Cutlets technological map. Cutlet meat technological map

Homemade cutlet, 1 serving, semi-prepared

Technical and technological map No.

Homemade cutlet, 1 serving, semi-prepared (CP-recipe No. 658)

Publishing house "Economy", Moscow 1983


This technical and technological map applies to homemade cutlet, produced in name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking homemade frozen cutlets, semi-prepared, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

Goodness meat determined by organoleptic, chemical and bacteriological examination of the carcass, its parts or individual organs.

When organoleptically assessing meat, it is determined appearance and color, consistency, smell, condition of subcutaneous and bone fat, condition of tendons, quality of broth after cooking meat.

Meat good quality characterized by the following indicators:

  • The surface of the cutlet meat pieces should have a dry pale pink or pale red crust. Fat inclusions are evenly distributed throughout the meat piece.
  • When cut, the meat should be slightly moist, but not sticky. Meat juice is clear. The consistency of the cut is dense and elastic; the pits formed when pressing with your fingers should quickly level out.
  • The smell of good quality meat is pleasant and characteristic of pork.

Diet eggs or table ones with bright orange yolks.

White wheat bread– molded or loaf. It is better to use stale bread.

Onions, sautéed for minced meat, freshly prepared.

Raw materials are prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for enterprises Catering and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Pork cutlet meat (cleaning act)
Onions, sautéed for minced meat, semi-prepared
Chicken eggs1/10 pcs0,00 5,0 0,00 5,0
White bread5,1 2.00 (grinding)5,0 0,00 5,0
Water6,0 50.00 (spin)3,0 0,00 3,0
Salt0,5 0,00 0,5 100,00 0,0
Ground black pepper0,1 0,00 0,1 100,00 0,0
Breadcrumbs7,5 20,00 6,0 0,00 6,0
Exit 80 g
Homemade cutlets are prepared in the same way as beef cutlets, but with the addition of beef fat (in the minced meat and, possibly, during holidays, pouring it over the homemade cutlet) and other standards for laying out the components of the dish. First, a cutlet mass is obtained from the appropriate cutlet meat, milk, bread, salt and spices (black pepper), thoroughly mixing all the components. Then, from the finished cutlet mass, products of an oval-flattened shape with a pointed end are cut - cutlets (the cutlets are made of a round-flattened shape with a thickness of 2 to 2.5 cm, and schnitzels are made of a flat-oval shape with a thickness of 1 cm). Cutlets, meatballs, and schnitzels can be prepared with the addition of onions from 5 to 10 grams net, and garlic from 0.5 to 1 gram net. In this case, the yield of products does not change, since the rate of milk or water decreases accordingly. The formed semi-finished products are breaded in breadcrumbs and immediately sent to heat treatment or placed in the refrigerator to cool to +6°C. It is recommended to fry minced cutlet products immediately before release. Semi-finished products are placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160°C and fried for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms; it is possible to finish cooking in an oven at a temperature of 250-280°C (5-7 minutes ). When the products are released, they are garnished and topped with fat or sauce. Cutlets and meatballs are sold in 2 or 1 pieces, schnitzels - 1 piece per serving. Side dishes for these dishes include crumbly porridge, boiled beans, pasta boiled, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat, stewed cabbage, complex side dish. It is possible to serve sauces with cutlets, schnitzels and meatballs - red main, onion, red with onions and cucumbers, onion with mustard, sour cream, sour cream with tomato, sour cream with onions. For the production of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - the flesh of the neck, flank and trimmings resulting from cutting the carcass, as well as trimmings from category II carcasses: lamb, goat meat, veal - the flesh of the neck and trimmings; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp must be cleared of tendons and coarse connective tissue. This kind of meat is called cutlet. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5-10%) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. Pork cutlet meat is allowed to contain no more than 30% fatty tissue and no more than 5% connective tissue. In cutlet meat made from beef, lamb and veal, the content of both fat and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.

Heat treatment

Table 3 Heat treatment

Technological diagram for preparing meat cutlets

The technological process consists of the following operations: preparation of raw materials, preparation of minced meat, molding of semi-finished products, storage and sale.

Preparation of raw materials. Cutlet meat is ground in a meat grinder, bread is soaked in water or milk. Then the chopped meat is combined with soaked bread and passed through a meat grinder again. When preparing Moscow, Domashny and Kyiv cutlets, onions are chopped together with meat and bread, and for meatballs, onions are finely chopped and sautéed. Pre-prepare minced meat for rolls (boiled pasta, chopped boiled eggs, sauteed onions) and zraz (chopped sautéed onions and herbs, chopped boiled eggs). Dried onions are pre-soaked.

