Cakes from diapers for girls. An original gift - a diaper cake with your own hands

A diaper cake is a spectacular gift that not only looks great, but can also be very useful. With such an exclusive, it is easy to surprise both the parents of the baby and the guests. You have probably seen photos of such gifts on the Web. Do you think they are only made by experienced needlewomen? But no! It is enough to have a little time, patience and desire, and you will also get a wonderful diaper cake.

To make such a design, first of all, you have to turn on your imagination and tune in to creativity. By the way, in needlework, not only the result, but also the process itself brings positive emotions.

How many diapers will you need?

The most important "ingredient" of our cake is diapers. The number of diapers depends on the size of the product. Are you planning to make a small gift? Buy 15-20 pieces at the pharmacy. But it’s better to take a whole pack. If you want to craft big cake for several tiers, you may need two or three packs.

Diaper size for cake making

When deciding on the size, be sure to consider the age of the child. You can buy larger diapers, but in no case do not take small ones, because then the parents simply cannot use them. Pay attention to the color of diapers. If a gift for a girl, choose white with pink, if for a boy - with blue. Green and yellow are universal colors.

An important criterion is the quality of diapers. Do not save, give preference to products of well-known brands. Agree, it is a pity to throw away money for something that in the end will not be used.

Necessary materials

So, we figured out the diapers. This is the basis of the design. They must be of high quality, suitable in color and size. But you can’t “cook” a cake out of diapers alone.

The following materials may also be needed in the work:

  • cardboard stand to be used as a base;
  • long and wide elastic bands;
  • clothespins for fixing diapers in the right position;
  • wrapping paper, pieces of beautiful fabric, small towels and diapers;
  • bows and ribbons;
  • wooden stick to the full height of the "dessert";
  • decorative elements to your taste;
  • gifts for a child (booties, hair ties, cosmetics, rattles, etc.).

With these elements at hand, you can easily make a diaper cake with your own hands.

Remember that everything must be sterile. Wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap beforehand. Do not forget to place the finished product in a beautiful package so that the diapers do not accidentally get dirty.

"Diaper" cake for a boy: ideas

When making a cake for a boy, choose diapers and decorations made in blue, green, blue tones. The base of the composition can be made white. The following attributes will be relevant here: cars, balls, baby dolls, bow ties, ties, etc.

Idea number 1. bottle of champagne

If you have an extra bottle of champagne, why not use it. This is an excellent foundation. You will need a coaster, a bottle of champagne, actually, diapers, rubber bands, double tape, Chinese sticks, decorative items.

  1. We make blanks. We twist each diaper with a “snail”, fix it with rubber bands (ordinary, small for money).
  2. We put the bottle on a stand, we begin to install twisted diapers around it, which we fix again with an elastic band, now together. The lower tier can be laid out in two or even three rows.
  3. The second layer is smaller in diameter than the first. We carry it out in the same way, laying twisted diapers around the bottle.
  4. We do the same for the top layer. If the diapers are higher than the bottle, use a Chinese stick to secure them.
  5. The base is ready. We hide the elastic bands with wide ribbons and decorate the “dessert” at our discretion.

A cake “cooked according to this recipe” will turn out stable, durable and, of course, beautiful. But keep in mind that it is quite heavy compared to other diaper cakes.

Idea number 2. Toilet paper

Needlewomen have learned to use a variety of materials to make their masterpieces. In this case, to make a diaper cake, you will need cardboard cylinders that are left over from used paper towels or toilet paper. Let's start making a huge cake.

  1. We cut out three circles of different diameters from thick cardboard, glue cylinders on them (in the center). The largest circle is at the bottom, then the middle one and the small one.
  2. We fold the diapers with a tube and fasten each of them to the base (cardboard cylinders) using the same rubber bands.
  3. Decorate the cake as you wish.

To make a diaper cake for a boy look organic, carefully choose and deliberately place decorative elements.

