces. pork ribs (choose those with more meat);
  • 100 gr. soy sauce;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons ketchup;
  • pinch of ginger

First, place a ceramic bowl with honey, ketchup and soy sauce in the microwave. This will mix the ingredients of the marinade better. Sprinkle the slices with dried ginger and pour over the cooled marinade. Stir and leave overnight in a cool place. Cover the dish with meat with cling film.

You can cook on the grill, on the grill or on skewers. If the heat is sufficient, then the time will take no more than half an hour. But you need to turn it often so as not to burn.

The same marinade recipe can be used to cook ribs in the oven. And if you cook in a slow cooker, then first you need to fry until golden brown. Then pour the rest of the sauce, add a little water and simmer for 30-40 minutes.

Honey and mustard marinade

This amazing recipe is perfect for cooking in the oven or on the grill. It turns out fragrant, juicy, with an incredible golden crust.

Need to prepare:

  • 800 g pork ribs;
  • 2 tsp mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. liquid honey and soy sauce;
  • freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon and orange;
  • salt, pepper mixture to taste.

You need to marinate overnight so that the meat is soaked. Cut the ribs into desired pieces, pepper and salt on both sides. Squeeze juice from orange and lemon. Mix juice, mustard, honey and soy sauce in a separate container. Pour the mixture over the ribs, leave in a cool place for 2 hours. From time to time, take out the container and mix the pieces. And be sure to cover the container with cling film or a lid - this will prevent the top layer from drying out.

Place the marinated ribs in a baking dish. Cook in the oven on medium heat for about an hour. Do not forget to occasionally take out and pour over the meat with the secreted juice. Such a marinade with honey and mustard is a guarantee of an appetizing amber crust and piquant taste.

Marinade ribs in beer

Have you ever tried cooking like this? It turns out very tasty 🙂

For a kilo of pork ribs you will need:

  • 250 ml of light beer;
  • 3 oranges (or 200 ml natural juice);
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp ground pepper;
  • 1 tsp mixtures of dried herbs;
  • 1.5 tsp salt without a slide;
  • vegetable oil.

Wash, clean the ribs from the film. Cut them into 3-4 serving pieces. In a bowl, mix salt, herbs and pepper. Brush both sides of the ribs with this fragrant mixture. After each serving piece, grate with a chopped clove of garlic. Place in a bowl and marinate for at least an hour or more in the refrigerator.

Once time has passed, remove the ribs from the refrigerator. Prepare another orange and beer marinade. Roll each orange on the table to release more juice. Cut in half, squeeze out the juice and strain it through a strainer.

The oven at this time should already warm up to 200 degrees. Put foil on a baking sheet, make sides on the sides. Put pieces of ribs on foil, coat with oil.

Pour orange juice over meat, cover with foil. And send the meat to bake for 45 minutes - an hour. Check readiness from time to time. Then take out and add a glass of beer. Cover again with foil and send for 30 minutes, let this yummy marinate.

As time passes, remove the foil from above. Pour the orange and beer marinade remaining at the bottom of the container over the pieces of meat. And put them in the oven for 15 minutes. So the ribs will turn out with a crispy fried crust.

The smell is amazing, the taste is indescribable. But what is there, it is better to try once than to listen or read a thousand times!

Ribs with soy sauce

This recipe is from Chef Lazerson. He assures that the ribs must first be boiled, and then cooked in the oven. For 1.5 kg of ribs you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp sugar and salt;
  • 6 pcs. cloves and black peppercorns;
  • 1 star anise;
  • half an onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 large slices of fresh ginger;
  • 1 tbsp rice.

For sauce:

  • 3-4 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • a little salt and sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. liquid honey, tomato paste and soy sauce;
  • 1.5 tsp dry garlic;

Cut the meat into equal pieces of 3-4 ribs. Need big juicy chunks. Dip them in a pot of already boiling water. The goal is to boil the meat, not to get the broth.

