Assorted vegetables for the winter - original ideas for preparing delicious canned snacks. Assorted vegetables in Korean Korean vegetables for the winter without sterilization

We offer a recipe for preparing assorted vegetables, the taste of which will surprise your guests. Spicy, aromatic, bright vegetables in Korean will be an excellent appetizer, a healthy side dish or a wonderful independent dish. The highlight of the recipe is turmeric - it gives the vegetables a rich yellow color. For the dish to turn out, it needs time to soak and infuse.


  • White and cauliflower cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini – 2 kg.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 2 pcs.


  • Water – 1 l.
  • Sugar – 150 gr.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
  • Peppercorns – 7-10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.
  • Turmeric – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Let's start with the brine first. Combine sugar, salt, water and oil, add turmeric, pepper and bay leaf. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. For vegetables, we also need hot water, so put about three liters of clean water on the stove until it boils.
  2. At this time, you can start preparing the vegetables. Finely chop the garlic and cucumbers into small pieces about one centimeter thick. If you have young zucchini, you don't have to peel it. Cut the cabbage into large cubes. You can leave the stalk on the young cabbage. Cut the carrots into strips or grate them on a special grater. Separate the cauliflower into florets, then cut into small pieces. Please note that all vegetables must be placed separately, since they should be processed with boiling water separately.
  3. Blanch the vegetables one at a time - first blanch the cauliflower for two minutes, then transfer it to a large saucepan. Sprinkle a small amount of carrots and garlic on top. Let's move on to treating the zucchini with boiling water - also place them in boiling water for two minutes. Then add them to the cauliflower, topping with another layer of carrots and garlic. Repeat the same procedures with cucumbers and white cabbage in turn. The top layer is the remaining carrots and garlic.
  4. Pour boiling aromatic brine into the pan with vegetables until it completely covers them. Firm the vegetables a little.
  5. At room temperature, the vegetables should cool, and then spend a day in the refrigerator to infuse thoroughly.

Spicy, hot, hot! Korean salads have become an integral part of our table. And, of course, during the hot season (not only in terms of air temperature, but also in the intensity of procurement passions) Korean-style preparations for the winter become very relevant.

Korean winter preparations are traditionally very spicy. If you don't like that fiery taste, reduce the amount of pepper. But it is undesirable to change the composition of spices, because then the very “Korean spirit” that so attracts lovers of oriental cuisine will disappear from the dish.

It is advisable to buy spices and seasonings in bulk from the same Koreans at the market. Uzbeks bring good spices, it’s been verified. In the end, buy spices in the store, just keep track of the date of manufacture, because spices are the “spirits” of the dish; long-term storage is detrimental to them.

To cut salads in Korean, you will need not only a special grater, but also a slicer grater with attachments that allows you to cut vegetables into thin circles or strips (depending on the recipe). In the absence of graters, you will have to work with a sharp knife.

“Culinary Eden” has already talked about how to cook zucchini in Korean. Today we bring to your attention Korean-style preparations for the winter from everything that grows in the Russian garden.

Korean carrots for the winter without cooking

3.5 kg carrots,
2 onions,
300 g garlic,
100 ml vegetable oil,
30 ml 70% vinegar,
4 tsp Sahara,
5 tsp dried cilantro,
1 tsp ground red pepper,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
15 g salt.

Grate the carrots on a Korean salad grater, mix with salt and sugar and leave for 20 minutes. Add red and black pepper, stir and let stand again for 20 minutes. Then thoroughly mix the carrots with vinegar and leave for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the vegetable oil and fry the finely chopped onion in it until almost black and remove it, and put the cilantro into the oil and bring to a boil. Pour boiling oil over the carrots and let stand for another 20 minutes. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with carrots, place in sterilized jars and roll up.