Design and decoration of a diaper cake for a girl

A diaper cake for a girl is usually made in white and pink colors. Yellow, red, orange are not so popular. On a cake for a girl, large tulle bows, wide satin ribbons, headbands, hair ornaments, as well as rings, earrings, bracelets will be appropriate. On top of the cake, you can put a Barbie doll, teddy bear, bunny or other animal.

Single tier, three tier diaper cake

Idea number 3. Single tier cake

The easiest option. Fold the first diaper in a tube, put it in the center of the stand. Place the rest of the diapers evenly, then twist around the first in one direction, tighten with an elastic band so that each element is on top of the previous one, but does not fit too tightly. From above we wrap our creation with a towel, decorate it beautifully.

Idea number 4. Three-tiered cake

But this option is not for beginners, but for those needlewomen who have already managed to try themselves in this matter. You need to be patient to "bake" it. So let's start.

  1. 40 diapers are laid in a spiral in one direction. You should get an even circle, which we then carefully tie with a white ribbon. If you want to make the diameter even larger, place a thick cardboard cylinder in the center.
  2. We do the second and third "floors" in the same way, only we use 30 and 10 diapers, respectively.
  3. We fasten all three tiers with one strong wooden stick.
  4. Now we decorate the "cake". There are no rules here. Decorate as you like.

Don't forget the packaging. If you do not want to use traditional wrapping paper, replace it with white tulle or another light, transparent fabric.

Gift with small towels

There are many ways to make and decorate diaper cakes. If you have no experience, do not choose complex, time-consuming options, so as not to be disappointed with the result. Try to start with something simple. Here is another cake decorating idea.

Idea number 5. Bright cake with towels

In work, you will need the actual diapers, bright small towels or diapers, elastic bands, ribbons, decorative elements. The number of towels depends on the number of tiers. To begin with, we make the "floors" themselves. We twist the diapers with rollers, form circles from them. Wrap each circle with a towel or diaper. We fasten all three tiers together. The base is ready. It remains only to decorate.

There are many ideas for decorating such a gift. Decorate the "dessert" with toys, baby cosmetics, rattles and even banknotes. Once you decide to make a gift useful, follow the principle to the end!

how make a diaper cake do it yourself

So, let's try to "bake" our own disposable diaper cake which is sure to be the most beautiful gift for the birth, name day or christening of a niece, nephew, baby with friends or in other cases related to small children. For this we need:

2-3 packs of diapers of a suitable size, on average from 40 to 100 or even more pieces, depending on the size of the future cake and the grandeur of our plan. Pampers can be taken the same size or different - for example, a pack of the first, second and third. You should not buy a lot of the smallest diapers - babies are sometimes born large and grow up quickly, the mother may not have time to use them. It’s also a good idea to find out in advance which brand of diapers parents prefer to buy - if they have such experience;

Diapers, cloth diapers, towels, perhaps a blanket, socks or a set of clothes with a hat: the specific choice depends on what has already been bought as a gift and how the cake is planned to be decorated. You can get by with two or three diapers, if two or three tiers are planned in the cake, or you can come up with something grandiose from an extensive set baby accessories;

Clothespins, linen and stationery gum (for money), large pins: all this will be used in the process of “cooking” to secure parts, and removed at the end of work;

A few beautiful large pins for the final fixing of the details of the gift, which the baby's parents will later remove;

Additional decorations diaper cake. These can be small toys and rattles, a doll that can be placed on top - the top "cake", a shiny "rain" if the cake is prepared as new year gift or the baby was born before the New Year, finely chopped green paper "grass", beautiful ribbons, bows, plastic or cardboard animal figures, as in the photo below, other options: there is an endless scope for imagination;

A wide plastic dish or cardboard circle on which a cake gift will be created and presented.

Almost all of the above "ingredients" are approximate and may vary depending on availability and need. The main thing here is diapers for foundation formation("cakes"), auxiliary means for fixing in the process of work and decoration for a finished gift.
In the following, we will describe several options for manufacturing diaper cake as a gift: You can do this in various ways.

We will start with the base - our "cake" or even several of them, depending on the number of tiers. The simplest, of course, one tier diaper cake. And you can do it in at least one of two ways.

