Meat marinated with kiwi recipe. Recipe: Pork kebab with kiwi - mineral water

If you deviate from traditional and other available acidic liquids, then you can significantly diversify your menu for outdoor recreation.

With the appearance of a small green exotic on our shelves, pork and kiwi skewers have become a favorite for many connoisseurs pork meat grilled on charcoal.

If you puree it, then in just a couple of hours, and under certain conditions even less, it will even tough meat soft and gentle.

Marinade with kiwi for pork does not add flavor to the meat at all, but softens it very much due to the content of the enzyme actinidin, which breaks down proteins and promotes the digestion of food. The same enzyme is also found in.

Kebab in kiwi is one of the most delicious pork kebabs. Checked!

The main thing is not to marinate chopped meat pieces in it for more than 2 hours, otherwise the structure of the meat may spread into fibers.

If you didn’t have time to marinate the barbecue in advance, but you don’t want to buy a store-bought one, then this one will come in handy for you. quick recipe. Pork is suitable for quick pickling never better. It absorbs the marinade well and becomes soft pretty quickly.


  • 1 kg pork neck
  • 2 kiwi
  • 2 onions
  • Salt pepper

How to marinate meat skewers with kiwi

1. Cut the meat into medium pieces so that it is convenient to put them on the skewers.

2. Kiwi wash, peel and mash into puree.

3. Cut the onion into rings.

4. Mix the meat, kiwi and onion with your hands. Salt and pepper.

5. Press down with a load and leave for 30-40 minutes.

You can fry pork in kiwi, as you usually fry shish kebab.

Pork skewers with kiwi and lemon

This gourmet kiwi kebab is prepared in a European manner even without onions.


  • pork neck - 1 kg
  • kiwi - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sprigs of thyme - 3 pcs.
  • pepper mixture - 1/2 teaspoon
  • salt to taste

How to soak meat in kiwi

1. Cut the pork meat into 3x4 cm pieces. Add salt and pepper to the meat to taste.

2. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze out the juice, cut the rest and send everything to the pork.

3. Grind kiwi in a blender or grate. Kiwi should be added to the barbecue last, along with thyme. Stir and leave for 1-1.5 hours.

When frying meat, throw a lemon from the marinade into the coals - it will give a pleasant touch to the barbecue.

Pork skewers with kiwi marinade

Using this marinade for barbecue with kiwi, we get the most tender and delicious meat. The method is not very common.


  • 1 kg pork
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 lemon
  • black ground pepper
  • paprika
  • chopped cilantro

Kiwi barbecue recipe

1. Cut the pork, salt, add spices and herbs, salt.

2. Chop the onion in a blender.

3. Peel the lemon from the skin, cut into pieces and also chop into gruel, mix with onions.

4. Pour the pork with this mixture, mix well. Leave until morning in the refrigerator.

5. An hour before frying, add kiwi puree to the meat and mix. We fry.

If you like meat dishes cooked on charcoal, recipes for soaking kiwi skewers will come in handy. Be sure to try!

Whether you get a successful barbecue depends largely on the composition of the marinade used. If it does not contain products that soften meat and prevent protein from folding during heat treatment You can be sure that your barbecue will come out tough and dry. Acids have the desired effect on meat, so vinegar or kefir is often included in the barbecue marinade. However, do not forget about fruit acids that have similar properties. Some of the fruits are even more effective than vinegar. Kiwi is one of them. For this reason, kiwi barbecue marinade has become more and more popular lately. On the one hand, it is universal, as it helps to soften any meat, on the other hand, it has many recipes that allow you to choose the composition that is most suitable for the type of meat that you use. In the piggy bank recipes it does not hurt to have records of the preparation of marinade with kiwi for different types meat. In this case, a spontaneous desire to fry kebabs will never take you by surprise.

