Homemade mulberry wine recipe. Mulberry wine

Mulberry or mulberry is one of the few summer berries that are practically not used for winter harvesting. Only in Central Asia is jam made from it, and not everyone knows that a light dessert wine can be made from mulberries. If you follow the preparation technique, mulberry wine will be moderately rich, with a pleasant, unobtrusive taste and aroma. If desired, mulberries can be combined with other berries to create an exquisite blended wine.

Important nuances of preparing the drink

To get a tasty alcoholic drink you need to know all the features of its preparation.

  • Black mulberry is best suited for winemaking, as it has the most pronounced taste and bright color. In rare cases, you can use the red variety of mulberries, but wine is practically not made from white varieties.
  • You need to pick only fully ripe berries at a time when they are already beginning to fall. But under no circumstances should you use spoiled, rotten, moldy berries and carrion.
  • If necessary, the harvested crop can be washed, since the mulberry peel contains a minimum of wild yeast. But if the berries are clean, then it is better to leave them unwashed.
  • To obtain complete active fermentation, it is recommended to include store-bought wine yeast, berry or raisin starter, and unwashed raisins in the ingredients.
  • Due to the wateriness, you need to add lemon juice or acid to the drink. Thanks to these ingredients, the taste of the wine will be richer and deeper.
  • To improve consistency and color, you can use pectin enzyme, sold in specialized stores. It must be added to the wort 12 hours before adding yeast or starter.

For winemaking, you need to use pre-washed and disinfected utensils and tools. It is advisable not to use metal objects and containers, as they react with the wort and give it an unpleasant taste. It is undesirable to add tap water; it is better to replace it with spring water or purified bottled water.

Cooking technology

The technique for making mulberry wine is practically no different from grape wine. To obtain an alcoholic drink according to the classic recipe you will need:

  • Mulberry – 3 kg;
  • Unwashed raisins – 500 g;
  • Sugar – 500 g;
  • Store-bought wine yeast – 5 g;
  • Purified water – 2 l;
  • Juice of two medium lemons.

First you need to sort and prepare the fruits - remove spoiled berries, rinse if necessary. Make syrup from sugar and water, and then the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Place the berries in a wide-necked container, pour in syrup, add raisins and leave for two hours in a warm place.
  • Add lemon juice, as well as pectin enzyme if using. Leave for 12 hours at room temperature, then add wine yeast and mix thoroughly.
  • Cover the container with gauze to prevent debris and insects from entering, and move it to a dark, warm place for four days. The mass should be stirred twice a day with a clean hand or a wooden spoon.
  • On the fifth day, the risen pulp is carefully removed, and the juice is squeezed out of it using gauze or a special press.
  • The resulting wort is poured into a fermentation container, covered with a water seal and left in a warm, dark place until fermentation is complete.
  • After fermentation is complete, which is indicated by the absence of bubbles in the water seal, the wort is carefully removed from the sediment. A thin tube is used for this, but it is important to ensure that its end does not reach the sediment.
  • Filtered young wine is bottled, filling them to the very neck, and sealed. It must be kept in a cool place for at least four months.

After sediment appears in the bottles, the wine must be decanted as quickly as possible, due to which it will become more transparent and will not be bitter.

If desired, other ingredients can be added to mulberry wine, which will make its taste more interesting and unusual. Despite the use of different components, the cooking technique does not differ from the classical one. The following ingredients can be added to mulberry wine:

  • Mint and cinnamon - 1 kg of mulberries, 3.8 liters of water, 100 ml of lemon juice, 60 g of fresh mint, 500 g of refined sugar, a couple of cinnamon sticks, 2.5 g of dry wine yeast. Mint, cinnamon and lemon juice are added to the mashed berries, which are then fermented. Further steps are identical to the classical technique. Thanks to mint, the wine gets a refreshing note, and cinnamon makes the taste velvety, enveloping.
  • Raspberries - 3.6 kg of black mulberry, 800 ml of raspberry juice, 2.8 kg of refined sugar, 30 ml of lemon juice, 30 g of dry yeast. Raspberry juice, sugar, lemon juice are added to the mashed mulberry. The whole mass is placed on low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. After cooling, yeast is added and the container is placed for fermentation, and then the juice is squeezed out and poured into suley under a water seal.
  • Honey and rhubarb – 4 kg of white mulberries, 400 g of rhubarb, 3 medium lemons, 6 liters of apple juice, 1 kg of sugar, 400 g of honey, 5 g of yeast. Add sugar, honey, minced lemon along with zest and juice, and apple juice to the berry puree. The entire mass must be boiled over low heat until the honey and refined sugar are completely dissolved, and after cooling, add yeast to it. Leave to ferment for three days in a warm place, then squeeze out the juice, pour it into a fermentation container and place under a water seal.

