Redcurrant and apple jam. Recipe for apple and currant dessert

Blackcurrant is aromatic and very healthy berry. It contains many useful vitamins, just eat a spoonful fragrant jam from this berry, you will fill your body with strength and energy for a long time.
Blackcurrant jam with apples, the recipe with a photo of which I offer you, turns out very tasty, its pleasant smell and delicate taste in the cold winter season they will remind you of the warm summer. To prepare this delicacy you do not need to be a professional, you just need to have on hand the ingredients from which the sweet delicacy is prepared. If you are interested in the recipe for making blackcurrant and apple jam, you can prepare it right now, and I, in turn, will help you step by step photos, in order to make it easier for you to prepare delicious and very aromatic jam.
The ingredients for preparing the delicacy are the most common, and I think they are clear from the name. These are apples and black currants. Naturally, to make it sweet and possibly thick (if you like that), you also need to add granulated sugar to it.
So, about the quantity of ingredients in detail:
- 250 grams of black currants (fresh, if in season; or frozen, if this berry is not in season),
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 2 or more apples.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Wash the blackcurrants. Then remove all the tails. Despite the fact that this procedure is long, it is mandatory if you want the jars to last all winter.
Place the washed berries in a container.

First wash the apples, then peel them, cut them and place them with the blackcurrants.

Add granulated sugar to the products.

Boil blackcurrant and apple jam over moderate heat. 10-15 minutes will be enough. If you like your jam to be thick, then cook it longer.

Place the finished jam into jars and screw on the lids.

Sourish green apples are ideal for cooking apple confiture; you can even collect carrion in the garden under the apple trees and cook them from these apples delicious confiture for the winter. Keep in mind that green apples contain more sour pectin than ripe sweet fruits, and it is pectin that gives confiture or jam a jelly-like consistency.
- green sour apples - 1 kg;
- black currant - 250 gr;
- sugar - 500 g (to taste);
- water - 1 glass;
- cinnamon, cardamom - 1 tsp each.


In this recipe for confiture, we will not peel the apples and remove the seeds. The peels of apples also contain a lot of pectin, and if the apples are boiled without peeling, then with this technology the confiture will turn out very thick, it can be used as a filling for pies, buns, bagels . We take small apples, slightly unripe, with a sour taste. We cut them into quarters or slices.

Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in a glass of water and bring to a boil. Stir several times so that the apples cook evenly.

When the apples soften slightly, cover the dish with a lid and cook the apples for about 30-40 minutes over low heat until completely softened.

Wash the blackcurrants and mash them with a masher.

Transfer the mashed berries to the pan with the apples. Cook for another 15 minutes.

Place the fruit and berry mass in small portions in a sieve or colander and wipe with a wooden spoon. We throw away the cake (if there is a lot of cake left, you can fill it with water, boil, strain and cook jelly in the broth).

Return the apple and currant puree to the pan. Add about half the sugar. Stir and cook the confiture over low heat for 10 minutes from the moment the buns appear on the surface.

Add the rest of the sugar to the confiture ground cinnamon and ground cardamom (optional). Continue cooking the confiture for another 10 minutes until thickened. During the cooking process, the confiture will acquire a rich color and thicken quickly. To prevent the sweet thick mass from sticking to the bottom, cook the confiture over low heat and stir occasionally.

It is better to take jars with a volume of 0.3 to 0.5 liters. Be sure to sterilize the containers and pour boiling water over the lids. Fill the jars with boiling confiture to the very top and immediately screw on the lids.

The finished confiture has a delicate structure, a pleasant sweet and sour taste with the aroma of spices. Jars of confiture are perfectly stored in room temperature. Shelf life up to two years.
Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

The benefits of black currant can hardly be overestimated. Moreover, they are useful not only fresh berries, since enough vitamins are retained in jam or jam to maintain our health in winter and early spring.

Blackcurrant berries for jam are taken sufficiently ripe, without signs of spoilage or rotting. In this case, the berries will retain their shape even after many months. And sugar and sealed containers prevent pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying.

The principle of making any jam is simple: berries or fruits are boiled in sugar syrup or in own juice with added sugar and then sealed in an airtight container glass containers. During the cooking process, it is better not to disturb the jam so that the fruits do not lose their shape, but it is important to ensure that delicious dessert did not burn to the sides of the pan. During cooking, sugar passes into the berries, and the liquid from the fruit into syrup. For blackcurrant jam, jams and jams, it is better to use small jars, no more than 0.5 liters in volume - they are eaten faster and are more convenient to work with.

If you plan to preserve other berries or fruits along with blackcurrants, it is important to calculate the sugar concentration, since the taste of the jam may be changed.

Thick jam

Thick, fragrant, jelly-like - this jam is made from black currants. In winter, putting a spoonful of jam in a cup of boiling water, we will drink with pleasure aromatic tea with black currants. In addition, blackcurrant jam is perfect as a filling for homemade cakes.

