How to color eggs with onion skins. How to paint eggs: options for patterns with onion peels How to paint eggs with onion skins

People who paint plain eggs year after year using different dyes end up wondering how to paint patterned eggs in onion skins. Well, in this article we will look at all aspects of this process in detail.

First, I would like to emphasize that there is absolutely nothing complicated in this matter. Eggs are painted simply and quickly with onion skins, and creating a design simply at the preparation stage will take 20-30 free minutes. But the result, of course, is worth it. All you have to do is look at the photos of interesting patterned eggs to definitely want to implement each of the above tips this Easter. Be sure to prepare it for the holiday.

What to do before you start coloring

Eggs must be white. They should be smooth, the shell should not protrude anywhere, and should not have any roughness or cracks. Now you need to get the eggs out of the refrigerator. This is not done before painting itself, but at least two hours before the start of the process.

To ensure that the paint from the onion skins is better absorbed, it is recommended to wipe the eggs with alcohol or regular table vinegar. We have already taken one trick to prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking - we took them out of the refrigerator in time. But you also need to add a pinch of salt during the cooking process, for greater protection.

About coloring with onion skins

In this article, in the next section, we will write specific ways to make a drawing on eggs. But first you just need to learn how to paint them. If you already know how to do this, then you can simply skip to the next part. If not, then let's take a closer look at the process.

For two liters of water you need to peel about 2-3 kilograms of onions. Moreover, if you do not plan to use the onion immediately in cooking, then you should not completely peel off the husks, but leave several layers so that the product can be stored for a long time. Now wash the husks (if the dyeing method does not provide otherwise), put them in a pan and add water. Boil the broth for an hour, then remove all excess from it. You now have an infusion in which you will color the eggs. You can simply throw eggs into the broth to get a uniform effect. And then we consider ways that will help create a drawing.

How to paint eggs in onion skins with a picture and photo


You will need to take threads of different diameters or just elastic bands, which are often used for large wads of money. Wrap the egg tightly with thread or rubber bands. Moreover, it will be good if you use the order of chaos. Now put it in the already prepared broth and cook for 20-25 minutes. When the eggs have cooled completely, remove the elastic bands (threads) and enjoy the interesting decorative effect.

Marble effect

Marble designs on eggs have become increasingly popular in recent years. Therefore, every modern housewife should know how to paint eggs in onion skins with a marble pattern. There may be two ways, one is simpler (but the marble effect will be blurred), the second will give an excellent effect, but you will have to spend your time.

Method No. 1

First you just need to boil the eggs in the onion skins. We will get a rich or not very rich brown color. Now you need to pour the brilliant green into the pan and add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Place the cooled and colored egg, turn in all directions and let dry on a stand.

Method No. 2

In this option, we take white eggs and finely chop the dry onion skins. Now you need to wet the egg and roll it in the husk. Make a bag out of nylon and fill it with fine husks. Now you need to lower the egg into the nylon and tie the fabric tightly. Pour brilliant green into a two-liter saucepan of water, add the prepared eggs and cook for 20 minutes. Remove the nylon and husks only after the product has completely cooled.

With a picture or pattern

Believers know how important it is to dye eggs for Easter. Recently, people are increasingly using folk remedies to decorate Easter eggs. The use of available products involves the implementation of interesting and attractive patterns. Housewives are often interested in how to paint eggs in onion skins with a pattern. In fact, this procedure is very simple and can be done at home.

Classic dyeing method

The classic method of coloring eggs has been known since ancient times. This option is easy.

Boil water along with onion skins. After the water begins to boil, you need to continue cooking for 10 minutes over low heat.

Remove the eggs after the water has cooled and dry with paper towels. According to this classic scheme, eggs are colored using onion peels. The hue and its saturation depend on the duration of the procedure.

The type of onion used determines the color and shade of the eggs. For this reason, the color may be yellow, light or dark green.

