Recipe: Cake "Raspberry Delight" - With sour cream. Chocolate cake with raspberry and lemon cream Ingredients for soaking the sponge cake

Cakes have been and will be relevant at any time of the year, but in the summer you want something lighter, rich in vitamins and less in calories. Especially when there are so many healthy berries and fruits on the market. This raspberry, sour cream and chocolate sponge cake is a simple and delicious take on a light summer cake.

It may seem like it's hard to cook, but it's not at all. Despite the number of layers, the cake is very simple to prepare. The only thing is that it will take time for the sour cream layer to harden on the gelatin in the refrigerator.

I would like to note that to assemble the cake I used a mold with a diameter of 19 cm and a side tape 10 cm high. Therefore, my cake came out very tall. If you use a mold with a diameter of 25-30 cm, the cake will turn out to be of standard height.

Biscuit ingredients:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 5 tbsp. cocoa;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder for dough.

Ingredients for raspberry compote:

  • 300 g fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 0.5 tbsp. cold water for gelatin;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 10 g pectin;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Ingredients for soaking the biscuit:

  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • several raspberries.

Ingredients for sour cream with gelatin:

  • 1600 g sour cream;
  • 400 g powdered sugar;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • several raspberries;
  • 1 tbsp. cold boiled water.
  • additionally: 50 g chocolate.
  • a few drops of vanilla extract or a couple of pinches of vanillin;

Ingredients for glaze:

  • 50 g dark dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter

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How to make sponge cake

1. Let's start by preparing a tender berry layer - compote. Essentially, it is raspberry puree with the addition of thickeners: pectin and gelatin. But, despite the thickeners, compote should ideally be more reminiscent of cream than dense jelly. For raspberry compote we need 300 g of raspberries, cold water, sugar, pectin and gelatin. If you can't find pectin, you can replace it with cornstarch (note that potato starch will not work, only cornstarch).

2. Wash the raspberries under running water, put them in a deep plate and add sugar, mix. Leave for a while so that the raspberries release their juice.

3. Pour 10 g of gelatin into half a glass of cold water and leave it to swell.

4. Transfer the raspberries along with the juice into a saucepan. Mash a little with a spoon so that the raspberries turn into puree. Warm up to about 40-50 °C (the mixture should be hot, but under no circumstances boil yet). Mix sugar with pectin and sprinkle raspberry puree with rain, stirring immediately with a spoon.

5. Let the puree boil and cook for no more than 2 minutes. Then remove the raspberry mass from the heat, let it stand for half a minute so that the puree cools a little and add the swollen gelatin.

6. Mix everything. The gelatin should dissolve.

7. Cover the form for assembling the cake with tracing paper and pour the raspberry compote into it. Let the mixture cool completely at room temperature, and then put it in the freezer until completely set. The frozen solid compote will form an even and beautiful layer of the cake, and when the berry layer is defrosted, in the finished cake it will look like a thick raspberry cream puree.

8. Prepare chocolate sponge cake. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer into white foam. Add flour, baking powder, cocoa powder (if you want the sponge cake to have a chocolate flavor). Pour the biscuit dough onto a parchment-lined baking sheet or a special silicone mat. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

9. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and cool it at room temperature.

10. While the biscuit is cooling, you can cook sweet syrup to soak it. Thanks to it, the biscuit will be moist and tender. For the syrup you will need a glass of water, half a glass of sugar and a few raspberries.

11. Place all the ingredients for the syrup into a saucepan and place on low heat. Mash the berries with a spoon, mix the syrup and cook until the sugar dissolves and boils.

12. Using the base of the springform pan, cut out the sponge cake for the raspberry cake. It is very convenient to do this with a curly knife, as in the photo.

13. Makes 2 cake layers. If you use a mold with a diameter of 25 or higher, you will get one cake.

14. The remains of the biscuit will also be useful to us: we will cut them into cubes. We will also grate half of the chocolate bar.

15. Let's prepare everything for the sour cream: low-fat sour cream, fresh raspberries and powdered sugar so that the cream is homogeneous. We will also need gelatin, thanks to which the cream will set, become a little thicker and hold its shape well in the cake. To add vanilla flavor, use vanilla extract, vanillin or vanilla sugar.

16. Pour 40 g of gelatin into a glass of cold boiled water, stir and leave to swell. This amount of gelatin is enough to thicken the cream a little, but it will not be very dense.