Time: 10 minutes + 12 hours for soaking the berries.
Yield: 2 jars of 500 ml


  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Having harvested a currant bush or brought berries from the market, the first thing you need to do is sort them out. Small twigs, leaves, and dry sepals can get into the berries. There is a very simple way to quickly get rid of this junk. Fill the currants with cool, clean water. Mix the berries in the water. Leaves, dry small twigs, and sepals from berries will immediately appear on the surface of the water, which we simply salt together with the water. Next, pouring handfuls of berries into other dishes, we collect the remaining large debris, which we then throw away.

Grind clean, sorted blackcurrant fruits in any way. This can be a blender, a meat grinder, or we thoroughly grind it in a mortar.

Sprinkle the grated currant mass with granulated sugar. Mix, distributing granulated sugar throughout the currant mass. Cover the container with the mixture of currants and sugar and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day, taking the mixture out of the refrigerator, put it on the stove. While stirring the future jam, heat it to a boil. Cook the currant jam for 10 minutes after boiling, skimming off the foam. Check the readiness of the jam by dripping it onto the saucer.

If the drop on the dish has frozen into a bead, then the jam is ready. Roll the dessert into sterilized jars. Turn them over, put them on the lids for 2 hours, and then return the jars to their normal position.

We store containers with currant jam in an apartment in a cool place.

With honey

We are used to making jam with the addition of regular sugar. But the delicacy will become even tastier and healthier if you replace the sugar with honey. This dessert has double benefits: useful material natural honey and black currant vitamins - why not a cure for colds and sore throats? It will turn out, of course, a little expensive, but it’s quite possible to roll up a couple of small jars for the winter, just in case “to heal and strengthen the immune system.”


  • 2 kg black currants;
  • 2 kg of light honey: acacia, linden, fireweed;
  • 1 glass of water.

How to cook

1. Remove the currants from the branches, pour into a basin, where to pour cold water. Dry sepals will float to the surface; remove them.

2. Rinse the berries, transfer them with a slotted spoon to a sieve and let any drops of water drain.

3. For the syrup, dilute the light honey with a glass of water and, stirring continuously, bring this mixture to a boil. Do all this over low heat.

Note: Why light honey? Firstly, it has a milder taste. Secondly, fruits cooked in it retain their natural color and original appearance. And thirdly, you need to know that dark varieties of honey are usually bitter, and this bitterness will invariably transfer to the jam.

4. Immediately add the berries to the syrup and continue cooking for 5 minutes, no longer, again stirring continuously. Cool the jam by covering the bowl with gauze, and then put it into small jars. Clean, boiled or scalded with boiling water.

5. Such jam does not need to be tightly sealed, but simply closed with screw caps. It stores well all season and is not candied.

To prevent the jam from becoming sugary over the winter, add citric acid or juice from half a lemon. Closing will also help prevent thickening. liquid jam hot.

With apples

Delicious and thick jam with the aroma of black currant and whole pieces of apples.

Time: 30 min.
Yield: 1 jar 0.5 l.


  • black currant - 0.3 kg;
  • apples - 0.3 kg;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • lemon - ¼ part.

To currant jam with apples it turned out delicious, sweet and aromatic, I bought ripe black currants and delicious fragrant apples at the market. Having placed the blackcurrant fruits in a colander, I wash them under running water. Then I sort through the berries, discarding spoiled fruits and small debris. If there are berries on twigs, I remove the twigs. I immediately sort the selected part of the berries into a plate.

Having finished with the berries, I pour in all the sugar that is specified in the recipe. I'm grinding black currant with sugar using a wooden pestle.

I wash the apples. Then I cut the apples into quarters to remove the core with hard wings and seeds.

After removing all excess from the apple slices, I cut them into small pieces. I have apples with soft and thin skin, so I decided not to remove it. If the apples have thick and tough skin, you will have to peel it.

I pour the chopped black currants with sugar into a cooking vessel and put it on the stove. I keep the heat low, since according to this recipe the jam is cooked immediately, without first infusing the berry mass with sugar. This means that the sugar did not have time to melt in the berry juice, and in order to avoid the sugar burning to the bottom of the cooking bowl, the process of heating the mass should not be fast. When heating the currant mixture with sugar, I stir it often with a wooden spatula. I cook the currant mass for 5 minutes.

Now I pour the chopped apple pieces into the currant mass and mix.

I squeeze the juice out of a quarter of a lemon. By adding to lemon juice a little water, pour it into the jam. Now that all the ingredients have been added to the jam, I cook the jam for 15 minutes, avoiding a strong boil, stirring it with a wooden spatula. When cooking the jam, there was no foam in the cup, but when foam appears, it must be collected and removed. I put hot currant jam with apples from a cooking bowl into a container prepared for canning (I prepare jars and lids for them as usual: I thoroughly wash and sterilize). Having sealed the jam, I tip the jar upside down to cool.

The photo shows that the jam is thick, and the apple pieces are not softened. This jam is convenient to use for home baking.

Enjoy your tea with fragrant currant and apple jam.