Methods of applying drawings

Many housewives are interested in how to paint eggs in onion peels with a pattern. There are also various interesting ways to obtain a drawing.

  1. The marble effect is considered one of the most attractive. To create it, onion peels of different colors are used. It is recommended to mix orange, red and yellow peels with small pieces of paper. Eggs are placed among the husks. Then everything is wrapped in gauze or a small nylon stocking. The peel and paper will stick better if a wet egg is used. To achieve the desired results, the bags with eggs and onion peels are boiled in a saucepan, where the onion peels will also be located, for 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to cook over low heat.
  2. If desired, you can color the eggs speckled. In this case, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, tightly tied with gauze or a nylon stocking. Then it is cooked in onion broth. The result will be an attractive speckled color that will last beyond the grains of rice.
  3. The next method involves using flowers or green leaves. Flowers or leaves are placed tightly on the egg and then wrapped in gauze. It is recommended to boil eggs in a decoction of onion skins. The pattern will match the contours of the flowers or leaves.
  4. To achieve a beautiful result, lace can be used. The egg is first wrapped in lace fabric, then boiled in onion skins. The lace will leave behind attractive marks.
  5. Eggs boiled in onion skins can surprise you with their unusual stripes. This striped effect will be obtained if the eggshells are first wrapped with threads or rubber bands and only then dipped into onion broth. If desired, you can achieve a glossy effect using natural products. To obtain a glossy effect, it is recommended to rub the cotton wool with vegetable oil and then lubricate the eggshell. Gloss is ideal for a striped effect.
  6. Zelenka can also be used for coloring. Using onion peels and brilliant green, you can make attractive designs on eggshells. The drawings will resemble marble stains. Initially, the husks are crushed with scissors or in a blender or coffee grinder. After this, the eggs are moistened with water and rolled in chopped onion peels, the particles of which are securely fixed with gauze or nylon stocking. Now you can boil water and add brilliant green, and its quantity will determine the brightness of the shade. Now boil the eggs for 10 minutes and cool. Only after this procedure can you drain the water and carefully cut the gauze and wash off the onion peels from the eggshells. When carrying out this procedure, it is advisable to wear special gloves and protect yourself from getting brilliant green on your hands.

The above options for coloring eggs with onion peels and applying beautiful designs are folk, so they are known to many housewives.

Proper execution of the staining procedure is mandatory. It is recommended to take certain points into account when carrying out the procedure.

  1. Eggs for coloring are used with their shells at room temperature.
  2. Cooking in salted water is mandatory. In this case, the procedure for subsequent cleaning of onion peels will be simplified.
  3. After boiling the eggs, it is recommended to cool them in cold water.
  4. Before the dyeing procedure, it is recommended to boil the onion peels for about half an hour. As a result of this procedure, a bright shade will be obtained.
  5. The eggs will get the same color if you wash them with soap and strain out the onion skins.
  6. When painting with a pattern, it is advisable to use wet eggs. In this case, leaves and cereals will stick better to the eggshell.
  7. Any objects that fit tightly to the eggshell are suitable for applying the pattern. It is advisable to make sure that the item used will be resistant to hot water. It is recommended to use rubber products and paper.
  8. It is important to take extra care when using rubber bands. The rubber bands must not be twisted, as a specific effect will be noted. An exception would be the appropriate idea before starting the procedure.
  9. To attach leaves or other things, use natural fabric, old nylon stockings, and gauze. Artificial fabric is not used because it is vulnerable to high temperature.
  10. For beauty, eggs painted in onion peels are rubbed with natural vegetable oil. However, it is not advisable to store such eggs for a long time, because they spoil quickly.

Painting eggs with onion skins for Easter is not only beautiful, but also healthy. After all, industrial dyes, which are often used to color eggs for Easter, color not only the shell, but also the white.

There are many natural dyes that can be used to make eggs not only festive, but also safe. But the undisputed leader among natural ingredients is onion peel.

Painting eggs with onion skins is very simple, but you need to know a few secrets to ensure that the color is rich and uniform.

