Pancakes with milk. Nuances of preparing semolina porridge

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add salt and sugar, and beat lightly. It is convenient to do this with a blender with a whisk attachment.

When the eggs are beaten a little and the mass is already homogeneous, add milk - 3 cups.

Stir and add flour. Knead the dough thoroughly without lumps. It turns out like thick sour cream and looks like pancake batter. Now add soda and mix with a whisk, adding the remaining milk in parts. The dough becomes thinner, but it is still too thick for pancakes.

That's why they dilute it hot water. Set the dough aside.

Take a frying pan for baking pancakes, put it on the fire and heat it up. On hot frying pan pour oil and keep it on the fire until it “smoke”, i.e. heat until the oil begins to smoke. Remove the pan from the stove, pour the oil into the dough and mix at the same time. Be careful: the oil will boil and splatter, but not too much. The dough will become a little thicker. Now you can pour the dough into a hot frying pan to bake the first pancake.

It is convenient to pour the dough with a small ladle. Take half a ladle and pour it quietly into the middle of the frying pan, at the same time tilting it in different directions so that the dough is distributed over the entire surface. They also try not to pour the dough onto the sides, where it will burn to the pan.

When one side of the pancake is browned, take a skewer and pass it around the pancake along the side of the pan, as if lifting the edge of the pancake, pick it up with your fingers by the edge and turn it over to the other side, bake it and remove it - the pancake is ready.

The first pancake will bake faster because... it is poured into the frying pan immediately after the boiling oil. The frying pan is no longer greased; there is enough oil in the dough to bake all the pancakes. The burner fire is set to medium, and if the burner is large, then even less.

If you don’t have a pancake maker on your household, but want pancakes, you can bake them in any heavy (cast iron) frying pan. It must be heated strongly, wiped well with a cloth with salt (3-4 tablespoons), directly on the stove, rinsed well from the salt, and wiped dry. She is all ready to bake pancakes. Then they treat her like a pancake maker.

How much millet is needed per liter of milk for porridge and got the best answer

Answer from Sergey Ivanov[guru]
depends on how thick the porridge is needed - a glass plus or minus half a glass

Answer from Agnieszka[guru]

Answer from She-Wolf 1[guru]
Maximum glass (200 ml). But it’s better to dilute the milk with water, so the millet boils better. Although this is optional, children can cook with milk alone.

Answer from Lydia[guru]
One to four. And it is right.

Answer from Nikolay[guru]
from two tablespoons to two glasses.
Remember, cereals cook in milk twice as long, so it is customary to boil them in water and then dilute them with milk to the desired viscosity. If you like porridge with milk (not milk), then cook crumbly porridge on water (see cookbook) and then served with butter and milk. The milk is boiled and served hot. But there are also lovers of cold milk for porridge, especially buckwheat.

Answer from Polyakova Elena[guru]
My husband cooks very tasty millet porridge. It has a proportion of a glass of cut millet (250 g), 1 liter of milk and about. 5 liters of cream. The subtlety of the preparation is that the porridge is cooked on the stove for 30 minutes with continuous stirring, then the pan is removed from the pan, wrapped in newspapers and kept under a pillow for 1 hour. All this sounds crazy, but the porridge turns out wonderful. Even I eat, although I never ate any cereals, I just couldn’t stand it. And I eat this one.

Answer from Natalia_56[guru]
The ratio when cooking millet with liquid
Millet porridge is very healthy, contains many microelements, but... practically, all its usefulness comes to naught if millet is cooked in milk.
Therefore, you need to boil the millet in water, and add milk to the boiled millet, or even better, when the millet is boiled in water and pour hot milk into the plate.

Answer from For_liliy[guru]
no more than a glass

Answer from Katya Katya[guru]
1 glass of millet, 4 glasses of milk. Even 4.5 glasses of milk, since the porridge will still steep

Answer from Natalia[guru]
I love this one. Rinse 1 glass of millet at least 7-10 times (remove bitterness) and 4 tbsp of milk + 2 tbsp of water + salt and sugar, cook until it thickens, then cover with a lid and infuse + butter, cook in a duck pot (pilaf dish)

Answer from Yukki Lest[newbie]
millet swells 2-3 times, so you need 2-3 times more milk

Semolina porridge is the taste of our childhood. This is a favorite product of grandmothers and mothers, often forcibly shoved into their children, which is why many children do not like semolina. That's why you need to learn how to cook it correctly. Let's figure it out culinary subtleties. So, how much semolina should you put in 1 liter of milk?

How much semolina do you need for 1 liter of milk?

