Salted dough chicken. Salted dough chicken Make salted dough chicken

How to make Chicken from salt dough with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Minaeva Marina Igorevna, teacher, GBDOU TsRR No. 114 Admiralteysky district, St. Petersburg
Purpose: This material is designed for children of middle preschool age, kindergarten teachers, additional education teachers, parents and all creative people.
Description: I bring to your attention a master class on making chicken from salt dough. The material for making the craft is affordable, environmentally friendly, and the work process is simple. The finished work can be used as interior decoration or as original gift.
Target: Cultivate hard work and accuracy. Encourage independence and a creative approach to work. Develop creative abilities. Expand the aesthetic and artistic taste of children.
Teach children to roll the dough between their palms in a circular motion (rolling) and use molds to create distinctive features.
Learn to use different materials to make crafts.
Create conditions for developing children's interest in living nature, developing creativity and imagination.
Materials and tools:
1. Flour
2. Salt
3. Bowl for kneading dough
4. Water
5. Glycerin
6. Gouache
7. Ribbons, bows
8. Rhinestones, beads, beads
9. Brush
10. Black felt-tip pen
11. Box from under processed cheese(round)
12. Orange cardboard
13. PVA glue contact
14. Scissors

Preliminary work: riddles, conversation on the topic, watching a cartoon on the topic.

Step-by-step execution of the craft:

Let's start by preparing salty dough for crafts. To do this we need flour, salt, water, a mixing bowl and glycerin for the elasticity of the dough. Pour 1 cup of flour, half a cup of table salt into a bowl, add water little by little and knead to get the consistency of a stiff dough.

Add 7-10 drops of glycerin for elasticity and knead well again for 5 minutes.

Set the dough aside for now.
Now, let's take our round box of processed cheese, we only need a lid. We paint the inside of the lid with gouache, the top part blue - this will be the sky, the bottom part green - this will be the grass. Leave to dry.

The base for the craft is ready.
Recommendation: before working with the dough, smear your hands with any cream so that the dough does not stick to your hands.
After the lid has dried, we pinch off a small piece of the dough and roll it in a circular motion to form a ball. We must slightly flatten our ball, giving it an oval shape, then we place it on the left side of our lid - this will be the chicken. We specifically left room for the second one.

We do the same with the second ball.

Now we must attach, as if pressing in, eyes made of beads (you can use everything you have: beads, buttons, rhinestones)

After which we take a little more dough and roll three small balls, which we attach to the head of one of the chickens. It will be "boy". Next we glue the bow to the head of the second chicken. It will be "girl".

We leave our craft to dry for 2-3 days.

After drying, paint the chickens yellow with gouache.

And the scallop is red.

We take a little water on the brush. We try not to wet the dough too much.
Take a piece of orange cardboard and cut out two triangles. These will be the beaks for the chickens. We glue them with glue.

At this stage, you can finish drawing the chickens’ legs with a black felt-tip pen.
Now we draw small clouds in the sky.

Our craft is ready!!!

To make our work beautiful, you can glue a strip of colored cardboard or colored tape along the edge of the outside of our box.
On the reverse side, if desired, you can glue a loop with tape.
I wish you success!

Hello, dear visitors of our blog!

In the previous article I wrote how to make eggs from salt dough. And today I want to dwell in more detail on how we made Easter chicken from salt dough.

1. To begin with, we kneaded salted dough from 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. fine salt and 1 half glass of water. I wrote more about working with salt dough. When kneading, yellow was added to the dough. food coloring(don't forget to wear gloves).

2. Then we rolled out the dough into a layer about 0.5 cm thick and squeezed out an oval with a mold. We took a plastic cup as a mold and pressed it lightly on the sides to make an oval.

3. The oval was separated from the rest of the dough and its edges were smoothed with a finger slightly moistened with water. This is the body of a chicken.

For the wings, we made small ovals, rolled them out thinly, lightly moistened them with water and glued them to the chicken. Using a toothpick, we drew feather stripes on the wings.

We rolled small balls for the eyes, a square for the beak, moistened all the parts with water and attached them to the chicken.

For the legs, we made small ovals and rolled them out using gouache.

4. We made holes in the egg - one at the top for hanging the egg and two at the bottom for attaching the legs. We also made holes in the legs for attaching to the chicken.

5. Then we dried everything in the oven at low temperature.

6. Once the dough had cooled, we painted the details.

7. Once dry, we took two small pieces of ribbon and used knots to attach the legs to the chicken. And at the top of the chicken they put a ribbon for hanging.

Well, our Easter chicken made from salt dough is ready. You can use it to decorate your room or as a gift.

Elena Medvedeva.

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Natalia Bogolyubova

Salt dough modeling- a very exciting activity that brings a lot of pleasure to both little fidgets and their parents. Salty dough- an excellent pliable material from which you can make a lot of interesting crafts.

For children, making crafts from salted test not only an interesting, but also a very useful activity, since fine motor skills of the hands are directly related to the development of speech, thinking, attention, imagination, visual and motor memory, and any joint creativity brings people together.

On the eve of the holiday "Bright Easter» , the guys and I made a very interesting children's craft from salty test

1. One has only to remember the skills of working with salt dough and use a little imagination. I want to show you how to sculpt Easter salty crafts test: « Chicken Ryabushechka» .

2. To work you need: salty dough, a used light bulb or any other suitable shaped base.

3. Wrap the base in dough.

4. Shape the torso and head chickens.

5. Glue on the comb, beak and wattle using a brush and water.

6. Fashion the wings. And glue it in the same way with water.

7. Using scissors, apply the design to the comb. Cut through the beak.

8. Form a tail from two ovals of different sizes.

9. Glue to the body.

10. Using scissors, apply a feather design.

11. Dry in an open oven or air dry.

12. All that remains is to paint with gouache.

13. Decorate the basket.

14. And you can decorate the interior.

Publications on the topic:

Everyone knows that didactic games are a teaching method, a form of learning, an independent gaming activity, and a comprehensive means.

