Do you need a beer license? Legal advice What permits are needed to produce beer.

Recently, an increasing number of people have decided to open their own business. There are quite a lot of ways, but this option, such as mini-breweries, is in consistently high demand.

This is due to the fact that this business requires fairly moderate initial capital. Let's try to find out what needs to be done in order not just to open a brewery, but to make sure that it brings a certain profit to its owner.

Business Features

Microbreweries typically specialize in producing live, unfiltered beer. And in recent years, this area of ​​business activity has become increasingly popular and
in demand.

Despite the fact that there are currently already a large number of participants in the brewing market, your own brewery remains a good small business. First of all, this is due to the following reasons:

  • opening a brewing business does not require too much investment;
  • the course of business can be easily predicted;
  • It's quite difficult to go broke in brewing.

As for the technology for creating live beer, which mini-breweries specialize in, its peculiarity is that preparing the drink does not require filtration and heat treatment. As a result The foamy drink keeps brewer's yeast cells alive and does not contain any preservatives. Despite the fact that the shelf life of such beer is only a few days, it is not at all difficult to brew the predicted volume and not burn out.

Types of breweries

In the small business segment, there is a certain division of microbreweries. First of all, these are breweries producing beer from 25 to 5000 liters daily and breweries working with volumes of more than 5000 liters.

  • full cycle;
  • with a shortened production cycle.

Full-cycle breweries are, at their core, small breweries. Organizing such a business is not only a labor-intensive process, but also requires significant financial investments. On average, to open this case A minimum of $150,000 is required. After all, you will need not only expensive equipment, but also large areas for organizing the production process.

The situation is completely different with breweries with a shortened production cycle. They require an area of ​​about 40 square meters and allow the production of 30 to 2000 liters of unfiltered beer per day.

In this case, a minimum set of production equipment is required:

  • fermentation container;
  • wort kettle (or stove);
  • sterilizing devices;
  • water filters;
  • kegs.

Registration Features

Any legal entity or private entrepreneur can open their own brewery. But in order to engage in this type of business, it is necessary that in the constituent documents (in the Charter of the enterprise or the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur) there is a note about such a permitted type of activity as the production and wholesale and retail sale of beer.

According to the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities,” brewing does not belong to the type of activity that requires mandatory licensing procedures. But some other special documents will definitely be required. First of all, we are talking about a hygiene certificate (it is issued, as a rule, for a period of one to three years), certificates of conformity for the raw materials used, equipment for beer production and, of course, for the finished products. A permit for beer production will also be required.

The decision regarding the issuance of all certificates is made by the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. To obtain a permit to produce beer, you will need documents confirming the fact that the premises in which the brewery is located fully complies with all current sanitary and hygienic standards, as well as fire safety.

Premises, equipment

Breweries can be located in various premises, including basements, semi-basements and multi-storey buildings. Often premises for breweries are equipped in beer bars and restaurants. At the same time, some of the equipment is often located directly in the restaurant hall, which gives the establishment a special atmosphere. Most often, fermentation containers are placed in the halls.

There are certain technological requirements for brewery premises that must be observed. Thus, walls must be finished with ceramic tiles to a height of at least two meters. Ceilings must be painted with water-based paint or whitewashed. As for floors, various materials are allowed for covering them. Usually we are talking about reinforced concrete or ceramic tiles. Heating in the room can be air, steam or water.

Equipment for the brewery can be selected, both domestic and imported. Experts recommend paying attention, first of all, to the products of the world's leading manufacturers. It will not only last for a long period of time, but will have a positive effect on the quality of the beer produced. By the way, many companies specializing in the production and sale of special equipment for breweries also train staff.

To effectively carry out its activities, any brewery requires the following minimum:

  • fermentation container;
  • fermentation container;
  • refrigerator;
  • scales;
  • water filters;
  • syrup boiler;
  • bath for sterilant;
  • cleaning and sanitizing products;

If the brewery is equipped with imported equipment, it will require from $60,000 to $100,000. If you make a choice in favor of domestically produced products, the brewery will cost slightly less.

But whatever option you prefer, you should remember that the range of prices in the relevant market sector is quite wide, and in principle you can find a suitable option for almost any budget.