Properly prepared mulberry wine has a beautiful purple-burgundy transparent color and a light berry taste. Its strength does not exceed 12 revolutions, and the drink should be stored in a cool place for no more than 5 years.

Made from different materials, you can also see glass devices. They sometimes have not only a glass distiller, but usually one in the form of a flask. What is important when distilling mash using such devices is the complete absence of oxides. In other devices, mash, interacting with metal, gives oxidation reactions. Stainless steel is the least susceptible to this process, and the most. But a moonshine still made entirely of glass gives a small yield of alcohol due to the small volume of the flask. And his fragile material requires caution. It is easy to break a glass flask or cooler if handled improperly. One of the advantages of such a distillation device is the ability to observe the entire process of distillation of the mash. After all, for homemade moonshine production. This is useful for a beginner in this business. for distillation they are placed on a metal frame. And the glass container is heated using an alcohol lamp.

About the distiller

An all-glass moonshine still is good for everyone in terms of the quality of the alcohol product it produces. Only he doesn't have it. Secondary distillation of moonshine is required. And it is still better to use a glass refrigerator complete with a metal distillation cube. Why look for an alcohol lamp and a glass flask when any steel or copper container is suitable for it. And its volume will be much larger. Using a glass coil, you can secure it in the holes of the cooling metal tank with rubber gaskets. The tank must be deep so that when scooping up heated water it does not damage the tank, which is placed as close to the bottom as possible. In this case, it is better to use a hose to drain the heated water. Stores sell glass distillers that are completely ready for distilling mash into alcohol. You can connect running water to them. Such a device is connected to the distillation tank through flexible tubes. It is fixed separately on a metal frame.

Read also: Review of Absolut series moonshine stills

About the disadvantage

Gift glass moonshine still

If you buy a glass moonshine still in a store, it is sold there as a set, usually with a metal distillation container. Several models are offered, they differ only in the volume of the steel flask from 5 to 17 liters. They all have different names. Using such a device is more convenient. Heating of the mash in it is done using gas or. All-glass “home distilleries” have a flask capacity of no more than 6 liters. The thickness of the material is small, which is necessary for heating over an open fire. The devices may have either a glass coil or a different internal device. During operation, high pressure of alcohol vapors should not be allowed. Any crack can cause a rupture. This is a big disadvantage for a glass structure. Yes, and you need to store it carefully. If used rarely, store in soft material. Cleaning and rinsing also requires caution.

This is important for the moonshine process - to obtain as much alcohol as possible from the appropriate raw materials. Glass devices are rarely used for this purpose. But if you have laboratory glassware at home, then why not try making alcohol? Having prepared a flask of mash, you can distill it for at least a week every day in small doses. Moonshine “heads” can be used as fuel for a spirit lamp. And the “tails” should be distilled separately.

Mulberry is the name given to the fruits of the mulberry tree, which often grows in Central Asia, Ukraine or southern Russia. Usually the berries are used to make jam or compote, but not many people know that they can be used to make excellent wine. Mulberry wine does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, so additional ingredients are added to the berries.

Mulberries have low acidity and wateriness, which interferes with normal fermentation. But these unique berries contain a huge amount of various vitamins and antioxidants that are indispensable for the human body.

Not all mulberries are suitable for winemaking.

It is better to use black mulberries to make wine.

There are three varieties of mulberries:

  • black;
  • red;
  • white.

The most delicious wine comes from black mulberry, and white mulberry is absolutely not suitable for winemaking. Some experts also use red, but the drink made from it is not very attractive. As a rule, a classic set is used to make mulberry wine: water, sugar and berries. But to improve the taste, you can add lemon, cinnamon, mint, strawberries, etc.

It is worth noting that the absence of additional additives significantly increases the preparation time of the drink, and its taste is less pronounced. You can make wine either with or without wine yeast. To increase the strength, add vodka, alcohol or fortified white wine to the drink.

