How to cook chicken fillet in a pan so that it is not dry? How to cook chicken breast so that it does not dry out. How to make chicken breast soft and juicy in the oven, what to marinate in What to do with dry chicken breast

Popular wisdom does not tire of repeating: in order for the dry to become wet, it must be soaked. The best way to make chicken breast juicy is to marinate it. For a quick rescue, all kinds of marinades are used to nourish the meat, which then turns out to be unusually tasty.

It is advisable to take yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese as the basis for the marinade. You should not get carried away with vinegar, because the acid will make the meat harsh, and the vinegar smell will remain.

What's a marinade without your favorite spices? Choosing them, it is permissible to show imagination, not forgetting the measure. With an excess of them, the chicken quickly absorbs other people's flavors and loses its own taste. We limit the number of seasonings, knowing that they are perfect for chicken breast:

  • black pepper;
  • paprika;
  • turmeric;
  • curry;
  • ginger;
  • garlic;
  • coriander;
  • thyme.

It's best to use one favorite seasoning so it will frame the meat without overpowering the original flavor.

The chicken marinates quickly. Usually it is left for half an hour to absorb the desired flavors. Sometimes you have to leave on business, then it is advisable to keep the chicken breast in the marinade for no more than 3 hours.

Cooking method

It is not the chicken breast that is to blame for the fact that it turns out to be dry, but the unfortunate hostesses who choose the wrong way of cooking. Most often, those who cook it for a long time get a rubber product.

But you can do otherwise: there is an oven, a slow cooker, a grill, a double boiler and an ordinary frying pan. Having tried different cooking methods, you have to make sure that juicy meat turns out in the oven. And if you bake it in foil or a sleeve, then it will turn out to be incomparably tasty, and in a double boiler it will also be as useful as possible.

Each method has its own tricks. For example, when cooking a breast in a pan, you must first fry it over high heat. A golden dense crust will quickly form, which will not allow the juice to flow out. And then, by reducing the flame, you can bring the meat to readiness. This is the perfect way to make chicken breast soft and juicy in a pan.

The languor after frying allows you to make the meat juicy, tender. It is necessary to quickly fry the pieces of breast on both sides, then cover the pan tightly with a lid and immediately reduce the heat. After 7-9 minutes, it's time to remove the meat. It will be amazing.

When cooking in the oven, you need to put the meat there when the temperature has reached 200-220º. The piece will immediately bake on top, as in a pan, and the juice will remain inside.

1. Pre-soak

Buying frozen breasts is undesirable. Their quality is much lower than that of chilled ones. But sometimes you have to use such a product in the absence of fresh. The advice of our grandmothers, who are used to clogging the freezer at the time of shortage, will help out.

Defrost chicken in cold water. Let her lie down in it for at least 1.5-2 hours. Just a little bit of salt is added. Thanks to this soaking with simultaneous defrosting, the breast will remain juicy during further cooking.

2. Breading

Next, we will talk about a method that has been proven over the years, how to make chicken breast juicy in breading. It is easy to please this capricious product if you use breading or batter. There are ready-made mixtures for deboning chicken, but it is better to make them yourself.

Most often, cooks use triple breading: flour - egg - breadcrumbs. But there are a number of other ideas:

  • flour - egg - grated cheese;
  • flour mixed with crushed walnuts or pecans;
  • crushed oatmeal;
  • corn flour.

The batter is obtained by mixing several ingredients. You can cook it by hand or using a blender. Usually flour and eggs are used as the base. Thick dough is diluted with mayonnaise or kefir, mineral water or milk. Sometimes cheese and greens are added to the batter. The resulting crust allows you to save the juiciness of each piece. In batter, dishes will never be dry.

3. Pleasant environment

Being alone is boring. To make the chicken juicy, you need to cook it with vegetables. Carrots, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, contain a lot of juice. It will be used to tenderize dryish white meat.

The method of roasting with vegetables is best for the oven. A delicious pillow is being prepared. Vegetables should be washed, peeled and cut into pieces. They can be mixed, flavored with pepper, other seasonings and salt.

It's boring to do everything like a neighbor's. You will not surprise anyone with chicken breast with vegetables. Then use oranges, pineapples and even tangerines as an exotic accompaniment. With this addition, the breast looks bright, fresh. You immediately want to try it, and the taste will not disappoint, as well as the quality of the meat. It will be juicy!