In the first version - spiral, simpler (first photo), instead of the clothespins for fastening presented in the first part of the article, we will need a fairly spacious low pan or baking dish, other dishes of suitable size. In it, arranging in a circle as in the second photo, we will lay out our diapers close to each other - in a spiral. If there is a place in the center, it can also be filled with diapers, inserted there bottle or neatly folded clothes for the baby, prepared as a gift (blanket, plaid , diapers - whatever). This option is interesting in that diapers do not fold: it will be easier for a young mother to disassemble such a cake in the future. By the way, even a bottle of champagne can be inserted into the center, which will be a pleasant surprise for the child's parents.

Having laid the disposable diapers, we fix our “cake” with an elastic band or immediately tightly tie it with a ribbon and remove it from the dishes, pans or cake molds and place it on a pre-prepared round cardboard, plastic tray or dish.
If desired, you can make another layer of diapers - it can become the second tier of the cake. In this case, the upper and lower tiers will need to be connected in the center through a wooden stick, a bottle of champagne, or come up with another mounting option - so that our diaper cake didn't fall apart when moved. The number of disposable diapers for such a cake depends on the dimensions of the dishes and the packing density: usually it exceeds 30 pieces and can reach 50-60 or more. And to the top of the bottle or stick, beautifully designed, you can tie a toy.

Having prepared the base, we proceed to decorate it. In the first part of the article, we described the accessories that we might need. It can be a beautiful satin or translucent nylon ribbon - from which bows are tied for girls and with which our cakes can be tied. Diapers, a bedspread, a blanket prepared as a gift for a baby - they can completely cover the cakes, securing the edges with a couple of stitches of thread. Any other solutions from improvised materials.
Wrapping the cakes, you can fix the actual decorations on top: small toys , bright rattles, flowers from bows or folded baby socks, baby skin care products - lotions, shampoos, cream in beautiful bottles, curly flower candles, shiny beads ... In general, everything that was prepared in advance and that had enough imagination: The choice here is almost limitless. It is desirable that these decorations be useful to parents in the future: the girl may need ribbons and beautiful hairpins, baby diaper cake can be decorated with cars, etc.

Can be cooked - from rolled-up diapers, more difficult to manufacture. In this case, we first roll each diaper, securing it with a clothespin. Then we make blanks for the cake out of them: we fasten 7-8 “diaper tubes” with a knitting thread, an elastic band for money or another fastening option. Next, we add several cylinder blanks into a “cake” tier: their number can vary from one to five or more, depending on the size of the planned diaper cake. For example, the first tier can consist of five cylinders (35-40 diapers), the second - of three (21-24 diapers) and the third, smallest, from one blank - another 7-8 disposable diapers. What size is better to buy diapers, we wrote in the first part.

If there is an empty space between the blanks laid in the “cake”, it can also be filled with diapers rolled up. We tie the resulting layers with a thread or elastic band of suitable sizes and fasten them together - using a wooden stick, a gift spoon with a long handle, and other suitable options. And, as in the first case, we turn to decoration: ribbons, diapers, toys, clothes prepared as a gift or other accessories.

Gift for the birth of a baby, an extract from the hospital, name day or christening is almost ready: it remains to wrap our diaper cake transparent cellophane - emphasizing its beauty and ensuring the cleanliness of diapers, and decorate with a beautiful bow. And you can go on holiday!

In this article I would like to talk about such a rather interesting and unusual gift for a young mother as a diaper cake. It turns out that such beauty can be made independently.

Surely you have heard about such a recently popular gift for a newborn as a diaper cake. What could be better than a useful gift?

And there is nothing better than useful and at the same time beautiful, unusually designed, all the more so. You may be surprised, but it is quite possible to make such a cake yourself. It will take a little time, and the process of creating such beauty is very exciting.

Cake from diapers for a girl

What are the features of such a gift for a girl?

  • As for the color scheme, it is worth choosing delicate shades, which are also called pastels. These include pink, green, yellow, purple
  • Contrast can be brought with the help of ruffles and frills, which, despite their airiness, will make the gift bright and interesting.
  • Decorations in the form of dragonflies, butterflies, flowers can also bring paint. If you want something more moderate, then limit yourself to small beads and satin ribbons in discreet colors.