Preparation of raw materials includes proper collection and sorting of berries.

Advice. The ideal time for harvesting is sunny and dry weather, and the berries themselves should be ripe, without rot, mold or damage.

There is no need to wash mulberries so as not to wash away some of the bacteria that are beneficial for fermentation. Simply sort out the berries and lightly wipe with a soft cloth. Water for wine must be clean, not chlorinated, without foreign impurities. Spring or store-bought bottled water is best.

Ripe and juicy berries are collected to make wine.

Crockery and equipment

To obtain a high-quality and tasty drink at home, you must use exclusively glass, enamel or wooden utensils and equipment. Upon contact with metal, the must oxidizes and the wine does not begin to ferment, but immediately turns sour.

Before you begin the process of home winemaking, you should take care of your equipment.

Required utensils:

  • large enamel pan or bucket (2 pcs);
  • wooden spoon and masher;
  • large thick glass bottle (2 pcs);
  • thin rubber tube (hose);
  • a water seal or medical glove with a hole in the thumb or middle finger;
  • sterile gauze.

All utensils must be clean and pre-sterilized so that the wine begins to ferment faster and does not spoil.

Classic mulberry wine

When all the ingredients and utensils are prepared, you can begin producing the aromatic drink. This simple recipe requires no additional additions other than lemon and raisins. Lemon or citric acid will add brightness to mulberry wine, and raisins are used instead of yeast.

The ingredients you will need are the berries themselves, lemon, sugar and raisins.

For 5 liters of water you will need:

  • black mulberry (2 kg);
  • lemon (2 pcs);
  • sugar (1.5 kg);
  • unwashed dark raisins (100 g).

In a separate bowl, carefully knead and grind the collected berries using a wooden masher. When the mulberry releases enough juice, transfer it to a large enamel container, add half a kilo of sugar, raisins, the juice of two lemons and water.

All this is thoroughly mixed, covered with gauze and placed in a dark room at room temperature for several days. Every day, the future wine must be stirred with a clean wooden spoon. After 2-4 days, the wort will begin to emit a slightly sour aroma, foam and bubbles will appear on the surface. This means that fermentation has begun successfully and it’s time to proceed to the next stage.

The fermented wort is well filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze into a glass bottle, filling it to 70-75%, and squeezed out. Another half a kilo of sugar is added there, shaken and a glove or water seal is put on top. The bottle is transferred to a dark place with a temperature of about +25C and left for three weeks.

When the wine has brightened well and a thick layer of sediment has formed at the bottom, the water seal is removed. The drink is carefully poured into another container using a thin rubber hose and sealed tightly to prevent oxygen from entering.

Young wine is placed in a cool place (cellar or basement) and drained from the sediment monthly. When draining again, you can add the remaining sugar and close it tightly with a stopper again. After 4 months, the drink can be strained again and bottled. They must be stored strictly horizontally, preferably in the refrigerator.

Periodically, mulberry wine is poured into a clean container, separating it from the sediment.

Mulberry wine cinnamon with mint

This drink is not only very tasty and original, but also extremely healthy.

For 3.8 liters of water take:

  • mulberry (2 kg);
  • lemons (4 pcs);
  • sugar (2.8 kg);
  • cinnamon (4 sticks);
  • wine yeast (tsp);
  • fresh chopped mint leaves (6 large spoons).

Instead of fresh mint, dry mint is also quite suitable, but less, about 2 tablespoons. l. All these ingredients will yield 8.4 liters of finished wine. Therefore, if desired, the proportions can be adjusted independently.

The cooking process is not much different from the classic one. In a separate bowl, you need to boil sweet syrup from water and sugar, cool slightly and pour it over the previously mashed berries. Lemon juice, mint and cinnamon are also added there and allowed to cool to room temperature.

Only after this, yeast is introduced into the wort, the container is covered with gauze and placed in a warm place for 10 days. The mixture is stirred twice a day, and as soon as active fermentation begins, it is filtered, the juice is squeezed out and poured into a bottle with a water seal.

Cinnamon will add an interesting flavor to mulberry wine.

Further actions will be standard for all recipes. As soon as fermentation is over, the wine is poured into a clean container, without touching the sediment, and left tightly closed for several months. Periodically (when sediment forms), it is poured, and only after that it is bottled and stored.

