How to salt salmon at home is simple. How to deliciously salt salmon in different ways at home? Cooking salmon bellies

Salting salmon at home:
Fresh salmon fillet
Salt and oregano (optional) to taste
Olive oil
Cut the salmon fillet into thin slices.
Season each slice with salt and oregano to taste.
Place all the salmon slices in a jar and add a little olive oil. Salting salmon is not a complicated procedure.
Place the can of salmon in the refrigerator for a day.
After which the salted salmon is ready to eat.
Bon appetit!


    So: Step #1. Purchase

    For fish to be tasty, it naturally must be fresh. Therefore, we go to the nearest market or supermarket for a whole fish carcass, for example, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout or salmon. The main thing is not to take fish that has already been cut up, without a head or fins: all the work must be done at home yourself. It is better to buy fish chilled or frozen, but not yet defrosted.

    So, the purchase is made, and you are the happy owner of freshly frozen or fresh red fish with a full set of fins, scales and, possibly, caviar (depending on your luck, but the milk of males is also tasty).

    Step #2. Preparing for pickling

    If the fish is frozen, then leave it to defrost for several hours, but under no circumstances try to put it in the microwave - everything should happen naturally. In the meantime, prepare everything you need for pickling: a fish container, a cutting knife, culinary scissors, a pickling mixture, and pressure.

    You can use either an enamel bowl or a plastic container as a container for salting. It is better not to use metal utensils, as the fish may acquire an alien metallic taste. It is better to take a medium-sized and sharp knife, and you can use culinary scissors to cut off the fins.

    One of the most important points is preparing the pickling mixture. Naturally, you need to take salt and be sure to use coarse or No. 1 grind (this is written on the pack), because, unlike fine salt, it absorbs excess moisture well and allows the fish to salt “in its own juice.” You also need to take sugar in a ratio of 3:1 (3 parts salt and 1 part sugar), given that 1 kg of fish requires about 3 tablespoons of the mixture. For this purpose, you can weigh the fish, but everything is usually done by eye. It is also important to take into account that the fish, of course, will not take on excess salt (this is such an unusual product), but from my own experience I was convinced that it is better not to overdo it with salt.

    Bay leaves (3-4 pieces per carcass), allspice black peppercorns (5-6 peas) or special spices for cooking fish are allowed as additional ingredients, but in moderation. For oppression, you can take an ordinary three- or two-liter jar of water.

    Try this: 1 kg salmon (piece, whichever is fattier) with skin
    1-2 teaspoons white pepper
    4 tbsp. tablespoons salt, coarse, non-mineral and non-iodized
    4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
    DILL, books suggest putting in a LOT of dill, but I’m greedy so I make do with 100-200 ml
    Rub with this mixture. Wrap the bag around the fish (so that the resulting liquid does not fill the entire refrigerator) and put it in the refrigerator on a plate or in a bowl, periodically turning the bag from one barrel to another. (4-5 times is enough)

    The resulting liquid must be drained so that the fish does not become too salty.
    If the fillets are thin, then you can start in a day.
    Folded together - 3 cm, a day and a half, and thicker - already 2 days.

    Before serving, scrape off seasonings and cut into thin pieces. Bon appetit!

    Maybe you are right: Fish (salmon, salmon or pink salmon) – 1 kg.
    Sugar – 250 gr.
    Coarse sea salt – 550 gr.
    Black peppercorns – 1 handful
    1. Dry the fish with a napkin or towel.
    2. Mix sugar and coarse salt (the coarser the salt, the better).
    3. Lightly grind black pepper in a mortar (you can use green or pink, they have an even better aroma).
    4. If you want to cook with herbs, add a little chopped dill; if you like spicy salting, grind 4 cloves or 4 cm of grated ginger root along with pepper. Set aside half of the mixture.
    5. Place half of the salt mixture on the bottom of the tray in which you will salt the fish and begin laying out the fish itself. Place fillet pieces skin side down; if steak pieces, do not pour too much salt into the bottom of the container. After laying out, pour the remaining salt over the fish, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours.
    6. After 12 hours, thoroughly rinse the salt from the fish, wipe the fish, close the food. film or baking paper and leave in the refrigerator for another 12 hours.

