Delicious homemade Sancho Pancho cake is a decoration for home gatherings. Pancho cake in a slow cooker

Sponge-pineapple cake “Pancho” with sour cream is an original dessert for the holiday table. Cooking the cake in a slow cooker. Multi-layered, generously sprinkled with nuts, covered with chocolate glaze, it will surprise guests with its unusual shape and exquisite combination of flavors. Sweet and sour pineapple harmonizes perfectly with the sweetness of the cream, the bitterness of nuts completes the composition. Cooking time: 2 hours 15 minutes. It refers to biscuit-type desserts.

Sponge cakes:

  1. Eggs – 6 pieces.
  2. Sugar – 250 milliliters.
  3. Flour – 1 and ½ cups.
  4. 5 grams of baking soda.
  5. Table vinegar (apple) – 0.5 tablespoon.
  6. Vegetable oil – 6 tablespoons.
  7. About 35 grams of cocoa powder.
  8. Can of canned pineapples – 520 grams.
  9. Nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts) - 1 cup.


  1. Sour cream 30–33 percent – ​​600 grams.
  2. A glass (250 milliliters) of powder.
  3. A packet or more of vanilla.


  1. 4 tablespoons sugar.
  2. 65 grams of cocoa.
  3. Half a glass of flour.
  4. One and a half glasses of milk.
  5. Butter - about half a pack.

Cooking process

Let's prepare the biscuit base first, since this process is the longest:

  1. Break the eggs into a mixer bowl without separating the whites from the yolks.
  2. Add sugar or powder, depending on what you find at home.
  3. Beat until the mixture lightens in color and has at least doubled in size. Whipping time – at least 10 minutes.
  4. Pour in odorless, refined oil.
  5. We extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour it into the dough. You can replace the soda with 1 packet of baking powder.
  6. Beat the mixture thoroughly.
  7. Add the sifted flour in parts and knead the dough with your hands using a spatula or spoon.
  8. Divide the resulting mass into two equal portions. Add cocoa powder to one and mix thoroughly until the consistency becomes smooth and homogeneous.
  9. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with melted or refined butter using a regular brush. Pour out the first, light half of the dough. Pour the dark mixture over it, being careful not to mix both masses.
  10. Set the "Baking" mode for 85-90 minutes.

In the meantime, you can make cream:

  1. Place the sour cream in a mixer bowl.
  2. Beat until it increases slightly in volume.
  3. Add vanilla and sugar and beat for a few more minutes.

Assembling the Pancho cake:

  1. Cut the cooled biscuit: separate the bottom third of the cake.
  2. Soak it in pineapple syrup. Use about 60–70 milliliters for impregnation.
  3. Cut the remaining cake into cubes or slices as desired. Place in a deep bowl and pour in sour cream for soaking.
  4. Place a layer of diced pineapples on the soaked base.
  5. Sprinkle the cake with nuts on top, which should first be fried in a dry frying pan or dried in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 8–9 minutes.
  6. Place some of the soaked biscuit cubes on top, then again nuts and pineapples.
  7. Cover everything with biscuit pieces, forming a mound.
  8. Alternate layers in this order: biscuit, pineapples, nuts.

The finished dessert can be decorated with chocolate icing:

  1. Mix sugar and cocoa powder.
  2. Add flour and stir.
  3. Pour milk and put on fire (small). Stir constantly!
  4. When the mixture begins to “set”, remove the container from the heat and add the oil.
  5. Mix the glaze thoroughly and cover the entire surface of the cake.

Place the decorated Pancho cake in the refrigerator. Let it sit there for at least an hour or two.

  • Pancho Banana Cake

One of the most delicious and famous desserts is Pancho cake - this is no secret to anyone. In this article we want to offer you a recipe for this particular sponge cake with delicate sour cream. Its authentic recipe is kept secret, but many housewives and experienced confectioners know the technology for creating this dessert. Let's face it, there are really a lot of options for preparing it.

The cake is made on the basis of a sponge cake, the cream is either whipped cream or sour cream with the addition of sugar, powder, and flavorings. Perhaps even condensed milk. In addition, the recipe must include berries: often cherries, but raspberries, strawberries, currants, and so on can also be used. As an option, prepare “Pancho” with fruit: it can be fresh or canned peaches, pineapples, bananas. And of course, it is not forbidden to put nuts in this cake; roasted hazelnuts are best, but walnuts or almonds would also be an excellent option.

If you are a novice housewife, then after seeing this dessert and reading its recipe carefully, it may seem to you that you cannot cope with its preparation. The emphasis and main objective of this article is that this seemingly complex cake can be made without an oven, in a regular slow cooker. Don't believe me? Welcome to us, you will study.

Cake "Pancho" with cherries and nuts

We present to your attention a classic dessert recipe called “Pancho”. It is done quickly, is not too complicated when done, and only the original assembly will require attention. Pieces of cut biscuits will be dipped in sour cream and laid out on the cake in the form of a slide, and the top will need to be covered with chocolate glaze. And if you are the happy owner of such a super-home appliance as a multi-cooker, this fact will make it much easier for you to prepare the cake.


For the biscuit:

  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 6 eggs
  • flour - 220 grams
  • sugar - 250 grams
  • baking powder - 5 grams

For cream and filling:

  • 150 milliliters 33% cream
  • 500 milliliters sour cream 20% fat
  • 160 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams frozen cherries
  • 120 grams of hazelnuts
  • 10 grams of powdered sugar

For the glaze:

  • 70 grams dark chocolate
  • 30 grams butter

Cooking method:

Take all the ingredients listed. The first step involved in the cake recipe is to prepare the sponge cake. Note that this stage is the most important, because it creates the basis for the dessert. The sponge cake will be baked in a slow cooker, so follow the cooking steps included in the recipe for best results. It is important that the cake does not settle during baking, is tender and airy, and, of course, as high as possible. To do this, just follow these instructions exactly.

