How to make a chocolate bowl (cute gift) with your own hands. DIY chocolate gift Templates for DIY chocolate sets

When a baby begins to grow up, the most successful gift is something that will make her feel like a beauty. It’s very nice to receive a chocolate bar for a holiday, the wrapper of which is decorated with a cute face. Make a gift sticker for a girl favorite treat! Kinder Chocolate in a thick cardboard box is best suited. You can edit the image in Photoshop. I suggest doing the text design in Xara Xtreme Pro.

How to make a chocolate sticker with your own hands

Let’s agree right away that the candy wrapper will come with photographs. Choose one or two nice photos good quality. It is very good if the photos are from the same series in a similar color scheme.

Buy a good chocolate bar in a hard package. It is quite difficult to glue custom design onto traditional soft packaging. The cardboard box makes it easier to measure and install the reamer.

In the proposed embodiment, the front and back sides of the wrapper are different. The front side is vertical, the photograph on it is more serious. The reverse horizontal side is decorated with a more relaxed picture.

Measure the front side and create a corresponding sheet in Photoshop. In our case, the height of the fragment is 15.7 cm, width 8.3 cm. The best resolution for such work is 300 pixels/inch.

Since the gift is intended for a little princess, we choose pink as the main background color.

Tip: it is better to do fillings, drawings and other operations in different layers. Don't rush to flatten the image! Adjusting the final result may require adjusting saturation or transparency. If the layers are already glued together, it is difficult to make drastic changes.

Download or photograph the surface of vintage fabric or paper. Place the fragment on the background and set the blending mode to Overlay. The pattern will be subtle and very delicate, light. You can set the opacity to less than 100% - then the texture will be even thinner.

Move the photo onto the resulting background. To make the image more interesting, we’ll use a ready-made edge mask to crop the image.

Let's say we don't need to crop the entire photo, but only the bottom edge.

  1. Place a crop mask over the photo
  2. Erase the excess parts of the mask with an eraser, leaving the bottom part.
  3. Press Ctrl and at the same time left-click on the mask layer thumbnail. The cropping selection is activated.
  4. Disable the mask layer and move to the photo layer.
  5. Click Delete and the unnecessary image will be deleted.

The excess image on the top and sides can be erased with an eraser or deleted in a layer mask.

Decorate the composition with flowers or other elements you like. Experiment with blending modes: alternate saturated details with translucent ones.

The second side of the candy wrapper is decorated in the same way.

For text design, you need to transfer the finished fragments to Xara. Save the front and back as separate documents in PNG format. In this form, the pictures will open well and save the desired size in Xara.

In our case, the size of the sides of the box is 1.5 cm by 15.7 cm. Create two rectangles of bright pink color.

We lay out the fragments in a pattern, alternating wide and narrow sides. Align using the Object Alignment service.

All that remains is to write the name and composition of the chocolate. You can add any kind words to the gift wrapper. But since our girl still can’t read well, we won’t overuse the text.

We select the color of the letters in the same red-pink color scheme. To separate text from the background, use a few simple techniques.

  1. Type a word, select a font.
  2. Copy the resulting text fragment. Color one copy bright and the other white. In the second case, make the white stroke thicker.
  3. Turn on the shadow for the word with a stroke.
  4. Place a bright object on a white background with a shadow.

Note: to put an element under all others, use the Ctrl+B combination.

Print the resulting scan on plain paper for testing and control. Cut out the image and try it on a box of chocolate. If all dimensions are calculated correctly and the composition suits you, print it on photo paper. Self-adhesive glossy or matte for lamination is best suited for such purposes.

Tip: Often the factory label shows through from under the photo paper. Try wrapping the chocolate bar in two layers: first cover it with white paper, and then stick on the printed decor.

Figure out how to give a personalized chocolate bar to the birthday girl. Perhaps this surprise will be “accidentally” discovered in a box of regular chocolates. Your little one will remember this souvenir for a long time!

Don't think that such gifts are only suitable for little ladies. Girls of any age, including pensioners, sincerely rejoice in personalized chocolate!

Well, here is the long-awaited tutorial on working with Photoshop. Please be patient and take time, especially if you are new to this program. To implement our MK, you must have Photoshop installed (the version does not matter, I have Photoshop CS5)

In this Master Class we will do Box - Packaging for chocolate, or rather its template.
We will create a document in Photoshop from the very beginning.

So, first of all, download and save files for MK, from a thread on the forum.

1. Open the Photoshop program. We create a document in A4 format, this is exactly the format we need to fit the template.
To do this: click (1) “file” - (2) “create”, in the Set line select (3) - International paper format, Size (4) - A4, (5) - OK.

We have created a document - "basis".
You should see a sheet and a window containing layers appear on your screen. The window in which layers are displayed is called "layers panel", if it is not displayed, you need to activate it by pressing F7.

