Who is Jeanne Kim? Two years of massacre on Rochdelskaya

Actor Pavel Derevyanko attended a concert of the group Uma2rman, at which the group presented the album “Sing, Spring.” The party took place in one of the Moscow clubs. The movie star came to the event with a girlfriend, which aroused considerable interest from media representatives. Everyone immediately decided that this was the actor’s new darling.

All evening Pavel did not leave his chosen one. The lovers did not hesitate to hug and hold hands. To the question of who this mysterious stranger is, Derevianko did not answer in detail, calling the girl his friend. According to insiders, the actor’s new fiancee’s name is Zhanna Kim. She works in the restaurant industry. According to her, she and Pavel came to listen to good music and chat with friends.

Journalists managed to find out that the actor’s new fiancee managed to appear in crime chronicles. Let us recall that in December 2015 there was a shootout in the Moscow cafe Elements on Rochdelskaya Street. This establishment belonged to restaurateur Zhanna. According to some versions, the fight broke out because Kim and the designer of the cafe premises could not agree on the amount of payment for repairs. Criminal authorities were brought in to solve the problem.

In her free time from business, Zhanna delights her Instagram followers with professional photographs of stylish looks and pictures with her daughters. The girl is raising two charming little girls who practice ballet and dance. From an early age, their mother instills in them a love of art: on weekends they all go to museums together to study the work of great Russian artists.

Neither Pavel nor Zhanna post joint photographs on their pages; they are probably afraid that they will raise unnecessary questions among the public. By the way, last week they were seen together at the premiere of the film “Crew,” but they tried not to attract too much attention to themselves.

Let us recall that Pavel Derevyanko is raising two daughters who were born from his marriage to Daria Myasishcheva. The couple's relationship did not work out, despite the fact that they tried to make peace and move in together again in 2015.

“True, we don’t all live together, and I can’t always be with the girls, because I work a lot and often leave Moscow. But Dasha, their mother, and I built a wonderful relationship during this time - full of respect, mutual understanding and family love. While raising our children together, we also each have our own personal lives. It’s very convenient for us to live in this not entirely standard system that we created together,” Derevianko said in an interview with Hello.

Despite the fact that 2 years have passed since the criminal showdown, which turned into a massacre, there is still no exact picture of what happened in the Elements restaurant on December 14, 2015.

The investigation into criminal cases and a series of major arrests that resulted from the events of that evening are still ongoing. None of those involved in extortion, shooting and patronage of criminals have yet been sentenced. The CrimeRussia reconstructed the chronicle of the events of that day using publicly available information and video recordings from CCTV cameras.

Persons involved in the extortion case at the Elements restaurant and parallel criminal cases that emerged during the investigation are testifying in court. There are also initial statements from suspects and witnesses, which sometimes contradict each other. In addition, the names of participants in the criminal showdown on Rochdelskaya Street are emerging. All this creates confusion and it is quite difficult to understand what actually happened that day.

In addition, a few weeks ago a video appeared that supposedly objectively demonstrates everything that happens in the establishment. Moreover, instead of recording conversations recorded on cameras (and the sound, judging by other fragmentary videos, was recorded), the viewer is commented on everything that happens by an off-screen voice, which clearly presents the picture in a favorable light to one of the parties to the conflict.

It all started when the restaurant owner ordered a designer to renovate the establishment. Fatima Misikova. Remaining dissatisfied with the designer's work, the owner terminated the contract, paying only for the work performed. Misikova, in turn, demanded full payment. At the same time, Kim claimed that the designer greatly inflated the prices - for example, she bought 6 pillows for 160 thousand rubles.

The women were unable to agree on a solution to the financial dispute. Fatima Misikova (according to some sources, the lady of the heart of thief in law Zakhary Kalashov, known as Shakro Molodoy) did not go to court, but to her criminal patrons. Kalashov decided to stand up for the girl and sent his people to sort out the situation.

On the evening of December 14, 2015, a group of private security officers arrived at the Elements restaurant and surrounded the perimeter of the establishment. About 15 people remained on the street, another 6 people, according to the owner of the restaurant Zhanna Kim, went into the VIP room. Headed a delegation of employees of the private security company “Defender” and private security company “Zaslon”

Initially, the extortionists demanded only two million rubles, but during negotiations the amount increased to 8 million. As an alternative, Zhanna Kim was offered to give up the restaurant by signing the necessary papers.