    Interesting tip: Place half of the fish in the foil. A whole piece, no need to cut into small pieces. Season with salt. Then sprinkle with seasoning that is sold in the store. This seasoning definitely contains dill and salt and something else lemony and one more thing, openwork chervil. Finally, pour lemon juice over the salmon. And let it sit in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Salt only as much as you eat in 4 days, then the fish spoils. It must be eaten fresh. It's quick and easy to prepare. I don’t remember the name of the seasoning because the seasoning is in Finnish. I live in Finland because But I think that this seasoning is sold everywhere.

    Here I found a translation of the seasoning. Salt, dill, sugar, openwork chervil, lemon balm. I think that this seasoning can be bought in any store.

    Interesting tip: Clean, gut, wash, dry. Cut along the spine into two layers, removing the head, tail, fins and spine, if possible with rib bones. Pour the mixture onto a baking sheet (tray): 2 matchboxes without the top - salt and 1 box of sugar. Mix. For one half of salmon weighing about 2 kg, approximately two such servings of the mixture are required. Roll the fish thickly in the mixture on both sides. Prepare a fairly large saucepan. I put the boned halves of the fish together, put them in a plastic bag, roll them up tightly, put them in a saucepan, put some kind of pressure on top (a heavy plate, for example), cover them with a lid and put them in the refrigerator or in a cold place. After 3-4 days, I turn the fish over with the skin inside, put it back in the bag with the brine that has already formed, and keep it cool for another 3-4 days. Having taken it out, I cut it at an angle of 45 degrees thinly with a sharp knife. I put the pieces in a glass jar with a lid, fill it with simple sunflower oil and keep it in the refrigerator. Delicious! A white bun with butter and a piece of fish is a wonderful breakfast. Yes, you can cook a wonderful fish soup from the head, tail and bones. Don't forget to remove the gills.

    Try this: I cut it into fillets without skin, cut the fillets into slices 3-4 cm wide. For 3 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, grate the lemon zest from the lemon. I squeeze the juice out of the lemon itself, removing the seeds. You can take laaim, it will have an interesting taste, if it’s the same thing, only tangerine. From the mill I pour a mixture of 4 peppers, or put white and black pepper in a mortar, put everything in a glass or enamel bowl, for this amount of salt and pepper, add a tablespoon of olive oil, mix everything carefully, put a plate on top, on a plate - jar of water. 6 hours at room temperature, overnight, 4 hours in the refrigerator. This is a lightly salted option. You can also sprinkle with very thinly sliced ​​and pickled red onions. It doesn’t keep for a long time, and why should you store something like that? You have to eat it.
    Bones, fins, skin and head (tear out the gills and eyes) - on the ear, put the milk in there - add them to the fish broth, they are quick-cooking. With caviar, if you have it, you’ll figure it out - you want to salt it in the jar, you want to remove it, salt it after pouring boiling water over it - less than an hour, just salt it thoroughly.

    Maybe you are right: The simplest and most fabulous-tasting salting: salt-sugar in a 1:1 ratio.
    The fish will be ready in a couple of days.
    This is how I salt salmon, trout and even butter steaks

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)

Mar 3 2014


Thinking about what else to put on the holiday table? Home-salted red fish will be an excellent addition. Learn all the intricacies of this process and salt the fish for everyone to enjoy.

Salted fish of the salmon family, or simply salmon, is perhaps the best treat for any table. How to salt red fish at home? Secrets, little tricks, the most delicious ones - you can read about all this in this article.

How to choose correctly

A tasty dish can only be made from fresh fillet. How can you determine the freshness of a product? Firstly, you need to buy a whole carcass. The presence of the head allows you to see additional signs that determine the suitability of the product (more on this below). Whole entrails can guarantee the presence of caviar.

Secondly, for the finished dish to be tasty, red fish must be live, chilled or initially frozen. If you can buy live salmon, choose the fastest moving ones. To determine the freshness of a chilled carcass, press it with your finger. After pressing, the skin should recover quickly, then the product is fresh.