The beauty of semolina porridge lies in its consistency. It should not be thick, but not too liquid. How much semolina to pour per 1 liter of milk? The answer is simple: 4 tablespoons of cereal. Knowing the main secret of delicious porridge, let's consider the nuances of its preparation using kitchen appliances and simply on the stove in a saucepan.

Porridge from a saucepan


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina cereals;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • table salt - a pinch;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter


  1. To get delicious semolina porridge, pour the milk into a pan, it is better to give preference to an aluminum one, add salt and sugar and put it on the stove.
  2. Over low heat, the milk should almost boil and at this moment you need to add the cereal. This should be done slowly, the semolina should pour in a thin stream, and the action should be accompanied by continuous stirring. This process of adding semolina to milk will avoid the formation of lumps in the porridge.
  3. Reducing the heat, bring the porridge to a boil and cook for no longer than three minutes.
  4. Then add the oil, cover the pan and let the dish sit for five minutes.
  5. Our favorite semolina is ready. To add flavor to the porridge, you can add dried fruits or berries.

The kitchen of a modern housewife is unthinkable without the achievements of household appliance manufacturers. One of these electromechanical assistants is a multicooker. It greatly simplifies the preparation of your favorite dishes. So, prepare semolina for three servings.


  • 120 g semolina;
  • 900 ml milk;
  • 450 ml filtered water;
  • sugar – 50 ml or to taste;
  • salt;
  • 30 ml or butter to taste.


  1. We dilute the milk with cold water.
  2. Place the cereal in the mechanical assistant and fill it with prepared milk.
  3. Add salt, sugar and mix.
  4. We select the “Milk porridge” program and do other things.
  5. After the signal about the completion of cooking, add butter. You can also use nuts, raisins, berries and fruits as additional additives to semolina.

The multicooker has not yet reached all kitchens, but almost every housewife has a microwave oven. Prepare semolina porridge it's easy.


  1. Place 2 tbsp in a microwave-safe bowl. l. semolina, 2 tsp. granulated sugar, salt on the tip of a teaspoon and pour everything with a glass of milk from the refrigerator.
  2. Mix thoroughly, we need to dissolve the sugar.
  3. Place in the microwave, set the power regulator to 750, and the timer to 1.5 minutes. We turn on the household appliance.
  4. After the sound signal, take out the container with the porridge, add 20-30 grams of butter, mix again until smooth and again place in the microwave and cook at the same power for 1.5 minutes.
  5. Before serving, stir the semolina and add apples, raisins or bananas.

Need to know!

Semolina is a cereal made from crushed wheat grains. It can be durum varieties, soft or mixtures thereof. The fiber content in cereals is 2%. Liquid semolina porridge is perfect for dietary nutrition and people after surgery, as well as with problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Semolina contains the following substances:

  • starch;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins E and group B;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium.

But the presence of gluten in porridge can be considered a disadvantage, since health experts believe that it increases the risk of developing serious diseases.

The best taste qualities Semolina cooked with milk has the same taste. To avoid consuming excess calories, it can be diluted with water. When boiling milk, you need to add filtered water before pouring it into the container - this will prevent the porridge from burning.

The main problem when preparing delicious semolina porridge is the lumps that form due to insufficient stirring. This problem can be solved by more thorough continuous stirring and slowly and evenly pouring the cereal into the boiling milk. To do this, you can use a strainer.

To ensure that semolina porridge is not too thick and at the same time not liquid, you need to correctly calculate the proportions. This is the only way you can cook delicious semolina without lumps and clots. You can cook it with water and milk. Of course, the most delicious porridge It's made with milk.

How much semolina is needed for 1 liter of milk: proportions

In fact, there is nothing complicated in preparing porridge; you just need to decide on the amount of ingredients to use. The consistency of the dish depends on the proportions and below we will tell you in what quantity you need to take the necessary products.

Do you like liquid semolina? In this case, you need to take a little less semolina - 3-4 tablespoons of cereal per liter of milk is enough. The dish turns out tender and liquid, melts in your mouth.

Medium semolina porridge in thickness - ideal, this is the consistency most people prefer. To prepare it, take 6 tbsp for 1 liter of milk. cereals

Thick porridge lovers should use more semolina - for 1 liter of liquid, take 100 grams of cereal.

Check out our publication How to cook semolina porridge in water

How much semolina do you need for 1 liter of milk? Creams for cakes and pastries based on semolina are also very popular. Since the cream has a thicker consistency, more like pudding, for a glass of milk (250 ml) you need to take 8 tablespoons of dry semolina.

To give the porridge a brighter aroma and taste, add a little butter or vanilla extract, finely chopped fruits or berries if desired. But keep in mind that such additives significantly increase the calorie content of the dish.