Cooking features

Cooking kebabs is an art, but everyone can learn the basics of skill. After all, there are not so many secrets here, and the rules for choosing meat for barbecue and marinating it are simple enough to follow. Following the advice of professionals, you will never cook a hard and dry kebab - it will always be juicy and tender.

  • The first step is to choose the right meat for the barbecue. Whether it will be lamb, pork, beef or poultry, it does not matter. Only quality matters. You should not buy meat that has a stale appearance, an unpleasant odor, hoping that all microbes will be destroyed during the marinating process. Prepare from spoiled meat delicious barbecue impossible. In addition, the risk of poisoning them will continue even after keeping it in the marinade.
  • Even high-quality meat for barbecue should not be taken if it has been frozen. When defrosting, even in the most ideal conditions its structure will inevitably change and it will become drier. If this does not play a significant role when extinguishing, then when frying on charcoal, it can be critical. So preference should be given to fresh or chilled meat.
  • Despite the fact that kiwi greatly softens meat fibers, it is better to take the meat of young animals for barbecue. In any case, it will be more tender and tastier, it will cook faster, while maintaining juiciness.
  • Usually, meat for barbecue is marinated for a long time, from 3 to 10-12 hours. However, when using kiwi marinade, it must be significantly reduced. It is enough to marinate meat with kiwi for 1-2 hours. If you hold the meat in this marinade for a longer time, it will be so soft that it will spread in your hands and turn into porridge.
  • Do not marinate meat for barbecue in aluminum dishes. This rule is relevant not only when using kiwi marinade. Any other composition containing acidic products will cause a reaction with aluminum, resulting in the release of harmful substances. Therefore, meat for barbecue is marinated in glass, ceramic, enameled containers, as well as in stainless steel dishes.
  • Soft meat is not necessarily juicy. The task of the cook when marinating meat for barbecue is not only to soften it, but also to preserve its juiciness. For this reason, you do not need to put salt in the marinade right away: it draws liquid from the products. You can salt the meat just before stringing the pieces on skewers.

When choosing a marinade for kiwi skewers, pay attention to what type of meat it is intended for. In this case ready meal will have the most harmonious taste.

Marinade for pork with kiwi

  • pork tenderloin - 2 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • red dry wine - 50 ml;
  • mineral water with gas - 0.25 l;
  • dried basil, thyme, rosemary - to taste;
  • seasoning for barbecue, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare meat for marinating. For this pork tenderloin wash, dry with paper towels, cut into pieces weighing about 50 g.
  • Mix dried herbs with barbecue seasonings. Pour the aromatic mixture into the bowl with the meat. Mix it well so that the herbs and seasonings get on each piece.
  • Peel the onion. Cut it into rings about 3-4 mm thick. Crush with your hands and add to the meat. Stir.
  • Peel the kiwi and cut into small pieces. Put to the meat and mix gently, distributing the kiwi as evenly as possible.
  • Mix the mineral water with wine and pour the meat with the resulting liquid.

Marinate pork in a composition prepared according to this recipe, you need when room temperature 1.5–2 hours. Half an hour before the end of this period, salt the meat and mix. Remember that overexposing meat in a kiwi marinade is just as undesirable as underexposing it - in both cases, the consequences will not be the most pleasant.

Marinade with kiwi for beef

  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 150 g;
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the beef pulp, blot with a towel, cut into pieces of 4–5 cm.
  • Remove the husks from the onions, cut them into thin half rings. Remember that the onion will give juice, and put it to the meat.
  • Pour pepper into a bowl with meat, mix, evenly distributing pepper and onion.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomato, peel it. Rub the tomato pulp through a sieve or chop with a blender.
  • Peel the kiwi and mash it too.
  • Mix chopped kiwi with tomato puree. Be sure to pour the extracted juice into this mass.
  • Add fruit and vegetable puree to the meat, mix it well so that this mixture covers each piece.

It is necessary to marinate beef in the resulting composition a little longer than any other meat, namely 2.5–3 hours. It is better to keep it in the refrigerator at this time. No other marinade will prepare beef for grilling as quickly as a kiwi marinade.

