PepsiCo company vacancies. Potential clients PepsiCo Group of Companies

This page is aimed at maintaining the openness of the Company for counterparties, excluding the possibility of creating discriminatory conditions for counterparties, as well as other possible abuses on the part of the Company, and is aimed at compliance with the requirements established by current legislation Russian Federation, in particular, Federal Law No. 381-FZ of December 28, 2009 “On the fundamentals of state regulation of trade activities in the Russian Federation.”

This page contains information about the conditions for selecting counterparties - business entities carrying out trading activities through the organization of a trading network, for concluding an agreement for the supply of food products and about the essential terms of such an agreement. For the avoidance of any doubt, nothing on this page can be considered an offer to enter into the said contract.

1. Terms and definitions:

Company - PepsiCo Holdings LLC;

Buyer - a legal entity carrying out trading activities through the organization of a trading network;

Supply Agreement - a product supply agreement concluded between the Company and the Buyer;

Products - food products produced and/or sold by the Company.

2. General provisions

The Company supplies Products to Buyers on the basis of a signed Product Supply Agreement.

In the process of negotiations on concluding a Supply Agreement, the Company has the right to offer the Buyer for consideration a document developed by the Company, as well as to consider the terms of the agreement, the form of which was developed by the Buyer.

The standard form of the Supply Agreement offered by the Company is not an adhesion agreement; it contains conditions and rights usually provided under contracts of this type. All delivery conditions are subject to agreement between the Company and the Buyer through equal negotiations in accordance with the economic interests of each party.

When concluding an Agreement for the supply of Products, the Company is guided by the principles of legality, good faith, free will of the parties and mutually beneficial cooperation based on taking into account the rights and legitimate interests of counterparties and aimed at achieving the goal of the agreement by both parties.

The Product supply agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Company and the Buyer reach an agreement on all essential terms of the Agreement proposed by each of the parties entering into the agreement. Reaching an agreement between the parties is formalized in the form of a Supply Agreement signed by authorized representatives of the parties.

The list of material conditions specified in this document is not final or exhaustive. For example, when agreeing on the essential terms of the Supply Agreement with the Buyer, the Company has the right to change or supplement the conditions specified in this document taking into account the position of the counterparty, the progress of the negotiation process and the application of the above principles for concluding a Product Supply Agreement, as well as in the event of changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Range and requirements for Products

Products are supplied in accordance with the orders agreed upon by the Buyer and the Company in assortment, in accordance with the current price list of the Company. The goods are delivered in boxes/or other containers at the discretion of the Company.

4. Product price and payment procedure

The price of the Products is determined in accordance with the Company’s price list on the date of delivery of the Products, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in the Agreement.

Information about the current price list is provided to the Buyer upon his request or in another manner agreed upon by the parties.

The Products are paid for by the Buyer in advance or in another manner agreed upon by the parties.

In case of payment for the Products after their shipment (transfer) to the Buyer (under the terms of deferred payment), the Company has the right to demand the provision of security for the fulfillment of the Buyer’s obligation to pay for the Products delivered to him.

The payment period for the Products cannot exceed the deadline for payment for the Products established by Russian legislation.

5. Terms of delivery (transfer) of Products to the Buyer

The Company delivers Products to the addresses agreed with the Buyer in the Supply Agreement (or annex to it). Delivery of the Products is carried out within the timeframe agreed upon by the Company and the Buyer.

By agreement with the Buyer, the Company has the right to deliver Products on a self-pickup basis from the Company’s warehouse.

6. Quantity of Products supplied

The Company supplies Products in batches exclusively in quantities that are multiples of the Product packaging. The quantity of a specific batch of Products is agreed upon by the parties by sending the Buyer an application (order) for the supply of Products to the Company and confirmation by the Company of such application (order), including using electronic document management (EDI). An application (order) for the supply of a separate batch is executed by the Company in the quantity agreed upon by the parties.

The Company has the right to establish a minimum quantity of Products (including a specific ordered assortment unit) that can be supplied to the Buyer within the framework of one application (order) at the address agreed upon by the parties in the appendix to the Supply Agreement. Information about such minimum quantity is provided to the Buyer upon his request.

7. Documents for Products

The delivery of the Products is accompanied by documents required by the legislation in force at the time of delivery. The Parties have the right to agree in the Agreement on additional conditions for the provision/exchange of documents upon delivery of Products.

With annual revenues of more than $60 billion and more than 285,000 employees in 215 countries, PepsiCo is the world's second-largest food and beverage company. In addition to the well-known drinks Pepsi-Cola, Diet Pepsi, Mirinda, Mountain Dew, Tropicana juices, Aqua Minerale water, the PepsiCo product line includes various snacks - Lay’s, Cheetos, Quaker Oats, Doritos and many others. The company's oldest brand, Pepsi-Cola, has been on the market for more than 110 years. PepsiCo's 19 "megabrands" generate over a billion dollars in retail revenue each year.


PepsiCo is the first food and beverage company in Russia and the CIS and the second in the world. This page briefly reflects the main milestones of the company's growth.

The history of PepsiCo began in the 19th century. In August 1898, Caleb Bradham, the owner of a small drug store in New Bern, North Carolina, came up with a recipe for a refreshing drink made from kola nuts and vanilla, which was called Pepsi-Cola. In 1902, the Pepsi-Cola Company was born. Read more about the history of this company here. By 1956, Pepsi was sold worldwide and produced in 149 plants in 61 countries.

In 1961, Frito-Lay entered the market. It was created by the merger of two well-known companies: Fritos, founded by Elmer Doolin in 1932, and Lay's, founded by Herman W. Lay in 1938. Fritos produced the popular corn chips, while Lay's specialized in potato chips.

The historic merger of The Pepsi-Cola Company and salty snack maker Frito-Lay occurred in 1965, and the modern PepsiCo Company was born. A key role in the merger of the two companies was played at that time by the vice president of the company, Don (Donald) Kendall, who, by the way, came up with the idea of ​​​​developing the company’s business in the USSR. Already in 1970, PepsiCo's sales crossed the $1 billion mark.

By 1986, the third largest soft drink manufacturer, 7-Up International, was added to the corporation, and then the Mug Root Beer Company.

In 1998, PepsiCo acquired Tropicana, the largest natural juice producer in the United States, and in 2001, the cereal and cereal company Quaker Oats, along with its sports drink division Gatorade.

In 2010, the largest bottlers (Pepsi Bottling Group and Pepsi Americas) were added to the company, which allowed PepsiCo to become the second largest food and beverage company in the world.

Acquisition of the Lebedyansky company in 2008 and purchase in 2011 of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company, specializing in juices, dairy products and baby food, made PepsiCo a leader in the production of food and beverages in Russia and the CIS.

Today, PepsiCo's revenue is about $65 billion. Volume retail sales each of PepsiCo's 22 billion-dollar brands exceeds $1 billion annually. The company is represented in 200 countries and employs about 300 thousand people.

PepsiCo, whose history began with the production of sugary carbonated drinks, today is constantly expanding its product portfolio to include healthy food and beverages.

History of The Pepsi-Cola Company

In the summer of 1898, a young pharmacist, Caleb Bradham, invented new drink and sold it in pharmacies as a tonic, refreshing and digestive. The drink quickly became popular and within 5 years entered the US national market. At the same time, Bradham registered the name Pepsi-Cola as a trademark.

Bradham's further success was interrupted by the First World War. In 1923, Bradham was forced to sell the company. However, the new owner failed to get the company back on its feet, and eight years later he declared it bankrupt. The next owner of the assets was Charles Guth, president of the Loft Candy confectionery corporation. From that moment on, the company's business finally took off.

Gut decided to launch a bold attack on the market position of his main competitor - Coca-Cola company. At the time, both drinks were sold in vending machines for 5 cents per 6-ounce bottle. Guth decided to sell Pepsi in 12-ounce bottles for the same price. This idea was a great success against the backdrop of the Great Depression, when US residents were ready to save every cent. Coca-Cola could not respond to the competitor's move: the company needed to sell a billionth supply of 6-ounce bottles, and there was no way to reduce the price of the bottle - the machines only accepted 5-cent coins. From that moment on, The Pepsi Cola Company began to take off in the American and world markets.

After World War II, the company set out to improve its brand image: a new bottle, a new logo and a new slogan “Be sociable - drink Pepsi” appeared. This was the first step in the most famous, longest and largest campaign in advertising history - the Pepsi Generation.

History of the Frito-Lay Company

The history of Frito-Lay is the story of two energetic businessmen, Elmer Doolin and Herman Lay. Each of them decided to start producing chips in the early 30s, Dulin - corn chips, and Lay - potato chips.

In 1932, entrepreneur Elmer Doolin bought the recipe for Fritos corn chips, equipment and contacts of 19 clients from the owner of a small cafe in San Antonio for $100. He liked that such an easy-to-produce and inexpensive product could be so delicious.

Collaborates with major retail chains and develops promotions for their customers

About first impressions

When I was selected for an internship, I had an interview with three managers at once. One of them looked very stern and asked quite tough questions. When it turned out that I would have to work with him, I was even a little scared. But then it turned out that he was the nicest person, a former KVN member with a great sense of humor. Nothing like what I imagined. He immediately threw me into work. It was similar to how children are taught to swim: on the one hand, they are released into the depths and given complete freedom, and on the other hand, they are always nearby and support. I was also very lucky with my colleagues. From the first minutes I felt that we were truly a team.

About a project you can be proud of

While I was an intern, I was able to participate in organizing the Metro Expo. This is a very large-scale event for FMCG companies, and I, in fact, was the second person in the team that created it from scratch. It was very nice that the company trusted me with this, although at that time I had no experience at all. PepsiCo has a huge portfolio of brands and for Metro Expo we needed to bring them all together at our booth. This was a difficult task: each brand wanted to express itself to the maximum, we had to negotiate with everyone, and look for a compromise. But in the end we succeeded.

About the drive

PepsiCo has a very powerful energy that makes you constantly develop. If you stop in your development, you are immediately left behind. At first it’s difficult, but then you start to enjoy the pace. Over time, the energy of the company penetrates you, and then you simply go through life with it. PepsiCo also gives me the opportunity to apply my knowledge and experience in a new direction every day, to learn something new every day. I feel that I am not only developing myself, but also developing the company. And it’s great that there is such a collaboration. This is a huge drive!

Leads the development of business standards and increases in performance indicators

About motivation

My motivation is career growth and work that brings pleasure. If you don't enjoy your work, then you will never achieve results. I just have a blast at PepsiCo! Great people work here. They are professionals, it is interesting and pleasant to communicate with them. At the same time, you feel like a single team. This is very important: one employee is unlikely to achieve much, but a team can move mountains. My colleagues and I often spend time outside of work: we play sports, go to some events together, play billiards. We have many common interests.

About development

At PepsiCo, you can not only grow in your function, but also move from department to department. It is welcome here when an employee has diverse experience, especially if he is applying for a leadership position. A manager cannot be a specialist in only one area. Therefore, the company closely monitors the interests and wishes of people: if an employee wants to change his field of activity, his further development will go in this direction. This mobility helps people gain greater business insight and helps companies grow.

About work-life balance

A person who comes to PepsiCo must be open to everything new. The company is developing very quickly and intensively. We work in a dynamic market and must be prepared for constant changes, must offer some new ways and solutions. But at the same time, the big plus of PepsiCo is that there is a balance between work and personal life. The company encourages us to complete our duties on time during working hours and not stay late at the office. So people here have enough time for both professional achievements and their interests and hobbies.

Engaged in brand promotion " Orchard»

About PepsiCo's influence

Since I joined the company as a student, it opened up a lot of new things for me. I learned a lot about my profession and myself. At PepsiCo I met a huge amount new people. I learn something from my colleagues every day. So, the time spent in the company certainly gave a lot for my development. PepsiCo has also made me more confident in my abilities: here I constantly see the fruits of my work. They are tangible, visible in the company’s financial results, on store shelves, and in customer reviews. It's very motivating.

About traditions

We have several brand groups, and we all communicate well with each other. There are always a lot of jokes and funny stories at work. When we get together, there is a very lively atmosphere around. We are noisy marketing. We also always celebrate the success of our launches. For example, today we have Color Day - J7 Frutz brand day. In honor of the launch, we had to dress in all yellow - this is the brand’s signature color. The brand team organized various competitions and activities for all company employees to tell them about the new product and let them try it. This allows the entire PepsiCo team to rejoice in our success.

About the ability to negotiate

A person who comes to PepsiCo must understand that the company has a matrix structure. Because of this, your project often has to be coordinated with a large number of functions and departments. You need to be prepared to interact with many very different people, each of which may have its own vision and approach to work. At PepsiCo, it is very important to be able to find a common language and convince your colleagues that your idea is great and you can implement it well. Believing in yourself and what you are doing, and, of course, communication skills are very helpful here.

Ensures that business automation is carried out efficiently

About colleagues

To some extent, my colleagues and I are similar, so it’s quite easy for us to find a common language. We often spend time together outside of work. Moreover, I manage to communicate both with employees within my department and with partners from the functions with which I work. We celebrate together different holidays. Since there is no clearly defined IT Day in Russia, we celebrate Cosmonautics Day, celebrating the 256th day from the beginning of the year - System Administrator Day. It so happened that I play in a rock band with one of my colleagues. We met in the company and have been rehearsing together for six months now. So we always have something to talk about besides work.

About the initiative

Of course, we are all united by common goals that PepsiCo strives to achieve, but the company does not limit us in how exactly to go about them. Innovation, new ways to solve problems, and proposals to improve efficiency are welcomed here. PepsiCo is working in a difficult market situation: we have powerful competitors, and our task is to quickly and very accurately respond to all market changes. They cannot be provided for by any instructions, so the company expects its employees to be guided by circumstances and, if necessary, make decisions independently.

About development

PepsiCo pays a lot of attention to employee training. We have several learning portals. When I joined the company, I immediately took several very important courses to understand the internal processes and specifics of the business. By the way, I really like teaching myself, so I asked my colleagues from the training department to give me this opportunity. Everything worked out for me - now I successfully combine my main job with the function of a teacher and am happy to share my knowledge with colleagues. It’s nice that at PepsiCo you can not only develop within your profession, but also realize other interests.

Total vacancies in Moscow from this employer (including archived ones): 283

Current vacancies

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary or secondary specialized education. Desire to work and earn money

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 43,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: secondary specialized; - Experience in warehouse management for at least one year, carrying out inventories, skills in working with office equipment; - Experience working with warehouse accounting systems.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: secondary, technical secondary; Special knowledge: mechanical technician, instrumentation mechanic, PC knowledge is preferred; Work experience in the specialty: 1 year; Required licenses/rights: electrical safety group – III, up to 1000V (as an advantage)

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: secondary technical, higher Skills in working in production and managing loading equipment (stacker) are welcome.

Salary: from 36,000 to 38,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Education - secondary, secondary vocational - Specialty - food production technology - Special training - none - Skills - work in a quality control laboratory and/or in production, confident PC user (MS Office applications: Word, Excel) - Work experience - work experience in position as a laboratory assistant apprentice for at least three months

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: secondary specialized or higher. Required skills: MS Office, financial accounting system, warehouse management system, skills in working with office equipment, experience in working with a warehouse management system (desirable).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education - secondary, secondary vocational - Specialty - food production technology - Special training - none - Skills - work in a quality control laboratory and/or in production, confident PC user (MS Office applications: Word, Excel) - Work experience - work experience in position as a laboratory assistant apprentice for at least three months

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience as a gas boiler operator for at least 1 year; Knowledge of the design and operation of auxiliary equipment; Knowledge technological scheme boiler shop; Availability of a boiler room operator certificate.

Salary: from 50,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary/special secondary education;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

At least six months of experience in a similar position is required;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

new sample driver's license (plastic tractor driver driver's license) cat. IN.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in a similar position for at least 3 years; Vocational education

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary/secondary specialized education; Plastic tractor driver driver's license cat. "IN". Minimum 6 months of experience operating an electric forklift/stacker. Secondary specialized or higher education.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experienced user of Excel and warehouse accounting programs.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Valid tractor driver's license cat. "B" (plastic).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: completed higher education, specialized (technosphere safety, security

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

technological processes

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

and production). Work experience: from 5 years in production, preferably in the food industry, preferably in international companies or large holdings/groups of companies.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher biological or medical education is preferred; Experience as a microbiologist at food enterprises (production of beverages, milk and milk products) from 1 year; Knowledge of methods and techniques for performing microbiological tests, incl. methods of sowing on selective liquid and solid nutrient media; Confident PC user; Ability to work with large amounts of data.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary or secondary specialized education; - Availability of a category “B” tractor driver driver’s license; - Minimum 1 year of experience operating an electric forklift.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS ROLE, THEN YOU SHOULD: KNOW: the range of modern electrical (ABB, Siemens, Schnaider, etc.) and power equipment, the main types of electric motor bearings used; basics of operation, methods and methods of diagnostics, maintenance and repair of power equipment (including electrical machines); procedure for carrying out work in existing electrical installations up to 1000 V; basics of inventory accounting. BE ABLE TO: read drawings, electrical diagrams, plans; carry out diagnostics of power equipment, predict equipment behavior (failures); plan work, compile reports on completed work; accept completed work (including those performed by contractors); work in the information system OEBS, SAP. YOU SHOULD HAVE: higher technical education (electrical engineer, electric drive, automation of technical processes), a valid III or IV group of approval for electrical safety up to 1000 V., experience in an industrial enterprise in a similar position (shop power engineer) not less than 3 years, or in the position of chief power engineer for at least 1 year. Confident user, MS Office, AutoCAD. technical English welcome

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary specialized; - Experience working with a cash register is desirable; - Knowledge of 1C, Word, Excel.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher/secondary specialized education;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Driving license category B, driving experience of at least 1 year;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Self-organization, determination, stress resistance;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge of the structure and operating principle of steam boilers of domestic and foreign production, gas equipment and auxiliary equipment of the boiler room. Knowledge of requirements for boiler room operational documentation. Availability of certification for personnel servicing steam and hot water pipelines Availability of certification for the operator of a gas boiler room Availability of a current certification in the field of industrial safety

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Minimum 1 year of experience in production Education at least secondary specialized

Salary: from 47,000 to 90,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

∙Driver's license category "BC"; ∙Experience in freight forwarding; ∙Ability to work from 6.00.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary specialized or higher technical education;

Minimum 1 year of experience in a similar position is desirable

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 27,000 to 30,000 rubles. per month

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education. Confident PC user. Excellent knowledge of Excel (pivot tables, sumsif, etc.). Experience with SAP or 1C is desirable.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary school; Experience in sales will be an advantage; Communication skills, dedication, honesty.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary school Communication skills, determination, honesty Experience in sales is desirable

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary specialized/higher education Experience working in a warehouse One year of experience in personnel management Knowledge of warehouse processes Knowledge of MS Office, SAP

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary or secondary specialized education; - Availability of a category “B” tractor driver driver’s license; - Minimum 1 year of experience operating an electric forklift.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher technical education, 2 years of management experience, Knowledge of the technical component of refrigeration equipment (strictly!), Experience working in the fields, Category B license, Confident user of MS Office.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Willingness to work in multitasking mode and with large volumes of information; Maximum performance; The ability to achieve a given result in the shortest possible time; Ability to prioritize tasks; Stress resistance; Confident PC user - Word, PowerPoint, Outlook; Excel (excellent knowledge and understanding of the principles of operation of formulas: arithmetic, logical, VLOOKUP, pivot tables) Higher education

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary education, specialized secondary education; 1 year of work experience (preferred) in a similar position. Education in the food industry is preferred

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary school;

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in sales will be an advantage;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Communication skills, dedication, honesty;

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Having a smartphone based on Android and iOS is desirable

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary education, specialized secondary education; 1 year of work experience (preferred) in a similar position; Education in the food industry is welcome; valid tractor driver's license cat. "IN".

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary or higher technical education; Experience from 1 year.

Secondary specialized or higher technical education; Experience in a similar position.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary education; Experience in a similar position for at least 1 year; Experience with Word, Excel, Outlook, accounting programs.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary specialized or higher technical education; - Experience in a similar position.

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: up to 40,000 rubles. per month

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary education, specialized secondary education; 1 year of work experience (preferred) in a similar position. Education in the food industry is preferred. valid tractor driver's license cat. "IN"

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher or incomplete higher education;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Basic understanding of transport logistics;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in transport logistics (dispatching, support functions) will be an advantage;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience interacting with drivers is desirable;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Confident PC user (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook; Excel (knowledge and understanding of the principles of formulas: arithmetic, logical, VLOOKUP, pivot tables is an advantage).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in repairing and operating equipment;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

secondary/secondary specialized education.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: higher professional (automation engineer, instrumentation and control system engineer or process control system);

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

At least two years of work experience at industrial facilities performing direct technological functions of process control systems;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Ability to check the correct installation and setup of instrumentation and control equipment Engineering skills in SIEMENS S7, TIA PORTAL, WINCC/WINCC Professional systems Skills in design and commissioning of servo systems (BOSCH REXROTH, SIEMENS, ELAU, B&R) Setup and testing of automated process control systems Knowledge of client-server architectures on based on OS Windows, experience in their maintenance.

Higher or secondary specialized education (or student of a technical university) – strictly technical direction;

Requirements for the applicant:

Responsibility, desire to achieve results;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Desire to develop in an international company.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher professional (automation engineer, instrumentation and control system engineer or process control system); At least two years of work experience at industrial facilities performing direct technological functions of process control systems; Ability to check the correct installation and setup of instrumentation and automation equipment; Setup and testing of automated process control systems; Knowledge of client-server architectures based on OS Windows, experience in servicing them; Experience with MS SQL databases.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher or secondary specialized education; - Knowledge of Excel; - Experience working with large amounts of information; - Experience in multitasking; - Responsibility.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

3 years of experience in the delivery/transport department; experience in managing people; higher education; ability to multi-task and work in a team environment; proactivity and focus on results.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher or secondary specialized technical education Experience in similar work

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary specialized or higher technical education Minimum 1 year of experience in a similar position is required

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education (or final year university student) - technical direction; Responsibility, desire to achieve results; Desire to develop in an international company.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary education; Experience in a similar position for at least 1 year; Experience with Word, Excel, Outlook, accounting programs

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary specialized/higher technical education. At least 1 year of experience in a similar position (preferably in a food industry).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary school; Communication skills, dedication, honesty; Having a smartphone based on Android and IOS is desirable.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: higher or secondary (technical) Knowledge of PC, special programs Knowledge of electrical engineering, mechanics, procedures for working with electrical installations, thermal power plants and heating networks, gas distribution and gas consumption facilities, pressure equipment, lifting structures, industrial safety requirements, organization of work on occupational safety and safety, fire safety, and environmental legislation Management experience - at least 3 years

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Willingness for physical work; - Responsibility and desire to work.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in sales Secondary education

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education HR administration - 1 year experience Basic knowledge of labor legislation Confident user of Microsoft office

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher specialized education.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

At least 3 years of experience working in a food company in a managerial position.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary specialized education/higher specialized education.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

At least one year of experience in a similar position.

Confident PC user (MS Office).

Requirements for the applicant:

Stress-resistant, sociable, easy to train.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Proficiency in SAP and OEBS accounting software is desirable.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Chemical or food education (completed);

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge in the field of organic and inorganic chemistry;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Confident user of Excel, Word;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge of the basics of preparing solutions.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 60,000 rub. per month

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education - higher (preferably technical or economic).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Special knowledge – excellent analytical and communication skills, advanced knowledge of Excel; SAP, VBA programming is considered a plus.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Cumulative experience in a planning position of at least 3 years. Leadership experience is desirable.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge of classical inventory management systems.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: secondary, secondary vocational;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Skills in repairing industrial equipment, cars, loaders, batteries, hydraulic and electric drives.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Work experience: - at least 1 year.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

PC knowledge

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

PC knowledge

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: secondary specialized technical education or higher Work experience: preferably at least 0.5 years in the position of an adjuster, operator or other specialty in production

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary or higher technical education;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Minimum 1 year of experience in a similar position is required.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Driving license category "B" "C";

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in freight forwarding from 1 year;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Possibility to work from 6.00; Knowledge of traffic rules;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education professional civil engineer. - Knowledge of the basics of activities in the field of construction of buildings and structures. - Experience in managing construction work, knowledge and experience in preparing design and estimate documentation, experience in conducting tenders, experience in conducting business negotiations, experience in drawing up contracts for the construction and repair of buildings and structures. - Use of specialized computer programs for project management and design. (AutoCAD, Project, Compass) - Cumulative work experience of at least 3 years in a similar position. - Knowledge of legislation and changes to legislation relating to construction and commercial activities.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience as a gas boiler operator for at least 1 year;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge of the design and operation of auxiliary equipment;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge of the boiler shop process flow diagram;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Boiler room operator's certificate

1. Education – higher (Specialty – food production technology, technology of milk and dairy products, certification engineer). 2. Special training – requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025, requirements of the ISO 9001, 22000, ISO TS 220 series of standards 3. Skills – work in a quality control laboratory and/or in production, confident PC user (MS Office applications: Word, Excel) . 4. Work experience - at least 3 years in a similar position, experience in team management.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education - higher (specialty: Microbiology, Milk Technology, Food Production Technology, Technochemical Control, Biotechnology). - Work experience in a microbiological laboratory for at least 3 years.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience in a similar position for at least 1 year;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Valid tractor driver's license cat. "C" (plastic) Salary: up to 43,000 rubles. per month

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

∙Driver's license category "B" "C"; ∙Experience in freight forwarding; ∙Ability to work from 6.00.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Requirements for the applicant:

1. Education: higher technical 2. Special knowledge: - knowledge of the principles of automation of industrial equipment; - knowledge of setting up and programming logic controllers; - knowledge of automatic information processing technology; - knowledge of information networks. 3. English language within the understanding of technical documentation and technical conversation. 4. Experience in a similar position for at least 3 years 5. Programming skills within the framework of the international standard IEC61131-3, skills in working with instrumentation and frequency converters. Advanced knowledge of network information technology. 6. Required licenses/rights: electrical safety group – III, up to 1000V.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: higher, secondary vocational. - Specialty: Process engineer, technologist (technology for the production of milk and dairy products). - Skills: confident PC user - Work experience: from 2 years in a food enterprise.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary education; Special knowledge: knowledge of technological processes;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Work experience: from 6 months.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: secondary, secondary vocational; Work experience: not required.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

At least 1 year of experience in a similar position is desirable.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary or secondary specialized education;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Minimum 6 months of experience operating an electric forklift/stacker;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Possession of a new type of electric forklift driver's license.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Secondary/special secondary education;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

At least 1 year of experience in a similar position is required;

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

new sample driver's license (plastic tractor driver driver's license) cat. IN.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher technical education; - experience in a similar position; - practical knowledge of the specifics of repairing Tetra Pak and SIG equipment, or similar; - practical programming on Step 7 (Step 5 is desirable).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary; - At least 6 months of experience in a similar position is desirable - Experience in HR administration is preferred; - Knowledge of Microsoft Excel at the advanced user level

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Work experience of at least 3 years;

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education - primary vocational;

Salary: negotiable.


Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Professional education in the specialty of a turner, education in related specialties (grinder, milling machine) is welcome.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Skills in operating universal screw-cutting lathes and emery and grinding machines.

Know the structure and design of ventilation equipment, humidifiers and central air conditioners - Be able to use controllers, control panels, frequency converters, thermostats. - Education: at least secondary - Repair mechanic or ventilation installer - Group 3 in electrical safety - At least 3 years of work experience

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education. - Ability to negotiate with contractors. Special knowledge: - experience in the procurement of goods. - knowledge of programs: MS office – confident user. - knowledge of programs: ORACLE, SAPPM - (Desirable). - knowledge of English (desirable).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher specialized education (dairy, food industry); Practical experience in microbiological research; Confident use of a PC, knowledge of MS Office; Knowledge of English is a plus.