When it became clear that the misunderstanding with the debt could not be resolved peacefully, Kim called a lawyer for help Eduard Budantsev. Moreover, judging by the transcripts of the conversations, the restaurant owner did not previously know the lawyer. The fact that Budantsev and Kim did not know each other was later told by police officer Shakirov, to whom the restaurant owner asked: “Who are these people?”, pointing to Budantsev. The lawyer in court said that when he and his colleague Vladimir Kostrichenko arrived at the restaurant, they saw police crews not far from the establishment, and Zhanna Kim was standing next to them.

By the time Budantsev arrived in the meeting room, as he later learned, there were Eduard Romanov, lawyer Dushkin, Nikolai Nikolaev, Fatima Misikova, builders-contractors Gerson Gamidov and Savely Ganovichev. The lawyer decided not to enter the VIP room without police officers, so as not to provoke anyone. Several more people settled in the common room of the restaurant, blocking the work of the establishment.

When a criminal investigation operative entered the room Ildar Shakirov, he introduced himself as the duty officer of the Presnya police department. Then, according to Budantsev, he and his colleagues presented certificates of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But the unknown people ignored the operative’s demand and began to laugh at him. They said that they were all called “Mikhails”. “One of them, when asked where you were from, told Shakirov: “They’ll call you now and explain everything,” Budantsev explained. As a result, only the owner of the establishment, her husband Denis Kim, and lawyer Dushkin, who arrived with the unknown persons, showed the documents.

Budantsev suggested that Shakirov bring to the department those who did not present documents, as well as Zhanna Kim, in order to interrogate them there. However, the policeman refused to do this: “Come the day after tomorrow, and we will analyze this situation in detail.”

At that moment he arrived at the restaurant with his henchmen, among whom was Alexey Kitaev , Philip Damascene ,Georgy Berezin And . According to recordings from surveillance cameras, a traffic police car suddenly drove up to the cars in which the accomplices arrived.

The driver of one of the cars was suspected of drug use. At the same time, police officers check Shevlyakov for weapons. Kochuykov got into the front seat of the traffic police car, apparently to “agree” on resolving the issues that had arisen.

Andrey Kochuykov (Italian)

After almost an hour, Kochuykov and his henchmen finally head to the restaurant doors. They go to the VIP room, where negotiations continue. At this time, several more law enforcement officers arrive at the restaurant.

Detective officer of the Khamovniki Department of Internal Affairs Denis Romashkin that day he had already transferred from the Presnensky Department of Internal Affairs, but came to Elements after a call from his former subordinate Ildar Shakirov. He told Romashkin that he alone was sent to Rochdelskaya Street, where 20 armed masked men were allegedly located. An hour later he called back and said that the usual dispute between customers and contractors was being resolved, there were no armed people. After another half hour, Romashkin received a call from his friend detective Anatoly Fenechkin (six months earlier, the owner of the restaurant, Zhanna Kim, had turned to him for help when conflicts with designer Fatima Misikova over money had just begun), who was also in the restaurant. After the detective's call, the officer decided to stop at Elements on his way home "because there was a feeling that a crime might be happening."

And after him several more police arrived - an officer from the Presnensky police department. Renat Zinnatulin and an employee of the Zamoskovretsky Department of Internal Affairs Lavrov. All the police, without taking any further action, preferred to simply observe what was happening. They ordered dinner and sat down to eat at a separate table.

Budantsev was joined by two of his former colleagues Petr Cherchintsev And Roman Molokayev. Finally, Andrei Kochuykov entered the VIP room, accompanied by bodyguards. At the same time, Kitaev kept his hand on the handle of the pistol, which, as it later turned out, was traumatic. An ex-policeman also followed them into the room.

The Italian demanded that Zhanna Kim sign documents for the transfer of ownership of the restaurant, otherwise he threatened to take her and her family members in the trunk of a car into the forest.

At this moment, the police, having had dinner, left the restaurant, but remained not far from the entrance. Budantsev and his partners tried to enter the VIP room and heard Kochuykov shouting: “Everything here is mine! I’ll tear everyone apart!” The raiders did not like the intervention of the lawyer and his colleagues. Budantsev began shouting and using obscene language at those gathered. The Kitayev guard again demonstrated his readiness to use a weapon if necessary, placing his hand on the handle of the pistol. But at that moment Zinnatulin looked into the hall again, which, according to Budantsev, saved him from reprisals.

Then Kochuykov suggested leaving the issue with the restaurant for a while and finding out who represents whose interests. To do this, everyone went out onto the veranda, where the men began to sort things out in raised voices.

