Delicious holiday: recipes for the New Year's table. New Year Recipes for delicious dishes for the New Year

So, the New Year is getting closer. Most families have already prepared their New Year's menu! And if not, then we offer you some more interesting New Year's dishes!

If we look at the Chinese horoscope, then the coming year is the year of the Fire Monkey. And this animal loves celebration and fun. It is believed that in the year of the Fire Monkey, the 2016 New Year's table should include many vegetable salads, cheese snacks (the Monkey loves cheese), several hot meat dishes, as well as poultry - where would we be without hot food! There should also be candles (fire!) and greenery on the table.

Snacks and salads

Snowmen made from eggs

Traditional New Year's snack.

  • Eggs - 12 pcs. (6 large and 6 smaller).
  • Boiled carrots - 1-2 pieces.
  • Peppercorns - 30 pcs.
  • Spaghetti pasta - 6 pcs.
  • Parsley (sprigs) - 6 pcs.

Number of servings: 5.

  1. Boil the eggs hard, cool and peel. Cut off the top and bottom of the egg for stability.
  2. Using a pasta skewer, place the eggs on top of each other. We form the body of a snowman.
  3. Peel the boiled carrots and cut into slices - wider and narrower. Place a small one on a wide circle and attach it to the pasta. Cut off the protruding end of the pasta with scissors.
  4. Make eyes and buttons from peppercorns.
  5. Cut a triangle out of carrots and insert a spout. Make a handle from a parsley leaf on a branch and insert it on the side.
  6. New Year's snack "Snowman" is ready! Bon appetit and Happy New Year!

Christmas wreath made from stuffed cherry tomatoes

Simply stuff the tomatoes with your favorite filling (mozzarella in the photo) and place them in the shape of a wreath on green leaves.

Vegetable Christmas tree

Here the scope of imagination is limitless! Cucumber slices are used as a basis, and any vegetables, cheeses, and meat products can serve as decoration. Try fruits too, unusual combination! It is convenient to string cucumber slices onto wooden skewers.

Broccoli Christmas tree

If your New Year's table should not violate your diet, then this Christmas tree can decorate it. Moreover, the monkey loves greens!

Portioned salads

Any salad, even a very hackneyed recipe, takes on a “new meaning” if it is served in portions. Don't have that many small bowls or bowls? No problem, grab some juice glasses!

Hearty salad "Pleasure"

The salad is filling but not heavy. This salad is worthy of the New Year's table!

Monkey-shaped salad

Any salad can be decorated in the form of the main character of the year :) .

For example, like this:

Palm salad

Well, where there are monkeys, there are palm trees! Wooden skewers and parsley sprigs come into play again!

New Year's jellied meat

Jellied meat is traditionally placed on the New Year's table in Russia.

You can make jellied meat in a slow cooker, this will make the housewife’s task easier before the New Year.

  • Pork shoulder - 1 kilogram;
  • pork knuckle - 1 kilogram;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • garlic - head.

Soak the meat in water for 5-6 hours so that the broth is clear later, put everything in a multi-cup. We turn on the “Stewing” mode for six hours, after the end of the mode we leave the meat in the “Heating” mode for another two to three hours (if desired, throw in clean carrots to cook, or cook separately), after seasoning with pepper and salt. We disassemble the meat into parts (from bones and fibers), strain the broth. We lay out the Christmas tree and carrot decorations, add chopped garlic, meat, fill it with broth - and onto the balcony.

Hot: meat and poultry

Duck with cherries in wine

The duck turns out unusually juicy, with a delicate spicy taste.

Goose in a sleeve stuffed with apples

The most New Year's recipe!

Pork neck skewers

Cut the pork neck into pieces about 2*2 cm, add salt, your favorite spices (I prepare this dish with the expectation that children will eat it, so I add sweet paprika), frozen or dried dill/parsley, a small amount of mayonnaise (1- 2 tbsp per 1 kg, the meat should just be greased with mayonnaise, and not swim in it), onions (I try to choose smaller onions, cut them into rings, like for a real shish kebab), it’s good to add a couple of spoons of wine, but and without it there will be an excellent result. Mix everything and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least three hours, and generally up to a day. Then we thread the meat and onions onto thin wooden skewers, like on a regular kebab, and place them in a mold. First line the bottom of the pan with two layers of foil, placing it crosswise. We cut off the foil with a good margin, taking into account that the free edges will then need to cover the skewers.

