Coconut snowball cake. Coconut cake - the best recipe for a delicious treat Sponge cake with coconut

I made this cake for New Years two years in a row, and each time it was a resounding success. As you know, people are divided into those who love coconuts and those who hate them. Apparently, there are more of the former.

The cake is very soft and very coconutty. A little trick is not to overbake the cakes: if you bake them until crispy, the cake will have to soak for a very long time. The cakes should be slightly springy and that’s it.

A thin layer of chocolate between the cake layers adds crunch and breaks up the coconut. Instead of chocolate, you can add a layer of some kind of berry confit, only sour. Raspberry or pineapple.

Coconut dacquoise:

  • 180 g coconut flour (grind coconut flakes)
  • 120 g almond flour
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 210 g proteins
  • 105 g sugar

Sift the powdered sugar so that there are no lumps. There is no need to sift almond flour into this dough, not to mention coconut flour. Mix the powder, almond and coconut flour thoroughly, preferably with a whisk.

Beat the egg whites and sugar at medium speed until they reach a “tail” consistency. The bowl and whisk must be completely sugared. Add sugar in three stages: when foam has formed on the whites, when all the whites have become foamy, when the foam has turned white.

Gently fold the sugar-almond-coconut mixture into the egg whites using a spatula. Mix with folding movements, turning the bowl.

We line three 20 cm baking dishes with paper. Do not grease them with oil! Bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes until browned at 170C.

Cool the cakes without removing them from the paper. They are very tender, fragile, we will put them in the cake directly on the paper so that they do not break. Freeze, spread with melted milk or dark chocolate in a thin layer.

Coconut cream:

  • 300 g coconut milk
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 140 g sugar
  • 40 g yolks (2 pcs)
  • 25 g starch
  • 10 g gelatin (soak)
  • 50 g butter
  • 500 ml whipped cream

Bring milk with sugar and vanilla sugar to a boil. Mix the yolks with starch. Pour the sweet milk in a thin stream onto the yolks, stirring with a whisk. Return the mixture to the saucepan and brew over medium heat for 10 minutes, without bringing to a boil, stirring vigorously with a whisk, regularly removing from the heat so that it does not boil. The mass will thicken. Remove from heat, add gelatin, stir until smooth. Add oil, stir again. Cool either in a cold water bath with constant stirring, or at room temperature, covered with contact film. The cream should reach the same temperature as the table.

Whip the cold cream in a cold bowl with a cold whisk until it reaches a “beak” consistency.

Add the cooled cream to the cream and mix gently with vertical movements. Let's use it right away! There is gelatin in there, it will harden completely. You can cook the cream in advance, and before using, warm it up so that the gelatin melts, cool again to room temperature and mix with the cream.

We tighten the heated high ring with a diameter of 22 cm with cling film. We cover the edges with acetate film. Pour one third of the cream into the bottom, then place the cake with chocolate down, repeat two more times. Our cake turns out upside down. This method allows you to achieve a perfectly smooth top and sides.

However, we can also assemble it in the traditional way, spreading the mousse onto the cakes. You have to wait for it to thicken in order to spread properly.

Cool until completely cool (if the cake is in a ring, it is better to freeze).

Decorate with coconut shavings and French meringue Christmas trees.

French meringue

  • 150 g protein
  • 140 g sugar
  • 140 g powdered sugar

Beat the egg whites and sugar until stiff peaks form on medium speed. Add sugar in three additions. Gently add powdered sugar to the whipped whites using a spatula.

Place on a baking sheet and dry at 80C with convection for 1.5 hours. Do not preheat the oven.

    Bounty cake with chocolate frosting- a real heavenly delight that can be prepared at home. I must say that this recipe is not at all complicated, so anyone can prepare it. The only difficulty may arise with the sponge cake, since this dough is quite finicky, but coconut custard is a piece of cake. You can use a different glaze recipe, but I like the recipe with sour cream, butter and cocoa the most. These ingredients are always in the refrigerator and are a very inexpensive option.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 3/4 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack


  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Coconut flakes - 150 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack

For impregnation:

  • Liquid cream - 8 tbsp.

or milk - 0.5 tbsp. + sugar - 3 tbsp.


