All that's left is pie dough to make. Pancakes and Pies on old yeast dough

Yeast dough. Yeast dough is, as the name suggests, a dough that is prepared using yeast and following certain rules. Without yeast dough You can’t get by in cooking, because bread, various flour dishes, and all kinds of confectionery products are made from it.

Contrary to popular belief that yeast dough quite difficult to prepare, it is actually quite a simple task.

Yeasts are yeast fungi (microorganisms) that begin to grow when optimal conditions are created for this. But you need little for this - water or milk, flour, sugar and a warm environment. Flour must be sifted before use - this simple procedure allows you to saturate it with oxygen. During the reaction, alcohol, carbon dioxide and acid are formed, due to which the dough rises.

It is very easy to prepare yeast dough for baking bread. Enough flour, water, yeast and salt. If you add eggs, butter, sugar, cream or sour cream to the recipe, you get a muffin recipe.

Different ratios of components allow you to prepare soft, hard, sponge or batter. All kinds of pies, buns, kulebyaki, cheesecakes, buns, and muffins are baked from rich yeast dough. Liquid yeast dough is used to make real Russian pancakes. Baked goods made from soft and sponge dough only last a couple of days. But products made from hard dough (for example, gingerbread) are usable for more than two weeks.

The following problems may occur during fermentation. If the dough does not rise, the problem is probably due to poor temperature regime. For example, if the dough is overheated. In this case, it needs to be cooled. If the temperature is below 30 degrees, the dough needs to be heated and only then add yeast to it.

Excess salt or sugar also interferes with fermentation. In this case, it is better to knead a little more dough in order to dilute the “spoiled” dough with it.

To test the yeast, it is recommended to prepare a very small portion of the dough, add a little flour and see how it works. If after a couple of minutes cracks still do not appear, the yeast is of poor quality. It's better to stop using them.

The quality of yeast dough and finished products is directly affected by the quantity of ingredients used. There should be enough water so that the dough rises well and the baked goods turn out soft. However, if there is too much water, the dough will not form well. Excess salt increases the fermentation period, but its deficiency worsens the taste of baked goods. If you add too much sugar, the dough will ferment slowly and the middle will not bake well. However, if you add sugar directly to the dough, it will stop fermenting altogether. You can’t overdo it with yeast either - this will give the baked goods an unpleasant aftertaste.

Follow proven recipes and you will always get excellent yeast dough!

With all the wealth confectionery, which can be purchased at any supermarket, every housewife sometimes wants to pamper her household with her own baked goods.

The word itself is what: “baking”! Tasty, fragrant, aromatic and homely. For delicious homemade baked goods Yeast dough is perfect. You can buy it ready-made in the store, or you can prepare it yourself.

Dissolve 50 grams of yeast in one and a half to two glasses of warm milk, add a glass of flour. The dough should have a consistency similar to sour cream. This mixture (it is called dough) is placed in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

Then eggs are added to it (4-6 pieces are needed), 1 glass of sugar - if the baked goods are sweet, if not - then 2 tablespoons are enough. Add 200 grams of butter or margarine, 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Flour is sifted through a sieve (you will need 4.5-5 cups) and poured into the dough.

The resulting dough must be kneaded, adding flour little by little, until it sticks to your hands. The dough must be kneaded for a long time, at least 15-20 minutes, so that it absorbs air.

After this, the test must be allowed to rise again. Place it in a warm place for a couple of hours, covered with a napkin. When the dough has risen, you can start cooking.

What housewives haven’t come up with over the centuries-old history of yeast dough! Pies, donuts, pies and pies, cheesecakes and kulebyaki, rolls and bagels - you can’t count everything.

For hearty breakfast sausage in dough is perfect. The dough is divided into several parts (according to the number of sausages). Roll out pieces of dough so that you get thin ribbons with which you can wrap the sausages. Place the swaddled sausages on a greased baking sheet; in 30-40 minutes they will be ready. If you roll out the dough not into ribbons, but into square “flaps,” then you can add stewed or sauerkraut to the sausage. You can take this sausage in dough for lunch or give it to your child at school.

For family lunch can be cooked fish pie with potatoes. The dough is rolled out in a thick layer and placed in a greased frying pan. Place potatoes cut into thin slices. The next layer is deboned fish, then - onion, cut into rings. Cover the top of the pie with a second layer of dough, pinching the edges. After an hour, which the pie will spend in hot oven, simply unearthly smells will spread throughout the apartment!

If the housewife has time, then you can cook chicken. For it you need to fry 6-8 pancakes and prepare several minced meats: the first is rice mixed with chopped herbs; the second – mushrooms fried with onions and carrots; the third is boiled chopped chicken meat.

One half of the yeast dough is rolled out into a large thin flatbread, a pancake is placed on it, the first minced meat is placed on top of it, and all the pancakes are laid out like this, interspersing them with different minced meats. When all the pancakes and minced meat are laid out, everything is covered with the second half of the yeast dough. Pinch around the edges and into the oven for 50 minutes.

