How to make a “Number” cake? Three proven recipes and templates for cake layers. How to use stencils to decorate cakes (1 photo) DIY stencils for decorating cakes

If you want to decorate baked goods quickly and beautifully, you don’t have to know all the wisdom of professional pastry chefs. Cake stencils will become an indispensable accessory at home.

With their help, exquisite and complex designs can be easily and simply applied. As a result, in a couple of minutes you get an amazing sweet masterpiece. The variety will impress anyone. The use is simple. With a slight movement of the hand you can decorate a cake for a birthday, New Year's, wedding, children's dessert and much more.

Confectionery stencils - features

What kind of accessory is this? A cake stencil is a ready-made template on which patterns and images have already been cut out. With the help of such templates, not only cakes are decorated, but also cookies, pastries, gingerbread cookies, muffins, biscuits and much more.

The blanks are made from safe plastic. Designed for reusable use. The template does not get wet and is not deformed. There are special petals on the sides of the stencils for easy decoration.

Various template forms:

  1. Large, round - for decorating the top of baked goods. Such stencils have not only drawings, but also inscriptions.
  2. Small, round ones are used to decorate cupcakes, cakes, and cookies.
  3. Butterflies will decorate a heart-shaped cake and other unusual shapes.
  4. Rectangular is useful for decorating a cupcake or other dessert in the shape of a rectangle.
  5. Rectangular, elongated, designed to decorate the sides.

How to decorate with stencils

The baking stencil is multifunctional in use. You can decorate a cake in different ways.

Dry ingredients - coconut, powdered sugar, sprinkles, cocoa powder, chopped chocolate, nuts, etc.

Using stencils

When applying patterns, it is important to make sure that the surface of the dessert is dry.

Then the template is greased and applied to the surface, but not tightly enough. You need to hold the petal holder with one hand, and decorate the surface of the template with the ingredients with the other.

All you have to do is carefully remove the stencil and you will see amazingly beautiful jewelry before your eyes.

When decorating in this way, you can create different color palettes and use different ingredients. And also use an airbrush, with which the drawings turn out amazing, with clear detail. A cake stencil will become a universal assistant for everyone!

To gracefully decorate a cake or pie you have prepared yourself, you do not need to have outstanding artistic abilities. Most often, beautiful patterns and paintings on the surface and sides of confectionery products are nothing more than the result of working with special stencils and shapes.

Using this confectionery equipment for decoration, exquisite designs can be applied to cakes, gingerbread cookies, jellies, cookies, muffins, donuts, pies, bread, and desserts.

In addition, stencils for coffee are now very popular, suitable for creating cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate, an invigorating drink with cream, fancy patterns, beautiful figures of any theme, and various inscriptions on the surface.

Using stencils, you can create admirable culinary masterpieces, spending a minimum of time in the decorating process.

It won’t be difficult to buy a confectionery stencil in an online store, where such tools are presented in a wide range to suit every taste - these are hearts, Christmas trees, flowers, snowflakes, stars, notes, emoticons, butterflies, animal figures and much, much more.

How to apply the drawing?

Confectionery stencils for cakes can be used to work with various types of edible components:

  • dry materials - powder (sugar or cocoa), sugar powders, cinnamon, seasonings, powder dyes are also suitable;
  • liquid materials - sour cream, buttercream, chocolate, sauces, caramel, royal icing, liquid dyes, which can be sprayed with a confectionery airbrush.

Master class on working with pastry stencils

As part of this article, we have prepared for you a small master class that will reveal the secrets of various ways to use stencils for confectionery products. Here are step-by-step instructions for applying patterns for various decor options, as well as some useful tips to simplify the decorating process.

Screen decoration techniques for various products are similar, but have certain features. The surface for working with bulk materials should be moderately sticky so that the decoration can stick to it and, at the same time, not lose its beautiful appearance by soaking in excess moisture.

If dry materials under the stencil are applied to the surface of the cake greased with butter cream, you should wait until the oil layer dries.

When applying icing through cake stencils, the surface to which the tool is applied must be dry, otherwise the structure may be damaged due to sticking to the template.

For decoration, an additional set of the following confectionery equipment may be useful:

  • pastry spatula (distributing cream, glaze);
  • brushes (applying dyes);
  • side scraper (removing excess creamy decor);
  • airbrush (spraying liquid food coloring).

