Tibetan herbal tea. Tibetan tea: useful properties and a simple recipe

I want to introduce you to tibetan tea recipe. Having tried it, you will touch the culture and traditions of the people living in those lands.

This drink strongly resembles the tea of ​​nomadic peoples: Mongols, Buryats, etc. They have common ingredients, but Tibetan tea has one nuance that distinguishes it from similar drinks.

Tibetan tea ingredients:

  • 30 g of oolong or just regular black tea; Some add puer.
  • 2 glasses of milk. Tibetans use yak milk. You are unlikely to find such an exotic product, so you can simply add full-fat cow's milk.
  • 500 ml. water;
  • Salt;
  • 100 g melted butter;

Preparation of Tibetan tea:

Pour tea into water and bring to a boil. Add milk, a couple of pinches of salt, butter. Beat until a dense foam forms. In Tibet, a special vessel, “donmo”, is used for such cases, but you just work with a whisk. Our high-calorie and healthy drink ready. You can eat. There is another cooking option that does not use water. Tea is brewed for several ten minutes in milk. Which of these recipes is more “classic”, traditional, I cannot say, since they are served in both forms.

As you can see, the recipe for Tibetan tea is not that complicated. And the drink is very interesting.

Reading time: 4 minutes


Tibetan tea appeared several centuries ago, and it has become famous all over the world only recently. Due to the rich composition and proper brewing, the infusion is considered an excellent tool for healing and cleansing the body. Tibetan tea for weight loss is also very effective.

A healthy and tasty drink can be easily prepared at home on your own. Its brewing method is very simple. Today we will talk about Tibetan tea, find out its recipe and effect on the body.

Now there are many diets that do not give the desired effect. And some of us resort to various methods to lose extra pounds and slow down skin aging. An excellent active remedy was discovered by Tibetan monks in the fourteenth century BC, it became known to us quite recently. This is a Tibetan tea for weight loss and rejuvenation.

Youth tea recipe

For its preparation, you will need ordinary herbs that are sold in any pharmacy. It is important to know that the drink works if you choose the right ratio of herbs and follow the recommendations for its use. So, you will need one hundred grams of birch buds, St. John's wort, immortelle and chamomile.

  • Grind all components;
  • Mix herbs;
  • Put them in a cloth bag;
  • Store it in a dry ventilated room;
  • Place a tablespoon of the collection in a glass container,
  • Pour half a liter hot water;
  • Cover with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Half of the strained Tibetan tea should be taken after breakfast. For improvement palatability, honey can be added to the drink. Drink the remaining infusion in the evening after dinner, slightly heated. That amount of collection should be enough for about seven weeks. You need to be treated with Tibetan youth tea once a year.

Youth drink effect

After taking the infusion, according to the above recipe for Tibetan herbal tea, the following action is noted:

  1. St. John's wort as part of the collection, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  2. Chamomile acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, cleanses the body well. Tibetan tea also normalizes the digestive system;
  3. Immortelle in the composition of the drink produces a cleansing effect. It also acts as a natural antibiotic, therefore it is indicated for diseases of the genitourinary system;
  4. Birch buds help burn fat in the body.

The drink of youth of Tibetan monks helps to improve metabolism, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol and make them elastic. It is also very useful for cleansing the body, helps to remove harmful toxins and toxins, promotes weight loss.

At the beginning of taking Tibetan tea, you may feel a slight malaise. There may be weakness, headaches. This means that the process for cleansing the body has begun. All symptoms will subside in a few days.

Tibetan monks advise to cleanse the intestines before taking youth tea

Tibetan tea recipe

There are many in Tibet traditional recipes making a drink that is passed down from generation to generation and here is one of them. Now it is not so easy to find the right products that are listed in the composition of the drink, so some have a replacement. But in each of them, proportions should be observed and certain actions should be performed.

To prepare Tibetan tea for weight loss you will need:

  • Seventy grams of pressed black or green tea, better than pu-erh;
  • Six glasses of yak milk;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • A glass of melted yak butter.

To get real quality Tibetan tea for weight loss, follow these steps:

  1. It is better to prepare a drink in a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it and wait, as soon as it boils, put pressed tea. Boil the mixture for thirty minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally;
  2. When the time is up, strain the broth and add the oil and salt. Then beat the mixture with a mixer, you should get a homogeneous thick liquid. Tibetan tea cocktail is ready.

As it is now, it is difficult to find such an animal as a yak, so many replace its butter and milk with cow's, only you need to take very fatty. Other recipes allow you to use ordinary large-leaf tea instead of pressed tea, after brewing it with boiling water. Then add all other ingredients and beat.