The third indicator of the freshness of chilled salmon is the eyes and gills. If the eyes are sunken, cloudy, bloodshot, or completely absent, this means that the product has already been sitting or was stored incorrectly. The gills should be red, firm and smooth. But, if red fish is not caught in your city, most likely the product you purchase will have similar defects. This is not a big deal, but it is advisable to choose salmon without them.

With a frozen product, everything is a little more complicated. Pay attention to the carcass and scales. They must be undamaged, with a thin layer of ice not exceeding 5 mm. The shape itself should be smooth; if the carcass has angular outlines, it means the fish was re-frozen. The eyes should be intact and transparent, the gills should be red, the fin should be pressed to the body. If there are yellow spots or stains on the carcass, this is oxidation of fish oil, which means the product is stale.

How to prepare a product for salting

Once you have purchased your salmon, you need to prepare it. If you choose the frozen option, allow the fish to thaw on its own. Thawing in the microwave or under water can ruin the taste, color and texture of the fillets.

Next, the carcass needs to be cut. We rip open the abdomen and carefully remove the intestines, being careful not to crush the bile. If you accidentally crush it, immediately rinse all the insides thoroughly. Separate the caviar or milk.

For salting, we only need the sirloin part, so we need to separate the bones. To do this, take a very sharp knife and make an incision near the head. As soon as you feel that you are resting against the ridge, turn the knife horizontally. Slowly and carefully remove the meat from the bones on both sides. The head, ridge, tail and fins will remain on the board - they can be used in the ear.

Prepare the loin by cutting off the rib bones. Trim the outer fin and fatty parts along the edges with a knife or scissors. If desired, remove the skin. Pat the fish dry with a napkin and the fillet is ready.

How to salt red fish at home

First we need to prepare a container where our future salmon will be salted. This could be a plastic container, enamelware, glass containers, or something similar. Avoid aluminum surfaces, otherwise the fillets will taste metallic.

Pour a little salt into the selected container, place the fillet, skin side down. Salt and pepper. To give the fish a more beautiful color and easy preservation properties, add a few drops of vodka. If you like certain spices, such as dill or bay leaf, you can add them. But do not put them in large quantities, they can interrupt the taste of red fish.

Attention! Don't add too much salt. Forget once and for all the expression that a fish will take as much salt as it needs. Red fish takes as much as you add! It's better to under-salt. After 12-18 hours, try the fillet; if there is not enough salt, add more salt. This is especially true for coho salmon and sockeye salmon; they should be lightly salted. Otherwise, it will not be possible to soak such a fillet; it is too tender.

Take the second part of the salmon, lightly sprinkle it with salt and place it on top of the first, skin side out. If you are salting a large red fish, cut it into several pieces to help it salt better. Cover the container, but do not close it completely, and place it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for salting sockeye salmon, trout and salmon

Let's prepare the mixture for salting by first weighing the finished fillet. For 1 kg of red fish, take 2 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. ground pepper and dry ground herbs. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and add bay leaf. Place the first layer of fillet. Add a few drops of lemon and green spices. Then place the second layer, skin side up.

These types of red fish are large in size, and you may end up with several layers, each of which do not forget to sprinkle with the pickling mixture. Salmon up to a kilogram is salted for 24 hours. The greater the weight of the red fish, the longer the salting process takes. But the first sample should be taken after 15 hours to salt or soak the fillet. When the dish is ready, remove it and shake off excess spices using a dry brush or sponge. Remove moisture with a napkin or waffle towel.

For tasty salting you need coarse salt, rock salt or first grind. Extra salt can cause bitterness.

If you use enamel dishes for pickling, make sure they are not chipped. Access to exposed iron can add an unpleasant taste.

When preparing chum salmon or pink salmon, you can additionally brush the fillet with a small amount of olive oil. The proportions of sugar and salt should be equal. Sugar will soften it. It is better not to add vodka, this will make the fillet harder. Even more recipes.

When salting you will end up with a brine, do not drain it until the end of the entire process. Only after the fillet has acquired a pleasant salty taste should the brine be removed. This fish will be stored for a maximum of 1 week.