Marinade for lamb with kiwi

  • lamb - 1.5 kg;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • fresh herbs - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 0.2 l;
  • mineral water - 0.5 l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, cut into pieces suitable for barbecue. Place in a saucepan or bowl.
  • Peel the onion, cut each onion into several pieces, put in a blender bowl and mash.
  • Peel and chop the kiwi with a blender, mix with onions.
  • Make cross cuts on the tomatoes, dip in boiling water for a minute, cool and peel. Break the tomato pulp with a blender, combine with onions and kiwi.
  • Crush the garlic in a bowl of fruit and vegetable puree.
  • Add oil, mineral water, spices. Mix well.
  • Pour the resulting mass of meat. Stir so that the marinade covers each piece.

After an hour and a half, the meat can be salted, mixed and started to string on skewers. Chop the greens to sprinkle on the cooked kebab. If desired, it can also be added to the marinade, in which case the meat will be even more aromatic.

Marinade with kiwi for chicken skewers

  • chicken fillet - 0.8 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper - 0.25 kg;
  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • ground pepper and coriander, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the chicken fillet, dry it, cut into large pieces.
  • Peel the kiwi, cut into 4 parts, puree with a blender.
  • Peel the onions, cut each into 4 parts, chop with a blender, mix with kiwi puree.
  • Wash the pepper, remove the stalk and seeds. Grind the pulp with a blender, combine with onions and kiwi.
  • Add spices to the puree of kiwi and vegetables, mix.
  • Pour marinade over chicken pieces, leave for an hour. You need to salt the meat before stringing it on skewers, not earlier.

Keeping chicken in a kiwi marinade for more than an hour is not worth it. According to the same recipe, you can also pickle a turkey, but in this case, the marinating time should be increased to 1.5–2 hours.

Marinade for barbecue with kiwi allows you to prepare meat for frying on coals very quickly. This a good option if the desire to have a picnic in nature arose spontaneously. It is only important to study the basic rules for marinating meat for barbecue and choose a recipe that is suitable for the meat that you are going to fry.

Keeping any meat in a kiwi marinade for too long is not worth it. The meat will lose structure and become like minced meat. Do not neglect the advice and then unique taste kiwi marinade will conquer you forever. The marinating time indicated in the recipes is optimal for each type of meat. Remember: less is possible, more is impossible. This is not a whim. This is a tip that will help you gain a reputation as an excellent hostess.

For marinades from wine, it is better to use dry varieties of red wines. Thanks to this wine, the meat acquires a seductive color and aroma. In addition, even if you were not sold the most “fresh”, the marinade will get rid of the extra rigidity of the old meat.

Pork skewers with kiwi

Pork kebab with kiwi is easy to cook. Everyone who tries such meat will ask you for this magical recipe.

Would need:

  • pork tenderloin - 2 kg;
  • onions - 5 pieces;
  • kiwi fruits - 3 pieces;
  • red dry wine - 3 tablespoons;
  • mineral water - 1 glass;
  • basil;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • spices for barbecue;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into equal pieces of medium size. Place in a bowl to marinate.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk and cut into half rings, as thick as the hand will take. Lightly mash to release juice.
  3. Add onion to meat. Sprinkle in spices and salt to taste.
  4. Pour red wine over meat and onion.
  5. Clean the kiwi and finely chop.
  6. Pour the future barbecue mineral water and stir. The marinade should cover the pieces of meat.
  7. Marinate at room temperature for 2-3 hours.
  8. Lay closely on the grill.

Beef kebab with kiwi and onion

Beef is known to be a tough meat. This is so until you decide to cook beef skewers with. After all, the acid contained in the fruit will soften even old meat and make it juicy, tasty and aromatic.

