Minced chicken terrine in the oven. Festive chicken terrine with vegetables

Terrines are very popular in French cuisine; they are made from meat, fish or poultry, vegetables, and there are even sweet terrines. This appetizer is prepared in special forms, and before serving it is cooled and cut into slices.

This chicken terrine (including other meats) is easy to prepare at home; it always turns out to be a wonderfully beautiful and unusual snack. Sandwiches are usually made with terrine.


Composition per 1 kg of terrine:

  • 1 chicken weighing 1.5 kg (I took 1 bone-in chicken breast and 3 skinless legs)
  • 250 g pork belly
  • 1 small shallot
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 5 allspice peas
  • 9 slices bacon


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    Cut off all the meat from the chicken legs, to do this, first cut the tendons near the joints, they look like thick white threads, after which it will be easier to cut the meat.
    Cut the brisket into large cubes. Peel and wash the onion and garlic.

    Remove the meat from the breasts with a knife and cut into thin long strips, about one centimeter thick. Set aside for the time being.

    Grind the leg meat along with the brisket, onion and garlic in a meat grinder.
    Finely crush the allspice in a mortar and add to the meat. Add about one level teaspoon of salt.
    Mix everything very well with your hands so that the minced meat becomes homogeneous.

    Remove the skin from the bacon slices and cut the slices in half.
    Place three slices (i.e. six halves) on the bottom of the pan.

    Place the minced meat on the bacon in a layer of about 1 cm, press the minced meat well with a spoon. Try to distribute it evenly.

    Place slices of chicken breast on top of the minced meat, about a third of the total amount.

    Repeat all the layers two more times, adding the remaining minced meat as the last layer.

    Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Place the terrine pan in another deep, larger pan. Pour about two to three centimeters of water into the second mold and place it in the oven.

    Bake the chicken terrine for about 2 hours.

    Remove the terrine from the oven and cool slightly, then cover with cling film and place a weight on top. You can use packages of cereal or salt as cargo. This must be done so that the terrine becomes compacted and can then be easily cut - without a load it will remain loose and will fall apart when cut.

    Cool the terrine to room temperature first, then chill for a few hours in the refrigerator.

    Remove the weight from the chilled chicken terrine. You will see that a thin layer of jelly has formed around the meat, and fat has accumulated on top. Carefully remove excess fat with a knife.

Store the terrine in its tin. Before serving, cut it with a knife into centimeter-thick slices and place on a plate. Bon appetit!

I prepared this terrine for a festive table, the concept of which was in the style of Alsace cuisine, although it is only Alsatian in form, but the content is pure fantasy. In contrast, this is a rather light, almost dietary dish, although, of course, no one will stop you from “weighting” it with bacon or smoked meats. This terrine is best served cold, with a mayonnaise-based sauce (for example, tarragon) or simply with mustard.

Chicken terrine

10 servings

5-6 thin and wide slices of dry-cured ham, prosciutto, etc.
1 kg. minced chicken
2 cloves garlic
several sun-dried tomatoes
small bunch of parsley
3 tbsp. bacon, finely diced (if desired)
hot paprika

Line the bottom and sides of the rectangular pan with slices of ham, slightly overlapping them and leaving what doesn't fit in the pan to hang over the edges. Add chopped herbs and garlic, finely chopped tomatoes to the minced meat (you can replace them with bell peppers, not dried ones, but quite fresh ones), season with salt, pepper, a pinch of nutmeg and paprika, and mix thoroughly. You can add finely diced fatty bacon to the minced meat - this will make the terrine juicier.

Place the minced meat tightly in the pan, smooth the top and cover with the hanging ham. Cover the pan with foil and cook for 40 minutes at 180 degrees in a water bath, then remove the foil and cook for another 20 minutes. Let the terrine cool completely in the oven, then put it in the refrigerator: at this stage it is often recommended to weigh the terrine down, but in my case this was not necessary. Leave the terrine in the cold until morning, or at least for three to four hours, then carefully remove it from the mold and cut into slices. Serve cold.

Terrine is an interesting tasty appetizer made from minced meat, fish or vegetables. This is a kind of brick-shaped casserole cooked in the oven. Many housewives prepare chicken terrine. The recipe for this dish is quite simple to follow.

Terrine with champignons looks glamorous and unusual, especially when cut, so you can not only feed it to your family, but also surprise guests invited to the celebration.


chicken breast – 500 g

champignons – 100 g (6-8 pcs.)

carrots – 2 pcs.

raw egg – 1 pc.

cream (fat content 10%) – 100 ml

salt – 1 tsp.

ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.

ground nutmeg – 0.5 tsp.

seasoning for Korean carrots – 0.5 tsp.

vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Number of servings: 8

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Type of cuisine: French, European

Purpose: snack, lunch, dinner

Occasion: Banquet, Birthday, New Year


Preparatory operations

Clean the champignons from dirt and wash under running water.

Place the mushrooms in a small saucepan, add water, add salt and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then drain in a colander.

As an experiment, you can try making a terrine with pickled champignons (I have plans for this), I think it should also turn out very well.

Wash the carrots, boil them in their skins for 20 minutes, add cold water, then peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.

Preparing minced meat for terrine

Wash the chicken breast, remove the skin, cut the fillet from the bones and pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid.

You can also use ready-made purchased minced meat.

Break a raw egg into the minced chicken, add cream, a little salt, ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers and nutmeg.