To the Italian’s question: “Don’t you recognize the thief’s suit?” — Budantsev gave a negative answer and uttered an obscene curse at his opponent. After this, Kochuykov shouted to his associates: “Kill the bald man and load him into the trunk.” And then Kochuykov’s guards pounced on Budantsev and began beating him.

It is still not clear who first opened fire during the scuffle. Budantsev claims that it was Kitaev who fired the first shot, which is confirmed by surveillance camera footage. A shootout began. Budantsev took out his Beretta award pistol and began shooting back, while the guards used traumatic weapons. Until the participants in the shootout fled from the scene, the police continued to stand aside. As a result, two people were killed and eight were injured. Almost all participants in the shootout were detained.

The police were charged with inaction. While they themselves claim that there was no reason for intervention. And it was lawyer Budantsev who provoked the aggression and subsequent use of weapons. Other participants in the conflict also talk about this. Allegedly, he swore at everyone present and provoked a conflict.

Andrey Kochuykov and Zakhary Kalashov are accused of extorting 8 million rubles. Budantsev's lawyer was first accused of murder, then of exceeding self-defense, but the case with this charge has not yet been brought to court.

The events that the showdown entailed caused a chain reaction of arrests and revelations both among the highest circles of the Russian criminal establishment and among high-ranking security officials.

No one involved in the Elements restaurant shooting has yet been sentenced.

The sensational story of the head of department “T” of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko, in whose apartment 9 billion rubles were found, is getting more and more sequels. Thus, it recently became known that Zakharchenko’s arrested accounts, on which another billion rubles were found, were opened after his arrest. Zakharchenko’s high patrons have not yet been identified, but the situation with how he himself fell on the hook of the special services has become clearer. As an FSB employee, who asked not to give his name, told The Insider, Zakharchenko would have continued to keep the “common fund” of cashers in his apartment, but to his misfortune, he knew the designer Fatima Misikova well. The very one in connection with which the famous shootout at the Moscow restaurant Elements. Unraveling this plot, The Insider simultaneously discovered other branches of it: for example, for which the famous oligarch apologized to the thief in law Shakro and paid him $5 million, and also why the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan was keeping an eye on the owner of the Elements restaurant, Zhanna Kim.

Today everyone knows the story with which it all began. The owner of the elite restaurant Elements on Rochdelskaya Street, Zhanna Kim, signed a contract for the decoration of the premises with designer Fatima Misikova. However, Mrs. Kim was not satisfied with the quality of the work done and, having paid a penalty of €600 thousand, she terminated the contract. Fatima said that this money was not enough and began to demand another 8 million rubles. Further negotiations reached a dead end and both ladies turned to their friends for help.

“Misikova contacted the famous oligarch K. (the editors know the last name) and he advised her to thief in law Shakro,” said the “emshchik.” “And then Shakro instructed Andrei Kochuykov (Italian), previously convicted of extortion, and a group of “lawyers” who are fluent in hand-to-hand combat techniques to investigate.”

It is not known exactly how much the forceful support of the patriarch of the underworld cost, but, as a rule, the price ranges from $50 thousand.

In turn, restaurateur Zhanna Kim agreed on protection with the former security guard of USSR Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze Eduard Budantsev and two ex-policemen Vladimir Kostrichenko and Pyotr Cherchintsev, previously convicted of kidnapping a businessman.

The shooter was assigned to the Elements restaurant, and how it all ended is well known: Budantsev’s lower jaw was broken and his eye was almost knocked out, and in response, Shevardnadze’s former security guard shot two of Italian’s bodyguards with a premium weapon. Eight more people were injured of varying degrees of severity and five of them were hospitalized.

On the same day, Italian and previously convicted Eduard Romanov were sent to a cell, and Budantsev was put under house arrest.

“Shakro reported to the oligarch for getting him involved in this story,” said our FSB interlocutor. “And he immediately rushed over with an apology and brought five “lam” bucks as compensation.”

July 12, 2016 in his mansion detained Shakro, and after him a week later, the head of the Investigative Committee’s Internal Security Department ended up in “Matrosskaya Tishina” Mikhail Maksimenko, his deputy Alexander Lamonov and first deputy head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow Denis Nikandrov. According to investigators, they received a bribe in the amount of $500 thousand from the head of Shakro’s personal security, Dmitry Zvontsev.

But with the further fate of Nikandrov’s immediate superior, Major General of Justice Alexander Drymanov, some strange things happened. Thus, information appeared on news feeds that because of the scandal, the general was also being retired; his photo disappeared from the official website of the capital’s investigative department.