IMPORTANT: Brightness is especially appropriate if the baby was born in summer or spring - in this case, rich colors are simply necessary.

Brightness - what you need in summer or spring
  • Jewelry does not have to be limited to ribbons, beads, and flowers or dragonflies.
  • You can add dolls, bunnies or cubs, graceful elves - in general, any toys to your taste. If you want to approach from a practical side, then decorate the cake with socks, booties, use combs, cream, clothes as a filler - a young mother will certainly appreciate such help.

Restraint in colors is also beautiful

Cake from diapers for a boy

  • As for the boys, for them the best colors are blue, beige, light green. The brightness here should not be the same as in the case of a gift for girls. However, even with this, you can create an amazing gift that will definitely be remembered.
  • Something decor, it can be the most diverse - for the future football player, sailor, scientist, pilot, astronaut. Toys are also appropriate here, only adjusted for "boyish" preferences. You can even make the very shape of the cake in the form of a car, a train or a ship. Lovers of a practical approach will show their approach in decorating a gift with sliders, hats, undershirts, combs, booties, lotions and creams, towels

Shoes and children's cosmetics - what could be better for practical gift?

Diaper cake step by step - master class

You can make such beauty yourself, anyone can do it. Let's see what it takes:

  • Pampers - it is recommended to purchase the 1st or 2nd size, depending on the age of the baby. In general, it is better to take diapers for growth if you are afraid to miscalculate. The amount of this material depends on what size cake you plan to make.
  • So, for a large product of three tiers, you will need an average of 80 to 90 diapers. In some cases, even hundreds. It is recommended to purchase products of three types - in this way it will be possible to achieve visually smooth transitions between layers

IMPORTANT: As for the brand of diapers, it is best to ask your parents which brand they prefer to buy - so you definitely can't go wrong.

  • Cake stand - Ideally, a piece of square-shaped fiberboard, the sides of which will be approximately 37 centimeters. It is worth picking up a slightly larger wrapping paper for it. Discard ordinary cardboard immediately, as it will certainly bend under the weight of the finished gift.
  • cling film
  • Polyethylene for packaging
  • Disposable gloves
  • Take care of the material with which everything will be held together - these are tapes, double-sided tape, elastic bands, clothespins, wire. As for the tapes, it is better to take at least 3 meters, but it is advisable to have a margin. Also stock up on threads, stationery rubber bands or narrow ribbons in order to fasten diapers directly together.

  • Scissors
  • Children's items for decoration and filling, if you like a practical approach. These are booties, undershirts, diapers, nipples, teethers, children's cosmetics, anti-scratches. And, of course, toys are welcome.

Now let's start the process of creating a cake:

  • Hygiene comes first, so wrap each diaper in cling film. Never put this hygiene item on the table, even if the table seems clean. Twisting with gloves. How to make a wrap
  • You can treat each diaper individually in this way, or several pieces at once. A little tip: start folding with an elastic band - in this case, the side fold will be neat
  • And if you also refuel the gum itself, it will turn out great in general, since nothing will stick out. Make sure that the diaper tube is tightly twisted. Fasten each tube with an elastic band or temporary clothespin

IMPORTANT: Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and the materials you are going to work with.

  • Now arrange the diapers in tiers. As for the quantity, you can’t wait for clear recommendations, because it’s up to you to decide what size the cake will be - maybe it will consist of one tier in general
  • One tube can be inserted into the middle, or you can leave the middle for something else - things, for example, or even bottles of champagne to the delight of parents. You can twist one tier or several, each of which will be smaller than the previous one.

This is what the tier is - the preparatory stage
  • Now wrap the tiers - the cover can either partially cover the tier or completely. Even a partial one will already look quite festive, besides, you will hide the elastic bands with which the diapers are tied
  • Tapes here will be very appropriate. If you want to completely wrap the diapers, it is recommended to use special wrapping paper for this purpose, or, even better, a diaper.
  • Fasten the edges of the diaper with pins. Special pins for diapers are recommended - they are both larger and more elegant. Now remove the clothespins from the diapers if you clung to them

IMPORTANT: In the event that you liked the diaper option the most, fold it diagonally - so the edges for fastening will be thinner and it will be much easier to fasten them.

