Recipe: Cheesecake with berries - like a cheesecake, delicious, successful, worthy to cook it! Berry cheesecake: recipe with photo With crackers and curd cheese.

Berry no-bake cheesecake is a delicious vitamin dessert that looks no different from a cake. Blackcurrants tolerate freezing well, so a cheesecake made from berries that have been in the freezer will not yield to a cottage cheese cake with fresh currants.

Ready cheesecake can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. It will be appreciated even by those who do not particularly like curd dishes, the cheesecake looks like a light berry soufflé, enclosed in a shell of grated chocolate and shortbread biscuits.


  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • frozen blackcurrant - 100 g;
  • cookies - 200 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp;
  • chocolate - 80 g.

How to make Berry Cheesecake No Bake

In this dessert, cottage cheese of medium and even low fat content may be present, the taste dominance will remain with blackcurrant. The cheesecake will have a rich berry flavor. Fresh berries are put in the cheesecake in summer, frozen in winter. The recipe is very simple, the products are simple and affordable. Gelatin is poured with cooled boiled water. The powder is stirred and left for 15-20 minutes for the grains to swell.

For the base of the cake, take the simplest and cheapest cookies. But it must be fresh. Break the cookies as shown in the photo.

With an immersion blender, turn the pieces of cookies into small crumbs.

Butter is melted in a water bath or just on the slowest fire.

When the butter has cooled to room temperature, stir in the biscuit crumbs.

A circle is cut out of baking paper, the bottom of a metal detachable form is covered. Crumbs are poured from above, tamped with a tablespoon or the bottom of a cup. The form with cookies can be put in the refrigerator while the currant filling is being prepared.

Cottage cheese spread in a deep container.

Add all the sugar.

They put sour cream. Sour cream fat content can be in the range of 10-20%.

Two-thirds of the berries are put into the curd to give the cheesecake a currant flavor and color. A third of the berries are set aside for the time being, they should remain intact.

Grind everything with a blender. The speed is the highest. You should get a delicate lilac mass with a homogeneous consistency.

Gelatin is heated to 80-90 degrees. You don't need to boil it. Heat gelatin only until the grains dissolve.

Wait 2-3 minutes until the temperature of the jelly solution drops slightly. Warm gelatin is poured in a stream into whipped lilac cottage cheese. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender for 30-40 seconds or mix vigorously with a fork. Throw out the remaining currants. Now the cottage cheese is gently stirred so that the whole berries are evenly distributed.

Lilac sweet cottage cheese is transferred into a mold. Spoon level the surface.


The form is covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

With a knife, run along the sides of the mold, separating the side surface of the cheesecake. Remove the sides of the detachable form.

cheesecake- cottage cheese (cheese) pie, a dish of European and American cuisine, one of the main ingredients of which is cream (or cottage cheese) cheese. Philadelphia cream cheese is usually used to make cheesecakes. We used Arla Natura curd cheese in our recipe. You can also use curd cheeses such as: Buko, Almette, etc., as long as it is without additives and does not contain vegetable fats.


For the base
  • shortbread cookies 300 g
  • butter 80 g
For filling
  • cream cheese 500 g
  • cream 33-35% 200 ml
  • sugar 150 g
  • fresh strawberries 400 g
  • gelatin 18 g
For jelly
  • Strawberry juice 250 ml
  • gelatin 10 g


Gelatin for the filling (18 grams), pour 100 ml of cold boiled water and leave for an hour.

Pour gelatin for jelly (10 grams) with strawberry juice and leave for an hour. Instead of strawberry, you can use any other red juice (for example, cherry), but it will be tastier if the jelly has a strawberry flavor.

Grind the cookies in a blender, you can also pass it through a meat grinder or just roll it out with a rolling pin.