If the dish is oversalted, soak it in plain water for about 15-30 minutes. You need to taste the fillet periodically so that all the salt does not come out.

Use the ready-made salted product to make sandwiches or as slicing. To do this, cut the fillet into portions. Sprinkle it with lemon juice, add herbs or onions. The appetizer is ready - bon appetit!

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Salted salmon is one of the favorite appetizers, which can often be found at home feasts, as well as on restaurant menus. This is a very useful product, using which you can maintain your health. Besides all that, salted salmon is delicious.

Useful properties of salmon

Salmon is a fish that contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins that are very useful for the human body of any age. By constantly eating salmon meat, you can get a huge amount of niacin, selenium, magnesium, as well as vitamins B12 and B6, which improve metabolism, as well as the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain activity.

A large number of diabetics consume this product as it enhances the action of insulin due to the presence of large amounts of Omega-3 and vitamin D.

Because of this value of the product, many housewives are thinking about how to salt salmon at home, since fresh fish is much cheaper. In practice, this can be done quite simply and quickly, using various methods. Let's look at several ways to salt red fish at home.

Pickling with herbs

One of the most delicious marinade options for salted salmon is made with herbs. In order for the finished appetizer to be very tasty, you need to take a kilogram of red fish, fillet it so that there are no bones, but the skins remain, and then rub the portioned pieces with a mixture made from 6 tablespoons of salt (medium grind), and also a couple of spoons of sugar.

After such a simple procedure, you should take a fairly large amount of dill (2-3 bunches), wash it and dry it. A third of it should be placed on the bottom of the pre-prepared dish in which the fish will be cooked. After this, skin side down, you need to place the fish in this dish, placing it in layers, alternating with dill.

The last layer should be laid with the skin side up and covered generously with the rest of the greenery. The entire structure should be pressed down with a weight on top and left for 10 hours in a place where room temperature reigns. After this time, the fish should be put in the refrigerator for a couple of days, after which it will be ready to eat.

Salmon belly marinade

Many recipes for salting salmon at home say that it is necessary to remove the belly. It can be salted separately. In order to make a tasty and very aromatic appetizer, you should thoroughly wash and sort out half a kilogram of salmon bellies, and then place them in the container in which the cooking process will take place.

From 0.5 tbsp. l. salt and the same amount of sugar, as well as ground black pepper, make a mixture and rub each piece with it. In a separate bowl, boil a glass of water, add a tablespoon of vinegar (9%) to it and pour this mixture over the grated pieces of fish. After this, you should put pressure on the bellies and, after the water has cooled, put the dishes with them in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Odessa style salted salmon

Odessa residents recommend a simple recipe for lightly salted salmon at home, which will appeal to everyone. In order to make it a reality, you need to take a kilogram of red fish, wash it thoroughly (if necessary), separate the fillets from the bones, cut into portions, and then dry with a paper towel.

After the simple preparations have been done, each portioned piece of fish should be thoroughly rubbed with a mixture made from three tablespoons of salt and a couple of tbsp. l. sugar, place in an enamel bowl and place a weight on top. In this state, the fish will cook for one and a half days. After this period, the pieces must be taken out, dried each with a paper towel and then eaten.

Salmon in film

This recipe is designed for salting salmon at home using fillet pieces of fish. In order for the salting to be as successful as possible, you need to combine 4 tbsp in one mortar. l. salt, half the amount of sugar, a teaspoon of mustard seeds, the same amount of dried juniper berries, as well as a small amount of ground black pepper, and then thoroughly crush until a homogeneous mass is formed. Rub each piece of salmon very well with the resulting mixture, and then place it in a pan, skin side down, cover with fresh mint and dill. The top of the product should be generously sprinkled with the juice of half a lemon and olive oil. After all the procedures have been completed, you need to wrap the salmon in cling film, place it in any container, skin side up, and press down.

After a couple of days in the refrigerator, the salmon will be ready. You need to remove excess spices from pieces of fish and, after cutting, you can serve the appetizer to the table.

Salting with oil

This step-by-step recipe for salting salmon involves adding oil to the marinade. All ingredients presented are designed for 700 g of red fish, which must first be thawed (if required) and dried with a paper towel. The fish fillet should be cut into equal portions and thoroughly mixed with the marinade, which is quite simple to prepare.