Autumn mulberry wine

A very interesting, although labor-intensive, recipe that includes a lot of additional components.

Important. Instead of water, apple juice is used here, but if necessary, it can be replaced with sugar syrup made from 0.6 kg of sugar and 5.5 liters of water.

For 6 liters of juice (apple) you will need:

  • mulberries (4 kg);
  • chopped rhubarb stems (0.4 kg);
  • juice and zest of lemons (3 pcs);
  • honey (0.4 kg);
  • strawberries (0.2 kg);
  • sugar (1 kg);
  • wine yeast (packaging).

Place all ingredients in a large saucepan and heat over low heat (up to +60C). As soon as the sugar and honey dissolve, remove the pan from the heat, cool and add yeast. Then cover with gauze and place in a warm place for fermentation. After 4 days, the wort can be strained, squeezed out the juice, poured into a large bottle and covered with a glove.

Some winemakers replace water with apple juice.

Active fermentation will last about a month, and then the wine is separated from the sediment, poured into another bottle and again placed under a water seal (glove). After another month, the drink is drained again, further filtered and bottled, in which the wine will mature for another six months.

Strong mulberry drink with vodka

The easiest and fastest recipe that does not require long preparation.

It is enough to take:

  • a glass of black mulberry;
  • the same amount of vodka;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a glass of sugar.

Mash the berries thoroughly, and boil the sugar syrup in a separate bowl and cool. Pour syrup over the prepared mulberries, add vodka, stir and put in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. The drink is then filtered and bottled.

Mulberry drink with white wine

Despite the simplicity of preparation, the wine turns out no less tasty and aromatic.

For a liter of water take:

  • mulberry (2 kg);
  • sugar (0.3 kg);
  • cinnamon (10 g);
  • fortified white wine (200 ml).

Water, cinnamon and sugar are added to the ground berries and left in a warm place for a week for initial fermentation. After which the mixture is carefully filtered, white wine is added, stirred, filtered again and bottled. The tasty and healthy drink is completely ready to drink.

Wine made from mulberries has an unusual and unique taste.

Original and aromatic homemade mulberry wine is easy to make yourself without any experience in winemaking. Even though mulberries are not the most suitable raw material for this.

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Mulberry wine differs from other homemade drinks in its unusual taste and aroma. Today we will reveal to you some of the secrets of its preparation, and also offer several interesting recipes.

Composition and features of mulberry wine

An alcoholic drink made from mulberries includes a traditional set of products. That is, berries, sugar and water. To improve the taste of wine, citric acid and cinnamon are added to it. To prepare, use vodka or alcohol.

Any variety of mulberry is suitable for homemade wine. Red, white and black berries will not add any special taste differences to your drink, but they will affect its color. The darker the mulberry, the richer and deeper the shade of the finished wine. Therefore, many winemakers prefer to make it from black berries.

Wine reviews

Winemakers note that the main disadvantage of mulberries is the lack of a bright taste. That is why bright food additives are used to make wine. Those who love pure wine note that they have to wait quite a long time for it to mature.

Lovers of homemade wines enjoy making wines from mulberries. They claim that this product can be consumed in its pure form or wonderful cocktails can be prepared based on it.

Classic recipe

Mulberry wine is prepared in almost the same way as other homemade alcoholic drinks:

  • Place the berries in a bowl and let them steep for 24 hours. Then put into jars.
  • Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Bring the liquid to a boil and add any flavor enhancer (vanilla, cinnamon or citric acid) to it.
  • The syrup needs to be cooled and poured into jars with the infused berries, sealed with a water seal and left for five or six days.
  • When the specified time has passed, filter the wort and mix it with white wine (you need to take one liter of drink for ten liters of juice). After this, the drink should stand for two or three weeks.

The finished wine can be drunk neat, as well as with tonic or as part of a cocktail.

A simple mulberry wine recipe

This recipe is so simple that even novice winemakers can handle it. You don't need any special knowledge or skills in this area. How to make mulberry wine? Follow the instructions:

  • Collect the berries, put them in a bowl and leave for a day. After this, squeeze the juice out of them.
  • Mix the liquid with sugar and cinnamon. For every liter of juice you will need 150 grams of the first product and five grams of the second.
  • Leave the mixture alone for a week and then strain it through a sieve and cheesecloth.
  • Combine the finished product with white wine at the rate of 10 liters of juice per liter of wine. Infuse the drink for at least two weeks.
  • When the specified time has passed, taste the wine. If necessary, add the required amount of sugar.