So, first, beat the eggs in a clean and dry bowl. They will increase significantly in size, the mixture will become fluffy and turn white. You need to beat for at least 10 minutes with a mixer. Then add sugar little by little without turning off the mixer. The sugar should completely melt during the beating process. When this happens, the mixer can be turned off and set aside; everything else must be mixed by hand. Separately or directly into the dough, sift the flour with baking powder and cocoa. Carefully and carefully add the dry ingredients, lifting the dough from the bottom to the top and mixing in a circle. If there are lumps of flour, they must all be kneaded so that the mass is homogeneous and breathable.

Coat the multicooker pan with butter and place the chocolate dough in it. In the menu, select the “Baking” mode. By default, the time is set to 60 minutes, which is just long enough for your cake to bake evenly. Do not forget to open the valve to allow steam to escape, otherwise condensation will collect inside the oven and drip onto the biscuit, which can wet it and prevent it from cooking properly.

Remember that opening the lid during baking is strictly prohibited. After the specified time has elapsed, a sound signal will sound in the multicooker, indicating that the cake is ready and can be removed. But even if it happens that you don’t hear the signal, it’s okay. After the set time has passed, the multicooker automatically switches to the “Warming” mode, where the biscuit will cook at low temperatures.

Allow the finished pie to cool, and cut the cool pie into 3 pieces. One sponge cake thus obtained will serve as the basis for the future Pancho cake. Cut the other 2 parts into pieces; they will later be used to make a mound. Now you need to do the filling and cream. If the cherries are fresh, just remove the seeds from them; if they are frozen, first bring them to room temperature. A little juice will drain from the cherries, do not pour it out - then you will soak the biscuit with it.

Roll the berries in powdered sugar. The hazelnuts can be beaten a little with a rolling pin, but it will be better if they remain whole. Well, the final stage from the preparation section is sour cream. His recipe is surprisingly simple: first whip the cream to elastic peaks, and then separately mix sour cream with sugar until thickened. Finally, combine both masses into a cream.

The final moment of preparing the Pancho cake has come - assembling it. Place the base crust on a flat dish. Soak it in cherry juice, grease it with thick sour cream, and place some of the berries and nuts in one layer. Leave a few spoons of pure sauce for decorating the cake. Place the biscuit pieces into the bowl with the rest of the cream so that they all drown in it. And now, layer by layer, mixed with berries and nuts, place the soaked pieces of biscuit on the cake, maintaining a cone-shaped shape. Cover the top of the dessert with cream.

Well, one more small detail of the cake - chocolate icing. It can be done in a few minutes: to do this, melt the chocolate in the microwave and mix it with warm butter. The glaze is ready; While it's still wet, pour it over the sides of your cake. You can use a pastry bag or a regular bag with the tip cut off for this. Or you can apply the glaze directly from a spoon - it will also turn out beautiful and unique. After this, the cake needs to be in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours to soak thoroughly. In addition, it should get stronger and keep its shape well. The cake is ready, it’s beautiful when cut! Enjoy your tea!

Cake "Sancho-Pancho" with pineapples in a slow cooker

It is worth noting the wonderful fact that when you cook Sancho Pancho cake in a slow cooker using this recipe, you will not have to worry about the result at all. The thing is that biscuits baked in this way turn out much better than in the oven. They are airy, soft and fluffy. If you use the technique correctly and don’t look inside during the process, your cake will turn out tall and beautiful. Take this recipe and bring to life the wonderful dessert called Sancho Pancho.


For the biscuit dough:

  • sugar - 170 grams
  • wheat flour - 200 grams
  • egg - 5-6 pieces
  • starch - 1/3 cup
  • vanillin - 1/3 teaspoon
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon

For cream and filling:

  • cream thickener - 2 sachets
  • 750 milliliters sour cream (15% fat)
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • cognac - 20 milliliters
  • dark chocolate - 80 grams
  • pineapples - 1 can
  • peaches - 1 jar

Cooking method:

A real classic sponge cake is made in two ways. In the first version, the eggs are beaten whole, in the second they are divided into whites and yolks. Then they are whipped separately, and only then combined into a mass. So, let's look at the second recipe, or more precisely, we will find out how to properly mix the biscuit ingredients to achieve maximum results when baking.

As you may have noticed, the recipe does not include baking powder at all. Of course, you can put it down. But if you do everything right, it's easy to do without it. The thing is that the eggs themselves, if they are beaten correctly, do not require either soda or baking powder. Their very structure allows the cake to rise and increase in size several times.

So, beat the chilled whites in a dry deep bowl with a pinch of citric acid until strong peaks form, then gradually add sugar (half the norm) in small doses. It should completely melt into the whites. Grind the yolks separately with the rest of the sugar into a white mass. As a result, both of these parts need to be mixed. It would be correct to drop the whipped whites one tablespoon at a time into the yolk mixture and stir in a circle. This must be done until both mixtures are combined together. Then, in the same way, gradually add sifted flour with starch and vanillin. Stir the dough with a spoon - it is ready. Since the cake will be baked in a slow cooker, grease a bowl with oil and place the dough in it. Select “Baking” from the menu, set the timer for 60 minutes and press “Start”.