Add salt and sugar, cloves, peppercorns, star anise and half an onion to the pan (no need to cut). Add garlic and sliced ​​ginger if desired. The aroma that the meat is saturated with is important here.

And the last component that needs to be sent to the pan is to add a spoonful of unwashed rice. This product softens the meat, making it incredibly tender.

Boil for 30-40 minutes, but watch for readiness. The meat should be cooked through and become soft, but not peel off the bone.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients in a separate bowl.

Cover a baking sheet with foil, lay out the ribs. Then take a bowl of sauce and dip each piece of meat on both sides. And put it on the foil again.

Send to a preheated oven to 200 degrees. It is better to cook in the convection + grill mode. This will give a good crust to the meat. When you see that they are fried, take them out. And enjoy the yummy 🙂

See this video for a detailed recipe:

Marinade for pork ribs on the grill

I will not say that only the warm season is suitable for picnics. And even more so, for cooking meat on the grill. This recipe will delight lovers of the most ancient and healthy cooking method.

And so, we are preparing for going out into nature and preparing:

  • kilograms of 1.5-2 pork ribs;
  • 150 ml soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • a tablespoon of spicy adjika;
  • allspice black pepper - to taste;
  • a large onion;
  • 1 PC. green bell pepper;
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic;
  • dill and parsley;
  • half a liter of kefir or natural yogurt.

Cut into 3 ribs, put them in a large container. If you wish, you can make the pieces larger, so it will be juicier. Finely chop the onion, bell pepper and herbs. Add all other spices and stir.

Pour in kefir (yogurt), soy sauce and mix again. Taste and adjust for spiciness and saltiness if needed. Leave overnight in a cold place.

Lay the meat on the grill so that the protruding bones are on top at the beginning of cooking. So the meat will be cooked evenly, not a single piece will burn. And let the neighbors and casual witnesses of your "belly holiday" envy.

Hope your weekend is delicious and fun. Don't forget, there are so many interesting and useful things ahead. Bye everyone and bon appetit!

As a rule, they always turn out delicious regardless of how they are prepared. Fried in a pan, on the grill or baked in foil, they are tender and juicy due to the special structure of the meat. Meanwhile, the taste of the ribs directly depends on the marinade that was used in their preparation. Honey sauce, the recipe of which is presented in our article, makes the taste of the dish exquisite. Sweet ribs cooked in this sauce are sure to please everyone, even gourmets.

Recipe for traditional honey sauce for meat

You can prepare honey sauce for marinating meat according to the following recipe:

  1. Combine in one bowl 50 ml of vinegar (6%), vegetable oil and lemon juice.
  2. Add liquid honey to the ingredients (3 tablespoons).
  3. Grind a few cloves of garlic (4 pcs.) And add it to a bowl with honey, lemon juice, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  4. Season the marinade with spices to taste: ground pepper, dill seeds, basil, etc.

In honey sauce should marinate for 8-12 hours. During this time, they will absorb the aroma of spices, and the meat fibers will become thinner, so that the ribs will cook faster and be more juicy and tender.

Pork ribs in honey soy sauce

The preparation of ribs according to this recipe begins with their pre-marination in honey marinade with the addition of soy sauce. It gives the dish a sweet-salty spicy flavor and a beautiful glazed crust on the surface of the ribs.

To prepare this sauce, you need to combine honey (3 tablespoons) and soy sauce (2 tablespoons) in one bowl. Then you need to crush the garlic (3 cloves) with the flat side of the knife, chop it and send it to honey and soy sauce. It is also necessary to add vegetable oil (40 ml), juice of ½ lemon, a little salt, as well as marjoram and paprika (1 teaspoon each). Pour the ribs with the resulting sauce, mix them well and put the dishes with the meat in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Pork ribs in honey sauce cooked in foil. To do this, they are laid out on foil in one layer, then sides are formed along the edge of the sheet and the sauce remaining after pickling is poured onto the ribs. Now the edges of the foil need to be fixed, and the baking sheet with the ribs should be sent to the oven for 40 minutes. After the specified time, the ribs need to be opened and the dish sent back to the oven for another 20 minutes so that they are browned.