Pour the drink into bottles and store in a cool place.

Mulberry wine at home. Recipe No. 3

If you want to get a high-quality drink, then be careful in the selection of ingredients. The berries must be fresh, without signs of rot. It is better to take spring or filtered water. Remember that the taste of chlorine will not improve the taste of the finished product. We will make simple mulberry wine from the following ingredients:

  • Berries - two kilograms.
  • Sugar - one and a half kilograms.
  • Water - five liters.
  • Two lemons or ten grams of citric acid.
  • Raisins (unwashed) - 100 grams.

Recipe for mulberry wine at home:

  • Crush the berries with a wooden rolling pin and leave them alone for a while.
  • When the juice has released (after about an hour), transfer the mulberries to a wide-necked container. Add to them 500 grams of sugar, citric acid (you can juice lemons), raisins and water.
  • Mix the products, cover them with gauze and place in a dark place (it should remain at room temperature). Stir the berries every day with a wooden spoon or just clean hands.
  • After a couple of days, a sour smell will appear, which will serve as a signal that fermentation has begun. Strain the wort through several layers of gauze and squeeze out the berries.
  • Pour the juice into a large bottle and add 500 grams of sugar to it. Please note that 25% of the capacity should remain free. Place a water seal or a medical glove with a hole in the finger on the lid. Transfer the bottle to a dark place.
  • After about three weeks, active fermentation will end and the wine will lighten. Drain the liquid through a straw, leaving sediment at the bottom.
  • Fill a clean container with wine - try to pour the liquid right up to the neck so that it does not have contact with oxygen in the future. Close the containers tightly and move them to a cool, dark place.
  • Once a month, strain the wine to remove sediment. At this point you can taste it and add sugar if desired.

After four months, pour the drink into bottles, seal them and store them in the basement or refrigerator.

Homemade wine. Recipe No. 4


  • Mulberries - one kilogram.
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Cinnamon - five grams.
  • Sugar - 150 grams.
  • Strong white wine - 100 ml.

The recipe for mulberry wine is quite simple:

  • Wash fresh berries and let them sit for 24 hours.
  • Squeeze out the juice and dilute it with the same amount of water.
  • Add cinnamon (five grams per liter) and sugar (150 grams per liter).
  • Pour the future wine into jars for fermentation for six days.
  • Filter the drink after the specified time has passed.
  • Pair your homemade drink with store-bought strong white wine.
  • Strain the wine, bottle it and seal tightly.

Mulberry wine. Recipe No. 5

We will prepare a delicious homemade drink from:

  • Six glasses of sugar.
  • Four liters of hot water.
  • Four cups mulberries (you can use more).
  • Juice of two lemons or 10 grams of citric acid.
  • Three tablespoons of fresh mint, chopped with a knife.
  • 10 grams of ground cinnamon.
  • Half a teaspoon of wine yeast.

Read the mulberry wine recipe below:

  • Mash the berries and place them in a ceramic or glass bowl.
  • Dissolve sugar, cinnamon and citric acid in hot water. Pour the syrup over the mulberries and add mint to them.
  • When the liquid has cooled, add yeast to it, shake and cover the neck with a holey rubber glove or gauze.
  • Leave the future wine to ferment for 10 days, and then strain it through a sieve and porous cloth.
  • Pour the liquid into a clean container and cover it again with gauze.

In ten weeks the wine will be ready. To consolidate the result, you can mix it with strong white wine.

Strong mulberry liqueur

What to cook if mulberries are ripe in your garden? Homemade wine is an excellent option for recycling ripe berries. This time we propose to make a tasty but strong wine.


  • Vodka - 200 ml.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Black mulberries - one glass.
  • Sugar - one glass.

You will learn the recipe for homemade mulberry wine if you read our instructions:

  • Mash the berries with a potato press and place in a glass bowl.
  • Prepare syrup from water and sugar - first boil it and then cool to room temperature.
  • Pour syrup and vodka into a jar of berries.
  • Mix the ingredients, cover them with a lid and place them in the refrigerator for two weeks.

