Lavender lavender incense sticks how to use correctly. Lavender incense sticks

Lavender - the scent of serenity, calm and purity

Cleans the room from bacteria and germs, calms and relaxes, relieves anxiety, restlessness, overexcitement, reduces aggression, normalizes sleep, gives mental clarity, treats respiratory diseases, insect repellent, effective moth repellent, gives cleanliness and freshness.

Lavender is the queen of aromatherapy. Lavender is mentioned in the Bible in the Song of Solomon, where it appears as one of the ingredients for the preparation of sacred ointment. The Greeks discovered that crushed lavender flowers produced a soothing, relaxing scent. Lavender was extremely popular with the Romans, who enjoyed taking lavender baths for the aroma as well as the beneficial effects lavender had on the skin. Widely used as a fragrance for linen and clothing, in perfumery, cosmetics and soap production.

Lavender is one of the main aromas used in aromatherapy. It has the following effects:

on the psycho-emotional level - balances the nervous system, calms or stimulates depending on the problem, relieves tension, stress, helps with depression, exhaustion, aggression, irritability, anxiety, fear, hyperactivity in children, with panic attacks, improves memory, concentration, reduces the number of errors when working, allows you to better remember numbers

At a therapeutic level - disinfects rooms, kills germs and bacteria, helps with colds, bronchitis, flu, cleanses Airways, relieves headaches, restores healthy sleep, treats insomnia, gives freshness

on a magical level - promotes self-knowledge, meditation, gives energetic relaxation, reduces aggression, cures envy, quickly restores strength, gives refinement in love, the smell of purity and tenderness

Lavender goes with a wide range of scents and balances aromatic combinations.

Lavender - the scent of serenity, calm and purity

cleans the room of bacteria and germs, calms and relaxes, relieves anxiety, restlessness, overexcitement, reduces aggression, normalizes sleep, gives mental clarity, treats respiratory diseases, insect repellent, effective moth repellent, gives cleanliness and freshness

Lavender- Queen of aromatherapy. Lavender is mentioned in the Bible in the Song of Solomon, where it appears as one of the ingredients for the preparation of sacred ointment. The Greeks discovered that crushed lavender flowers produced a soothing, relaxing scent. Lavender was extremely popular with the Romans, who enjoyed taking lavender baths for the aroma as well as the beneficial effects lavender had on the skin. Widely used as a fragrance for linen and clothing, in perfumery, cosmetics and soap production.

Lavender- one of the main aromas used in aromatherapy. It has the following effects:

- on a psycho-emotional level- balances the nervous system, calms or stimulates depending on the problem, relieves tension, stress, helps with depression, exhaustion, aggression, irritability, anxiety, fear, hyperactivity in children, with panic attacks, improves memory, concentration, reduces the number of errors during work , allows you to better remember numbers

- at a therapeutic level- disinfects rooms, kills germs and bacteria, helps with colds, bronchitis, flu, cleanses the respiratory tract, relieves headaches, restores healthy sleep, treats insomnia, gives freshness

- on a magical level- promotes self-knowledge, meditation, gives energetic relaxation, reduces aggression, cures envy, quickly restores strength, gives refinement in love, the smell of purity and tenderness

Lavender goes with a wide range of scents and balances aromatic combinations.

The ancient science of aromatherapy has knowledge of how aromas affect the human condition: psychological and physical. During excavations of ancient civilizations, it is not for nothing that vessels for incense were found - incense was valued by the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks as gold and as spices.

And in the Middle Ages, when the plague decimated people indiscriminately, it was effectively combated by fumigating the air. Aromatic pine fires were lit throughout the city, producing acrid smoke. Any of the aromatic plants known at that time were used against the plague, because these were the best antiseptics available at that time.

Modern civilization has given us daily exposure to fumes and chemicals, and the modern lifestyle has given us stress and haste along with lack of exercise and poor diet. As a result, we also get ailments, obesity, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, and a real possibility of developing severe chronic diseases.

Aromatherapy makes it possible to slow down this process. Aromas are quickly introduced into the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, normalizing the human condition and balancing the processes occurring in the body, thereby increasing resistance to harmful external influences.

There are many methods of using aromatherapy, but incense sticks are considered one of the most popular.

Aroma sticks(incense) are inexpensive and very convenient to use.

Harm of incense sticks

Not long ago, Danish scientists announced that they had established a connection between an increased risk of lung cancer and the constant use of incense sticks. It turns out that systematic long-term inhalation of incense almost doubles the risk of lung cancer.

And if you use incense irregularly, you can inhale it calmly: the likelihood of cancer does not increase.