How to prepare eggs for coloring for Easter 2019:

– To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, remove them from the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking. Or you can soak them in cold water for 15 minutes

– before painting, wash the eggs well with soap. It is better to use an old toothbrush for washing;

Eggs colored with onion skins for Easter 2019

– after you paint the eggs, rub each of them with a napkin soaked in vegetable oil. This will give a glossy shine;

– eggs, optionally colored with natural dyes, should be plain. You can wrap each one with gauze with rice grains, ribbons or threads and only then dip it into the dye. This will create interesting patterns on the surface.

How to paint eggs with onion skins for Easter 2019

- eggs;
– a few handfuls of onion peels;
– parsley leaves (optional);
– dry rice (optional);
- oil.

How to paint eggs with onion skins for Easter - ingredients

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking. Wash them well with soap. For a marbled effect, it is better to use white eggs, but you will get a richer color from eggs with dark shells.

Boil the husks for at least an hour

Pour water over the onion skins, bring to a boil and cook for about 1 hour. Place the eggs in the onion peel broth that has cooled to room temperature and boil for another 15 minutes. Then let the eggs cool.

Place the eggs in the onion skins and boil for another 15 minutes

How to decorate eggs for Easter with specks? Take a wet egg, roll it in dry rice and wrap it tightly with gauze, securing the ends (by the way, many housewives successfully use women's tights).

Eggs colored with onion skins and rice for Easter 2019

The eggs will turn out “marbled” with an interesting pattern if you place them directly in onion peels, then wrap them in gauze and tightly wrap them with threads on top.

Eggs colored with onion skins for Easter 2019

You can also attach parsley leaves (or other small herbs) to the egg and also wrap it tightly with gauze. This way you will get the desired drawing.

Eggs colored with onion skins and parsley for Easter 2019

Happy Easter!

Very soon one of the biggest Christian holidays will come - Easter. On the eve of this holiday, many housewives are puzzled by the question of how to paint and decorate eggs at home without using harmful chemical dyes.

For many centuries, our ancestors successfully dyed eggs for Easter using ordinary onion skins.

Starting from Maslenitsa, housewives usually did not throw away onion peels, but dried them a little and put them in a linen bag. Before Easter, the amount needed to paint eggs just accumulated.

When painting eggs using onion peels, you can independently adjust their color from light yellow to rich red-brown. If you want to get a darker color of eggs, then you need to boil a large amount of onion peels in water for at least thirty minutes, and then just immerse the boiled eggs in the resulting broth.

To make the eggs lighter, you just need to use a smaller amount of husk for coloring and cook it for three to five minutes.

Also, the final color of eggs when painted with peel depends on the type of onion. Each variety of husk has its own color - purple, golden, deep orange, red, light yellow.

Here are several ways to beautifully and originally paint eggs using onion peels to achieve different effects.

Before painting, eggs must be removed from the refrigerator so that they warm up to room temperature and do not burst during cooking. Then, put the onion peels in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for two to three hours. Next, put the eggs in the onion infusion and put the pan on the fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook the eggs for ten minutes. After the water has cooled, remove the eggs from the infusion with a spoon and wipe them with a paper napkin.

Dyed eggs “speckled” or motley eggs.

Each egg must first be dipped in water and then rolled in dry semolina, rice or corn grits. Next, the egg must be tightly wrapped with a piece of gauze. To make the cereal adhere better to the egg, the ends of the gauze are tightly tied with thread. Next, the eggs are boiled in onion infusion, as in the first method.

Krashenki with a pattern.

In order to get nice patterns when painting with onion skins, you need to attach small leaves, flowers, blades of grass (can be dried or freshly picked) to the eggs. Next, as in the second method, wrap the eggs in gauze and boil them in onion peels.

You can decorate eggs with a design or pattern in other ways. If you don’t have leaves and flowers on hand, you can simply tie a piece of lace around the egg before boiling.