You should get a homogeneous bulk mass, there should not be large unground pieces of cookies.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stovetop. If you melt the butter in the microwave, be careful not to let the oil overheat and boil, otherwise you will have to wash the microwave afterwards. Add the melted butter to the cookies and mix thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

Put the resulting mass into a detachable form with a diameter of 22-24 cm (you can use a form with a larger diameter, but then the cheesecake will be lower). Spread it evenly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe form and tamp well. Place the mold in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling.

Wash strawberries. It is better to wash the strawberries along with the stalks, if you tear them off before washing, then the berries without tails will absorb moisture and become watery and tasteless.

Separate 200-250 gr. the most beautiful berries for decoration, separate the rest of the strawberries from the stalks and cut into small pieces.

Heat the gelatin for the filling on the stove until completely dissolved. Cool down.

Whip cream with sugar until stiff peaks form. In order for the cream to whip, firstly, of course, it must be of good quality, and secondly, the cream must be very well chilled. And even better, the beaters and the container in which you will whisk are also cooled.

Add cream cheese, mix thoroughly.

Pour gelatin into the resulting mass, mix well.

Add the chopped strawberries and mix very gently with a whisk. Do not use a mixer, otherwise you can damage the berries and they will give juice. You need to interfere until the strawberries are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Spread the mixture on the cookie base.

Smooth the mass and put the mold in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. The mass should only grab a little so that you can put strawberries on it for decoration and it does not sink.

While the mass is setting, heat the gelatin for jelly, soaked in juice, on the stove until completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Cool down.

Cut the remaining strawberries for decoration into thin slices.

Carefully spread the strawberries over the entire surface of the cheesecake. Gently pour a thin layer of jelly that has cooled to room temperature between the berries with a tablespoon and put the mold back in the freezer for a few minutes. This is necessary so that the berries grab and do not float when we pour all the jelly onto the cake.

Pour the remaining jelly on top and refrigerate the cheesecake for 3-4 hours, preferably overnight.

To ensure that the edges of the cheesecake are smooth, before opening the detachable form, heat it with a hair dryer.

Strawberry cheesecake is ready. Enjoy your meal!

To prepare the dough, sift the flour twice in a bowl.

Grate frozen butter on a coarse grater and quickly mix it with flour so that each piece of butter is wrapped in flour.

Add egg and sugar.

To prepare the curd filling, put the cottage cheese in a deep bowl (it is better to use homemade cottage cheese, but if you use a store-bought one, you still need to take it with a high fat content) and grind it with a blender or through a fine sieve.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Pour sugar, a pinch of salt into the cottage cheese, add the yolks.

Using a mixer, bring the curd mass to a homogeneous state and pour in the cream.

Mix the curd mass again.

Whip the egg whites into a fluffy foam, put in the curd mass and carefully, slowly, mix.

The resulting curd filling will resemble thick sour cream in consistency.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Quickly roll it out into a layer 1 cm thick and line the walls and bottom of the baking dish with it (the form can not be lubricated, since the dough is oily).

Wash the berries and put on a napkin to remove excess liquid. If the berries are frozen, they must be thawed, excess liquid drained and only then used. Arrange the berries over the dough.

Spread curd on top.

Evenly distribute the curd mass over the surface and send the cheesecake to the preheated oven.

Bake cottage cheese cheesecake with berries for 50 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Curd cheesecake with berries is very tasty, delicate, fragrant, truly festive.

Enjoy your meal! Cook with love!

Before I finish the article about how to bake cheesecakes, I will tell you here another method that I discovered recently, and it is generally fire B-)


Ingredients10 cm15 cm18 cm20 cm
Cream cheese180gr.405gr.583gr.720gr.
Cream 33%13gr.30gr.42gr.52gr.
Berry puree*80gr.180gr.260gr.320gr.
The foundation∼55gr.∼130gr.∼185gr.∼230gr.

For the base, the weight is given for shortcrust pastry, or regular butter cookies. Biscuits ∼0.8 from the weight of the base, butter ∼ 0.2. Those. on a base of 15 cm per 130 grams you will need 130 * 0.8 \u003d 104 gr. cookies and 130 * 0.2 \u003d 26 gr. oils.