3. Slicing

The breast is a large part of the bird's carcass. Sometimes its weight reaches 500-600 g. Cooking such a piece of meat as a whole is not easy, given that it often turns out dry. You should not torture yourself and suffer, you can simply cut the breast into 2-4 parts.

Smaller pieces cook faster. They are better saturated with marinade. It is not at all necessary to cook it if there is no time. Small slices are perfectly saturated with soy sauce. You can also leave them soaked in mayonnaise for a few minutes.

Tip: Don't leave the meat lying still while it marinates. The more you turn it, the more tender it will turn out.

4. Foil or baking sleeve

It’s a sin not to remember such a method of cooking breast as baking in foil. Now many housewives use a baking sleeve as an alternative replacement. The effect is slightly different, but there are many similarities.

5. Other Important Secrets

Using the above methods, how to make chicken breast juicy, you can become a real master, preparing amazing lunches and dinners in your kitchen. In doing so, several important points must be taken into account:

  • it is better to salt the chicken breast at the end of cooking so that the juice is preserved;
  • after the completion of the cooking process, it is necessary to let the dish brew;
  • it is recommended to cook the breast over low heat;
  • the pan and oil must be heated before frying the meat;
  • you can make several cuts in a piece and lay pieces of butter, rosemary sprigs there.

juicy chicken breast recipe

All advice should be continued in practice. Therefore, we recommend that you cook juicy chicken breast in a delicious marinade right now. In addition to the main ingredient, you will need a glass of sour cream to prepare the sauce, herbs, spices, vegetables and salt.

  1. Chicken breast can be soaked in water for a few minutes, as described earlier. Then you need to get it wiped and cut into 2-4 pieces.
  2. The marinade is being prepared: sour cream is mixed with spices and salt.
  3. Prepared pieces of white meat are laid out in the marinade. Mixed, left to marinate for 30-50 minutes. Periodically, you can approach and mix the contents.
  4. While the chicken is prescribed with a delicious sauce, vegetables are being prepared. You can peel carrots, onions, cut into pieces. Boiled cauliflower or asparagus beans are perfect.
  5. A large piece of foil is laid out in the form. On top is a vegetable pillow, pieces of chicken breast are laid out on it. It can be sprinkled with herbs. The foil rolls up.
  6. The meat is baked in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180º.

Now every housewife who has read the article to the end knows how to make chicken breast juicy in the oven or in a pan. Let your dishes be the most delicious.

Chicken meat has millions of fans. If we do not know what to cook, we opt for chicken. Why not? Chicken breast never gets boring, it can serve as the basis for many recipes. It can be boiled, fried, steamed, baked. This product is relatively cheap and does not require fancy add-ons. In addition, its unsurpassed delicate taste will be the highlight of any dinner (including a festive one).

However, the preparation of meat dishes, even the most unpretentious, requires compliance with certain rules. You can make the wrong choice of manufacturer when buying a product in a supermarket, overcook, overcook or overcook. Despite the fact that chicken is very difficult to spoil, we hasten to warn you against some common mistakes in cooking.

You remove bones and skin

Breast deboning is not always the best option. According to Rick Martinez, associate editor of Bon Appétit magazine, skin and bones are very important in cooking. If you don't like baked skin, just remove it before eating. In the process of cooking, it acts as a protection and does not allow the meat juice to come out. The bones also help to give the meat juiciness due to the release of fat. That is why you do not need to pour a thick layer of vegetable oil into the pan. The bones and skin alone will give the meat an excellent taste. If you're sending chicken bones to the pan, get ready to put sticky, dry pieces of food in your mouth at dinner.

You ignore the marinade

If you're planning on cooking in a hurry, you'll often skip the marinade (although you might want to think about this ahead of time). Chicken breast is extremely dry, which means 30-40 minutes of "bathing" in a spicy brine will do it good. As ingredients for the marinade, you can use whatever you want: from kefir to mayonnaise. Ginger, chili pepper, brown sugar (to caramelize the meat), vinegar (to soften the elastic fibers), and, of course, salt can be an ideal sauce filling. Some people do not put salt in the marinade, citing the fact that the substance draws precious moisture from chicken meat. Our expert assures that this theory has no substantiation. If you exclude salt, you risk worsening the taste of the finished dish.