To prepare the marinade, mix in one bowl 100 ml of vegetable oil, a small amount of chopped dried bay leaf, ground black pepper, a teaspoon of sugar and 2 tbsp. l. salt. In this marinade, the fish will cook throughout the day, provided it remains in the refrigerator.

Pickling with honey

This is another original recipe for salting salmon at home. Salmon prepared using it will definitely please everyone in the household, but only if they eat honey.

To prepare the appetizer in such an original way, you should take a kilogram of cut salmon fillet, and in a separate bowl you need to prepare the brine for it. To create a brine, you need to boil a liter of water, add 230 g of coarse sea salt to it, let it cool a little and add 200 g of honey to the container.

While the brine is cooling, you need to evenly arrange the pieces of fish in an enamel bowl, after rubbing them with ground black pepper, cover them with sprigs of fresh green dill, add a small amount of dried bay leaf (you can use ground) and pour in the prepared brine. In this composition, the ingredients must be covered and refrigerated until they are ready, which will happen in 2 days.

Salting whole salmon

At home, you can salt whole fish, which is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose a suitable carcass, the weight of which is about 3-4 kg. Before cooking, it is necessary to remove all the entrails and, if possible, the bones. If you wish, you can choose an already cut carcass in the store. Next, place the fish on a cutting board, skin side down, and make a small cut in the middle.

After a little preparation, the product can be rubbed with seasonings. When salting whole salmon at home, you need to use a fairly harmonious mixture of seasonings. An example of this would be the following set: 2 tbsp. l. sugar, three times more salt, 0.5 tsp. "Ajimonto", 10-15 pcs. black peppercorns, as well as 20-25 regular black and 10 bay leaves, which must be broken before use. You need to generously rub the fish with this mixture, place it evenly in a large bag, skin side down, and tie it, after releasing the air.

In this state, the fish must be immersed in a cold place for 4 days and turned over every day to ensure even salting.

What seasonings are best to use?

How to deliciously salt salmon at home? The main key to success is correctly selected spices, which must include salt and sugar. As for spices, experienced housewives use black pepper to prepare such a snack, both ground and allspice in the form of peas; you can also often find bay leaves and cloves in recipes. In many recipes for salting salmon at home, it is recommended to use dill or this spice in dried form, as well as lemon, which is sometimes replaced with lime.

What can you cook with salted salmon?

Salted salmon can be more than just an appetizer on its own. It often acts as an ingredient for complex dishes. An example of this is the original carpaccio, which can often be found on the menu of expensive restaurants. This ingredient is very often used in the preparation of salads and soups. For breakfast you can always make delicious toast with this fish and herbs, as well as cheese. In addition, on almost every holiday table there is a plate with bright sandwiches, one of the components of which is salted salmon.

How to choose fish for salting

A housewife who knows how to salt salmon at home should be aware of some factors that also affect the quality of the finished product. The best salted fish is obtained only from fresh ingredients. If the fish has been frozen several times, which can be determined by its cloudy eyes or frayed fins, the taste of the finished dish will not please you, and may even upset you.

Also, when purchasing a whole fish, you should pay attention to the freshness of the tail: if it is dry, then the fish has been stored for quite a long time and it is better to refrain from purchasing it. There should be no dents on the outside of the fish; the original color of its scales is light silver, this is also an indicator of the freshness of the product.

If you are purchasing not a whole carcass, but a finished piece of loin, you should pay attention to the product that will have a pleasant pink or red tint, which also indicates its quality and freshness. In addition, the fish should emit a pleasant sea aroma.

Any red fish is perfect for salting at home - salmon, chinook salmon, chum salmon, trout or pink salmon. However, fresh sea salmon is considered the best solution for salting. Of course, you can also salt river water, but I have never encountered it. So, I’m starting an article on how to deliciously salt salmon at home.

I settled on the product that modern stores offer. We are talking about frozen salmon as a whole or fillets. In both cases the result is “yummy.” Although, if you are on a diet, you should not overuse salty foods.