Korean-style vegetable mixture without cooking

3.5 kg cabbage,
3.5 kg carrots,
2.5 kg sweet pepper,
2.5 kg onions,
3 heads of garlic,
1-3 pods of hot pepper (to taste),
2-3 tsp. ground red pepper,
2-3 tsp. ground black pepper,
2-3 tbsp. ready-made mixture for Korean hassle,
3.5 stacks vegetable oil,
6 tbsp. Sahara,
3.5 tbsp. salt,
vinegar - to taste.

Cut all vegetables except onions into thin long strips, add salt, sugar, spices and seasonings, vinegar to taste and mix. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Pour the oil and onions into the vegetable mixture, stir and leave for 1 hour. Mix the salad well and transfer it to jars along with the juice. Roll it up.

Korean-style vegetable mixture (with sterilization)

1 kg eggplants,
3-4 carrots,
3-4 sweet multi-colored fleshy peppers,
3-4 onions,
1 large head of garlic,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tbsp. salt,
15 g ground black pepper,
20 g ground coriander,
200 ml 5% vinegar,
250 ml vegetable oil.

Boil the eggplants in strong brine, squeeze and cut into strips. Grate the carrots on a Korean salad grater, pour boiling water over them and leave until completely cool. Squeeze. Cut the sweet pepper into strips, the onion into half rings, and chop the garlic. Combine all ingredients, mix, place in sterilized 1 liter jars, cover with lids and sterilize for 25 minutes. Roll it up.

Green tomatoes Korean style (with sterilization)

1 bucket (10 L) green tomatoes, cut into 4 parts,
3-4 pods of hot pepper,
500 ml vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. sesame oil,
10 tbsp. Sahara,
50 cloves of garlic,
1.5 stack. 9% vinegar (rice, apple),
5 bunches of cilantro,
3-4 bunches of young green onions (chives are fine),
3 stacks strong soy sauce,
1 stack sesame seeds.

Cut the hot pepper in half, do not remove the seeds. Chop the greens and garlic. Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. Mix tomatoes with soy sauce, add sugar, garlic, herbs, pepper and sesame seeds, mix. Add vegetable oil, vinegar and sesame oil, stir and leave to marinate for 3 days. Then place in sterilized jars and place in hot water to sterilize for 15 minutes (0.5 liter jars). Roll it up.

Mushroom preparation

3.5 kg of boiled mushrooms,
1 kg of onion,
500 g carrots,
2 large cooking garlic,
2 pods of hot pepper,
2 packs of ready-made Korean carrot seasoning,
300 ml vegetable oil,
200 ml 9% vinegar,
8 tbsp Sahara,
8 tbsp salt.

Combine mushrooms, carrots, chopped into thin strips, seasonings, salt and sugar, mix and leave at room temperature. Heat the oil and sauté the onion, cut into half rings, until transparent. Then pour the hot mixture over the mushrooms and stir. Chop the garlic and hot pepper and add it to the mushrooms along with vinegar. Mix and place in sterilized jars, compacting well. Place for sterilization for 15 minutes (0.5 liter jars) and roll up. Turn it over, wrap it up.

Korean cucumber salad without cooking

5 kg cucumbers,
3.5 kg sweet peppers,
2.5 kg onions,
2.5 kg carrots,
1-3 pods of hot pepper (to taste),
1 large head of garlic,
4 tbsp. salt,
250 g sugar,
250 ml vegetable oil,
100 ml table vinegar.

Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, grate the carrots for Korean salads, cut the peppers into long strips, and the garlic into thin slices. Combine all ingredients, mix well and leave for 2 hours. Then mix, put into jars and roll up.

1 head of cabbage,
1 daikon,
1 celery root,
1 small ginger root,
2 heads of garlic,
1 onion,
2 pods of hot pepper,
2 tbsp. salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara.

Remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage and cut through the stalk into 8-10 pieces. Prepare a strong brine and pour over the cabbage. Leave it overnight. Prepare a spicy paste from all the ingredients by grinding them through a meat grinder. Squeeze the salted cabbage, shake off the remaining brine and brush with paste on all sides, including between the leaves. Place the cabbage in a pickling container and press down with pressure. Leave to ferment at room temperature for 4 days, then move to a cool place (basement or refrigerator) for storage.