If we talk about breweries in the ordinary production format, in addition to brewing technologists, several sales managers and drivers will be required. It is also mandatory to have your own accountant. The latter is extremely necessary, because beer is an excisable product, and it is strongly recommended to entrust the process of paying excise duty to an experienced specialist.

Restaurant-style breweries do not need a large number of employees. If only because the sales of products will be carried out by the establishment’s staff. To ensure the functioning of the brewery itself, a chief brewer and his assistant will be sufficient.

How to open a private brewery is described in the video.

Features of promotion and pitfalls of business

In order for the brewery’s products to be in high demand among potential consumers, it is extremely important to organize the promotion of the brewery. It's no secret that the main role of promotion is to stimulate consumer demand and improve the company's image. In addition, in order for the brewery’s products to be in demand, you should try to create its image that is memorable for the consumer.

The main methods of promotion can be:

  • advertising;
  • sales promotion (discounts, competitions, coupons, promotions);
  • publicity (press releases, sponsorship of events);
  • personal selling.

In addition to collecting permits necessary for the production and subsequent sale of beer, a beginning brewer may also face the problem of selling his own products. The fact is that the corresponding sector of the market is sufficiently saturated with all kinds of offers, and therefore not everyone manages to find their niche. One of the most optimal ways to solve a sales problem is

Beer belongs to the category of alcoholic beverages. This imposes a number of prohibitions and obligations on the activities of stores engaged in their sale, the list of which is determined by regulations. You cannot sell beer at night, or at any time of the day if the buyer is a minor.

Any business begins with obtaining permits

Business entities operating in the beer industry are regularly required to submit declarations indicating sales volumes. Selling alcohol is impossible without permits, so many businessmen have a question about whether a license is needed to sell beer.

The Federal Law regulating the issuance of alcohol licenses contains a clause stating that a permit is required for the production and sale of alcohol-containing beverages. The exception is beer and some other low-alcohol drinks. Therefore, in light of the current legislation, you can be sure that a license to sell beer is not needed. However, there are requirements and restrictions for organizational activities prior to the sale of the drink.

Terms of sale of beer

Since beer is alcohol, its sales must be organized in such a way that the products are not available to the public anywhere and at any time.

The question of how much a beer license costs is not relevant, since this permit is only required for strong drinks, which do not include beer. Legislative restrictions consider enough prohibitions that regulate business without a license.

Restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages are for the benefit of society because they prevent the development of beer alcoholism. This disease can affect all categories of citizens, especially women and children. And if for sellers, selling products in large volumes means profit, then lovers of the foamy drink pay for their excessive use with their health and an incipient sense of addiction.

Where products cannot be sold

Restrictions applied when selling beer

Draft beer can be sold without a license from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. The exception is public catering establishments. It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages classified as beer in the following facilities and adjacent areas:

  • fuel refueling points;
  • intended for sporting and cultural events;
  • public transport and its stops;
  • crowded places;
  • military;
  • educational institutions for children;
  • medical institutions.

Read also: Business activity codes for individual entrepreneurs

Requirements for the place of sale

The place where beer is sold also has special requirements. The product can only be sold in stationary retail establishments. The store building must have a foundation. It is mandatory to include real estate in the registry database.

It is worth noting that temporary structures are not suitable for trade. If the store plans to sell strong and low-alcohol alcoholic beverages, then it should be noted that the area of ​​the premises should be in the range from 25 to 50 square meters, depending on the location of the point of sale in the city or rural area. When selling one beer, there are no restrictions on area.

Selection of clientele

The sale of alcoholic beverages, which includes beer, is prohibited to citizens who have not reached the age of majority. If there is any doubt about the client's age, the merchant must request a document that could confirm the age.

If the seller sold products to a prohibited group of buyers, then not only the negligent seller, but also his manager will be subject to punishment. The seller will pay a fine of 50,000 rubles, and his manager in the status of an individual entrepreneur will pay a fine of 200,000 rubles. If the sales organizer is a legal entity, then the violation will cost its manager 500,000 rubles. In special cases, when the buyer’s age is clearly less than 18 years or the violation was detected again, the seller may face criminal liability.