A diaper or blanket is ideal for wrapping tiers
  • When all the so-called floors of the cake are ready, you can begin to collect it into a single composition. If you didn’t put anything inside except for rolls of diapers, it is advisable to insert a thin stick there. Without something in the center, the whole composition is in danger of falling apart.
  • Do not forget that the cake should be collected on a solid basis, which will serve as a stand for us. Just wrap it in gift paper - it will turn out much more aesthetically.
  • Arrange toys and clothing as your imagination suggests. Things can be interestingly arranged - for example, string socks on cardboard rectangles, resulting in candles for a cake
  • If you are embarrassed by the diapers peeking from above the tiers, you can disguise them with something - a special decorative grass is perfect for this.

  • Now you can, if you wish, pack the whole cake in a transparent film, tightening it on top with a beautiful bow - this is convenient, hygienic, and practical

This is what the cakes look like fully wrapped.

The birth of a baby is always a celebration. I want this day to be special, and gifts given to parents can become a special highlight at the holiday. One of them may be beautiful cake from diapers for small children. It not only looks beautiful, but is also a very useful and necessary gift for the parents of the baby. Here are a few practical advice how to make a diaper cake step by step.

The easiest option

To prepare, you will need a box of diapers, ribbons and a base. As it you can use baby shampoo with an elongated bottle or a pack of napkins. You may also need an elongated object, for example, a latch, a wooden stick.

Step 1. To make a cake, you need to fold all the diapers in tiers, as shown in the picture. They will beautifully follow one after another, creating the outlines of a circle. It is fixed with tape. By analogy, 2 is made, a larger circle, and 3, if necessary.

Step 2. After all the tiers are ready, they are placed one on one so that the smaller circle is in the middle and after that everything is fixed with a stick in the middle or with any elongated object.

This is the easiest way to make your own diaper cake step by step. But there is another way that will take more time. It is best to choose a diaper for making a cake in a special package to make it easier to roll. Here is the next way to make a diaper cake.

Second way

To make a cake with twisted diapers, you will additionally need 3 circles of different sizes and a large ribbon. The basis is a baby bottle or shampoo in an elongated package. Here's how to make your cake step by step beautifully and quickly.

Step 1. On the largest circle in the middle, put a bottle or any other fixative. Then around it we gradually attach diapers folded with sausage in a circle. Then we tie them with a thin ribbon. After that, we fix the next layer in the same way until the last one reaches the circle area. We tie this layer with a wide ribbon with a bow.

Step 2. By analogy, we make layer 2 and 3, then connect them.

Step 3. Optionally, you can decorate a diaper cake with various toys, nipples, a book on parenting and developing children, or a rattle.

Such a diaper cake looks very beautiful and bright, especially if it is brightly decorated and made very interesting. Here's what you can do to make it not only useful, but also a fun gift with which you can take various photos.

We collect a complete set for the boy

Whichever option you choose to collect a diaper cake, you will need light blue and blue ribbons and additional materials to decorate the cake for boys. To make the cake not look boring, you can use various additions for decoration. For example, toys, rattles, bottles and kits baby food. They will look very stylish if you use the same brand of cosmetics for children.

For a boy, a beautiful and bright cake in blue tones can be decorated with the following additions:

Large blue ribbons with large white peas. The cake itself can be decorated with 1-2 soft toys of small size and beige color and several bottles of white or light blue color. As an addition to the gift, you can use a transparent bottle with a blue tip, blue roses or light blue rattles;

- denim design. You can choose toys in denim clothes as a decoration, make denim slippers for a boy or even a denim pocket in which you can put a bill for the health and development of the baby. Add blue or blue pacifiers, contrasting yellow rattles, as well as baby cosmetics and care products in white packaging as additional decorations. As an addition, you can use blue ribbons;