Korean cucumber and carrot salad

3 kg cucumbers,
3 carrots,
1 head of garlic,
1.5 tbsp. salt,
1 stack vegetable oil,
½ cup Sahara,
1 stack table vinegar,
1 packet of ready-made seasoning for Korean carrots.

Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and cut them lengthwise into 4-6 pieces. Grate the carrots on a Korean salad grater and mix with seasoning. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with carrots. Mix carrots with cucumbers, add remaining ingredients and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, mix the salad and place it in sterilized jars (8 0.5-liter jars will be needed for the specified amount of food). Also pour the juice that has released during marinating into jars. Cover with sterilized lids and place the pan with water for sterilization: 0.5-liter jars - 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. Immediately roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

Korean style eggplant

2.5 kg eggplants,
600 g onions,
1 kg sweet pepper,
1-3 pods of hot pepper,
1.5 kg tomatoes,
2 heads of garlic,
5 tsp salt,
3 tsp Sahara,
3 tsp 70% vinegar,
3 tsp ground coriander,
1-2 stacks. vegetable oil.

Cut the eggplants into strips, sprinkle thickly with salt, stir and leave for 30 minutes. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, peppers into strips, and onions into half rings. Fry the onion in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Add tomatoes and stir-fry for 10 minutes. Add the pepper and fry for another 5 minutes, stirring. Wash the eggplants, squeeze them, add them to the vegetables, add salt, sugar and coriander and fry, stirring, for 15 minutes. A minute before readiness, add chopped garlic and vinegar, stir and place in sterilized jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

Korean-style preparations for the winter will come in handy in the cold: after all, it is known that spicy tastes are great for warming up. The main thing is to know when to stop, after all, our stomachs need to be protected.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

There are many recipes on how to cook vegetables in Korean for the winter. They are all quite simple, but very tasty. This appetizer can be served at any time of the year. It is served with fluffy rice, potatoes (fried, boiled, baked), pasta, and meat dishes. We bring to your attention several different recipes for cooking vegetables in Korean.


  • one and a half kg of white cabbage;
  • one and a half kg of carrots;
  • one kg of bell pepper;
  • one kg of onions;
  • two packs seasonings for carrots in Korean;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • one teaspoon black ground pepper;
  • one teaspoon red ground pepper;
  • one black hot pepper;
  • one tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • one tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • six tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • two and a half tbsp. spoons of salt.


  1. Cut the white cabbage into thin and long strips.
  2. Also chop the bell pepper into strips.
  3. Peel the carrots and grate on a special grater for preparing Korean carrots.
  4. Place all chopped products in a container of suitable volume. Pour vinegar in there and add granulated sugar, salt, ground peppers (black and red), and seasoning. Stir.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings and fry it a little (not until tender) in a small amount of vegetable oil (one tablespoon will be enough).
  6. Grind the peeled garlic and black hot pepper in a meat grinder. Add onion, garlic and hot pepper to the vegetables, mix well.
  7. Leave the resulting mixture for one hour to infuse. After an hour, pour the remaining vegetable oil into the mixture and stir.
  8. Place the vegetables in clean and dry 700 gram jars. Sterilize for twenty minutes. After sterilization is complete, roll up the jars immediately.

Korean zucchini for the winter

Salad ingredients:

  • Two and a half kg of young zucchini (you can take zucchini of different colors for beauty);
  • half a kg of onions;
  • two hundred gr. garlic;
  • five bell peppers;
  • four large carrots;
  • any greens (for example, parsley, basil and dill).

Ingredients for the sauce:

  • two hundred ml of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • one hundred fifty ml of 9% vinegar;
  • one tbsp. Sahara;
  • two tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • two packs seasonings for Korean carrots.


