How to cook in a ham maker in a saucepan. Homemade ham in the Kupecheskaya ham maker

Good afternoon, dear readers. Every man loves meat, and sausage sandwiches are an integral part of their breakfast. Regardless of buying strange meat products in the store, I bring to your attention a recipe for preparing ham at home. It can be prepared from any meat.

For example, chicken, pork, beef, lamb, rabbit, etc. If you have a ham maker, cooking will become much easier and faster. This product is prepared by salting or smoking.

Therefore, today we will look at a recipe for homemade pork ham in a ham maker. You knew that ham sausage was first served in Ancient Rome before our era. Therefore, its popularity has spread throughout the world. Ham sausage can be chopped or whole-piece. We will prepare chopped sausage.

We take the necessary products for 1 kilogram of meat:

1. Pork – 1 kg.

2. Nitrite salt – 10 g

3. Table salt – 7 g

4. Black pepper – 1 teaspoon

5. Garlic – 4 – 5 cloves

6. Spices - to taste

7. Water – 100 g

I’ll tell you step by step how to cook homemade ham with photos.

Cooking method:

1. Take the pork and cut it into walnut-sized pieces. Transfer to a deep container.

Salt the meat with nitrite salt and table salt. Mix thoroughly.

Note: Nitrite salt is a mixture of regular salt and nitrite salt. It preserves the natural color of the product and also adds a ham flavor to our dish. Remember, add 10 grams of nitrite salt and 7 grams of table salt per kilogram of product.

2. Grind black peppercorns in a mortar.

Note: Do not use ground pepper as it will dry out quickly and may not impart that zingy flavor.

3. Peel the garlic. Using a garlic press, squeeze it into our bowl.

Add spices to taste.

Note: each time you cook, the number of grams of spices added may change, and it all depends on the brand of the manufacturer.

4. Add 100 grams of water to the meat.

Note: add water 10% of one kilogram.

Mix with your hands until the pork has completely absorbed the water.

5. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 2 days.

Note: if you used old spices, the meat may turn sour. Check it every four hours. If it has already acquired an unpleasant taste, proceed immediately to heat treatment.

6. Two days have passed and we take it out of the refrigerator. We divide it in half.

We put the first half through a meat grinder. Place whatever is left in a bowl and mix thoroughly.

It's time to prepare it:

7. Take the collagen film and place our meat there.

8. Wrap it in a roll.

9. Pack it in a packing net and tie the ends tightly. For those who understand how to use a ham maker, place our future sausage there.

Note: When wrapping in film there should be no bubbles. If they appear, pierce them with a toothpick.

Place the ham in warm water for 1 hour, then take it out to dry for 4 hours.

10. After all this, put the ham in the oven for 3 hours. No matter how dry the ham is, place a baking tray with water at the very bottom.

Place the prepared sausage in the refrigerator for 6 – 10 hours.

11. You spent a lot of time on preparation, but in front of you is a natural product with a pleasant taste and aroma. Bon appetit!

12. The technological process does not stand still and therefore now you can prepare homemade sausage in a slow cooker. When cooking, all stages are preserved, only at the end you do not put it in the oven, but put it in a slow cooker.

Pour water into a bowl and add sausage. We put the unit on the “Cooking” mode with a timer for one and a half hours. After the time has passed, remove it from the multicooker and put it in a cool place until the morning.

With the arrival of a child in the house, you begin to think about healthy and, most importantly, tasty food.

The Redmond ham maker is not an electrical appliance, but simply an additional accessory for preparing homemade sausage in a slow cooker.

It’s clear that you won’t be able to make boiled sausage like you get in a store, but you are guaranteed a tasty product.

The vessel is easy to use, and the sausage recipes in the Redmond ham maker are simple!

To use this ham maker, you don’t need to have a slow cooker. You can take a regular saucepan.

Then put on a small fire, approximately the same one on which the soup is cooked, and cook for an hour and a half.

You can use this recipe for Doctor’s sausage as a basis:

  • 1200 g minced meat (in any combination)
  • 1 medium egg
  • powdered milk - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • spices, salt, sugar to taste

1. Mix until smooth, preferably with a blender, take a metal flask, insert the bottom bottom.

The springs need to be secured to the holes with hooks to tighten both bottoms.

