Interior designs for cafes, bars, restaurants. Cafe design: photos of competent and awarded interiors

It is becoming increasingly difficult for participants in the modern market to attract their consumers. Especially when it comes to organizing places Catering, regardless of the price category or target orientation of the establishment. Fast and high-quality service, a well-developed and varied menu are undoubted advantages, but few people can be surprised by this today. That is why the vast majority of entrepreneurs today prefer to order restaurant interior design from professionals.

The modern consumer returns to his favorite establishment to plunge into an atmosphere of comfort, peace and feel the touch of something beautiful. Only a carefully designed design project can ensure compliance with all these high requirements.

Polaris Design works to create the environment for catering organizations of any type. In our portfolio you can see examples of completed projects for:

· Restaurants and cafes;

· Pizzeria;

· Snack bars, canteens;

· Confectionery and chocolate shops;

· Children's cafes.

Polaris Design specialists will help you develop the design of a cafe with a variety of themes, while maintaining a single design concept. As a basis for the image of the interior, a good solution would also be to use national themes, stylize the interior for different historical eras, experiment with design styles - there are an endless number of variations here.

What helps us develop a cafe design?

The main purpose of commercial space design is to attract new clients and form a permanent client base. To achieve our goals, we take into account several important factors when creating a design project:

1. Needs of the target audience. Before ordering a restaurant design, the business owner must determine for himself who exactly he plans to serve. In fact, an accurate determination of the target audience will be the key to business success;

2. The right choice of the basic design concept will help you develop a bar design from the point of view of greatest efficiency. The main motive, which will affect all decorative elements, including furniture, dishes, small accessories;

3. Compliance with technical requirements. Before ordering a bar design, it is important to at least roughly imagine the placement of all communications in the room. Ventilation, air conditioning systems, electrical wiring, sewerage and gas - all this is important to fit into the overall interior as harmoniously as possible, to provide convenient access to communications for bar staff.

Cost of ordering restaurant design

The cost of a restaurant design project, as well as the possibility of developing a corporate identity, is calculated individually.

But expensive restaurants always require exclusivity and expensive artistic decoration.

Interior redesign of a pizzeria chain

What does pizza mean to us? This, on the one hand, is a very democratic product that is appropriate in any situation. Pizza can be a dish at the same time haute cuisine. Moreover, if we are talking about the Papa John's pizzeria chain, for which it was developed. Now you can taste your favorite “Margherita”, “Little Italy” or “Marinera” in Moscow at any of the cozy wooden tables, accompanied by green and yellow chairs.

Our designers proposed dividing the pizzeria space into several sectors. In the most remote area there is a podium decorated with bricks, which can be climbed using special ladders. This area is suitable for celebrating a holiday small company. Some dining groups are equipped with comfortable leather sofas in a rich scarlet shade - an ideal place for long gatherings with family or close friends. For those who just popped in for a snack during their lunch break, there are seats at the bar counter.

The design concept of the Papa John's pizzeria is based on the style of cult American films, which often feature a very democratic and cozy atmosphere. The abundance of brickwork and wood in the decoration, as well as this bold combination of red and green, is a direct reference to the bohemian attic. And in the form of red bicycles on the windows, stained glass inserts that seem to be made up of multi-colored kaleidoscope glass, cans of soup that serve as a direct allusion to the legendary representative of pop art Andy Warch will leave an aftertaste no less memorable than an expensive collectible wine.

Design of cafe "Bonasera"

When working on restaurant interiors, designers always carefully consider the zoning of spaces. Small furniture groups with tables, sofas and chairs are arranged in such a way that it is convenient for arriving and departing visitors to move around the room. Despite the fact that a restaurant is, although usually closed, still a public establishment, every person, coming here just to eat or to meet someone, expects that the boundaries of his space will not be violated. That is why designers strive to make each table in the restaurant hall seem isolated. There are different types of tables in the Bonasera cafe design. So, in one part of the room you can see a whole row of places with sofas. In the center of the hall there are small tables with armchairs for those who pop in for a quick snack or a cup of coffee.