The press service of the Investigative Committee did not really explain Drymanov’s current status, then The Insider reporters went to the Venevsky district of the Tula region, where his mansion is located. Local residents immediately pointed to the largest house in the village and reported that “thanks to the efforts of San Sanych, an asphalt road was finally laid and they are going to install gas.”

None of the Drymanovs were at home, but the Uzbek migrant workers involved in the construction of his bathhouse reported that “the owner still goes to work in uniform every morning.”


A special mention needs to be made about the designer Fatima Misikova, because of whom Colonel Zakharchenko got burned. Mrs. Misikova, who sometimes introduces herself as Fatima Mishikatti for the sake of euphony, previously lived with two sons in St. Petersburg, and then studied to become a designer in London. Her father Taimuraz and her older brother, the famous racing driver Ruslan, own the largest fruit and vegetable base in the northern capital, CJSC Nart, popularly nicknamed the “St. Petersburg Cherkizon”. At this base, local riot police often conduct raids on illegal immigrants, and operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB periodically open criminal cases against tenants for illegal banking activities.

Fatima Misikova
Father and son Misikov are far from ordinary businessmen and are part of the circle of friends of the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev, who, as you know, is favored by Vladimir Putin.

In 2011, Fatima herself took over as director Gergiev Foundation. Former director Igor Zotov for theft of 245 million rubles ended up behind bars, and his accomplice - another relative of the conductor Kazbek Lakuti - received a 4.5-year suspended sentence.

After the showdown at the restaurant, Misikova was going to be charged with extortion, but a certificate appeared in the criminal case that she allegedly died in a fire. At the same time, when asked whose badly burned body was identified by relatives and under what circumstances the unknown woman died, the investigators only shrugged their shoulders.

Now the “deceased” has been arrested in absentia and put on the federal wanted list, and FSB investigators are finding out what kind of authoritative people were involved in the investigation and how much her “sudden death” cost.

The Insider contacted the fugitive's brother, Ruslan Misikov, but he stated that he had not maintained a relationship with his sister for several years. And if, they say, Fatima had come to him for help, and not to those people, everything could have ended completely differently.

Zhanna Kim

The biography of the second party to the conflict, the owner of the Elements restaurant Zhanna Kim, also deserves attention: for seven years she danced at the Korean Theater of Kazakhstan, and then, with the help of her close friend and businesswoman Natalya Tskhai, she became the director of the Barbaris restaurant in Almaty. According to some reports, Mrs. Kim is a close relative of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, and allegedly he asked the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan to keep an eye on her.

Zhanna Kim
Having moved to Moscow five years ago, Kim established three companies: Fifth Element LLC, Gangam Style LLC and Keanu LLC. According to some reports, funds for the opening of a Korean restaurant were allegedly allocated by the friend’s father, the former head boxing coach of Kazakhstan, and now Kazakh senator Yuri Tskhai.

But let’s return to the billionaire from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zakharchenko.

“After the shootout at the Elements restaurant, the guys from the M department of the FSB were on Fatima’s phone, and one day she called a certain Colonel Dima,” the emschik said. - And this Dima promised to help the lady with new documents. That’s how Zakharchenko got into our development.”

According to the security officer, during the wiretapping of the colonel’s phones, they identified quite interesting connections from among the relatives of high-ranking officials and security forces, but the authorities did not give the go-ahead to develop them:

“The management consulted at the top and they said that there would be no legal prospects and ordered the recordings to be seized.”

Immediately after Zakharchenko’s arrest, his direct supervisor, the head of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, Andrei Kurnosenko, planned to resign. However, soon the command “all clear” was received. As The Insider found out, the head of the National Guard personally worked for the general

In the apartment in which 9 billion rubles were found, it is getting more and more sequels. Thus, it recently became known that Zakharchenko’s arrested accounts, on which another billion rubles were found, were opened after his arrest. Zakharchenko’s high patrons have not yet been identified, but the situation with how he himself fell on the hook of the special services has become clearer. As an FSB officer said, who asked not to be named, Zakharchenko would have continued to keep the “common fund” of cashers in his apartment, but to his misfortune, he knew the designer Fatima Misikova well. The one in connection with which the famous shootout took place at the Moscow restaurant Elements. Unraveling this plot, The Insider simultaneously discovered other branches of it: for example, why the famous oligarch apologized to thief in law Shakro and paid him $5 million, and also why the owner of the Elements restaurant, Zhanna Kim, was being kept an eye on by the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan.