Milk or water?

You can prepare porridge with either plain water or milk. If you are dairy intolerant, use water. This option is also suitable for those who want to reduce calorie intake.

If semolina in water seems too tasteless to you, use it with milk in equal proportions.

What about fat content?

Many people mistakenly think that the fattier the milk, the tastier the porridge will be. This is wrong, professional chefs It is recommended to use a medium fat product. If you only have full-fat milk in your refrigerator, dilute it with water in equal quantities.

Salt and sugar

When to add salt and sugar? It is better to do this when the liquid begins to boil. But if you forgot, add salt and sugar after the semolina is cooked.

Baked milk

Is it possible to use baked milk instead of regular milk? Why not? You will feel the difference immediately - the taste of such porridge will be more tender and more aromatic.

And of course, to prevent lumps from forming in it, you need to constantly monitor it and stir it. Cook the porridge over low heat so that it does not burn. Pour the cereal into the already boiled liquid in a thin stream.

There is no need to overcook semolina; it cooks quickly. It is enough to boil the cereal for 4-5 minutes after the liquid begins to boil. Then whisk it gently to remove any lumps. Add fruit or butter and enjoy!

Women's online magazine website

A large family requires a lot of pancakes. As a rule, the standard amount of liquid for preparing pancakes is 300-500 milliliters of milk or water (other liquid), but this portion produces very few finished products. We will tell you how to prepare pancakes for 1 liter of milk, maintaining the proportions of flour and liquid, sugar and salt, how many eggs and other ingredients to add so that the result will please you and your gourmets.


The main ingredients of absolutely any pancakes are, of course, milk, flour, sugar. Eggs, baking powder or soda are not always present in the recipe, but the dough to which flavorings are added, the eggs are softer, and the finished pancakes are fluffy and juicy.

Therefore, prepare the following products for aromatic soft pancakes:

  • one per liter fresh milk high fat content (optimally 3.2%);
  • a large pinch of salt;
  • 3-4 medium sized eggs;
  • 14 grams of baking powder (2 small packs of 7 grams or 2 heaped teaspoons);
  • two full glasses of white flour;
  • 5 tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil + 1-1.5 tablespoons for greasing the pan;
  • add sugar to taste: for classic sweet pancakes you will need about 3 tablespoons, but if you need unsweetened dough, add one level tablespoon of sugar.

Please note that thin pancakes can only be prepared from batter, so less flour may be required. And so that the first pancake and all subsequent ones do not come out lumpy, the frying pan will need to be greased. For these purposes, you can use not only vegetable oil, but also a small piece of fresh lard (without spices), cooking oil or butter/margarine.

Cooking method

We start cooking by kneading the dough, from which we will later make delicious pancakes with milk:

  1. Pour about a third of the milk into a small saucepan and heat. There is no need to boil it, just bring the milk to a temperature of about 40 degrees. This must be done to ensure that the dry ingredients are completely dissolved.
  2. Now add salt and sugar to the warm milk, stir vigorously with a whisk until all the grains melt.
  3. Break the eggs here and beat the mixture with a whisk. You can also use a mixer to speed up the process of beating the dough.
  4. Now pour in the vegetable oil and stir. Completely combine the milk base with vegetable oil It won’t work because butter has a lower density than milk.
  5. In a separate bowl, combine the baking powder and sifted flour, then add this mixture in parts to the milk mixture. Stir well and dilute with the remaining milk. At this stage, it is important to control the amount of milk added so that the dough is not too liquid, but not too thick.
  6. Now the dough needs to be kept under a napkin for about a quarter of an hour so that the flour swells and all the components are properly combined. Only after this settling can you start frying pancakes.

It is very important that the proportion be observed: 2 cups of flour per 1 liter of liquid. If you put more eggs, then, accordingly, you need to reduce the portion of milk, and vice versa. This ratio also depends on the quality of flour.

Fry the pancakes, as usual, in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Pour 1 milk pancake into a fully heated frying pan; it is better to pour out the excess oil first. The pancake is fried on each side until golden brown, faster on the other side. It is better to turn them over using a wide spatula made of silicone or wood.

Grease milk pancakes (1 liter) with butter immediately, while they are still hot, place them in a high stack so that the melted butter evenly spreads over the entire pile of pancakes.

By the way, such pancakes can be brewed. Custard pancakes with milk are prepared in the same way, only the flour and milk are first brewed over a fire, and only then eggs are added to this dough, one at a time. Such pancakes turn out to be more flexible and are well suited for stuffing various fillings- jam, salads, minced meat or fish, fruit or berry mixtures, and so on.