Would need:

  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the meat. Wash, remove films and tendons. Cut into medium sized pieces. Place in a bowl to marinate.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk and cut into half rings. Mash to release juice.
  3. Add onion to meat. Salt to taste.
  4. Cut the tomato into random pieces.
  5. Peel and cut the kiwi into slices.
  6. Add onion, tomato and kiwi to meat. Mix thoroughly. The marinade should cover the pieces.
  7. Marinate no more than four hours. Otherwise, the meat will turn into minced meat.
  8. Place the pieces of meat on the skewers so that there is a small gap between the pieces.
  9. Grill over charcoal until nicely browned. It is easy to check readiness: stick a knife or fork into the meat and, if the juice is clear, the meat is ready.

Juicy lamb kebab in kiwi

You can not miss the barbecue with kiwi. Let this meat be considered ideal for barbecue, but not everyone can cook it correctly. Now you will see that it is easy to prepare a marinade for lamb kiwi skewers and you don’t need to be a top-class cook for this.

We will need:

  • lamb pulp - 600 gr;
  • kiwi fruit - 1 piece;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • a bunch of greens to your taste;
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
  • mineral water - 1 glass;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Stir. The marinade should cover the pieces.
  2. Clean the kiwi and finely chop. Put on the meat.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon there. Add mineral water and oils.
  4. Add chopped onion, tomato, garlic and herbs to the meat.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
  7. Make a cross-shaped incision on the tomato and pour boiling water over it. Peel off the skin and mash with a blender.
  8. Peel the onion from the husk and chop with a blender.
  9. Wash the meat, remove the films and tendons. Cut into medium pieces. Put in a bowl.
  10. Place the pieces of meat on the skewers so that there is a small gap between the pieces.
  11. Grill over charcoal until nicely browned. It is easy to check readiness: stick a knife or fork into the meat and, if the juice is clear, the meat is ready.

Shashlik - very tasty meat dish. It is believed that it should be prepared by male representatives. Probably, these are echoes of ancient times, when a man was a breadwinner in the truest sense of the word, and all food was cooked on a fire. But the fair sex can quite adequately cope with this task.

Recipe for kebabs with kiwi

This is an easy way to marinate meat, which is suitable when it needs to be marinated quickly. That is, if you want to taste barbecue in a couple of hours (and usually meat is marinated for several hours), then we suggest you fry barbecue with kiwi.

Required Ingredients:

2 kg of pork;

2 heads of onion;

1 kiwi fruit;

Fresh parsley, tarragon, basil, dill;

2 bay leaves;

Spices (ground black pepper, coriander).


For quick marinade we need pork meat. Of course, it is better to use the neck part for this. Kebabs with kiwi are prepared from medium-sized meat pieces. We wash the meat, cut off the parts that we didn’t like, cut into pieces across the fibers. Properly cut pork allows you to ultimately get good barbecue- kiwi will give it a piquant taste. We put the meat in enameled dishes.

We clean the onion from the husk and cut into thin half rings. We separate the semicircles of the bow. Add to meat.

We take several sprigs of parsley, tarragon, basil, dill. Chop and throw into a bowl. wash, break into several pieces and also spread to the meat.

Sprinkle the meat with spices and salt. We peel the kiwi, grind it on a grater, add it to the meat and mix everything thoroughly so that the onion juice enriches the meat. From that moment on, it marinates. In this form, kebabs with kiwi should be about half an hour. If in this composition from the neck for a long time, then the fruit acid will greatly soften the meat. It will be inconvenient to fry it, the taste and density will change. If you do not overexpose the meat in a fruit marinade, then the kiwi will not add any extraneous taste, but will only make the pork softer.

This recipe can be used for other types of meat as well. So, if during the cooking process it turned out that the meat is tough, then adding kiwi may well save the dish. Kebabs with kiwi can be cooked from pork from other parts of the carcass. There, the quality of the meat is different - it is more rigid. Therefore, it should be marinated longer - from 30 to 50 minutes. And if you marinate the meat of other animals in such a sauce, then you need to keep it before frying even longer. Lamb should be marinated with kiwi for up to 60 minutes, and beef - up to 90.