And here yeast pies You can cook it with any filling! Meat, chopped greens with eggs, cottage cheese, jam and marmalade, mushrooms, berries - anything will do. You can even prepare several fillings in small quantities, and make pies for everyone's taste. And so as not to confuse them later, you can make them in different shapes.

It also happens that you need to prepare something very quickly from purchased yeast dough. An excellent solution is cheesecakes. The dough is divided into small balls, they are rolled out, and cottage cheese is placed in the center.

Another quick recipe- roll with apples and cinnamon. Thinly sliced ​​apples sprinkled with cinnamon are placed on a rolled out layer of toast. The dough is rolled into a roll and placed in the oven for 40-55 minutes.

Family members will also appreciate pies with eggs. The dough is rolled out into small boats, with a depression in the center. Gently hammer into it a raw egg- and into the oven. In 40 minutes the pies will be ready.

It's even easier to make buns. The dough is formed into balls and placed on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle the top of each bun with sugar or poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

Whatever is prepared from yeast dough, baking will delight everyone: the hostess, family members, and guests. Every housewife has a lot of secrets to make the baked goods fluffy and tasty. But they all have one thing in common: yeast dough must be made in good mood, without fuss and bad thoughts.

Pancakes on old dough.
For the first time, I made the dough for pancakes overnight, in which about 1/4 was old yeast dough (I made the old dough sponge, 48 hours before the new one, it spent most of the time in the refrigerator). Add unheated milk to the old dough in the bowl and vigorously swirl the dough in the milk with a fork. Added salt, sugar, vegetable oil to the bowl and stirred. Added sifted flour, stirred with a fork, added more flour to make a dough like enough thick sour cream, stirred with a fork until it was almost smooth. She covered it with a wet double-folded cotton non-terry towel and put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
In the morning I took out a bowl, the dough almost doubled overnight. I left it in the kitchen, after 2 hours it started bubbling.

Baked in a very hot frying pan with very hot vegetable oil. I took the dough with a wet tablespoon and let it fall freely onto the frying pan from the spoon, so the pancakes were irregular in shape, but so tasty. After putting the batter on the pancakes in the frying pan, I reduced the heat to medium, after turning the pancakes over, I lowered the heat to low (otherwise how would I photograph them in the pan? :)). I turn them over to the other side, starting with the smallest pancake and ending with the largest.
Tasty... I like to sprinkle them with cinnamon.

Pies on old dough.
Mixture of old dough with milk (Pour about 1/2 cup of milk into a bowl in which there was some pancake batter left (for one large pancake), let it sit under a damp towel. When the mixture bubbled, added the rest)
~ 4.5 cups of flour (I knead with my hands so I can feel the dough and not over-flour it)
1 cup (240 ml) milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp. salt
3 tsp. Sahara
black pepper

1/2 large head of cabbage
4 large eggs
black pepper

Mixed everything for the test. I kneaded it with my hands until smooth and kneaded it a little more. It turned out soft dough, does not stick to your hands. I formed the dough into a ball, covered the bowl with a wet non-terry towel, and left it to rise.
The dough grew approximately 2.5 times during each approach.
I crushed it twice.
I plucked pieces of dough for pies from the total mass of dough, rolled them into balls, and again let a drop rise (while I was molding everything, the first ones had already risen). I didn’t roll it out with a rolling pin, but spread it out with my hands. It still turned out quite thin and there was no “dome” in the finished pies.

I chopped the cabbage, blanched it in boiling salted water, put it in a colander, let it drain and cool completely.

I boiled the eggs hard, peeled and cut them. I added cabbage, salt, pepper and nutmeg so that the filling had a strong taste. Cool the filling completely.
I formed the pies and let them rest for 1 hour.
I brushed the pies with milk before baking.
Bake for 22-24 minutes in the middle of the oven at a temperature of 180 C, on baking sheets lined with baking paper. Cool on the baking sheets on a wire rack to cool the baked goods.
The pies are delicious, the dough is quite thin.

Author Katya Kolesnikova asked a question in the section Desserts, Sweets, Baking

There is yeast dough left from the pies! What can I do? and got the best answer

Answer from Olga Armisheva[active]

Answer from Xina Marques[guru]

Answer from Yotarushka IzVergil[guru]
Freeze for next time.

Answer from Moon*)[newbie]
flatbreads with honey :)

Answer from Larisa Serafimina[guru]
Roll out, grease with butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (poppy seeds), roll up and cut into 3-4 cm intervals. Seal one edge, straighten the other - you get buns in the form of roses.

Answer from Juicy Fruit[guru]
If I have some dough left over, I make sweet pies (filled with any kind of jam), or just fry some rolls.

Answer from Tatyana Larina[guru]
dilute with milk and bake sour thick pancakes. then grease with unrefined oil and sprinkle with sugar.