The development of cancer is influenced by organic carcinogens contained in smoke: carbonyl compounds, benzene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

Indian incense

In their homeland, Indian incense sticks are smoked during temple festivals and meditations. The scented base is applied to a bamboo stick, which is then soaked in essential oil for several days, resulting in a double scent. It is thanks to this technology that Indian sticks have a distinct smell; they immediately fill the room with aroma.

The most popular essential oils in Indian sticks are sandalwood, patchouli (excites passion) and eucalyptus (helps with colds).

Indian incense is the most popular on the Russian market. Their packaging may be nondescript, but the quality of the oil is high, whether it is natural or synthetic.

Thai incense comes in brighter packaging, but is more expensive and of lower quality.

Nepalese incense

Nepalese incense sticks are baseless and consist of several minerals and herbs that are pressed for a long time. It is not necessary to burn them to the ground: only the tip is set on fire for about two minutes, after which the stick is extinguished. Nepalese sticks, consisting of pressed grass, have a rich, long-lasting aroma.

The most commonly used wood in Nepalese sticks is lotus, red and white sandalwood, pine and cedar.

The aroma of sandalwood helps with fear, anxiety, insomnia, calms the nerves, and also treats a severe runny nose and eliminates nausea.

Jasmine treats runny nose and asthmatic cough. Lavender stick eliminates insomnia and nervousness. Geranium incense calms and relieves fears.
Tibetan incense

These are the most sought after incense and occupy a special place in the tradition of aromatherapy.

The herbs for them are collected by hand in the Himalayas and at strictly defined times.

Tibetan incense sticks contain up to 40 components. The sticks are pressed, just like Nepalese ones. When burned, they gradually change their smell, but they are intended not only for aromatization. They are used in acupuncture for cauterizing points, and during massage, ground into powder and added to cream.
Chinese incense

These are most often baseless floral and sandalwood incense. They can also be in the form of thin spirals twisted in several circles. Burning clockwise, they create an “energy column,” as they say in China.

They can also be in the form of small baskets, boats, barrels.

How are aroma sticks used?

Smells play an important role in our lives. They can relax and excite, cause headaches and concentrate attention, lift our spirits and poison our lives. To properly use the power of odors, you need to know their properties.

Incense sticks are the most convenient type of incense to use. This popularity is ensured by convenience, ease of use and low cost. The base impregnated with aroma filler is applied to a wooden sliver. Typically the base is made from coal or masala (a mixture of fine dust or crushed plants).

Black incense sticks are made of charcoal. When burning, they smell only of aroma filler. And in brown and beige sticks, a masala base is used, whose smell will be mixed with the aroma when burned.

Pay attention to the quality of the filler. The smell of a synthetic fragrance is not as pleasant and beneficial as the smell of a natural one. Do not burn several sticks at the same time - they can have a completely opposite effect.

In order not to get drowsiness instead of the expected increased ability to work, you need to figure out what smells contribute to what.

Relax - jasmine, myrrh, rose, lotus, sandalwood.

The scent of jasmine relieves stress, and it also helps to mobilize hidden reserves. Enhances sensuality.

The sweet and tart scent of lotus relieves fatigue.

Aromatherapy in horoscopes
Aries are most susceptible to colds, viruses, headaches and eye diseases. They are recommended the aroma of lemon, which tones and has an antiviral effect, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.
Aries can also use sticks with scents of incense, pine, sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli.
Taurus have a chance to live their lives to a ripe old age without illness, but their tendency to abuse work, feelings, emotions, and many bad habits leads the body’s energy to decline. In such situations, they are found by illnesses - diseases of the neck, throat, nose.
The aroma of Taurus is jasmine, which promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and improves the body's defenses. Sticks with the scents of cedar, lilac, pine, bergamot, and lily of the valley are also recommended.
Geminis get sick from boredom and nerves. Hence insomnia, allergies, breakdowns, joint diseases. Sandalwood is used for therapy to relieve depression, insomnia, headaches, and colds. The taste for life is restored with the aromas of orange, vanilla, ylang-ylang, and cinnamon.
Cancer is the most susceptible to depression. All ailments come from nerves and thanks to self-hypnosis, which contributes to diseases of the stomach, intestines, and urinary system. In such a situation, it is best to use the scent of myrrh, which helps get out of depression, cope with insomnia, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The aromas of lavender, juniper, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon, and pine are useful.
Leo is resistant to diseases and resists them well. The most vulnerable place for Leos is the heart. You need less worry, stress and stress. The main aroma is considered to be rose, which improves blood circulation and relieves tension.
Virgos are attentive to their health, but due to anxiety and worry, the intestines can become a problem area. The scent of sandalwood is suitable for calming. If you feel unwell, eucalyptus will have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use orange, cedar, lemongrass, myrrh.
Libra can get sick from anything. You can put the nervous system in order with the aroma of ylang-ylang. It will relieve headaches, cramps and nervous tics. Use also mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cedar.
Scorpios can manage their health on their own, but this will require energy and strength. The aroma of patchouli gives strength, energy, determination, and vigor. The smells of magnolia, lemon, and pine have a good effect.
If life is interesting for Sagittarius, then they can live it without illness. They will need good mood and you should not overwork, otherwise diseases of the cardiac system, nerves, and liver may occur. The aroma of cinnamon is suitable for prevention; it lifts your spirits, calms your nerves, and gives you confidence in your abilities. Also use incense sticks with the scents of almond, patchouli, rosemary, and incense.
Capricorn has the ability to resist disease. He tends to invent chronic diseases for himself. Skin, joints, and blood circulation suffer. Lavender-scented incense sticks are best. They will give you strength to resist the painful condition. The aromas of bergamot, clove, pine, sage, and sandalwood are effective for Capricorns.
Due to reluctance to be treated, chronic diseases arise in Aquarius. It’s better for them not to get sick at all, which means they need to maintain vigor and optimism. Incense lifts the mood and improves the well-being of Aquarius, whose smell does not allow you to become depressed and disappointed. Hyacinth, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus also contribute.
Pisces are the most susceptible to schizophrenia. This is due to the nature of Pisces, which feels like a victim in any circumstances. They need to pay attention to colds, which often cause complications on the nose and legs. The festive and bright smell of orange lifts your spirits and helps you look at what is happening more positively. Pisces are suitable for incense sticks with the scents of myrrh, vanilla, bergamot, and lemon.