2. Now we need to insert an image into our “base” - a file "pattern".
To do this: minimize Photoshop and open the folder in which you saved the files for MK, select the file "pattern" !do not click on the file itself so that it does not open in the photo viewer!
Move the cursor to the desired file icon, hold down the left mouse button and drag this file into Photoshop. If Photoshop appears on your screen and your image is crossed out with two lines diagonally, then you did everything correctly. Press Enter, now the picture has been added to your “base” document, and added as a separate layer (this method of adding an image to an open program file allows you to add an image and it will automatically fit into the format you specify).

We will need the added pattern in order to correctly place pictures and inscriptions on the template, so that in the future everything will be in its place when we make the finished box.
The inserted image of the pattern needs to be corrected, and in order for the correction of the file inserted in this way to be possible, you must do the following:
Move the cursor to the layers panel and right-click on the line of the layer with the name pattern, select the line “rasterize layer” and click on it (this is necessary for further editing of the picture).

Next we will work with Toolbar— For me it’s a vertical stripe on the left side of the screen; for you it’s most likely located in the same place. The tools used in our MK are available in any version of Photoshop, but their names may differ.

3. Now you need to get rid of the white background around and inside the pattern for this:

For clarity, hide the layer "background" . Please note that on the line with the name of the layer, at the very beginning there is an “eye” icon (1), with its help we can hide unnecessary layers (although completely unnecessary ones can be deleted, for example, erroneous ones, the easiest way is to select the layer and press delete) .
On the toolbar, select the “magic wand” tool (2), move the cursor to the area located outside the pattern (3) and click the left mouse button, we see that the space outside the pattern image is highlighted with a dotted line, press Delete, and the selected area is deleted on the layer with the pattern, then do everything the same, but highlighting the space inside the pattern image.

This is how it should turn out

4. Now we begin to create the packaging template itself.
Insert the file into the “base” "snowflake background" . Don't forget to rasterize the layer. And remove the white background using the “magic wand”.

We now have a template background to which we will add text and images. But for the correct placement of text and pictures, the “pattern” layer should always be on top of the other layers.
The arrangement of layers can be changed by moving the cursor to the desired layer, holding down the left mouse button and dragging the layer up and down (all this is done in the layers panel).

5. Now let's add the caption:

(1) The letter "T" stands for the "text" tool. We left-click on it once, then move the cursor to the place where we want to place the text. The exact location down to mm is not important, because the location can be edited later.
We put the cursor and type our text (I used the “Entered” font, your text will be in the default font), after writing the text you need to press Enter to save the layer with the font.
(2) The name of the font and its other parameters (size, color, etc.) will be displayed at the top of the window, this will happen immediately after you activate the “text” tool, i.e. Click once on the letter “T”.
(3) Clicking on this icon, along with the layers panel, will open the “character and paragraph panel”, a panel designed for text correction.
If necessary, you can move the text using the “move” tool (4). We activate it by clicking, then move the cursor over the object and, holding the left button, move it to the desired location. (Don't forget, all tools only work with the active layer, so if you moved to other layers and then decided to adjust the text layer, you need to activate this layer by clicking on it in the layers panel)
If you need to edit the text after writing, move the cursor to the line of the layer with the text and double-click on the layer image, i.e. The text is highlighted and can be edited.
If we need vertical text (in our case “New Year's Chocolate”). To do this, there is a button with the image of the letter “T and arrow on the side and bottom”, located on the top panel. We activate this button and we can immediately print vertically, or first horizontally, and then, by selecting the layer with the text, make the inscription vertical.

6. Now let's place the image on our template.

(1) Just as we inserted our background with Christmas trees, we also insert Santa Claus. The layer with the DM will be inserted above the layer that was last active. Please note that the layer with DM should be above the layer with snowflakes, but below the layer with text, move it wherever necessary (do not forget to rasterize the layer for further work with it).
Now we need to get rid of the white background on which the DM is located (by the way, the problem of removing the background can be solved if you use clipart drawings).
We already know about removing the background using a magic wand; here the background blends in color with the picture in some places, so the magic wand will not help, let’s consider another method:
(2) select the eraser tool, when we click on it, the editing line for this tool will be displayed at the top.
(3) Click here and the eraser settings panel will open, you can select the size, hardness, shape, etc. Experiment and select the one you need (it is advisable to reduce the hardness to a minimum, then the edges of the eraser will be soft - fuzzy). Next, we move the cursor over the image with the DM, hold down the left button and move over the white background, you can continuously, you can with separate clicks, the size will have to be changed in the process of removing the background (if you suddenly erased something unnecessary, you can fix everything, or go to the top panel: click edit - step back, or with the key combination ctrl+alt+z).
As a result, we get a DM with an “aura”)))), you can, of course, take a hard eraser and erase the entire white background, but this is a very painstaking work and in our case there is no need for it.
(4) In the process of work, we will come across the fact that some elements will want to be seen closer, for this there is a “scale” tool.

