Lazy cabbage rolls are vegetarian. Lenten lazy cabbage rolls

During Lent, many try to eat more lean food. A properly selected daily menu will help your body perform self-cleaning or healthy prevention of the most important organs and systems. Unsweetened fruit teas, mineral or plain water will help remove toxins. Light food that does not contain meat or fat helps reduce cholesterol and rejuvenate the body. This is exactly the recipe we have prepared for you today, for clarity - with photos and step by step. We are talking about lean lazy cabbage rolls - an excellent, easily digestible dietary dish that helps improve intestinal function. Thanks to the large number of vegetables, these tasty sloths can easily compete with their meaty counterparts -. You can use all the necessary components from your home pantry.
- ¼ head of cabbage,
- 1 onion,
- 1 medium carrot,
- 2 tablespoons of ketchup or tomato paste,
- coarse salt,
- 200 grams of rice,
- 2 tablespoons of wheat flour,
- ground black pepper,
- 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Wash and boil the rice, first removing any foreign matter. After the water has boiled, add a little sunflower oil, stir and let cool.
Peel the onion and cut into small squares. Fry in vegetable oil until soft.
Free the cabbage head from damaged top leaves and chop finely with a fork. Boil the cabbage shavings in salted water for 2-3 minutes. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon, removing as much liquid as possible, and add to the sautéed onions. Add more oil if necessary.
Grind the peeled carrots and combine with assorted vegetables. Add salt, ground pepper, spices as desired and stir. Simmer the mixture for 7-10 minutes.

Add ketchup and add to boiled rice. Add sifted flour and knead the mixture.

Form cutlets from the resulting mass and place in a container for further heat treatment.

Bring to the desired doneness in the oven.

They also turn out very tasty

This version of lean lazy cabbage rolls is no longer prepared in portions in the form of cutlets, as in, but in the form of a large casserole. But the ingredients are not mixed together, but laid out in layers (a layer of minced meat, a layer of rice, a layer of cabbage) and baked with the addition of sauce. And lining the casserole on top and bottom with cabbage leaves makes this dish more similar in appearance to cabbage rolls, only a big cabbage roll.


on 5-6 servings
shape – frying pan Ø 22 cm

  • 200 g chopped raw lentils or mung beans
  • 220 g boiled rice
  • 350 g cabbage
    (150 g for filling + 200 g for lining)
  • 170 g carrots
    (100 g for minced meat + 70 g for cabbage)
  • 1 tsp. fresh ginger root
  • spices:
    – 0.5 tsp. turmeric
    – 0.5-1 tsp. garam masala mixtures
    – 0.5 tsp. (not necessary)
    – 0.5 tsp. dried rosemary or thyme
    – 1/3 tsp. mixture of peppers (to taste)
    – 1 tsp. dried dill (in stewed cabbage)
  • salt to taste
  • 300 ml water
  • 1 tbsp. l. (20 g) tomato paste (to taste)
  • 0.5 tsp. salt

Recipe for lean lazy cabbage rolls:

  1. Prepare the ingredients.


  2. As for small ones, you first need to prepare minced meat from pre-soaked mung bean or lentils by chopping the swollen beans using a blender.

    Cooking minced meat

  3. Also, before you start cooking, you need to boil the rice until half cooked (in salted water).

    Boil rice

  4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

  5. Place it in a frying pan with vegetable oil and sauté for a couple of minutes over low heat. Then add 200 g of minced lentils or mung bean, selected spices, chopped ginger, salt and fry for a couple more minutes over low heat, stirring from time to time.

  6. This component of the future layer of cabbage roll is ready. Place it in a separate bowl, freeing the pan to prepare another layer.

    Lentil minced filling

  7. Remove the leaves from the cabbage head. We select the ones that are suitable (in size, shape) for laying on the bottom and top of the cabbage roll.

    Separating cabbage into leaves

  8. We cut off (without cutting) the thickenings on the selected leaves and place half of them in a mold/frying pan, covering the bottom and walls. This is how we made the “bottom of a big lazy cabbage roll.” We put the rest of the leaves aside for now; they will be needed for the top.

    Place on the bottom of the mold

  9. We cut the remaining part of the head of cabbage into small strips so that it does not stand out too much in size in its layer.

    Shred the remaining cabbage

  10. Pour vegetable oil into the same frying pan where you fried the minced meat and now continue to cook the cabbage and carrots just as quickly. Salt and sprinkle with dry dill at the end.

    Stew with carrots

  11. Let's start collecting our big lazy cabbage roll. Place the first layer of lean minced meat with carrots on the cabbage leaves.

    Place the minced meat in the mold

  12. Then we make a layer of boiled rice (depending on its thickness, it will be either strongly or not very noticeable in the finished dish).

    Lay out the rice

  13. Place the last layer of cabbage and carrots.

  14. Cover the top with the remaining cabbage leaves. We tuck the edges of the upper leaves behind the edges of the lower ones so that they do not stick out. The top of the cabbage roll was also made.