Do you prefer to boil the breast

Do people still boil chicken breast? Of course, we are not talking about broth for soup. When choosing from cooking methods, Rick Martinez recommends tilting your mind in favor of the oven. Increasing the temperature during cooking enhances the taste of any product. For example, remember that cauliflower tastes much better when it's baked in the oven. If you want to score a few bonus points and pleasantly surprise your household, do a quick fry in a pan before sending the meat to the oven. Let's throw away the stereotypes that everything fried is harmful. We assure you, this is not the case. Place the breast skin side down in the hot skillet and fry until golden brown. The same can be done in reverse. If your preferences are in favor of frying in a pan, then a few minutes before serving, send the finished meat to languish in the oven.

Do you get dry meat?

If the meat came out dry, you can fix it with a homemade sauce. Your task is to deliver some moisture inside the meat. Put the overdried breast in the pan and pour in the sauce, which can be made from mayonnaise, Greek yogurt or sour cream. If you are an opponent of the creamy taste, then replace these ingredients with meat broth. The main thing is not to turn on the fire again, just let the moisture soak into the meat. In this case, additional heat treatment will further aggravate the situation.

How to make chicken breast juicy, but without breading, frying, oil and without grilling? I found this one for myself. It takes 25-35 minutes, it is impossible to spoil, fast and very simple. In addition, chicken breast prepared in this way can safely call itself dietary. If you, like me, have a constant lack of time, if you like healthy food, but do not like processed foods, you may like this recipe :)

You will need:

  1. chilled chicken breast 6 pcs.;
  2. 2 medium sized tomatoes;
  3. Parsley and dill (enough);
  4. Bag (or sleeve) for baking.

We wash the chilled chicken breast, cut off, if there is something to cut, salt and pepper on both sides. I used "American Grill Mix" instead of pepper.

We put it in a bag (or sleeve) for baking, fasten it on top with a special tie that comes with the bag. And don't forget to poke a couple of small holes in the top of the bag!

And into the oven. For 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Choose the time yourself, depending on the number of chicken breasts and their size. It is advisable to use a timer, because. an extra 5 minutes can be fatal for a juicy chicken breast, it will become tough and dry. But in any case, no more than 30 minutes!

We take out the baked breast and put it in a deep plate.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, lay on the hot chicken breast, sprinkle with parsley and dill on top. Like this:

It is better to add a little more salt and add quite a bit of freshly ground white pepper.
Put cheese on top (I used Athlete 20% fat) and microwave!

1-2 minutes and the chicken breast is ready!

Enjoy your meal!

Chicken breast is a fairly versatile product. From white chicken meat you can cook many tasty and healthy dishes. In addition, chicken meat is quite a dietary product and many girls who watch their weight prefer to eat it. Some people consider chicken breast meat to be tasteless and dry, but this is a fundamental misconception, because properly cooked chicken breasts are very soft, tender, juicy and, of course, delicious.

How to cook juicy chicken breast in sour cream

Even a small child can cook chicken breast according to this recipe, and the result of the finished dish will delight you.

  • chicken breast fillet - 700 gr.;
  • sour cream - 300 gr.;
  • cheese - 100 gr.;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, prepare the sauce, for this, squeeze garlic into sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can add your favorite seasonings to the sour cream sauce.
  • In the prepared baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, put the well-washed chicken fillet and pour it abundantly with sour cream sauce.
  • Rub the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle the chicken breast in sour cream on top of it.
  • In a well-heated oven to 200 degrees, place the dish with chicken for 40 minutes.
  • The finished dish can be served with any side dish.

How to cook juicy chicken breast in a sleeve with honey mustard sauce

The chicken breast cooked according to this recipe is juicy, tender and literally melts in your mouth, and the spicy mustard-honey sauce reveals the taste of chicken meat in an unusual way.

  • 2 chicken breasts on the bone;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • mild mustard - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • In a separate bowl, mix together a tablespoon of honey, mustard and vegetable oil.
  • Peel chicken breasts, if desired, you can separate the fillet from the bone.
  • Thoroughly coat each chicken breast with the prepared sauce and place in a baking bag.
  • Remove the baking bag with chicken breasts in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes after the chicken is in the oven, pierce the bag and bake the dish until done.

