Use of maple syrup in cooking. Maple syrup - what is it made from? Health benefits and harms of maple syrup, use in cooking

In Western films, you can often see characters having pancakes for breakfast, happily dipping them into maple syrup. For us, this product is unusual and even mysterious.

Still would! The fact is that the maple species from which this product is made grow mainly in North America - in the USA and Canada. You can, of course, grow such a maple in Russia - but in order to be able to extract syrup, the tree must grow for many years. And for production on an industrial scale, entire maple forests are needed!

Meanwhile, maple syrup is a healthy and tasty alternative to sugar or honey. Unlike the first one, it contains many useful substances. And unlike the second one, it does not cause allergies.

What he really is

So, first of all, let's figure out what maple syrup is and what it is made from.

This is a sweetener of completely natural origin. Externally, the syrup looks like thick caramel or uncandied honey. Color can vary from dark yellow to brown.

The taste of the syrup is sweet, with a slight woody aftertaste and a hint of caramel.

How is maple syrup prepared and what is it made from?

Only certain types of maple are used for production - sugar, red and black.

The extraction technology is very similar to the well-known extraction of birch sap. In the spring, an incision is made in the trunk of an adult tree, into which a tube is inserted, connected to a collection container. The result is a liquid juice that looks like water. This juice is subsequently evaporated to obtain syrup. The time of collection (early or late spring) determines how thick, dark and sweet the syrup will be. On average, 40 liters of fresh juice yields approximately one liter of syrup.

By the way, collecting sap does not harm the tree. For this, maples that are at least 40-50 years old are used, and one tree can be a source of raw materials for many years.

Why and who needs it

Please note: a product can be called dietary, but not because it promotes weight loss. Like honey, it has a fairly high glycemic index and contains fast carbohydrates. For comparison: the glycemic index of refined sugar is 70 units, cane sugar is 55, honey is from 30 to 85 (depending on the variety), maple syrup is about 54.

The calorie content of syrup is 260 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Accordingly, trying to use maple syrup for weight loss is a rather pointless undertaking. As well as honey, fructose, etc. It’s just that, unlike sugar, it is healthy and safe. For example, it can be used as a sugar substitute by patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, children with diathesis, and people with high blood sugar levels. If you are obese, you can eat it in small quantities - it is still better than using sugar.

Unlike honey, maple syrup rarely causes allergic reactions, making it an ideal natural sweetener for allergy sufferers. And also, unlike honey, during heat treatment the syrup does not acquire carcinogenic properties. Therefore, adding it to baked goods is much safer.

After all, natural maple syrup is simply delicious. Lovers of honey, liquid caramel and similar products will definitely appreciate it. And, of course, everyone who watches their diet and tries to eat right.

Maple syrup: composition, benefits and applications

Maple syrup has numerous beneficial properties. It contains B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals - magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium. However, the list of benefits of maple syrup is not limited to this. The polyphenols it contains help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Phytohormones help normalize the functioning of the pancreas. It also has antibacterial and antitumor effects. Useful for metabolic disorders, as well as for people working in hazardous industries or living in unfavorable environmental conditions. That is, essentially. To all residents of modern megacities.

At the same time, nutritionists do not recommend abusing sweets, including maple syrup, simply because of glucose and simple carbohydrates. The normal dose for an adult is about 50 grams per day.

You can use maple syrup instead of sugar - adding it to tea, coffee, and when making cakes and creams. You can also use it in its pure form - like honey. For example, to dip pancakes and pancakes in it.

What is the difference between grades A and B?

As already mentioned, the smell, consistency and taste of the syrup depend not only on the duration of processing, but also on the time of collecting the juice. Harvested in late spring, it is darker and sweeter than in early spring. Syrup varieties are classified according to this parameter. The most common class c is A dark amber. Class C is used only in the food industry.

What is dry syrup

The so-called is a powder that is obtained from ordinary syrup by evaporating the liquid. It can be used instead of regular sugar for baking, adding to tea and coffee, etc. You can also make ordinary maple syrup from it if you dilute it with water.

You can take dry syrup to reduce the shipping weight of the parcel. But, to be honest, the savings are not particularly significant. I see the point in dry syrup only if you use it for cooking - for example, you can’t pour liquid syrup into dough without violating the proportions. But dry powder works great instead of sugar in the same quantities and does not interfere with the recipe at all.

