Sausages in a potato and cheese coat. Sausages in a potato coat

If you are bored with the usual serving of dishes, then you should pay attention to more original dishes. Sausage in a potato coat is an interesting dish. This dish is very easy to prepare, but at the same time looks appetizing. Note that it can be made for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Sausage in a potato coat. Recipe with photo

For cooking you will need:

500 grams of potatoes;

3 tbsp. spoons of flour;

Six sausages;

A pinch of salt;

100 grams of hard cheese;

A pinch of pepper;

Vegetable oil (for frying).

How to properly prepare sausage in a potato coat with cheese?

1. First you need to make puree. To do this, wash the potatoes, peel them and cook in salted water until tender. After draining the water, mash the potatoes with a potato masher.

2. Then add the egg and pepper there. Grind the hard cheese on a grater and add to the potatoes. Then add flour (one tablespoon). Mix thoroughly.

3. The result should be a fairly dense homogeneous mass. If necessary, add more flour.

4. Divide the resulting dough into six equal parts. Roll each one out onto a work surface into a thin layer. Place a sausage in the middle. If your meat products are very long, you can cut each one in half.

5. Then carefully cover the sausage with potato dough on all sides.

6. In order for our products to have a golden brown crust, they should be breaded in flour with the addition of various spices or in breadcrumbs.

7. Then place the sausages in vegetable (or butter) oil. Fry them on both sides until golden brown. After this, transfer the products to a napkin to remove excess fat.

Another option for preparing products in a fur coat

Sausage in a potato coat can be prepared a little differently, not as described in the previous recipe. Another cooking option is simpler. There is no need to bake products or fry for a long time. In addition, there is one additional component - lavash. Also, this cooking option does not use hard cheese, flour and, of course, breadcrumbs.

For cooking you will need:

Six sausages;

Six potatoes;

2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil;

One pita bread.

How to cook:

1. First, cut the sausages in half.

2. Boil the potatoes and mash them.

3. Cut the pita bread into strips.

4. Take one, brush it with mashed potatoes and add sausage. Wrap the products. So you have a sausage in a potato coat. Do the same action with the remaining components.

5. Fry the resulting products in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes (no longer needed!). That's all, the sausage in a potato coating is ready. Now the dish can be served. It is, of course, better to consume the products warm or hot. Bon appetit!

A little conclusion

Now you know how to prepare sausage in a potato coat. We looked at not just one recipe, but several at once. Whichever one is closer to you, choose that one. We wish you good luck in preparing a simple and tasty dish!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

When you don't have time to prepare yeast dough, potato dough comes to the rescue. And since our family simply loves sausages in dough, I often cook sausages in potato dough. It's fast, affordable and very tasty! They make a great snack on the go or as an appetizer at an evening feast. You can add cheese and a drop of mustard to the sausage for spiciness. So, we cook sausages in potato coats. The recipe with photos will show and tell you how to make it quickly and tasty. Use your imagination and cook with love!

Products you need:
– 500 grams of raw potatoes,
– 250 grams of wheat flour,
– 1 chicken egg,
– 300 grams of mini sausages,
– ground black pepper to taste,
– also add salt according to your taste.

Peel the potatoes and cook until soft in salted water. Drain the water and mash the potatoes.

There is no need to add milk and butter, otherwise our potato dough will simply float, which we should never allow. Break the egg into a separate bowl. Pepper and add salt to taste. Beat the egg with a fork or whisk and then pour into the potato mixture.

The egg mass in this case will additionally hold the dough together.

Then gradually add flour and begin kneading the dough.

When the dough forms into a ball and begins to pull away from your hands, it is ready. Pinch off pieces from the overall piece of dough and roll into balls.

Then press them down with your palm and place the sausage halves in the center.

To make the sausages in the dough look miniature and neat, cut them in half.

Pinch the edges and form the sausages into a nice elongated shape.

Add a few drops of vegetable oil to a non-stick frying pan and fry the sausages over low heat until golden brown.