Oriental motifs in cafe interior design

In the photo: In the Kurs shopping center in Odintsovo, Moscow region

Comfortable upholstered chairs with a capitonné finish in light turquoise and soft salmon tones, reminiscent of shades of children's ice cream, are located along a partition with green plants. The very design of the partition, finished with boards in pastel shades, creates the atmosphere of a landscaped courtyard, which became popular during the Renaissance in sunny Italy. Thanks to this, a feeling of being in the open air is created, which, given the climatic characteristics of our region, is especially valuable. Large windows and many rectangular lamps help create good illumination at any time of the day.

In the Kurs shopping center in Odintsovo, Moscow region, the renovation of the Bonasera cafe has been completed according to a design project by designers Ruslan and Maria Green. The interior of the coffee shop with a friendly name in Italian invites visitors not only to relax with a cup of coffee, but also to enjoy the thoughtful aesthetics of a city cafe with its own history.

Pay attention to how accurately the design project of designers Ruslan and Maria Green was implemented, starting from the layout of the cafe, ending with color solutions and the elaboration of individual decorative elements. The place by the window, as expected, is reserved for tables with comfortable light beige sofas, where it is especially convenient to sit with a group of friends or children.

Interior design for cafes and restaurants requires careful analysis of the task at hand. We give the exact vector for its implementation: at the level of construction economics, engineering systems and the atmosphere. Even if you have a standard-breaking, original niche concept. Competent design of cafes and restaurants creates an organic design, subordinated to current food technology, is as important as serving tasty food and drinks. In the HoReCa industry, there is only one chance to make a great first impression on a client.

Why us? Our competence is not only in the design of restaurants and cafes, but also in the promotion of establishments. We create a complete product that is set up for complete planting success. The bureau includes a public relations department, whose specialists have experience in managing PR establishments of such restaurateurs as Arkady Novikov and Takhir Kholikberdiev. In this regard, we have established contacts with leading journalists (The Village, Afisha, Elle, Cosmopolitan, GQ, Esquire, Harpers Bazaar, Vogue, etc.), bloggers (from 100 thousand “live” subscribers), HoReCa opinion leaders in particularly in the restaurant industry.

B.Arch(hons), M.Arch(hons),
RIBA ‒  part II / certified by the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Author of the “Lifestyle” column ‒ Forbes Russia.

Knowing the cost of certain design solutions, we are able to design to fit the budget without losing quality, which significantly saves the customer’s time and nerves.

Having extensive experience in the Design&Build team, we have optimized the design processes as much as possible.

Result guarantee
and features of our project work.

All technological solutions

Our work may include the development of all technological solutions and design projects for a restaurant or hotel. As a result of the work we carry out, you receive a complete set of documents necessary for approvals and construction.

Powerful “Wow!” factor

The project is focused on a clear, memorable design. Let’s maximize the main advantages of spaces. We integrate graphic design and decorative elements.

Powerful commercial functionality

We integrate sales areas, showcases, vending machines. Rational arrangement of shopping, functional and information areas.

Network development potential

The concept of each facility is developed taking into account its potential for development into a network.

Each stage is a complete cycle, based on the results of which certain decisions are made and adjustments are made.

At the preliminary stage(if necessary) we can help with analysis of the competitive environment and selection of premises, we are ready to help with strategy Engineering analysis of premises Assessment of redevelopment possibilities and risks of changing the status of the surrounding development

Architectural Interior Concept

reflects the zoning that forms maximally rational the location of the main functional areas and auxiliary premises, taking into account their relationships. This stage is carried out on the basis of the Program-Task and is adjusted until complete satisfaction Your functional requirements. Architectural graphics reflect the arrangement of furniture and main technological equipment. When designing, take into account current requirements Russian fire and sanitary standards.