Decoration in the marine theme. A diaper cake will look very impressive if you arrange it in the tones of the sea wave. For decoration, you can use large bright satin ribbons, soap in the form of dolphins, fish and additional decorations. For example, toys in the form of a starfish, a baby apron with a whale and fish, baby soap, bottles, rattles. You can even use a small marine-themed postcard or an envelope with a bill for the development of the baby;

- cat decor. Both boys and girls love cats. You can make beautiful and bright, interesting design options with cats. For example, various badges, bows, postcards and images of these animals. The design will be very interesting if you make small cards with wishes for young people or the letters of the Russian alphabet with which your wish begins between diapers. They can then be used to play with the baby and its development.

How to make a diaper cake for a girl

If you want to make a gift to the family where the daughter was born, you can choose several options for decorating the cake.

Here's how to decorate a cake beautifully:

Blue and crimson ribbons. You can decorate the cake with large blue ribbons, and add bright pink and raspberry rattles and pacifiers, a book on child development and upbringing, a small soft toy or figured baby soap to the design of the diaper cake. This is the easiest way to design a gift for a newborn girl;

- pink ribbons and dolls. Many young mothers like bright and beautiful cake designs for a baby with elements of cosmetics and various children's accessories. Many from childhood begin to bring up femininity in a girl, choosing even children's jewelry, beads, skirts and even hygienic lipstick. Therefore, in such a kit, you can add baby soap in the shape of a strawberry or funny toys from Winx in a bright pink girlish design, shampoo with a Barbie image, jewelry for a girl, for example, a beautiful headband. And, of course, a small purse for the young lady, in which a banknote was hidden for the development of the girl;

- white decor. It will appeal to those who love beauty in white and purity. The cake can be decorated with any white or light pink decorations and complemented with small bottles, pacifiers, soap, shampoo and a beautiful white card with beautiful wishes. You can add to the set and accessories for mom. For example, some kind of jewelry, hygienic lipstick or even a special hypoallergenic fabric softener, cream or deodorant;

- decoration in peach tones. Ribbons can be made in peach color, and to decorate the cake, use baby soap or shampoo in peach tones, complemented by stylish straw or soft toys in milk chocolate tones. You can add a few children's picture books or a small chocolate bar in a beautiful wrapper for mom to decorate.

Going to the bride or christening, we usually buy bundles of diapers, diapers, bottles, nipples, rattles, toys and other useful things and funny trinkets. Of course, you can not fool yourself too much, but simply show up for the holiday as Grandfather Frost with a full bag of gifts. But why not get creative and present gifts in an original way? For example, in the form of a cute diaper cake, especially since in today's master class we will tell you in detail how to make a diaper cake for a bride or christening. Don't worry, you only need clean diapers to make this masterpiece 😉 And you don't have to "bake" a cake either, but be patient and turn on your imagination.

Video tutorial on "baking" cakes

The tradition of making cakes, pastries and other fun and extraordinary creations from diapers, which is just emerging in our area, came to us from the West. In particular, in America, the expectant mother and baby are honored with similar cakes at the Baby Shower holiday, which is held shortly before the birth of the baby. In my opinion, the gift is just wonderful, because, in addition to diapers, from which the cake is created, toys and other children's accessories are used, which are used to decorate the cake. Inside the cake, especially for parents, you can even hide a bottle of champagne 😉

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Master class: how to make a diaper cake

There are several ways to create diaper cakes. Today we will talk about one of the most popular and simple techniques. You are free to choose what is closer and dearer to you. Make your own adjustments, turn on your imagination and ... let's go create!