In such a frying pan you will not need a lot of oil, and it will be used very sparingly. Serve the hot sausages in potato batter right away! We also advise you to pay attention to the recipe for making pasta in sausages, it is also simple, tasty and original.

Sausages in potato dough
A recipe for a simple and satisfying snack - sausages in potato dough. This snack can be prepared for breakfast, for a trip out of town, or as a snack at work.

Sausages in a potato coat: recipe, cooking options

Sausages in a potato coat are essentially a kind of pies. This is a very simple and quick way to feed your family or a snack option that you can delight your partner or children with. You can prepare such zrazy in several ways: in a frying pan or in the oven. The second option, of course, involves fewer calories, the first is suitable for those in a hurry. Below is a recipe for potato cutlets in a frying pan.


In order to prepare a portion for a family of four, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of boiled potatoes (5-6 medium-sized pieces).
  • 5-7 sausages.
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tsp. semolina.
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter.
  • A pinch of salt.


Peel the potatoes and cut them into large cubes. Boil it in salted water and mash it into a puree. Add the egg, flour, semolina and butter, knead the resulting potato mixture thoroughly. It should be quite thick and viscous and hold its shape. If it turns out differently for you, add more flour. The sausages can be used whole, then you will get long bits, or you can cut them into pieces, then the zrazy will turn out as round as balls.

Roll out the dough or mold it with your hands, put a piece of sausage in the middle, pinch the edges to make a neat pie. Place them in a heated frying pan with sunflower oil and fry on four sides. Be sure to place the browned balls on paper towels to absorb any excess fat.

The potato zraza recipe can be supplemented by adding some ingredients:

  • Sausages in a fur coat can be made more tender by adding cheese to the dough. The texture will change, the fur coat will begin to stretch. Cheese lovers will especially love this.
  • Cheese can also be added to the filling, tightly sealing the edges so that it does not leak out.
  • To add piquancy to the dish, you can add greens to the coat.
  • Cutlets can be fried by first dipping them in batter: 7-8 tablespoons of flour, an egg, 200 ml of kefir or sour cream. The batter can also be supplemented with grated cheese.

The cutlets can be cut into “one-bite” pieces and served at the holiday table as an appetizer, folded into a snake. It will be easier and faster to beat the dough with a mixer. The butter can be pre-melted.

As mentioned above, you can cook sausages in a potato coat in a frying pan, or you can bake them in the oven to make the dish less fatty. To do this, the already formed balls need to be dipped in a beaten egg and rolled in breadcrumbs, placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. You can lightly sprinkle grated cheese on top or brush with sour cream. Without oil, the calorie content of the cutlets will be significantly lower, but it is still difficult to call this dish dietary. Sausages in potato skins prepared in this way are more flavorful and have a beautiful crispy crust.

Some housewives have modernized the recipe: they finely cut the sausage into cubes and mix it with fried mushrooms and onions. Or use finely chopped fried bacon as a filling option. These are, of course, completely different potato zrazy, but they are prepared according to the same principle and are also popular.

You can serve zrazy on lettuce leaves, garnished with cherry tomatoes and herbs. Such a snack usually “flies away” very quickly. Children, as a rule, like them more when the meatballs are small and round, with a piece of sausage inside. And men will appreciate pies as a snack for alcohol.

Sausages in a potato coat: recipe, cooking options
Sausages in a potato coat are essentially a kind of pies. This is a very simple and quick snack option that you can delight your partner or children with. You can prepare such zrazy in several ways: in a frying pan or in the oven.

A quickly prepared dish is always pleasant, and if it is also tasty, then it is doubly pleasant. Our family has long been fond of potato sticks; I cook them quite often and with various fillings, for example, potato sticks with cheese - this is one of my husband’s favorite snacks. Experimenting around this topic with potato snacks, we have previously prepared potato croquettes, and today I would like to offer you another recipe simple dish "Sausages in potatoes"" .