Today everyone knows the story with which it all began. The owner of the elite restaurant Elements on Rochdelskaya Street, Zhanna Kim, signed a contract for the decoration of the premises with designer Fatima Misikova. However, Mrs. Kim was not satisfied with the quality of the work done and, having paid a penalty of €600 thousand, she terminated the contract. Fatima said that this money was not enough and began to demand another 8 million rubles. Further negotiations reached a dead end and both ladies turned to their friends for help.

“Misikova contacted the famous oligarch K. (the editors know the last name) and he advised her to thief in law Shakro,” said the “emshchik.” - And then Shakro instructed Andrei Kochuykov (Italian), previously convicted of extortion, and a group of “lawyers” who are fluent in hand-to-hand combat techniques to investigate.”

It is not known exactly how much the forceful support of the patriarch of the underworld cost, but, as a rule, the price ranges from $50 thousand.

In turn, restaurateur Zhanna Kim agreed on protection with the former security guard of USSR Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze Eduard Budantsev and two ex-policemen Vladimir Kostrichenko and Pyotr Cherchintsev, previously convicted of kidnapping a businessman.

The shooter was assigned to the Elements restaurant, and how it all ended is well known: Budantsev’s lower jaw was broken and his eye was almost knocked out, and in response, Shevardnadze’s former security guard shot two of Italian’s bodyguards with a premium weapon. Eight more people were injured of varying degrees of severity and five of them were hospitalized.

On the same day, Italian and previously convicted Eduard Romanov were sent to a cell, and Budantsev was put under house arrest.

“Shakro reported to the oligarch for getting him involved in this story,” said our FSB interlocutor. “And he immediately rushed over with an apology and brought five “lam” bucks as compensation.”

On July 12, 2016, Shakro was detained in his mansion, and a week later, the head of the Investigative Committee’s Internal Security Department, Mikhail Maksimenko, his deputy Alexander Lamonov, and the first deputy head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, Denis Nikandrov, ended up in “Matrosskaya Tishina”. According to investigators, they received a bribe in the amount of $500 thousand from the head of Shakro’s personal security, Dmitry Zvontsev.

But with the further fate of Nikandrov’s immediate superior, Major General of Justice Alexander Drymanov, some strange things happened. Thus, information appeared on news feeds that because of the scandal, the general was also being retired; his photo disappeared from the official website of the capital’s investigative department.

The press service of the Investigative Committee did not really explain Drymanov’s current status, then The Insider reporters went to the Venevsky district of the Tula region, where his mansion is located. Local residents immediately pointed to the largest house in the village and reported that “thanks to the efforts of San Sanych, an asphalt road was finally laid and they are going to install gas.”

None of the Drymanovs were at home, but the Uzbek migrant workers involved in the construction of his bathhouse reported that “the owner still goes to work in uniform every morning.”


Fatima Misikova

A special mention needs to be made about the designer Fatima Misikova, because of whom Colonel Zakharchenko got burned. Mrs. Misikova, who sometimes introduces herself as Fatima Mishikatti for the sake of euphony, previously lived with two sons in St. Petersburg, and then studied to become a designer in London. Her father Taimuraz and her older brother, the famous racing driver Ruslan, own the largest fruit and vegetable base in the northern capital, CJSC Nart, popularly nicknamed the “St. Petersburg Cherkizon”. At this base, local riot police often conduct raids on illegal immigrants, and operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB periodically open criminal cases against tenants for illegal banking activities.

Father and son Misikov are far from ordinary businessmen and are part of the circle of friends of the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev, who, as you know, is favored by Vladimir Putin.

In 2011, Fatima herself took over the post of director of the Gergiev Foundation. Former director Igor Zotov went to jail for embezzling 245 million rubles, and his accomplice, another relative of the conductor Kazbek Lakuti, received a 4.5-year suspended sentence.

After the showdown at the restaurant, Misikova was going to be charged with extortion, but a certificate appeared in the criminal case that she allegedly died in a fire. At the same time, when asked whose badly burned body was identified by relatives and under what circumstances the unknown woman died, the investigators only shrugged their shoulders.

Now the “deceased” has been arrested in absentia and put on the federal wanted list, and FSB investigators are finding out what kind of authoritative people were involved in the investigation and how much her “sudden death” cost.

The Insider contacted the fugitive's brother, Ruslan Misikov, but he stated that he had not maintained a relationship with his sister for several years. And if, they say, Fatima had come to him for help, and not to those people, everything could have ended completely differently.