3. And put it in a large saucepan with water (at least 5.5 liters) so that the water covers the device. Cook for 1-1.5 hours over low heat, and the sausage in the ham maker is ready.

The flask must be removed and allowed to cool indoors. Then put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

The finished sausage can be rolled in spices.

Baked pork and meat rolls are prepared using the same principle.

It’s good to make a combined filling: chicken breast, pieces of pork. The meat can be pre-marinated in any barbecue marinade.

Some housewives use the following recipe when making homemade ham in this way:

  • pork - 1 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • paprika - to taste
  • garlic - 10 g

1. Cut the meat into 1 cm cubes, add salt and all the spices, let it sit for half an hour.

2. Insert the bottom into the ham maker and put in a baking bag. Place pieces of meat tightly into it.

The more meat, the better and denser the sausage will be.

3. The baking bag must be tied at the top and, having placed the top bottom, secured on all sides with springs.

It is better to do the last step on a cutting board, since the bottom of the ham maker can damage the countertop - it is quite sharp. The springs are very strong, they compact the meat and give shape to the future sausage.

4. We send the ham to cook for an hour and a half.

The device must be completely covered with water so that the springs heat evenly. The heating temperature should be low so that the bag does not burst prematurely.

5. Take the ham out of the water and place it vertically on a plate to cool.

The springs will immediately begin to crackle and retract to the bottom. Sometimes, the finished product turns out to be only half the volume of meat supplied.

6. At this stage, it is better to help the oven bag burst if it does not burst itself. Otherwise, the excess liquid and fat evaporated from the meat will prevent the pieces of meat from sticking together. The ham will fall apart.

7. At night, put the ham and sausage in the refrigerator to ripen. In the morning, remove the springs and remove the sausage from the cylinder.

From 1 kg of meat you get 0.7-0.8 ham sausage. In any case, it turns out to be more profitable than store-bought sausage.

Moreover, the sausage is made exclusively from well-known products and its cost is one and a half times lower than the store price.

To prepare sausage in a ham maker, it is better to use meat that is not pumped with liquid, that is, homemade or purchased at the market. The sausage yield is much greater; it is not boiled down as much.

For sausage, the minced meat must not only be thoroughly passed through the finest grate of your meat grinder 2 times, but also mixed with all the additives, preferably in a food processor with a chopping knife at high speed.

Under this condition, the minced meat turns out fluffy, without large stringy fibers.

In the case of sausage, you need to put “thickeners” and “emulsifiers” in the minced meat: milk powder, maybe sour cream, soaked gelatin (a little), eggs, so that your sausage doesn’t crumble at the end.

Then the sausage will come out like sausage.

You can add vegetables, mushrooms, olives, greens to the ham, everything will work out, it’s been tested.

You can cook it in a slow cooker, using the “Soup” program, but metal parts can damage the Teflon coating.

But in a multicooker with pressure cooker mode, you save time twice as much.

You can cook sausage in a ham maker in the oven, but it must be placed on a baking sheet, as the juice will flow, it will start to burn, and then you will have to clean the entire structure.

It is also necessary to turn the flask all the time, but in a saucepan everything happens more evenly and much easier.

Buy a ham maker 1.5 kg:

Sausage recipes in a ham maker have recently become increasingly popular, since natural, good sausage is becoming increasingly rare on store shelves.

Indeed, one cannot help but think about what is offered to customers when encountering a label with the inscription: “Meat sausage.” What are hundreds of types of sausages and ham made from, beautifully displayed in supermarket windows? From soy, starch, cellulose, flavorings and, at best, from by-products and bone cartilage. Of course, you can buy high-quality sausage, but the prices are sky-high.

Therefore, it is much more profitable and safer from a health point of view to make homemade sausage yourself, especially since it is very easy if you have one in the house. Homemade sausage recipes are so varied that they allow the amateur cook to fully express his creativity. Beginning ham maker owners can try one of the suggested sausage and ham recipes:

Homemade minced sausage (beef/chicken) in a ham maker

Homemade sausage from minced meat is easy to prepare, since you can use ready-made minced meat for it. However, you need to take into account that coarsely ground minced meat will make homemade sausage noticeably fibrous, so it is advisable to either pass the meat through a meat grinder twice, or use a blender to make the sausage minced meat more uniform.


