Menu templates in Word: download and print. Creating a restaurant menu Beautiful menu for a cafe template - laconic templates for designing menus for cafes and restaurants. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - laconic templates for designing menus for cafes and restaurants. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - laconic templates for designing menus for cafes and restaurants. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - laconic templates for designing menus for cafes and restaurants. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - laconic templates for designing menus for cafes and restaurants. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - laconic templates for designing menus for cafes and restaurants. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - laconic templates for designing menus for cafes and restaurants. Use the online editor, ()

In order for the menu to be structured and understandable for customers, it is necessary to take a thorough approach to its development. This task can be entrusted to specialists in this field or you can do it yourself. In this article we will talk about ways to create menus using online generators or the Photoshop graphic editor.

Menu creation steps

Development often requires a lot of effort and time, but the process itself contains only a few steps. Each of them is described sequentially below.

  1. Development of items. At this stage, you will need to make a list of all the dishes and drinks that you plan to sell in your establishment. It is important that they correspond to the concept or. In addition, if your establishment has a specific theme, then this should also be emphasized.
  2. Division into sections. Food and drinks should be sorted by category. This will help in the future when creating a menu.
  3. Thinking through the layout design. Here it is important to focus not only on the attractiveness of the final menu, but also on ease of use. Everything should be clearly structured so that customers do not have difficulty finding dishes.
  4. Creating a Menu. This stage is one of the key ones. You can develop a menu using a special program. After completing the creation process, you need to download it in the desired format.
  5. Seal. After downloading, you should calculate the required number of finished copies and print them in a printing house.

Now you know in what sequence menu development is carried out. But to obtain a high-quality result, you also need to know some nuances. Below are the basic tips from experts that will help you make the right choice when creating a design and selecting menu items.

Choose a simple design

A good menu is distinguished by its simplicity and restraint. It should reflect the names of the dishes offered to customers with clear wording.

You should not put a large number of offers on the menu. It has been proven that too many choices of dishes can turn off customers because they simply cannot decide. Therefore, it is optimal to offer 4-5 main and second courses. They can be supplemented with related products (bread, sauces, drinks, etc.).

Also, don't try to decorate your menu pages with lots of food images. This, of course, may whet the customers' appetite, but it will also distract them from making choices.

Follow the golden triangle rule

The Golden Triangle refers to the three main areas that people look at first when looking at a menu.

  1. Middle. This area is the main one, and therefore the first to attract the attention of clients. Therefore, in such a place it is optimal to place special offers and promotions that are currently valid in your establishment.
  2. Top right corner. It is advisable to place a section with main dishes here. Thus, customers will start choosing from them.
  3. Upper left corner. It is better to place light snacks as well as drinks in this area. You can also add here alcoholic products and desserts.

Choose the right font

A significant contribution to the attractiveness of the menu is made by the text used in the main text. It should be readable and consistent with the general style of the establishment.

It is advisable to use sans-serif fonts without unnecessary curls. It is important to focus on 2-3 main fonts. Otherwise, the menu will look awkward.

It's acceptable to choose fancy and handwritten font styles if that's what the theme of the restaurant suggests. But in this case, you should also take care of the readability of the inscriptions.

Bold font, spacing and other highlighting should be in harmony with the rest of the text and not spoil the overall appearance of the menu.

Adapt the menu for foreign visitors

Especially the upper class, often visited by representatives of other countries. It is important to take this into account when developing your menu. In order for foreign visitors to understand the names of dishes, it is necessary to translate them into several languages.

It is not necessary to translate texts into many languages. You can limit yourself to English. In addition to convenience for customers, this will also emphasize your hospitality and respect for representatives of other countries.

Don't use currency signs

Recently, more and more establishments are moving away from indicating currency symbols in the menu (“€”, “£”, “$”, etc.). This allows you to show visitors that making a profit for the company is not the main goal of the restaurant.

In addition, even without these signs, customers understand what numbers indicate prices. And unnecessary details on the menu will only make it more loaded.

Choose the correct length of the dish description

The human eye is more likely to fall on different details. So if you write several short sentences and one long one, customers will most likely want to read the latter. This also works in the opposite direction: from long phrases they will choose a short one.

Using this feature of attention, you can purposefully place emphasis on individual parts of the description. For example, the main ingredients of a dish.

It is also advisable to experiment with the length of descriptions to find the best option.