Zhanna Kim

The biography of the second party to the conflict, the owner of the Elements restaurant Zhanna Kim, also deserves attention: for seven years she danced at the Korean Theater of Kazakhstan, and then, with the help of her close friend and businesswoman Natalya Tskhai, she became the director of the Barbaris restaurant in Almaty. According to some reports, Ms. Kim is a close relative of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, and he allegedly asked the Kazakh National Security Committee to keep an eye on her.

Having moved to Moscow five years ago, Kim established three companies: Fifth Element LLC, Gangam Style LLC and Keanu LLC. According to some reports, funds for the opening of a Korean restaurant were allegedly allocated by the friend’s father, the former head boxing coach of Kazakhstan, and now Kazakh senator Yuri Tskhai.

But let’s return to the billionaire from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zakharchenko.

“After the shootout at the Elements restaurant, the guys from the M department of the FSB were on Fatima’s phone, and one day she called a certain Colonel Dima,” the emschik said. - And this Dima promised to help the lady with new documents. That’s how Zakharchenko got into our development.”

According to the security officer, during the wiretapping of the colonel’s phones, they identified quite interesting connections from among the relatives of high-ranking officials and security forces, but the authorities did not give the go-ahead to develop them:

“The management consulted at the top and they said that there would be no legal prospects and ordered the recordings to be seized.”

Immediately after Zakharchenko’s arrest, his direct supervisor, the head of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, Andrei Kurnosenko, planned to resign. However, soon the command “all clear” was received. The head of the National Guard, Viktor Zolotov, personally worked for the general.

Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, is suspected of extorting the owner of the Elements restaurant, Zhanna Kim.

As a source in law enforcement agencies told Rosbalt, Kalashov was detained on July 11 by employees of Directorate “M” of the FSB of the Russian Federation, carrying out operational support in the case of extortion. Shakro Molodoy was taken in handcuffs to the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, which is conducting an investigation into Zhanna Kim’s statement. There Kalashov was interrogated. It is worth noting that he previously evaded investigators' subpoenas. Detentions in the case will continue next night.

Zakhary Kalashov has long been a prominent person in the Russian criminal world. True, there was a long break in his advancement to the top of the mafia elite. In 2006, Shakro Molodoy was detained in the UAE and extradited to Spain, where he was charged with money laundering and organizing a criminal community. Kalashov was sentenced to a long prison term and was released in October 2014. He immediately returned to Moscow, where he took the place of “boss of all bosses” of the criminal world, which was empty after a sniper shot dead thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Hassan) in January 2013.

Kalashov’s residence became the Golden Palace complex, where one could always meet the “authority” Andrei Kochuykov (Italian). While Shakro was in prison, the Italian looked after his interests in Russia. And after Kalashov’s return to the Russian Federation, Kochuykov became part of the thief’s inner circle. In December 2015, both of them became involved in a very unpleasant story.

According to participants in the events, in April 2014, businesswoman Zhanna Kim met designer Fatima Misikova. The latter lived for a long time in London, where she was known as Fatima Mishikatti. Zhanna Kim asked Misikova to create the Elements restaurant and one of the bars from scratch. However, the customer was not satisfied with the quality of the work, she paid the designer 600 thousand euros (for the work already done) and broke off relations with her. According to the agency’s interlocutors, Misikova was not satisfied with this amount. According to their version, Fatima was familiar with Kalashov, to whom she turned for help.

On December 13, 2015, Zhanna Kim received a call from certain people who introduced themselves as Misikova’s lawyers and offered to discuss the conflict situation. And the next day a very representative delegation arrived at Elements. It was led by a tall man, accompanied by a large number of bodyguards (he was later identified as the “authority” Andrei Kochuykov). Security guards immediately blocked all entrances and exits from the establishment. Kim called the police and called her lawyer Eduard Budantsev, a former employee of the KGB of the USSR and the RUBOP. The latter arrived not alone, but accompanied by a partner in the bar association “Dictatorship of the Law” Vladimir Kostrichenko (former employee of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate), security guard Pyotr Chervichenko (former riot police officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) and two of his employees, including former special forces soldier of the Federal Penitentiary Service Roman Molokayev.