Legislative innovations

Monitoring activities in the field of production and sales

Since the beginning of 2017, it has been prohibited to pour drinks into plastic containers in production. The draft includes a ban on the wholesale and retail sale of products bottled in plastic containers whose volume exceeds 1.5 liters. In case of violation of legal requirements, individual entrepreneurs should be prepared to pay a fine in the amount of 100,000 to 200,000 rubles. For legal entities, the fine corresponds to 300,000-500,000 rubles.

Control over product sales

Control circuit

The production and circulation of alcohol is controlled by the state service EGAIS. Business entities purchasing goods for the purpose of further retail sale must register in the system and confirm purchases from legal suppliers, who can be manufacturers or intermediaries. EGAIS is not interested in production issues of doing business. The control system does not ask whether beer can be sold without a license. It controls only the legality of supplies, since this category of products is safe for human health when consumed in moderation.

Home page of the official website of EGAIS

By connecting to the service and having previously received an electronic signature, the head of the business entity, who is the buyer, receives an identifying number, which the supplier uses to draw up documentation on the volume of sales of certain products. Information about this event should also be reflected on the service.

In 2010, beer was equated to alcoholic beverages at the legislative level. According to Federal Law No. 171-FZ (as amended on November 2, 2013), the production of alcoholic beverages is subject to licensing. At the moment, the production of beer and beer drinks is not regulated; deputies of the State Duma are considering a bill on licensing, which may be mandatory from July 1, 2014.

Experts of the legal company "Red Alert" have extensive experience in providing services for obtaining licenses for the production of alcoholic beverages in Moscow and other cities of the Central Federal District. This refers to the formation of the necessary package of documents, the provision of recommendations regarding the elimination of inconsistencies before the inspection of the enterprise by the inspecting authorities and the presence of the necessary specialists in the staff of the production enterprise. A license for beer production is issued by the Federal Alcohol Regulatory Authority (RAR).

What conditions must be observed by the future owner of the beer production license?

Among the mandatory conditions of the chief controller responsible for quality and safety in the production and wholesale distribution of alcohol - PAR, which the enterprise’s specialists must comply with, are the following:

  • . produce goods in strict accordance with current requirements regarding production technology.
  • . subject to strict quality control of manufactured products.
  • . seize and destroy substandard products if any are discovered.

Four reasons choose us

What types of licenses are required to sell manufactured products?

The Red Alert company specializes in licensing various types of activities, including the production and circulation of alcohol and alcohol-containing products. The cost of our services is favorable and affordable for many applicants.

What violations are most often detected?

As practice shows, scheduled inspections in the vast majority of cases reveal the following violations committed during the activities of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity:

  • . violation of sanitary rules;
  • . sale of products or provision of services that do not meet the requirements established for them;
  • . providing customers with false information about goods and services;

All these and other violations are included in the inspection report along with recommended measures to eliminate them as quickly as possible. As a rule, if any violation is detected, the license is suspended, and the license itself is canceled by a court decision.

Unscheduled inspection

An unscheduled inspection, just like one planned in advance, is carried out to identify violations in the activities of the organization. State control authorities carry out all necessary measures to ensure that the goods sold or services provided fully comply with all established requirements, and their production process does not harm the environment and does not infringe on the rights of consumers.

An unscheduled inspection can be carried out in a documentary way. In this case, all registration and permit papers are seized and analyzed. All documents accompanying the company’s activities are also studied. In addition, on-site inspections are carried out quite often, during which representatives of control authorities assess the organization’s compliance with established standards and requirements.

Grounds for unscheduled inspections

An unscheduled inspection can be carried out in the following situations:

  • . receiving information from state or municipal control authorities that the organization’s activities are carried out with violations, that it poses a threat to the life and health of citizens;
  • . the presence of complaints about violations of consumer rights from citizens;
  • . identification of numerous violations during a scheduled inspection. In this case, unscheduled audit activities are aimed at ensuring that all requirements for eliminating the detected problems are met.

Timing of the inspection

Current legislation does not establish any requirements for the frequency of unscheduled inspections. They can be carried out whenever there are sufficient grounds described above. This is especially true for organizations operating in public catering and others.

An unscheduled inspection cannot last more than 20 working days. This is a fairly strict legal requirement. While scheduled on-site audits can be extended for an almost unlimited period, audits carried out outside of any pre-determined schedules are subject to clear deadlines.