Based on the decisions made at this stage, you can roughly estimate the cost works and materials and begin the process of preliminary approval with BTI, SES and fire inspection. The architectural concept is first task for related specialists in engineering sections (electrical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning). It is adjusted and detailed at subsequent stages as a result of joint work.

In some cases, based on the results of our Concept we can start to a number of construction works, for example, dismantling partitions and unsuitable equipment or installing screeds.

Design Interior Project

is carried out based on the experience and imagination of a team of architects and decorators in accordance with your personal wishes for colors and specific interior elements. Design decisions can also be related to clear corporate requirements.

Project documentation in this section includes: partition plan, furniture arrangement plan, floor plan, ceiling plan, wall layouts, 3D visualizations of the future interior. In addition, a tablet is provided with samples of the main finishing materials offered (carpet, glass, wood panels, stone, etc.).

Stage materials will be correspond everyone engineering projects(performed by a licensed engineering company under a separate agreement).

Based on materials from the Design Project stage, you can estimate with an accuracy of 15% construction work and materials, hold a tender for the supply of materials and equipment and, if necessary, adjust upcoming costs.

Working Documentation

Based on the decisions made at the Design project stage, detailed drawings, displaying rooms, components and parts are being developed, specifications, etc. These drawings are necessary for construction work.

Based on such a complete document, you can estimate with maximum accuracy and, if necessary, adjust upcoming costs, select a contractor and start boldly construction works.

Decoration works

As an additional service we offer Decoration works. This is a service for the selection of interior items, furniture, upholstery materials, textile drapery, sculpture, photography, paintings and decorative elements, carrying out the corresponding framing and other design work.

Sometimes all it takes is one decorative accent to transform a space.

Presentation material will include the following project documentation:

Refined floor plans with furniture placement in M1:50; M1:25

Refined Sections and developments of the walls of premises in M1:50; M1:25

Computer visualization of premises with selected furniture, upholstery materials, textile drapery, sculpture, photographs, paintings and other decorative and design elements, in the quantity necessary and sufficient for the Customer to understand the proposed aesthetics (types at the discretion of the Contractor).

Stage Decoration work includes trips to art and furniture salons, Moscow galleries, work with manufacturers' catalogs, etc.

Possible trips to international furniture and art exhibitions.

guarantees that work will be carried out to the exact specifications compliance with design documentation. Regular visits of specialists throughout the construction work allows control quality the work being carried out, as well as finishing and general construction materials.

The amount of time required for field supervision depends on the qualifications of the contractor, as well as the complexity of the design solutions and the selected work technologies.

The result of our stage-by-stage work is an environment, space, style and aesthetics of complex technological processes beauty service.

Extensive experience in turnkey restaurant design.

We have operational statistics on public catering establishments. We popularize advanced technologies, convey new business ideas and specific solutions to Clients, and help businessmen better understand the prospects of the project - from interior design to impeccable functional organization of space.

A team recommended and specialized in the construction of public catering establishments will carry out turnkey work on a restaurant or cafe. This is a significant reduction in nervous situations and construction time with full quality control. After all, the production of work includes many stages and requires multidisciplinary specialists.

When building a turnkey restaurant, you do not need to link individual parts of the work together. We do this for us. The time for a complete repair is up to 20 working days. This result is achieved by the coordinated work of ideologists, interior designers, engineers and builders.

We provide assistance in selecting premises and professional advice on technology, design, construction, and utilities.

  • Preparation of full-fledged architectural, structural and engineering projects for a turnkey restaurant in accordance with your desires and goals.
  • Selection of equipment necessary for opening a turnkey restaurant.
  • Civil construction and repair work
  • Installation and connection of engineering equipment
  • Warranty, post-warranty and service maintenance of equipment

Discounts for large volumes of design. Discount up to 30% - objects
with an area of ​​more than 350 m2

The first two consultations - for free

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Actor, screenwriter, producer and public figure

We sincerely thank the architectural design bureau and personally Yuri Loginov for consulting and developing an updated plan-strategy for the development of tourism in the city of Kashin, Tver region - as part of the GOLDEN RING. The Art-Volga project offers broad development prospects for the region through the fruitful interaction of private low-rise construction and large-scale artistic initiatives.