Pour about 1/2 to 2/3 cup of water into the bowl in which the meat was marinated, collect the remaining marinade from the walls and pour it over the meat. Cover the meat with the free edges of both layers of foil and place in the oven for 2-2.5 hours, temperature about 210-220 C. The meat is juicy and soft!

Chicken breast with cheese and lemon

Chicken breast pieces are layered with cheese and lemon and baked.

Desserts and sweets

Of course, the monkey has a sweet tooth, so there should be a lot of sweets!

It is customary to celebrate the New Year on a grand scale. Delicious and varied dishes on the New Year's table symbolize the well-being and prosperity of the family in the coming year. On this day, they try to prepare the most favorite dishes of all family members. In order for the holiday to be a success and everyone to be satisfied with the feast, you need to think through the menu in advance.

Creating a menu for the holiday table

The menu for the New Year 2016 should take into account not only the specifics of the next year and the requirements of the Fire Monkey. It should include a variety of dishes, and the decoration of the festive table will also play an important role.

The choice of dishes depends on the preferences and tastes of home and guests, however, there are certain rules in the formation of the menu. It should include:

  • snacks (meat, fish, vegetables);
  • salads (vegetable, fruit, mixed);
  • cold dishes (this may include some “dense” salads such as Olivier and vinaigrette, jellied meat, fish or meat aspic, herring “under a fur coat” and much more);
  • hot dish (at home, one is most often served, but there may be several variations);
  • dessert;
  • beverages.

The New Year's menu should be tailored to the needs of all family members. You should not prepare exotic dishes that may not be to the taste of everyone present. Such a treat can even ruin the holiday.

According to all the rules, before meals, guests are served aperitifs - alcoholic drinks that increase appetite and prepare the body for a hearty meal. The choice of alcoholic beverages is usually up to the owner of the house. He will have to choose them so as to please everyone present. Of course, the presence of champagne on the New Year's table is our tradition, which cannot be ignored. For non-drinkers, soft drinks or juices can be provided.

The table for celebrating the New Year should also look beautiful and attractive, like the dishes themselves. To do this, it is not enough just to set the table with beautiful dishes. It must correspond to the solemnity of the moment.

Nowadays, there are many ways to decorate a table using different methods. This could be a flower arrangement, candles, beautiful cards indicating places for guests, napkin rings and the napkins themselves, figurines and small decor. Decorating dishes also plays an important role.

Selection of dishes

That's why the holiday menu is called that, because it consists of dishes that are not served every day. There is no need to set the holiday table with an ordinary lunch. The holiday atmosphere calls for something more refined and varied than the usual food.

When choosing what to cook for the New Year, focus on the tastes of your family and guests. An unmistakable option would be a large selection of cold appetizers and dishes, as well as salads - from light vegetable ones to everyone’s favorite Olivier salad. Just don't make it your main dish. Most often, fried poultry serves as a hot dish. This dish can be served with several types of side dishes to choose from - everyone can take it to their liking. The second hot dish can be fish or baked meat.

Note! You should not cook food in large quantities; it is better to increase the number of dishes, preferring those that are easier for digestion, otherwise your guests, after a very hearty and hearty meal, will not want to dance or have fun. Serve food on the table not all at once, but in small batches (changes), removing previous dishes from the table. Remember, you have the whole New Year's Eve ahead of you.

Inexpensive tasty treats

A plentiful and tasty New Year's treat does not always mean spending a lot of money. You can set the table economically and at the same time extremely tasty.

Many snacks and salads can be made from home canned food. Your guests will be happy to try your cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and other homemade products. Many of these vegetables will be useful for creating main dishes - apples will go into duck, pickles, your own carrots and potatoes, onions and peas - into Olivier, homemade sausages and kupats can generally become the main hot dish. Compotes will successfully replace store-bought juices, and fruits from them will become a filling for pies or a cake decoration.

Note! In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, it is better to cook at home rather than purchase from supermarkets or order from restaurants. For example, the same salad will cost you almost three times less when prepared at home. You shouldn’t lose sight of the safety of your home kitchen.

To prevent cooking at home from taking a lot of time and effort, choose a simple and easy dish. It's even better to share responsibilities with friends and family. Let everyone cook what they like best. You can organize “shift” work in the kitchen or resort to the old student method. Probably, many remember how they cheaply and effectively organized holidays and parties together. To do this, everyone cooked at home and brought with them what they did best. As a result, only the most delicious and successful dishes were on the table, the holiday meal was very satisfying and plentiful, and everyone’s expenses were minimal. You can do the same thing now, but don’t set the table together, but instruct each of your friends to prepare a certain dish. Here you will have to clearly describe your responsibilities so as not to end up with several identical salads made in different ways.

How to please the Monkey

Celebrating the Year of the Monkey and not preparing dishes that will attract her attention is somehow wrong. This animal loves everything bright and showy, prefers fruits and sweets, but will not refuse meat food. Therefore, there must be a lot of different fruits and berries on the table, as well as colorful fruit salads and dishes. Sweets, cookies, cakes and pastries will please the Monkey with a sweet tooth. A birthday cake decorated with tiny marzipan bananas will look original. The monkey will definitely be happy!

New Year is a real holiday of magic and unification of the whole family. What real housewife doesn’t dream of surprising her family and guests with her dishes. When compiling a list of delicious dishes that will decorate the festive table, do not forget about everyone’s favorite traditional recipes. Believe me, no new recipes for the New Year 2016 can replace everyone’s favorite salad Olivier or Shuba, and therefore you need to prepare them!

How to please the symbol of the year

Note! In order to meet her with all honors, there must be dishes on the table with the presence of fruits and vegetables, and fruit desserts. Do not forget that you must prepare hot meals and snacks.

Decorate your dishes with fruits, vegetables, herbs and herbs, placing them in beautiful vases. Pay attention to vegetarian dishes, because the monkey is a herbivore!

Preparing interesting and tasty dishes at home is not difficult even for a novice housewife.

Below are new recipes for dishes that will certainly please all members of your family and guests.

Funny dumplings with predictions

Note! Such dumplings will not only be tasty, but also “magical” in the literal sense of the word.

The thing is that inside each dumpling you can find predictions for the next year. By the way, it is not necessary to prepare traditional dumplings with potatoes, because you can replace the filling with spinach or another product in accordance with the taste preferences of your loved ones.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  1. 4 cups of flour (you may have to add more, here it is worth considering the amount of flour in accordance with the state of the dough at the time of preparation);
  2. 250 ml water;
  3. a pinch of soda and the same amount of salt;
  4. 60 mg vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

  • Knead the dough by mixing all the above ingredients and make it into a large ball shape. You need to achieve a consistency where the dough does not stick to your hands; it is for these purposes that you will need vegetable oil. Remember that the dough should be firm, but not too clogged.

  • Roll the dough into a rope and cut it into pieces approximately 1 cm thick. Dip them in flour and roll them out into circles using a rolling pin.
  • In the center of the circle, place the pre-prepared filling and a piece of plain paper on which the prediction will be written. By the way, don’t worry that the paper will soften when cooking the dish. Predictions can be very diverse; here you should use your imagination. I would like to note that the emphasis should be on positive, pleasant predictions!
  • Wrap the dumplings beautifully.
  • Place the dumplings into boiling water and stir thoroughly so that they do not stick to the bottom. As soon as the dumplings float, you need to take them out. In this case, it is not worth digesting.
  • Place the dumplings with your predictions on a plate and decorate them according to your wishes.

It will be beautiful to decorate the dish with “magic candles” made from red pepper (chili). You may not be able to eat them, but the dish will be beautifully presented.

Sea vinaigrette

Another familiar, but slightly improved dish in the Year of the Monkey will surprise your guests.

To prepare you will need:

  1. 200 grams of boiled beets and potatoes;
  2. 200 grams of herring (lightly salted);
  3. 75 grams of vegetable oil;
  4. 100 grams of pickled cucumbers and carrots;
  5. 2 onions.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the carrots, potatoes and beets, after boiling the vegetables. Cool them, cut them into cubes.
  • The herring should also be cleaned of bones and skin and cut into cubes. Do the same with pickles. Leave a couple of cubes to decorate the dish, and put the rest in a salad bowl with other chopped ingredients.
  • Fill the dish with vegetable oil. Decorate.


In addition to the fact that there should be hot dishes on the table, do not forget about sweet desserts.

Note! The monkey loves all kinds of sweets.

Pie “Tenderness”

To prepare you need:

  • 4 cups flour;
  • ½ tsp. soda and the same amount of lemon juice;
  • 5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

For cream:

  • 1 liter of sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar.

For impregnation:

  • 2 tbsp. Roma;
  • ½ tbsp. cherry syrup.

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk sugar, eggs, baking soda, flour and lemon juice.
  2. Honey will need to be heated in a water bath and added to the mixture.
  3. Divide the entire dough into 6 equal parts. This will be 6 cakes.
  4. Roll out each part and bake at 180 degrees in the oven.
  5. Prepare the impregnation, which you can use to saturate 5 cake layers.
  6. Crumble the sixth cake layer to decorate the pie.
  7. Prepare the cream by whisking all the ingredients. Grease each cake with cream and carefully stack on top of each other. Decorate the dish.

And finally, we’ll figure out how to prepare “sweets for adults” step by step.

Cocktail called “Confrontation of the Planets”

Needed for 1 serving:

  • 100 grams of cranberries;
  • 200 ml cranberry juice;
  • 100 ml vodka.

Using a shaker, mix fruit drink and vodka. Place a couple of ice cubes and cranberries in special cocktail glasses. Pour the mixture into a glass. Best served with a straw.

Non-alcoholic cocktails. They can be prepared for both children and adults. For example, smoothies made from berries or milkshakes with fruits. The monkey is crazy about milk, so he will like these cocktails.

Table decoration

Since the year of the Fire Monkey is ahead, it is worth using the appropriate colors in table setting - gold, red shades, colors of the sun. You can put a bright set on the table, and if you can’t buy a new set of dishes, then buy bright napkins or with a picture of a monkey. This way you will not only save money, but also transform your New Year's table.

Happy New Year!

The monkey, the symbol of 2016, is an ambiguous animal. Outwardly frivolous and funny, with a banana in her paw, in real life she eats meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. This allows you to include all your favorite foods and delicacies in recipes for the New Year 2016 without restrictions. So you can cook almost any dish for the New Year 2016. But if you prepare dishes for the New Year 2016 according to original recipes, then the holiday will be a success from the first minutes, and the year will start successfully.


When planning the treats that can be prepared for the New Year 2016, it is important to guess with salads and appetizers. They are the first on the table and set the tone for the entire meal. They make the first toasts and say goodbye to the old year. They should be both satisfying so that no one gets drunk ahead of time, and stimulating the appetite for the active continuation of the meal.

Green pistachio salad- a recipe for the New Year 2016, with which you can celebrate the old year of the Goat and Sheep. This is how the dish is prepared. Place 100–150 g of green beans in boiling water, add salt and cook for 5 minutes, immediately pour over ice water to preserve color. Chop 2-3 green cucumbers, mix with beans, add salt. Place lettuce leaves in a vase, vegetables on them, and you can add some boiled broccoli to them. For dressing: put 30 g of pistachios in a blender bowl, 2-3 tbsp. l. olives, a handful of chopped green onions, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and pour 3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil, the intensity of the green color can be enhanced by poached spinach. Salt and pepper. Beat and pour over the salad; stirring is not necessary.

Salad cocktail– an ideal dish for New Year 2016. The recipe is simple: cut 300 g of large fresh strawberries into 2–4 parts. Peel the avocado, cut it, squeeze lemon juice on it. Carefully mix 300 g of boiled and peeled large shrimp with strawberries and avocado. Sprinkle with small green basil leaves and place in low, wide glasses or bowls. For marinade 3 tbsp. l. shake raspberry or apple cider vinegar with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, a pinch of powdered sugar, salt and pepper. Pour the marinade into glasses and let stand. For the sauce, mix 200 g of natural yoghurt with juice and finely grated zest of 1 lemon. Season with salt and pepper if desired and pour into glasses.

Beef salad- a dish for the New Year 2016 with strong alcohol. Recipe: Cut 300 g of boiled beef into thick slices and pour in the marinade from canned cucumbers, put in the refrigerator for a day. Remove, dry, cut into cubes. Cut 200–250 g of stalked celery and 1–2 sour apples into thin slices. Mix meat with celery and apples, add salt. Grind 100–150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 100 g of mayonnaise, season with grated garlic to taste, add grated fresh cucumber, mix, if the dressing is thick, add sour cream. Dress the salad.

Fish rolls- a recipe for the New Year 2016 for a youth company. Grind 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. l. prepared horseradish, season with a mixture of peppers and dill and parsley, mix. Cut 12 rectangles from foil, put a slice of cold smoked red fish on each, a spoonful of spicy cottage cheese on it, roll it up, wrap it in foil, put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Unwrap, cut the rolls into circles, place on chips, cover with a slice of fresh cucumber.

Rolls with cheese- a light and satisfying snack complements the list of salads that can be prepared for the New Year 2016. Grind 500 g of feta cheese and mix with 50 g of finely chopped cilantro and 1 - 2 cloves of garlic. Place the filling on the strips of raw smoked bacon, wrap it in a roll, and grill for 5 minutes on both sides.

You can decorate the New Year's table and prepare dishes using bananas. The monkey’s favorite delicacy will be to her taste, and she will be favorable to us in the coming year. See what you can make from bananas


Everyone is already a little drunk and full, but the main thing is ahead, because the central dish of the banquet is a hot dish. For a large company, in order to please all the guests, for the New Year 2016 it is worth preparing 2 treats (meat and fish) according to 2 different recipes.

Spicy veal from Swiss cuisine. Recipe. Wash 500 g of veal pulp, pat dry and cut into strips of 5-6 cm, as for beef stroganoff, fry in oil until almost done in a saucepan or in a Dutch oven, add salt and pepper. Place 500 g of champignons cut into small slices and 2 finely chopped onions into the meat. Mix everything and fry for another 5-8 minutes. over low heat. Season with salt and pepper, taste the sauce and season with 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Pour 1.5 cups of dry white wine, bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat to low and pour 2 tbsp. l. cream. Do not boil (!) so that the sauce does not curdle. Sprinkle the dish prepared for New Year 2016 with fresh parsley and sprinkle with Worcestershire sauce.

Turkey fillet in cream sauce you can prepare it for New Year 2016 like this. Wash 700–800 g of turkey fillet in one piece, dry with a towel, and rub with salt and pepper. In a saucepan or thick-bottomed pan, fry the meat in melted butter until crust appears on all sides. Add chopped carrots and onions, a few green onions and thyme leaves to the meat, pour in 1.5 cups of vegetable broth and simmer covered for about an hour over medium heat. Remove from the pan, wrap in foil and place in a warm, turned off oven to keep warm. Filter the sauce remaining in the saucepan into another saucepan, pour 150 ml of heavy cream into it and, if possible, add 2 tbsp. l. canned green peppercorns or ordinary allspice to taste and cook a little. Cut the warm turkey into slices and pour over hot sauce - the dish for the New Year 2016 is ready!

Well-made fish is one of the must-have and favorite products on the holiday table. It must be included in the list of holiday foods. For example, you can prepare the following dishes from cod and salmon for the New Year 2016.

Cod with asparagus. Recipe. Wash and break off the ends of 700 g green and 800 g white asparagus. Boil water in 2 pans, put white asparagus in one, and green asparagus in the second after 4 minutes. Cook at the same time for another 8 minutes. Boil 2 hard-boiled eggs. Cool, chop finely. Cut 500–600 g cod fillet into portions, wash, pat dry, salt and pepper, fry in sunflower oil until cooked. In the same frying pan, fry 1-2 slices of white bread crumbs. Cut 4-5 radishes or a small daikon root into thin slices. Wash a bunch of watercress, dry it, and tear off the leaves. Place fish and asparagus on a platter, sprinkle with radishes, watercress, crumbs and eggs.

Salmon with nuts– truly a festive dish. It is easy to prepare for the New Year 2016. Recipe. Fry 100–150 g of walnuts without oil, chop after cooling. Mix 3 - 4 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. not very spicy mustard and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, add chopped onion. Taste and season with salt and pepper to taste. Salt 4 salmon steaks, 150–160 g each, sprinkle with lemon juice, roll in fine breadcrumbs or flour, fry until tender. Place arugula leaves on plates, place steaks on them, sprinkle with nuts, serve with dressing.

On video: Baked pork and fish cake can be prepared for the New Year 2016. Truly festive dishes!


When celebrating the New Year 2016, a hot vegetarian dish is necessary on the festive table. It will be a show of respect for vegetarians and guests who adhere to Orthodox traditions, since the New Year's banquet falls during Lent. This dish can be a side dish for meat and fish, provided that the spices in them match and complement each other.

Ratatouille in French- a democratic recipe for the New Year 2016. The dish is not difficult to prepare. In a deep frying pan, fry 2-3 cloves of garlic in olive oil for a couple of minutes. Add tomatoes, peeled and cut into equal cubes, zucchini or zucchini, bell peppers, 500 - 600 g in total. The emphasis can be placed on your favorite vegetables. Stir, fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes, pour in 100 ml of white wine, add oil if necessary, simmer until soft. Add salt at the end. Serve hot on a refractory dish, sprinkle with herbs, garnish with olives.

Vegetable gratin- a simple recipe for New Year 2016. Prepare 2-4 beets, potatoes, turnips and thick carrots of approximately the same diameter. Peel and cut into slices, 2 - 3 mm. Cut a piece of pumpkin and celery root into similar sized slices. Salt everything. Grease a beautiful, preferably glass, mold generously with olive oil. Pieces of vegetables, randomly alternating with each other, overlap vertically tightly into the mold and fill it completely. For juiciness, you can add an apple and tomato. Sprinkle a handful of peas or corn on top. Sprinkle with white or red pepper and herbs, and drizzle generously with flavored oil or mixed nuts. Bake in the oven until soft and golden brown. Serve in form.

Cauliflower in orange sauce- an exquisite dish for the New Year 2016. Remove the zest from 3 oranges with a thin serpentine. Squeeze the juice from the orange pulp and mix with the juice of 2 lemons, filter into a saucepan. Add a pinch of coriander seeds and a couple of saffron threads. Pour 350 ml of dry white wine. Boil the sauce. Divide a medium head of cabbage into large inflorescences, cut 4–5 small red onions into half rings, 2–3 carrots into thick strips, 200 g of pineapple pulp into cubes. Place everything together with the zest in a saucepan, pour in half the sauce, cook until tender, add salt and pepper. Reduce the remaining sauce by half; if the sauce turns out sour, season with a pinch of powdered sugar. Place the prepared vegetables on a plate, pour in the thick sauce, and garnish with sprigs of cilantro and mint.

On video: Stunning salads “Watermelon” and “Royal Fur Coat” can be prepared for the New Year and any holiday


Dessert is the most controversial dish on the New Year's table. On the one hand, it is the quintessence of the holiday, on the other hand, many can no longer eat a single piece. The easiest way is to limit yourself to fruits and sweets - both are loved by Monkeys - or prepare light treats for the New Year 2016.

Fruit dessert. Recipe. Small pineapples, 1 pc. for two people, cut in half lengthwise, scoop out the flesh, remove the tough center, and cut the flesh into cubes. Any fruits and berries, at least 4 types, fresh or canned, peel and cut into cubes or slices, mix with pineapple pulp. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, taking into account the sweetness of the fruit, pour over liqueur or cognac, at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 pineapple half, put in the refrigerator. Before serving, place the fruit salad into chilled pineapple boats and, if desired, top with slightly melted ice cream or whipped cream.

Drunken dried apricots. Recipe. Pour 200 g of washed and scalded dried apricots with half a glass of amaretto or orange liqueur, cook for 10–12 minutes, stirring. Cool, cut. Beat 500 ml of cream with 33% fat content thoroughly. Mix half of the dried apricots with cream, transfer to a transparent vase, and place the rest of the dried apricots on top. Sprinkle with grated chocolate. Can be prepared for New Year 2016 in portions in tall cocktail glasses.

Pie with pears. Recipe. Peel 2 firm pears and cut into flat pieces. Boil for 5 minutes in a small volume of water with 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 cloves, vanilla and 1-2 boxes of cardamom, let stand. Grind 200 g of cottage cheese with 2 yolks, 3 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Beat 2 egg whites with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, add 150 g of flour and 0.5 tsp. baking powder and mix gently. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with crumbs of finely grated cookies, preferably with cinnamon. Place pears on the bottom, followed by cottage cheese, then dough. Bake for 30–40 minutes at 1800C. Turn the finished pie over onto a plate with the pears on top and sprinkle with cinnamon.

On video: How to prepare a delicate dessert “Strawberries with cream” and vegetarian eggplant and carrot rolls in Korean

Having finally decided what to cook for the New Year 2016, how to entertain the guests, how to set the table, among the cuts, appetizers and tartlets with caviar, you need to place a vase on one leg with gorgeous bananas and sit a toy monkey in a red blouse. She will make sure that both the holiday and the coming 2016 are a success! Decorative candles will help her, protecting against envy and strengthening love, and bells - a symbol of health and prosperity.

New Year is not just one festive evening. This is also the New Year and Christmas holidays. We've all been at home for two whole weeks. Moreover, guests can come at any time. This means we need to stock up. Moreover, in such a way that they can be made from them very quickly.
And it’s better to buy many products for the New Year’s table in advance. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get to the sale of expired products.

What to stock up for future use

Alcohol. A few bottles of good champagne will help you celebrate the New Year and not go on a visit empty-handed. Be careful with strong drinks. Every now and then they warn about low-quality vodka, even in the most prestigious stores. And - a great option “for girls” and not only.
Chocolate. It is better to buy chocolate and chocolate, and all other candies without perishable filling separately. No gift wrapping. The packaging is also separate. You can handle the preparation of gifts yourself. It turns out both cheaper and safer.
Canned food. Green peas for Olivier, corn for salad with crab sticks, olives for decoration, pineapples, sprats, condensed milk for baking - be sure to stock up. And we took care of all sorts of salads, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes back in the fall.
Of course, you can also buy store-bought ones. But most housewives took care to stock up on their and. Unless you can't do without it. Yes, even that one is possible.
Vegetable oil. It's time to try not only sunflower and olive oil, but also grape seed oil, pine nut oil, or. And also, take one bottle of unrefined oil. Ordinary jacket potatoes go very well on an overfed stomach. Peel and dip in fragrant oil and salt. Yes, eat it, poured with the same butter. By the way, not to mention, it’s an excellent cure for constipation.
We haven’t put anything in the freezer since the fall. And greens, and vegetables, peeled and chopped, and berries. Is there any room left? Put different types of meat and fish there. Take fresh frozen fish. It is better not to store fresh, but to eat it immediately. And God be with them, happy holidays. But if you do freeze it, then it should be gutted and peeled.
Minced meat can also be frozen. But it is better to cook it from defrosted meat. And freeze the products with minced meat.
Wrap the cheese in foil. The grated cheese can be placed in the freezer.
Buy herring and store it in vegetable oil. Warranty – 10 days.
Smoked sausage. Store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or simply in a cool room. But don't cut it. It will not be preserved if cut.
Caviar can be taken by weight and placed in the freezer. The day before serving, place in the refrigerator to defrost slowly.
Bananas can be frozen with their peels on for baking.
Be sure to freeze a couple of strong bags of broth. Useful for sauces.
And, of course, cereals. Where would we be without them? , . Potatoes, most likely, have also been stored since the fall. And if not, then put it in reserve.

What to prepare in advance

Our main dish will be mashed potatoes, but not simple ones, but beautiful and aromatic ones! Its author prepared a lot of mashed potatoes for us, and they were all very tasty!