Is blueberry wine tasty? How to make blueberry wine? Blueberry wine with honey

Blueberry wine has a very rich color and interesting flavor, characteristic of certain grape drinks. But during the cooking process, you may encounter the fact that the wort will ferment imperfectly, very slowly. To avoid this, read the following rules:

  • Sort the berries very carefully so that overripe blueberries do not get into the drink, because they can make the wine turn brown easily;
  • During the process, the cooked berries must be crushed using the crushing method;
  • Immediately after receiving the pulp, it must be squeezed out;
  • Do not dilute the juice with water more than twice;
  • To promote better growth of yeast fungi, it is necessary to add ammonia to the wort (0.4 g per 1 liter of wine);
  • Use only pure culture yeast for fermentation.

Blueberry wine recipe

  • Berries – 3 kg;
  • Water – 4.5 l;
  • Sugar – 1.6 kg;
  • Honey – 300 g


The berries must be carefully sorted, leaving only the ripe ones. Rinse them in a colander and crush them well; do not leave whole berries in the mixture. Transfer the resulting mixture into a clean 10-liter glass jar. Then add heated water (3 liters). Use gauze instead of a lid, then put the jar in a warm place for 4 days.

Making blueberry wine at home is quite easy. Store ready-made blueberry wine at home in hermetically sealed containers. glass bottles, the drink has a shelf life of 3 years.

Recipe No. 2 Blueberry wine

To prepare you will need:

  • 4 kg blueberries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg of water;
  • Ammonia, powder.


Rinse the blueberries to separate the pulp from the juice and pass it through a juicer. Pour the blueberry juice into a container, add water, sugar, mix well, pour the resulting blueberry must into a jar where the wine will ferment, close it with a water seal.

Preparing sourdough. Mash the chokeberry in a mortar, add sugar (3 tbsp) and water (250 ml). Pour the starter into a bottle, plug the neck with a cotton swab, put the starter in a dark place for a week, it should stand at a temperature of 21 -24 C.
Pour our wort into enamel pan, heat to 45 C. Then pour in the starter, and again pour the wort into the jar, close it with a water seal. Keep the wort at a constant temperature of 20-23C.

Filter the drink after a week, namely, pass it through a colander. Also, during cleaning, it is necessary to perform such a mandatory procedure as “feeding the yeast.” That is, for 1 liter, use 0.5 g of ammonia powder, dilute it in a small part of the wort and inject it with a syringe into the main container.

It is necessary to finely filter blueberry wine once every 10-12 days by pouring liquid from one container to another, but this is very important to do so as not to affect the remainder.

So if you have not yet tried this amazing blueberry wine, then you should definitely try it; of course, the drink will be even tastier if it is prepared by you personally.

See for yourself how tasty blueberry wine made at home can be, but before that, be sure to carefully review the recipe, familiarize yourself with the preparation technology, if you are preparing for the first time, then perhaps consult with experienced winemakers and feel free to start preparing. After which we are waiting for your feedback and comments, you can also add yours universal recipe preparations.

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Blueberries are an excellent base for making homemade wines. Homemade blueberry wine is in no way inferior in taste to grape wine.

As experts point out, the process of preparing blueberry wine requires care and strict adherence to technology. This is largely due to the fermentation characteristics of blueberries. Therefore, an extremely important factor is maintaining absolute sterility, which will prevent harmful pathogens from entering the wort.

In order to proceed directly to the process of making homemade blueberry wine according to the recipe, it is necessary to select only the freshest and juiciest berries, which were collected no more than a day ago. It is extremely important to remove rotten or overripe fruits from the total mass, from which blueberry tincture can be prepared separately, since the process of its preparation does not impose such strict requirements on the raw materials. After the unwanted fruits are removed, the blueberries should be washed and dried well.

As a rule, experts do not recommend washing the berries so that the wild yeast formed on the skin retains its properties. But in the case of blueberry wine, it is important to strictly follow the preparation technology in order to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the finished drink. Therefore, an analogue of wild yeast can be ordinary wine starter, which is prepared, as a rule, three days before adding the wort, or wine yeast, which can be purchased in a regular store. Also, wild yeast can be replaced with raisins, provided that you are absolutely sure of its quality.

When starting the cooking process, make sure that all working containers are thoroughly washed and dried. The same requirements apply to your hands: you need to work with the wort only with clean hands to avoid the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, make sure that there are no foreign odors in the room that could harm the finished product.

So, in composition of homemade wine from berries blueberries includes:

  • 4 kg blueberries;
  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 100 gr. raisins or wine yeast.