It quickly became clear that Misikova had ceded the right to claim the debt (the uncollected amount was estimated at 9 million rubles) to the visitors. They wanted to immediately receive 1.5 million rubles. And if it was impossible to pay, Kim was required to transfer the restaurant to third parties. Rosbalt’s interlocutors note that Budantsev asked the “guests” to leave and not appear in the establishment without a court decision recognizing the debt and the corresponding writ of execution. In response, the Italian explained that he was here on behalf of thief in law Shakro (Zakhary Kalashov), he had already decided everything, so there would be no court hearings. Kochuykov also very sharply recommended that Budantsev and his people leave the restaurant. During the altercations, as eyewitnesses told the agency, the visitors tried to push Zhanna Kim into the VIP room to sign certain documents. Budantsev and his people began to interfere with this. Here the Italian’s nerves could not stand it, he called everyone outside.

The conversation on the street did not last long. According to one of the participants in the events, Italian, saying that everything was happening according to Shakro’s decision and there was nothing to discuss, asked: “Don’t you recognize the thieves’ power?” Having received a negative answer from Budantsev, the “authority” was laconic: “The bald one (Budantsev has a haircut - Rosbalt) in my trunk, give the rest to the cops.” At that moment, six people attacked Budantsev. Molokayev rushed to his aid. Budantsev's other people clashed with the thugs. A massive fight broke out. One of the Italian's men - Kitaev - obscured the boss and took out a pistol. It was not possible to determine who started shooting from the camera recordings. Rosbalt's interlocutors claim that Molokayev was the first to be wounded. He was shot several times in the back. Budantsev’s people also started firing. At this moment, the thugs moved away from Budantsev and he took out his award-winning combat pistol.

In total, as a result of the shootout, two people were killed, including Kitaev, and five were injured.

The Presnensky court chose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest for Eduard Budantsev. The Italian, as the alleged organizer of the massacre, was sent to a pre-trial detention center by the servants of Themis. He was charged with hooliganism with the use of objects used as weapons (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Zhanna Kim filed a statement of extortion, after which the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow opened a case under this article, operational support for which is provided by the Directorate “M” of the FSB of the Russian Federation. As part of this case, Zakhary Kalashov was detained.

Yuri Vershov

"Life", 07/12/16, “Shakro Molodoy did not calculate his strength”

Employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation detained the leader of the Russian criminal world, Zakhary Kalashov, known by the nickname Shakro Molodoy, accused of extortion.

Today, Zakhary Kalashov was interrogated by investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow as part of a criminal case regarding the extortion of a large sum of money from the owner of the capital's Elements restaurant Zhanna Kim and the shootout that occurred in this restaurant on December 15, 2015, as a result of which 2 people were killed and five were wounded. Moreover, the interrogation was preceded by detention in the style of Hollywood action films.

Everyone stay in their places. The FSB of Russia is working - such screams were heard this morning in the courtyard of the country mansion of Zakhary Kalashov, located on Rublyovka. As Life’s source in law enforcement agencies said, the operation involved several dozen special forces soldiers of the FSB of the Russian Federation and operatives from the “M” department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who carry out the so-called operational support of the criminal case of extortion in which Shakro Molodoy is suspected.

The fact is that for more than six months Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, who is involved in this criminal case as a witness, has not appeared for questioning at the request of employees of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow, who are investigating this criminal case of extortion, they say Life in the police. “That’s why it was decided to forcibly bring citizen Kalashov in for questioning,” the law enforcement department claims.

According to Life, in order to detain Zakhary Kalashov, special forces of the FSB of the Russian Federation had to neutralize more than 20 security personnel.

During a search in Shakro’s house, two Makarov pistols and a hand fragmentation grenade were found, they say in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and add that if it is proven that the guns and grenades found belong to the authority, then he may become accused under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal storage of weapons."

According to investigators, in April 2014, businesswoman Zhanna Kim met designer Fatima Misikova. Zhanna asked Misikova to create from scratch the interiors of the Elements restaurant, located on the first floor of a residential building on Rochdelskaya Street, a few tens of meters from the Russian Government building. In November 2015, when the work in the restaurant was completed, Zhanna Kim told Misikova that the quality of the work left much to be desired and she was terminating the contract with her for further renovation of the establishment.

By this time, according to the investigation, Kim had paid the designer 600 thousand euros for work already completed. However, Fatima Misikova was not satisfied with this amount and she turned to her friend - Zakhary Kalashov, who was considered the main thief in law in Moscow (and in Russia) after the legend of the Russian thieves' world Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Khasan, was shot in 2013 .

According to the Spark database, Fatima Misikova owns the capital's Atelier 8 LLC, which is engaged in architectural activities and the design of premises and buildings. In addition, Misikova owns three companies located in St. Petersburg. These are the Nart-Uyut Hotel, Aurora LLC (engaged in leasing real estate) and the Vega company, which is engaged in food trading. According to the SPARK database, the total profit of Misikova’s four companies in 2014 amounted to 15.4 million rubles.