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Sergey Osipov

General Director of the company "Business World Online"

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Alexander Glushkov

Founder and CEO of the company "MONECO", "VANITY", "TOCHKA"

Thanks to Yuri Loginov for the constant, versatile professional support of our MONE network! This is a creative alliance and interesting communication. Sense of Corporate Interior Style and Strategic Architectural Consulting is the area of ​​expertise of Yuri and his professional team.

Why our clients
did they choose us?

Steffen Roethig

General Director of JSC "Schüco International"

Thank you for your professional participation in the round table with Italian architects, held on November 28, 2006 in Milan. I will be glad to further cooperation.

12 Benefits

Reasonable prices

Adequate prices for a detailed European class project, clear organization of work and construction control.

Clear, memorable design

A powerful "WOW!" factor. An arsenal of innovations for successful business and personal space.

Short time

Unique experience and process automation. Possibility to carry out design in parallel with construction work.

Well-coordinated team

Our partners are time-tested. Engineers, builders, furniture production. Approvals. Turnkey work.

Discounts from suppliers and builders

Our construction partners save time and effort by working according to our detailed drawings and are happy to provide discounts. Wholesale companies give Better conditions to supply.

British quality

High culture and design standard. We call on time, send letters when promised, issue documentation as agreed.

Convient time for you

Pleasant and informative business communication, including evenings and weekends.

Financial responsibility

We bear financial responsibility for the quality of the project, deadlines and compliance with current legislation (SNiP, SanPiN...)

Economics of construction

The most effective strategies. Design solutions and style that significantly increase the value of real estate.

Unique materials

A huge selection of unique materials - you can hold everything in your hands in our office and in the adjacent ARTPLAY territory.

international experience

Adaptation of the best Western technologies in design and construction to the peculiarities of Russian work.

Potential consumer analysis and location accounting

Why do these two factors become fundamental? Why do they become the key to a successful design project for a restaurant or cafe? It's simple. Firstly, it is important to consider in which building the future establishment will be located: in a historical building or in a modern business center. Based on this, together with the customer we decide to contrast with the interior of the building, creating a separate world, or to become a continuation of the atmosphere of the place. Consequently, the general concept of the design project is drawn. Secondly, the visitor is the main person in the restaurant business. No matter how different your guests are, it is important to leave an impression on them - not only the cuisine and service play a role here, but also the lighting, the tactility of the materials used and the nature of the form.

Catering technology project and approval

In addition, we can help with the technology side of your business. Selection of reliable equipment, we will not only advise what to choose, but also correctly arrange it in accordance with the concept. We will prepare documents to meet the requirements of the SES and fire inspection. Our approvals consultant will review the risks and opportunities. We have accumulated vast and varied experience in operation and operation. Our work may include the development of all technological sections. Compliance with the requirements of SNiP, SanPiN, PPB, the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We provide services for obtaining permits necessary for the opening and operation of public catering establishments.

Leave a request Send all available materials: layouts, favorite analogues (what the best interior design or architectural solution looks like in your opinion) or short description tasks (via website or by phone).

First Free Consultation We provide a free first consultation on your task by phone or email.

Discussing details We invite you to visit our workshop at ARTPLAY, where the best designers and architects of Moscow work. Let's get acquainted. Second Free consultation.

We conclude an agreement Comfortable staged advance for the first stage.
We continue to work on your task within strict deadlines and quality obligations

Find out how much work on your project will cost by answering 8 short questions. This will not take much time and will make our dialogue constructive. Our architectural design bureau will carefully study your wishes and additional materials and will contact you as soon as possible with a detailed proposal for cooperation.


Aromatherapy tools.