  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.

Step-by-step photos on how to prepare the recipe:

Let's prepare the sponge cake first because it needs time to cool. Better yet, prepare it a day in advance so that it gets the right texture overnight.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites. It is also important that no water gets into the whites, otherwise they will not whip up.

Beat the whites into a light foam, first without sugar, but with a pinch of salt. Then gradually add sugar. We use half the amount of sugar on them, and the second will go into the yolk.

Beat until fluffy and dense foam.

  • Now we need to combine both of these masses, but very carefully so as not to destroy the delicate airy structure, therefore, the less we mix it, the better.

    Since we still have to add cocoa and flour, it is best to mix the cocoa with the yolks first.

  • Then sift the flour and vanilla sugar. Knead the dough again.

  • Grease the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour, and it is advisable to put parchment paper on the bottom. If you don’t have special parchment paper, use it to prevent the dough from sticking to the pan.

    Fill the mold with dough and place in an oven preheated to 180 C for 40-45 minutes.

    Under no circumstances do we open the oven for the first 30 minutes, otherwise the sponge cake will fall off and will no longer be airy, and it will not bake well.

  • Prepare coconut custard.

    Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla sugar and butter.

    Place on the fire and, stirring, wait until the butter and sugar dissolve.

  • Then add coconut flakes and mix.

    Keep the fire minimal. Let it simmer for a while, stirring occasionally. The coconut flakes will swell, absorb a lot of liquid and the cream will become thick. Boil until the mass becomes thick enough.

  • While the cream is cooling, soak the cakes.

    Our cream will be quite thick and dry, I would call it not a cream, but a filling, so there is no way to do without impregnation.

    If you have liquid cream, then simply soak each cake layer with it - 5 tbsp. for each.

    And if not, then we’ll prepare milk impregnation. To do this, mix the milk with sugar and heat it. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. The sugar should dissolve and the milk will thicken a little. When it cools down a little, we soak the cakes with it.

  • Place the second cake layer on top and press with your hands.

  • We pour it over the surface and sides.

  • And now everything is ready! Although the recipe turns out to be budget-friendly and easy, the taste will pleasantly surprise you.

  • Let's cut off a larger piece and taste heavenly pleasure!

    There are probably few people who have not tried a Bounty bar at least once in their life. Juicy coconut pulp, covered with a thick layer of delicate milk chocolate. Many people fall in love with it from the first bite.

    But few people know that there is not only a coconut bar, but also a real cake. It does not have a classic recipe, because each housewife comes up with it almost independently, following two main principles - as much coconut and chocolate as possible. The recipe offered here is very simple and affordable. Those who are not preparing a sponge cake for the first time will cope with it with ease.

    You should definitely try to make such a delicious cake and you will definitely succeed. Of course, you can go to the store and buy some dessert, but knowing all the achievements of the food and chemical industries, you cannot be sure of the usefulness of such a purchase. After all, even the composition indicated on the box leaves much to be desired, and many unscrupulous manufacturers, in order not to scare away their customers, do not indicate all the information on the label. And the conditions of delivery and storage can lead to the fact that the purchased product will be spoiled and may cause poisoning. Take care of your family, spend a little time and prepare a homemade “Bounty”.

    This cake will satisfy everyone's tastes. Men love it for its sweetness and pronounced chocolate taste, women for its tenderness and airiness, and children, little sweet tooths, really love the coconut filling. If there is a children's party coming up, be sure to prepare it. You'll see, there won't be a crumb left on the table.

    Those who are encountering the preparation of sponge cake for the first time should know some fundamentally basic basics of its preparation. The most important advantage of a sponge cake is its splendor. It should turn out tall and tender. In order for it to turn out just like that, you need to adhere to some rules:

    Eggs for beating should not be at room temperature, but chilled. Some chefs advise whipping egg whites with a pinch of salt and a drop of lemon juice. The yolks are beaten with sugar, and then everything is carefully mixed.