According to operatives, Shakro promised designer Fatima Misikova to solve everything with the debt quickly and quietly. Then, on December 13, 2015, the director of the Elements restaurant, Zhanna Kim, received a call from an unknown person and, introducing himself as Misikova’s lawyer, invited her to meet and discuss how to resolve the conflict. The very next day, December 14, at about 9 p.m., a group of “lawyers” arrived at the Elements premises, headed by the criminal authority Andrei Kochuykov, nicknamed Italian, who worked in Shakro Molodoy’s brigade.

“It was the Italian, who entered Zhanna Kim’s office, who told her that Fatima Misikova had ceded to him the right to claim the debt; the allegedly uncollected amount for the work was 9 million rubles,” the detectives say. - The Italian demanded that Kim give him money, and if he doesn’t have it, then transfer the restaurant to his friends. Then Kim said that she needed to consult with lawyers and called her lawyer Eduard Budantsev, a former RUOP officer.

In the evening of the same day, Budantsev and three comrades - former law enforcement officers Vladimir Kostrichenko, Pyotr Chervichenko and Roman Molokayev - arrived at the Elements restaurant.

During a verbal altercation between Eduard Budantsev and Italian, a fight began, in which the rest of the men from the support groups intervened. During the fight, Budantsev grabbed the award-winning 17-round Walter pistol and opened fire on Italian’s men who attacked him, the Investigative Committee claims.

According to the materials of the criminal case, Eduard Budantsev killed two people from Andrei Kochuykov’s support group - employees of the capital’s private security companies Alexey Kitaev and Philip Domaskin - and wounded five.

In December 2015, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow chose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest for Eduard Budantsev. He was charged with hooliganism with the use of objects used as weapons (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The court sent the Italian to a pre-trial detention center as the alleged organizer of the shootout and massacre near the Elements restaurant. He was also charged with disorderly conduct with objects used as weapons.

At the same time, Zhanna Kim filed a statement of extortion, after which the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow opened a criminal case in which not only Kochuykov was involved, but also Shakro, who acted as a witness.

– According to our data, in relation to Zakhary Kalashov, the court may choose arrest as a preventive measure and bring charges under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The investigation considers Shakro Molodoy to be the organizer of the extortion of money from the owner of the Elements restaurant Zhanna Kim, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs told Life.

The other day, according to Life, the Presnensky District Court arrested a 34-year-old Project engineer and a 49-year-old friend of Andrei Kochuykov, named Gamido, in a case of extortion from the owner of the Elements restaurant, Zhanna Kim. As part of this criminal case, investigators conducted searches at the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Presnensky district and arrested two police officers who, during the shootout at the Elements restaurant on December 14, 2015, were sitting at a table in one of the halls of the establishment and watching the bloody massacre without interfering with what was happening.

“The investigation suggests that the officers worked for Shakro Molodoy,” a law enforcement source tells Life.

After the arrest of Shakro Molodoy, investigators conducted searches at the Golden Palace hotel and entertainment complex, located on 3rd Street of Yamsky Polya.

After his return from Spain in 2014, Shakro Molodoy turned the entertainment complex into his headquarters. The fact is that, according to operational data, this complex is now controlled by his associate Kostya Manukyan, who is wanted by Interpol for creating a criminal community in Spain and money laundering, an intelligence officer tells Life. “It was for this case that Kalashov served more than eight years in Spain.

According to Life, in January 2016, Zhanna Kim sued individual entrepreneur Andrei Sergeev, who promised her to make an air conditioning system in the Elements restaurant, for which he received an advance of 1.6 million rubles. However, apparently, the customer was not satisfied with the work done and she turned to the capital’s arbitration, where she stated that Sergeev had not done anything and demanded the return of the advance plus a penalty of 2 million rubles. However, in court it turned out that Sergeev worked without concluding a formal contract, and accordingly, Kim cannot count on any compensation.

The entrepreneur himself refused to comment to Life, as did the owner of the Elements restaurant.

According to the Spark database, Zhanna Kim owns four LLCs: Keanu (apparently the Keanu bar located on Patriarch’s Street is registered under it), Gangam Style, Fifth Element and Avantage. Restaurants “Fifth Element” and “Gangam Style”, registered on Rochdelskaya Street, as follows from their SPARK base, are the founding companies of the bar-restaurant Elements. And the Avantage company is engaged in the trade of building materials and plumbing equipment.

Alexander Raskin