To get a really useful Tibetan tea for weight loss, you need to know some rules:

  • When choosing tea, give preference to pure black without any additives and flavorings. Green lovers are allowed to replace the black variety with it;
  • The monks advise drinking the drink hot in order to enjoy its original taste;
  • Tea should be drunk in small sips.

Tibetan tea for weight loss has a beneficial effect on all human organs, as it contains only natural ingredients. It improves metabolism, lowers blood pressure, removes cholesterol, softens kidney stones and promotes their removal.


It should be taken in a course during which remarkable changes occur with the body. The fatty membrane around the heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas simply dissolves, freeing them from tight captivity.

In my article about, you can learn about other components used for these purposes.

Tibetan tea "For weight loss"

Provides antioxidant properties to this exquisite combination green tea. This is one of the proven and effective teas for weight loss.

It brings intestinal peristalsis into a state of active functioning, normalizes the work of the stomach. With its gentle assistance, the body gets rid of excess fluid.

Easily and without tension, the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders begin to work. The liver also works more efficiently, helping to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and poisons.

Joints regain flexibility. The blood gets rid of viscous cholesterol. And the result of such a titanic work of the whole organism is the long-awaited weight loss.

The course of using tea for weight loss is designed for a month and a half. During this time, a weight reduction of at least ten percent is guaranteed.

An additional effect of tea is the cleansing of the skin surface from various problems, the disappearance of bad breath, and the weakening of allergic reactions. A person forgets what insomnia is.

Tibetan tea "To cleanse the liver"

A decoction of herbs helps to activate the liver, experiencing a negative load from excessive use alcoholic beverages, too fatty and excessively high-calorie foods, as well as from the side effects of long-term medication.

Herbs protect and strengthen the liver, remove harmful toxins. Liver cells are restored, the body is getting younger before our eyes.

At the same time, the spleen is strengthened, the stomach is practically healed. The skin is cleansed of external defects, the rash disappears. Inflammatory processes stop. Tea normalizes the reactions of the nervous system to various stimuli.

It is recommended to be taken by people who are overly fond of alcohol and tobacco. However, it is also great for prevention, strengthening the liver and stimulating the production of bile. Its effect will also be appreciated by people who are forced to eat in catering establishments due to employment at work or frequent business trips.

Tibetan tea "Rejuvenating"

The collection appeared as a result of a harmonious combination of sandy immortelle, St. John's wort, birch buds, agrimony grass and calendula flowers.

Provides rejuvenation of the body due to the withdrawal of various kinds of toxins and decay products.

Its properties restore inhibited metabolism; the cells of the whole organism are cleansed and younger. A person feels lightness, a surge of strength and activity, working capacity increases, lost colors return to life. Of course, the majority of consumers of this healing drink are women.

After the course of taking this collection, women unanimously mention the returned mobility, weight loss, and a radical improvement in the condition of the skin of the face. The skin becomes fresh, velvety to the touch, wrinkles and unpleasant folds are smoothed out and become invisible.

Fatigue, excessive irritability, increased nervousness go away. A person forgets about excruciating headaches. When the body is freed from slagging, the process of premature withering is interrupted, and the energy deficit is replenished.

First, they weaken, and then allergic reactions and rashes disappear. There is an opportunity to get rid of chronic diseases forever. A woman is undergoing an extraordinary transformation!

In this review, it is not possible to mention all thematic collections and herbs that are unique in their healing properties.

Most fees do not have any special contraindications, but they should be used with care, listening to the individual reactions of the body. You should not chase after an immediate effect. A thoughtful, competent appeal to the healing recipes of the Tibetan sages will allow you to get the desired result.

In my articles about and about, you can get more information about them medicinal properties. Follow the relevant links.

Happy tea!!!

There are a lot of recipes for traditional Tibetan drinks. Some are known to a wide range of people, others are carefully guarded by monks, and still others have not yet been deciphered at all. For centuries, they have been used in folk medicine to get rid of diseases, to maintain youthfulness of the body and strength of mind. How are Tibetan fees used today and what do people think of them?

general characteristics

For a European, Tibetan medicine is something mysterious and unconventional, which arouses fear, interest and respect at the same time. The most popular means of healing the body are herbal preparations. Among them is Tibetan tea, the recipes of which differ depending on the area of ​​problems that need to be solved.

So, Tibetan tea for weight loss consists of herbs and fruits, which are designed to cleanse the body, improve the functioning of the digestive system and internal secretion organs, and help speed up metabolism. There are fees for rejuvenating the body, removing the manifestations of chronic diseases, strengthening immunity, and so on.

Here is a recipe for Tibetan tea that can be prepared at home, since the composition will be much more complicated in a pharmacy. It is rather universal in terms of the degree of impact, since it cleanses the body in a mild form, relieves inflammation, improves the synthesis of enzymes, and has a rejuvenating effect. To prepare a drink, you must combine the following components:

  • green tea;
  • echinacea herb;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • Birch buds;
  • St. John's wort and strawberries.

