Fish in foil on coals Tag DIV. Fragrant fish on the grill: interesting recipes and cooking tips How to bake fish on coals in foil

Fish is a unique product that has a huge amount of useful substances. Experienced cooks usually divide it by origin: river, sea and ocean.

Most often, fish soup is boiled from small fish soup, and dried or salted. But besides this, there are many more ways to prepare various fish dishes, for example, baked fish over a fire. This does not require any special skills or abilities. All recipes are easy and simple and do not require much time.

Secrets of properly baked fish over the fire

There are several simple rules on how to cook fish over a fire, following which you will get such a delicious dish as aromatic baked fish.

  • If you decide to use river fish for cooking, but are in doubt because of the smell of mud, don’t worry. Just place the fish in cold water diluted with vinegar (ratio 5/1) for a couple of hours.
  • The tastiest fish is at the end of summer, when it is enriched with omega fats.
  • When frying over a fire, under no circumstances should you turn it over several times. Otherwise, the fish on the fire will not turn out juicy, with a beautiful crispy crust, but dry and overcooked. First you need to fry it until cooked on one side, and only then on the other.
  • It’s up to you to decide what kind of fish to cook over a fire, but in any case it’s better to get a special grill for cooking grilled fish.
  • You can make your own seasonings and marinades for fish. Or you can use store bought ones.

Before you begin the process of cooking fish, you can prepare a special marinade. Its recipe is simple, but it will give the dish a breathtaking aroma and taste. The amount of marinade presented is enough for three medium-sized fish.


  • water - 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - ½ cup;
  • mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • 9% vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt and pepper - a pinch.


  • Pour lemon juice and water into a mixer bowl, add mustard, salt, pepper and mix.
  • Slowly pour vegetable oil into the resulting mass, stirring continuously.
  • Soak each fish with the prepared marinade and let it sit for half an hour.
  • To prevent the fish from sticking to the grill, do not forget to grease it with butter.

Fresh fish baked on the fire


  • live fish weighing at least 700 grams and no more than 1 kilogram - 3-4 pieces;
  • onions - 3 pieces;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • salt.


So how to cook fish over a fire? Easily!

1. First, gut the fish, remove scales, and rinse. The fins, head and gills can be left on. Season with spices and salt on all sides.

2. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Place the rings inside the fish without taking them apart.

3. Make shallow cuts on the fish, like you would on a sliced ​​loaf. Pack it in and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for two hours.

4. Once the time is up, place a fish net or grill over the fire and grease it with oil to prevent the fish from sticking to the metal. After placing the fish next to each other, close the mesh.

5. Fry the fish until golden brown, about 15 minutes, then turn over and fry the other side for the same amount of time.

The fish (on the fire) is ready.


If for some reason you are contraindicated for eating fried foods, you can also cook a dish like fish in foil over a fire. Once the fish has marinated, wrap it in foil and place it on the grill. The cooking time is also 30 minutes.

at the stake

Frozen fish is in no way inferior in taste to fresh fish. It is best to take fillet, as it does not require pre-cleaning and there are practically no bones in it.


  • pangasius fillet (this is a fatty fish, which makes it especially juicy and tasty);
  • marinade for fish, the recipe for which is described above.


1. First, defrost the fillet, drain off excess water, and dry with a paper towel.

2. Roll the pangasius fillet in the marinade, put it in a plastic bag, put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

3. Place the fish on the grill and fry on both sides for 10 minutes on each.

Fish cooked on the fire this way is very tasty. In addition, children like it because it does not require additional cleaning before eating.

Baked red fish

The choice of red fish for cooking over a fire is large - trout, salmon, chum salmon, salmon, pink salmon and others. Take the fish you like and start cooking.

If your choice fell on not very fatty fish, you can bake it according to the same recipe, but not over an open fire, but in foil. And remember, fish in foil over a fire turns out no less tasty, but it is more healthy.

You can buy ready-made steaks or take a whole fish, clean and cut it into the desired pieces.

Required ingredients:

  • red fish steaks, 1.5-2 cm wide;
  • lemon juice - one small spoon per steak;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • salt.