The finished dish goes well with any side dish of vegetables.

How to cook a juicy chicken breast "A la Caprese"

Chicken "A la Caprese" is a dish that is not ashamed to put on any holiday table, because it turns out to be very tasty, appetizing and satisfying. You can serve this dish with any side dish.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • chicken breast fillet - 3 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 1-2 pieces;
  • mozzarella cheese - 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • seasonings, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the chicken fillet well, peel off the films and make small cuts in it without cutting through it to the end.
  • Salt, pepper well and sprinkle the fillet with your favorite seasonings.
  • Place a slice of fresh tomato and cheese into each cut.
  • Place the cooked chicken breasts in a greased ovenproof dish and coat them well with vegetable oil.
  • Place the dish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Breast is one of the most popular diet foods.

With its low calorie content, it saturates well and contains a lot of protein. And it is simply necessary for weight loss. But do not hide the fact that often the fillet after cooking is quite dry and tasteless. But this is only for those who do not know how to properly prepare a dietary breast.

Diet breast - general principles of preparation

The main task in preparing a dietary breast is to make it soft and juicy. And one of the main secrets is not to digest. The longer white meat is cooked, the tougher and less flavorful it will be. Of course, stuffing with butter or bacon will help solve the problem, but then the meat will certainly not be low-calorie.

Dietary ways to cook juicy breast:

Pickling. Makes meat more tender and juicy. You can use a variety of products and ready-made sauces.

Beating. Destroys hard fibers, makes meat more porous, soft.

Cutting against the fibers. It also contributes to the destruction of fibers.

Cooking in lezon, breading. They will not allow the juices to come out of the meat.

Use of all kinds of sauces.

Cooking a dish from a dietary breast, chopped into minced meat.

Whatever method of preserving juiciness is chosen, dietary breast will not turn out tasty and soft if it is stale. Meat that has been frozen is harder to make tasty. Therefore, it is better to purchase chilled breasts.

You can cook not only dietary chicken breast, but also turkeys. The second has a lower calorie content than the first (85 versus 115). When cooking, you need to exclude frying in oil and give your preference to cooking (in water and steam), baking, stewing and grilling. Be sure to remove the skin, which is an accumulation of fat cells, before cooking.

Recipe 1: Diet breast in kefir "Piquant"

Delicious dietary breast in kefir sauce, which is also very easy to prepare. For pickling, it is better to use kefir 0.5 or% fat.

Required Ingredients:

0.5 kg breast;

100 gr. kefir;

3 cloves of garlic;

Salt, dill.

Cooking method

Cut the chicken breasts into strips, always against the meat fibers. Pour in kefir, add chopped garlic, salt and send to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Can be left overnight. Then put in a pan and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. At the end add dill greens. If you do not like the aroma of garlic, then you can replace the onions.

Also, pickled diet breasts with garlic and kefir can be baked in the oven. To do this, put the meat in a form, preferably non-stick and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Recipe 2: Diet breast with buckwheat in a pot

Buckwheat and diet breasts are the two most popular products for weight loss. So why not cook them together? This recipe is good because it immediately solves the issue of garnish. In addition, you do not need to stand at the stove and spend a lot of time cooking. The active process will not take more than 10 minutes.

Required Ingredients:

1 glass of buckwheat;

0.4 kg breast;



3 tomatoes;

50 gr. sour cream;

Salt, spices.

Cooking method

Cut the breast into thin layers and lightly beat off. Then chop into strips. So it will turn out more tender and softer. Rinse buckwheat, drain water. Onions, carrots, tomatoes finely chopped, can be mixed together. Put the breast on the bottom of the pots, then the vegetable mass, buckwheat on top. Pour in salted water so that it is 3 cm higher than the food. If there is low-fat broth, then the pots can be filled with it. Top with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream. You can use cream. Cover pots with lids. Cook a dietary breast with buckwheat porridge in the oven for an hour at medium temperature.

Recipe 3: Diet Breast with Mushrooms

Dishes for slimness can be amazingly delicious. And diet breasts with mushrooms confirm this. Incredibly juicy and mouth-watering rolls can become a table decoration. The main thing is to cook them according to all the rules and without extra calories.

Required Ingredients:

Breast 0.7 kg;

3 cloves of garlic;

Mushrooms 0.3 kg;

2 onions;

Pepper, salt;

0.1 kg of sour cream;

Oil for greasing the pan.