Herbs are mixed in approximately the same proportions, rose hips are crushed, the collection is stored in glass jar in a dark place. You need to start by drinking a glass of tea at breakfast, then add another glass at lunch. You can combine it with dried fruits and milk.

All Tibetan drinks are 100% natural and by definition cannot contain chemicals.

There are very old recipe soothing Tibetan tea with anise and cinnamon. Its basis is ordinary chamomile, in which cinnamon powder and anise seeds are added to the infusion. To make a drink, put in a teapot half a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, a quarter of anise and a third of a spoon of cinnamon. Everything is poured with freshly boiled water and left to infuse for 10 minutes. They drink tea slowly in a warm form in the evening to fall asleep faster and have a good rest.

Tibetan monks have many recipes for herbal preparations based on the properties of those plants that are beneficial for a particular organ or organism as a whole. They have been actively using the gifts of nature for many centuries, so the issues of longevity and good health are well studied by them, and the recipes have been repeatedly tested.

For weight loss and body cleansing

One of the varieties of natural herbal preparations is Tibetan tea for weight loss. It consists only of well-chosen plants and fruits from ecologically clean regions. The collection is unique with a mild effect on the body, a minimum number of contraindications and a positive effect on health.

Tibetan tea can be bought with different flavors

The composition of Tibetan tea is as follows:

  • echinacea;
  • linden bark;
  • blackberry;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • lemon peel;
  • Persian citrus;
  • lemon extract;
  • sorghum;
  • terminalia chebula;
  • terminalia bellerica;
  • Bay leaf;
  • nettle leaves;
  • rose hip;
  • green tea;
  • vitamin C.

This unique collection works in several directions. On the one hand, it contributes to the natural cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins. On the other hand, it improves the functioning of the digestive system and speeds up metabolism. On the third - gives strength and energy, relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system. In the composition of the tea drink, the largest share is occupied by terminalia chebula. This plant has been widely used for the treatment of many diseases and has been well documented in the Vedic literature. The fruits of this tree have a strong antibacterial and stimulating effect. It is used to restore strength after operations, to heal wounds, cleanse the blood of toxins, and stimulate muscle tone.

Terminalia chebula is one of the strongest herbal remedies described in Ayurveda.

Next on the list of active ingredients in Tibetan tea for weight loss are sorghum, blackberry, linden bark and terminalia bellerica. They have diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic properties, improve digestion, stimulate intestinal motility.

Nettle, echinacea, wild rose and vitamin C are immune system stimulants and sources of vitamins, micro and macro elements necessary for the body. Bay leaf is an excellent tonic. Each of the plants of the collection has its own purpose or enhances the effect of another component.

Additionally, the following properties of cleansing Tibetan tea can be distinguished, which appear after a few days of systematic use:

  • antioxidant;
  • tonic and improving physical activity;
  • stimulating the work of the pancreas and adrenal glands;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory, especially in relation to the skin.

To cleanse the body, improve digestion and relieve excess weight, it is necessary to drink herbal tea 1 time per day with a glass of food. To prepare a drink, you need to pour one filter bag with hot boiled water, leave for 3 minutes under closed lid. The course of admission is 3 weeks. You can conduct several courses to cleanse the body, but the break between them should be about a month. Do not use the collection for pregnant women, lactating women and people with individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Chang shu

Chang shu tea, or purple drink, is an effective natural remedy for weight loss. In its composition there are only flowers of an alpine plant from Tibet and Nepal. They are very rich in amino acids and biologically active components, which have a pronounced fat-burning property. The composition also contains:

  • tannins;
  • lutein;
  • alkaloids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • catechin;
  • theanine
  • L-carnitine, etc.

Tea contributes to the active conversion of lipids that come with food into energy, preventing their accumulation in adipose tissue. Thus, in addition to reducing the volume of body fat, a person feels full of strength and energy. In addition, the drink improves the condition of the skin, promotes its rejuvenation, tightens muscles, fights increased appetite, improves eyesight and generally tones the whole body. Tea should be drunk 1-2 times a day for 2 months.

Chang Shu - the most beautiful plant of the highlands, rich in amino acids and vitamins

nature's bounty

Biologically active additive Tibetan tea "Nature's generosity" is a herbal preparation that is positioned as a means of cleansing the body, improving the functioning of the digestive system and strengthening the immune system. Tea is an additional source of rosmarinic acid and bioflavonoids. The collection consists of:

  • sage leaves;
  • mint herbs;
  • Hypericum herbs;
  • linden flowers;
  • thyme herbs;
  • oregano herbs;
  • chamomile flowers.