    Cover with leaves

  15. Prepare the tomato sauce by simply diluting the paste and salt in hot water. Its quantity will be less than for.

    Preparing tomato sauce

  16. Pour it over the top of the cabbage roll.

    Fill the lazy cabbage roll

  17. Cover the pan with foil (or a lid) and bake in the oven for only 30-40 minutes (time depends on the height of the cabbage roll), setting the temperature to 180-200ºC.

    Cover the pan and place in the oven

  18. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lid and check for readiness by piercing the thickest part of the cabbage leaf (if it was not covered with thin leaves). If the cabbage is soft everywhere, then put it back in the oven without covering it so that the light top browns a little (the tomato sauce will also help with this).

    Bake in the oven

  19. Finally, our big lean lazy cabbage roll is ready. We cut it into portions and serve it as an independent dish, optionally supplemented with some of your favorite light salad (this time I had it).

step by step recipe with photos

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a vivid example of a harmonious combination of vegetables and cereals. And lazy cabbage rolls are perhaps the only dish that doesn’t lack for some mushy porridge. To avoid having to add a lot of flour, the rice needs to be boiled well. It will be easier to form the pieces if the vegetables are chopped finely.

The impression of the finished dish is created by mushrooms and, of course, spicy tomato sauce. A competent selection of spices will allow you to cook it to suit every taste. The indescribable thick aroma of wild mushrooms will transform simple dietary cutlets into the category of gourmet snacks that are also good cold.


  • rice - 1 cup (250 g)
  • white cabbage - 300 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc. medium size
  • champignons - 4–5 pcs. (150 g)
  • tomato paste - 150 g
  • boiling water - 1.5 cups
  • vegetable oil - 2–3 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour - 2–3 tbsp. l.
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • sugar to taste


1. Rinse the rice thoroughly in running water. Place in a saucepan and add boiling water. Take twice as much water as cereal - about 2 cups of boiling water. Place on fire and boil. After boiling, cook over low heat until tender, 20–25 minutes. The water should completely boil away. If the water has evaporated and the rice grains are not yet cooked, add a little more boiling water. Cool the finished rice to room temperature.

2. Peel the onions and carrots. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into small cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add onions and carrots. Fry for 5-8 minutes over moderate heat until the vegetables soften.

3. Wash the mushrooms, dry them, and peel them if desired. Cut the caps and stems into small pieces. Add the chopped mushrooms to the pan with the remaining ingredients. Stir and fry for about five minutes.

4. Wash and dry the cabbage, cut into thin strips, add to the pan, and stir. Roast for about 10 minutes to soften the cabbage. Cool the pan with the fried ingredients to room temperature.

5. For filling, you can use not only tomato paste, but also homemade sauce or ketchup. Move it to a deep container. Add 1–1.5 cups of boiling water, stir until smooth. Add salt, ground black pepper, sugar to taste.

6. Place boiled rice and fried vegetables with mushrooms into a container with pouring. Stir.

Rinse the rice well (until the water runs clear). Fill the rice completely with clean cold water, put it on the fire, after boiling, reduce the heat and boil until half cooked (the rice should be soft on top and still raw inside), drain the excess water through a colander. Transfer the rice to a deep bowl and let it cool.

Peel the carrots and onions, grate the carrots on a medium or coarse grater, finely chop the onion.

Fry the onions and carrots in a preheated frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring occasionally.

Finely chop the cabbage and add to the pan.

Simmer the vegetables over medium heat, stirring, for about 5 minutes (until the cabbage is soft), then cool.

Mix fried vegetables with rice, salt and pepper to taste.

Form round cutlets from the resulting minced meat (it is better to do this with wet hands). Roll them on all sides in flour. Place lean lazy cabbage rolls in a baking dish.

To prepare sauce for cabbage rolls, fry grated peeled carrots and chopped peeled onions in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, stirring until golden brown, then pour in tomato juice. Add sugar, a pinch of salt and ground black pepper, simmer the tomato sauce for 5 minutes over low heat.

Pour the prepared tomato sauce over the lean lazy cabbage rolls.

Cover the pan with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Very tasty lean lazy cabbage rolls are ready.

Serve hot.

Bon appetit!

Lenten lazy cabbage rolls according to this recipe can be prepared not only during Lent. This is a delicious high-calorie dish that is perfect for a family lunch or dinner, and it should also appeal to vegetarians and people who, for one reason or another, are on diets. Cooking lean lazy cabbage rolls is quite quick and easy; they will be ready in less than an hour.

Take the products from the list. Vegetables need to be washed, dried and peeled.

Rinse the rice several times, add clean cold water, and boil until tender.

Finely chop the onion and carrots, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown.

Cut the mushrooms into small cubes, add to the vegetables, fry for a couple of minutes.

Finely chop the cabbage, add to the pan, simmer for a few minutes until soft.

Cool the finished cabbage slightly.

Mix vegetables with rice, add salt and pepper to taste, stir.

Mix your favorite tomato sauce with water, add a little sugar, salt and pepper to taste, pour into a baking dish.

Lightly wet your hands with water, form cabbage rolls and place in tomato sauce. If the cabbage rolls don't stick together well, add a little flour. Drizzle the tomato sauce from the mold over the tops of the cabbage rolls so that they have the same beautiful color. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, cover the pan with foil and bake the lean lazy cabbage rolls for 35-40 minutes.