Preparation of minced meat. The prepared raw materials are loaded into a minced meat mixer according to the recipe, salt, pepper, water are added and mixed thoroughly (4-6 minutes). When producing semi-finished products in small quantities, the minced meat is mixed and beaten by hand. During the mixing process, the components are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the minced meat, the water is bound by the destroyed structures of muscle tissue (muscle bundles and individual fibers, scraps of connective tissue, blood and lymphatic vessels) and crushed bread.

Minced meat structure. Minced meat is a complex dispersion system in which the role of a dispersion medium is played by an aqueous solution of proteins, low molecular weight organic and inorganic substances, and the dispersed phase is scraps (particles) of muscle, connective and adipose tissue, as well as bread and other components. The particles in the minced meat are interconnected by molecular adhesion forces and form a continuous three-dimensional network or a kind of spatial frame. At the same time, the particles are connected with the dispersion medium with which they form a single whole, and part of the dispersion medium is connected with the particles of the dispersed phase more firmly than the particles are with each other.

Structure minced meat(natural or with fillers), i.e. its internal structure and the nature of the interaction of individual particles are determined chemical composition, biochemical indicators, temperature, dispersion, state of aggregation and a number of technological factors.

An important characteristic of raw minced meat is stickiness, which is determined by the amount of protein dissolved in the aqueous phase. Stickiness determines the cohesiveness of the structure of the finished minced meat.

The properties of minced meat depend on its composition, the degree of grinding, humidity, the nature and concentration of water-soluble substances, the water-binding ability of the minced meat components and the strength of the bond between dispersed particles.

The degree of grinding of raw meat determines the nature of the destruction of the cellular structure and the transition to environment intracellular structural elements, as well as the size of dispersed particles.

With an increase in the degree of grinding, the dispersion of particles and the proportion of dissolved protein in the dispersion medium increase, which increases the water-binding ability of minced meat. The latter also depends on the quality of the original meat raw materials and, first of all, on its pH. Meat with a high pH value (6.2 or more) is able to retain a significant amount of water. When introducing bread, other starch-containing products (cereals, starch, etc.), protein products (protein isolates, eggs, etc.) into minced meat, the water-binding capacity of the system increases. An increase in the proportion of strongly bound water leads to an increase in strength properties in the system, which is undesirable. Therefore, the amount of water added when preparing minced meat should be such that raw minced meat It molded well and the finished product was tender and juicy. When producing chopped semi-finished meat products, the amount of water is determined by the recipe, but to obtain a high-quality finished product, it is necessary to take into account the quality of raw meat and additives (their water-binding ability).

Forming semi-finished products. The finished minced meat is dosed, shaped and breaded in breadcrumbs using automatic machines (AK-2M-40, MFK-2240, etc.) or manually. Semi-finished products produced on automatic machines have round shape, and those made by hand are oval-flattened.

The finished semi-finished products are placed in a frying pan heated with fat, fried on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven.


Equipment for preparing meat cutlets


Electric meat grinder

Electric stove


Refrigerator cabinet

Tabletop dial scales

Production table

Washing tubs

Cutting chair


Tools and equipment used in preparing meat cutlets


Cutting boards marked "MS", "OS", "Greens"


Knives marked "MS", "OS", "Green".

Safety rules when preparing meat cutlets

1. All equipment operating on electric current must have proper grounding

2. Posters on the rules for operating the machine should hang near the machines.

3. There should be rubber mats near cars

4. Before using the meat grinder, you need to check the idle speed

6. Use only a wooden pestle to push the meat into the meat grinder.

7. Production tables and baths should have rounded corners

8. When working with a knife (with a well-secured handle), be careful: hold your hands and knife correctly

9. The surface of the slab must be smooth, without cracks or gaps. There should be handrails around the slab

10. Stovetop cookware must have tightly secured handles and a flat bottom.

11. Move dishes with liquid along the surface of the stove carefully, without jerking

12. Place food in water or hot fat away from you

13. Open the lid of the cookware toward you

14. Potholders must be dry

Carrying out calculations for the production of any semi-finished products largely faces one significant problem, namely difficulties in determining the real cost of manufactured products. The reason for the difficulties is the same factor that determines the prospects for small businesses in this segment, namely the “flexibility” of the business. By the definition of “flexibility” we are talking, first of all, about the ability to very quickly change the recipes of manufactured products and literally adapt to the current market conditions. As an example, do we need fish cutlets today? No problem, the first batch of freshly prepared ones will be ready for lunch. fish cutlets already on store shelves. Do you want homemade cutlets for tomorrow? Not a question either.