1. Rub the fish steaks with salt, seasoning and lemon juice.

2. Leave the fish in a cold place for a couple of hours to soak.

3. Place the steaks on the grill and begin the frying process.

4. Red fish is fried in the same way as the rest. 15 minutes on one side until golden brown and 15 minutes on the other.

How and with what to serve baked fish

Carefully place the cooked fish on plates. Serve with fresh or baked vegetables, any greens. You can prepare a vegetable salad with it or boil, bake, or stew potatoes. Boiled rice is also perfect for a fish dish.

If the baked fish turns out to be slightly dry, which often happens with red fish, you can serve it with tartar sauce, which you can make yourself or buy at the store, or cream sauce.

To prepare the latter, take butter, melt it in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add any finely chopped herbs and simmer. Pour the prepared sauce over beautifully plated steaks, fish fillets or whole fish.

Bon appetit!

Representatives of the salmon family are distinguished not only by their rich taste, but also by their beneficial properties. The presence of polyunsaturated acids relieves stress and depression, strengthens the body's immune system. Trout is a fatty fish and contains 208 kcal per 100 g. product – 20 gr. proteins, at least 14 g. – fats. A complex of minerals and vitamins A, E and D allows you to restore biochemical processes in the body. You can cook fish using any known methods, and trout in foil on the grill will turn outdoor recreation into a real feast.

Simple recipe


  • trout;
  • lemon;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley, cilantro;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Clean and gut the fish, rinse under cold water. Divide into portions. Dry with a paper towel.
  2. Grind the garlic along with the herbs, add lemon juice to the mixture.
  3. Rub the prepared fish with salt and pepper and leave for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Grease the foil with refined vegetable oil. Place the fish skin side down, top with herbs and garlic, cover with the other half of the fish.
  5. Wrap the resulting envelopes tightly and place the trout in foil on the grill over the coals. Cooking time: 8-10 minutes on each side.
  6. Then, without unwrapping the trout, wait 10 minutes so that the meat absorbs all the piquant taste of the herbs and garlic.
  7. Serve with sour cream sauce and fresh vegetables.

Baked steaks


  • trout;
  • orange;
  • ginger;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of Dijon mustard;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. To prepare delicious fish baked in foil, you will need steaks. You can purchase ready-made trout or gut it and cut it yourself into 1.5-2 cm thick.
  2. Grind the orange zest, combine with pepper and salt, Dijon mustard, and generously grate the steaks. Peel the ginger, cut into thin slices, and place on top. Leave the meat to marinate for 15 minutes.
  3. Grease the foil with butter, place the steak and a slice of orange on top. Wrap each portion tightly.
  4. Bake on a wire rack to obtain a beautiful pattern on each side for 5-7 minutes. Once cooked, there is no need to rush to unwrap it and let the fish absorb the citrus aromas.
  5. Garnish with chopped herbs and serve with classic fresh vegetable salads.

Recipe in the oven


  • trout fillet;
  • garlic clove;
  • 50 gr. honey;
  • 75 ml soy sauce;
  • dill;
  • lemon.

1. You can cook valuable fish not only on the grill. The dish will also be delicious when baked in the oven.

2.First you need to prepare the marinade. Add liquid honey and chopped garlic to soy sauce. Can be enriched with any spices - ginger, thyme, rosemary.

Traditionally, trout is served with a sauce made from butter, lemon and cream.

3. Pour the marinade over the fish fillet and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes.

4. Wrap the finished trout in foil and place on a baking sheet.

5.Bake in an oven preheated to 180° for 20 minutes.

6.Serve, garnished with caramelized cherry tomatoes.

Stuffed fish on the grill


  • trout;
  • 2 onions;
  • 300 gr. champignons;
  • 150 ml white wine;
  • dill, basil;
  • lemon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking steps:
1. To create the recipe you will need a whole trout. It is better to choose medium carcasses, approximately the same size. You can also stuff large trout, dividing it into portions after cooking.

2.Rinse the carcasses in cold water and place on a cutting board. Make a shallow cut from the rear fin to the gills. Remove the insides and rinse again.

3.Then you need to remove the skin without damaging the fish meat. Take the head in your left hand, and the tail in your right hand. With a sharp movement, pull the head towards the tail, breaking the ridge, then change to the opposite direction. The skin is easily removed, preserving the integrity of the trout meat.