The basis can be any, because this recipe is a constructor, not an author's dessert, observing everything exactly to the variety and country of origin of the berries ...

I want to explain about puree separately. The main principle here is to bring it to a pleasant sweet and sour taste, and the consistency of liquid sour cream. Yes, and the berries / fruits themselves should be with their own taste and aroma, strong enough to kill the sourness of cream cheese, and not get lost in its background. Those. tasteless plastic strawberries from China will not work, no need to translate products.

  • I use strawberry puree just like that - grind with a blender, and go. I haven’t tried it with frozen berries - store-bought ones seem tasteless to me.
  • I add ∼10% sugar to raspberries and cherries (in excess of what is indicated in the recipe, and the weight of the puree turns out a little more), and I punch it with a blender. Used frozen store bought.
  • In blackcurrant puree, sugar can be added a little more ∼15-20% (also in excess of sugar in the recipe), but again, it depends on the variety. Used frozen store bought.
  • With passion fruit, you need to play around a bit. Passion fruit puree itself is liquid and sour - to use in the recipe, it needs to be slightly thickened with starch - by 80 gr. puree, I add 16 g (20%) sugar and 1 tsp. corn starch, diluted in 1 tsp. water, bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes at a power of 4 out of 9, stirring constantly so as not to burn. Boil it to get rid of the taste of starch. It’s not worth immediately diluting starch in a large volume of mashed potatoes - it will be difficult to stir it, and it will go lumpy - you will have to filter and twist it with a whisk.

I don’t like cherries, because we don’t have such a thing that you buy a kilogram of berries, and they are all bright, juicy with sweet and sour pulp - most often, it is sweetish-fresh - it’s just delicious to hamster, but everything is lost in baking.


0. Prepare the base and remove the cheese from the refrigerator in advance so that it reaches room temperature - this will make it easier to mix with other ingredients and there will be no lumps. I like to bake homemade shortcrust pastry base. You can still add nuts or nut flour to it (replace 20% of regular flour with 40% nut flour).

1. We set the oven to heat up to 120 ° C, turn on the teapot to warm up, find a heat-resistant dish, which we put on the bottom of the oven.

Mix cheese and sugar. If the volume of cheese is small, then you can immediately add eggs (shake the protein with the yolk with a fork, and measure the desired weight). If you cook for 18-20 cm or more, then it is better to introduce them one at a time - this way the mixture retains uniformity better, and it is easier to mix it.

I use a whisk here only because I do it by hand, and it mixes the ingredients better. I don't beat anything. If you have a mixer, use the “shovel” nozzle, otherwise you can blow air bubbles into the mass, which will expand when heated, and the cheesecake may crack.

2. Cooking puree. Wash / defrost berries, pierce with a blender. If necessary, add sugar or boil with starch. We need to get a pleasant taste and consistency of liquid sour cream. You can also rub it through a sieve to get rid of the seeds (raspberries, blackberries, etc.), but make sure that the final weight of the liquid part is the same as in the recipe, and not what remains)))

3. In turn, add mashed potatoes and cream to the cheese base, and mix well.

4. We wrap the form with foil so that it does not leak. At the bottom we lay out a circle of parchment, a cookie, pour the cheese layer.

5. Oven at 110-120 ° C, put a heat-resistant dish with boiling water on the bottom. Cheesecake on the middle shelf. Bake from 50 minutes or more - depends on the size of the cheesecake.

If you have a needle thermometer and can take the core temperature of a cheesecake, here's a hack to check if it's done. It is necessary to bake to a temperature of 62 ° C in the very center. Then you turn off the oven, and let it stand in it for another hour - it will heat up a little more, but it will not dry out and remain tender.

If there is no thermometer, the pitches are traditionally until the moment when the barrel is seized, and the middle is still shaking.

6. We take it out, cool it to room temperature, and let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours - this way it will become more dense and will ideally keep its shape when cutting.