Working with cream and glaze

When decorating the surface of the cake with royal icing, apply a stencil to the top of the cake, holding the tool with your hand on one side so that it does not move, and on the other applying a small amount of decorating mixture, which with its weight will also prevent the template from moving in any direction.

Using a pastry spatula, spread the glaze evenly over the entire surface. To avoid damaging the design (there is a possibility of accidentally pinching the stencil with a spatula) you can carefully move the spatula so that the tool is at an angle.

Excess glaze is removed from the completely covered surface using a flat plastic scraper. Lightly holding the stencil, carefully remove it from the cake - the top decor is ready!

The sidewalls are decorated in the same way. Holding the stencil by one edge to avoid shifting, apply the glaze by moving the spatula in one direction. If the stencil lags a little behind the side surface, do not despair, it will definitely stick as soon as the decorating mass appears there.

The method can be successfully used to decorate cakes and cupcakes with buttercream.

The process of decorating a cake with cream using a stencil is presented in the following video:

Working with bulk decor

When starting to decorate a cake with dry products, you first need to lightly grease the stencil; this technique will allow you to keep excess loose decor on the template, avoiding it getting on the surface of the baked goods.

Applying the stencil to the top of the cake, generously sprinkle its surface with decorating powder (powdered sugar, some, cinnamon). There should be no gaps left on the template; at the same time, try not to overdo it, as you risk ruining the pattern with excess powder.

The principle of decorating the side of the delicacy is essentially similar. The only difference is that while decorating the cake you need to hold it at an angle of 45⁰. You will probably need an assistant during the process to apply the decor clearly and efficiently.

Working with an airbrush

A very effective way to decorate dough products using stencils is airbrushing. You can decorate the cake by making a pattern or drawing with icing through a template, then give the three-dimensional picture the desired color by spraying food coloring with an airbrush.

You will get the best effect if the surface for applying the decor is smooth and even. The airbrush spray gun must be positioned clearly at right angles to the surface to be decorated.

You can watch the video of painting the surface of the cake through a stencil with an airbrush:

Working with food coloring

Decorating cakes with a stencil using powdered food coloring is a fairly popular and in-demand method. You can apply a design, for example, to pastries covered with mastic.

The surface of the pastry stencil must be greased. The powder dye is brought into a liquid state by mixing with alcohol, and the resulting solution is used to decorate the cake using a stencil. To do this you will need a palette and a brush with natural bristles.

After soaking the brush in the dye, lightly blot it on a paper towel, removing any excess that could spread and ruin the pattern. Slowly performing point movements, create a pattern on the surface of the cake.

Whether you're creating cakes, candy, cookies or gingerbread, stencils are a quick and easy way to decorate your creations. Not only will you save time, but you will also increase your productivity effortlessly. People around you will certainly be surprised by the intricate patterns you create! In the information below, we will introduce you to simple ideas and techniques for working with stencils.

Basic tools for working with pastry stencils:

  • Pastry spatula
  • Brush
  • Shaker
  • Airbrush
  • Side scraper

Surface for working with stencils:

Stencils can be used with many products: pies, cakes, cookies, jelly, gingerbread, bread, etc. The methods for working with stencils are similar, but there are slight differences. This master class will describe the technique of using stencils for cakes and cookies. The surface of the confectionery product should not be excessively sticky. If the cake is covered with buttercream, the cream should be dry. When coating items with powdered sugar, cocoa or cinnamon, they need to be a little sticky so that the powder sticks to the surface. If you cover products with glaze, the surface must be dry, because... the stencil will touch it.

Pastry stencils can be used with the following products:

Liquid: royal icing, buttercream, sour cream, cheese, chocolate, sauces, liquid coloring, caramel, etc.

Dry: cocoa powder, powdered sugar, cinnamon, seasonings, sugar powders, powdered dyes, etc.

Using stencils with liquid products (using the example of working with royal icing.)