17. Place all the sour cream (1600 g) and powdered sugar (400 g) into a deep bowl. Add fresh and washed raspberries, 55-6 drops of vanilla extract or 2 pinches of vanillin.

18. Beat the cream with a mixer at medium speed.

19. Heat the gelatin in a water bath or in the microwave until the grains are completely dissolved and add to the cream. It is very important to ensure that the gelatin does not boil, as this will cause it to lose its gelling properties. Immediately mix the sour cream.

20. Take the frozen layer of raspberry compote out of the freezer and remove it from the mold. Now we will use this mold to assemble the cake.

21. It's time to assemble the sponge cake with raspberries and sour cream. Since I used a small-diameter mold, a high side tape (10 cm) came to my rescue.

22. Assemble the springform pan and place the sponge cake on the bottom. Soak it generously in syrup.

23. Spread about 1/4 of the sour cream, sprinkle with half of the grated chocolate.

24. Lightly dip the biscuit pieces into the cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

25. Again a layer of sour cream.

26. Spread the frozen compote, lightly pressing it down and sinking it into the cream.

Good afternoon! I saw fresh raspberries at the market, and I really wanted a raspberry cake! I decided to treat my family to some sweets.

I'll start by preparing the cake layers. I’ll say right away that in the ingredients the consumption of sour cream and sugar is given immediately for both the dough and the cream. Therefore, for the dough we take only 200 grams of sour cream and 0.5 cups of sugar!

Leave the butter a little warm so that it becomes soft, and then grind it with 0.5 cups of sugar

It’s better to do this with a spoon, then the sugar will dissipate faster. Then beat in 1 egg

Mix everything thoroughly

Add 200 grams of sour cream

Mix. My sour cream is liquid, so it took a little more flour later. If the sour cream is thick, then you will need a little less flour.

Knead a not very stiff dough

It's too sticky, so I'll use a silicone spatula to spread it out onto the baking sheet. Don't forget to grease the baking sheet with oil!

I give it the shape of a large rectangle. I will bake one large cake at a time and then cut it into 3 pieces.

I put the cake in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and start making the cream.

Place 200 grams of sour cream, one natural yogurt and 0.5 cups of sugar in a bowl where I will beat the cream

I whip without fanaticism until it becomes a fluffy cream. natural yogurt makes the cream less greasy and easier on the stomach. You can increase the sugar if desired, but I'm not a particular fan of very sweet things.

Now I will divide the raspberries into 2 parts and set aside about 20 beautiful berries for decoration. I throw one part of the raspberries directly into the cream.

I beat with a mixer for a short time and it turns out to be such a beautiful pink cream.

I put the cream in the refrigerator. And I'll do the icing. Sprinkle the second half of the raspberries with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar (you can also use sugar) and 1 tablespoon of water and put on fire.

We cook for literally a few minutes until all the moisture is released and we get a beautiful “five-minute” jam.

We leave the glaze to cool, and at this time we put our cake in the oven at 180 degrees for literally 10-15 minutes.

Trim the edges of the cake evenly. We don’t throw away the crumbs, but chop them - we will add them between the cakes

I cut the cake into 3 parts. I place the first cake on a tray

Lubricate with sour cream

I put cake crumbs on top of the cream.

With the second cake we do exactly the same as with the first. But on the third cake layer we apply the remaining cream and coat the sides of the cake.

Spread raspberry frosting on top. In principle, you shouldn’t try too hard with the design, because when the cake hardens, the glaze will still mix with the cream. I just randomly spread the jam on top and ran the spatula over the top of the cake a few times.

Don't be put off by ugly edges. All the excess cream that is glass on the sides can then be picked up with a silicone spatula; you just need to let the cake cool in the refrigerator. Place the remaining raspberries on top

Leave the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours!

The cake turned out not very sweet with a pleasant raspberry sourness. Bon appetit and see you for more treats!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Preparing the choux pastry.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and butter cut into pieces.

Place over medium heat and cook until the butter melts. Remove from heat and stir in flour.

Return to the stove and cook, stirring constantly, until the dough forms a ball and a crust begins to form on the bottom, about 2-3 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and transfer the dough into a bowl. Add the eggs one at a time, stirring after each until completely smooth with a spatula. If you are using a stand mixer, mix on the lowest speed possible. A regular mixer with whisks will not work. Constantly monitor the consistency - the dough should not become too liquid. To be on the safe side, it is better to beat the last egg with a fork and add it in parts. The dough should be smooth and shiny.

We transfer it into a pastry bag with a regular round tip with a diameter of 10-11 mm.

Preparing craquelin. To do this, grind the butter with flour and sugar until it forms a soft dough.

Roll out the dough between two layers of parchment to a thickness of about 1.5-2 mm.

Put it in the freezer.

Prepare raspberry cream.

Beat the yolks with half the sugar and starch until the mixture turns light.

We rub the raspberries through a sieve. You should get about 200 g of puree. Add half the sugar and lemon juice to it, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

Stirring constantly with a whisk, pour the raspberry puree into the yolk mixture. We return it back to the pan and put it on the fire again. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the cream thickens.

Place in a bowl and cover with cling film so that it comes into contact with the surface of the cream. Cool completely.

Prepare the custard.

Beat the yolks with sugar until white.

Add flour and beat again. Bring the milk to a boil. Pour into the egg mixture in a thin stream, whisking continuously. Pour into a clean ladle and place over medium heat.

Cook, stirring constantly with a whisk, until the mixture thickens.

Remove the ladle from the heat. Add butter a couple of cubes at a time, stirring well after each addition. Then add vanilla essence and finely chopped chocolate and stir until it dissolves.

Transfer the cream to a bowl. Cover the surface with cling film and place in the refrigerator.

On a baking sheet covered with parchment or a silicone mat, place shu with a diameter of about 3.5 cm.

Remove the rolled out craquelin from the freezer. Let it sit for a couple of minutes at room temperature, then cut out circles with a diameter slightly larger than the seeded shu. Place a circle on each shu and press lightly.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until done and golden brown, about 30-35 minutes.

Let cool. Cut off the top third of each bun. First fill the cakes with raspberry cream.

And then custard.

Cover with cut lids.

Enjoy your tea!

For the biscuit, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Beat eggs with sugar. Add sugar gradually. Blend for at least 10 minutes in a food processor. I beat for 12-15 minutes. The result is an airy dense white mass. Mix cocoa, flour and starch. Sift and add in two additions to the egg-sugar mixture. Mix gently with a spatula until smooth. Pour in the butter and mix gently too. Pour into pan and bake for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick. The sponge cake is 3.5 cm high. We need 2 of these sponge cakes for this cake.

Alternatively, you can bake one sponge cake for 6 eggs, it will be almost 7 cm high and cut into 4 parts. This is a 6 egg sponge cake. The cocoa in it was replaced with vanilla pudding.
6 pcs. eggs
180 g sugar
135 gr. flour
45 gr. starch
30 gr. cocoa or 30 gr. vanilla pudding or 30 gr. starch
45 gr. melted butter

For me it's easier to bake 2 biscuits. It is better to bake the biscuits in advance and let them sit/ripen overnight. These biscuits cut very well and do not crumble much.

For raspberry cream and lemon cream, soak the gelatin separately for each cream. Whip the cream and put it in the refrigerator (You can whip the cream all at once, then just add its own part to each cream.)
Puree the raspberries. If you do not like seeds in cream, then it is better to rub the pureed raspberries through a sieve. Mix raspberries with yogurt, add sugar or powdered sugar to taste. Melt the gelatin over low heat and pour it into the raspberry-yogurt mixture in a thin stream, while it is better to mix the cream with a mixer so that the gelatin disperses well. Add cream and stir with a spatula.
For lemon cream, add lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar or powdered sugar to the yogurt and stir. Melt the gelatin and pour into the lemon-yogurt mixture. Mix. Add cream and mix gently again.

Assembling the cake: place a sponge cake in a split ring, put half of the raspberry cream on it, again the sponge cake, then all the lemon cream, the sponge cake, the rest of the raspberry cream and cover with the sponge cake on top. The height of the cake depends on the thickness of your sponge cakes. You can soak the biscuit as desired. I didn't soak it this time. Place the cake in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Better for the night.

You can decorate the cake as you wish. I lined the cake with cream cheese frosting. I found the recipe on Andrey Rudkov’s blog. For one serving of cream, beat 115 grams of butter at room temperature with 100 grams. powdered sugar for 7 minutes until white. Then add 340 gr. cold curd cheese (Philadelphia, Almete, Hochland...) and beat for another 5-7 minutes. For this cake I used 1.5 servings of cream.

Well, in the end I filled it with glaze with smudges.