    1. The container where eggs are beaten must be dry and grease-free. To do this, first wipe it with vinegar and wipe dry with a towel.
    2. Instead of sugar, it is better to use powdered or finely crystalline sugar so that it is completely dissolved even at the moment of churning.
    3. Beat the egg whites and sugar for 10 minutes until a white thick mass forms and stiff peaks form.
    4. Flour should be only the highest grade. Be sure to sift it to enrich it with oxygen.
    5. Mix the flour into the resulting mass gradually and very carefully. Pour out small portions and mix with a wooden or silicone spatula from top to bottom. Do not beat with a mixer under any circumstances!
    6. During baking, the dough expands in volume, so fill the pan no more than 3/4 full.
    7. Place the mold in a well-heated oven. Do not open the cabinet door during baking. After the allotted time has passed, check the readiness with a wooden skewer.
    8. To ensure that the finished biscuit is easily removed from the mold, leave it to cool upside down for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rate the recipe

    All those with a sweet tooth who love coconut should definitely try this delicacy. It can be prepared in different ways, for example, with a chocolate or milk base. Leave the finished coconut cake in a cool place so that the shavings are well absorbed into the cream.


    • flour – 80 – 90 g;
    • eggs – 3 pcs.;
    • sugar – 210 – 220 g;
    • cocoa – 20 – 30 g;
    • coconut shavings – 130 – 140 g;
    • baking powder – ½ small. spoons;
    • cream and milk - 2/3 tbsp each;
    • butter – 120 – 130 g.


    1. Beat the eggs with half the sugar until a fluffy white mass forms. At the same time, the sweet crystals should completely dissolve in it.
    2. Separately mix the remaining dry ingredients except coconut. Add it in parts to the whipped mass. Gently stir from the middle of the cup to the edges.
    3. Bake it in a biscuit tin for 20 - 25 minutes at 200 degrees. The readiness of the cake base can be determined by a dry toothpick.
    4. Let the biscuit rest. If you prepare it in advance and leave it overnight, the base of the cake will not crumble and become excessively soggy.
    5. Afterwards, cut it into two parts.
    6. Add coconut. Cook the mixture for 12 – 14 minutes. It is important to constantly stir it and not let it burn. Cool the filling.
    7. Soak the cakes with cream. Coat with coconut mixture.

    If desired, generously drizzle the finished treat with homemade chocolate glaze.

    Coconut milk dessert


    • flour – 230 – 250 g;
    • cocoa – 30 – 40 g;
    • baking powder – 1.5 small. spoons;
    • soda and salt - half a small spoon each;
    • coconut milk - 2 tbsp;
    • water – ½ cup;
    • sugar – 190 g;
    • sunflower oil – 80 ml;
    • lime/lemon juice – 1 large spoon;
    • dark chocolate – 2 bars;
    • corn starch - 1 large spoon;
    • powdered sugar - 2 small spoons.


    1. 1/3 tbsp. coconut oil (room temperature) mixed with water. Add two types of sugar.
    2. Separately combine flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt and soda.
    3. Add lime juice and oil to a bowl with coconut milk.
    4. Combine dry and liquid mass. If it turns out to be too thick, add a couple more tablespoons of water.
    5. Pour the homogeneous dough into a springform pan lined with parchment on the bottom. Bake at medium temperature for a little over half an hour.
    6. Leave the resulting biscuit on a wire rack for half an hour. Then wrap it in a bag/film and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
    7. Cut the base into three identical layers.
    8. Melt the chocolate. Mix with starch, powder and remaining coconut milk. Combine all ingredients with a whisk. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 20 minutes so that it has time to thicken.
    9. Coat the cakes with cream and place on top of each other.

    Decorate the coconut milk treat to your liking.

    Delicate delicacy “Raffaello”

    To peel almonds, pour boiling water over them for 3 to 4 minutes. Then replace the liquid with ice water. After this, the nuts will peel easily.