Master class for parents on the development of fine motor skills in the hands of children of primary preschool age Modeling from salt dough “My Palm” Purpose:.

In one of my posts, I offered a master class on making a snowman from salt dough. Today I want to offer a master class on sculpting a caterpillar.

In our kindergarten A methodological association was taking place and I thought for a long time, wondering what could be given to our guests as a childhood memory.

The autumn season is ending, it is time to harvest. And I want to leave vivid memories of this period - a period of abundance! Then it's worth a try.

After visiting the Russian Izba museum, I suggested that my parents make souvenirs with their own hands. Modeling is a very useful activity. Thanks to the sculpting.

To make such a cockerel we need: - salted dough; - foil; - stacks; - pattern of a cockerel; - gouache and brushes; - beads and buttons.

Alina Rudenko

Program content: To develop coherent speech, thinking, and attention of children in the game “Find the Differences.” Continue to learn how to sculpt objects from several parts, correctly conveying the shape and their location. Use natural materials in your work, develop your imagination. To cultivate goodwill in children and a desire to help the game character - the chicken.

Materials for the lesson: For each child: yellow salt dough, working cardboard or modeling board, sunflower seeds for the beak, beads for the eyes, twigs for the legs. For the game “Find the Differences” - 2 pictures of chickens. For the game - staging the song “Chickens” - a chicken mask for an adult, chicken masks. Test composition: 1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil, 0.5 glasses of water. For getting yellow color Add to ready dough gouache and mix thoroughly.

Progress of the lesson:

Give the children a riddle about chickens:

Yellow lumps squeak,

These are all sons and daughters

Mom clucks: Ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far!

Don't play hide and seek with your mom.

Children, who is she? ... (Chicks)

Invite children to look at 2 paintings about chickens, conduct them with children attention game "Find the differences". Give children the opportunity to find the answers themselves.

Ask the children what the mood of the chickens, of which there are many in the clearing, and of the chicken that is alone. In order for the chicken not to be sad, you need to make him friends.

Materials for work are prepared on the tables.

The teacher invites the children to look at the chicken. Clarifies that the dough needs to be divided into 2 parts. One is larger for the body, the second is smaller for the head. Roll the dough for the body using circular movements of your hands. After this, place a piece of dough on cardboard or a modeling board and flatten it. Then we sculpt the chicken’s head and attach the legs from twigs. After this, we make the chicken a beak from a sunflower seed and eyes from small beads.

The guys get to work. The teacher provides individual assistance.

After the children have finished their work, the teacher offers to gather the chickens together in the clearing. Praise all children for their help.

In conclusion, invite all children to play a game - a dramatization of the song “Chickens” by the muses. Filippenko sl. Volgina. “Turning” into chickens:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we'll go for a walk now and now you won't

guys, but funny chickens. (The teacher is a chicken, the children are chickens. Wear masks. The adult sings and shows the movements, the children repeat.) You can play this game several times.

1. The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the boys,

Yellow chickens.

2. "Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row your paws,

Look for grains!"

3. Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

Full trough.

We have such a wonderful clearing with chickens!

The interior of our group is decorated with children's works made of salty

test. Since not all the chickens fit in our clearing, we also ended up with individual work.

All the kids enjoy making dough crafts and look forward to new ones.

The hen laid an egg... - remember the famous children's fairy tale, where the hen laid a golden egg? In our case, on the contrary, the golden chicken. And we will make it from . The secret of making the dough recipe is familiar to our regular readers and is presented in the “Salty Houses” master class.

In addition to the dough (salt, water, flour, wallpaper glue, this time I used Metylan), you will need stacks (replace with a fork and knife), a device for chopping garlic - a garlic grinder, gouache or acrylic paints, PVA glue (replace acrylic paints diluted in This glue uses gouache paints), acrylic varnish or any other suitable for this type of work.

Knead the dough thoroughly and roll out a small part of it into an oval - the base of the chicken stand.

Pull up or make sides from an additional piece of dough, rolled out into a strip.

Using a garlic press, squeeze out the dough into thin strips and stick around the side. Use a stack or knife to create the desired curves and lines.

Make a cone out of the dough - the body of the chicken. Also decorate wings and paws if desired.

Create a chicken head from an oval, shape the beak by stretching a small piece of dough forward. Separately make a comb and secure the comb to the head and the head to the body by moistening the dough with a small amount of water.

Using a stack, fork or knife, decorate the bird’s plumage, eyes and other details.

If necessary, use available materials (napkins, towels and other “devices”) to “support” individual parts of the chicken. For example, if you have made the bird's neck high enough, place napkins so that the head does not tilt when drying.

Set the prepared product aside to dry.

Under natural conditions, the salt dough will take about a week to dry.

Also, products made from salt dough can be dried in the oven at a temperature of 50 °C. door oven should be opened slightly.

The drying temperature should not be increased, as the product will burst and deteriorate due to the high heat treatment temperature.

After the product has dried, begin painting with gouache or acrylic paints. You should start with dark tones, carefully painting over the entire “texture” of the bird. Then remove the top dark layer or paint it with white paint, leaving dark “grooves” on the surface of the product.

Then paint the parts of your chicken stand in several layers of different paints, allowing each layer of paint to dry. Tint the top of the product with a thin layer of gold paint.

Apply varnish.

Place real or decorative Easter eggs inside the back of the golden chicken.