Top of the cake

(Fig. 1) (Fig. 2) (Fig. 3)

(Fig. 4) (Fig. 5)

Place the stencil on the cake. (Fig. 1) Hold the stencil on one side. Use a small amount of icing. The weight of the icing will help hold the stencil in place. (Image 2) Using a pastry spatula, spread the glaze over the surface. Attention! You need to lift the pastry spatula at an angle and very carefully, otherwise you risk lifting the stencil along with the spatula and disturbing the design. (Fig. 3). Once the surface is completely covered, use a flat plastic scraper to scrape away any excess. Hold the stencil and slowly remove it from the pastry. (Fig. 4)

Side of the cake

The principle of coating is similar to the principle of covering the top of a cake. Holding the stencil on one side, spread the royal icing over the surface, moving in one direction. Don't worry if the stencil comes off the surface, it should stick to it once the royal icing is applied to it. Always hold the stencil to one side, otherwise letting go will ruin the design.


  • Hold the stencil with one hand and spread the glaze (cream) in one direction (i.e. from the hand that holds the stencil in the opposite direction)
  • Do not lift the pastry spatula sharply, otherwise you risk damaging the design. Raise the spatula at an angle.

Using stencils with dry products.

Top of the cake

Grease the surface of the stencil. This is necessary so that excess powder settles on the stencil instead of getting on the cake. Sprinkle the surface of the confectionery product liberally with powder so that no gaps are visible on the stencil, but at the same time, do not overdo it, otherwise a large amount of powder may get on the confectionery product itself and ruin the design. Carefully lift the stencil so that excess powder does not fall on the confectionery product.

Cake side

The principle of covering the sides of a cake is similar to the principle of covering the top of a cake. The difference is that the cake must be held at a 45 degree angle.

Using airbrush stencils.

Airbrush is a very effective way of applying a design using stencils. The design can be applied to any surface. One option is to pipe the design with royal icing and then spray color on top of it. To achieve the best results when airbrushing, you need to work on a flat and smooth surface. Liquid Squires Kitchen are ideal for an airbrush and provide better control when applying small details. When spraying, hold the airbrush at a 90 degree angle.

Use of powdered food colorings.

Powder dyes are perfect for working with stencils. It is advisable to apply the design immediately after covering the cake with mastic. Grease the surface of the stencil. You can mix powdered dye with alcohol and then apply the design to the surface of the confectionery (Fig. 1) Use a palette, a brush with natural bristles, and a paper towel. (Image 2) Dip the brush into the paint and remove excess with a paper towel. Apply the design using slow dotted movements. (Fig. 3) For each new color, use a new brush. (Fig. 4)

In our store you can deliver to all regions of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. "Confectioner's House" - Your success in cake decorating!

If you want to surprise your family and friends with a festive dessert, then learn how to make these elegant chocolate butterflies! Butterflies symbolize love, happiness, prosperity, and your dessert will take on a summer mood and will undoubtedly amaze all guests with its spectacular appearance!

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And making such butterflies is very simple - our article will help you! Watch the master class and dare!

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Chocolate butterflies

We will need:
- film (you can take a file, you can take tracing paper);
- bag;
- chocolate


Thick cardboard or books

It is better to take dark chocolate...the higher the percentage of cocoa, the better, so we take extra dark!


However, you can make a butterfly from icing, it will be such a white sugar decoration - that’s also great!

1. Print out drawings of a variety of butterflies from the Internet. Insert a sheet of paper with butterflies into the file.

2. Break the chocolate into pieces, place it in a thick plastic bag and melt the chocolate in the microwave.
I melt at 600 W for one and a half minutes (every 30 seconds I “stir” the chocolate so that it melts evenly).

Although, in principle, you can melt chocolate in a water bath.

3. Move the melted chocolate to the corner of the bag, cut off the tiny tip and draw butterfly wings (only wings!) on a file using a stencil.

We try to make the pattern as thick as possible, so the butterfly’s wings will be stronger.

4. Let the wings dry at room temperature, and then put them in the refrigerator for 10 minutes (chilled wings will be easier to remove from the file).

5. Also make the butterfly antennae separately.

6. Using cold fingers (hold your fingers under running cold water or wipe with an ice cube), carefully remove the wings from the file and transfer them to a sheet of parchment.

7. Reheat the chocolate in the microwave. We take a small sheet of parchment, fold it in half and squeeze the “body” of the butterfly out of the cornet bag directly onto the fold.

9. We fix the book so that we get the degree of angle you need, and let the butterfly completely harden in the refrigerator.