Making homemade blueberry wine step by step

  1. Clean and dried blueberries are necessary mash into a homogeneous mass and place in a container with a wide neck.
  2. After this, it follows add self-cooked sourdough, raisins or wine yeast. Stirring thoroughly, add 300 gr. granulated sugar. Then close the neck with gauze or any other cloth and move the container to a place protected from light, where you can easily maintain a temperature of 18 to 25°C. The resulting berry mass should be stirred once a day, preferably using a wooden stick. You can mix the mixture with clean hands, but do not forget about pathogens, the accidental introduction of which will spoil the taste of your homemade wine.
  3. Signs of fermentation (foam and sour smell), which will appear after 3-4 days, mean that the time has come squeeze out the wort through cheesecloth, pouring the liquid part into a fermentation container. Pour the remaining pulp with warm water, leave for 15-20 minutes, then squeeze well again with gauze and combine the resulting liquid with the fermented juice. Used pomace can be safely disposed of as it will no longer be needed.
  4. The resulting wort should be add 300 grams of granulated sugar, after which, install a hydraulic valve on the container, which can be made from an ordinary medical glove, after first making a small hole in one of the fingers. Then place the container in a place protected from light, maintaining the temperature there from 18 to 25°C.
  5. The last 300 grams of granulated sugar should be added in five days. To do this, you will need to drain a little of the fermenting juice (approximately 0.5 liters) and dilute 300 grams of sugar in it. Formed sugar syrup pour back into the container and install the water seal back.
  6. The fermentation processes will end in 25-40 days, when the liquid becomes noticeably lighter and a thick sediment forms at the bottom. When you are sure that fermentation complete, you need to use a thin straw to drain the wine into another clean container. It is extremely important not to disturb the sediment.
  7. After this, the container should be tightly close and put away for two or three months in a dark and cool place, the temperature of which is maintained at 10-16°C, for aging. By the way, in the future, homemade blueberry wine will need to be stored at the same temperature.
  8. Repeat the procedure for removing wine from sediment described above and pour the finished wine into storage containers, securing them with airtight stoppers to avoid damage to the finished product.

Blueberries make excellent homemade wines, much like grape wines. But blueberries ferment poorly; even the slightest mistake in preparation can ruin everything. Therefore, I advise you to strictly follow the technology and take care of sterility. Pathogenic microorganisms should not enter the wort.

Only fresh, ripe berries that have been picked for no longer than 24 hours are suitable for winemaking. It is desirable that the fruits are juicy. First, you need to sort out the berries, removing those that are too small, rotten, moldy or overripe. Then wash the blueberries and let the water drain.

I usually don't recommend washing berries to leave wild yeast on the skin, but with blueberries you have to do it or else there will be an off-flavor in the wine. We will replace the washed off wild yeast with plain yeast, raisins (if we are confident in its quality) or store-bought wine yeast. The last option is the best, but at home, sourdough is most often used, which is prepared 3-5 days before adding the wort.

Before starting, all containers used must be thoroughly washed (preferably with boiling water) and wiped dry. There should be no foreign odors. It is allowed to work with wort only with clean hands, so as not to infect it with third-party fungi and bacteria.


  • blueberries – 4 kg;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • raisins – 100 grams (or wine yeast).

Blueberry wine recipe

1. Mash the washed berries until smooth and place in a container with a wide neck.

2. Add raisins (sourdough or yeast) and 300 grams of sugar, mix well. Tie the neck with gauze or cover with a cloth, then transfer the container to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C. Once a day, stir the berry mass with a clean hand or a wooden stick, knocking off the “cap” on the surface of the pulp and peel.

3. After 3-4 days, when signs of fermentation appear (foam, hissing, sour smell), squeeze the wort through cheesecloth. Pour the liquid part into the fermentation container (fill to a maximum of 75% of the volume), fill the pulp with plain water room temperature, leave for 15-20 minutes, then squeeze again through gauze. Mix the resulting liquid with fermented juice. The squeezes can be thrown away; they are no longer needed.

4. Add 300 grams of sugar to the wort, place a water seal on the container (a medical glove with a small hole in one of the fingers) and transfer to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

The simplest water seal

5. After 5 days, add the last portion of sugar (300 grams). To do this, drain 0.5 liters of fermenting juice, dilute sugar in it, pour the resulting syrup back, and then install a water seal.

6. After 25-50 days, fermentation will end: the water seal will stop producing bubbles, the blueberry wine will lighten, and sediment will appear at the bottom. It's time to drain the wine from the sediment through a thin tube into another clean container, without touching the sediment at the bottom.

If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the moment the water seal is installed, to prevent bitterness from appearing, the wine must be drained from the sediment, then left to ferment at the same temperature.

Taste the fermented drink. If desired, add more sugar for sweetness or fix with alcohol (vodka) 2-15% of the volume. Fortified wine stores better, but is not as aromatic and has a harsher taste.