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"Ingredients" for the cake

  • Pampers, the number of which directly depends on the size of the future cake and the technology of its creation. For our three-layer cake, you will need 70 diapers. Since diapers will be used not only as building materials, but also for their intended purpose, before buying it would be nice to find out which brand parents prefer and name it and focus on. Do not forget to take into account another important point - the size of diapers. You can limit yourself to one size or use several at once. It is better not to take diapers for newborns and diapers of the first size, because babies grow by leaps and bounds. In addition, if the baby was born large, it is likely that the second size will be at the right time for him. And also, if you want to prolong the life of your creation so that you can admire it for as long as possible, choose a larger size! Do not forget that diapers are colored, so if you are planning to create a “pink fantasy” for your little princess, be sure to take this into account when buying so that you do not have to rack your brains at the last minute over how to disguise the blue or something else that does not fit into your idea.
  • A beautiful tray, stand or thick cardboard on which the cake will stand.
  • Diapers or thin fabric like lining for wrapping diaper layers.
  • Elastic bands for money, ordinary linen gum or ropes.
  • Clothespins.
  • Wide colored satin ribbons for decorating the cake.
  • Toys, rattles, socks and other small items for children original design cake.
  • Transparent film for wrapping gifts.
  • Safety pins and a long, thin stick will also come in handy.

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Making a diaper cake step by step

  • Upper layer

Our appetizing and in all respects cute cake will consist of three layers. And we will begin to create it from the topmost layer, for which we need 8 diapers. One by one, we take out the diapers from the pack and twist them into rolls. To make the side fold as neat as possible, we start twisting with an elastic band. So that the elastic does not stick out on the sides, we slightly tuck it inward. The roll should turn out to be tight, and so that it does not unwind ahead of time, we fix it with a rubber band or grab it from above with a regular clothespin. Similarly, we twist another 7 diapers. When all the rolls are ready, put one of them in the middle, place the remaining 7 in a circle, and put on an elastic band on top.

Now take the diaper and fold it several times. The width of the diaper should be equal to the height of the rolled diapers. With a folded diaper, we wrap the rolls assembled together. We fix the edges of the diaper with a safety pin or again use an elastic band, which can later be masked with a beautiful ribbon. The top level is ready!

  • middle layer

For the second layer, we make another blank of 8 diapers, similarly to the first layer. That is, in fact, we again make the first layer, securing everything with clothespins and rubber bands. Now we need to twist 14 more diapers into tubes, which we wrap in a circle around the blank of 8 diapers. We fix everything with an elastic band or rope. We remove the clothespins as a last resort so that the tubes do not unwind. We take the second diaper, fold it diagonally so that the edge for fixing is not so thick, wrap the second layer of the cake and fix the edge.

  • bottom layer

To make the bottom third layer of the cake, we prepare three more blanks from 8 diapers exactly as we did for the top and middle layers. We put three blanks side by side and tie them with a rope or intercept with an elastic band. We get a kind of triangle with three free spaces, each of which we fill with five tubes from diapers to make a circle. Insert another "roll" in the center. At the end, we wrap the layer with a folded diaper. If the soul asks for something more impressive, you can make another layer. When all the layers are ready, you can put them on top of each other.

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How to decorate a diaper cake in an original way

We baked a cake! Hooray!!! Now you can safely proceed to the most pleasant stage - decorating our masterpiece. However, before you go headlong into embellishment, you should take care of the stability, solidity and steadfastness of the structure, because we don’t want our creation to fall apart at the most inopportune moment and all our labors go down the drain? So that this unfortunate fate has passed us, we take a long thin stick and carefully, so as not to accidentally pierce the diapers, stick it in the center and pass it through all the layers - it will connect the layers and keep them from shifting. Under the cake, be sure to put a rigid base - a tray or a thick cardboard box, otherwise, when packing a gift, the lower layers may simply fall apart.

To decorate the cake, you can use multi-colored ribbons, toys, rattles, socks and other small things for children, as well as hygiene products. So, a cute soft toy will look great on the top of the cake. You can cut out long rectangles from cardboard, put children's socks on them and stick them into the cake - why not candles ?! In general, be creative and do not hold back your imagination! If the cake is intended for a boy, it can be decorated in a sports theme. If for a girl, we create a cake a la princess, generously decorated with bows, flowers, butterflies, cute dolls and booties. And, of course, do not forget to put something for the newly-made mom. She will certainly be touched by such attention.

We hope that your diaper cakes will come out well, will pleasantly surprise, delight, help make the holiday bright and unforgettable.

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