At the same time, such competitive advantages make it possible not only to successfully conduct business, but also to frankly displace big players in a particular region, of course, provided that there is a properly constructed sales system and friendly relations with the retail trade. But the same approach has a strong impact on the overall profitability of production, because whatever one may say, it forces the use of a certain business model. This business model is based on a flexible one, built primarily on the systematic purchase of small quantities of raw materials, possibly with the exception of meat. But taking into account the fact that meat occupies approximately 50-60% of the total mass finished products, then a significant fluctuation in prices for non-meat components can significantly reduce, or vice versa, the production of cutlets.

As an option, I would suggest that when forming your own business plan for a small mini-cutlet workshop, or even in the future, to create and systematically maintain tables of the real cost of finished cutlets, depending on the recipe and real purchase prices for raw materials. In my business plan I will give an example of two recipes - “school cutlets” and “village cutlets”, examples of which will show the difference both in the cutlet cost structure and possible changes.

We start any business plan, including forecasting business processes in the production of cutlets, with the main raw materials. To calculate a specific business plan, we take pork and beef as the main raw materials, although in practice it is necessary to include chicken, fish and vegetable cutlets in the calculations.

For any more or less reputable production, even in a small workshop, meat is purchased in half carcasses, which makes it possible to ensure an acceptable cost of raw materials. It is important to remember that after the primary processing process (boning and veining, you can read what it is here) the actual amount of raw materials decreases, which leads to an increase in its cost and so on.

The real cost of meat for the production of cutlets

As can be seen from the calculations, after the initial processing of half-carcasses, meat “rises in price” by 40% in relation to the initial purchase price, while losses can be minimized by selling waste. In this case, by waste we mean bones, lives, etc., their sale even at minimum prices will allow you to significantly increase the profit of your mini cutlet production workshop.

Product yield during primary cutting of half carcasses

As you can see, for every 100 kg of total weight we will get up to 25 kg of various waste, even if you sell such meat waste at a price of 20 rubles per kg, you can make good money. For example, with a total workshop capacity of 100 kg of finished products per day, such a small production will generate about 18 kg of meat waste; when sold, the net profit will be 360 ​​rubles per day or 7,200 rubles per month. Of course she is profit is only 6% of workshops for the production of cutlets, but as they say, it’s a small thing, but nice. Moreover, this figure is not taken into account in the calculations of the rest of the business plan, that is, it can be a pleasant bonus for the owner.

Let's move on to calculating the current cost per unit of output, since we are talking about a small workshop for the production of cutlets, we will calculate the cost of one kilogram of finished cutlets. To give a clear example, we make calculations for two different recipes, “school cutlets” and “village cutlets”. The recipe was taken from ready-made specifications used in production cycles and, of course, taking into account the current GOST for semi-finished meat products(GOST R 52675-2006)

Cost structure of finished products in the cutlet production business plan

Cost of production of “School” cutlets


price, rub.

Expense for

Cost, rub.)

per kg

100 kg




Ground pepper

Wheat bread


Egg powder



Cost of 1 kg

Cost of production of cutlets “village cutlets”


Share (%) of the weight of finished dumplings

price, rub.

Expense for

Cost, rub.)

per kg

100 kg

Beef cutlet meat
Raw beef fat
Wheat bread
Fresh onions
Ground black pepper
Table salt
Drinking water


Cost of 1 kg

As can be seen from the calculations when using different recipes the cost of a kilogram of finished cutlets may differ by 20%, and only “meat” recipes were taken. In this case, the main ingredient in the form of meat is about 60%.

It is interesting that the recipe for village cutlets is taken from the example prescribed in GOST itself and a fairly large amount of water (almost 22%) is provided by the state itself.