4. The filling recipe is very simple. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Peel the champignons, rinse, chop into thin slices. Season the mixture with salt and pepper, add chopped herbs.

5. Pour wine over the carcasses and leave to marinate for half an hour. 10 minutes before the end of the process you also need to salt the fish.

6.After marinating is complete, stuff the trout with a mixture of mushrooms and herbs. Grease the foil with butter and wrap in 3-4 layers.

7. You can bake on a wire rack or place envelopes on top of the smoldering coals. Trout does not need high heat, otherwise the meat will turn out dry. Cooks for 5-7 minutes on each side.

8. Traditionally, sprinkle the finished dish with lemon juice and serve with assorted vegetables.

Tips for grilling:

  1. Grill or campfire recipes require the use of fresh fish. If you cannot find fresh ones, it is important to defrost the carcasses correctly so as not to disturb the fiber structure. For trout, you do not need to use heat; you need to remove the product from the freezer and place it on the bottom shelf. And after defrosting, you can begin the cutting process.
  2. does not lose its taste, both with and without foil. By wrapping trout in shiny envelopes, you can be sure that the delicate skin will be preserved; food foil also preserves the juiciness of the meat as much as possible.
  3. For barbecue, both coals and firewood (birch, aspen) are used. Choose in the ratio of 1 kg of fish per 1.5 kg of coal/wood. The raw materials must burn out thoroughly, and only then can you begin the cooking process.
  4. For trout, you should not use more than 3 spices; the richness of the spices should only highlight the delicate taste of the meat. In addition to traditional herbs, it is recommended to enrich recipes with rosemary, thyme, sage, bay leaves, marjoram and white pepper.

Preparing a flavorful dish in nature is not difficult. Basic spices and trout are all you need to make this recipe come true. Healthy fish will allow you to enjoy the rich taste without harming your figure. About how to cook trout on the grill without foil.

A picnic in nature means fresh air, positive emotions, spiritual communication, but without tasty and healthy food such a vacation will not be complete. If there are children or people with stomach problems in the company, instead of traditional barbecue, you can offer a more dietary and tasty dish - charcoal fish in foil.

You can bake in this way everything that you managed to catch - young pike, pike perch, carp and crucian carp, stuffing them with vegetables and flavoring them with a basic set of spices.

The beauty of this field meal is its simplicity, because you just need to throw a fishing rod into the river and catch a couple of roaches, or before going on a trip, look into the fish aisle of the local market and buy a few fresh crucian carp.

In addition, you don’t have to prepare anything special - by boiling tea over a fire, in the coals that will remain after that, you can prepare a wonderful hearty snack in just half an hour.

Secrets of tasty and healthy fish on charcoal or grill

  • Fish carcasses must be fresh. Only freshly caught baked fish turns out to be the most aromatic and tasty, just like fish soup.
  • A competent selection of spices will even help you make a restaurant-quality dish from crucian carp over coals.

  • Peppers (black, white, red powder), dill and parsley, bay leaves, mustard seeds and coriander - all these spices perfectly complement the taste of fish.
  • For vegetables, we recommend adding more onions (turnips and greens), adding a little garlic, bell pepper, and grating the carrots.
  • It is better to cook fish in foil without heads and fins - they still have no gastronomic value, but will only saturate the dish with the smell of the reservoir.
  • Before sending them to the fire or grill, you need to wrap fish carcasses in 2-3 layers of foil so that the juices remain inside.

River fish in foil, baked with onions and herbs on the grill


  • Freshly caught pike perch— 2 medium carcasses + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • 1 small bunch + -
  • - 2 cloves + -
  • - ¼ tsp. + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -

How to bake pike perch in foil on the grill: a basic step-by-step recipe

Using this simple recipe, you can cook both river fish and sea catch in camping conditions. Before wrapping fish carcasses in foil, they need to be given time to salt and soak in spices.