In order for blackcurrant jam to succeed, it is important to determine the end of cooking. I advise grandmothers to determine readiness by the foam that forms in the center of the pan, but does not spread around the edges. The berries do not float to the top, but are distributed evenly throughout the syrup. Also, the readiness of the jam is determined by dripping it onto a plate - the mass does not spread and holds its shape.

Mashed version

The best treat for children is jam that does not contain skins or seeds. This dessert can be eaten with tea, with cookies, put as a filling in baked goods - in any form delicious jam from black currant will bring considerable benefits.


  • two kg black currant berries
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  • half a glass of water

Fragrant, beautiful appearance and very, very tasty! We are talking about a vitamin delicacy that every housewife can prepare in her kitchen - blackcurrant and apple jam. The ensemble of these fruits gives excellent results - the jam made from them contains a lot useful vitamins and microelements. In the cold season, when there is a season of colds and infectious diseases, such a sweet “medicine” should be present on every table, because currants and apples are rich in vitamins C, A, D, glucose, and iron.

Making blackcurrant and apple jam at home is not difficult at all if you use our recipes.

Blackcurrant and apple jam: classic recipe

Product set:

  • 1 kg of ripe apples;
  • 1 kg of black currant berries;
  • 6 large glasses (200 ml each) sugar;
  • 500 ml water.

Cooking instructions

Wash the apples in running water, cut off the damaged areas on them, remove the core. We sort the currants, cut off the dry ends, and wash them. Grind apples and berries through a meat grinder. Add sugar and water to the fruit and berry mixture and mix. When all the sugar has melted, pour the mixture into a saucepan with a thick bottom and set to simmer over low heat. After half an hour from the start of boiling, turn off the jam and leave to harden for several hours. Next, bring the mixture to a boil again, stirring all the time, not letting it burn. When the jam reaches your desired thickness, turn off the heat. Pour the jam into sterile jars and close. For long-term storage We seal the workpiece with metal caps. If the jam will be consumed immediately, you can store it in the refrigerator under a nylon lid.

Blackcurrant and apple jam with citrus fruits

The citrus notes present in the delicacy, the recipe for which is presented below, give it a special piquancy. And there are many more vitamins in such jam.

Product set:

  • 300 g black currants;
  • 300 g of sweet apples;
  • 1/4 pcs. lemon;
  • 1/4 pcs. orange;
  • 2 fresh mint leaves;
  • 500 g sugar.

Cooking instructions

Wash all the fruits and dry them on a towel. Cut the apples into small slices. We clean the currants from dry ends and pass them through a meat grinder, grinding the citrus fruits along with them. Pour the fruit puree into the pan and dissolve the sugar in it. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, and add the apples. Cook the jam over low heat for a quarter of an hour, stirring it constantly. Before turning off the heat, add mint leaves to the treat. Pour the jam into a sterile glass container and seal it.

Today we suggest preparing a very tasty blackcurrant confiture; a recipe for the winter with apples is both simple and interesting. Its consistency is very thick, tender and silky. Apples, thanks to their pectin content, will make our delicacy thick. Already at the end of cooking, the consistency will be visible, and after cooling it will become even thicker and denser. This confiture can be stuffed oven pies, you can use it as a filling for shortbread, it can also be added to morning porridge, cheesecakes, pancakes or pancakes.

- black currant – 300 g,
- apples – 3 pcs.,
- sugar – 300 g.

We choose apples of any variety; we decided to give preference to a mixed composition - apple-pear. Wash the apples under running cool water and wipe dry. We cut each apple lengthwise into two parts, cut out the seeds and partitions. Leave the apple skins in place. Now cut the apples into arbitrary pieces, such that they fit into the hole in the meat grinder.

We sort out the currants, put selected berries in a bowl, fill them with cool water, remove any floating leaves and dry twigs. Drain the water and dry the berries.

Now we need a meat grinder and a blender, first we pass currants and apples through the meat grinder, select a mesh with the smallest holes. Place the crushed mass into a blender bowl and beat at high speed. As a result, we get a homogeneous thick puree. This puree can be frozen in portioned molds.

Transfer the currant and apple puree into a saucepan with thick walls.

Add the measured amount granulated sugar. Mix everything and put it on the stove. Based on your taste preferences, you can add your favorite spices to the berry and fruit puree.

Setting the burner to medium heat, cook the jam for about 12-15 minutes. We make sure that our delicacy does not boil too much; we also stir it several times to avoid burning. The jam changed a little in color, thanks to the currants it became a rich dark color, the consistency was thick. In order to be one hundred percent sure that the jam is smooth, we additionally punch it with an immersion blender. After this process, boil the jam for another minute.

We prepare jars for confiture in advance - wash them thoroughly, sterilize them over steam or in the oven. Boil the lids in boiling water for five minutes. Place the hot jam in the jars, tighten the lids tightly, and cool upside down under a blanket. Place the remaining jam in a bowl and take a sample after it has cooled. We store the workpiece in a closet or pantry.

Enjoy your meal!

It turns out no less tasty