7. The layer with the picture may not fit into the template frame; to change its size, press ctrl+t and layer correction will be activated. By placing the cursor on the edges of the layer and holding down the left mouse button, you can change its size, but in order for the change to be made proportionately on all sides (for example, so that it is not unnaturally elongated or, on the contrary, compressed), for this you will need to hold down the shift key when changing the size.

Well, we learned how to insert objects and make inscriptions.
When creating this kind of product, other tools are generally used, but I see no point in describing them here. If you are interested, you can find tutorials on working with Photoshop on the Internet. Personally, I learned a lot using the lessons from the Photoshop Master website.

1. When performing any actions in Photoshop, they are performed only on the active layer, pay close attention to which layer is active and which one you want to work with.
2. If you made a mistake, then everything can be corrected by canceling the action (well, except for closing the file without saving)))))
3. It is better to paste different objects on different layers; this is convenient for correcting individual elements.

For those who do not have the time or desire to perform all the steps described, but want to make a box for chocolate, I have attached a template with a ready-made design, where you only need to enter the name.
I wish you all creative success and boundless imagination!

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer and help in any way I can; questions can be asked both in the comments and in the discussion thread on the forum.
On the forum you can now download the psd file in which I worked when creating the packaging, it will be much easier to work with it, just go to the layer you need, double-click on the picture with the image of the layer and edit the layer.
Good luck.

The chocolate wrapper makes a strong impression on the person who buys the chocolate. It has been proven that it is this that becomes the decisive argument in favor of purchasing one or another bar, and not the taste or quality of chocolate. More than a dozen marketers and designers are working on the attractiveness of the wrapper, understanding how the chocolate cover is a fundamental issue.

Unique DIY wrapper

Everyone has a chance to give a gift that the recipient will remember for a lifetime. Do-it-yourself chocolate, and even with an original design, is a great idea for any holiday. The design of chocolate packaging depends on a flight of fancy and a little skill. This is available to everyone and can fit any celebration budget.

This kind of creativity is very easy to carry out at home. The easiest way is to just buy a chocolate bar and carefully remove the wrapper from it. It is better to work with disposable cellophane gloves so that there are no fingerprints left on the chocolate.

Unfold the packaging so that the paper or foil does not tear.

The next step in creating a unique chocolate wrapper is to take measurements from the old packaging. The old packaging is applied to the cardboard and outlined with a pencil or marker. Why cardboard? Because this will create a durable template that, unlike thin paper, can be used repeatedly. When unwrapping the bar, you should pay attention to how the chocolate wrapper was wrapped. A novice chocolate designer will have to follow this type.

Then we use beautiful thick paper. A template is applied, the required area is measured, and carefully cut out. The chocolate wrapper is applied to the bar. Glue and a thin brush should already be at the ready. The packaging is rolled up and glued in the right places. So you need to leave the product for a few minutes so that the paper can stick well.

Now the unrestricted design flight of thought comes into play.

If you want to give a unique chocolate bar to your loved one, take a photo of them together, suitable in size, and glue it to the “face” of the bar.

We tie the chocolate with a ribbon on top and add a bow. You can give this chocolate not only to your other half, but also to a married couple by attaching a photo of them together.

Chocolate packaging does not necessarily require handicraft in its design. If you have the skill to work with Photoshop, the scope for design work is even richer. You can place whatever you want on the wrapper. You can print many wrappers for all occasions, delighting your family and friends with miracle chocolates.

Return to zmist DIY chocolate

You can easily make not only the wrapper yourself, but also the tile itself. What is needed for this?

  • To prepare the first recipe you will need the following ingredients:
  • cocoa powder – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • fatty butter – 2 tbsp. l.;

The more cocoa powder, the darker the chocolate. The more butter you use, the more chocolate you will get. The butter is cut into pieces, placed in a saucepan and simmered over low heat. When the oil comes to a boil, add cocoa powder and cane sugar (honey).

The resulting mixture should be thick and remain on low heat for 2-5 minutes. Remove from heat, pour into mold, let the mixture cool slightly, then put in the freezer. After a few hours, the chocolate is ready.

After this master class, you can start making milk chocolate with your own hands. Required ingredients:

  • 1 tsp cane sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fat milk;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 50-70 grams of fatty butter.

Just like in the first case, fatty oil cut into small pieces and put on fire, do not bring to a boil. A mass is prepared from milk, sugar and cocoa powder, mixed until smooth, and the milk should be warm.