What violations are most often detected?

An unscheduled inspection is carried out upon a signal of violations, therefore, first of all, those types of activities about which a complaint was received are checked. However, during the ongoing activities, other violations may be identified. These include:

  • . refusal to issue the buyer a sales receipt or any other document confirming payment for a product or service;
  • . sale of low-quality products;
  • . sale of goods without providing the consumer with information about the manufacturer, country of origin, composition;
  • . misleading buyers about goods or services.

Based on the results of an unscheduled inspection and confirmation of information about violations, a legal entity may be subject to penalties. Also, their activities may be temporarily suspended for a period determined by current legislation.

Control over the use of beer production equipment in 2019

As you know, a license to produce beer today is not needed, although it belongs to alcoholic beverages. However, recent changes to the current legislation, which have come into force since the beginning of 2019, actually introduce a mechanism similar to licensing. Now each manufacturer is obliged to provide the authorized bodies with a calculation of the production capacity of the equipment used in the production of beer and obtain the appropriate permission to operate it.

Decision on the admissibility of using equipment for beer production in 2019

Controlling authorities are given the authority to determine the form for calculating production capacity. In addition, they are the ones who issue a decision on the permissibility of using equipment, which will act as permitting documentation. It applies to both beer and any other alcoholic beverages based on it.

The manufacturer is also obliged to notify the authorized body about the acquisition of new equipment that increases production capacity. Before the start of operation, if the established power threshold is exceeded, the installation of automatic means of accounting for the finished product is required.

If violations are detected, the decision on the permissibility of using the equipment may be canceled by the authorized body. Also, the document ceases to be valid if the company producing beer is closed.

Organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead and having the main technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead with a production capacity of no more than 300 thousand decalitres per year, submit to the federal body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation executive power calculation of production capacity for this equipment.

The procedure for drawing up production capacity calculations and its form are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation reviews the submitted calculation of production capacity within 30 days from the date of its receipt. These organizations submit this calculation in writing or in the form of electronic documents.

The federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, before making a decision on the admissibility or inadmissibility of using the main technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead without being equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of finished products, conducts an inspection of this equipment in order to establish the reliability of the calculation production capacity represented by these organizations.

If unreliable information is identified in the submitted calculation of production capacity, indicating an excess of the production capacity specified in paragraph four of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of this Federal Law, a discrepancy is identified between the presented calculation of production capacity and the procedure for drawing up the calculation of production capacity and its form, established by the federal executive body authorized on control and supervision in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, identifying non-compliance of the main technological equipment with the requirements of paragraph 1, paragraph eight of paragraph 2 (in terms of the obligation to record the turnover of beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead), paragraph one paragraph 6 of Article 8 of this Federal Law, the absence of technical documents (technical conditions, technological instructions, recipes and others) in accordance with which the production of beer, beer drinks, cider, poire, mead is carried out taking into account the requirements of Article 2 of this Federal Law, the federal body of the executive branch, authorized for control and supervision in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, makes a decision on the inadmissibility of using basic technological equipment for the production of beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead without being equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of finished product products.

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 261-FZ)

The use of basic technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead without equipment with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of finished products is permitted after 35 days after submission to the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation of production capacity calculations in the manner established by this clause, provided that there is no decision specified in paragraph five of this clause, or before the expiration of 35 days, provided that the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation has made a decision on the admissibility of using this equipment without being equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of finished products. The decision on the admissibility or inadmissibility of using basic technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead without being equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of finished products is sent in writing to the specified organizations within three days after its adoption. If the calculation of production capacity is presented in the form of an electronic document, the decision on the admissibility or inadmissibility of using this equipment without being equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of finished products is sent in the form of an electronic document to the specified organizations. In the event of the acquisition of basic technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead, the installation of which will entail an excess of the production capacity provided for in paragraphs three and four of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of this Federal Law, organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead, within ten days from the date of purchase of this equipment, notify the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation about this. These organizations equip the main technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume of finished products before installing this equipment. (as amended by Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N 182-FZ)

The decision on the permissibility of using the main technological equipment for the production of beer, beer drinks, cider, poire, mead is canceled by a decision of the federal executive body authorized to control and supervise the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, in the event of termination of activity ( liquidation) of an organization, exceeding the production capacity specified in paragraph four of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of this Federal Law. (paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 261-FZ)

The cost of services for preparing an enterprise to obtain such a decision in 2019 will be from 500 thousand rubles.