Many people love the smell of fresh coffee or baked goods, but too strong aromas can be intimidating. When decorating cafe interiors, synthesize aromas in the entrance area and try to isolate the main hall. Fashionable smells today open kitchen can be stabilized by glass partitions and a well-planned supply and exhaust ventilation system. Let the precisely selected scent draw visitors into the hall, causing appetite and a desire to enjoy the taste of variety.

Equip your premises with effective electric insect traps

The presence of insects or their traces is a known evil. Each type of trap for flying and crawling insects is aimed at combating a strictly defined group and takes into account their biological characteristics. Thus, traps for flying insects attract the light of a special ultraviolet lamp and then destroy the carrier of bacteria with an electric discharge.

Lighting is one of the main atmospheric factors

When designing the interior design of a restaurant, it is important to take into account that incorrectly selected color temperature of lighting sources can easily turn appetizing meat gray and give vegetables an unflattering bluish tint. AABA-ARCHITECTS adheres to the opinion that light is a strategically important tool for creating the atmosphere of an establishment. It paints the space, influences perception and attracts the visitor.

When choosing furniture for a cafe, bar or restaurant, it is important to keep in mind the typology of the place and the concept of style

The comfort of the furniture is just as important point, as is her attractiveness. But we don’t always install comfortable furniture. For example, economical restaurants fast service We complete it with hard furniture, often without backs, since the business model of this typology is “quickly eat - no need to sit too long.” If it’s difficult to decide what kind of furniture you need, order a turnkey restaurant project from the architectural bureau AABA-ARCHITECTS.

Good café design is almost as important as the quality of the food and drinks it serves. Invite your friends to go out for dinner and, unless they are very hungry, they will most likely want to head to where the atmosphere is best. Today Dekorin invites you to learn about modern trends in cafe design. From Sweden to Australia, we have collected here photos of 15 popular establishments whose interiors were awarded various awards in 2015-2016.

1. Loft-style cafe design - “Higher Ground”

The Higher Ground Cafe was set in a former Melbourne power station and is the best example of café design in the style. For all its restraint, the interior of the establishment attracts with its scale and variety of tables for ordering. It perfectly combines old and new, a love of nature and industrial style, which is why Higher Ground received the “Best Cafe Design” award at the 2016 Eat Drink Design Awards.

2. Cafe “Second Home” - truly cozy interior

The warm and cozy design of the Second Home cafe really helps the establishment become a second home for its visitors. Natural wood furniture, soft and immaculately clean fabrics, a fireplace stove, the aroma of fresh baked goods and all this - in a restored building built in 1873. What else do you need for spiritual gatherings?

3. Design of a small cafe in Provence style - “Highlands Merchant”

How can design highlight the quality of food? The little café Highlands Merchant is the perfect answer to this question. It was made quite simply, but using village traditions. Open shelves, blue and white color palette, furniture and products self made give the interior of the Highlands Merchant cafe the charm of a small provincial village, lost in the mountains.

4. Decoration of a cafe bar in Japanese style - “Rabbit Hole”

An example of one of the newest trends in the food industry - organic cafe! Cafe bar “The Rabbit Hole” invites you to treat yourself healthy tea with dessert in a completely unique setting. The interior design of this establishment was inspired by the Japanese art of Kintsugi, which inexplicably combines gold and broken ceramics. Far Asia will always find something to surprise us with!

5. Cafe bar Blackwood Pantry (photos of interior and exterior)

The design of the Blackwood Pantry cafe combines two of the most popular trends in interior design today: loft style and pastel colors. The decision to combine such different things was quite bold, but the designers coped with their task 100%. Just look at the photo:

6. Modern interior of Whistle & Flute cafe

Whistle & Flute Cafe is a breath of fresh air in a dusty city environment. Transparent glass partitions, natural wood and great amount green plants make the interior of this cafe spacious, free and cozy at the same time.

7. Restaurant design Dinner by Heston Blumenthal

Minimalism, loft, industrial... Well, finally: a beautiful design of a cafe restaurant in luxury style. And this word exactly describes the interiors you see in the following photos: calm and exciting, comfortable but not too formal. And how well the colors were chosen!