Based on the estimated cost and realistic performance indicators for the production of cutlets in a mini-workshop in volumes of 100 kg per day, you can calculate the gross revenue and gross production costs of your production. By the way, most equipment for the production of cutlets and other semi-finished meat products have a rated power much higher; the manufacturers themselves talk about a productivity of 100-200 kg per hour. But it’s worth considering that real business processes and nominal power are completely different things. Indeed, in order to ensure full load, it is necessary to increase staffing, as an example, for the continuous operation of the apparatus for forming cutlets and meatballs, it is necessary to ensure the same continuous preparation of meat, onions and other ingredients. This pace of work is ensured by expanding the staff, but the second question arises: how fast are the pace of product sales? It’s no secret that organizing production itself is only half the battle; the products produced also need to be sold. Practice shows that in the first stages the pace is 100 kg. per shift is the minimum level required for normal work, but if necessary, you can always saddle more.

General indicators of a small workshop in a cutlet production business plan

The set pace of work with a capacity of 100 kg. ready-made cutlets can easily be supported by 4 people, each of whom will be engaged in their own segment of work.

  • - one on the deboning and vein.
  • - one preparation of minced meat and working with other ingredients from the selected recipe for cutlets.
  • — one works with a forming (cutlet) machine.
  • - and one more general worker (as a rule, with the functions of assisting the main workers of the workshop).

In addition to the main costs associated directly with the production of cutlets, there are so-called indirect costs (although in this business plan we also included some direct costs in the indirect ones, which is acceptable in a small business). In our small production they look like this:

Business plan for the production of cutlets - indirect costs of a mini workshop

Expenses (RUB)
Salary (4 people)
Public utilities
Renting premises
Other (advertising, etc.)

Of course, expenses are taken based on average calculations and must be adjusted depending on the chosen region and, most importantly, taking into account its specifics; such an adjustment must be carried out not only with a business plan for semi-finished meat products.

Based on the calculations made, it is possible to generate final figures for the profit and profitability of the mini workshop:

General characteristics of the cutlet business (business plan for cutlet production)

In general, profitability indicators are 20% not very bad for production areas, plus it is worth noting that with increasing sales volumes, the level of profitability will increase. with an increase in production volumes of finished cutlets, it is primarily associated with a fairly significant share of indirect costs in the cost structure. So, in the estimated business plan of a mini-workshop, indirect expenses amount to 270 thousand rubles, which is more than 55% of all expenses of the workshop, but if you increase revenue by 2 times (as an example), accordingly, indirect expenses will remain at the same level, but direct expenses will increase also doubled (from 220 thousand to 440 thousand). At the same time, the profitability of the entire production will increase to 44%.

Based on the general indicators, we can draw a rather banal conclusion: the business idea of ​​producing cutlets looks attractive and very promising, although it also has its pitfalls. In the next article we will look at.

Cutlet production, mini workshop stages

How a mini cutlet production workshop works http://site/, description of equipment and business plan

Upload date: 2013-11-13

, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education FIRST MOSCOW STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, page 58 of the Report, first paragraph, comments..docx.

Technical and technological map

Poltava cutlets
Date of introduction_____________

  1. Application area.
This TTK applies to the dish "Poltava cutlets" produced by the NKI canteen and its branches.

  1. Requirements for the quality of raw materials.
Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking of this dish, must meet the requirements of the standards and have a certificate of conformity and quality certificate (GOST R 50763-95 clause 5.2.)

3. Norms for the laying of raw materials, gross and net weight, norms for the yield of semi-finished products and finished products.

name of raw materials

For 1 serving, g.

For 10 servings, g.





Beef (cutlet meat)

























Weight of semi-finished product





Rendered or edible animal fat





Weight fried cutlets





Butter or table margarine










4. Description technological process cooking.

6.1 Organoleptic characteristics.

Appearance: fried breaded product of oval-flat shape with a pointed end (2 pieces per serving), doused with fat.

Consistency: homogeneous, soft, dense.

Color: the crusts are brown, when cut they are grayish-brown.

Taste: characteristic of the components included in the product and garlic.

Smell: characteristic of meat and garlic.

6.2. Physical and chemical indicators.

Mass fraction of dry substances is not less than 58.6%. (Test method - oven drying). Mass fraction of fat is not less than 28.9%. (Test method – extraction-gravity).

6.3. Microbiological indicators.

Product group

Number of mesophilic aer. and fak. anaerobic microorganisms CFU in 1 g, no more


Weight of the product (g) in which it is not allowed


Coliforms (coliforms)

S. aureus

Pathogenic, incl. salmonella

Fried meat dish



7. Indicators of food and energy value dishes.

TTK No.__11.8_____

I approve

Head of the enterprise