List of documents (beer inspection):

  1. Certificate of registration of the organization with the tax authority
  2. Certificate of registration of legal entity. Persons
  3. Order on the assumption of office by the general. Directors - 2 copies.
  4. Decision on the appointment of the General Director - 2 copies.
  5. Charter
  6. The decision to create the Company
  7. Regulatory documentation for the product (technological instructions, recipes, technical specifications, etc.) - 2 copies.
  8. Certificates for equipment (cooking unit, tank equipment, filtration equipment, heat exchange equipment, water treatment equipment, bottling equipment).
  9. For CCT, fermentation/fermentation tanks and bottling - 2 copies.
  10. Equipment purchase and sale agreement (with specifications), payment orders, delivery notes, acceptance certificates - 2 copies.
  11. Turnover balance sheet (01 account) - 2 copies. (as of the day of the inspection or the month in which the inspection is carried out)
  12. Acts in form OS-1 (act of acceptance of transfer), inventory cards in form OS-6.
  13. Certificates or declarations of conformity of equipment (cooking unit, tank equipment, filtration equipment, heat exchange equipment, water treatment equipment, bottling equipment) - 2 copies.
  14. Samples of alcohol licenses

In this article:

Beer is a barley-malt drink with a hop aroma, pleasant bitterness, and the ability to foam when poured. Thanks to its unique taste and thirst-quenching effect, the intoxicating drink is in high demand among the population. And therefore, very tough competition has formed in the beer production market. But, despite this, an enterprising businessman who decides to open a brewery will always be able to organize a profitable and promising business.

Starting your own business does not necessarily require large investments. However, to carry out this activity it is necessary to obtain a range of permits and certificates. Administrative barriers are quite difficult to overcome, especially for a beginning entrepreneur. Therefore, further we will consider the features of registration of permits.

How to put a microbrewery into operation

In order to put a mini-brewery into operation, you must obtain the following documents for beer production:

  1. Permits from the SEZ and fire inspection, State Energy Supervision;
  2. Licensing beer production and visiting the State Tax Inspectorate department. A business involving the production and sale of beer is not subject to licensing. However, the government has issued a new decree, which implies that beer production at the federal level is subject to licensing. To obtain a license, you must write a request to the tax office. A beer production license is issued within three months.
  3. Hygienic certificate in sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The document is issued only after a hygienic assessment of the product. The procedure can last for 2 months.

Beginning entrepreneurs should know that beer is an excisable product, which is subject to an additional tax of 15%.

However, the administrations of some regions have created a law on beer production “On state regulation of the production of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products,” which assumes that each liter of intoxicating drink is subject to a fee of 300-400 rubles.

Technological process for the production of intoxicating drink

The hardware flow chart for beer production is shown in the photo below.

The technological process includes the following main stages of beer production:

1. Preparation of beer wort - preparing malt for beer production, that is, weighing the required amount of product and grinding it. Next, pour water into the mash-wort brewer and add crushed malt.

Then the malt is mashed, which can be done in two ways:

  • infusion method;
  • by decoction method.

The sugared mash is moved to filtration apparatus, in which its division is carried out. After filtering the first wort, the grain is washed with water.

Traditional technology involves boiling beer wort with hops for 1.5-2 hours and cooling it to a temperature of 6-70 °C. 2.

2. Fermentation of beer wort - carried out in a fermentation apparatus with the addition of brewer's yeast.

3. Beer aging – occurs in hermetically sealed metal tanks for 11-100 days. The fermentation temperature and duration of the process depend on the type of beer. As a result of aging, beer becomes stronger, lighter and saturated with carbon dioxide.

4. After organoleptic, laboratory and technochemical control is completed, beer is bottled. Automation of beer production allows bottling of the intoxicating drink on special lines.