To obtain “marble” stains on a colored egg, you must wrap each egg in onion skins before boiling. Then, together with the husk, wrap the egg in a white cotton napkin, gauze or a piece of nylon stocking.

For a more pronounced marble effect, it is better to use onion peels of different colors (from different varieties of onions).

The second option on how to make marble eggs is slightly different from the first, but also very simple. Multi-colored (red, yellow, orange) husks need to be chopped into small pieces with your hands or scissors and a few small pieces of paper should be added to the husks. The egg must first be moistened with water so that the mixture of paper and husk sticks to it better. Then, we tie the eggs, rolled in a mixture of husks and pieces of paper, with gauze, pieces of stocking or linen. Next, water and onion peels are added to the pan and the eggs wrapped in peels are placed. You need to cook the eggs for thirty to forty minutes over low heat.

Video from user 365 TIPS on how to make marble eggs.

By coloring with onion skins you can get original striped eggs. To do this, before painting, each egg must be tightly wrapped with an elastic band or threads, which can be applied to the egg either symmetrically or asymmetrically. How to do it is only a matter of your inspiration and imagination.

Then, dip them in the infusion of onion peels and cook for half an hour.

To make Easter eggs, colored in the traditional way using a healthy natural dye, even more beautiful, shiny and look more impressive on the holiday table, after cooling, you need to carefully rub each egg with a cotton pad dipped in vegetable oil.

I described all the unusual ways I know of for painting eggs for Easter in onion peels here. I hope that the information will be useful to you when preparing for the holiday. If you paint eggs in onion skins somehow differently, write. I think it will be interesting for both me and the readers.

Using onion peels with patterns is an ancient method that was used by our great-grandmothers and their ancestors. This is a natural, affordable and simple method that can be used to achieve uniform color in Easter eggs.


And the most attractive thing about this natural method of coloring eggs for Easter is the opportunity to try as many as 5 different options for how to paint eggs in onion peels with designs. Read in our material how to paint eggs with onion skins with your own hands with patterns for Easter.

To color eggs with onion skins for Easter you will need:

  • Onion peel;
  • eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • threads or elastic bands;
  • lace;
  • leaves of parsley, cilantro, ivy or other plants;
  • gauze or nylon stockings;
  • vegetable oil.

The main method of coloring eggs with onion skins

Place the onion skins in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. After 2-3 hours, lightly salt the water and put eggs in it for coloring at room temperature (not from the refrigerator). Boil water with eggs and onion skins, and then simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After the water has cooled, remove the eggs with a spoon and dry them with paper towels.

Advice: Depending on the type of onion, you can make the eggs multi-colored - yellow, orange, and red husks give the corresponding color to the eggs.

You can find a large selection of dishes, molds for baking Easter cakes, buns and cookies, festive decorated napkins, stickers for paints and other Easter devices at.

Marble effect for eggs for Easter

A beautiful marble effect is obtained by painting with onion peels of various colors. To do this, you need to mix the peels of orange, red and yellow onions with small pieces of paper and wrap it all together with the egg in gauze or a nylon stocking. In order for the eggs and paper to stick to the egg better, it must be wet. The resulting bags with marbled eggs and onion peels must be boiled in a saucepan, in which you also need to put the peels, for about 30-40 minutes over low heat.

How to paint speckled eggs for Easter

Wet eggs must be rolled in dry rice and tightly tied with gauze or nylon, and then boiled in onion broth.

Coloring an egg for Easter with a pattern

Small leaves of greenery or flowers are tightly applied to the egg and wrapped in gauze, as in the previous two, and boiled in a decoction of the husk.

A beautiful option with a patterned design instead of plants is lace, which is also used to wrap the egg before boiling it in the husk.

Eggs in striped onion skins

A striped effect when coloring eggs with onion skins is obtained if you wrap them with threads or rubber bands before lowering them into the broth.

Advice: After they have cooled, they can be given a beautiful glossy effect. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad with vegetable oil and rub it on each egg.