  • We clean the carcasses from scales, gut them, remove the heads (the heads will make a wonderful fish soup).
  • Peel the garlic cloves and onion. Cut the onion thinly into half rings, finely chop the garlic.
  • Mix salt and pepper and season the gutted carcasses with the mixture outside and in the abdominal cavity.
  • Fill the belly with onion and garlic slices.
  • Wrap in film or place in a pan, cover and let it salt and soak in the aromas.
  • We place the fish in foil sheets, put greens on top (or in the bellies), and sprinkle with mustard seeds.
  • Wrap the fish in several layers of foil and place it in the grill on hot (no fire!) coals.

Bake the pike perch for 15 minutes on one side and the same amount on the other. We unfold the foil so that the fish cools a little, and you can taste the camp delicacy.

Red fish fillet baked in coals in foil with lemon slices

In this way you can bake chum salmon, salmon and other red fish. You can use fresh or chilled fillets to get a juicy and flavorful dish. To reduce the number of calories, you can omit the oil, but then the fish will turn out bland.


  • Chilled salmon fillet – 500 g
  • Yellow lemon – 1 fruit
  • Garlic – 4 small cloves
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Pepper mixture – 1/3 tsp.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Dill (fresh herbs) – 1 bunch.

Step-by-step preparation of salmon fillet with lemon over a fire in foil

  • Separate the fish fillet from the backbone. The skin does not need to be removed - the main thing is that there are no scales left on it.
  • Chop the peeled garlic with a knife, mix with washed and finely chopped dill, add 1 tsp. oils
  • Salt the fillet pieces and season with pepper.
  • Grease the inside of the foil with oil and place the fillet halves skin side down.
  • Top generously with garlic-dill dressing.
  • Add lemon, thinly sliced ​​into slices.
  • Cover with the other halves of the fillet.
  • Wrap in 2 layers of foil and crimp the edges well.
  • Place the prepared fish on the coals and bake for 15 minutes on each side. Let it cool, unwrap it, and you can enjoy it.

Cooking over a fire in natural conditions makes food especially tasty. Fish in the coals or on the grill in foil is baked very quickly, and its benefits are much greater than meat fried over an open fire. And to get a crispier version of the treat, you can grill salmon, carp or other aquatic life.

Baking delicious meat in foil: tips, tricks and cooking recipes.

Since foil has become one of the most common kitchen “accessories,” cooks bake everything they can in it: fish, poultry, vegetables, meat. It’s the last option that we’ll talk about: how to properly bake meat in foil so that it turns out aromatic, juicy and at the same time well baked?

Foil is a wonderful invention of our time. Without any difficulties, this thin metal paper allows you to prepare dishes that, in terms of their taste, will be close to those cooked in a Russian oven, over a fire, in ashes, over coals - and all this in ordinary home conditions. Foil does not oxidize, it is light, compact, protects food like dishes, but does not need to be washed - in general, this kitchen helper has only advantages!

You can cook any meat in foil: lamb, pork, beef, etc., only game is excluded - it is not cooked in foil. Meat prepared in this way acquires a taste close to stewed meat, but without the smell and fat of stewed and fried dishes, while such meat is softer and more tender than simply fried or boiled.

The cooking time for meat in foil may vary depending on the temperature at which cooking is carried out and the size of the piece of meat. Usually, at a temperature of 380-400 degrees Celsius in good ovens, 15-30 minutes are enough for 1 kg of meat. If the maximum heating of the oven is lower, then for 1 kg of meat in one piece it will take 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes. Readiness can be easily checked: the folds of the foil should become smoky, the corners in which part of the meat juice will burn after reaching full readiness should be blackened.

Features of cooking meat in foil, subtleties and tips.

It is worth noting that all the advantages of baking meat in foil are achievable only if it is wrapped correctly: large pieces of meat measuring 500 g or more must be sealed in foil hermetically, otherwise the taste, aroma, consistency, and meat will be lost due to juice leakage It will burn or be tough.

How to wrap a piece of meat in foil airtight:

Fold a sheet of foil in half (if it is thin), place the meat on one half of the sheet, loosely cover the top with the other half without tension, fold the edges along the long side - you will get a sealed seam, make two more similar seams on the sides (on the short sides). You will end up with a package that needs to be carefully pressed around the product located in it. When heated, the bag will expand, the foil will inflate, but the seal should not be broken, and the shape in the form of a square or rectangle should be preserved. It is with this form of wrapping that you can determine the readiness of the meat by the appearance of the foil - the folds will turn black. During the cooking process, not a single drop of juice should leak out of the bag - this is what you should focus on when wrapping the foil and making hermetically sealed seams.