Beer production equipment

Before you start purchasing equipment, you need to determine the capacity of the future enterprise:

  • Beer production plant, with a capacity of 50-500 liters - a mini beer production plant;
  • A plant producing 500-15,000 liters of beer is a mini-brewery;
  • The plant, with a capacity of over 15 thousand liters, is an industrial giant. Mini-breweries use the top fermentation method. As a result of this method, the intoxicating drink is infused in a container, and the duration of the production process is reduced.

Minibreweries adhere to a technological process based on bottom fermentation method. As a result of this technology, a higher quality intoxicated drink is obtained. There is also a technological instruction developed by the research and production association, which considers the features of each production process.

In order to organize the production of draft beer, the following list of equipment is required:

  • malt crusher;
  • filtration apparatus;
  • pump for mash, wort and hot water;
  • mash and wort brewer;
  • heat exchanger;
  • water heating apparatus;
  • pumps for young and finished beer;
  • electric steam generator;
  • fermentation tanks;
  • hydrocyclone apparatus;
  • refrigeration unit equipped with an ice maker;
  • dispensing containers;
  • yeast vats;
  • control panel.

The beer production line may include another set of equipment. The list of equipment depends on the type of beer being produced, the name of the manufacturer, the type of malt and the features of the technology.

Business plan for a microbrewery

1. Purchase of raw materials and materials

In order to purchase raw materials for beer production, you can consider the following purchase options::

  • Buy malt from abroad. This type of acquisition of raw materials is beneficial when large volumes are purchased.
  • Buy malt from leading equipment suppliers or on the domestic market of the country.

The beer recipe determines the choice of raw materials for the production of the intoxicating drink. Any type of drink is brewed from yeast, malt, hops, and water. However, there are various methods for producing special types of beer, in which the composition of the intoxicating drink can be modified.

The beer production process involves making malt. Malt production– a profitable type of business that accompanies brewing. If a novice entrepreneur wants to buy malt, then he needs to know that 50 tons of German malt are sold at a price of 0.55 USD. per kilogram. This raw material can only be purchased in large quantities, over 50 tons.

Yeast for beer production can be purchased at a brewery or from a private brewer. It is more rational to buy yeast from a large enterprise; as a rule, it is of higher quality.

To date, the following prices have been established for raw materials:

  • Water – 1 cu. m. - about 11 rubles;
  • Sewerage – 1 cubic. m – 9 rubles;
  • Malt – 1 kg – 8-9 rubles;
  • Hops – 1 kg – 86 rubles;
  • Yeast – 1 kg – 200 rubles;
  • Electricity - kW/h - 0,500 rubles.

By drawing up a material balance for beer production and carrying out product calculations, you can determine the consumption of raw materials.

2. Purchase of equipment

To organize a mini-brewery with a capacity of 1000 liters of beer per day, you can purchase a set of equipment supplied by the Miass Machine-Building Plant, the cost of which is about 54 thousand US dollars. To purchase auxiliary equipment, 200 thousand rubles are needed.

Imported equipment for beer production, the price of which can fluctuate in the price range of 300-700 thousand USD, is not advisable and economically ineffective to buy at the initial stages of production. However, an imported beer production line can increase the productivity of a mini-brewery and improve the properties of the intoxicating drink. Therefore, it is cost-effective to buy such equipment when the enterprise’s activities generate regular income and to gain competitive advantages.

3. Preparing the premises for a brewery

Preparing the premises– one of the main problems for private business leaders. In order to organize beer production and a business based on the commissioning of a mini-brewery, you can rent or buy premises. To accommodate a set of equipment, you need a room with a total area of ​​more than 150 square meters. m. Due to the dimensions of the equipment, it can be assumed that the beer production workshop will occupy about 100 sq. m. m, for a warehouse you need 35 sq. m, for office – 15 sq. m. Monthly costs for renting the premises will be about 25 thousand rubles.

4. Staff

To organize a mini-brewery you need about 10 specialists, among whom will be a director, a cleaner, 4 specialists engaged in primary and auxiliary production, an accountant-cashier, 2 brewers, and a forwarding driver. The monthly wage fund will be 250 thousand rubles.

5. Total costs of beer production

The total cost of organizing a brewery will be 3 million rubles.