Marinated meat is strung on skewers or laid out on a fire grate. It is better to remove onions, herbs and bay leaves from the pieces of meat in the marinade, since these components burn during cooking. The meat is fried, as usual, on hot coals.

We also offer a dressing for fried barbecue. Cut the peeled onion into half rings, add your favorite fresh herbs (parsley and tarragon will do just fine). You can drizzle green-onion seasoning with balsamic vinegar. Mix well and put on top of the kebabs with kiwi.

Traditionally, barbecue is served on the table with fresh vegetables, pita bread and sauces.

Bon appetit!

Galina Kotyakhova sent a recipe for shish kebab without vinegar to the Notebook, pork kebab with kiwi and mayonnaise is being prepared. The barbecue marinade according to this recipe with kiwi and mayonnaise makes the meat very tender and juicy, this allows you to marinate in it not only pork and chicken, but also tougher and leaner meat, such as turkey, lamb and even beef.

Many people love fried meat - barbecue on coals. Everyone has their own recipe
cooking barbecue, but to cook a delicious and tender barbecue, for this you need to choose the right meat. As you know in Russia, the most popular meat for shish kebab is pork. It should be fresh, in extreme cases bought on the market and frozen. Meat is preferably with small layers of fat, and it will add juiciness to the kebabs. In all respects, the neck part is suitable for pork kebab pork carcass. I want to offer my recipe for barbecue without vinegar in a marinade of onions, kiwi and mayonnaise.

barbecue recipe without vinegar

For a delicious recipe tender barbecue from pork we need the following products:

  • 2.5 kg fresh pork meat (neck)
  • 6 medium onions
  • 4 kiwi,
  • Mayonnaise -200 gr,
  • ground black pepper,
  • barbecue spices,
  • salt - to taste
  • 3 bay leaves,
  • zira,
  • ketchup,
  • parsley and dill,
  • lettuce and vegetables.

How to marinate kebab in kiwi and mayonnaise

Before cooking barbecue on coals, the meat must be marinated. To do this, take a piece, rinse with water, clean from films and cut into large pieces, no smaller than a matchbox in size. If the pork is fresh and especially steamy, then it does not need a long marinade, but only a short soak, so that the meat acquires the aroma of all the spices. Let's move on to soaking. The meat is already cut into pieces.

Now we cut the onion into rings, salt it right on the board and mix it so that the onion gives juice, it will help soften the meat during the soaking process.

Now we put the meat in an enamel bowl, add salted onions, ground black pepper, spices, zira and cut kiwi into circles, so it will help marinate the kebab meat without vinegar, add mayonnaise there.

We mix everything and put it in the cold, our kiwi marinade allows you to quickly marinate meat for barbecue, in just 30 minutes, because. kiwi contains acid, which can "burn" the meat very quickly. To prevent this from happening, the brazier should already be ready for frying kebabs, and we should remove the kiwi from the meat if it marinates a little longer.

Let's start stringing shish kebab meat on a skewer. We put the pieces of pork evenly, it is not necessary to press very tightly. Onions can not be planted, as it can burn. But everyone has their own additions.

And so, I think, the men kindled the brazier and the coals burned out, it's up to the meat. We lay the skewers at a height of -20 cm from the coals and begin to fry the kebab, periodically turning it over.

Well-marinated meat should be fried for 15 minutes and reach a golden color; it is not recommended to overcook the kebab.

Finally, the barbecue in an unusual marinade with kiwi and mayonnaise is ready.

Serve on a platter without removing from skewers. Red wine goes with barbecue

and also served tomato sauce, ketchup, vegetables and herbs. This recipe makes it possible to cook a juicy and tasty kebab without vinegar.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Video recipe for another unusual marinade for pork and lamb barbecue from the YouTube channel from chef Anton Ershov

Marinade for barbecue without vinegar from mineral water, kiwi, onions and tomatoes