I strongly insist on adding spices, since without them the dish turns out bland. You can also add aromatic herbs - dill, basil, thyme.

And adding cream is also a must; it will make the dish especially tender and juicy.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly and divide into four approximately equal parts.

The form for preparing the terrine should be rectangular. It can be silicone, glass or any other baking dish.

Grease the bottom and walls of the mold with vegetable oil and lay out ¼ of the minced chicken, smoothing it out.

Place half of the carrots on top of the minced meat, add a little salt and season with seasoning for Korean carrots (optional).

Place whole champignons on top of the minced meat, stem side down.

Cover the mushrooms with another part of the minced meat.

Place the remaining carrots on the minced meat, add salt and season again.

Place the remaining minced meat in the last layer.

Cover the pan with the preparation with foil and place in the oven, preheated to 180°C, for 50 minutes. Then remove the foil and let the top of the terrine lightly bake.

Once cooking is complete, remove the pan from the oven, cover again with foil and leave to cool completely. During this time, all the released juices will be absorbed again, making the dish juicy.

Before serving, decorate the chicken terrine with champignons with a “snake” of mayonnaise, “flowers” ​​of boiled carrots and parsley leaves.

Before serving, the terrine is cut into pieces about 1.5 cm thick.

Terrine - what is it? Terrine is a French dish, something like meat loaf. Terrine is prepared from meat, chicken, fish, liver, or fruit can be added in a festive version. Bake the terrine in the oven in a water bath so that it does not burn. Terrine can be served warm or cold. I suggest making a recipe - chicken terrine. It is very convenient to use terrine for sandwiches - a healthy option instead of harmful sausage.

First you need to remove the skin from the chicken, it’s okay if it tears a little.

Then trim the chicken meat off as much of the chicken as possible.

Cut half a chicken breast into long strips and marinate in a mixture of soy sauce and mayonnaise.

Cut the rest of the chicken into large pieces, place on a board covered with cellophane, distribute the pieces of chicken evenly on the board and put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes until lightly frozen. This is done in order to grind the meat as best as possible.

Grind the slightly frozen chicken meat into fine mince. You can chop the onion along with the chicken.

Cut the ice cream lard into very thin strips.

For piquancy and beauty, I took half a hot pepper, although it was from my freezer and may have partially lost its spiciness; if you use fresh pepper, you may need less. Just chop it finely.

Mix the ground minced meat with onion, egg, add black pepper, nutmeg, coriander, and salt. Add cold milk, mix the minced meat well, and add red hot pepper.

For baking, it is better to take a ceramic mold, but I used an enamel one, since I didn’t have a ceramic one that was the right size.

Grease the bottom of the mold with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Line the pan with chicken skin so that the skin hangs over the sides, then lay out half the strips of lard.

Place ¼ of the minced meat, 1/3 of the marinated chicken strips in one direction, again ¼ of the minced meat, 1/3 of the marinated chicken and so on. Cover everything with strips of lard and cover with chicken skin.

Cover the pan with foil, greased with vegetable oil on the bottom so that the chicken does not stick to the foil.

We place the mold in a water bath, to do this, take a frying pan and pour water into it, place the mold with the terrine here.

We put the entire structure in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 1 hour, then open the foil and bake for about 30 minutes. If it gets too brown, cover with foil, but wait a while. I checked with a meat thermometer that the temperature inside the terrine reached at least 70 degrees Celsius.

Remove the terrine from the oven and place a weight on top without removing it from the pan. Let it sit until it cools, then put it in the refrigerator.

After making this recipe - chicken terrine, and knowing that it is very tasty, I think you will start making various terrines for appetizers instead of sausage. I also recommend making ham from chicken or pork.

Bon appetit!


  • 1.6 kg chicken - 800 g pulp
  • 30-40 g unsalted lard
  • ½ red hot pepper or less
  • 0.5 cups milk
  • 1 egg
  • ½ large onion or 1 small
  • black pepper
  • 1/3 tsp. coriander
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise

Video recipe for making chicken terrine

Chicken terrine with vegetables

In case you don’t know, terrine is an exquisite dish of French cuisine, a subtype of pate. The main difference between terrine and pate is that terrine can be cut into thin pieces.

If you are suddenly tired of store-bought sausage, here is a meat solution to your problem with a below-average calorie content. And above all, chicken terrine is recognized as a masterpiece of world cuisine. This is what I suggest you see from your own experience.

To prepare the terrine you will need:

  • HOMEMADE minced chicken – 400 g
  • Onion – 1 onion
  • Frozen vegetable mixture – 200 g
  • Cream 20% – 100 g
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese – 100 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground allspice - to taste
  • Spices for chicken (coriander, turmeric, paprika, thyme) - to taste.

Preparing the terrine:

  1. Add finely chopped onion, spices, salt and defrosted (without water) vegetables to the minced chicken and mix well.
  2. Whisk the cream with the egg, add salt and allspice.
  3. Mix all ingredients with half the grated cheese and stir.
  4. Place the minced chicken in a baking dish (pre-grease the pan with oil).
  5. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes, then remove the terrine pan, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and return to the oven for 5 minutes (the cheese should melt). It’s better to bake the terrine under foil (here we don’t need a golden brown crust at all. Pierce the foil in several places with a toothpick), but this is your decision.
  6. Cool the finished terrine and cut into delicious pieces.
  7. Serve with baguette toast, bread or biscuits.

I just envy you. Bon appetit!