  1. First, wash the vegetables well under running water.
  2. Peel carrots, garlic and onions.
  3. Bell peppers need to be cored. Then you need to chop all the vegetables.
  4. Cut the carrots into slices no more than two to three millimeters thick.
  5. Cut the young zucchini into slices the same thickness as the carrots.
  6. There is no need to peel the seeds from the zucchini! Yes and no, there are not many seeds in young zucchini.
  7. Onions need to be cut into half rings and separated with your hands.
  8. Bell peppers must be cut into strips.
  9. Either pass the garlic through a garlic press or chop it very finely with a knife.
  10. Chop the washed greens.
  11. Now you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, you need to take all the ingredients listed for the sauce and mix them in a separate bowl.
  12. Place the prepared vegetables in a suitable sized bowl and pour over the prepared sauce.
  13. Mix thoroughly and leave to brew for three to four hours.
  14. When the time is up, place the resulting vegetable mixture into dry, clean jars. Sterilize. If you use half-liter jars, you need to sterilize them within fifteen minutes. If you take liter jars, then sterilize for thirty minutes.
  15. After sterilization is complete, roll up the lids on the jars, cover them with a blanket and leave for at least twelve hours. After this, the jars can be stored in a cool place.

Korean cucumbers for the winter


  • four kg of cucumbers;
  • one kg of carrots;
  • one hundred gr. salt;
  • fifteen gr. seasonings for cooking carrots in Korean;
  • one tbsp. refined vegetable oil;
  • one tbsp. Sahara;
  • one tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • two tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;
  • four to five teeth. garlic


  1. To begin, wash the vegetables well. Cut off the “butts” of the cucumbers, and peel the carrots and garlic.
  2. Grind the cucumbers and carrots with a grater to prepare Korean carrots.
  3. Chop the garlic as finely as possible with a knife. Place chopped cucumbers and chopped carrots, as well as chopped garlic and seasoning into a saucepan of suitable size.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and salt.
  5. The resulting marinade should be poured over the contents of the pan. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Leave for two to three hours to infuse.
  7. Divide the resulting vegetable mixture into clean and dry jars.
  8. Sterilize jars of salad for ten minutes, and then immediately roll up their lids.

Korean cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter


  • two kg of cucumbers with thin peel;
  • three grains tomato;
  • three bell peppers;
  • two large onions;
  • one goal garlic;
  • a quarter cup of vegetable oil;
  • salt, ground red and black peppers - to taste.


  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly and wait until they dry. Cut off the “butts” of the cucumbers. Cut them into small strips.
  2. Place the chopped cucumbers in a deep bowl, add a little salt and mix well.
  3. Leave for two to three hours for them to release juice.
  4. While the cucumbers are releasing their juice, work on the remaining ingredients. Remove the cores from the bell peppers and cut them into strips.
  5. Chop the onion into half rings.
  6. Cut the tomatoes into medium-sized pieces. For this preparation, it is best to take slightly unripe tomatoes. This is necessary so that the consistency of the finished salad is not very liquid.
  7. When all the vegetables are prepared, take a frying pan, pour vegetable oil on it and wait until it gets hot.
  8. Then add chopped onion to the pan. Fry it a little and add chopped bell peppers and tomatoes.
  9. Fry the vegetables until they are all soft. Then turn off the gas and leave the vegetables to cool in the pan.
  10. When the vegetables in the pan have cooled completely, you will need to mix them with cucumbers, salt and pepper to taste.
  11. Chop the garlic very finely or crush it with a garlic press, mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  12. Place the resulting mixture in dry, clean jars and sterilize. Half-liter jars need to be sterilized for fifteen minutes, and liter jars for thirty minutes.
  13. When you finish sterilization, roll up the jars of salad with lids, wrap them in a blanket and leave for at least twelve hours.