To prepare you will need (3 servings):

4 medium, boiled potatoes in their jackets;

3 sausages;

3-4 tbsp. l. flour (and some flour for breading);

1-2 cloves of garlic;

vegetable oil (for frying);

salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking steps

Preparing potato dough for sausage. Peel the potatoes and grate them.

Add flour, mix. The potato “dough” is ready.

Prepare the sausages.

With wet hands, take a little potato dough, spread it over your hand, place the sausage and spread the potato dough so that it covers the sausage on all sides. Bread the resulting “stick” in flour. Repeat similarly for the remaining “sticks”.

Heat vegetable oil, add coarsely chopped garlic to it and heat. Be careful not to burn the garlic. Remove garlic from oil. Fry the sausage in the potatoes in garlic oil until firm and golden brown.

Cut the tasty and simple dish "Sausages in Potatoes" into portions and serve with your favorite sauces.

Bon appetit! Eat with pleasure!

If you want to please your loved ones with a simple and quick hot breakfast of sausages, then prepare for them sausages in a potato-cheese coat. This simple dish will not only help you refresh yourself, but will also lift your spirits.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to prepare these sausages. Prepare this dish - I'm sure you won't regret it. In addition, the dish is quite simple. Perhaps it will interest you. Bookmark the recipe so you don't lose it.

Ingredients for the recipe: Sausages in a potato and cheese coat

Sausages 6.00 PC
Potato 4.00 PC
Hard cheese 100.00 G
Butter 50.00 G
Pita 1.00 PC
Salt taste
Ground black pepper taste
Vegetable oil of necessity

Cooking Sausages in a potato and cheese coat

Peel the potatoes, wash and boil for 20 minutes until boiling. Crush the potatoes, add salt, pepper and butter.

Grate the cheese.

Cut the pita bread into strips the width of sausages and 15-20 cm long.

Spread a thin layer of potatoes and grated cheese on the pita bread. Place the sausage on the edge of the pita bread and roll it into a roll.

Heat a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil over low heat.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Often we are faced with the question of what to cook that is so delicious, but at the same time simple and inexpensive. If you have milk sausages in your refrigerator, then you are saved. You can prepare a delicious and unusual dish from them. Let's cook, or rather fry, delicious sausages in a potato coat today, and my recipe with photos will help you with this. You can easily repeat this dish, and you will always have all the necessary products in stock. These sausages are prepared quite quickly, so in just 30 minutes you will have a wonderful dish on the table for the whole family.

Required Products:
- 350 grams of milk sausages,
- 450-500 grams of potatoes,
- 1 large chicken egg,
- 3 tables. l. flour,
- 70 grams of vegetable oil for frying,
- salt and black pepper to taste.

How to cook with photos step by step

We cook the peeled potatoes until soft in salted water, it is very easy to check the readiness, if a fork (or knife) pierces the potatoes with ease, then you can remove them from the stove, they are cooked. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher until they become pureed. If you have yesterday’s mashed potatoes left in the refrigerator, you can use that too, you just have to use a little more flour (this is due to the fact that mashed potatoes are usually prepared with the addition of milk and butter, which makes the puree more soft and watery), look at the consistency.

When the puree has cooled slightly, beat in a chicken egg, thanks to it we will be able to form a coat for the sausages and the potatoes will not fall off during the frying process. Simply put, we are preparing potato dough; maybe someone has already prepared something similar and everything will immediately become clear to them.

Pour the flour into the potato preparation, a pinch of salt and pepper, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

We clean the sausages and place them on a portion of potato dough so that the sausage is completely in the potatoes. Calculate the mass of the potatoes by eye so that they are distributed along the entire length. Carefully pinch the sausage so that there are no gaps.

Bread the sausages in flour to form a thin layer.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the sausages in the fur coat there and start frying.

Fry each side for 7-8 minutes over medium heat, turning several times to ensure an even crust. We do not fry for very long, since our products are considered semi-finished products.

Ready-made hot sausages in a fur coat will be your best option for a family lunch or a nutritious dinner. Bon Appetite!
And this is how you can cook it