MyTOP-3: strawberry, raspberry, passion fruit =P

I really like to cook fruit and curd desserts at this time of the year. Their presence in the daily diet not only fully satisfies the incomprehensible female passion for all kinds of sweets and pastries, but besides this, it is also a healthy dish, due to the presence of a large amount of dairy products, berries and fruits in it. And even more, I am pleased with the surprise and joy on the faces of my girlfriends, with whom we meet once a week to discuss the global situation in the world, country, city, district, street, entrance, stairwell, and we start it with a pleasant surprise, well, for example, in the form of such a simple cheesecake.

Servings: 12
Calories: medium calorie
Calories per serving: 445 kcal

To make this Berry Cheesecake, you will need:

To get the bottom layer:
Cookies - 300 g
Chocolate butter - 150 g
For cream:
Curd - 500 g
Sour cream - 300 g
Yogurt (mango) - 300 g
Cream 10% - 200 g
Sugar - 5 tablespoons
Vanilla - a pinch
Gelatin - 1.5 tbsp.
Strawberries - 300 g
For kissel:
Strawberries - 200 g
Here - 100 g
Sugar - 3 tablespoons
Water - 500 ml
Starch - 1.5 tablespoons

How to cook cottage cheese cheesecake with berries.

1. I have been buying cottage cheese for seven years from a kind villager and I take fine-grained, wet, smooth, such that there is no need to wipe it. But still, I use a blender to give the curd mass a more fluffy and smooth texture. For the top of the dessert, I used the jelly filling method, which was introduced to me by another kind woman Larisa, whom I met on this site. For jelly, I used strawberries and black mulberries and filled them with cherries. Here you can use other, convenient for you, berries and fruits.
2. Prepare the ingredients. Place cookies in a blender.

3. Grind cookies into small crumbs.
Melt butter over low heat.

4. Pour the liquid butter into the cookie crumbs. If the butter is very soft, you can combine it with crumbs without melting and mix with your hands until they are completely combined and homogeneous.
Put the resulting mass into a detachable form.

5. Tamp the crumb into one continuous layer, pressing hard with your fingers or palms.
Beat cottage cheese, granulated sugar, vanillin for 2-3 minutes with a blender.

6. Gradually, with constant stirring, pour in the yogurt.
Put sour cream in a separate bowl.

7. Add cream to whipped sour cream and mix at low speed for 30-40 seconds (you need to be more careful with the mixture - it splashes).

8. In a bowl with sour cream and cream, stirring, add the curd-yoghurt mass. Beat until smooth.
In advance, pour 100 ml of warm water onto the gelatin, leave until it swells (5-10 minutes), then put on the stove and dissolve over low heat, without boiling. Cool gelatin a little and pour into the total curd mass.

9. Put strawberries to taste in the form with cookies. (It turns out beautifully when the strawberries are large and along the sides of the form, laying out their halves after cooling the curd mass, a beautiful ornament is obtained. We are running out of strawberries and therefore I used small ones in this cheesecake). Carefully, so as not to disturb the internal pattern, pour the curd-gelatin mixture over the ladle into the mold.

10. Gradually pour the entire curd mass.
This is what an unchilled cheesecake looks like. It must be put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

11. To get jelly, you must first prepare compote from berries: put strawberries, mulberries (if you want to get a richer compote, use berries more than the prescribed norm) and granulated sugar in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, boil over low heat 2-3 minutes, insist. Strain warm compote.

12. Remove the chilled cheesecake from the refrigerator, decorate with berries to taste, return to the refrigerator.
To get a homogeneous jelly, I first put the starch in a saucepan and spoonful, stirring constantly,

I bring the mixture to homogeneity and then, stirring again, gradually add the rest of the compote.
Boil the jelly until thick and boil for another 2-3 minutes over low heat, avoiding a strong boil (I remind you that you need to constantly stir the jelly so that clots do not form).