There are also rules for preparing meat for baking in foil:

First, the meat is cleaned of inedible parts, dirt and damage, washed, and dried with a paper towel.
If there are bones in a piece of meat, make sure that they do not stick out from it - otherwise they will break through the foil during cooking. This is a fundamentally important point with this type of preparation! If you do not approach this moment properly, the seal will be broken and the dish will spoil.
Next, the prepared meat is rubbed with spices or stuffed, together with additional ingredients (vegetables, herbs, etc.) wrapped in foil. IMPORTANT: meat baked in foil as a whole piece is not salted before cooking! Also, baking meat in foil does not require fat.

If you bake meat in foil according to all the rules, it will not only turn out very tasty, but will also retain a maximum of nutrients, which means that such dishes turn out to be healthier and more nutritious.

Recipes for cooking meat in foil.

As a rule, we bake meat in foil for holidays, but such dishes are often prepared for everyday meals. Pork, beef, lamb - baked in a whole piece, they turn out to be real delicacies, refined, tasty and extremely appetizing. Let's look at a few recipes for such wonderful dishes.

Recipe for roasting beef in foil

You will need:

1kg beef fillet,
1 head of garlic,
0.5-1 carrots,
spices for rubbing meat (this can be ground pepper, oregano and other herbs, mustard, bay, etc.).

How to bake beef in the oven.

Remove films from the meat, rinse and dry. Cut the carrots and garlic into thin cubes - they will be used for stuffing. Make punctures in the meat along its entire surface, insert garlic and carrots into them. Rub the meat with spices (remember: you can’t add salt!), wrap hermetically in foil, place on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to maximum temperature, after you notice the sizzling sounds, reduce the temperature, bake the meat for about an hour until cooked.

This meat can be served either hot or cold.

There are many subtleties of cooking meat in foil. For example, many chefs believe that before baking, meat should be soaked for about an hour in red wine or another marinade. And, of course, what is already better known: if you want your meat baked in foil to have a golden brown crust, then you need to unroll the foil and bake the meat for 5-10 minutes.

Recipe for cooking pork in foil with vegetables.

You will need:

800g pork neck (tenderloin),
2 onions and medium tomatoes,
1 hot green pepper and lemon,

How to bake pork in foil.

For the marinade, cut the tomatoes and onions into circles, squeeze the juice from the lemon (you can replace it with 0.5 cups of dry white wine), pepper, and mix. Place the entire meat in the marinade and leave for 2 hours. Place chopped onions on the foil, place the meat on top, put tomato slices on top of it, then cut hot peppers in half lengthwise. Wrap the foil tightly and bake in the oven until done.

Recipe for baking lamb in foil with carrots and prunes.

You will need:

500g lamb,
1 carrot and a glass of prunes,
0.5 cups raisins,
3 tbsp. l. dry red wine,
black pepper,
spices to taste.

How to bake lamb in foil.

Rinse the meat, dry it, rub with spices. Make cuts and stuff with carrots. Place prepared prunes on a sheet of foil, place a piece of meat on it, sprinkle raisins on top, pour wine over it, wrap the meat hermetically. Bake the lamb in foil for 1 hour at 160 degrees or until cooked at a different temperature. Serve the lamb hot; raisins and prunes are suitable as a side dish.

You can easily come up with your own recipe for baking meat in foil: just use the best suitable products and spices for the selected type of meat. The meat can be stuffed or simply covered with these products, rubbed with spices to your taste. In any case: if all the canons of baking meat in foil are followed, it will certainly turn out very tasty!

Homemade boiled pork.

We will need

2 kg pork, ham, fresh, not frozen.
1 large garlic,
a little mustard and mayonnaise.

Foil for baking.