While the biscuit is baking, you will have time to prepare both the dressing for the dessert and the filling. Cream recipe: beat sour cream and granulated sugar in one bowl. When the mass becomes denser and the sugar is completely dissolved, add 2 packets of thickener. Open cans of peaches and pineapples. Cut the fruits into equal sized pieces. From the juice that remains in the jars, you can make syrup to soak the biscuit. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of sugar per 100 milliliters of juice and cook until thickened over low heat. Add a little cognac at the end.

By this time, the biscuit will have arrived in the multicooker, which will be indicated by a sound signal. When the white sponge cake has cooled, use a knife to cut a layer about 2 centimeters high - this will be the base of the cake. Cut or break the rest of the pie into pieces of any shape. Place the base on a dish, soak it in syrup, apply a layer of sour cream on top and place the fruit in one layer. Next, dip each piece of biscuit in the dressing and place it on the cake in a heap. Alternate biscuit and fruit. Maintain the cone shape of the Sancho Pancho dessert. Decorate the surface with melted dark chocolate. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours until it soaks and hardens. After which you can confidently call the guests and proudly say - “The cake is ready, everyone is ready for the table!”

Pancho Banana Cake

This dessert differs from its other biscuit “brothers” in its beautiful shape: it is laid out not with two or three layers of cakes, but with a beautiful mound. Preparing a cake using a technique such as a slow cooker completely eliminates baking troubles such as a burnt bottom or an unbaked center. The multicooker uses heating technology from all sides, thereby eliminating the errors described above. Preparing cakes, pies and muffins using this technique becomes a hassle-free, easy and very exciting task, because a wonderful result is always guaranteed.

For the test:

  • flour - 320 grams
  • sugar - 250 grams
  • eggs - 6 pieces
  • cocoa - 4 tablespoons
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tablespoons
  • soda - on the tip of a knife

For the multicooker pan:

  • flour - 2 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon

For cream:

  • sour cream (20% fat) - 600 milliliters
  • sugar - 200 grams
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

For filling:

  • walnuts - 120 grams
  • bananas - 3 pieces

For decoration:

  • dark chocolate - 60 grams
  • milk - 4 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Carefully separate the egg yolks and whites. Beat the last ones first, and then, when they get stronger, add sugar little by little. Remember that there should be no grains - complete dissolution is necessary.. Then add the yolks, 1 piece at a time, and continue beating. In order for the flour to fluff up and be enriched with oxygen, it is sifted through a fine sieve, or preferably twice. Sift cocoa powder along with it. Add flour and cocoa to the dough, stir with a spoon. Quench the soda in half a spoon of lemon juice and add to the dough.

Grease the bottom of the multicooker container with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. This is done so that later the biscuit comes out of the mold more easily. Transfer the dough to the slow cooker and smooth it over the surface. In the menu, select the “Baking” mode and set the time to 65 minutes. When cooking is complete, use a wooden stick to check the biscuit for doneness. If necessary, you can re-enable the same mode, only for 30 minutes. When the cake is ready, using a steamer rack, remove the cake, cool and divide into pieces. For the base you need a cake about 2 centimeters high. Cut the rest of the pie into arbitrary pieces.

Grind the nuts using a blender; if you like larger pieces, crush them with a rolling pin. For the cream, combine sour cream and sugar, beat with a mixer, add vanillin. Mixing time for the cream is approximately 5-8 minutes. Place the base of the cake on a wide dish, on top - a layer of sour cream, on it - sliced ​​bananas and nuts. Next, dip each piece of sponge cake into the cream and place it on the cake. Alternate with fruits and nuts. Don't forget that the shape of the cake should be conical. At the end, completely cover the slide with cream. To make the glaze, melt the chocolate and add milk. Cover the cake with beautiful patterns and, of course, put it in the refrigerator. The dessert will stay there for at least 3 hours. Enjoy your tea!

Each recipe for the Pancho dessert is a separate culinary fantasy, an independent story in which the hostess can embody her tastes. By preparing a cake in a slow cooker, you will make your work much easier. Your sponge cake will be soft and fluffy, and when combined with sour cream, it will acquire the texture of a delicate airy cloud with a creamy taste. Fruits, berries and nuts will highlight the taste and add contrast to this cake. Let us remind you that when baking a sponge cake in a slow cooker, you must follow it exactly, without changing anything in it, and then the result will not leave anyone indifferent. You can experiment without restrictions with fillings, creams, and nuts. You can add jam or preserves, condensed milk to the cake. Using our recipe, create your own confectionery masterpieces with us!

2016-11-08T10:00:06+00:00 admin Dessert [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

Sancho-Pancho cake in a slow cooker is an excellent solution for preparing a cake, since the cakes will be thoroughly baked in it, will not lose their shape and will not burn. And it’s a pleasure to take them out, since they don’t stick to the bowl and are easy to pull out.

Thanks to the slow cooker, Sancho Pancho cake turns out very tender, tasty and juicy. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple, but, nevertheless, the delicacy turns out to be very unusual and beautiful. This biscuit can easily decorate any table, both festive and at home.

Pancho cake (as it is usually called for short) is a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. And this is not surprising, because the dessert turns out light and airy. His recipe includes bananas, instead of which you can take any fruit or berry (but they must be juicy).

So, for example, bananas can be perfectly replaced by pineapple, grapes, strawberries or pears. You can safely replace the sour cream in the recipe with sweet yogurt of any flavor or use condensed milk. In general, Sancho Pancho cake can be prepared in different ways by replacing or adding ingredients.