  • Ground beef – 1 kg
  • Minced chicken – 0.5 kg
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Gelatin 10 g
  • Nutmeg, pepper, salt - to taste
  • Cooking time – 2 hours
So, to prepare homemade sausage in a ham maker, the minced meat must be passed through a meat grinder twice and mixed well. Using minced chicken in this sausage recipe reduces the cost of the original products, but nothing more. Instead of adding minced chicken, you can just take one and a half kilograms of beef.

The same goes for adding onions. Of course, onions add piquancy and spiciness to the sausage. However, the use of this ingredient is not required. It is recommended to add onions to sausage mince when the dish is intended for a festive table and will be eaten at one time. Already on the second day, when stored in the refrigerator, minced sausage with the addition of onions begins to emit a pleasant, but quite noticeable smell, comparable to the smell of cutlets. So, in principle, you don’t have to add onions, although this is a matter of taste. And finally, using an egg. It also can not be added to the minced meat if gelatin is used to hold together the particles of the future sausage. However, if gelatin is not used, then adding an egg is mandatory, and you can even add two.

Carrots are cut into small cubes and added raw to the minced meat. Instead of carrots, you can use other colorful vegetable additives - peppers, olives, green olives. These additives give homemade sausage a festive look and special taste.

You don’t need to dissolve the gelatin for homemade sausage, but simply sprinkle it over the minced meat and mix. Since the sausage is cooked in the ham maker in a sealed oven bag, the gelatin will dissolve into the juices that release from the meat. The addition of nutmeg and garlic to the composition of minced sausage is highly desirable. It is these components that give the finished product such a pleasant taste. But pepper can be used to taste. Those who love it spicy will probably not be able to do without pepper. But if children eat sausage, then you shouldn’t get too carried away with spices.

The finished minced meat is placed in a baking bag, previously placed in the ham maker, compacted tightly and the bag is tightly tied to prevent juice from leaking out. Then the ham maker is closed with a lid and the springs are secured.

The most convenient way to cook homemade sausage is in a ham maker in a slow cooker, setting the temperature to 90 degrees and cooking time for 2 hours. If you don’t have a slow cooker, you can use a wide saucepan, making sure that the water completely covers the ham pan and is barely boiling. In this case, the cooking time can be reduced to 1-1.5 hours, since the multicooker takes time to reach the mode, and the pan needs this if you immediately pour boiling water into it. After finishing cooking, carefully remove the ham maker by hooking it on the spring, cool it at room temperature without disassembling it, and then put it assembled in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Ready-made homemade sausage from minced meat looks very beautiful, but its taste is far superior to all store-bought options, since it is made from real meat, not surrogates.

Homemade pork and chicken ham

A completely different type of recipe for homemade sausages in a ham maker is the ham itself, which is prepared not from minced meat, but from individual pieces of meat. Homemade ham from pork and chicken turns out very tasty and unusually beautiful in a ham maker. Different types of meat in the finished ham differ in color and when cut, this dish looks like a fragrant mosaic. Cooking this dish in a ham maker is even easier than preparing minced sausage. Ingredients:

  • Pork – 1 kg
  • Chicken fillet – 0.7 kg
  • Gelatin – 10 g
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Nutmeg, salt, pepper - to taste
It should be noted right away that the chicken meat in the ham maker turns out to be a bit dry, since the ham is cooked under pressure. Therefore, to prepare ham, it is always better to take more pork, and not too lean, preferably with fat. Then the structure of the chicken meat will be balanced, and the taste will be wonderful. Pork and chicken meat should be cut into small pieces, up to 3-4 cm in size. Fat should be cut into even smaller pieces so that it is more evenly distributed throughout the ham.

Crush the garlic cloves onto the chopped meat. The amount of garlic indicated in the recipe is arbitrary; as a rule, more is used to add spiciness to the dish.

Then the meat needs to be salted. Here, again, it is better not to indicate the exact amount of salt, since everyone has different tastes. A particular issue concerns the use of nitrite salt in homemade ham recipes. Nitrite salt is added to commercially prepared ham. It gives the ham a specific taste and color that many consumers like so much. However, from a health point of view, using such salt in home recipes is not always justified, especially if you have problems with high blood pressure and lungs. In addition, there is evidence of the carcinogenicity of sodium nitrite when interacting with amino acids at high temperatures. Therefore, in recipes for homemade sausage and ham in a ham maker, nitrite salt is rather unnecessary. But for the preparation of raw smoked sausages and meat, its use is justified, since in this case it serves as protection against botulism.