Assorted vegetables in Korean Author: Olya
Spicy, juicy, tangy...
Ingredients: 1 kg of eggplants 4 sweet peppers 3 tomatoes 300 g of cabbage 300 g of carrots 4-5 cloves of garlic 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil 3 tablespoons of vinegar 9% 2 tablespoons of Korean carrot seasoning 2 tablespoons of sugar 1.5 tablespoons of salt Place peppers, cut into 4, on a baking sheet eggplant parts. Place in the oven at 190 degrees: Remove after half an hour. Cover with a tray and leave for 15 minutes: Finely chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Add sugar, salt and mix: Remove skin and seeds from peppers. Cut into strips: Peel the eggplants and also cut into strips: Heat the oil with spices. Pour vegetables over them. Add garlic, vinegar and stir: Lastly, add the thinly sliced ​​tomatoes. Stir, add salt if necessary. Place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours: Store for up to 10 days in the refrigerator: rticle printed from URL to article:

The basis of Korean cuisine is spices and sauces. Real Asian dishes are not just spicy, but literally burn all the taste buds, forcing them to work at full capacity. Moreover, not only meat dishes, but also vegetable salads should be hot, although Europeans have already altered many of them to their taste. Let's look at the most popular and delicious Korean vegetable salads below.

with mushrooms

To prepare Korean carrots for this recipe, you will need a special grater, or you will have to chop the orange vegetable by hand. In total, you will need two grated carrots (0.4 kg), which must be placed in a glass bowl for pickling. Then pour vinegar, add salt and sugar (1 teaspoon each), mix the ingredients thoroughly and place the container with the salad in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

After the specified time, when more juice appears in the carrots, add black and red pepper to the salad to taste. Heat sunflower oil (3 tablespoons) well over low heat, then carefully pour it into a container with carrots and mix. When the oil has cooled, add squeezed garlic (3 cloves) and pickled mushrooms (100 g) to the salad. Mix the vegetables well again in Korean style, put the bowl in the refrigerator for 10 hours, after which you can try the salad. Store the finished dish in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

Korean beets

According to this recipe, raw beets (1 kg) are grated on the same grater as Korean carrots. Then it is put in a bowl and seasoned with marinade. To prepare it, you need to mix a teaspoon of hot and black pepper, paprika and coriander, a tablespoon of sugar, garlic squeezed through a press (6 cloves), apple and (1.5 tablespoons each), vegetable oil (3 tablespoons) . Mix the Korean vegetables well and place the bowl of salad in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. After the specified time, the beets can be tasted.

Korean-style vegetables according to the recipe proposed above have a rich, spicy-sweet taste. These beets can be served as a side dish for meat.

Korean cabbage salads

Healthy Chinese cabbage is often used in Korean dishes. It is used to prepare such delicious Korean salads as “Kimchi” and cabbage with saffron.

For the Kimchi salad, forks of Chinese cabbage must be disassembled into leaves, after which each of them must be cut into random pieces. Then add salt (3 tablespoons) and mix with the leaves. Cover the bowl with film and place the salad in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

After a day, drain the water from the cabbage, add chili peppers cut into long strips (one red and one green), garlic (2 cloves), green onions and grated ginger root. Season the salad with soy sauce (5 tablespoons each), adding paprika and sugar (2 tablespoons each). Add enough chilled boiled water to the bowl with the salad to cover the cabbage. After this, cover the container with film and put it in the refrigerator for three days.

Korean marinated zucchini

For this dish you will need young zucchini (5 pieces) with tender pulp, thin skin and small seeds. They are washed well, doused with boiling water and cut lengthwise into thin and long strips using a potato peeler. Place the zucchini in a glass bowl (saucepan) in which they will marinate. At this time, pour vegetable oil (40 ml), salt, sugar (1 teaspoon each), and ground coriander (2 teaspoons) into a separate container. Heat the mixture a little on the stove, then remove it from the heat, pour in vinegar (40 ml) and add garlic (3 cloves).

Pour the resulting marinade over the zucchini, add fresh chopped herbs to taste, mix and refrigerate for 12-14 hours.