Take care of promotion

The menu can be called a kind of seller for visitors to the establishment. It presents and invites them to try food and drinks. Therefore, the desire of customers to return to this cafe or restaurant often depends on the quality of design and skill in creating a menu.

It is also desirable for the establishment to promote. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a page on a social network. It needs to provide basic information about the cafe or restaurant, as well as an electronic version of the menu. This will increase customer confidence in the establishment and ensure an influx of new visitors.

Ways to Create a Restaurant Menu

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to develop a menu for your own establishment. Catering. To do this you can use:

  • online service;
  • graphic editor (for example, Photoshop);
  • designer services.

The choice of method directly depends on the company’s budget. For example, not every small coffee shop can afford the services of a designer to create a menu. Therefore, it is best to choose one of the options listed above.

Online menu generators

Special menu creation services have a number of advantages.

  • First, development is usually done for free or for a small fee.
  • Secondly, there is no need to worry that the final result will not live up to expectations. Here you control every step yourself, make the necessary changes and get the optimal design in the end.
  • Thirdly, the process of creating a product will take much less time than when contacting designers.

We have selected the most famous and simple online menu generators that you can use. More details about each of them below.


iMenuPro- an online service that allows you to quickly create and print a menu for an establishment. To work with this platform, you do not need to have design skills.

The service contains a wide range of different templates that can be customized to suit the concept of your company. This allows you to get a menu suitable for an establishment of any theme and type.

The development process in iMenuPro is distinguished by its simplicity and clarity.

In addition, this service allows you to download images from other sources. This way, you will not have any restrictions when creating your own menu.

Price: 15$/month.


On this design platform you can create a menu using ready-made templates. You only need to upload ready-made text and photographs of the dishes and drinks being sold. Secondary images can be selected in the service itself.

During design development, individual details can be modified. It is possible to choose a different font, add filters and pictures.

Service Canva also available as an app on Android, iPhone and iPad. This allows you to develop anywhere using the gadget.

Price: for free.


This service makes it possible to quickly and easily create a high-quality menu for any establishment. For convenience, there is a division of templates into sections. You can choose the design you like and continue working with it.

Upon completion of development, the final version of the menu can be downloaded and then printed.

Price: free (without removing customization and watermarks) or $9 (with removing watermarks, with 200 templates available)


MustHaveMenus- a well-known platform that allows you to create any type of lists of dishes for restaurants or cafes. It allows you to go through all the stages of creating a menu: from development to printing the finished product.

The first step is to select a suitable template from the options presented. Next, it is filled with the necessary information about the establishment and modified according to your requirements. After completing work on the template, you can download the final menu.


Adobe Spark

Using the service Adobe Spark You can also create a menu for a catering establishment. The advantage of the site is the availability of a large selection of professional fonts. The service also allows you to upload your own images and customize the selected template.

Price: for free.


In addition to online generators, there are graphic editors with which you can also create a menu for your company. However, in this case you will need to have at least minimal design skills.

The advantage of this method is that menu development is absolutely free. But also creating a product using Photoshop there are a number of disadvantages:

  • take a lot of time;
  • You will need to draw everything yourself;
  • Without design skills, you won’t get a high-quality result.

But if you still decide to choose this development method, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the training video. It describes in detail the principle of creating a menu using the presented graphic editor.

How to Design a Restaurant Menu in Photoshop

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The menu literally allows you to build communication between the establishment and the client.

It is also important to understand that a menu is not just a list of dishes offered to customers. It reflects the image and theme of the restaurant or cafe. Therefore, its development must be taken responsibly.

In this article, we tried to collect basic design tips that will allow you to create the perfect menu for your establishment.

Send - a large database of ready-made templates for designing cafe and restaurant menus. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - a large database of ready-made templates for designing cafe and restaurant menus. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - a large database of ready-made templates for designing cafe and restaurant menus. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - a large database of ready-made templates for designing cafe and restaurant menus. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - a large database of ready-made templates for designing cafe and restaurant menus. Use the online editor to change the content of the templates and download the print-ready pdf file to your computer. Menu design for restaurants and cafes. - a large database of ready-made templates for designing cafe and restaurant menus. Use online (

“...You’d better starve than eat anything...”

Omar Khayyam

The best and most important marketing tool is creating a restaurant menu. It is better to create a good and working menu at the start-up stage. All repairs, decoration, interior and everything that makes up the perception of the restaurant serves to ensure that the guest sits in a comfortable chair and picks up a menu of dishes. Until this moment, he has nothing to pay for, and often novice restaurateurs often repeat the same mistake: they pay too close attention to interior issues, and the menu is developed according to the “by the way” principle.