Where can you buy maple syrup and how much does it cost?

The product that can be found in Russian stores, most often, unfortunately, has very little to do with real maple syrup. It's just sugar syrup burned for color, sometimes with flavorings. Such products, unfortunately, only discredit maple syrup - customer reviews that compare it with burnt sugar are most often associated with the low quality of the product they purchased. To be sure of authenticity, you need to choose American or Canadian maple syrup.

The easiest way is on iherb, where options from manufacturers only from North America are presented. In terms of price, it starts from $11 for 350 milliliters.

By the way, if you want to taste maple syrup, but the price seems too high, you can order a budget option - with maple flavor. Agave is no less useful, but costs less.

The product is produced mainly in Canada. And, of course, Canadians simply adore their national delicacy. Use it with pancakes, fruits, fresh vegetables and ice cream. And it is made from sugar maple sap by evaporation. To get at least a liter of product, you will have to send up to 50 liters of juice for processing. In color, it can turn out amber, dark and even light. It should be stored in a dark and fairly cool room.

History of appearance

There are many varieties of maple. And only a few of them can be used to produce maple syrup. This product was first mentioned in ancient books dating back to 1760.

They are talking about maple trees that grow in Canada. That it produces a refreshing juice suitable for sugar production. But at the same time with this same information, there is a statement that long before the discovery of the American continent, the indigenous Indians used maple sap.

But in the 18th century, changes occurred in sugar production: they began to grow sugar cane in large quantities, from which it is easier and of course cheaper to produce sugar. Nevertheless, this maple syrup continues to be made, although in small quantities, and not only in Canada.

Back in the USSR, research was carried out on the production of a similar product from Norway maple, which grows in the Leningrad region, in the Republic of Tatarstan and Bashkiria.

Maple syrup - what and how is it made from in Canada?

Real maple syrup is made in Canada. This product, like the tree itself, are symbols of this country and several other states in the United States. The maple leaf is used as a national emblem; everyone has probably seen the image of a leaf on the uniform of the Canadian hockey team.

Maple for real syrup grows only in America, or rather in its northern part. The sap was originally collected and used by the continent's indigenous people. A little later, European settlers joined them and they began to actively improve methods of extracting and processing the product.

But not a single gram of granulated sugar was used in production, and this continues to this day. On average, 40 liters of sap can make 1 liter of maple syrup.

Currently, 80 percent of the syrup is produced in the province of Quebec, which is located in Canada. Exports of this product amount to more than $145 million per year. Conventionally, syrup can be divided into an American product and a traditionally Canadian one. By the way, special supervision by the state has been established over the authenticity of the latter.

Maple sap is collected in the earliest spring, that is, the collection begins at the end of January and ends in April. This period is conventionally called the “crying of plants.” We can observe the same period in our country in the example of birches, white and Norway maples.

Harvesting begins during the period of bud swelling, when daytime temperatures rise above zero and drop below zero at night. It is at this time that the maple gives off a large amount of sweet sap.

But the best time comes in March, when the maple produces its sweetest sap. To collect raw materials in the maple trunk, you need to drill a hole of small depth from 2 to 5 cm, with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. Then insert a special tube into the hole, through which the juice will flow into the placed containers.

After which the resulting liquid is evaporated, it thickens and turns into syrup. The product is evaporated on flat and fairly large surfaces, which are heated to a certain temperature.

How sweets are made in Russia

In our country, syrup is produced in the Leningrad region. The manufacturing method is not at all different from the Canadian version. Raw materials are extracted from maples growing in Russia.

In total, we have about 25 varieties: holly, Tatarian, Manchurian, yellow, white, green-winged, light, field, etc. From the sap of these trees, raw materials for the Russian product are obtained.

Benefits and harms

Perhaps no other syrup has been devoted to so many articles. None causes so much controversy about its usefulness and perceived harm. After all, it is a healthy alternative to regular sugar and jam.

According to experts, the product is healthy, just like natural honey, but it has an obvious advantage - it contains less sweetness, and therefore less sugar. The maple product boasts a set of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, and antioxidants.

Entire articles are devoted to the medicinal properties of this product, and modern doctors recommend it as an effective means for the prevention of many diseases. Such as atherosclerosis, liver and pancreas diseases, metabolic disorders and heart problems.

It is no coincidence that maple syrup is so actively used all over the world. It is really useful for all people, except for allergy sufferers and those on a diet. No other harmful effects on the body have been identified.

Use in cooking

For Canadians, maple syrup is a special source of pride. It is eaten with baked goods, ice cream, waffles, cheesecakes, pancakes, fruit salads, with any desserts, used in the preparation of various sauces, main courses, in cooking instead of sugar, and made into delicious lollipops and sweets.

By the way, the product can be used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes to prevent tumors and improve immunity.

Price, what to replace syrup with

The syrup is commonly found in American-style recipes. If you really want to cook it, but don’t have maple syrup, then you can completely replace it with natural honey. If you have some liquid May acacia honey that is never candied, that would be great.

The second replacement option is, of course, less interesting, but also quite appropriate. This is pear jam syrup.

Homemade recipe

If you really want to make maple syrup yourself, then no problem. Extract maple sap from Norway maple, of course, only in early spring, when the air is just starting to warm up.

Select an old maple tree, drill a hole or make a small recess, install a triangular trough in it, and place a container under it to collect the liquid.

To prepare the delicacy, pour the collected juice into a saucepan, then place it on high heat to evaporate. For example, three liters of liquid will evaporate for at least 1.5 hours. When the excess water evaporates, what you need is left - a thick syrup.

Beneficial features

Scientists say maple syrup can be called a superfood, like blueberries or tea leaves. It contains 54 useful substances that keep the body healthy. By the way, five of these components are absolutely unique and cannot be found anywhere else.

In addition, this product does not increase blood sugar, unlike other sweet foods. It also contains a group of polyphenols, which belong to the group of powerful antioxidants.

Another substance was found in the product, which was named “Quebecol” in honor of the province where it is made; thanks to this substance, according to doctors, the problem of diabetes can be solved.

The syrup is rich in potassium, magnesium and zinc. By the way, it contains more of the latter than honey. It is interesting to know that this particular microelement is needed for the growth of “tails” in male reproductive cells; thanks to these tails, sperm move, and men can have a child.

Features of making maple syrup. Composition and benefits for the body. Who is not recommended to use the product? Recipes and uses in cooking.

The content of the article:

Maple syrup is a product obtained by boiling the sap of a maple tree, collected by the usual method of cutting the trunk. It can come from holly, black, mahogany or sugarwood, but classic recipes call for only the latter. This is a viscous translucent liquid of dark amber color with a pungent odor, similar to honey, only a little rarer. Its main producers and suppliers are Canada and the USA. In cooking, it is used in desserts and baked goods, especially ice cream and bread, as well as meat, fish and salads.

Composition and calorie content of maple syrup

The product does not include proteins and fats, it only contains carbohydrates, which makes it high enough in calories to be consumed in large quantities. It does not contain vitamins and amino acids, but there are various minerals.

The calorie content of maple syrup per 100 g is 261 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 0 g;
  • Fats - 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 67 g.
Micro- and macroelements per 100 g:
  • Zinc - 4.16 mg;
  • Manganese - 3.3 mg;
  • Magnesium - 14 mg;
  • Calcium - 67 mg;
  • Potassium - 204 mg.

Beneficial properties of maple syrup

It is extremely useful for bones, teeth, nails, heart, blood vessels. Its use seems especially relevant for men who want to improve the quality of their intimate life. Maple syrup will become indispensable for people with a predisposition to cardiac, rheumatic, and andrological diseases.

Here are the roles the product plays:

  1. Immunomodulator. It improves blood counts, increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections, protects against the development of influenza, sore throat, tonsillitis and a number of other diseases associated with low immunity. It is for this reason that, if possible, it should be included in their diet by all those who do not want to suffer from ARVI during the cold season, when the risk of suffering is very high.
  2. Regulator of sexual function. Since maple syrup contains zinc, it helps restore potency, making erections in men stronger and faster. This is important primarily for those who have similar problems in their intimate lives.
  3. Heart restorer. Due to its effect, the muscle of this organ is strengthened, its contraction is normalized, blood flow is improved and the likelihood of cardiac diseases is minimized. It not only participates in their treatment, but also provides reliable prevention against heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, and atherosclerosis.
  4. Vessel Cleaner. It brings order to them, removes excess cholesterol, toxins and waste, which, accumulating inside for years, disrupt blood flow and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris and a number of other cardiovascular pathologies.
  5. CNS stimulant. This delicacy is very sweet, which is why it improves your mood, calms you down and gives you a boost of energy throughout the day. Thanks to it, the functioning of the nervous system is restored, apathy and weakness disappear, and the desire to work appears.
Speaking about the benefits of maple syrup, it should be noted that it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland, protects against depression and insomnia, and accelerates metabolic processes.