Cooking boiled pork

Cover part of the table with foil and place the meat on top.
We cut the garlic cloves lengthwise and use a knife to stuff the pork with them more or less evenly.
Next, mix mayonnaise with mustard and salt and coat the entire ham evenly.
Give the meat a more compact shape.
You can add a little pepper or sprinkle paprika to taste, but this is not necessary.
After this, wrap the meat tightly in several layers, sparing no foil, and place it on a baking sheet, preferably with deep edges.
Place in the oven and forget about 3.5 – 4 hours
After that, take it out of the oven, unwrap it and let it cool.

Cut into slices and you can eat.

Meat in garlic mustard marinade.

To cook meat you will need:

1 kg pork shoulder
- 1 liter of water
- 2 tbsp. l. vinegar
- Bay leaf
- peppercorns
- 6 cloves of garlic
- ground pepper
- 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
- 1.5 tsp. mustard


1. Wash the meat and place in a deep bowl.

2. Dilute salt and vinegar in water. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved.
You need to be careful with vinegar so as not to overcook the dish.

3. Pour the marinade over the meat. It should float completely in it.

4. Then add the peppercorns and bay leaf to the bowl.

5. Cover the top with a lid and refrigerate overnight until the meat becomes soft and juicy.

6. Remove the meat from the bowl and make deep cuts in it.

7. Then prepare the second marinade. Chop the garlic into a small container using a garlic press.

8. Add ground pepper, mayonnaise and mustard to it. The substance turns out to be very thick, so we added another 1 tbsp. l. ordinary water.

9. Roll the meat in the marinade.

10. And wrap in 3 layers of foil.

11. Cook the dish in the oven for 2.5 hours.

Due to the fact that the dish is cooked in foil, its own juices do not evaporate and thereby prevent the meat from becoming dry.

Bon appetit!

The second most popular ingredient, which is most often cooked on the grill, is fish. The light smoky aroma and speed of frying are just the tip of the iceberg of all the advantages that charcoal cooking has, since the most important advantage of this technique is still the ability to fry absolutely any fish, regardless of its breed, fat content, meatiness and tenderness . Read on to learn how to fry fish on a grill.

Red fish on the grill on the grill - recipe


  • red fish fillet - 480 g;
  • brown sugar - 30 g;
  • dried garlic and onion - 1/2 teaspoon each;
  • ground paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • hot pepper flakes - a pinch;
  • lemons - 3 pcs.


Divide the fish fillet into 4 pieces and ensure that all bones are removed from each piece. Prepare the fish mixture by combining sugar with a pinch of sea salt, dried onion and garlic, paprika and hot pepper flakes. Rub the spice mixture over the flesh of the fish and place it on the grill grate directly over the burning coals. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice and cook the fish for about 8 minutes.

Fish in foil on a grill on a grill


  • whole fish (gutted) - 1.5-2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • thyme, rosemary, tarragon - 1 sprig each;
  • mint and parsley leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • ginger root - a piece 1.5 cm long;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 120 ml.


Lightly cut the gutted fish carcass along the body on both sides and generously rub with sea salt. Place rosemary, tarragon, thyme, mint and parsley leaves into a blender bowl. Next, add ginger root, peeled garlic cloves and pour in the oil. Puree all the ingredients together and rub the fish with the resulting aromatic marinade. After half an hour, light the coals. Wrap the fish in foil and place on the grill directly over the coals. Fry for 5-6 minutes on each side.

How to cook fish kebab on a grill?

If you are planning a buffet-style barbecue party, then this recipe will serve you brilliantly. Soak a handful of wooden skewers in water, place fish pieces in a sweet and salty Asian marinade, fry for a couple of minutes and surprise your guests with an original hot appetizer.


  • red fish fillet - 360 g;
  • sesame oil - 10 ml;
  • soy sauce - 15 ml;
  • hoshin sauce - 15 ml;
  • lime juice - 15 ml.


Peel the fish fillet from the skin, remove the bones, if any remain, and cut the flesh into cubes 2.5-3 cm thick. Whisk together the butter, sauces and lime juice. Immerse the fish in the marinade and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, place the marinated pieces on a skewer, place on the grill and fry for a couple of minutes on each side, regularly brushing with marinade.

If you plan to bake the whole fish, then do not miss the chance to saturate the flesh with an abundance of aromas of fresh herbs, because this can be done simply by placing the latter in the abdominal cavity.