Pork ribs in the oven

Honey-mustard sauce for pickling meat is used no less than traditional honey. It is these two sauces that not only make the meat very tasty, but also contribute to the formation of a golden crust on it.

To prepare the simplest marinade for ribs, only mustard and honey are used (1 tablespoon each). According to your taste, you can also add pepper, paprika, marjoram, coriander, garlic and any other spices that will help complement the sauce and reveal the taste of the dish. A little water is added to the rib marinade to make it easier to rub the meat with it.

Pork ribs in honey mustard sauce are baked in the oven for about 40 minutes on each side. During cooking, every 10 minutes they need to be greased with sauce.

Honey in a pan

At the very beginning of cooking the ribs according to this recipe, you need to make a sauce in which they will be marinated and fried. To do this, mix honey and mustard (2 tablespoons each), as well as twice as much vegetable oil and orange juice. If desired, ground coriander can be added to the sauce. Dried ribs are salted and peppered before pickling, and only then coated with sauce. In the marinade, the ribs should lie down for at least 1 hour.

Pork ribs, the recipe in the pan of which is presented above, are fried over medium heat until a crust forms on the meat, about 4 minutes on each side. During the frying process, it is important to ensure that the sauce does not burn.

Pork ribs on the grill

For cooking ribs on the grill, a special marinade is prepared. For it, you will need finely chopped onion and garlic (6 cloves), soy sauce (60 ml), the same amount of vegetable oil and tomato paste. You also need to add honey (3 tablespoons), mustard and lemon juice (1 tablespoon each), salt to the sauce. Spices, such as cumin, paprika, pepper, will not be superfluous in the marinade. The consistency of the sauce is quite thick, so you will need to add a little water (90 ml) to it. After that, you need to dip the ribs into the sauce and leave them to marinate in it throughout the night.

Pork ribs on the grill in honey sauce are fried on both sides on the grill. In the process of cooking, they need to be periodically lubricated with sauce, then they will turn out juicy and very tasty.

Pork ribs in honey sauce in a slow cooker

To cook them, they are first marinated in one sauce, and then stewed in another. For the marinade, you need to combine soy sauce and olive oil (2 tablespoons each), mustard (1 tablespoon), a little spicy adjika, as well as salt and pepper to taste in one bowl. Pork ribs in honey sauce should lie down for at least 3 hours.

Pickled ribs must be fried on both sides until a crust forms. You can do this in a pan or in a slow cooker by selecting the appropriate mode. Now the ribs need to be transferred to the bowl of the device and pour another sauce. To do this, combine honey, mustard (1 tablespoon each) and garlic (1 clove) in a glass of water. After that, you need to set the "Stew" mode and cook pork ribs in honey sauce for another 40 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes or rice.

Fatty meat ribs are a very tasty part of a pork carcass. Some housewives don't really understand how it can be used other than in soups or stews.

But try frying pork ribs in soy sauce, and this hearty, beautiful and very tasty dish will become one of the family's favorites.

Pork Ribs in Soy Sauce - General Cooking Principles

Like any meat, the ribs should be washed under running cold water before cooking, and then dried with paper towels. You can chop large ribs into smaller pieces, but you should not grind too much. Be sure to cut off the films, but decide for yourself on the layer of fat. If you do not want to eat too fatty pieces, you can cut off the fat too.

To make the meat cook faster and literally melt in your mouth, you can pre-marinate it for one and a half to two hours in soy sauce, dried herbs, spices, lemon juice, wine. If you don't have time, skip this step.

You can cook pork ribs in soy sauce in any way you like. The meat is delicious and fried, and stewed, and baked. In addition, vegetables can be cooked along with the ribs: you get a full-fledged dish with a meat part and a side dish.

Pork ribs in soy sauce with onions

A very simple recipe for fried ribs is where you should start your acquaintance with this type of meat. Many ingredients are not needed: there would be soy sauce and a little nutmeg.