When the specified time has passed, filter the drink and then pour it into glass bottles.

Berry liqueur without vodka

A very simple recipe that you can easily implement. To prepare the drink you will only need:

  • Mulberries - two kilograms.
  • Sugar - 700 grams.

How to make mulberry wine? The recipe is simple:

  • Place the washed berries in a jar and cover them with sugar.
  • Cover the neck with gauze, secure it and transfer the dishes to a dark place at room temperature.
  • When the wine begins to ferment (after two or three days), remove the gauze and install a water seal (a rubber glove will do).
  • After about a month, when fermentation stops (the glove deflates or the water seal stops gurgling), the wine can be strained through several layers of gauze.

Pour the drink into bottles and store them in a cool place.

Mulberry wine is a delicious, invigorating drink that you can easily prepare at home. Therefore, choose any recipe you like and start experimenting.

Midsummer spoils us with its berry gifts. It is at this time that instead of flowers you can see currants, raspberries, cherries, and strawberries on the branches. It's all so incredibly delicious! I just want to try them, cook compote, jam, make jam, freeze them for the winter, when there are so few vitamins, and the soul yearns for the warm sun.

While some fruits are suitable for any type of cooking, mulberries are quite capricious. They do not have a long shelf life, and it is not always possible to carry or transport them further than a few meters - their beautiful shape is transformed into mush. You can’t make jam from this natural gift, and you’re already tired of making compotes. So where should we put it? In this article we will talk about how to make mulberry wine at home.

mulberry tree

The mulberry tree is called the tree of life and for good reason – it contains many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on our body:

  • mulberry contains vitamin B, A, K;
  • berries saturate the body with calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus;
  • These berries are recommended for everyone who has heart problems;
  • if you have problems with your nervous system, eat white fruits;
  • Are you suffering from intestinal upset? It is enough to eat a few grams of unripe fruits.

In addition to the benefits, the mulberry tree has interesting facts:

  • It lives for more than two hundred years. There are specimens whose age is more than five hundred years.
  • The birthplace of this interesting plant is China.
  • In Cyprus there is a holiday every year. It pays tribute to the mulberry tree.
  • According to Christian legend, Jesus himself once hid under the crown of a mulberry tree, and this very tree is still alive and located in Jericho.

Features of an alcoholic drink made from mulberries

Mulberry has an inexpressive taste. Many even call it boring. This is due to the fact that these berries contain almost no salt. And to make mulberry wine really tasty, citric acid is added to it.

The drink made from this type of berry does not include any incredible products. It's simple: the base is mulberry. It is mixed with water and sugar. For an expressive taste, you can add spices. For example, cinnamon and you will get a spicy variety of mulberry wine.

If you doubt whether the mulberries that grow in your garden are suitable for wine, then cast aside your doubts. To create a drink, you can use any type of berries. The only difference is the color. If you want to get an intense color of alcohol, then choose a black mulberry variety for winemaking.

A special feature of this type of wine is its long maturation. But there is a way out - nutritional supplements. By adding them to the drink, you speed up the formation process.

Homemade mulberry wine recipes

Recipe for mulberry wine with raisins

To make simple mulberry wine at home with raisins, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Mulberry. They take about one or two kg.
  • Sugar: if there is one kg of mulberries, then there should be 500-700 grams of sugar. If there are two kg of mulberries, then take about one and a half kg of sugar.
  • Purified water. Many people prefer spring water - 4-5 liters.
  • Lemons (2 pcs.), which can be replaced with 10 g of citric acid.
  • Raisins (one hundred grams). It doesn't need to be washed.

So, preparing mulberry wine with raisins is as follows:

  • Take a rolling pin and crush the berries with it. After that, move them to the side.
  • After an hour and a half they should give juice. At this point, transfer the mulberries to a wide-necked container.
  • Mix juice with sugar. If you took 2 kg of berries, then you need to add 500 grams. sweetener.
  • After this add lemon. If it is not there, then you can use citric acid.
  • Add raisins.
  • The final stage is to fill everything with water and mix.
  • Place the resulting product in a place that is away from direct sunlight. Just not in the basement! The place should not be too cold and not too hot.

Don't forget to stir the consistency once a day. It is important to do this with a wooden spoon. The metal device will begin to oxidize.