6. Income from activities and calculation of economic indicators

In order to calculate the income from the commissioning of a mini-brewery, it is necessary to record beer production on a daily basis. If beer is bottled at an enterprise, then their number and capacity are taken into account; if in kegs, the capacity and number of kegs are taken into account.

The monthly income of the mini-brewery will be 200 thousand rubles, and the income for the year after tax will be 2 million rubles. The payback period for a mini-brewery is 1.5 years. A short payback period and high income indicate that brewing is a profitable type of business.

The turnover of alcoholic products in the Russian Federation is a matter of legislation. To regulate its production and turnover, Federal Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995 was adopted back in 1995, which is still in force today, albeit with many amendments and changes.

In order to ensure that all the requirements prescribed by law are fulfilled properly, there is a special supervisory body - the Federal Service “Rosalkogolregulirovanie”.

The main task of the Service, as well as the entire Federal Law, is to prevent the spread of low-quality alcoholic products on the market in order to protect consumers from counterfeits and simply low-quality products, to protect them from criminal distributors of clandestinely produced products containing ethyl alcohol.

First of all, the law provides a clear list of concepts and definitions so that there are no discrepancies in its interpretation:

Concept Interpretation
Turnover of alcoholic products Purchase, supply (export), retail sale, storage, transportation
The circle of persons involved in the circulation of products All types of organizations, regardless of type, involved in the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products; Individual entrepreneurs engaged in the retail sale of non-food products containing alcohol, beer and beer drinks, apple cider, mead; individuals who are in an employment relationship with the listed economic entities. activities; consumers
Alcohol products Products (food), which in the final volume of the finished product contains more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol - vodka, wines (grape, liqueur, fruit, sparkling), cider, beer,

When is a license needed?

So, what types of products are subject to state licensing? If the ethyl alcohol content in the product does not exceed 15%, a license for such alcoholic products is not required and it can be produced and sold on a general basis.

However, the manufacturer must remember that the above-mentioned Federal Law divides products with an alcohol content exceeding 15% into food (semi-finished products for alcoholic beverages - wine material, emulsion, wort) and non-food (perfumes, paints and varnishes), and prescribes that they do not require licensing :

  • sale (retail) of alcohol-containing products for non-food purposes;
  • production, purchase and distribution of beer and beer drinks;
  • purchase and transportation of liquids containing alcohol, which is used as raw materials or for technical needs, but the annual volume should not exceed 2000 liters.

Conclusion: to carry out business activities for the supply, production and sale of alcoholic products for food use with an alcohol content of over 15%, it is necessary to obtain a state license.

Types and price

Sales of alcohol-containing products subject to licensing are divided into:

  • wholesale - when obtaining such licenses, additional requirements are put forward for the availability of warehouse premises of sufficient space and appropriate technical characteristics;
  • retail - for catering establishments, cafes, bars, restaurants, shops.

For small businesses, obtaining a license to sell alcohol is too expensive. This high bar is explained by the state’s desire to allow only those suppliers onto the market who can provide consumers with a truly high-quality product.

Those businessmen for whom the state duty for wholesale trade is still too high should start with retail and a license for 65,000 rubles.

Requirements for obtaining a liquor license in 2019

  1. The decision to create a Founder (for 1 participant) or the Creation Agreement and Minutes of the meeting of the Founders (for 2 or more participants)/
  2. Last
  3. State registration (certificate issued by the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)/
  4. registration with the tax office (TIN)/
  5. a document confirming ownership of the building or part of it where alcoholic beverages will be traded/
  6. sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights.

Copies bound, numbered and stamped by the applicant:

    • floor plan (issued by the design and inventory bureau (ex-BTI);

  • lease/sublease agreement for an object (bar, shop, restaurant, cafe).
  • an agreement with a specialized organization for the installation of a fire alarm or an inspection report of an existing fire alarm, with the attachment of acceptance certificates and a license of the organization that performed the installation work;
  • fire alarm maintenance agreement with a license from the service organization;
  • registration of a cash register (card);
  • In case of payment of the authorized capital in cash, a confirmation from the bank is attached.

Original documents:

  • confirmation of compliance of the premises with fire safety standards (Federal Fire Service);
  • a certificate confirming that the license applicant has no debts to pay taxes and fees (the certificate has a limited validity period).