According to this recipe, Korean pickled vegetables are moderately spicy. All lovers of fiery snacks are advised to add fresh or dried red pepper to the marinade.

Korean-style vegetables: winter recipes

In Korean cuisine, eggplants are often used in cooking. They are used to prepare fresh salads or Korean-style canned vegetables for the winter. The recipes of this Asian cuisine are widely used by our housewives.

To prepare Korean eggplant, vegetables (1 kg) need to be washed, pricked with a fork in several places and boiled in salted water for 5 minutes. Then remove the eggplants from the pan and put them under pressure so that all the water leaves them. The liquid must be drained periodically. After 6 hours, the eggplants need to be cut into strips, as well as sweet peppers (100 g), and the carrots (1 piece) should be grated (as in the Korean recipe). Place all the vegetables in one bowl, add a marinade of vegetable oil and vinegar (100 ml of each ingredient), a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and 10 g of Korean seasoning (as for carrots). Mix the salad and place in jars. Korean-style vegetables must be pasteurized for 15 minutes before rolling up the lids.

Delicious vegetable salads with meat

Recipes for vegetable salads with the addition of meat are no less popular in Korean cuisine. Not only do they taste better than vegetarian dishes, but they also have higher nutritional value. Below we describe how Korean salads are prepared (step-by-step recipes).

  • Korean fried cucumber salad with beef.

This is one of the most popular salads in Korean cuisine. Even those people who do not eat fresh green vegetables like the taste in this dish.

For this dish you will need ground beef, fried with spices. Place 150 g of minced beef in a non-stick frying pan. Immediately after this, add to it: soy sauce, sugar and rice cooking wine (2 teaspoons each), sesame oil (1 teaspoon), a clove of chopped garlic and black pepper (¼ teaspoon). Fry the minced meat until cooked. If desired, you can add some fried mushrooms to the pan, which harmonize perfectly with the taste of beef.

Fresh cucumber must be marinated in salt before frying. To do this, cut it into rings 3 mm thick and mix with salt (for 100 g of cucumbers you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt). After 7 minutes, the juice released by the cucumbers must be squeezed out. Add the vegetables themselves to the meat and fry in a pan for two minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with sesame seeds.

  • Carrot salad with pork.

For this salad, carrots (1 kg) are grated on a special grater (as for the Korean recipe) and rubbed by hand with salt, black and red pepper and soy sauce (1 tablespoon). While the carrots are marinating in a frying pan, you need to fry the onion, chopped into half rings, and the pork, cut into thin slices. Then mix the meat with carrots, season with sweet syrup (from 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water) and crushed garlic (2 cloves). Korean-style vegetables and meat must be thoroughly mixed and refrigerated for 3-4 hours. After the specified time, the dish can be served.

Korean-style eggplant salad "Kadi-he"

Heh is a popular Korean dish made from fresh fish and onions with the addition of hot red pepper, soy sauce and vinegar. However, anyone who doesn’t like fish snacks can be offered another heh recipe, but with eggplant. The different Korean vegetables in this salad are in perfect harmony with each other in taste and color. This salad can be served as an appetizer on a holiday table.

According to the recipe for this dish, you first need to cut the eggplants into thin strips and remove the bitterness from them. To do this, they need to be sprinkled with salt and refrigerated for 2-3 hours. After this, the resulting liquid must be drained, squeeze out the eggplants and fry in vegetable oil in small portions.

While the fried vegetables are cooling, you need to cut the bell pepper (2 pcs.), carrots and onions into strips. Add the following spices to the vegetables: coriander (ground), black and red hot pepper (2 teaspoons each), 4 cloves of garlic, sesame seeds, honey (1 tablespoon) and apple cider vinegar (3 tablespoons). After this, transfer the eggplants to the salad, mix, cover with film and put in the refrigerator for a day. After the specified time, the salad can be served.

As you can see, preparing delicious salads in Korean is not at all that difficult.