10. Carefully remove the butterfly from the parchment

11. That's it! Butterflies are ready!

And you can decorate any dessert with them

However, you can make a butterfly directly on the book, together with the body, adjusting the angle of raising the wings as you need.

Or you can stick the wings and antennae directly into the cream on the cake or pastry, and squeeze the butterfly’s body right on top, between the wings.


You can make the butterfly multi-colored:

To do this, we make the outline of the wings as shown above.

And immediately fill the middle of the wings with melted white chocolate (you can add any food coloring to it)

Then we make a pattern with a toothpick, moving and mixing the melted chocolate as your imagination tells you)))


Chocolate leaves are made using the same principle!

Using the same principle, you can make not only butterflies, but also any openwork chocolate patterns for decorating desserts. They can also be made flat or curved.

From 100 g of chocolate you get about 12 butterflies. If there is any chocolate left in the bag, you can put it in the refrigerator for later use. Butterfly stencils can be left in a file to be used many more times.


The decoration should be served directly to the table, as it will melt quickly when exposed to the cold. But you can make all the chocolate figures in advance and store them in the refrigerator until the right moment!


Ideas for decorating desserts with chocolate

Using a stencil makes it easy and quick to decorate any homemade cake. You can buy a ready-made stencil or create your own with your own hands. The easiest option for a stencil is to use powdered sugar. Those who have already gained the dexterity can take on decorating the cake with fondant, glaze and other mixtures.

Selecting a stencil to use

As already mentioned, you can purchase ready-made cake stencil. You can buy a silicone stencil in many confectionery stores in your city or order them from online stores. For example, in the Farina store at There is a large selection of stencils available. Stencils can have a variety of shapes:

    Round ones of different diameters - they are used to decorate the surface of the cake;

    Small stencils - they are used to decorate cupcakes, muffins, cupcakes and pastries;

    Rectangular stencils - used for applying a pattern to the side surfaces of the cake;

    Single stencils of small sizes, which depict figures, inscriptions and patterns, can be used in various places.

If you could not find a suitable stencil in the Farina online store and in other stores, you can make it yourself. The easiest way is to find a ready-made stencil on the Internet and print it. You can also draw a stencil yourself. The base of the stencil can be made from cardboard, parchment, thick tracing paper or foil.

Cake stencil making process:

    For a round pattern, a mold is used in which the cake is baked. A circle is cut out according to the diameter of the mold. After this, the circle is folded in half several times and the desired pattern is drawn on it. After this, the pattern is cut out. The technique is similar to the process of creating paper snowflakes.

    Small stencils are made from thick paper. The desired design is applied to the paper and then carefully cut out.

    A rectangular stencil is made from a dense and flexible base. Ideally, silicone is used, but if it is unavailable, tracing paper or thick polyethylene can be used.

How the pattern is applied

The decoration itself can be created using coke shavings, ready-made fine sprinkles, powdered sugar, grated chocolate, and nut flour. Colored or white fondant, melted chocolate, cream, and liquid mastic are also often used for this. For the side surfaces you should use only sticky masses that will stick without falling off.

The main thing is that the product used for decoration is contrasting with the main color of the cake, then the pattern will be bright and distinguishable.

How to Use a Cake Stencil

Applying a design to a cake using a stencil is not difficult at all. The process includes the following steps:

    Preparing the cake. The surface where the drawing mass will be placed should be made sufficiently sticky. The pattern is best applied to icing, mastic or fondant.

    Preparing the selected stencil or several stencils.

    Selecting the mass for applying the pattern.

    To apply a pattern on the sides of the cake, you need to firmly attach a rectangular stencil to the surface and coat it with the pattern mixture using a wide silicone brush. The excess is first removed with a knife, and then wiped with a lint-free napkin. After the pattern has hardened, you can carefully remove the stencil.

    To apply a pattern to the top of the cake, it is permissible to use dry sprinkles. The round stencil is placed on the cake without pressing. After this, it is carefully sprinkled in an even layer. The excess is blown off, after which the stencil is removed. To make it easier to apply powdered sugar, you can sift it through a fine sieve.

    To apply a pattern with uncured mastic, you must use a silicone brush.

There is a huge selection of stencils of various themes. All you have to do is choose the appropriate option and please everyone with a beautifully decorated homemade cake.

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