    • eggs – 6 pcs.;
    • almond extract – 1 small spoon;
    • sugar – 180 g;
    • flour – 130 g;
    • mascarpone at room temperature – 40 – 450 g;
    • condensed milk – 1 can + 2 large spoons;
    • peeled almonds – 80 g;
    • milk – 4 dessert spoons;
    • white chocolate – 2 bars;
    • whipping cream – 230 ml;
    • coconut shavings - 1 full glass;
    • powdered sugar - 5 dessert spoons.


    1. Chop the peeled nuts into large pieces. Dry in a frying pan without oil until crispy.
    2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Beat eggs with sand and almond extract. Work with a mixer until the mass becomes snow-white and fluffy.
    3. Pour flour through a sieve. Stir gently so that the mass does not settle. Bake the biscuit at the temperature indicated above for a little more than half an hour. Cool and cut into three layers.
    4. For impregnation, mix condensed milk (2 tablespoons) and regular milk.
    5. For the cream, mix cheese and a can of condensed milk.
    6. Pour the soaking mixture over the biscuits. Apply cream. Sprinkle each cake with chopped nuts.
    7. Assemble the cake and pour glaze of melted chocolate and cream whipped with powder.

    Soak the dessert in a cool place for 5 – 7 hours.

    Chocolate Cake with Coconut


    • cream - 1 full glass;
    • chocolate cakes – 3 pcs.;
    • dark chocolate – 3 bars;
    • coconut flakes – 190 g.


    1. Heat the cream well.
    2. Add chocolate pieces to the milk product.
    3. When the tile slices are completely melted, remove the container from the heat. Add shredded coconut.
    4. Let the cream cool.
    5. Coat the skin with coconut mixture.

    Decorate the cake and let it sit.

    From ready-made cakes

    The most delicate Raffaello cake can be prepared quickly and easily. To do this you need to use ready-made cakes.


    • light cakes – 3 pcs.;
    • condensed milk – 1 can;
    • whipping cream – 380 – 400 g;
    • soft butter - a full glass;
    • coconut shavings – 60 g.


    1. Beat condensed milk with butter.
    2. Combine with whipped cream.
    3. Generously coat the cakes with cream.
    4. Assemble the cake. Also cover the structure with cream on top and fill it with shavings.

    Let the delicacy brew and decorate with themed candies without wrappers.

  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - half a glass.
  • Preparation:

    1. Immediately line the oven with baking paper.
    2. Mix all bulk ingredients (half the chips).
    3. Add oil.
    4. Form a base from the mixture and press into shape. Bake for 10 – 12 minutes.
    5. For the filling, beat the remaining ingredients in a blender. You will get airy curd coconut cream for the cake.
    6. Pour the mixture onto the base.

    Bake at the same temperature for about an hour. The filling should “set”.

    Cooking with banana


    • vanilla cake – 3 pcs.;
    • butter fat – 280 g;
    • condensed milk – ½ tbsp.;
    • coconut liqueur - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • coconut shavings - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • bananas – 3 pcs.;
    • sugar – 7 tbsp. l.;
    • water – 4 tbsp. l.;
    • chocolate – 40 g.


    1. Melt butter (80 g) and half the sugar in a frying pan. Fry pieces of peeled bananas in this mixture until caramelized.
    2. For the cream, add liqueur and condensed milk to the remaining soft butter. Whisk everything.
    3. Boil syrup from water and remaining sugar. Soak the cakes with it.
    4. Layer each with bananas and cover with cream. Fold the cake.
    5. Cover the dessert with melted chocolate.

    Decorate the cake to your taste. For example, using the remaining cream, nuts, and chocolate, place a monkey’s face on it.

    When the holidays approach, many girls think about what dish or dessert to prepare. A good solution is cake. Because it is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

    In our article we will look at several options for preparing such a dessert. Let's start with coconut cake. This is a delicious and low-calorie dessert that will especially appeal to those who love Bounty bars and other similar treats.