Next, the mass is mixed with almost boiling butter. The new mass is cooked on fire for up to 3 minutes, but it should be stirred regularly to prevent burning. After this, the mixture is removed from the heat and poured into molds, sent to the refrigerator.

A variety of chocolate fillings will be appropriate if the tastes and preferences of the recipient are known. It will be unpleasant if a chocolate bar, which was prepared with difficulty and perseverance, is not liked by the person who receives it. If preferences are unknown, it is best to choose pure milk chocolate, since this is the most popular and win-win type of sweets.

Anything can be used as additives. There is chocolate with additive sea ​​salt, chili pepper and many other unusual flavor combinations. There are also more canonical types: nut mixture, raisins, chopped dried apricots, candied fruits, caramel, fragrant mild spices. The addition is made when the chocolate is removed from the stove. This must be done before it goes into the refrigerator or hardens.

To please your loved ones, you don’t need to look for a reason. There is a sweet tooth in every person who is happy with even a small bar of chocolate, not to mention a signature dessert made with their own hands.

A gift made with your own hands is the best gift. Chocolate in souvenir packaging is an excellent gift that is suitable for any occasion. Today we will create original scrap packaging with wishes. Why is it remarkable? The fact that we can decorate any holiday ourselves. Positive emotions of the hero of the occasion will be ensured.

For today you will need:

Chocolate bars 3.5x3.5 cm (18 pcs.)
- scrap paper 3 sheets 30x30 cm (I have Webster's Pages here)
- scrap decor (chipboard, flowers, cameos)

1. First, I prepared the wrapper. Since my sister is a hairdresser and makeup artist, the themes of the pictures and wishes are appropriate. If I'm not mistaken, these small square chocolate bars are made in the same size - 3.5 x 3.5 cm. Based on this, the size of my wrapper turned out to be 3 x 9 cm. I drew the wrappers themselves in Illustrator. But you can also find a lot of beautiful free pictures on the Internet.

2. On a rough draft for myself, I drew the location of the wrappers. There will be wrappers with pictures in the corners, and wishes in the remaining squares.

3. I decided on the box from the very beginning - this is my plotter box template. Only I reduced its height to 1.5 cm. The inside size of the box is 11x11 cm, the side is 1.5 cm. To create such a box, you can use.

TA-dah! Isn't it beautiful! Here I got 18 chocolates in two rows. The bottom row of wrappers duplicates the top one. The lid for the box is of the simplest design, measuring 14x14 cm and 1.5 cm high.

A small sign of attention can sometimes lift your mood for a long time and make a person smile. And if you attach a sweet gift to this sign of attention, then a positive charge of long-lasting action is simply guaranteed!

For those who have a sweet tooth, I suggest making a cute chocolate bowl with pockets for tea or coffee. Such a gift can be given to work colleagues, educators or teachers, or a loved one with the words: “This is a small gift for a short break” or “Just for tea.” In any case, the person will be pleased.

To make such a chocolate box you will need: cardboard (can be colored or any decorative one), decorative paper for scrapbooking (you can use regular office paper and print various patterns on it on a color printer), glue stick, ruler, scissors, various materials for decoration (rhinestones) , beads, feathers, artificial/paper flowers, lace, etc.), a chocolate bar and three individually wrapped tea bags. By the way, if you don’t have sheets of cardboard at hand, an office binder is perfect.

The base of the chocolate maker is a cardboard rectangle 22 cm wide and 17-18 cm high. In the middle of the rectangle, draw vertical lines with a pencil at a distance of 2 cm and bend the rectangle inward along them. You should end up with something like a cover. Then we start making pockets for chocolate and tea.

For a chocolate pocket, cut out a rectangle measuring 10*12 cm from cardboard, make two folds 1 cm wide on three sides (sides and bottom). Make cuts on the folds (see picture) and glue the side folds to the bottom ones.

For tea pockets, cut three rectangles, each 14 cm high and 9 cm wide. We bend the edges, retreating 1 cm. Then we divide the rectangle into 2 parts (6 and 8 cm each) and fold it. We round off the upper edges for the most part, and cut off centimeter folds from the lower (smaller) part. Glue the bottom part to the folds from the top part - the pocket is ready.

We decorate our pockets and the base of the chocolate box with decorative paper (lace, cut-outs, drawings) as your imagination dictates (or the photo below). Then we glue our pockets to the base: on one side we glue a pocket for chocolate from the bottom, on the other - three pockets for tea (they need to be glued one on top of the other, starting from the top).

We finally decorate the chocolate bowl both inside and outside, if desired, glue ribbon ties (they stick well with double-sided tape).

Such a chocolate maker can not only be a nice little gift, but can also easily replace a money envelope for a celebration if you put not tea in your tea pockets, but a folded banknote.

Dare, create - do something nice for yourself and those around you!