Answer from Victor[guru]
Dumplings with garlic
Preparation of the Garlic Pampushka recipe:
1) Dry yeast (I have it in granules) must be dissolved in half a liter of milk. The milk must first be heated, it should be warm, but not hot. If you add yeast to hot milk, it will not swell. After 15 minutes, add sugar, salt, butter, flour, knead the dough in a food processor and let it stand warm for 50 minutes (an hour). The dough increases in volume very much; initially I had enough dough to fill half the pan, but it ended up spilling over the top.
2) Pieces of dough, about the size of a small egg, pinch off and knead well in your hand. If necessary (so as not to stick), add a little flour. Make a ball and leave it on the table. So we make the required number of balls of the same size. You need to make cuts (cross) with scissors.
3) After 15 minutes, our donuts should double in size. Carefully place them on a baking sheet (I line them with baking paper). Baking time 30 - 35 minutes, I golden crust I'm getting my bearings. Temperature + 185 degrees.
4) Place the finished donuts in a wide dish.
5) Press the garlic through a press, mix with butter (melt the butter) and grease the donuts with this aromatic mixture.
Ingredients for the Garlic Pampushka recipe:
flour 850 g, 2 eggs, sugar 1.5 tbsp. spoons, a pinch of salt, 75 gr. butter, half a liter of milk, 2 teaspoons of dry yeast. Garlic, butter for greasing the finished donuts.

Answer from Klava Ruberoid Shiferova[active]
make sausages in dough, or sweet roses: roll out the dough, brush the dough butter pre-melted and sprinkle with sugar, then roll the dough into a tube and cut the tube like a sausage, press the cut pieces on one side with your fingers to the center and place them on a baking tray and bake

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Small Napoleon cake.

Answer from Olga[guru]
Put it in the freezer for next time

Answer from Tina Kelven[guru]
Roll with any filling, for example with nuts: chopped nuts, 2/3 of the volume of nuts - sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar, beaten raw egg. Mix nuts with sugar vanilla sugar, salt, add an egg (leave a little of the egg mixture to grease the roll) - mix. If it is too dry, add a couple of tablespoons of water. Roll out the dough, distribute the filling evenly over the layer, leaving 2 cm without filling on one side (roll this edge thinner and brush with egg). Roll into a roll: first fold 2 cm along the sides, then roll to the end, place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and let rest for 20 minutes until the dough rises. Brush the roll with egg and bake until done.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

There is nothing tastier and more appetizing than baking from yeast dough! Hot, freshly baked delicious buns, pies fill the house with an indescribable magical aroma that no other dish can replicate. Beautiful pastries made from yeast dough always adds a festive touch to any table, makes it solemn and at the same time homey, family-friendly.

Delicious baking from yeast dough is a must-try for any housewife. It's not difficult, even a novice cook will not encounter difficulties, it's all a matter of practice. Some housewives buy dough in the store, this is quite acceptable if you are limited in time. Baking from ready-made yeast dough is just as tasty and aromatic.

Making yeast dough at home is easy if you follow certain rules. To do this, you will need a warm room, milk or water, yeast, oxygen and food for them in the form of sugar and flour. Reacting with each other, these ingredients form alcohol, carbon dioxide and acid - essential components of high-quality yeast dough. Products made from such dough can be very diverse in both taste and appearance. Distinguish sweet pastries from yeast dough, baking from rich yeast dough, baking from puff pastry, etc. The most simple test is a yeast dough for bread: a mixture of flour, yeast, salt and liquid. Various flavorings, such as eggs, sugar, butter, sour cream, are used to make baked goods from this dough.

Baking a pie from yeast dough is a fascinating, festive, and creative process. The result of such work is always the pride of any housewife. You too will learn how to prepare baked goods from yeast dough; the recipes on our website will help you with this. It is very convenient to use recipes with photos when baking from yeast dough; they are very visual and easy to study.

Our tips will also help you:

The fermentation temperature of yeast in the dough should be about 30 degrees. Overheated dough should be cooled, cold dough should be reheated and fresh yeast should be added;

Too much sugar or salt stops fermentation. This can be corrected by making a new dough and mixing it with the first batch of dough;

If there is too much water, dough and baked goods will not work;

If there is a lack of water, the baked goods will be hard, the fermentation of such dough is weak;

Excess salt will give a pale crust on the product, and the fermentation time will increase;

A lack of salt will also spoil the dough and make products made from it tasteless;

With excess sugar, the surface of the products quickly fries, but the middle does not have time to bake, the dough does not ferment well;

Lack of sugar makes baked goods pale in appearance;

Too much yeast will add an unpleasant sour alcoholic smell and taste to your baked goods;

With different ratios of components, you can get hard, soft, spongy or liquid dough;

Baking flour should be sifted well to saturate it with oxygen;

Baked goods made from soft or sponge dough can be stored for only a few days.