    Coconut cake. Recipe one

    Now we’ll tell you how to make it. To prepare the biscuit, you need the following products:

    25 grams of coconut flakes;
    . 30 milliliters of milk;
    . 2 teaspoons baking powder;
    . two eggs;
    . one hundred grams of butter;
    . 75 grams of flour;
    . 100 grams of powdered sugar.

    To prepare the cream you need:

    4 tablespoons of boiled water;
    . 100 grams of powdered sugar;
    . 400 milliliters of sour cream;
    . 15 grams of gelatin;
    . 1/3 can of condensed milk.

    Why was it called that?

    Coconut sponge cake can be baked in the microwave or oven in just 6-15 minutes. Very easy and without spending a lot of time. And to prepare the coconut cake itself, you only have to work for about twenty minutes. It takes a lot of time for the dessert to soak through. The result is a cake with a delicate, light taste. It’s not for nothing that they call it “Tenderness”.


    1. To treat yourself to a delicious dessert, you first need to prepare a sponge cake. To do this, take eggs and butter (soft), combine in one bowl and beat until smooth.
    2. After a thick mass is obtained, add powdered sugar to it and beat again with a blender (mixer) for no more than 1 minute.
    3. Then add flour, coconut flakes and baking powder. Knead the dough with light movements. Milk is poured in after the dough has thickened. Then you need to mix again until smooth.
    4. Now you need to prepare the baking dish. It should be greased (lightly) with vegetable oil.
    5. Then you need to pour in the prepared mixture and bake in the microwave for no more than six minutes at 800 W power. You can do this in a regular oven at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for no more than 15 minutes. A sign that the biscuit is ready is the formation of a crust. You can check it in another way. To do this, you need to take a match and pierce the product in several places. If sticky dough forms on the match, the sponge cake is not ready yet. And if there is nothing on it, then it is baked. Then let the finished product stand for a minute in the turned off microwave or oven. Next, remove the cake base from the mold and let it cool.
    6. At this time we take sour cream and powdered sugar. Beat with a mixer at the highest power. Then add condensed milk without ceasing to beat.
    7. Instant gelatin is poured with hot water. It should turn out without lumps.
    8. Then the gelatin is added to the sour cream base. Beat for 3 minutes at minimum speed. That's all, the cream is ready.
    9. Now back to the biscuit. It must be carefully cut into two parts with a sharp large knife. Place one half of the biscuit in the mold and pour half of the resulting cream. Place the second cake layer on top and pour the rest of the cream onto it. Then you need to put the almost finished coconut cake in the refrigerator for six hours.
    10. Afterwards, the product is taken out of the mold and decorated on the sides with your favorite cookies. That's all, the delicious dessert can be cut into portions and served.

    Cake with cream

    To make coconut cake you will need:

    3 yolks;
    . 6 spoons of sugar;
    . ¼ cup lemon juice;
    . one and a half tablespoons of heavy cream;
    . butter (3 tsp);
    . a teaspoon of lemon zest;
    . coconut flakes (¼ cup);
    . two and a half glasses of flour;
    . a spoonful of baking powder;
    . a pinch of salt;
    . one and a half glasses of sugar;
    . 1 cup butter and coconut cream;
    . 4 eggs;
    . a teaspoon of vanillin;
    . a glass of kefir;
    . 240 grams of cream cheese;
    . 50 grams of butter;
    . 200 grams of powdered sugar;
    . 20 milliliters coconut cream;
    . vanillin (one and a half teaspoons);
    . coconut flakes (at least 100 grams).