Remember: the task of the interior is to attract the Guest to the “first purchase”, and the menu and service create in the Guest the desire to return and make a “second purchase”.

To make a positive decision on the guest’s second purchase, you need a selling menu, one that will sell itself, complement the waiter’s words with visualization, provide complete information about the dish, focused on increasing the average bill, and should be compiled in such a way that it helps to use active sales methods and technologies .

After all, it is the menu that ultimately determines the type of target audience, what qualifications of employees you will need, the list of equipment and much more. All this together will determine the sales and profit of the enterprise. Competent creating a restaurant menu will not only attract visitors, but can also guarantee repeat visits to your restaurant guests.

You need a selling menu, one that will sell itself, complement the waiter’s words with visualization, provide complete information about the dish, focused on increasing the average bill, and should be compiled in such a way that it helps to use active sales methods and technologies.

Therefore, special attention is always paid to the menu.

Food-laboratoryResto- MENU provides a full range of services for creating the ideal menu for almost any type of enterprise in the Hospitality Industry.

The process of developing and creating a restaurant menu includes 10 stages:

1. Analytics and development strategy
2. Menu engineering -menu-engineering
3. Development of a selling menu
4. Elaboration of dishes
5. ART-development of dishes
6. Stage of testing dishes by tasting
7. Development of menu text, algorithms and documentation
8. Training kitchen staff to work on new items in the approved menu
9. Design layout and menu design
10. Implementation of the menu in the restaurant

The cost of work includes:

  • Documentation on the development of the 2nd stage;
  • Documentation on the development of the 3rd stage;
  • Developed technical and technological cards of the TTK with a compiled summary recipe and a fixed cost (food-cost);
  • Documentation of production workflow: acts, preparation standards, timing, procurement algorithms, job descriptions, etc.;
  • Photobank and videodatabank (photos and videography);
  • Statistical data on working with tastings;
  • Developed documentation for the 7th stage;
  • Developed documentation for the 9th stage;
  • Carrying out the training process on our territory (in St. Petersburg) or on your territory;
  • Receiving ready-made menu copies;
  • Carrying out the launch technological process and its debugging;

During the execution of work, the Customer additionally pays:

  • Air transfer and car transfer (airport, hotel, place of work)
  • Accommodation 4* or 3*+ hotel;
  • Meals for the chef or technologist for the entire period of work;

Over the past year, we have developed menus for the following restaurants: Buffet, Rasputin, Teryoki, Pristan, Tryton Bich, Royal Bich, Tkemali and Maurice-pub, Vincent, KaZan, Wok&Kebab café, ZiZn, La Mama and others.

Cost and timing of work are directly dependent on the image of the project, its size and conclusions made on the basis of the customer’s technical specifications and additional research work.

Duration of work: from 21 days to 3 months after providing the necessary documentation and making an advance payment.

If you need to quickly create a menu for a cafe or kindergarten, then it is best to use a ready-made template. This page contains several menu templates that you can download for free. All you have to do is fill it out and print it.

Menu template for a cafe in Word

This menu is a great way to inexpensively create a beautiful menu for a cafe, snack bar or restaurant. It will seem to everyone that the menu was created by a professional designer. This level was achieved using photos of various dishes as the background of the menu, and a translucent sheet of paper. At the top of the menu there is a beautiful metal holder. To start creating your list of dishes, with or without prices, file this template.

Simple menu template with pictures

If you need to provide a menu to visitors with pictures of dishes, then this is an ideal option. A simple menu design will not distract the client from the main information. And most importantly, it’s very easy to insert photos of dishes into the menu. The main thing is that the pictures are square. And then you just need to select the desired image and apply the picture change. Download this simple menu template with a photo if you like it.

Menu in Word for kindergarten

The menu for kindergarten should be fun. This is what we were guided by when creating this template for you. In its lower part there are flowers, and in the upper part there are well-known prototypes of cartoon characters in the form of soft toys. Naturally, to print your dishes, you need to download this template children's menu in a Word file.

New Year's menu in Word

List of dishes on New Year's tables must be colorful. After downloading this, you can type New Year's menu in a style like the image above. That is, a menu with a blue background on which beautiful snowflakes of different sizes are located.

Menu template with New Year background

Above, an image of another option. It is vertically oriented and made in red-orange-yellow colors.