For a pronounced effect of cleansing and improving digestion, tea should be drunk 2 times a day in a glass for a month. One filter bag is designed for 200 ml of hot water, the infusion time is 15 minutes. Of the contraindications, only allergies, pregnancy and lactation are distinguished.

Tibetan with butter

This unusual invigorating oil tea is popular both in China and India, although it is called Tibetan. It is always drunk hot to restore strength, calm, it can completely replace a full breakfast and quench your thirst.

Nourishing and rejuvenating Tibetan oil tea

To prepare it you need:

  • brew black tea of ​​medium strength (30 grams of tea leaves per 500 ml of water);
  • add 1 glass of warm water and the same amount of milk;
  • add up to 100 grams of ghee and 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • beat everything with a mixer or manually using a whisk.

It is better to use pressed tea for a drink, but regular black large-leaf tea is also suitable. The essence of the recipe is to thoroughly mix the tea leaves with milk and butter, so that these components are broken into the smallest particles and achieve uniformity.

Tasty, invigorating and incredibly healthy Tibetan tea or chauima at home can be prepared by everyone. Its recipe does not require the use of special skills, and the composition is light and simple, if replaced with more familiar ingredients. There is an opinion that the drink carries some kind of secret, which is associated with the place of its origin.

Black, green and herbal tea in Tibet is a whole legend that marked its beginning in the distant 7th century. It was then that they tried it here for the first time and learned how to brew it in an unusual way. Secrets have been passed down from generation to generation. Gradually, tea according to the recipe from the Tibetans gained worldwide fame and recognition.

It is surprising that earlier Tibetan tea in its homeland was a kind of exchange or sale currency. They were paid for the purchased products and things. Without the presence of this product in the dowry of the bride, it was unthinkable to marry her.

Since life in mountainous areas is characterized by harsh conditions and a difficult climate, a drink that gives strength to the people living there is simply necessary. One person can drink about 5-6 cups a day and this is the norm. And for Tibetan monks, the number increases almost several times, since they need strength doubly. There is an assertion that for a true Tibetan such tea is more important than water. What is the secret of the drink?

Features of tea made in Tibet

The first thing that distinguishes Tibetan tea from thousands of others in the East is its fat content and saltiness. Unusual combination. But, indeed, in this country they prepare green and black tea with salt, milk and melted yak butter, which gives strength and energy to those who drink it. After drinking it, a person receives a charge of vivacity and is ready for any difficult physical and mental work.

Such a unique composition helps to cleanse the body, promotes rejuvenation, general strengthening of the body, and is useful for diets. And since the recipe includes oil, which gives the drink saturation, after it you don’t want to eat for a long time. For these properties ethnoscience I took tea for a long time and uses it as a medicinal preparation.

Recipes for making a real tasty drink

Among the recipes of this delicious drink Tibet, there are both ancient ones, which are considered to be classical, and new ones, created experimentally in modern times. Their composition is modified in view of the fact that it is not always possible to get the necessary ingredients.

Whichever one you choose, you should know that accuracy and a certain procedure are important here.

Ingredients for the traditional method:

  • pressed tea (for example,) green or black - 75 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • yak milk - 6 glasses;
  • melted yak butter - 1 cup.

How to brew:

Tea will turn out to be nutritious and tonic if you follow the following sequence when preparing:

  1. It is necessary to take any thick pot or cauldron, pour milk into it. As soon as it begins to boil, put a tea block and cook for at least half an hour, not forgetting to stir. The fire should be small so that the milk does not run away and foam.
  2. When the tea is boiled, strain, add salt and butter to it. After that, beat well. In Tibet, donmo, a special mixing bowl, was used for this. But since not everyone in the house can now find it, an ordinary mixer is ideal. In the process, the consistency of tea should become homogeneous and thick. It will be more like a cocktail. After that, Tibetan tea can be poured into mugs and tasted.

The yak is a rare animal, therefore its milk and butter are most often replaced with cow's milk, only with a high degree of fat content. And in many modern recipes, in addition, ordinary black (green) classic large-leaf tea without pressing is simply brewed in water, then all the ingredients are added and whipped in a blender.

Features to be aware of

  • The product must be of high quality, it is best to take black tea, with a pronounced aroma, without additives. But for those who use only green, you can replace it.
  • To feel the whole bouquet of taste and understand it, tea with milk and salt must be consumed only hot.
  • It is recommended to drink in small sips, and after each it is added to the cup again.
  • At a party, it is customary to drink at least two mugs. Moreover, if you don’t feel like it anymore, tea should be left untouched, and drunk immediately before leaving.

If the usual methods of restoring strength and lost energy have ceased to work, it is worth using the secret weapon of the Tibetans and tasting their unusual tea.

photo: depositphotos.com/cococinema, Umalet