A kilogram of pork ribs;

¼ stack. soy sauce;

Large bulb;

Five cloves of garlic;

1 teaspoon a spoonful of nutmeg;

Oil for the pan (about 3 tablespoons).

Cooking method:

Chop the onion into rings or half rings.

Cut fresh garlic into rings.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and, when it begins to smoke, carefully and carefully place the pieces of ribs.

Fry them without reducing the high heat and without closing the pan with a lid.

When the bottom of the ribs is covered with a dense appetizing crust, turn the pieces over and fry on the other side.

After seven minutes, lay the onion rings and garlic cloves, salt, pepper, cover the pan tightly with a lid, reduce the heat to medium.

Fry the meat until tender, stirring occasionally and checking to see if the bottom is burning.

Season the ribs with soy sauce, sprinkle with nutmeg powder, mix and simmer over low heat for about seven minutes.

Serve the pork ribs in soy sauce immediately while still hot.

Fried pork ribs in soy sauce with honey and garlic

Delicious caramelized pork is obtained by marinating pork ribs in honey. Salty-sweet aromatic dressing is ideal for fatty pork meat. Salt is not specified in the recipe, be guided by your taste. If soy sauce is not enough, add some salt.


Eight hundred grams of ribs;

1/3 stack. soy sauce;

2 table. spoons of melted honey;

Two cloves of garlic;

One and a half glasses of water;

Pinch of pepper;

2 table. tablespoons of olive oil.

Cooking method:

Prepare the ribs for heat treatment.

Grate the garlic finely.

Make a filling sauce: stir honey in water, pour in soy sauce, put garlic and pepper, mix everything well.

Marinate the ribs in honey sauce for two hours.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the chopped ribs until golden brown.

Pour about half a glass of marinade into the pan, cover with a lid and bring to readiness over low heat.

Braised pork ribs in soy sauce and mustard tomato sauce

The stew has its own charm. It is soft, juicy, and easier to prepare than when frying. It takes less time than frying. In addition, a harmful crust does not form on the meat, and there are fewer calories in the finished dish.


A kilogram of chopped pork ribs;

Half a glass of soy sauce;

2 table. spoons of honey;

1 table. a spoonful of ready-made mustard;

A little salt;

3 table. spoons of tomato sauce;

Four cloves of garlic;

A spoonful of dried herbs to your taste (basil, dill, cilantro).

Cooking method:

Chop large ribs into small pieces.

Finely chop the garlic.

Heat a dry frying pan and fry each piece on it without adding oil. If there is no fat on the ribs at all, you can grease the bottom of the pan with a spoonful of vegetable oil.

To make the pork give juice, lightly salt the meat, cover the pan with a lid and immediately reduce the heat. Roasting time - 15 minutes.

Prepare the filling while the pork is roasting. To do this, mix soy sauce, honey, tomato paste, dried herbs, garlic, mustard.

Pour pork ribs with fragrant sauce and simmer them with slow languishing for half an hour.

Turn occasionally so that the meat does not burn.

Pork ribs in soy sauce with apple and lemon

Sweetish pork goes well with sour foods. If you bake pork ribs in soy sauce with the addition of fragrant fruits, you get a delicious dish. This is a real gastronomic pleasure, be sure to try it.


About a kilogram of ribs;

Half a glass of soy sauce;

Half a glass of tomato paste;

Fifty grams of brown sugar;

3 table. spoons of fresh lemon juice;

A large apple of a sweet and sour variety weighing at least 130 grams;

Half a teaspoon of garlic pepper.

Cooking method:

Remove the skin from the apple, remove the seeds, grate immediately.

Immediately squeeze lemon juice into applesauce, add pasta, soy sauce, spices and sugar, grind thoroughly.

Marinate pork meat with a mixture, put in the cold for an hour.

Fifteen minutes before the end of pickling, turn on the oven at 230 ° C.

Put the meat pieces on two sheets of folded foil, wrap it in an envelope and place on a baking sheet.

Bake the meat for an hour and a half without opening the envelope.