Classic recipe

If you bought a whole fish, there are two options. Salt the whole salmon or salt the fillet, and put the fins, spine, tail and head on the fish soup. I prefer the second option.


  • one salmon – 3.5 kg.
  • coarse salt – 5 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • ajinomoto – 1 teaspoon.
  • bay, pepper


  1. Clean the fish, remove the tail, head, fins, and spine.
  2. In one bowl, mix salt and sugar, as for salting trout. Strictly observe the quantities of ingredients. If you take more sugar, the dish will spoil.
  3. Once you have finished processing the fillets, place them on the table, skin side down. Using a knife, make a deep cut along the center line. Then sprinkle the fillets with ajinomoto. This seasoning will provide a rich taste.
  4. Rub the fillet with a mixture of sugar and salt with special care. The mixture should get into all the cracks and slits on the fillet.
  5. After preparing the fillet, sprinkle it with pepper and place bay leaves on it.
  6. Place a large plastic bag on the table, pour salt into it, and place the fillet on top, skin side down. If there are two pieces, place the second one flesh side up.
  7. Remove the air from the bag, place on a plate and refrigerate.
  8. After some time, the fish will begin to secrete juice. Since it will drain to the bottom of the bag, turn it over once a day.
  9. After four days, the dish is ready to eat.

Video recipe

Recipes for home-salted salmon fillets and bellies

It's hard to imagine a holiday table without salted fish. It is served as an independent snack or used to prepare New Year's salads and sandwiches. Salted salmon is sold in stores. True, the purchased product contains preservatives. This is why health-conscious people salt salmon at home.

Making salted fish at home is not difficult, the recipes are very simple. If you haven't salted fish yet, give it a try. And my story will help with this, where I will share two recipes. The first one will tell you how to salt fillets, and the second one will tell you how to salt bellies.

How to salt fillet?


  • salmon – 500 g.
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.
  • sugar – 1 pinch.


  1. Peel the fish, place in a deep bowl and add salt and sugar. The result will be a lightly salted dish. Therefore, it can be included in the diet.
  2. Rub the fillet well with sugar and salt. After this, cover the dish with a lid and place it in the refrigerator.
  3. It will take at least 8 hours to pickle the pieces. In the case of a whole fillet – about a day.

Salted salmon is great for making appetizers, salads, sushi and even pancakes. For an easy snack, just put a piece of fillet on the bread. It will turn out very tasty.

Salting video

How to salt bellies?

If you want to taste delicious fish, salt the bellies of salmon or salmon. The cost of the product is much lower than fillet, and the taste is practically no different.


  • salmon bellies.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • lemon juice.
  • dill, pepper
  • cognac.


  1. First of all, prepare the mixture for rubbing. Take two tablespoons of salt, one spoon of sugar and a little pepper. Mix everything.
  2. Place chopped dill on cling film and the bellies on top. Sprinkle the workpiece thoroughly with the prepared mixture and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Wrap the bellies in film and leave at room temperature for two hours.
  4. After the time has passed, moisten the bellies with cognac and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  5. After a day, grease the bellies with a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  6. That's all. I serve salted bellies on the table in the form of sandwiches, adding fresh cucumber. A wonderful treat.

There are many ways to salt salmon. However, I believe that these two recipes are the fastest, tastiest and easiest.

Salt salmon pieces

Any red fish is salted in various ways, and each is good in its own way. Some salt the whole fillet, while others can’t wait to taste the delicious fish salted in pieces. I'm leaning towards the second option.


  • salmon fillet – 0.5 kg.
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Remove the skin, remove the bones and cut the fish into pieces. Mix sugar with salt.
  2. Place the pieces in a small form, then sprinkle with the resulting mixture.
  3. Place a second layer and sprinkle with the mixture again. The procedure is repeated until the fish runs out.
  4. It remains to cover the mold with a lid and leave at room temperature. The pieces will be completely salted in about 2 hours. After this time, feel free to enjoy your salted salmon.

To cook real delicious salmon, you will need no more than 3 hours. Try salting the fish. I'm sure you'll definitely like it.

How to properly salt salmon for sushi

Sushi is a Japanese dish made using rice, vinegar seasoning and seafood, including salted salmon.