    Cooking steps

    1. Let's start by preparing the filling. Mix butter, yolks, sugar, lemon juice, cream and put on low heat. Cook (stirring) for no more than 7 minutes. Then cool slightly and mix with zest. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
    2. Now let's start preparing the biscuit. First you need to turn on the oven and preheat to 185 degrees. Grease the prepared pan with butter and sprinkle with flour. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a cup. Sugar, butter, cream should be whipped with a mixer. Then you should add the mixed flour to them and beat again, but at low speed. Mix egg whites with salt, beat and add to the dough. Divide it into 2 parts and bake each cake for 45 minutes.
    3. The finished products must be removed from the oven and cooled for an hour.
    4. Now let's start assembling our coconut cake. To do this, place the first biscuit on a flat plate. Coat with filling and sprinkle with coconut flakes. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then we take it out and lay the second layer. Pour the filling over it too and sprinkle with coconut flakes.
    5. Now it's time to prepare the glaze. Beat cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla for 7-10 minutes on medium power. The resulting glaze is poured over the cake with coconut flakes. Then it is placed in the refrigerator for 7 hours in order to be completely soaked. Then serve it, cutting it into small pieces with tea or coffee.

    Coconut cake. Recipe with photo

    To prepare the cake you will need:

    Five eggs;
    . a glass of sugar and the same amount of flour;
    . two cans of condensed milk;
    . two bags of coconut flakes;
    . one pack of vanilla cream;
    . two hundred grams of chewing marshmallows;
    . two tablespoons of lemon juice;
    . three glasses of powdered sugar.

    Preparing dessert

    1. First you need to beat the eggs together with sugar. Then add flour there, stirring gently with a wooden spoon from bottom to top. This must be done so that the egg mixture does not settle.
    2. The resulting dough must be poured into a baking dish and placed in the oven for 40 minutes. Afterwards, remove the product from the mold and place it on a damp towel.
    3. Next, cut out the middle of the cooled biscuit so that at least one centimeter remains at the edges. Then the cut out part is crushed and mixed with two cans of condensed milk. After which the resulting mass must be put back into the biscuit.
    4. Now do it according to the instructions on the package. Then coat the biscuit with it. The coconut cake is then sprinkled with shavings and decorated with chewy marshmallows.

    Other cream

    If you don’t like the vanilla cream, you can replace it with another, more original one. Now we will tell you how to prepare for the cake.

    The recipe is quite simple to follow. To prepare you need:

    A glass of milk and the same amount of sugar;
    . three beaten yolks;
    . one hundred grams of margarine;
    . spoon of vanilla sugar;
    . a glass of small nuts;
    . a glass of coconut flakes.


    1. First you need to take a saucepan and mix milk, margarine, sugar, vanillin in it.
    2. Beat the yolks with one teaspoon of water. Then they should be poured into the milk in a thin stream.
    3. The pan should be placed on low heat. Cook until tender, stirring constantly. Then remove the creamy mass from the heat and add nuts and coconut flakes to it. You can decorate a cake with this cream.

    Chocolate coconut dessert

    To prepare such a coconut cake, the photo of which you see below, you will need the products we are familiar with.

    For the test:

    Four eggs;
    . three tablespoons of cocoa and the same amount of flour;
    . soda on the tip of a knife.

    For the filling you will need:

    Sugar six tablespoons;
    . a glass of flour;
    . one hundred grams of butter;
    . two hundred grams of coconut flakes.

    For the glaze:

    Two tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of cocoa;
    . five teaspoons of milk;
    . five teaspoons of liqueur.


    To make chocolate coconut cake, you need to first make the dough.

    • Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Take the yolks and add a spoonful of sugar to them. Then grind. Pour five tablespoons of sugar into the whites and beat. Add the mashed yolks and beat until white foam.
    • Then add cocoa and soda slaked in vinegar. Mix with slow movements. Pour into the pan and bake in a preheated oven for no more than 30 minutes.

    Now you need to make the filling.

    • To do this, mix all the ingredients for its preparation in a deep cup. Then put on low heat and cook for ten minutes. Then cool.
    • Mix sugar, cocoa and milk. Then put on fire and cook for five minutes, stirring constantly.

    Then you should cut the prepared biscuit into two layers. Soak in liqueur. Place the filling sequentially on the first cake layer and cover it with the second one. Drizzle with icing and decorate as desired with finely chopped nuts or whipped cream.


    Now you know how to make delicious coconut cake. We have provided you with the recipe, not just one, but several. Good luck!