If you want the pork to be browned, then fifteen minutes before the end of baking, you can cut the foil and let the meat fry on top.

Pork ribs in soy sauce with potatoes

A full-fledged hearty dish will turn out if you bake pork at the same time as potatoes. The combination of mustard and garlic gives pork ribs in soy sauce a piquant taste. The meat is pre-marinated, and therefore it turns out incomparably tender.


Half a kilo of ribs;

five potatoes;

1 table. a spoonful of mustard;

3 table. spoons of soy sauce;

Large bulb;

Four cloves of garlic;

Three pinches of dried basil;

Salt, pepper at your discretion.

Cooking method:

Chop the garlic.

In a bowl, combine soy sauce, mustard, pepper, basil, garlic.

Coat the pork ribs with this mixture and send them to the refrigerator for two hours.

Peeled potatoes cut into large slices, you can just four parts along.

Cut the onion into rings.

Put marinated pork ribs in soy sauce with spices in a baking dish, arrange potatoes and onion rings next to each other.

Pour over the rest of the marinade.

Bake in a preheated oven at 220-240 for about an hour.

If the meat starts to burn but isn't tender enough yet, pour some boiling water into the pan.

Pork ribs in soy sauce with ginger

Fresh bitterness of ginger will make pork ribs spicy and very tasty. Thanks to the lemon, the dish will have an amazing aroma. Honey will give the pork an amazingly delicious caramelized crust. There are a lot of ingredients in this version of pork ribs in soy sauce, but the result is worth it.


Six hundred grams of ribs;

2 table. spoons of soy sauce;

a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger;

Half a medium lemon;

Three cloves of garlic;

a teaspoon of balsamic

1 table. a spoonful of olive oil;

A teaspoon of melted or liquid honey;

A pinch of red, black pepper;

A small bay leaf;

A little salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Grate the garlic or chop with a knife.

Remove skin from ginger root and grate.

Cut the zest from a scalded and dried lemon, squeeze the juice with a spoon.

Make a fragrant marinade: pour soy sauce, oil and balsamic into lemon juice, put zest, ginger puree, pepper, honey, garlic.

Coat the prepared ribs with sauce and marinate in the refrigerator for two hours.

Preheat oven to 220°.

Place the ribs in a baking dish and place in the oven.

Cook fifty to sixty minutes.

To get a crust on pork ribs in soy sauce, carefully cut the sleeve, turn the edges and bake the meat.

Boiled-baked pork ribs in soy sauce and spices

This recipe is different in that the pork will have to be processed in different ways. The combination of boiling and baking will make the meat very tender. Spicy taste gives the dish a mixture of spices.


A kilogram of ribs;

Two liters of water;

2 table. spoons of soy sauce;

a tablespoon of tomato paste;

a teaspoon of honey;

Large bulb;

A spoonful of salt;

¼ stack. sunflower oil;

Two cloves of garlic;

One piece each of cloves and star anise;

Black peppercorns (5-6 pieces);

2 cm root of fresh ginger;

a tablespoon of white rice;

Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Bring the rate of water to a boil along with peppercorns, star anise, cloves, onion cut into halves, ginger root and garlic cloves.

As soon as the water boils, lower the meat and dry, unwashed rice.

Boil the ribs for half an hour. The meat must not be allowed to overcook and begin to separate from the bone.

Mix the sauce of honey, oil, soy sauce and tomato paste.

Remove meat from water and cool slightly.

Cover a baking sheet with foil, turn on the oven at 200 ° C.

Coat the ribs with sauce, put on foil and send to the oven.

The dish is ready when a delicious crust appears on the ribs.

Pork Ribs in Soy Sauce - Tricks and Tips

The longer the meat is marinated, the tastier and more tender it will turn out. The best option is to marinate the ribs overnight.

When baking meat in a sleeve, do not forget to make punctures on top.

The more fat on the ribs, the juicier the dish.

If you want the meat to separate from the bones by itself, increase the cooking time by 20-30 minutes.