How to obtain a license: application procedure 2019

2018 was in many ways a revolutionary year for entrepreneurs involved in the trade and production of alcohol. The requirements for a candidate for obtaining a license have also undergone changes.

Today it is issued by the Federal Service for Alcohol Regulation.

To simplify the difficult fate of entrepreneurs, non-state intermediary companies entered the market and received license certificates to provide services for obtaining licenses to sell alcohol for individuals and legal entities. They assist their clients, advise them, renew existing licenses and obtain new licenses for them.

Submission of an application for the right to carry out retail trade in alcohol is carried out to the Department of Entrepreneurship Development and Trade at the place of registration of the business entity. The license itself is issued strictly by Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

No more than 30 calendar days must pass between submitting the application and receiving the license.

Possible reasons for refusal to obtain a license

It can happen like this: a huge package of documents has been collected, some of them have been notarized (which also costs money!), and funds have finally been found for the state fee to obtain the coveted license. It would seem that it’s a small matter: put it all on the official’s desk and wait for the deadline established by law to start making fabulous profits.

But in reality it turns out a little differently - everything is the same, but until the license is obtained.

Obtaining a license is often denied and here's why. Overdue statutory documents are submitted for consideration, erroneously executed, fictitiously indicated or completely unspecified information about the applicant, requirements for the authorized capital and its payment are ignored by the applicant, the premises are unfit for use, tax arrears have not been repaid. Everything would be fine, you can resubmit the documents.

But! In case of refusal, no one will return either the state fee or the package of documents. Therefore, you should take their submission as seriously and responsibly as possible.

Liquor license validity periods

You will have to obtain a license to sell alcohol (wholesale or retail) more than once. If you plan to further sell the products, then the license with the entire package of documents will have to be issued once a year, or it can be issued immediately for 5 years with payment of the appropriate state duty.

Benefits from the alcohol business in 2019

Retail trade in alcoholic beverages has always been considered one of the most profitable types of business activity, characterized by high profitability.

Despite the high costs of preparing documentation and bringing the premises to meet technical requirements, all of them will more than pay for themselves in the first few months of operation of the outlet. To achieve higher rates of profit, several basic conditions must be met so that the business becomes profitable from the very first days of its operation.

Since retail trade in alcoholic beverages requires a retail space of at least 50 m2, it is better if such a large area sells not only alcoholic beverages, but also food, culinary, grocery, and tobacco products.

Practice shows that “alcohol boutiques”, where they sell exclusively alcoholic beverages, are not yet very popular in the Russian Federation.

It is important to take into account that the percentage of the most popular drinks: vodka, cognac, beer and whiskey should be 70% of the total share of alcohol production. However, on the eve of New Year's or women's holidays, when the demand for wines and champagne increases sharply, their supply should be sufficient to fully provide the outlet with good revenue.


The already considerable degree of responsibility to the consumer was noticeably tightened by Federal Law No. 365-FZ, adopted in December 2013.

In accordance with its articles, a negligent entrepreneur must pay up to 15,000 rubles, and an organization - up to 300,000 rubles. In addition to paying a fine, the regulatory authority must confiscate all alcoholic beverages sold without a license.

If the facility does not comply with licensing requirements, even if there is a license, trading in a store or the operation of a cafe or bar will be suspended for up to 3 months.

Sales of goods with fictitious excise stamps are punishable by a fine of up to 300,000 rubles and complete confiscation of the entire batch of product. Moreover, ignorance will not exempt you from responsibility and it will not be possible to hide behind the fact that the alcohol was received in this form from the supplier.

Well, the loudest “novelty” of 2018 for those involved in the retail sale of alcohol was the introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System in January.

What does the legislation require? From January 1, 2016 everyone who produces and sells alcohol wholesale and retail must connect to EGAIS in order to send information about their sales to the Rosalkogolregulirovaniye Service from July 1, 2016.

In other words, the system will contain data about by whom, when each bottle of alcoholic beverages was produced, what its composition, volume and strength are.

So here is another potential fine for an entrepreneur: failure to connect to the system will cost up to 15,000 rubles for individuals and up to 200,000 rubles for legal entities.

Find out how to get a liquor license from the video.