If you like chocolate baked goods, you can add a few spoons of cocoa powder to the biscuit cream; if your household likes nuts, you can decorate the top of the cake with them. That is why preparing delicacies directly depends only on your imagination.

Well, a well-known kitchen assistant will help you prepare this unusually delicious dessert - a multicooker in which the cake for the future delicacy is baked. It's no secret that it greatly facilitates the process of preparing any dish, especially baking. The biscuits turn out airy, soft and tasty. In addition, they do not become stale or dry out for a long time, like oven baked goods.

Advantages and benefits of biscuit

It would seem like ordinary cakes - but how many recipes for making them are known in our time. Try cutting the sponge cake into small pieces, folding them into a tall pan, adding sour cream and fruit to them - and you will get a wonderful cake that you won’t be ashamed to present to guests as a treat.

In addition to the wonderful taste, Pancho dessert has many more advantages and benefits for the body:

  • The biscuit turns out to be large, which means that you can easily feed all the guests with it.
  • The cake turns out light and airy, so anyone after a large feast will agree to eat a piece.
  • Fruit delicacies provide not only a wonderful taste, but also benefits for the body: bananas are rich in a lot of useful elements, pineapples contain many vitamins.
  • Dairy products (sour cream and yogurt) included in the recipe also benefit the body.
  • Sancho-Pancho cake does not dry out for a long time, so the dessert can easily be prepared for future use.
  • The method of preparing the delicacy is very simple, since the multicooker will do half the work for you.
  • The ingredients for the dessert are almost all natural, and this is a significant plus for the biscuit, since many people nowadays try to buy store-bought cakes.
  • Well, and finally, this recipe contains a small amount of calories, which is important in our time.

In general, the cake has enough advantages to prepare a dish and be convinced of its amazing taste.

Cooking process

Many photos show that the dessert turns out to be large, although it requires a small amount of ingredients that can easily be bought at the grocery store.


Step 1

The recipe for making a cake must begin by baking the crust. To do this, break 5 eggs into a bowl, add a packet of vanillin and sugar. Beat the mixture with a mixer until it becomes fluffy - this will take you at least 10 minutes.

Step 2

Then gradually sift the flour over the mixture, while gently stirring it. Finally, thoroughly stir the mixture again.

Step 3

Grease the walls of the multicooker bowl generously with butter or vegetable oil and place the creamy dough into it.

Step 4

Place the bowl in the multicooker, turn on the “Baking” (Soup) mode and close the lid. The crust will bake for 60 minutes. After the signal, take out the biscuit and leave it on the table to cool.

Step 5

After cooling completely, cut the cake into three parts - you need to do this crosswise. We put the bottom cake aside, as we need it for the base of the dessert. Cut the rest of the cakes into small cubes, about 2 centimeters in length and width.

Step 6

After this, peel the bananas and cut them into thin rings. We peel the nuts and turn them into crumbs (this can be done using a rolling pin or a meat grinder). Place bananas and nuts in a bowl, pour yogurt over the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Step 7

Cover a deep bowl with cling film, place the banana-nut mixture on it, thoroughly soak the upper part of the cake with yogurt and place it on top of the mixture; press lightly. Cover the cake with the remaining film and put the dish in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.

Step 8

Before serving, take out the Sancho-Pancho cake, turn it over onto a flat bowl and pour the pre-prepared glaze over the sponge cake: mix all the ingredients (except the butter), simmer the mixture over low heat until thickened, then turn off the stove, add the butter and mix the glaze thoroughly.

Step 9

It is recommended to start pouring the Sancho Pancho cake from the top so that the icing flows down, creating a beautiful pattern. After applying the glaze, the delicacy can be cut into small pieces and served. The dessert does not break or crumble, and the taste is incomparable. Bon appetit!

Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

Pancho cake in a slow cooker

It's no secret that a multicooker greatly simplifies the cooking process, especially when it comes to baking. It turns out not only airy and tasty, but also does not burn, as when baking in a conventional oven. We offer you a recipe for making a delicious and aromatic pancho cake in a slow cooker.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • six raw eggs;
  • two glasses of sugar;
  • 3-4 spoons of cocoa;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • half a spoon of lemon juice.

Cream ingredients, filling and decoration:

  • 600 grams of fat sour cream (30%);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • a glass of walnuts;
  • a can of canned pineapples (peaches are fine);
  • chocolate bar;
  • a few spoons of milk.

Making pancho cake in a slow cooker

Separate the yolks and whites, beat the second with a mixer with sugar (so that there are no grains of sugar). Now you need to carefully add the yolks and keep whisking.

Coat the multicooker bowl with oil and sprinkle a little flour on top (this is done so that you can easily remove the finished biscuit; some housewives use semolina or finely ground crackers for this). Next, pour the dough into the bowl and set the baking mode to 60 minutes. After cooking, be sure to check that the biscuit is completely cooked, and if necessary, bake for another 20-30 minutes.

Now, after the cake has cooled, you need to cut off a layer 1.5 - 2 cm thick from it, the rest of the cake needs to be cut into cubes with a side of 3 centimeters.

Next, to prepare pancho cake in a slow cooker, beat sour cream, sugar and vanillin, there should be no grains and cover the base cake with cream, at this time grind the nuts a little (not to flour). Place pieces of pineapple (peach) and nuts on the cream. Next, each piece of sponge cake must be dipped in the remaining cream and placed on the base crust, while it is necessary to lay out the cubes in a heap alternating with nuts and pineapple. Be sure to pour the remaining sour cream over the top.