Fill storage containers to the top (it is advisable that the wine does not come into contact with oxygen) and close tightly. If sugar was added, it is better to keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days in case of re-fermentation.

7. Transfer the drink to a dark, cool (5-16°C) place, leave for at least 2-3 months to mature, and then store at this temperature.

Once every 20-25 days, when a layer of sediment of 2-5 cm appears, filter the wine by pouring it through a straw into another container, leaving the sediment at the bottom of the old one. Blueberry wine is ready when sediment no longer appears.

Blueberry wine aged 6 months

8. The drink can be poured into bottles or left in the same container.

Shelf life – up to 3 years. Strength – 10-12%. The yield according to the recipe is 3-4 liters.

Summer is not only a period of vacations and dacha chores, but also a time when nature gives us a lot of its healthy and delicious fruits.

Of course, first of all, berries and fruits are used as a natural delicacy, but you can also make something more interesting from them, for example, blueberry wine. Today we will share with you two ways to make this drink, and also give some tips for infusing it.

Tips for making blueberry wine at home

When making wine, and other drinks using berries or fruits, preparatory stage is no less important than the infusion process itself.

The thing is that the quality and type of raw materials completely determine how the final drink will turn out - whether it will be sweet or retain a slight sourness, whether it will remain tart or become light.

  • Before preparing wine, you need to carefully sort out the blueberries - only ripe, but not stale berries without any damage or dents will do. If you take overripe fruits, the wine will most likely taste bitter.
  • Usually, berries or fruits are not washed before making wort - bacteria are located on their surface, which simplifies the fermentation process. However, with blueberries everything is different - the berries must be washed well and dried a little.
  • In order for the blueberries to produce juice, you need to chop them a little, or rather, mash them. It is believed that if you use a blender or meat grinder, it will ruin the drink.
  • It should be remembered that making wine is impossible without sterility - all containers, especially those in which the drink will settle, must be sterilized (doused with boiling water).
  • Since the natural yeast on the surface of the blueberries is washed off, they need to be replaced with something. Regular raisins are perfect for this, or even better - special wine yeast, which can be purchased in the store.
  • If desired, after the blueberry wine has settled, you can add a little vodka or alcohol to it. This drink turns out to be fortified and is better stored, although it slightly loses its taste.

Homemade blueberry wine, a simple step-by-step recipe

This method of producing blueberry wine is suitable for those lovers of the noble drink who appreciate berry liqueurs initial aroma and taste of the fruit. This wine turns out to be quite light and not very strong.


  • Blueberries – 6 kg;
  • Purified water – 3 l;
  • Raisins – about 150 g;
  • White granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.

How to make blueberry wine with your own hands

  • To begin with, we thoroughly wash our berries and sort them through the process. We remove the “tails” and leaves, if any, and also throw away those berries that have spoiled or become jammed.
  • Place the blueberries in a clean bowl and mash them in a convenient way - the result should be something similar to a homogeneous mass of crushed berries.
  • Pour the contents of our bowl into a container with a fairly wide neck, add raisins here (no need to wash them), and also add a third of the prepared granulated sugar - 500 grams. Mix with a clean wooden spoon, cover with gauze and put in a warm, dark place.
  • The wort with cake must ferment for 3 days, and it must be stirred every day. When time has passed, use gauze to express the juice, and place the pulp in purified water. After half an hour we express her too.
  • We combine the juice with colored water, add sugar and pour the future wine into fermentation containers. We put a water seal or a glove with a hole on their neck and put them in a dark place.
  • After a week, you need to add the remaining sugar (to do this, drain part of the drink, stir sand in it and pour it back). We remove the bottles to ferment further, this will last about 1-2 months.
  • When the fermentation process is over, the wine needs to be aged. We drain the young wine, leaving sediment at the bottom of the container, and pour it immediately into bottles for storage. We seal them and put them in a cool, dark place for 2-3 months, after which the wine is ready to drink.

During the aging process, sediment will form that needs to be disposed of. To do this, using thin tube the wine is poured into a new, clean container, and the sediment is left in the bottles. Typically this procedure must be carried out once a month.

Recipe for delicious blueberry wine with honey


  • Ripe blueberries – 4 kg;
  • Granulated white sugar – 2 kg;
  • Purified water – 5 l;
  • Honey (optional) – 350-400 g;
  • Wine yeast - as needed.