Nutmeg gives homemade ham a wonderful taste, and gelatin holds the pieces of meat together using the pressure created by the springs of the ham maker. You can sprinkle both of them on the meat at the same time as salt, and then mix everything well with your hands. It’s not bad if you can leave the meat in this form in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is better saturated with spices and juice.

After this, a baking bag is inserted into the body of the ham maker and the meat is loaded. The amount of meat indicated in the recipe for ham is just enough to densely fill the Redmond or Belobok ham pan to the very top. During cooking, the volume of the meat is significantly reduced as pressure transforms the individual pieces into a single piece of ham.

It is better to cook ham in a slow cooker, as it allows you to accurately maintain a temperature of 90 degrees without bringing the water to a boil. To protect the bowl of the multicooker from damage by the sharp edges of the ham pan or its springs, you can place a layer of gauze or a silicone mat on the bottom of the bowl.

The finished pork ham and chicken turns out dense if the ham pot is cooled gradually and then kept in the refrigerator for several hours. When cut, homemade ham looks like a mosaic, but its taste is simply wonderful. By the way, the cost of homemade ham is comparable to inexpensive varieties of industrial sausage, but its quality is incomparably higher, because it is pure meat without any additives. There is no shame in offering such a dish to guests, and their admiration is guaranteed.

Homemade beef and pork ham in jelly

Homemade beef and pork ham in jelly turns out especially tasty in a ham maker. The recipe for this ham is not too different from the previous one. However, the taste differs significantly, and this dish looks completely different. After cooking, beef is noticeably darker than pork, so that when cut, the mosaic appearance of the ham is preserved, but the overall color becomes somewhat darker. In addition, beef meat promotes the formation of jelly, assisted by the gelatin provided in the recipe. Ingredients:

  • Beef – 1 kg
  • Pork – 0.5 kg
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • Gelatin 10-15 g
  • Salt, nutmeg, pepper to taste
It is necessary to make a note about the composition of the ingredients in this recipe: the total amount of meat should be no more than 1.5 kg, less than in the previous case. This is due to the fact that packing the ham maker too tightly will not allow jelly to form and the piece of ham will be similar to the previous one. The springs of the ham maker compress its contents with equal force, however, after reaching the limit determined by the side slots, the pressure stops and the jelly can form freely.

Beef for this ham recipe should be chosen with a small amount of fat, but it is better to take a piece of pork without fat. Both meats need to be cut into pieces of 3-4 centimeters, sprinkled with salt, pepper, gelatin, nutmeg and mixed. When loading meat into a baking bag, you need to make sure that its upper border does not reach the top edge of the ham pan by 0.5 - 1 cm, that is, there is a small space left.

After installing the top cover of the ham maker and tensioning the springs, the top edge will move even further down. You especially need to ensure that the sharp edges of the springs do not damage the baking bag, and that the bag itself is tightly tied, otherwise, during cooking, the resulting juice will leak out of the bag and the chance of getting jelly will be lost.

You need to cook ham according to this recipe in exactly the same way as in previous cases, at a temperature of about 90 degrees, without bringing the water to a boil. And be sure to subsequently cool the ham to room temperature and then keep it in the cold for several hours. As a general rule, it's best to always plan to open the ham maker only the next day to give the meat a chance to turn into one piece.

After removing the homemade sausage from the ham maker, you will see an amazingly tasty jelly, which gives the dish a festive look and captivates with its aroma. The given recipe for ham in a ham maker gives a slightly smaller volume of the finished dish, but its taste will delight any gourmet.

Pork boiled pork

Baked pork cooked in a ham maker is a delicacy dish for the holiday. Baked pork is often prepared in foil, baked in the oven. But it often turns out a little dry. In the ham maker, all the juices are preserved, so the meat remains juicy and tasty.

Baked pork differs from other sausages in that it is prepared using a whole piece of pork, boneless tenderloin. Pieces of ham or neck work well. If there are layers of fat in the meat, that’s also good, but if there are not too many of them. In total you will need 1400-1500 pork for this dish.