In the old days, you could only taste the dish in a special establishment where real masters did the cooking. Today it is easy to prepare sushi at home.

Since salted red fish is not a cheap pleasure, consider the ideal recipe for salting salmon for sushi. This way you can save a lot of money and easily prepare a masterpiece of Japanese cuisine yourself.


  • salmon fillet – 400 g.
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • coarse salt - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • red pepper - 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. Wash the fillet and cut into medium pieces. Rub the pieces with pepper and salt. I recommend mixing the ingredients immediately and then using the mixture.
  2. Place food foil on the table in several layers. Place the pieces on foil so that they do not touch each other.
  3. Place a few lemon slices on top and sprinkle lemon juice over everything. Wrap thoroughly.
  4. Leave the fish wrapped in foil at room temperature for 60 minutes. After this, place in the refrigerator for two to three hours. If you haven't used all the fillet pieces, be sure to put them in the freezer.
  5. Remove from the refrigerator and start making sushi.

Video cooking

Thanks to the recipe, you won’t have to pack up and go to a Japanese restaurant every time you want to taste a Japanese dish. You can do everything at home.

Salt delicious salmon in oil

I will share a wonderful recipe with which I salt red fish. It is perfect for salting sockeye salmon, char, trout, pink salmon and salmon. The method is simple, quick and provides a tasty result.

From the recipe, learn how to salt salmon in oil not only quickly, but also tasty. Plus, no fancy ingredients are required.


  • salmon – 700 g.
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml.
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • laurel and pepper.


  1. Thaw the fish in the refrigerator. This will take about 4 hours.
  2. Separate the fillet and cut into pieces. Determine the size of the pieces according to your preferences.
  3. Now we have to prepare the brine. Pour vegetable oil into a medium bowl, add bay leaves, sugar and salt, and a little pepper.
  4. Pour the processed fillet into the brine and mix well.
  5. Transfer the fish in brine to a jar and put it in the refrigerator for ten hours. During this time, the salmon will be well salted.

Lightly salted salmon prepared in this way will be a wonderful appetizer. Plus, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. So you can delight your family with delicious sandwiches and salads for a long time.

Recipe for salted salmon in brine

Salmon is a valuable commercial fish. Tender meat leaves no one indifferent; it is customary to boil, bake, fry, salt, even in brine.

You can buy salted salmon in any supermarket, let alone specialized fish stores. However, I prefer to prepare this excellent snack at home, not trusting the manufacturers.

Salting does not require much time. Even a novice cook can cope with this culinary task. The result is simply amazing. Once I brought my dish to a New Year's corporate party. All my colleagues were crazy.


  • salmon – 1 kg.
  • salt – 100 g.
  • sugar – 50 g.
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. The first stage of preparation involves cutting the salmon. Gradually defrost freshly frozen fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. You should not defrost in the microwave or water.
  2. After washing the salmon, we begin cutting. We cut off the tail and head, remove the fins and gut.
  3. Cut along the spine into two parts, separate the spine and ribs. The result will be two fillets. We put them aside and switch to preparing the pickling mixture.
  4. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar and boil. After this, cool the liquid and add vinegar.
  5. Place the fish in a pan with brine and lightly press down with pressure. After 4 hours, remove from the container and dry slightly.
  6. Cut the salted fish into pieces, place in a clean saucepan, sprinkle with vegetable oil and place in the refrigerator overnight. During this time, the fillet will be saturated with oil and become tender.
  7. In the morning, take it out of the refrigerator and enjoy the deliciousness.

Place cooked salmon in brine in a salad or make a sandwich. In any case, it will turn out very tasty.

The article on recipes for salting salmon at home has come to an end. I told you everything I know about salting fish. Finally, I’ll add some useful tips.

Be honest, is store-bought red fish as tasty as it is? Of course, there are pleasant exceptions, but in most cases, beautiful pieces of salted salmon are a dangerous mixture of preservatives. But you must admit, sometimes you really want to enjoy the taste of a sandwich with a piece of salted fish and please your household with a new salad, where this delicacy was used as one of the ingredients? Be sure to read this text to the end and you will learn how to salt salmon at home.