How to make blueberry wine step by step

  • First of all, we sort through our berries, throw away broken and spoiled blueberries, and also tear off the “tails” from the berries. We rinse them well under running water and pour them onto a napkin to dry a little.
  • Next, pour the blueberries into a deep bowl and, using your hands or a wooden mallet, crush the berries until a more or less homogeneous mass is formed. Add a kilogram of sugar here and mix.
  • Transfer the resulting mass into a container with a wide neck, pour in 4 liters of water (it should be warm) and cover with gauze. Place in a dark, warm place for 4 days.
  • If after a day from the start of infusion the wort has not begun to bubble and ferment, then we have washed off all the yeast from the berries. In this case, add wine yeast; the required amount can be calculated according to the instructions on the package.
  • After 4 days, we strain our future wine using gauze, squeeze out the cake and throw it away. In a separate container, mix the remaining sugar, water and honey. Pour the resulting syrup into the strained liquid.
  • Then we pour the wort into disinfected fermentation containers, on which we install a water seal on top. We put them in a dark place for a couple of months.
  • As soon as the fermentation process is complete, we drain our young wine from the sediment and pour it into new containers that need to be sealed. Let them brew for a couple more months.
  • After the specified time, we again separate the wine and sediment and pour the resulting wine drink by bottle. We seal them tightly and put them in a cool place for storage.

This blueberry wine has a pronounced berry flavor, which echoes the light honey shade. That is why we recommend that you take the issue of choosing honey seriously, since the aroma of the finished drink and its aftertaste largely depend on it.

Blueberries have great taste and unsurpassed aroma. These characteristics make it possible to create excellent wines that have some similarities with grape ones. Cooking similar alcoholic drinks is quite a difficult task, since the slightest mistake can negate all the efforts made. In addition, this berry does not ferment well, so during the manufacturing process one should not violate the technology and neglect clean dishes. This is the only way to make blueberry wine of truly high quality and aromatic.

Process Features

To create wine, you need to use only ripe blueberries. It is best if it is collected immediately before the start of its preparation. At the same time, lying berries can only be used if they were picked no more than 24 hours ago. First, you need to thoroughly sort the blueberries, removing rotten, overripe, moldy and too small berries from the total mass. After this, the selected part should be washed.

In nature, any berries and fruits are covered with a thin layer of white coating, which includes wild yeast. They are fermentation catalysts and are therefore very important for winemaking. However, it is better to wash the blueberries, because if this is not done, the drink will acquire a bitter aftertaste, which is extremely undesirable. You can replace them with special wine yeast or sourdough made with your own hands from unwashed raisins.

Important! All containers, devices and equipment must be completely sterile, since the slightest contamination can become a source of development of foreign microflora. Its entry into the wort can not only affect the fermentation process, but also spoil the taste of the finished drink.

Therefore, immediately before starting winemaking at home, these things are washed well and doused with hot water.

Simple recipe

Composition of ingredients and proportions:

  • blueberries – 8 kg;
  • water – 4 liters;
  • raisins – 200 grams;
  • sugar – 2 kg.

Step-by-step sequence of actions.

Making blueberry wine is not that difficult. The main thing is not to deviate from the sequence of actions given below and strictly follow it.

1. Pre-washed blueberries are kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and transferred to a bottle.

2. Add unwashed raisins (yeast or sourdough) and 0.6 kg of sugar. All components are thoroughly mixed. The neck is tied with gauze folded in several layers, and the container itself is transferred to a dark, warm place. In the future, the resulting mass must be mixed at least once a day using a wooden stick or a clean hand.

3. After 3-4 days, obvious signs of fermentation should appear, such as bubbling, hissing and a characteristic smell. The separated part of the juice is drained, and the remaining pulp is squeezed out through cheesecloth.

4. The resulting juice is poured back into the washed bottle. It should be filled no more than 3/4 full. The remaining pulp is poured with warm water and infused for 15–20 minutes, and then squeezed out again through gauze. Then the pulp is discarded, and the resulting liquid is mixed with the main volume of juice.

5. 0.6 kg of sugar is added to the wort, a water seal or a rubber glove with a pre-made hole in the finger is installed on the bottle, and the container is moved to a dark place with a constant temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius.

6. After 5 days, the remaining sugar (0.8 kg) is added to the wort. To do this, 0.5 liters of juice is drained, in which it is further diluted granulated sugar. The syrup obtained in this way is poured back into the bottle, and a water seal or glove is again installed on its neck.

7. After 25–55 days, fermentation should stop. This is quite simple to determine: the water seal will stop gurgling (the glove will deflate), the blueberry wine will become lighter, and a layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the bottle. The finished wine is poured using a thin tube into any clean container so that the sediment remains at the bottom.

8. If you want ready drink can be sweetened or made stronger. It should be remembered that fortified blueberry wine lasts longer, but becomes harder and loses some of its aroma.

9. Bottles are filled up to the cork and screwed tightly.

10. Ready Home wine moves to a dark, cool place with a temperature of 5–16 degrees Celsius and is left there for a period of 2 to 3 months. After this time, the drink will become more mature, which will have a positive effect on its taste and aroma.

The shelf life of this wine is 3 years, and the strength is 10–12 degrees.