8. J & M Whiskey Bar (interior photos)

Today it has become fashionable to turn old factories and factories into cafes. But the J&M cafe bar is not that case. It was created on the basis of an old hotel, and the design was inspired by illegal drinking establishments or clubs from the Prohibition era. An ideal place for connoisseurs of strong drinks!

9. Creative Mamasan Bar Design

The popular Mamasan bar is another example of an interior inspired by the Far East. Three floors, two bars, one kitchen and a huge amount of details in the spirit of Japan, Taiwan and Shanghai of the 1920s, seasoned with the aesthetics of the cult film “Blade Runner”. There's a lot to see there!

10. Steampunk cafe design - “Truth Cafe”

Occupying an area of ​​1500 sq. m., the interior of this cafe was made in the rapidly gaining popularity steampunk style. Interesting mechanisms, an abundance of leather, wood, brass and steel, as well as a pleasant retro-futuristic atmosphere of Truth Cafe will not leave lovers of beer and rock culture indifferent.

11. Appetizing design of the cafe “The Cake”

A vibrant Jeff Koons-style sculpture takes center stage in this chic Kiev cafe. Tempting to taste French confectionery, the interior of The Cake cafe looks like it could be eaten. Just look at the design and color of the walls!

A similar example of such a clever design approach can be seen in the Polish cafe Chocolate Bar, Opole. It’s enough to look at the photo of the interior to immediately want a portion of hot chocolate.

12. Fashionable and unusual - Bicycle Bar cafe design

Located in the capital of Romania, the Bicycle Bar will captivate your attention with its original use of bicycle parts and related products. The designers simply took several dozen rusty, sun-dried pieces of metal, polished them to a shine and assembled them into comfortable, stylish and memorable furniture, lamps and other interior items. The heart of the project was simple idea, but how cool its implementation looks!

13. Steampunk interior of the Joben Bistro cafe

Another amazing establishment in Romania, the city of Cluj-Napoca. The Joben Bistro pub is filled with fantasy in the spirit of Jules Verne and science fiction. The interior includes 3 halls, each with its own characteristics. The first one was designed as an art gallery, with vintage photos on the walls. The second contains a concrete bar with lots of quirky details. Hall No. 3 includes objects of all kinds. The intimate atmosphere in all rooms is emphasized by the contrast between dark walls and bright lamps. Avant-garde and bold, the design of this cafe inspires us with its industrial decor and friendly environment.

14. French-style cafe design: Le Pain Francais

This luxurious French-style restaurant awaits its visitors in Gothenburg, Sweden. The design was handled by Stylt Trampoli, a studio known for using stories as the basis for its amazing projects. The elegant combination of colors and textures with the use of eclectic decor in the spirit of old France makes the interior of Le Pain Francais café magical and glamorous, cozy and welcoming at the same time.

15. Fabulous design of a small cafe Rocambolesc

Let's finish our review of beautiful bars and restaurants with this little cafe in Girona, Spain. Fairytale interior design in the spirit of Willy Wonka lures children and adults from the street through the glass entrance doors. Once inside, you won't be able to deny yourself a couple of servings of ice cream, that's for sure!

As you can see, the design of each of these beautiful cafes and pubs lay original idea, which was then brought to life taking into account advanced trends in interior design:

  • Simplicity and minimalism;
  • A combination of incongruous loft style: old and new, industrial and decorative, modest and lush;
  • Interesting decor and lamps in industrial and steampunk styles;
  • Soft combinations of natural, neutral and pastel colors;
  • Usage natural materials and metallic accents;
  • Nostalgic elements in the form of old things, vintage decor, etc.

If you opened your own cafe: which direction would you use? Science fiction, futurism, technology, cinema or maybe national traditions? What do you think is more conducive to good rest and appetite? Let's discuss in the comments!

Cafe design: photos of competent and awarded interiors updated: November 17, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko