What's the best way to cook oatmeal? How to cook oatmeal correctly? How to cook oatmeal with water and love it

Oatmeal has been part of the human diet for a long time - the cereal first appeared in Mongolia, and from there it spread throughout the planet and is firmly rooted to this day. Oatmeal is cooked in water, but oatmeal with milk is the most satisfying and nutritious. Both the Scots, the British, and Europeans love to eat this healthy dish in the morning. Each kitchen tries to bring something of its own to the cooking process.

Oatmeal is rich in microelements and is also considered a dietary dish. Everyone can prepare porridge from oatmeal to their own taste - with fruit, jam, sugar or salt. Oatmeal is a source of fiber and protein.

A bowl of oatmeal in the morning will help you stay in shape and not feel hungry for a long time.

The porridge takes about 30 minutes in total to prepare.

Classic oatmeal recipe

Cereals cook more slowly in milk than in water. Therefore, it is better to first soak the oats in water and then pour in hot milk.


  • 1 glass of oatmeal;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tbsp butter.


  1. Soak the oatmeal in water for 2 hours. Drain the water.
  2. Boil the milk.
  3. Dip the cereal into boiling milk. Add some salt. Cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Stir the porridge constantly so that it does not burn.
  5. Remove from heat and pour in oil.

Oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker

The multicooker allows you to reduce cooking time. You can cook porridge in it according to the traditional recipe and with the addition of other ingredients.


  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • 0.5 tbsp sugar;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • a piece of butter.


  1. Rinse the oatmeal first.
  2. Place cereal, butter and salt in a multicooker bowl. Fill with milk.
  3. Set the “Porridge” mode.
  4. In a quarter of an hour the porridge will be ready.

Oatmeal with milk in the microwave

A microwave can also simplify the process of cooking porridge. To make the oatmeal thick and rich, the flakes must first be crushed.


  • 250 ml milk;
  • 0.5 cups of oatmeal;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • a piece of butter.


  1. Grind the flakes in a blender. Pour into a deep plate and fill with milk.
  2. Place in the microwave. Set the power to maximum and the timer to 4 minutes.
  3. Once the porridge is ready, add a piece of butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Oatmeal with milk and fruits

To protect your figure, you can refuse to prepare porridge with sugar, but add sweetness to it with the help of fruit. Both fresh and dried fruits and berries are suitable for the recipe.


  • 250 ml milk;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • dry or fresh fruits and berries.


  1. If you are using dried fruits, soak them in water for 20 minutes. Apples, oranges, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, peach, and pineapple are suitable for porridge.
  2. Soak the flakes in hot water for half an hour.
  3. Boil milk, add rolled oats.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes. Add fruit and cook for another 3 minutes.

Oatmeal with nuts

Nuts can add unwanted bitterness to the porridge, so it is recommended to neutralize this taste with honey. This recipe is also suitable for children.


  • half a liter of milk;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • a handful of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds);
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • olive oil for frying.


  1. Soak the oatmeal in water for half an hour.
  2. Chop the nuts and fry with honey in olive oil.
  3. Boil the milk. Add oatmeal flakes to it and cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Before serving, add the nut-honey mixture to the porridge.

Lazy oatmeal with milk

It is not necessary to cook oatmeal in milk. You can take oatmeal infused with milk to work - this healthy and tasty dish will replace unhealthy snacks. Oatmeal is very easy to prepare.


  • half a glass of milk;
  • 50 gr. oatmeal;
  • nuts, fruits, berries, honey - optional.


  1. Place oatmeal in a glass jar.
  2. Add your favorite fruits or berries there. If you want to make oatmeal sweeter, add a spoonful of honey. Crushed nuts are also great.
  3. Pour milk over the mixture.
  4. Place in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. In the morning you can eat porridge. Breakfast is served either cold or slightly warmed.

Oatmeal with spices

You can make a real culinary masterpiece from oatmeal. Aromatic spices will help with this. This is an ideal recipe for those who want to diversify their usual porridge. spoon of honey;

  • ground cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Preparation:

    1. Soak dried fruits in water overnight.
    2. Rinse the oatmeal. Mix with dried fruits.
    3. Boil water and add the fruit-oat mixture into it. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
    4. Add spices. Sprinkle the cloves just a little bit - on the tip of a knife, otherwise it will overwhelm the cinnamon and nutmeg.
    5. Pour in the milk. Cook for another 5 minutes.
    6. Remove from heat, add honey. If you wish, you can eat this porridge with butter.

    Oatmeal with banana

    Starting the day with oatmeal and banana is a real treat. If desired, the porridge can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or syrup.


    • 250 ml milk;
    • 250 ml water;
    • half a glass of oatmeal;
    • 1 banana;
    • a pinch of cinnamon.


    1. Rinse the flakes and boil in boiling water for 7 minutes.
    2. While the porridge is cooking, cut the banana into slices.
    3. Pour milk into the cooking oatmeal. Add cinnamon. Cook for 5 minutes.
    4. Remove the finished porridge from the heat. Add a banana - it can be mixed with the porridge or placed on top.

    Such a familiar dish as oatmeal has many unexpected variations. You can choose a suitable recipe for yourself and for your children.


    Diets and healthy eating 20.12.2017

    Dear readers, now we are beginning to pay more and more attention to ensuring that our food is not only tasty and nutritious, but also healthy. And now it’s time to remember the oatmeal that we all know well. In one of the previous articles we already started talking about it - and today let's continue this topic. Regular reader Yulia Khoroshilova will tell you about popular oatmeal recipes. I give her the floor.

    Good afternoon, readers of Irina’s blog! Agree, breakfast is an important part of the day, it helps us wake up, fill up with energy, and get ready for the new day. Therefore, it is best when our breakfast is healthy and nutritious, but at the same time moderately high in calories, providing our body with the necessary substances and, of course, tasty, because this is also so important for a good mood.

    And therefore, today we will talk about the most interesting and quick recipes for oatmeal, because this particular dish has all of the above properties. It is both nutritious and healthy for the body, and it is very tasty and can be prepared in many different ways.

    Calorie content

    Oatmeal is an ideal healthy morning meal. They are a unique source of dietary fiber that relieves the body of “bad” cholesterol. And this, in turn, prevents such serious diseases as ischemia and heart attack. Why take medications and drink vitamin complexes if it is enough to just eat well, in particular, have breakfast?

    Speaking about energy value, I would like to clarify that dry flakes contain 352 kcal per 100 g. This figure frightens many, given that the daily norm is 1800-2000 kcal, depending on gender, age and lifestyle. However, during the cooking process, the grains increase in volume, and therefore the calorie content of the finished dish decreases.

    The calorie content of oatmeal with water is only 88 kcal per 100 g.

    If you cook oatmeal with milk, the calorie content increases slightly - up to 110 kcal. This figure also depends on the fat content of the milk. If you keep yourself within limits and watch every calorie, then you can cook porridge with soy, almond, coconut milk, or use the same cow’s milk, but dilute it with water.

    Regardless of the preparation method, such a breakfast will have a low glycemic index. This means that when you eat oatmeal in the morning, you will be energized and full for several hours. According to scientific research, people who ate porridge for breakfast before training burned more calories.

    How to cook oatmeal correctly

    There are more than 100 options for preparing oatmeal. Essentially, it is made by mixing cereal with water or milk and then heating it. But a lot depends on individual preferences.

    Scottish cooks insist that porridge should contain nothing but oats, water and salt. Michelin chef Tom Kitchin recommends preparing the porridge in a 1:2 ratio of milk to water, while in Edinburgh it is made at a 1:4 ratio. Before answering the question of how to cook oatmeal correctly, famous chefs recommend studying the basics of this dish.

    As in most cases, the secret of delicate taste lies in the right ingredients and nuances. The first thing you should take care of is high-quality oat flakes with a minimum degree of processing, at which the grain remains intact.

    After mixing the cereal with milk or water, you need to bring the mixture to a boil, and then keep it on low heat for several minutes. Many people forget about an important ingredient - salt, which adds zest to the dish and makes the basic creamy taste more expressive.

    Supplement Options

    It's time to take a closer look at the possible options for preparing oatmeal. They are all very simple, but at the same time very seductive. For example, I really like oatmeal with a pinch of salt, cheese and seeds.

    American version of oatmeal

    A traditional American combination is jam and natural peanut butter. All kids are chocolate fans, so it's no surprise that they love porridge with chocolate chips or a dollop of Nutella. To make this breakfast option as filling and healthy as possible, you can add pieces of ripe banana, which is an excellent source of potassium. The calorie content of oatmeal prepared in this way will be only 150 kcal per 100 g, and the benefits will last the whole day!

    With cinnamon and apples

    Since childhood, many people's favorite combination has been cinnamon and apples. And to this day this aroma evokes a feeling of warmth and comfort, not to mention the fact that such additives to the porridge increase the number of its beneficial properties.

    With peanut butter and honey

    The combination of peanut butter and honey may be too rich for some. But in everything you need to adhere to moderation. If you add just a teaspoon of honey and peanut butter to the porridge, your breakfast will be enriched with protein and healthy enzymes.

    With maple syrup

    Healthy eaters try to avoid adding regular refined sugar to their food. But how to cook oatmeal if you want a little sweet in the morning and don’t want to add sugar?

    An excellent sugar substitute is maple syrup, which is the national symbol of Canada.

    For a long time, it was believed that a thick sauce with a woody taste could only be served with waffles and pancakes. But later they began to combine it with baked goods, cereals, and ice cream. And now syrup can be used as an alternative to sugar, adding sweetness to the porridge, but without reducing its beneficial properties.

    In general, you can add absolutely anything to oatmeal: grated apple, nuts, cocoa, fresh berries, figs, yogurt. The main thing is that it tastes good to you, and the porridge itself is so healthy that nothing can detract from its merits.

    Basic Recipes

    Oatmeal is deservedly considered one of the healthiest breakfasts, but in order for it to really please not only with its healthfulness, but also with its taste, you need to know how to prepare it correctly. We invite you to familiarize yourself with proven recipes for oatmeal with water and milk.

    A classic version of cooking oatmeal

    In Scotland and England, not a single breakfast is complete without a plate of aromatic oatmeal (porridge). It is prepared exclusively from whole grains, so the whole process takes 30-40 minutes.

    Ingredients (for 4 servings):

    • 1 liter of water;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • sugar;
    • milk or cream;
    • 200 g oatmeal.

    Add grains to boiling water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. To prevent the porridge from becoming a shapeless sticky mass, it is important not to overcook it. Cream, salt and sugar are traditionally added to the finished dish. Some families have the following tradition: take a spoonful of porridge and dip it into a bowl of milk. The combination of hot porridge and cold milk creates an unusual contrast.

    Quick recipe for oatmeal with milk

    Nutritionists are convinced that porridge made from whole grains is the most healthy. But lifestyle makes its own adjustments, which means that in the morning it is not always possible to allocate 30-40 minutes to prepare breakfast. But this is not a reason to give up healthy food. In this case, instant oatmeal comes to the rescue.


    • 2 tbsp. milk;
    • 1 tbsp. oatmeal;
    • salt and sugar to taste;
    • butter.

    Many people don’t know how to cook oatmeal with milk and are afraid of the difficulties. The recipe is actually quite simple. Bring the milk to a boil, add salt and sugar, then add the oatmeal. Don't forget to stir constantly so that there are no lumps.

    You need to simmer the saucepan over low heat for 3-5 minutes, and the porridge is ready. Add butter and enjoy your breakfast. If you are preparing breakfast for children using this recipe, you can replace sugar with honey, but you need to add it to a ready-made warm dish.

    The fastest breakfast

    Not everyone likes to eat hot porridge, so the recipe for lazy oatmeal has become a real find for many. The popularity of this dish is explained by the fact that you can control the portion size, cook only the required amount, and it is easy to take with you to work or training.

    Plus, there's something aesthetically beautiful about it - the ingredients are layered into a small jar so it resembles a dessert. I want to offer you two of my favorite recipes.

    Oatmeal in a jar with tangerine and chia seeds

    Don't let the complicated name scare you. were a mysterious product for us, but gradually this superfood began to be imported to Russia. These are small grains of Spanish sage, and they are a unique natural antibiotic, accelerate the process of weight loss and contain a large amount of fatty acids that are beneficial for the female body.


    • 1/3 tbsp. oat flakes;
    • 1/2 tbsp. natural yogurt;
    • 1 tsp. honey or peanut butter, urbech;
    • peeled tangerine slices;
    • 1.5 tbsp. l. chia seeds.

    Chia seeds make the dish jelly-like, like pudding.

    Add all the ingredients to a glass jar layer by layer, then shake well to mix everything. Place the container in the refrigerator overnight and enjoy your unusual oatmeal in the morning. A jar of lazy oatmeal can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

    Oatmeal with chocolate and banana

    The name of the recipe already promises a rich taste and aroma, and indeed the combination of banana and chocolate has captivated many people. So why not use them to prepare a delicious breakfast?

    • 1/3 tbsp. oatmeal;
    • banana sliced;
    • 1/4 tbsp. natural yogurt;
    • milk;
    • cocoa powder (but if you are not worried about extra pounds, you can replace it with grated milk chocolate);
    • 1 tsp. honey

    The principle of preparing lazy oatmeal with banana and chocolate is the same: lay out all the ingredients in layers and shake to mix. This porridge is eaten chilled.

    If you want to know even more recipes for lazy oatmeal in a jar, be sure to watch the video with new recipes.

    Remember the song “What has progress come to” from the movie “The Adventures of Electronics”? I always remember it when I need to cook something quickly and without hassle, without having to stand at the stove. And an indispensable kitchen unit – a multicooker – comes to the rescue. I’m sure many housewives sing the praises of this device, because it makes our lives much easier.


    • milk – 2 tbsp.;
    • water – 2 tbsp.;
    • 200 g oat flakes or whole grains of the “Hercules” type;
    • 0.5 tsp. salt;
    • sugar to taste;
    • 10 g butter.

    Pour oatmeal into the multicooker bowl, add sugar and salt, butter, then pour in milk and water. Set the “porridge” mode, press “start”, and then the multicooker does everything itself.

    Cooking time may vary in different models, but on average the program provides 7-10 minutes for cooking. After the sound signal, you need to mix thoroughly and serve the dish.

    In the same way, you can cook oatmeal in a slow cooker with milk. And at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the milk running away or burning; there’s no need to constantly stir. This is the big advantage of cooking porridge in a slow cooker.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that recipes for making oatmeal with water and milk are very flexible and allow you to create more and more new options based on combinations of your favorite products. Don't be afraid to experiment and add different ingredients to your breakfast to suit your taste.

    It's not a matter of proportions or how long to cook oatmeal. Even if it is instant cereal with raisins or apples, doused with boiling water, such porridge is better than a sandwich with sausage. So join the oatmeal club and stay healthy. Bon appetit!

    I thank Yulia for all the oatmeal recipes, which can truly brighten any morning, give strength and lift your spirits. At the same time, as we have seen, the secrets of how to cook oatmeal with milk or water are simple and do not require much effort. Try the recipes for this healthy breakfast and be sure to share your ideas for preparing delicious oatmeal.

    And for the sake of the soul, I suggest you listen - France Schubert Impromptu. Op. 90. No 3 . Performed by David Frey.

    Hello, dear friends!

    Everyone probably knows about the benefits of oatmeal and many people eat oatmeal in the morning.

    But some people don’t like the taste of such porridge, and often in the morning we don’t have time to prepare it.

    Until recently, I didn’t like or eat oatmeal; I couldn’t bring myself to do it, even knowing about its benefits.

    I'll tell you how to cook oatmeal with water. It turns out very tasty, and it is also quite quick to prepare.

    Benefits of oatmeal

    Let's start in order. Let me remind you why oatmeal is useful.

    Oatmeal is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, it contains vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, E, PP, H, minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron.

    How to cook oatmeal with water and love it

    Usually oatmeal is cooked in water or simply poured boiling water over it and allowed to stand for a while. You can add milk, butter, fruits, and herbs to the porridge. Many people love this porridge.

    But my body refused to accept it and I know I’m not the only one.

    My friend Galina advised me to pour cold water over the oatmeal, not hot, and add a little milk and honey. The result is not porridge, but a muesli-type mass.

    I tried this dish and not only did I like it, but I loved it from the first spoon! If before I didn’t have breakfast, but only drank a cup of tea, now every morning starts with oatmeal. And this is very good, because you need to have breakfast. But often in the morning I don’t feel like eating. And oatmeal and oatmeal are very easy to digest, do not cause any heaviness in the stomach, you are satisfied with it and then do not feel hungry until lunch.

    If you love oatmeal, but don’t have time to cook it, these recipes will also come in handy, this oatmeal is prepared in 2 minutes.

    Basic recipe for oatmeal with water

    • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal - those intended for cooking (less is possible, then reduce the amount of water accordingly)
    • 5 tablespoons cold raw filtered water, you can also use boiled water, but always cold
    • 1 tablespoon milk or cream
    • 1 teaspoon

    If you buy oatmeal by weight, you need to wash it first.

    Mix all the ingredients quickly (no need to give the oatmeal time to swell) and that’s it – the dish is ready!

    This way you can quickly prepare oatmeal for breakfast.

    It turns out especially delicious with cream. I sometimes add dry cream. And sometimes I cook without milk, using the same water, but with different additives.

    You can experiment with a variety of products.

    How to cook delicious oatmeal

    I only came up with sweet recipes, although I know that you can add cheese and cheese to oatmeal, but I haven’t tried it yet.

    But when I made oatmeal with cottage cheese for the first time, I... wanted some extra stuff. I make this delicious oatmeal very often.

    If you add a spoonful of bran to your oatmeal, your intestines will work like clockwork.

    As you can see, all of these oatmeal recipes are without cooking.

    More than a year has passed since I started eating oatmeal soaked in cold water. But apparently my body was full and became indifferent to this method of preparation. And then a miracle happened! I fell in love with oatmeal poured over with boiling water, which I categorically did not accept before! I make it with the same additives: apple, nuts, etc. This oatmeal is more tender, but due to the additives it’s not a mess at all, but very tasty!

    Harm of oatmeal

    In addition to the benefits, oatmeal also has a downside. The fact is that oatmeal, when consumed very often in large quantities, can wash calcium out of the body. Therefore, when consuming it, do not forget to take calcium in the form of milk, kefir, cottage cheese or even.

    You know how to quickly and deliciously prepare oatmeal for the morning, I hope that you will also like my recipes.

    Of course, how to cook oatmeal - in cold water or cook porridge - is a matter of taste. But you gotta love oatmeal! Just like other natural products that we forget about or don’t give them due attention.

    Oat pancakes

    You can also make very tasty oatmeal pancakes that everyone will love. It's very simple:

    1. pour a glass of oatmeal into a cup, pour hot water so as to just cover the flakes, leave to swell for 20-30 minutes;
    2. add 1 egg, 1 grated (or cut into small pieces) apple, a little sugar, mix;
    3. Fry the pancakes on both sides in a frying pan in vegetable butter.

    After I learned about the dangers of vegetable oil and the ingredients it contains, I no longer buy it or use it for frying. Now I cook everything with melted butter.

    11 months ago

    How long to cook oatmeal? Perhaps every novice housewife asks this question. Let's figure out how to prepare crumbly and delicate-tasting oatmeal, and consider several interesting recipes.

    “Under a microscope” - oatmeal: how long to cook porridge and how?

    It is impossible to definitively answer the question of how long to cook oatmeal, because there are several types of oatmeal. So, the most common is considered to be “Hercules” oatmeal. It should be cooked for twenty minutes. “Petal” flakes will be ready in ten minutes, and “Extra” flakes after two to five minutes.

    Attention! The healthiest oatmeal is water-based oatmeal made from whole grains. Porridge prepared with milk has one significant disadvantage - milk fat “washes out” the dietary fiber of oatmeal from our intestines.

    Chefs' tips:

    Attention! To save precious time in the morning, you can prepare oatmeal in bags. Fill it with hot milk or water, and in a couple of minutes breakfast will be ready. However, such porridge cannot be classified as healthy, since it contains various additives.

    Note to housewives

    Oatmeal is prepared not only in the traditional way - in a saucepan, but also in the microwave, as well as in a slow cooker. How long to cook oatmeal with milk and water in a slow cooker? The whole process will take approximately twenty five minutes. Activate the "Porridge" option.

    The microwave usually cooks “quick” cereal. It only takes them to prepare ninety seconds. In a steamer, the oatmeal will be ready in twenty five minutes. Of course, the time indicated is arbitrary, since all types of oatmeal are different.

    Oatmeal can be supplemented with a wide variety of foods. Depending on this, the dish will be either sweet or a side dish.

    Ingredients added to oatmeal:

    • berries;
    • pieces of fruit;
    • maple syrup;
    • nuts;
    • dried fruits;
    • fruit puree;
    • jam;
    • liquid honey;
    • jam, as well as jam;
    • meat pulp;
    • cottage cheese;
    • sauteed vegetables - carrots and onions;
    • chocolate (bitter);
    • olive oil, butter;
    • low-fat cheese;
    • condensed milk;
    • feta cheese;
    • turmeric and cinnamon.

    It is important to follow the rules for storing oatmeal. Once you have opened the package, pour the cereal into a container that has a tight-fitting lid. Store cooked porridge in the refrigerator. Water-based oatmeal should be eaten within two and a half days, and milk-based oatmeal within two days.

    Oatmeal normalizes metabolic processes in the body and also has a beneficial effect on our digestive system. The flakes remove waste and toxins and normalize the water-salt balance.

    “Oatmeal in the morning” is one of the mottos of a healthy nutrition system for a modern person who plays sports, monitors the amount of calories consumed and does not like to spend a lot of time cooking. No wonder. It is oatmeal that contains quite a lot of fiber, which is easily digested, removing numerous harmful substances from the body - toxins, waste products. If you eat this porridge every day, you can avoid not only stomach problems, but also the formation of cholesterol, deterioration in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and other organs.

    The main question is how to cook oatmeal. In practice, several cooking methods are used - some are simple, some are more complex, in any case, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules that will help deal with the problem.

    • Choose large flakes - they actually cook very conveniently, without gathering into a single mass, providing the finished dish with an exquisite taste.
    • It is advisable to rinse the flakes before starting the cooking process. This will destroy debris and harmful particles that could get into the cereal during the production process.
    • You need to eat porridge with various additives - you can put nuts, honey, fresh berries and fruits in it. In this case, oatmeal will become a complete dish in terms of the content of essential vitamins and microelements.
    • Do not overcook. Oatmeal, like any other, requires a certain preparation mode, so not finishing/overcooking it means ruining the taste and nutritional properties.
    • Always eat freshly prepared porridge - a heated product loses its properties.

    Benefits of oatmeal

    Oatmeal with water is one of the main dishes in a vegetarian’s diet, as it helps improve intestinal motility and also supplies the body with the necessary amount of vitamins to maintain good health and improve well-being.

    This dish is distinguished by its high content of vegetable fats and proteins of special value, so it can fully cover the need for them. Avenin and avenalin are substances that contain a complete list of essential amino acids, so they are easily absorbed.

    From an energy point of view, oatmeal is called the most valuable product that supplies the body with a full range of nutritional components. It can improve your well-being and give you strength. Let's look at how to properly cook oatmeal in water so that it brings maximum benefit to the body.

    Cooking features

    • Before cooking in water, it is necessary to prepare the cereal in the required quantity. Since it usually doesn’t boil well, you need to choose the amount that you are ready to eat at one time: heated porridge is no longer healthy.
    • Some housewives prefer to wash cereals, some do not. It is still advisable to place the oatmeal in boiled water, rinse it and pour out the liquid. You can do this procedure several times.
    • Let's take water. Proportions: per glass of oatmeal - 1.5 glasses of water. We put the water on gas - after 10-15 minutes of heating - add the pre-washed cereal. During the entire cooking process, the porridge must be stirred with a spoon so that the flakes do not stick to the walls of the pan.
    • After boiling, the porridge in water can be considered ready; you need to turn off the gas, cool slightly and serve on plates. There is no need to wash anything anymore. The finished dish has the consistency of sour cream and contains a sufficient amount of moisture.

    Cooking porridge in water correctly is quite problematic, in particular, washing the cereal and making sure that the product does not stick to the walls of the pan.

    Some people prepare oatmeal differently: they put it in water after boiling. In fact, with gradual heating, the beneficial substances are better preserved, and when the flakes are dropped directly into boiling water, they are quickly destroyed.

    To the question of how long this dish takes to cook, the answer is ambiguous, it all depends on the purpose: if it is a soup, then after boiling you can cook for another 10 minutes, if it is a simple porridge, then it is ready almost immediately.

    After you place the dish cooked in water on plates, you can cool the food a little and add fresh fruits, berries, nuts, and honey to it. Many housewives make muesli based on porridge, adding seeds, dried fruits and candied fruits.

    Oatmeal cooked in water is the best dish that everyone will love. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions and cooking period. How long this takes depends on the owner’s goal, but the usual process is a few minutes. Short cooking allows you to preserve the nutrients of the product.

    Expert opinion

    The article advises adding honey to already prepared porridge, and this is very correct. Few people remember this, but the beneficial properties of honey are destroyed at high temperatures. Therefore, for example, it can only be added to warm tea, but not to hot tea. The same thing with porridge. I’ll also add that oatmeal is carbohydrates, that is, your energy. By eating it for breakfast, you give yourself strength for several hours ahead.

    Inna Verbitskaya, nutrition specialist