14 incense to relax and recharge

1. Bergamot tones, gives strength, improves memory and attention.

2. Jasmine has an anti-stress, relaxing effect, mobilizes the body's reserves. Enhances sensuality and is considered a “feminine” scent.

3. Ylang-ylang is a good antidepressant and induces a feeling of self-confidence. Relieves cramps, nervous tics, headaches. An excellent aphrodisiac “male smell”, increases male potency.

4. Lavender relieves fatigue, insomnia, and strengthens the immune system. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates mental lethargy, irritability and states of unreasonable fear.

5. Incense spiritualizes and awakens interest in life.

6. Lemon tones, strengthens the immune system, and has an antiviral effect. Relieves headaches, dizziness, nausea.

7. Lotus relieves fatigue and promotes spiritual development.

8. Myrrh is a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Helps with insomnia, alleviates stress.

9. Opium tones, invigorates, gives sharpness to the mind and fire to the heart.

10. Patchouli is an antiviral agent. Nourishes, refreshes, gives strength and determination. A strong erotic stimulant.

11. Rose helps with depression, insomnia, stress and nervous tension. Relieves fear and nightmares. Improves blood circulation.

12. Sandalwood relaxes and calms the nerves. Helps with depression, insomnia, nervous hiccups, throat irritation, runny nose, nausea, heartburn. It is a mild aphrodisiac and increases sensuality.

13. Pine activates breathing, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerates the rehabilitation process after long-term illnesses.

14. Eucalyptus purifies the air and kills bacteria. Powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent.

Lavender - the scent of serenity, calm and purity

Cleans the room from bacteria and germs, calms and relaxes, relieves anxiety, restlessness, overexcitement, reduces aggression, normalizes sleep, gives mental clarity, treats respiratory diseases, insect repellent, effective moth repellent, gives cleanliness and freshness.

Lavender is the queen of aromatherapy. Lavender is mentioned in the Bible in the Song of Solomon, where it appears as one of the ingredients for the preparation of sacred ointment. The Greeks discovered that crushed lavender flowers produced a soothing, relaxing scent. Lavender was extremely popular with the Romans, who enjoyed taking lavender baths for the aroma as well as the beneficial effects lavender had on the skin. Widely used as a fragrance for linen and clothing, in perfumery, cosmetics and soap production.

Lavender is one of the main aromas used in aromatherapy. It has the following effects:

on the psycho-emotional level - balances the nervous system, calms or stimulates depending on the problem, relieves tension, stress, helps with depression, exhaustion, aggression, irritability, anxiety, fear, hyperactivity in children, with panic attacks, improves memory, concentration, reduces the number of errors when working, allows you to better remember numbers

At a therapeutic level - disinfects rooms, kills germs and bacteria, helps with colds, bronchitis, flu, cleanses the respiratory tract, relieves headaches, restores healthy sleep, treats insomnia, gives freshness

on a magical level - promotes self-knowledge, meditation, gives energetic relaxation, reduces aggression, cures envy, quickly restores strength, gives refinement in love, the smell of purity and tenderness

Lavender goes with a wide range of scents and balances aromatic combinations.