Note! This product can replace sweet treats in the form of sweets, cookies, jams, preserves, etc., which will be especially appreciated by people suffering from diabetes.

Contraindications and harms of maple syrup

First of all, people with high blood glucose levels should be careful with it, as the product is very sweet and can cause a jump in blood glucose levels. In this case, dizziness, nausea and loss of consciousness may occur. For the same reason, it is not recommended for people with high blood pressure to get carried away with it.

Those who are overweight also need to be extremely careful due to the high amount of calories. If you abuse the product, you can quickly gain weight, because it contains only carbohydrates, and in considerable quantities.

Maple syrup can cause harm due to individual intolerance, which occurs quite often. If consumed by people with sensitivity to the components of the liquid, there is a possibility of skin rash, itching, redness and other symptoms of diathesis.

Note! Due to the high risk of developing allergies, pregnant women, especially in the last trimester, children, especially small ones, and the elderly should exclude this liquid from their diet.

How is maple syrup made?

Before making maple syrup, the sap is first extracted, usually in early spring or late winter, after buds appear on the branches. For this, only healthy, young trees are used. Their bark is cut to a depth of 5 cm, and special tubes are inserted into the resulting voids. Next, they are sent to a bucket or jars, where the liquid drains. This process is in many ways reminiscent of collecting birch sap.

After receiving the liquid, it is filtered to eliminate any remaining bark. Then it is filled into non-stick pans and evaporated under the lid for 30-60 minutes. It is not recommended to do this for longer, otherwise the product will turn out too thick, which may result in difficulties with sugaring. It may also reduce shelf life. At the same time, it is best to boil the juice outside, since at this time the steam evaporates, which then remains on the furniture in the kitchen, leaving a sticky film.

After purchasing maple syrup at home with a more or less thick consistency, you need to cool it a little, pour it into jars and seal it tightly with plastic lids. It should be stored in the refrigerator or basement for a maximum of one year.

Recipes with maple syrup

This product is used very widely in cooking. It is used to prepare fruits, meat and even fish. It makes quite tasty sweets and baked goods. This is an excellent replacement for honey and sugar in jams, preserves, and preserves. He showed himself perfectly in buns, pies, waffles. It can not only be added to dough, but also used as an additive to pancakes and pancakes.

Pay close attention to the following recipes using maple syrup:

  • Baked apples. First, prepare a mixture of cinnamon (a pinch), pre-soaked, dried and ground white raisins (100 g) and walnuts (one cup). Then pour boiling water over and leave large, non-wormy green apples with a sour taste (5-7 pcs.) for 30 minutes. After this, cut off the top, remove most of the pulp and fill the depressions made with the previously prepared filling. Next, place it all on a baking dish and pour maple syrup on top, mixed in a 1:1 ratio with boiled, cooled water. Bake the fruit in the oven at minimum temperature for 20-30 minutes. Before serving, finished apples can be poured with melted ice cream.
  • Chicken. First, peel it, wash it, rub it with salt, pepper and lemon, leaving it for 30 minutes. At this time, mix cinnamon (a pinch), maple syrup (60 ml), water (70 ml) and crushed walnuts (100 mg). Then place this mixture on a baking sheet, greased with butter and lined with parchment paper, and bake for about 10 minutes. Next, cool this stuffing and fill the cleaned bird with it. Place the chicken on a baking sheet, drizzle maple syrup on top and place in the oven for an average of 40 minutes.
  • Cupcakes. Break chicken eggs (3 pcs.) into a saucepan, pour in butter (120 g) melted over low heat, add soda slaked with vinegar (1 tsp) and sugar (100 g). Then beat the mixture and carefully add into it, stirring, the sifted flour, which is needed so that the dough turns out a little thicker than for pancakes. Then peel and chop the apples, add to the pan, and also pour in maple syrup (5 tbsp). Stir the mixture, grease the molds with vegetable oil and spread the dough over them. Bake the cupcakes for 25 minutes at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees. When ready, sprinkle them with powdered sugar or maple syrup.
  • Cookie. Melt the butter (200 g), combine it with granulated sugar (150 g) and beat with a blender. Then pour in maple syrup (5 tbsp), add baking powder (1 tsp), beat in eggs (2 pcs.) and add wheat flour, which needs about 2 cups. Knead the resulting dough thoroughly, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After this time, take it out, roll it out into a thin layer no more than 0.5 cm thick, cut out a maple leaf using special molds, place it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Top the cookies with your favorite marmalade, jam or condensed milk.
  • Salad. Lightly boil broccoli (100 g) in salted water, chop cabbage, peeled red apples (2 pcs.), red onion (1 pc.) and separate grapes (100 g) from the branches. Mix all this, sprinkle with chopped ginger root (5 g), maple syrup (2 tbsp), olive oil (1 tbsp), mustard (0.5 tsp) and apple cider vinegar (1 tsp). . l.). Salt the dish to taste, cool and eat along with your favorite side dishes.
  • Baked salmon. Separate it from the skin, and if you didn’t buy fillets, you will need 4 fish steaks. Then rub it with lemon juice and salt, leave for 30 minutes, pour in maple syrup, wrap in foil and place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake the salmon in the oven for about 20 minutes, then sprinkle with black pepper to taste and pour over soy sauce.
There are usually no difficulties with how maple syrup is eaten. You can use it to make ice cream, yoghurts, buns, cocktails, and puff pastries. It is also suitable for replacing sugar in tea, coffee and other drinks. Its taste is so interesting that the product can simply be spread on bread and consumed as is.

The first written mention of the product dates back to 1760. One of the documents talked about certain trees growing in Canada that produce very tasty juice that can be processed to produce healthy treats. But there is evidence proving the fact that maple syrup was used by the indigenous Indians of North America even before Columbus landed on the shores of the continent. In Russia, people started talking about it only in the 20th century; it was then that the first attempts were made to produce a delicacy from the sap of Norway maples.

The most delicious syrup is made from the sap of the sugar maple, which, unfortunately, grows only in North America and Canada. By the way, it is the latter country that accounts for the largest percentage of product exports in the world. She earns about 140 million Canadian dollars annually from this. In the US, the leading states in producing the product are Vermont, Maine and Pennsylvania. Here, the quality of the liquid is monitored by employees of a special committee.

From 40 liters of tree sap, only 1 liter of syrup can be prepared, which is why it is quite expensive. On average, 500 ml of product from Canada costs 1500-2000 rubles. Most often you have to buy it to order in online stores, since such goods are a rare “guest” in supermarkets.

When choosing maple syrup, you need to make sure that it is transparent or translucent, with a brown tint. Saturated colors may indicate the addition of artificial colors to improve presentation. It is equally important that the liquid smells like wood. Also, the label should not list any ingredients other than tree essence.

The shelf life of maple syrup in low humidity conditions in the refrigerator or basement ranges from a few months to 1-2 years. The longer it sits, the more it darkens and the taste becomes more tart.

This is an excellent product for cosmetology, which can be added to masks for the care of hair, lips, skin around the eyes, and so on. It moisturizes the skin well, saturates it with moisture, prevents dryness, scrubs and cleanses it of toxins.

Maple syrup is one of the ingredients in an effective weight loss cocktail, the recipe for which was invented by the famous nutritionist Stanley Burrows. He suggested combining hot ground cayenne pepper (a pinch), lime, grapefruit and lemon juice (2 tbsp each) and the main product (20 ml). The finished drink should be taken 300 ml per day as part of the Niira diet.

Below we provide a table that describes the countries with the highest consumption of the product.

PlaceA countryState / province
1 CanadaQuebec
2 USAUtah, Vermont, Pennsylvania
3 FranceIle-de-France, Normandy, Champagne

In Canada, this product has become so popular that the province of Quebec celebrates the Sugar Hut holiday every year. It falls during the harvesting of juice; festivities take place right in the forest. At this time, guests are treated to delicacies based on maple sap syrup. Usually beans, chicken breast, ham and even beer with the addition of this ingredient are served.

Since it is very difficult to find real sugar maple syrup in Europe, if necessary, due to the similarity in consistency, color and taste, it can be replaced with agave essence or ordinary honey.

Watch a video about maple syrup:

We know about such a product as maple syrup from popular films and photos of famous people. Where every second hero pours it over freshly prepared pastries.

What is it? What does he look like? Why is it needed? How to make it? What are the benefits and harms of this product? You will find out from our article.

How is maple syrup made, what can it be replaced with, and what is the composition of the product?

A product like maple syrup has been around for a long time. It was found by Europeans long before the discovery of America. The drinks were made from the natural product of maple sap. Later, over time, Europeans improved the method of extracting and processing raw materials. Until now, the extraction process has not changed, nor has the demand for it.

How to make maple syrup, what does it taste like?

As mentioned above, before making the product, juice is extracted. The period of sap extraction begins in early spring. It is during this season that the juice acquires useful and tasty properties. A small hole is made in the tree trunk, and with the help of a special tube, the liquid flows into containers fixed next to it.

The resulting liquid is evaporated. This takes several hours. In order to make one liter of syrup, you need to produce about forty liters of fresh juice. You can collect sap from one tree for decades; this process does not harm the plant.

In our country, maple sap is not collected. Extraction and processing of this product is developed in Canada and North America. This is where sugar maples are specially planted.

Basically, juice can be obtained from three types of maple: black, sugar and red. Such trees reach thirty meters in height, and their diameter can exceed one meter.

Maple syrup is a clear liquid. Like any other juice, maple is aromatic, thick and viscous. Its consistency can be compared to bee honey. It has an amber color. The harvest from this tree occurs at the end of spring. Honey, sugar and butter are produced from the juice, depending on the stage of boiling of the product.

What is maple syrup made from and how?

In America and Canada there are huge alleys with maples, which are grown specifically to extract juice. Once the sap from all the trees is collected, it is sent to a processing plant.

It goes through an evaporation process. Depending on the type of plant, this stage may take a different amount of time. In addition, it is worth noting that the product is natural, equivalent to our honey. No preservatives or dyes are used in its production..

Americans grow so many sugar maples that there is no need to speed up the evaporation process. One harvest quickly follows another. The demand for this product is constantly growing. In America it is a national product, but in our country it is an imported product from overseas.

What is in maple syrup: composition

As mentioned earlier, it made from natural raw materials. That is, it is already sold in stores without artificial additives and is one of the favorite treats of all ages.

The composition includes useful vitamins and microelements.

This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy. Americans consider its composition unique.

Maple syrup: benefits and harms

In our country, the main desserts with which baked goods are served are: jam, sugar and marmalade. They cannot be called completely healthy food. And maple syrup is a great alternative to our treats. In him no chemicals or preservatives present, which can harm both healthy and sick people.

The benefits of maple syrup are that it contains minimal amount of sugar. In addition, there is a huge list of vitamins and microelements. Let's look at the main advantages of the product:

  1. Recommended as a prevention of the development of neoplasms.
  2. Improves the functioning of the immune system.
  3. Speeds up metabolic processes.
  4. Strengthens "male strength".
  5. Prevents the development of diabetes and atherosclerosis.
  6. Recommended for diseases of the pancreas.
  7. Recommended for heart diseases.
  8. Cleanses the liver and helps it recover quickly.
  9. Has an antiseptic effect.

But, like any other product, maple syrup can be harmful to the human body. This unique product still has contraindications:

  1. May be harmful if consumed in unlimited quantities.
  2. It should not be used by those who suffer from various allergic reactions.
  3. Those who adhere to a strict diet or have high cholesterol levels should avoid the product. The product contains a high percentage of glucose, so it should not be abused under any circumstances.

Is maple syrup healthy, what is its taste and where is it used?

Such a useful product as maple syrup is used not only for the prevention of diseases, but also in cooking. Its taste is reminiscent of freshly made caramel. Many chefs include this product in their signature dishes. You can also try making this dish using maple syrup.

  1. Used as a topping. Baked goods, salads and many desserts are topped with it.
  2. Americans use it instead of sugar in hot drinks.
  3. Delicious sweets (sweets, lollipops) are prepared from it.
  4. Often used as a base for sweet sauces.

Photos of maple syrup can be seen in films and cookbooks, but the best thing is to purchase this unique product and try it.

Here you can find interesting information about maple syrup - what it is, whether it is healthy or harmful, what it is made from, how to choose and where to buy it, what it can be replaced with, and much more. This product was originally distributed in Canada and North America and has now become popular throughout the world. Should you include maple syrup in your diet, read on.

What is maple syrup?

Maple syrup is a sweet, thick, golden to brownish liquid that is made exclusively from the concentrated sap of certain types of maple trees and is used in food as a natural sweetener.

This is one of the oldest natural types of sugar substitutes, which was consumed hundreds of years ago by the indigenous people of North America.

What maple syrup looks like - photo

How and what is maple syrup made from?

More than 90% of the world's supply of this sweetener now comes from Canada and the United States.

Maple syrup is made from the sap of certain types of maple trees, the process occurs in two stages:

  1. In early spring, the bark of the maple tree is cut (or a hole is drilled), plastic or metal tubes, taps and a container are attached, and light sap gradually flows out of the cut. It is very liquid, almost like water, but it contains about 2% sugar (sucrose).
  2. The sugar liquid is boiled until most of the water has evaporated, leaving a thick, sweet syrup, which is then filtered to remove impurities.

No preservatives, artificial flavors or dyes are added to it.

The “sugar” season lasts 4-6 weeks. It will take approximately 40 liters of sap to make 1 liter of maple syrup. One tree can produce this amount within four weeks. Trees must be at least 30-40 years old.

The best syrup is obtained from such types of maple as:

  • Sugar (Acer saccharum)– its leaf is depicted on the national flag of Canada, it is a symbol of this country.
  • Black (Acer nigrum) is a close relative of the sugar maple.
  • Red (Acer rubrum) – used less frequently than the previous two.

How to choose and where to buy maple syrup

You will come across a lot of fake flavored products in stores and supermarkets. Here are three things to consider before purchasing a bottle of maple syrup:

  1. The first and most obvious tip is to read the ingredients to make sure it is made with 100% maple syrup and not “maple flavoring” or syrup with high fructose, sugar or other sweetener. Sometimes it's a mixture of both, but if you want a quality product, it should be 100% pure maple syrup and nothing else. And no preservatives.
  2. Any country is capable of producing delicious, high-quality maple syrup; the only difference will be in the taste and processing method, but preference should be given to countries for which the production of this sweetener is traditional - Canada and the USA.
  3. The last but not least important thing to consider is understanding what you plan to use it for. Ask yourself: do you want a strong maple flavor or not? This is important because this product has its own classification and labeling system.

Dividing maple syrup into classes does not mean that one is better and the other is worse in quality, it’s all about the difference in taste and color due to the fact that the sap for its production is collected at different times of the season. For example, Grade A is light with a subtle maple flavor, while Grade B is darker and has a richer flavor. The darker the color, the stronger the maple flavor.

Class A (Grade A) is divided into 3 groups:

  1. Light amber – Light Amber – golden color and very delicate taste and light aroma.
  2. Medium Amber – Medium Amber → or → Amber with Rich Taste – amber color and rich, then delicate taste and smell.
  3. Dark amber – Dark Amber → or → Dark with Robust Taste – thick dark color, pronounced taste and strong aroma.

Class B (Grade B) → or → Dark with Robust Taste – very dark color and strong taste.

When purchasing, choose high-quality organic products from well-known world manufacturers that guarantee real 100% pure maple syrup, for example, this can be ordered in the IHerb online store:

What does maple syrup taste and smell like?

Different types of maple syrup have a special taste and smell:

  • Very light ones often have a buttery popcorn flavor;
  • the dark one smells more like caramel;
  • The medium in color will have a recognizable maple aroma.

How and how long to store maple syrup

Once you've opened your bottle of maple syrup, be sure to put it in the refrigerator. Glass containers are preferable if you plan to store the syrup for two or more years. In plastic packaging, maple syrup has a shelf life of up to four months in the refrigerator.

Since pure maple syrup does not freeze when made correctly, it can be stored in the freezer almost indefinitely. Before using, simply microwave on high for 30 to 60 seconds for every ½ cup.

Chemical composition of maple syrup

The main difference between maple syrup and refined sugar is that it contains minerals and antioxidants that benefit the body. True, in addition to a decent amount of minerals, in particular manganese and zinc, do not forget that it has a very high sugar content.

Nutritional information for maple syrup per 20 g (1 tablespoon)

NameQuantityPercentage of daily value, %
Calorie content52.2 Kcal 3
Carbohydrates13.4 g 4
Sugar11.9 g -
Manganese0.7 mg 33
Zinc0.8 g 6
Calcium13.4 mg 1
Potassium40.8 mg 1
Iron0.2 mg 1
Magnesium2.8 mg 1

Some of the main antioxidants were also found in maple syrup: benzoic, gallic, cinnamic acids and various flavonoids - catechin, epicatechin, rutin and quercetin. Most are in low concentrations, while others are in higher concentrations, so it is possible that the beneficial properties of these antioxidants may counteract the harmful effects of consuming large amounts of sugar.

Health Benefits of Maple Syrup

No one will say that maple syrup is a health food. If you are going to use it as a natural sweetener and consume it every day in unlimited quantities, you can harm your body.

The benefits of maple syrup are considered only in comparison with refined sugar, and here are some of its advantages:

  • Contains antioxidants. Maple syrup contains more than 20 types of antioxidants in the form of various polyphenols. They protect the body's cells from damage by free radicals. This protects against inflammation and various chronic diseases. Antioxidants are also good for the skin and help slow down the signs of aging—at least for a while.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Antioxidant compounds in maple syrup reduce the effects of oxidation and prevent disease.
  • In maple syrup fewer calories and higher concentration of minerals than in honey and even more so in sugar. The glycemic index (GI) of pure maple syrup is 54, white sugar is 58, and honey is 57. It is recommended to eat foods that have a GI of less than 55.

Contraindications (harm) of maple syrup

Eating too much sugar from any source is one of the leading causes of common health problems: obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It follows that even natural sweeteners such as maple syrup should be used only in small quantities so as not to harm your health.

Excessive consumption of maple syrup can also cause nausea and dehydration.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is worth limiting the consumption of maple syrup, as well as sugar and its other substitutes.

Children can take it from the age of 1 year and older (in moderation).

Uses of maple syrup in cooking

While most people know maple syrup as a sauce for pancakes or pancakes, it has other uses in cooking. It is also added to salty dishes; it goes especially well with vegetables.

Here's how to use maple syrup:

  • Its characteristic caramel aroma goes well with desserts and baked goods - pancakes, waffles, ice cream, yogurt, pudding.
  • It is a heat-stable sweetener, so it can be used in marinades, icings, baked goods, or just on its own. This is a good alternative to refined sugar in your morning coffee or tea. You can make delicious tea with maple syrup if you add a pinch of ground cinnamon.
  • As a sugar substitute it is suitable for a wide variety of baked goods.
  • In North American cooking, it is used for marinades and sauces, forming an appetizing crust when frying meat and as an excellent addition to meatballs or soups.
  • A spoonful of delicious golden syrup brings a delicate flavor to hot drinks such as grog or punch.
  • It is also ideal for making sweets - candies, lollipops, toffees.

If you plan to use it in baked goods instead of sugar:

  • Use ¾ cup pure maple syrup to replace 1 cup granulated sugar.
  • In this case, you need to reduce the dominant liquid in the recipe (kefir or milk, water, etc.) by 3 tablespoons for each serving of sweetener.

Please note that maple syrup will give the baked goods a brownish tint.

  • To replace sugar in other dishes, use syrup in the amount of ¾ of the amount required in the recipe.
  • When replacing honey, use a one-to-one ratio.

Recipe for homemade pancakes with maple syrup - video

Substitutes for maple syrup

If you don't like the taste of maple, or would prefer something more affordable, it's easy to find alternatives, such as in baking. To replace, use the same amount of one of the ingredients:

  • honey;
  • corn syrup;
  • molasses;
  • agave syrup.

Keep in mind that replacing maple syrup with other sweeteners will change the flavor of your dish and may also affect the texture of your baked goods.

The benefits of maple syrup make it a healthy source of sugar, as long as you don't overuse it. Practice moderation and enjoy the added health benefits of this natural sweetener.