Melt the chocolate and pour milk into it. Fill the resulting slide and leave to soak. The result was a very tasty pancho cake prepared in a slow cooker.

Cake "Pancho" in a slow cooker: the simplest dessert

  • Pancho Banana Cake

One of the most delicious and famous desserts is Pancho cake - this is no secret to anyone. In this article we want to offer you a recipe for this particular sponge cake with delicate sour cream. Its authentic recipe is kept secret, but many housewives and experienced confectioners know the technology for creating this dessert. Let's face it, there are really a lot of options for preparing it.

The cake is made on the basis of a sponge cake, the cream is either whipped cream or sour cream with the addition of sugar, powder, and flavorings. Perhaps even condensed milk. In addition, the recipe must include berries: often cherries, but raspberries, strawberries, currants, and so on can also be used. As an option, prepare “Pancho” with fruit: it can be fresh or canned peaches, pineapples, bananas. And of course, it is not forbidden to put nuts in this cake; roasted hazelnuts are best, but walnuts or almonds would also be an excellent option.

If you are a novice housewife, then after seeing this dessert and reading its recipe carefully, it may seem to you that you cannot cope with its preparation. The emphasis and main objective of this article is that this seemingly complex cake can be made without an oven, in a regular slow cooker. Don't believe me? Welcome to us, you will study.

Cake "Pancho" with cherries and nuts

We present to your attention a classic dessert recipe called “Pancho”. It is done quickly, is not too complicated when done, and only the original assembly will require attention. Pieces of cut biscuits will be dipped in sour cream and laid out on the cake in the form of a slide, and the top will need to be covered with chocolate glaze. And if you are the happy owner of such a super-home appliance as a multi-cooker, this fact will make it much easier for you to prepare the cake.


For the biscuit:

  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 6 eggs
  • flour - 220 grams
  • sugar - 250 grams
  • baking powder - 5 grams

For cream and filling:

  • 150 milliliters 33% cream
  • 500 milliliters sour cream 20% fat
  • 160 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams frozen cherries
  • 120 grams of hazelnuts
  • 10 grams of powdered sugar

For the glaze:

  • 70 grams dark chocolate
  • 30 grams butter

Cooking method:

Take all the ingredients listed. The first step involved in the cake recipe is to prepare the sponge cake. Note that this stage is the most important, because it creates the basis for the dessert. The sponge cake will be baked in a slow cooker, so follow the cooking steps included in the recipe for best results. It is important that the cake does not settle during baking, is tender and airy, and, of course, as high as possible. To do this, just follow these instructions exactly.

So, first, beat the eggs in a clean and dry bowl. They will increase significantly in size, the mixture will become fluffy and turn white. You need to beat for at least 10 minutes with a mixer. Then add sugar little by little without turning off the mixer. The sugar should completely melt during the beating process. When this happens, the mixer can be turned off and set aside; everything else must be mixed by hand. Separately or directly into the dough, sift the flour with baking powder and cocoa. Carefully and carefully add the dry ingredients, lifting the dough from the bottom to the top and mixing in a circle. If there are lumps of flour, they must all be kneaded so that the mass is homogeneous and breathable.

Coat the multicooker pan with butter and place the chocolate dough in it. In the menu, select the “Baking” mode. By default, the time is set to 60 minutes, which is just long enough for your cake to bake evenly. Do not forget to open the valve to allow steam to escape, otherwise condensation will collect inside the oven and drip onto the biscuit, which can wet it and prevent it from cooking properly.

Remember that opening the lid during baking is strictly prohibited. After the specified time has elapsed, a sound signal will sound in the multicooker, indicating that the cake is ready and can be removed. But even if it happens that you don’t hear the signal, it’s okay. After the set time has passed, the multicooker automatically switches to the “Warming” mode, where the biscuit will cook at low temperatures.

Allow the finished pie to cool, and cut the cool pie into 3 pieces. One sponge cake thus obtained will serve as the basis for the future Pancho cake. Cut the other 2 parts into pieces; they will later be used to make a mound. Now you need to do the filling and cream. If the cherries are fresh, just remove the seeds from them; if they are frozen, first bring them to room temperature. A little juice will drain from the cherries, do not pour it out - then you will soak the biscuit with it.

Roll the berries in powdered sugar. The hazelnuts can be beaten a little with a rolling pin, but it will be better if they remain whole. Well, the final stage from the preparation section is sour cream. His recipe is surprisingly simple: first whip the cream to elastic peaks, and then separately mix sour cream with sugar until thickened. Finally, combine both masses into a cream.

The final moment of preparing the Pancho cake has come - assembling it. Place the base crust on a flat dish. Soak it in cherry juice, grease it with thick sour cream, and place some of the berries and nuts in one layer. Leave a few spoons of pure sauce for decorating the cake. Place the biscuit pieces into the bowl with the rest of the cream so that they all drown in it. And now, layer by layer, mixed with berries and nuts, place the soaked pieces of biscuit on the cake, maintaining a cone-shaped shape. Cover the top of the dessert with cream.

Well, one more small detail of the cake - chocolate icing. It can be done in a few minutes: to do this, melt the chocolate in the microwave and mix it with warm butter. The glaze is ready; While it's still wet, pour it over the sides of your cake. You can use a pastry bag or a regular bag with the tip cut off for this. Or you can apply the glaze directly from a spoon - it will also turn out beautiful and unique. After this, the cake needs to be in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours to soak thoroughly. In addition, it should get stronger and keep its shape well. The cake is ready, it’s beautiful when cut! Enjoy your tea!

Cake "Sancho-Pancho" with pineapples in a slow cooker

It is worth noting the wonderful fact that when you cook Sancho Pancho cake in a slow cooker using this recipe, you will not have to worry about the result at all. The thing is that biscuits baked in this way turn out much better than in the oven. They are airy, soft and fluffy. If you use the technique correctly and don’t look inside during the process, your cake will turn out tall and beautiful. Take this recipe and bring to life the wonderful dessert called Sancho Pancho.


For the biscuit dough:

  • sugar - 170 grams
  • wheat flour - 200 grams
  • egg - 5-6 pieces
  • starch - 1/3 cup
  • vanillin - 1/3 teaspoon
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon

For cream and filling:

  • cream thickener - 2 sachets
  • 750 milliliters sour cream (15% fat)
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • cognac - 20 milliliters
  • dark chocolate - 80 grams
  • pineapples - 1 can
  • peaches - 1 jar

Cooking method:

A real classic sponge cake is made in two ways. In the first version, the eggs are beaten whole, in the second they are divided into whites and yolks. Then they are whipped separately, and only then combined into a mass. So, let's look at the second recipe, or more precisely, we will find out how to properly mix the biscuit ingredients to achieve maximum results when baking.

As you may have noticed, the recipe does not include baking powder at all. Of course, you can put it down. But if you do everything right, it's easy to do without it. The thing is that the eggs themselves, if they are beaten correctly, do not require either soda or baking powder. Their very structure allows the cake to rise and increase in size several times.

So, beat the chilled whites in a dry deep bowl with a pinch of citric acid until strong peaks form, then gradually add sugar (half the norm) in small doses. It should completely melt into the whites. Grind the yolks separately with the rest of the sugar into a white mass. As a result, both of these parts need to be mixed. It would be correct to drop the whipped whites one tablespoon at a time into the yolk mixture and stir in a circle. This must be done until both mixtures are combined together. Then, in the same way, gradually add sifted flour with starch and vanillin. Stir the dough with a spoon - it is ready. Since the cake will be baked in a slow cooker, grease a bowl with oil and place the dough in it. Select “Baking” from the menu, set the timer for 60 minutes and press “Start”.

While the biscuit is baking, you will have time to prepare both the dressing for the dessert and the filling. Cream recipe: beat sour cream and granulated sugar in one bowl. When the mass becomes denser and the sugar is completely dissolved, add 2 packets of thickener. Open cans of peaches and pineapples. Cut the fruits into equal sized pieces. From the juice that remains in the jars, you can make syrup to soak the biscuit. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of sugar per 100 milliliters of juice and cook until thickened over low heat. Add a little cognac at the end.

By this time, the biscuit will have arrived in the multicooker, which will be indicated by a sound signal. When the white sponge cake has cooled, use a knife to cut a layer about 2 centimeters high - this will be the base of the cake. Cut or break the rest of the pie into pieces of any shape. Place the base on a dish, soak it in syrup, apply a layer of sour cream on top and place the fruit in one layer. Next, dip each piece of biscuit in the dressing and place it on the cake in a heap. Alternate biscuit and fruit. Maintain the cone shape of the Sancho Pancho dessert. Decorate the surface with melted dark chocolate. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours until it soaks and hardens. After which you can confidently call the guests and proudly say - “The cake is ready, everyone is ready for the table!”

Pancho Banana Cake

This dessert differs from its other biscuit “brothers” in its beautiful shape: it is laid out not with two or three layers of cakes, but with a beautiful mound. Preparing a cake using a technique such as a slow cooker completely eliminates baking troubles such as a burnt bottom or an unbaked center. The multicooker uses heating technology from all sides, thereby eliminating the errors described above. Preparing cakes, pies and muffins using this technique becomes a hassle-free, easy and very exciting task, because a wonderful result is always guaranteed.

For the test:

  • flour - 320 grams
  • sugar - 250 grams
  • eggs - 6 pieces
  • cocoa - 4 tablespoons
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tablespoons
  • soda - on the tip of a knife

For the multicooker pan:

  • flour - 2 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon

For cream:

  • sour cream (20% fat) - 600 milliliters
  • sugar - 200 grams
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

For filling:

  • walnuts - 120 grams
  • bananas - 3 pieces

For decoration:

  • dark chocolate - 60 grams
  • milk - 4 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Carefully separate the egg yolks and whites. Beat the last ones first, and then, when they get stronger, add sugar little by little. Remember that there should be no grains - complete dissolution is necessary.. Then add the yolks, 1 piece at a time, and continue beating. In order for the flour to fluff up and be enriched with oxygen, it is sifted through a fine sieve, or preferably twice. Sift cocoa powder along with it. Add flour and cocoa to the dough, stir with a spoon. Quench the soda in half a spoon of lemon juice and add to the dough.

Grease the bottom of the multicooker container with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. This is done so that later the biscuit comes out of the mold more easily. Transfer the dough to the slow cooker and smooth it over the surface. In the menu, select the “Baking” mode and set the time to 65 minutes. When cooking is complete, use a wooden stick to check the biscuit for doneness. If necessary, you can re-enable the same mode, only for 30 minutes. When the cake is ready, using a steamer rack, remove the cake, cool and divide into pieces. For the base you need a cake about 2 centimeters high. Cut the rest of the pie into arbitrary pieces.

Grind the nuts using a blender; if you like larger pieces, crush them with a rolling pin. For the cream, combine sour cream and sugar, beat with a mixer, add vanillin. Mixing time for the cream is approximately 5-8 minutes. Place the base of the cake on a wide dish, on top - a layer of sour cream, on it - sliced ​​bananas and nuts. Next, dip each piece of sponge cake into the cream and place it on the cake. Alternate with fruits and nuts. Don't forget that the shape of the cake should be conical. At the end, completely cover the slide with cream. To make the glaze, melt the chocolate and add milk. Cover the cake with beautiful patterns and, of course, put it in the refrigerator. The dessert will stay there for at least 3 hours. Enjoy your tea!

Each recipe for the Pancho dessert is a separate culinary fantasy, an independent story in which the hostess can embody her tastes. By preparing a cake in a slow cooker, you will make your work much easier. Your sponge cake will be soft and fluffy, and when combined with sour cream, it will acquire the texture of a delicate airy cloud with a creamy taste. Fruits, berries and nuts will highlight the taste and add contrast to this cake. Let us remind you that when baking a sponge cake in a slow cooker, you must follow it exactly, without changing anything in it, and then the result will not leave anyone indifferent. You can experiment without restrictions with fillings, creams, and nuts. You can add jam or preserves, condensed milk to the cake. Using our recipe, create your own confectionery masterpieces with us!

published on according to the materials

Pancho in a slow cooker with cherries

Chocolate cake “Pancho” will decorate any holiday table, and its taste will surprise all your family. Delicate chocolate sponge cake soaked in sour cream, aromatic sour cherries, chocolate glaze - what else is needed for a sweet tooth! At any feast this cake will be a welcome guest. If there are no cherries, you can add canned pineapple or peaches to the cake, but in our family it is the Pancho version with cherries that has taken root as the most successful.


for biscuit:

  • eggs – 6 pcs.
  • sugar – 1 glass
  • flour – 1 cup
  • cocoa powder – 4 tbsp.
  • vanillin - optional

for cream:

  • sour cream – 800 g
  • sugar – 1 glass
  • vanillin – 1 g
  • fresh or frozen cherries –200-300 g
  • alcohol (cognac, liqueur, rum) – 1-2 tbsp.

for glaze:

  • butter – 50 g
  • chocolate – 50 g

How to make Pancho cake with cherries:

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer for at least 7 minutes. Then add the sifted flour and cocoa, carefully mix the dough with a spoon.

Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, pour the dough into it, set the “baking” program for 65 minutes. Cook until signal. After the signal, remove the finished chocolate cake using a steamer basket.

A detailed description and step-by-step photographs of this biscuit are on the website (here is the recipe).

Cool the finished biscuit completely, then cut into two unequal parts. The smaller part should be about 1 cm thick. Cut most of the biscuit into small cubes.

For the cream, beat the sour cream with sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add vanillin.

Place frozen cherries in a cup, add 2 tablespoons of alcohol (optional). Wait until the cherries defrost. Drain the resulting juice and set aside to soak the bottom crust.

Now let's assemble the cake. This will be an upside-down cake, that is, we will assemble it in the reverse order - first the top, then the bottom. Cover a deep bowl with cling film or a new plastic bag.

Dip the biscuit cubes into sour cream and place in a bowl.

When you have laid out one layer of cubes, put some of the cherries on them. Then again a layer of biscuit cubes in cream, and a layer of cherries.

Soak the thin cake on one side with cherry juice, and place the cake on the soaked side on the laid pieces of sponge cake.

Lightly compact with your hands.

Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight to soak. In the morning, turn the cake upside down onto a flat plate and remove the plastic. If there is a little sour cream left, you can grease the cake with it again.

If you don’t want to bother with turning it over, you can assemble the cake in the usual way: put a whole cake layer on the bottom, coat it with cream, and place a pile of sponge cake cubes on it. But if you make it in a deep bowl, the cake will have a perfectly even, beautiful shape.

To decorate the cake, I suggest preparing chocolate icing, for which 50 grams of butter and 50 grams of chocolate, broken into pieces, put in one bowl and melt over low heat. Cool the resulting glaze a little, it will become a little thicker, and decorate the cake with it. You can use a pastry syringe, or, if you don’t have one, a thick plastic bag, from which you cut off a tiny corner.

Or you can simply grate the chocolate and sprinkle it on top of the cake.

Pancho's chocolate cake in a slow cooker is ready! Bon appetit!!!

Time: 100 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 5 out of 5

An interesting recipe for making Sancho Pancho cake in a slow cooker

Sancho-Pancho cake in a slow cooker is an excellent solution for preparing a cake, since the cakes will be thoroughly baked in it, will not lose their shape and will not burn. And it’s a pleasure to take them out, since they don’t stick to the bowl and are easy to pull out.

Thanks to the slow cooker, Sancho Pancho cake turns out very tender, tasty and juicy. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple, but, nevertheless, the delicacy turns out to be very unusual and beautiful. This biscuit can easily decorate any table, both festive and at home.

Pancho cake (as it is usually called for short) is a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. And this is not surprising, because the dessert turns out light and airy. His recipe includes bananas, instead of which you can take any fruit or berry (but they must be juicy).

So, for example, bananas can be perfectly replaced by pineapple, grapes, strawberries or pears. You can safely replace the sour cream in the recipe with sweet yogurt of any flavor or use condensed milk. In general, Sancho Pancho cake can be prepared in different ways by replacing or adding ingredients.

If you like chocolate baked goods, you can add a few spoons of cocoa powder to the biscuit cream; if your household likes nuts, you can decorate the top of the cake with them. That is why preparing delicacies directly depends only on your imagination.

Well, a well-known kitchen assistant will help you prepare this unusually delicious dessert - a multicooker in which the cake for the future delicacy is baked. It's no secret that it greatly facilitates the process of preparing any dish, especially baking. The biscuits turn out airy, soft and tasty. In addition, they do not become stale or dry out for a long time, like oven baked goods.

It would seem like ordinary cakes - but how many recipes for making them are known in our time. Try cutting the sponge cake into small pieces, folding them into a tall pan, adding sour cream and fruit to them - and you will get a wonderful cake that you won’t be ashamed to present to guests as a treat.

In addition to the wonderful taste, Pancho dessert has many more advantages and benefits for the body:

  • The biscuit turns out to be large, which means that you can easily feed all the guests with it.
  • The cake turns out light and airy, so anyone after a large feast will agree to eat a piece.
  • Fruit delicacies provide not only a wonderful taste, but also benefits for the body: bananas are rich in a lot of useful elements, pineapples contain many vitamins.
  • Dairy products (sour cream and yogurt) included in the recipe also benefit the body.
  • Sancho-Pancho cake does not dry out for a long time, so the dessert can easily be prepared for future use.
  • The method of preparing the delicacy is very simple, since the multicooker will do half the work for you.
  • The ingredients for the dessert are almost all natural, and this is a significant plus for the biscuit, since many people nowadays try to buy store-bought cakes.
  • Well, and finally, this recipe contains a small amount of calories, which is important in our time.

In general, the cake has enough advantages to prepare a dish and be convinced of its amazing taste.

Cooking process

Many photos show that the dessert turns out to be large, although it requires a small amount of ingredients that can easily be bought at the grocery store.


Step 1

The recipe for making a cake must begin by baking the crust. To do this, break 5 eggs into a bowl, add a packet of vanillin and sugar. Beat the mixture with a mixer until it becomes fluffy - this will take you at least 10 minutes.

Step 2

Then gradually sift the flour over the mixture, while gently stirring it. Finally, thoroughly stir the mixture again.

Step 3

Grease the walls of the multicooker bowl generously with butter or vegetable oil and place the creamy dough into it.

Step 4

Place the bowl in the multicooker, turn on the “Baking” (Soup) mode and close the lid. The crust will bake for 60 minutes. After the signal, take out the biscuit and leave it on the table to cool.

Step 5

After cooling completely, cut the cake into three parts - you need to do this crosswise. We put the bottom cake aside, as we need it for the base of the dessert. Cut the rest of the cakes into small cubes, about 2 centimeters in length and width.

Step 6

After this, peel the bananas and cut them into thin rings. We peel the nuts and turn them into crumbs (this can be done using a rolling pin or a meat grinder). Place bananas and nuts in a bowl, pour yogurt over the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Step 7

Cover a deep bowl with cling film, place the banana-nut mixture on it, thoroughly soak the upper part of the cake with yogurt and place it on top of the mixture; press lightly. Cover the cake with the remaining film and put the dish in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.

Step 8

Before serving, take out the Sancho-Pancho cake, turn it over onto a flat bowl and pour the pre-prepared glaze over the sponge cake: mix all the ingredients (except the butter), simmer the mixture over low heat until thickened, then turn off the stove, add the butter and mix the glaze thoroughly.

Step 9

It is recommended to start pouring the Sancho Pancho cake from the top so that the icing flows down, creating a beautiful pattern. After applying the glaze, the delicacy can be cut into small pieces and served. The dessert does not break or crumble, and the taste is incomparable. Bon appetit!

Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

Sancho-Pancho - a cake with such a unique name is not difficult to prepare using a slow cooker. But it turns out very tasty and beautiful, and can become a real decoration of the holiday table for any celebration, even a birthday, even for the New Year.

Pancho cake, as it is sometimes briefly called, turns out tender and airy. This is a real treat for both adults and children. This cake is also remarkable because it allows for significant variations in the recipe. So, instead of bananas, you can take almost any other soft and juicy fruit or berries, for example, pineapple, fresh or canned, pears or strawberries. Sour cream can be replaced with yogurt or condensed milk. You can make Sancho-Pancho cake chocolate, for this you just need to add a couple of spoons of cocoa to the cream. In a word, the recipe for Sancho Pancho cake gives a huge scope to your culinary imagination!

Well, it helps a lot in cooking Sancho-Pancho cake multicooker, our invaluable assistant. We will bake biscuits for our cake in it.

What we need for Sancho Pancho cake in a slow cooker:

Biscuit ingredients:

  • five eggs
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar
  • 140 grams flour
  • vanillin packaging

Ingredients for cream:

  • 750-850 grams of sour cream (preferably as thick as possible)
  • one glass of granulated sugar
  • three bananas

Glaze: dark chocolate bar

How to bake Sancho Pancho cake in a slow cooker:

Cool and cut the biscuit into 3 layers. Cut two of them into pieces and leave the bottom one whole. Cut the bananas into slices and prepare the sour cream: beat the sour cream with granulated sugar with a mixer.

Take a deep bowl, preferably with a round bottom. Line the bottom with cling film or polyethylene.

Place pieces of chopped biscuit on a fork and dip in sour cream, place in a bowl, alternating with chopped bananas.

Cover the top with the remaining whole cake.

Turn it over onto a plate and pour the remaining sour cream over the cake.

Let's prepare the glaze. Melt the chocolate bar in a water bath.

Pour melted chocolate over the top of the cake and place it in a cool place to soak.

Sancho Pancho cake in a slow cooker ready! Can be served on a holiday table. Bon appetit!

Both adults and children will enjoy eating such baked goods. And the children are still actively involved in the preparation of this delicious and very light cake.