A few cloves of garlic are enough to prepare the meat. Cuts are made in a piece of pork into which garlic is inserted. Additional marinating is not required, since the boiled pork will be cooked in the bag. However, it is quite appropriate to add spices to taste: salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Then the pork is placed in a baking bag and then into the ham maker. Cook at 95 degrees for 2 hours. It is convenient to do this in a slow cooker, as described above. Ready boiled pork should not be taken out hot, although it does not require, like sausages, additional time for gluing the pieces into a single whole.

However, boiled pork is delicious when it is cold, and cooling it allows you to give the piece of meat its shape. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the meat is simply festive, juicy and beautiful.

Date: 2014-03-14

Ham in a slow cooker


  • Pork – 400 gr.
  • Beef – 400 gr.
  • Mixed minced meat – 300 gr.
  • Powdered milk – 10 g.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 3 teeth.
  • Gelatin – 15 gr.
  • Salt, ground black pepper
  • Seasoning for meat

Recipe for the ham maker:

This Redmond ham can be ordered at online store, the kit also includes an instruction manual with an appendix for 20 recipes.

Wash the meat, cut into 1 cm cubes, finely chop the garlic.

Mix minced meat, chopped meat, egg, salt, seasoning, milk powder, gelatin in a saucepan, mix everything thoroughly.

How to use a ham maker:

Place the ham maker on the table with the vertical slits facing up.

Place one of the covers with the curved edge up on the clamps (3 levels of clamps in total).

Place a baking sleeve inside the ham maker body, turning the top edge to the outside of the body.

Place the prepared ingredients in the sleeve, compact it so that there are no voids.

Tie the ends of the sleeve with thread or a special clip, while trying to release all the air from the bag.

Place the second ham maker lid on top (curved edge down). Align the three holes on the cover with the slots on the housing for the springs.

Install 3 springs in turn, rings down, inserting the hook into the hole for intermediate fixation. Try not to tear the sleeve with the ingredients.

Now turn the product over and hook the hook of each spring in turn to the edge of the body.

Place the ham maker on its side in a multicooker bowl or saucepan and fill with water. And close the lid.

If you have the Soup mode, cook in this mode for 1 hour 30 minutes. If you are making the ham in a saucepan, cook over low-medium heat for the same amount of time. I made ham in a Panasonic 18 multicooker (4.5 liter bowl, power 670 W) in the “Stew” mode for 2 hours.

After the sound signal indicates the end of cooking, turn off the multicooker, carefully remove the ham pan (be careful! It is very hot!), cool, then put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Do not disassemble the ham maker until all its contents have cooled completely!

Now you can get tasty and healthy homemade ham (or sausage) by carefully removing the springs from the body.

  • Peeled salad shrimps 700 g
  • Trout(fillet) 600 g
  • Tilapia(fillet) 500 g
  • Olives 100 g
  • Lemon juice 20 ml
  • Gelatin (dry) 15 g
  • Dried greens
  • Salt, spices

How to prepare fish ham with shrimp and olives:

  1. Rinse the fish. Pass the tilapia through a meat grinder, cut the trout into 2 cm cubes. Add trout, shrimp, olives, juice, gelatin, dried herbs, salt, spices to the minced meat, mix until smooth.
  2. 50 g
  3. Celery (stem) 50 g
  4. Garlic 25 g
  5. Semolina 15 g
  6. Salt, spices
  7. How to prepare pork ham with turkey and mushrooms:

    1. Rinse the meat, pass through a meat grinder along with champignons, onions and garlic (10 g), add semolina, salt, spices to the minced meat, mix until smooth. Cut the celery lengthwise into cubes.
    2. Place the minced meat in the ham maker (see section, p. 2–5).
    3. Stuff the minced meat with garlic (15 g) and celery. Then follow the instructions in accordance with section, paragraphs 6–11.
    4. Set the SOUP program, cooking time 1 hour 30 minutes. Cook until the end of the program.
    5. Next, follow steps 12–13 of section.

  • Pork(fillet) - 700 g
  • Language(boiled pork) - 350 g
  • Champignon(fresh) - 100 g
  • Capers - 50 g
  • Garlic - 20 g
  • Semolina - 15 g
  • Greenery
  • Salt, spices

How to prepare pork tongue ham with capers:

  1. Rinse the pork and chop the greens with a knife. Pass the pork, garlic (5 g), tongue and champignons through a meat grinder, add salt, spices, capers, herbs, semolina to the minced meat, mix until smooth.
  2. Place the minced meat in the ham maker (see section “ Product operation»

    Cook with pleasure!

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