  • After three to four days, a sour aroma may appear. This is a signal - the fermentation process has begun.
  • Take cheesecloth or a sieve and strain the wort through it. Don't forget about the berries - they need to be squeezed.
  • Pour everything into another container. It is advisable to use a large bottle.
  • Don't forget to add another 500 grams of sweetener.
  • Place a water seal on the container. It can be made from a simple rubber glove.
  • Place the container back in a dark corner.
  • After a month, the drink will begin to lighten. It's time to free it from sediment.
  • After this comes the final moment. Pour the wine into containers and store until needed.

White mulberry wine

Using black mulberry is not always suitable for everyone. It gives such a rich shade that it is almost impossible to beat it. And not everyone likes dark wine. For lovers of light alcohol, there are white berries. To make white mulberry wine, prepare the following ingredients:

  • White mulberry – 2-3 kilograms.
  • Sweetener 1 -1.15 kg. It is better to choose sugar for its role. Although the use of honey is acceptable.
  • Natural thickener – pectin. You will need one teaspoon.
  • Lemon or citric acid.
  • Clean water. Approximately 5 l.
  • Raisin. It will replace yeast.

Making homemade white mulberry wine begins with chopping raisins. Next, you need to mix it with mulberry berries and cover these two ingredients with others: sugar, lemon juice (acid) and a thickener. Fill everything with water.

Put the workpiece in a closet or pantry. It is important that the light does not reach it. Don't forget to put on a rubber glove before doing this.

When fermentation is over, the alcohol is ready for the final transfer - from the first container to bottles or jars.

Mulberry liqueur

Wine is a good drink, but weak for those who like strong alcoholic drinks. If you like something stronger, then you need to know how to make liqueur, not wine, from mulberries.

You need vodka or alcohol, water, mulberries (black) and sugar.


  1. Crush the mulberries and place them in a container.
  2. Make syrup. You need water and sugar. First boil everything, then cool it.
  3. Pour syrup and vodka (you can use alcohol) into the container where the mulberries are. Mix everything.
  4. Refrigerate for 14-16 days.
  5. After this, take it out and strain. Pour the wine itself into containers and store in a cool place.

Is it possible to do without alcohol and vodka?

How to make mulberry wine without using alcohol or vodka? And is it even possible to do this? Yes, you can, because initially, the alcoholic strength of the drink is given by the fermentation process, and not by additives. They are used by those who do not have enough degrees in their drink.

You will need:

  • Large capacity bottle. At least twenty liters.
  • Black mulberry is about four kilograms.
  • Water - ten liters.
  • Sugar 2.5-3 kg.
  • Lemon juice (acid).

Mix all ingredients. Before doing this, the mulberry can be slightly mashed. Next you need to place the container with the mixture in a closet or pantry. You can use another place, the main thing is that it is not sunny or cold.

Honey wine

Making wine with mulberries without sugar is possible if you replace the sweetener with honey. Any will do.

In addition to this you will need:

  • white mulberry;
  • rhubarb;
  • apples or apple juice;
  • lemons or citric acid;
  • yeast for wine.

The mulberry berries must be carefully sorted and mashed so that they release juice. They are mixed with honey.

Lemons can either be squeezed or minced through a meat grinder.

Squeeze juice from apples or use ready-made juice. Buy as natural as possible, without preservatives and sugar. Mix juice with berries.

Now all this needs to be boiled down. The fire should be slow. Cook until the honey melts. Afterwards, this consistency needs to be cooled and yeast added to it.

Keep the container with the workpiece closed in a warm room and stir several times a day. This period of active cooking lasts approximately three days.

After this, the wort is filtered and the container is covered with a glove.

When fermentation is over (wait about two months), you need to remove the sediment from the wine and pour it into a new container, which will be the final destination for storing the wine.

How to store mulberry wine?

This type of wine should only be stored in a glass container. It is advisable to purchase a special wine bottle.

To prevent alcohol from spoiling, it must be poured into the container right up to the lid.

The most ideal place for storage would be the basement. If you don't have a basement, any place that meets two requirements will do: it's dark and it's cool.


In this article, we talked only about the most popular methods of making mulberry wine. In fact, they number in the tens, if not hundreds. And among such a variety, you will definitely find one that you like.