The rules for salting salmon are similar to those that are usually followed when salting any red fish, namely:

  • For salting, you need to take fresh or freshly frozen fish; on the shelves you can recognize it by the soft pink color of the meat.
  • Salt the fish should be in a glass or enamel container; if you salt the salmon in a metal container, the finished product will absorb the smell of iron.
  • It is not recommended to use iodized salt; it will ruin the appearance of the salted fish.

An easy way to salt salmon

You will need:

  • salmon fillet – 1 kilogram,
  • salt – 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method

  • Place the fish fillet in a plastic or glass container.
  • Sprinkle with an even layer of sugar and then salt.
  • We seal the container and put it in the refrigerator.
  • After 3 days, the fish is ready to eat. Cut it into pieces and serve as an appetizer, first sprinkled with a small amount of lemon juice.
  • Attention: if you are afraid that the fish will not be eaten immediately, we advise you to lubricate the fish with odorless vegetable oil on the 4th day to avoid over-salting and transfer it to a clean and dry container.

How to brine whole salmon

You will need:

  • salmon – 1 carcass weighing up to 3.5 kilograms,
  • salt – 6 tablespoons,
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons,
  • Japanese seasoning ajinomoto (white elongated crystals, odorless and tasteless) - 1/2 teaspoon,
  • black pepper – 15-20 peas,
  • allspice – 10 peas,
  • bay leaf – 10 pieces.

Cooking method

  • We clean the fish. Cut off the head and fins. Let's gut it. We remove the spine and small bones.
  • Place the fish skin side down on a cutting board and make an incision along its midline. Sprinkle the fillets with ajinomoto. If you were unable to find such a spice, do not despair; without it, salted salmon will also work just fine.
  • Sprinkle the meat with sugar and then rub with salt. Do not overdo it with sugar, the ideal ratio is 3:1, i.e. for 3 parts salt you need to take 1 part sugar. Pour a little sugar and salt into a specially made cut on the side line, in the part where the thickest layer of meat is.
  • Sprinkle the meat with pepper and lay out the bay leaves broken into small pieces.
  • Pour a little salt into a plastic bag or large baking sleeve. We place our fish on it, skin side down.
  • We release excess air from the bag. Let's tie it up. Place on a baking sheet or in a bowl. Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, remembering to turn the fish in the bag at least once every day. After the specified time, you can try the salted salmon.

Salting salmon with herbs

You will need:

  • salmon – 1 kilogram,
  • medium ground salt - 6 tablespoons,
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons,
  • dill - 2 large bunches.

Cooking method

  • We fillet the fish - remove bones and fins.
  • Mix salt and sugar. Rub the fish thoroughly with the resulting mixture.
  • Wash the greens. Let's dry it. Place 1/3 of the prepared dill on the bottom of a dish suitable for salting fish.
  • Place fillet pieces on top of the dill, skin side down.
  • Place half of the remaining dill on the fish.
  • We lay out the remaining fish, but with the skin side up, and the dill.
  • Place a flat lid or plate on top. We place the cargo.
  • We leave the fish in the kitchen for 8 hours, and then keep it in the refrigerator for 48 hours. After the specified time, the salmon with herbs is ready to eat. Cut it into pieces and serve.

Not only salted salmon fillets are considered an excellent appetizer, but also salted red fish bellies. For salting, you need to choose wide bellies; when purchasing, pay attention to their color - they should be a pleasant pink color; if they have a yellowish tint, then this is a sure sign that they have been lying on the counter for a long time, and therefore it is better to refuse the purchase.

There are several ways to salt salmon bellies, let us offer you a couple.

Recipe for salting salmon bellies

You will need:

  • salmon bellies – 500 grams,
  • salt – 1 tablespoon,
  • granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon,
  • citric acid – 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  • We wash the salmon bellies under running water. Dry with paper towels.
  • Mix salt, sugar and citric acid.
  • Sprinkle the mixture generously over the bellies of the salmon. We put them in the refrigerator for a day.
  • We wash the finished salted bellies. Dry it a little. Let's try! The delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator.