Pancakes made from buckwheat flour recipes. Fluffy and rosy buckwheat pancakes for every taste

Making wonderful buckwheat pancakes:

In a separate container, beat the eggs until they have a thick, slightly white consistency. Leave separately for at least 2-3 minutes. This way the egg mass is saturated with oxygen and, combining with the dough, makes it even more airy.

Add sugar, salt to warm (about 30-40 degrees) water and add buckwheat flour, stirring methodically with a whisk or fork. It is important that the water is really warm. Ground buckwheat has larger particles than “standard” wheat.

By the way, adherents of proper and healthy eating can not buy ready-made buckwheat flour in supermarkets, but make it themselves. You just need to “crush” the aromatic buckwheat in a coffee grinder. Simply and easily!

Pour the previously beaten eggs into the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly until completely homogeneous.

Heat the frying pan thoroughly with a small amount of oil. Pour one portion of pancakes into a ladle.

When the edges are browned, turn the pancake over to the other side. We fry it the same way. Buckwheat pancakes will become even more flavorful and tender if, when stacking them on top of each other, each layer is lightly moistened with butter. It is convenient to apply it directly with a fork.

You can serve buckwheat pancakes with anything: butter, condensed milk, jam, preserves, fresh berries, jelly, milk, etc. They will also be an ideal “container” in the form of an envelope for meat or mushrooms, if you do not make the dough very sweet .

A favorite dish of many is pancakes, but we don’t cook it often. And there are two reasons: they are very high in calories, and they take quite a long time to cook.

But there is a wonderful way to enjoy this pastry more often without much harm to your health and figure - make pancakes from buckwheat flour.

We won’t write much about the beneficial properties of buckwheat; it is very rich in a large number of different vitamins. It is important to us that this product, being very high-calorie and nutritious, helps improve metabolism and weight loss.

We suggest considering four of the most common and easy-to-prepare buckwheat pancake recipes.

Pancakes “Kefir”

This is the easiest recipe for baking buckwheat pancakes, thanks to the composition of the ingredients and the speed of cooking.


  • kefir of any fat content - 1 glass or 250 ml
  • salt - half a teaspoon
  • water - 1 glass or 250 ml
  • egg - 2 pieces
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil for baking – 30 g


Drop the eggs into a bowl, beat well, add kefir, salt, sugar, mix everything. Pour buckwheat flour into this homogeneous mass and mix all ingredients thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps. You can use a mixer, but do not overdo it so that the dough does not turn out too tight. Then slowly pour water into the resulting mass, stirring constantly. The result should be a liquid pancake batter.

To prevent the pancakes from sticking, first heat the pan well and grease with vegetable oil. They turn out thin and crispy.

Pancakes “With milk”

These buckwheat pancakes are very tasty, but they will take more than one hour to prepare.


  • buckwheat flour – 1 cup or 150 grams
  • milk – 1.5 cups or 350 ml
  • dry yeast – 1 teaspoon
  • sour cream – 1 tablespoon
  • egg - 1 piece
  • salt - half a teaspoon
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • butter – 1 tablespoon


Pour a glass of warmed milk into a deep bowl, add yeast and sugar. After five minutes, when the yeast has swelled, add sour cream and flour. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly until smooth. Then wrap the bowl in a thick towel and place it in a warm place (for example, on a radiator) for several hours. Periodically check the degree of rise of the dough, and when you see that it has doubled in size, add butter, salt and egg yolk. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly again, then add the remaining milk and well-beaten egg white. The consistency of the dough should be liquid and without undissolved lumps.

Pancakes made from this dough are dense and delicate.

Buckwheat pancakes “Quick”

This recipe will not take the housewife a lot of time to prepare.


  • buckwheat flour – 200 grams
  • wheat flour – 200 grams
  • milk – half a glass or 125 ml
  • egg - 3 pieces
  • butter – 4 tablespoons
  • citric acid (or weak vinegar solution) - a quarter teaspoon
  • salt - a quarter teaspoon
  • vegetable oil for baking – 30 grams


Mix both types of flour in a bowl, add heated milk and thoroughly bring the resulting mass to the consistency of fairly liquid sour cream. Mix the eggs with salt in a separate bowl until foam forms, then pour into the mixture of milk and flour. Mix everything well, avoiding the formation of lumps. Dissolve citric acid in 1/4 of a teaspoon of water or take a weak solution of vinegar, add soda to it to quench it, pour into the dough. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and you are ready to bake pancakes.

Buckwheat porridge pancakes

This pancake recipe will please thrifty housewives. Sometimes it happens that household members don’t eat buckwheat porridge, but it’s a pity to throw it away. There is a way out - bake buckwheat pancakes.


  • buckwheat – 1 cup or 250 grams
  • or half a kilogram of ready-made buckwheat porridge
  • wheat flour – 1 cup or 200 grams
  • milk – 1 liter
  • eggs – 3-4 pieces
  • butter – 100 grams
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • baking soda - half a teaspoon
  • vegetable oil for baking – 30 grams.


Beat the egg yolks separately from the whites and mix in a bowl with three glasses of milk. Melt the butter (preferably in a water bath), cool and mix with the yolk-milk mass, add sugar and salt. Mix wheat flour with soda and add to the prepared mixture. Mix everything well, avoiding the formation of lumps. Cook regular buckwheat porridge or take already prepared one, add the remaining milk to it and grind well with a blender. Add the resulting crushed porridge to the dough, pour in the egg whites, thoroughly whipped into foam, and move everything carefully. If you follow all the subtleties of preparation, the pancakes will turn out tender and airy.

Making pancakes from buckwheat flour is not so easy, and not every housewife will undertake this difficult task. All you need is to know a few secrets.

Buckwheat pancakes are what I wanted to surprise my family with on the second day of Maslenitsa! Recently I came across buckwheat flour on the counter, and on the back of the package there was a recipe for buckwheat pancakes. Therefore, it was decided to bake buckwheat pancakes for Maslenitsa. I served buckwheat flour pancakes in a sweet version - with honey and melted butter, and in a savory version - stuffed with soft, tender Riccotta cheese and herbs. Both versions of buckwheat pancakes were very tasty!

Buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat flour is much healthier than wheat flour and does not contain gluten. You can even say: everything that buckwheat is useful for is found in buckwheat flour. Therefore, it is not in vain that it is added to pasta, bread, various pastries, pancakes, jelly, and, of course, to buckwheat pancakes! Due to the lack of gluten, it is mixed with wheat flour in baked goods.

I didn’t bother looking for a special recipe for buckwheat pancakes; I repeat, I took it from a package of Uvelka buckwheat flour. As they say, trust, but verify! The specified liquid (milk and water) in the recipe was not enough; the result was a very thick pancake batter, like pancakes. You definitely can’t bake pancakes from this, and for a normal fluid state I had to add exactly the same amount of liquid, so I’m presenting an adjusted recipe for buckwheat pancakes.

For the recipe for buckwheat pancakes you will need

    How to cook buckwheat pancakes

    Let's start preparing pancakes by sifting buckwheat and wheat flour.

    Add salt, sugar, soda to a warm liquid (I took milk and water in equal proportions).

    Beat the eggs separately with a whisk or fork until smooth, pour them into the milk and stir.

    Gradually add mixed buckwheat and wheat flour to the liquid and knead the liquid pancake dough. At the end of kneading, add vegetable oil. Since I was baking pancakes using this recipe for the first time and it indicated 2.5 glasses of milk or water, my pancake dough turned out to be as thick as in the photo:

    I want to say that it’s even convenient to knead it and rub out lumps. Then dilute the thick dough, like pancakes, with the required amount of milk or water (in my case, 2.5 cups were added).

    Bake buckwheat pancakes in a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil or lard before the first pancake. My pancakes came out well, I baked them in two small-diameter frying pans,

    This recipe yielded a stack of buckwheat pancakes as in the photo:

    You can get approximately 35 pancakes from buckwheat flour when baking them in a small-diameter frying pan.

    While the pancakes are baking, at the same time or before starting baking, you need to prepare honey and butter. Melt them over very low heat, a water bath or a radiator until liquid, but under no circumstances boil! To heat up the sweet topping for buckwheat pancakes made from honey and butter, I used the microwave (heated at very low power and stirred several times).

    Here they are, buckwheat pancakes with honey:

    I prepared stuffed buckwheat pancakes, or rather a roll, with cheese filling. I spread soft Riccotta curd cheese in an even layer on a buckwheat flour pancake, add a little salt, sprinkle with herbs and roll it tightly into a roll.

    Try and bake delicious yeast-free buckwheat pancakes using this recipe.


    • Buckwheat flour – 200 g,
    • Wheat flour – 200 g,
    • 3 eggs,
    • Sugar – 1 teaspoon,
    • Salt – 1 teaspoon,
    • Soda – ½ teaspoon,
    • Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons,
    • Warm liquid (I took equal parts milk and water) - 5 glasses (regular),

    For sweet syrup:

    • Natural honey – 3 tablespoons,
    • Butter – 100 g.

    For the cheese filling in buckwheat pancakes:

    • Soft Riccotta cheese,
    • Any greens (I really like delicate cilantro),
    • Salt - to taste (since this curd cheese has a fresh, creamy taste).
    • The salt in the filling can be replaced with finely chopped pickled cucumber.

It is impossible to imagine Russian cuisine without pancakes. A simple set of products - flour, egg, water or milk, and there is a stack of rosy delicacy steaming on the table. And what an abundance of recipes!

Nowadays, nutritionists do not favor wheat flour. Products made from it are high in calories, contain few nutrients, and their frequent use causes excess weight. Pancakes made from buckwheat flour are a godsend for diabetics and people watching their figure, as well as a great way to pamper your family with a new, healthy and tasty dish.

Classic recipe with milk

Buckwheat contains little gluten. Without it, pancakes do not hold their shape and fall apart. Adding wheat flour makes the dough more sticky.


  • Buckwheat flour: 300 g.
  • Wheat flour: 100 g.
  • Milk: 600 ml.
  • Chicken egg: 3 pcs.
  • Sugar: 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil: 4 tbsp. l.
  • Baking soda: ½ tsp.
  • Salt: ½ tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Sift both flours and mix.
  2. In another bowl, mix eggs with sugar, salt and soda. Beat thoroughly, you can use a mixer.
  3. Add milk and beat well again.
  4. Pour the flour mixture into the egg mixture, stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.
  5. Add oil.
  6. Grease a heated frying pan with oil and heat it up. We fry pancakes.
  7. The non-stick coating only needs to be greased before baking. A regular frying pan - as needed, when you notice that the dough is sticking.

Buckwheat contains fewer carbohydrates than other grains. The body spends a lot of energy on digesting buckwheat, which makes it a dietary product. Dishes made from this cereal help eliminate cholesterol and normalize blood sugar levels.

Video recipe

Buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour

Wheat flour contains gluten; some people's bodies cannot tolerate this substance. Gluten can cause an allergic reaction in children. Diabetics and dieters try not to use wheat flour.


  • Buckwheat flour: 300 g.
  • Milk: 600 g.
  • Chicken egg: 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast: 2 tsp.
  • Salt: ½ tsp.


  1. Set 1 cup milk aside. Warm the rest of the milk to 38ºС.
  2. Pour yeast and sugar into a container with milk. Set the mixture aside for 10 minutes, stir thoroughly.
  3. Use a large bowl as the dough will rise a lot. Pour in the yeast mixture, add flour and sour cream.
  4. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  5. Wrap the dishes in a blanket and leave them warm for 2-3 hours.
  6. Separate the whites from the yolks. Melt the butter.
  7. Add yolks, butter and salt to the dough. Stir and pour the remaining glass of milk.
  8. Beat the egg whites until thick foam appears.
  9. Place the whites into the dough and stir carefully. The dough is ready, you can bake.

Buckwheat grains are rich in proteins. The cereal contains 18 amino acids necessary for the body. Including buckwheat dishes in the diet helps to cope with protein deficiency for vegetarians and people on a diet or fasting.

Video cooking

Recipe without yeast

The dough without yeast needs to be prepared in the evening so that it comes up in the morning.


  • Buckwheat flour: 120 g.
  • Chicken egg: 3 pcs.
  • Milk: 100 g.
  • Water: 100 g.
  • Lemon juice: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter: 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Combine water with milk, add salt.
  2. Add flour in small portions, mixing the dough well each time.
  3. Add soft butter and lemon juice, stir.
  4. Leave the dough in the room overnight, a process called fermentation.
  5. The next day, mix the eggs into the mixture and the dough is ready.

Buckwheat contains B vitamins and microelements: copper, boron, aluminum, phosphorus, chromium, cobalt. Elements such as selenium, titanium and vanadium are not found in other cereals. The high iron content, 5 mg per 100 g with a daily requirement of 10 mg, makes buckwheat dishes useful in the treatment of anemia.

Pancakes with kefir

Pancakes made with kefir turn out more fluffy and delicate, with “holes”. Kefir can be replaced with other fermented milk products; if they are sweet, the amount of sugar can be reduced.


  • Buckwheat flour: 175 g.
  • Kefir: 200 g.
  • Water: 200 g.
  • Chicken egg: 2 pcs.
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt: ½ tsp.


  1. Beat the eggs until foam forms.
  2. Pour in kefir.
  3. Salt and add sugar.
  4. Stir the resulting mixture.
  5. Pour the flour into the egg-kefir mixture.
  6. Grind until smooth without lumps.
  7. Add water. We do this gradually, in parts, stirring the mixture after each portion.
  8. The dough should be quite liquid. The thick mass can be diluted with water to the desired consistency.

If the pancakes break during baking, add wheat flour to the dough.

Buckwheat grains contain large amounts of rutin. It is a natural antioxidant. Rutin normalizes metabolism and enhances the effect of vitamin C.

Buckwheat pancakes are more capricious than wheat pancakes. This is due to the characteristics of buckwheat flour. To prevent pancakes from becoming lumpy, pay attention to the advice of experienced housewives.

  • Be sure to sift the flour. This saturates it with oxygen and gives the pancakes airiness.
  • To prevent the pancakes from falling apart, you can mix buckwheat flour with rice or oatmeal and add starch.
  • Dissolve salt and sugar in a small amount of liquid, and only then add to the dough.
  • Mix bulk products separately from liquids.
  • If you first dissolve salt in water and then pour it into flour, this will reduce the formation of lumps.
  • To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, add vegetable oil to the dough.
  • If your diet allows, you can add butter instead of vegetable oil.
  • Buckwheat flour swells greatly. If the dough is too thick, thin it with milk or water.
  • The easiest way to fry is to use a non-stick frying pan. Cast iron cookware will also work.
  • Grease the pan with half a potato or onion.
  • Buckwheat pancakes are darker than wheat pancakes. If the surface turns golden-coffee, it means the pancake is ready.

Buckwheat is an amazing plant. It can grow in almost any climate zone throughout Russia. Buckwheat honey, viscous and aromatic, is considered one of the healthiest.

Buckwheat is one of the generally accepted dietary products. It is a leader in the content of iron, protein, folic acid, and contains many amino acids important for the human body.

Doctors recommend buckwheat to those who watch their weight and those who fast.
A wide variety of hearty and nutritious dishes are prepared from buckwheat. In addition to buckwheat porridge and buckwheat flour, cutlets, pilaf, meatballs, Japanese soba noodles and, of course, pancakes are prepared.

Buckwheat pancakes, fluffy, aromatic, delicate, unusual coffee color, have been baked in Rus' for a long time. They were made with sweet and savory fillings, with yeast and without yeast. During Lent, pancakes were baked from buckwheat flour in water with berries and fruits. On Maslenitsa, buckwheat pancakes were cooked with milk and served with meat, fish, sour cream, and melted butter.

We invite you to prepare pancakes from buckwheat flour for your family and friends, and old recipes will help us with this.

Ingredients for buckwheat pancakes:

  1. buckwheat flour – 100 g (0.5 cup);
  2. wheat flour – 150 g (0.5 cup);
  3. milk – 500 ml (2 cups);
  4. butter – 100 g (0.5 packs);
  5. chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  6. sugar – 3 tablespoons;
  7. salt – 1 teaspoon.

Ingredient preparation time: 30 minutes.

Time required for preparation: 30-50 minutes.

Total time: 60-90 minutes.

Quantity: 10-15 pieces.

Even when swelling, buckwheat flour will not acquire the necessary stickiness, so buckwheat pancakes are baked with the addition of wheat flour.