Cooking method

Finely chop the mushrooms and onions, pepper, salt and squeeze in a lightly greased pan for a minute, then pour in a little water and simmer for another 5 minutes. At this time, cut the breasts into plates and beat off. Sprinkle with salt on top, grate with chopped garlic and pepper, you can use any mixture of spices, this will only make the rolls tastier.

Put mushroom filling on each piece of dietary breast and roll up. Top with a thread or chop with a toothpick. Place rolls in a baking dish. Salt sour cream, add a little pepper, stir. Lubricate the rolls with the resulting sauce, bake in the oven for half an hour at medium temperature.

Recipe 4: Diet Breast with Cabbage "Hedgehogs"

A recipe for light and very juicy cutlets with breast, which can be cooked both in the oven and in a slow cooker. As an addition to dietary breasts, there is white cabbage and carrots.

Required Ingredients:

Breasts 0.4 kg;

Cabbage 0.3 kg;

1 carrot;

Egg white;

Incomplete spoonful of flour;

Broth 0.2 l.

Cooking method

Twist the breasts into minced meat. Chop cabbage and carrots, stew in a pan with a small amount of water for just a few minutes, so that the vegetable mass becomes more pliable, and future hedgehogs turn out neater. Now you need to cool, mix with minced meat, salt, pepper, add raw egg white. Wet your hands and form into small balls. Pour into a baking dish. Add salt to the meat broth, mix with flour and pour over the hedgehogs. Put in the oven for 40 minutes. Ready hedgehogs can be served with any side dish. If desired, instead of pouring from the broth, you can use tomato juice or milk.

Recipe 5: Diet Breast in Foil with Lemon and Tomato

A dish for those who do not like to stand at the stove or do not know how to cook at all. A simple diet breast recipe with a minimum amount of ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

Breast of any size;

1 tomato;

. ½ lemon;

Cooking method

Place the chicken breast on a cutting board, large side down, tubercle on top. Make vertical cuts at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other, without cutting 1 cm to the end. You should get a kind of accordion, which you need to salt, pour over lemon juice and insert a circle of tomato into each cut. Wrap the diet breast in foil and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the piece.

Recipe 6: Diet Breast with Beans

Two protein products that will provide a satisfying and tasty weight loss. It is important not to replace boiled beans with canned ones. The marinade contains sugar, with which a thin waist is not friendly. You can use any beans, but white beans are more tender.

Required Ingredients:

0.4 kg fillet;

0.2 kg of dry beans;


0.5 l of tomato juice;

1 spoon of oil;

Salt, spices.

Cooking method

Soak beans in advance in plenty of water, preferably overnight. Then rinse, pour new water and boil until soft. Drain the water. Also cut the fillet into pieces. Approximately the same size as beans. Grease the pan with oil, fry the finely chopped onion, add the fillet and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid. Then put in a pan with boiled beans, add salt, any spices as desired. Pour in tomato juice and simmer everything together for 10-15 minutes.

This is the basic recipe. In which you can also add any vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, cabbage. From this dish will only taste better. And less calories.

Recipe 7: Boiled Diet Breast Sausage

From a dietary breast, you can cook a tender and juicy homemade sausage. And, importantly, it will be without dyes and preservatives. Therefore, you can safely give to children. There are two ways to cook sausage.

Required Ingredients:

0.5 kg fillet;

0.1 kg of milk;

1 tsp gelatin;

Salt, spices.

Cooking method

Mix gelatin with milk and let it brew for 15-30 minutes. Scroll the fillet through a meat grinder 2 times or chop in a blender. Add whipped protein, salt, spices. You don’t need to feel sorry for spices, you can use any: curry, suneli hops, various types of pepper, coriander. Add dissolved gelatin and mix. Mince is ready.

For the first method, you will need parchment and a baking sleeve. Put the stuffing on parchment in the form of a log, wrap it tightly. Tie the ends with a thread and wrap the sausage along the entire length with it so that when cooking it is of the same thickness. Now the workpiece must be placed in a sleeve or a baking bag, tightly tie the ends and also wrap with thread so that the film does not inflate. Boil in a saucepan for 1 hour. Then cool and remove all shells.

The second method is easier, but the sausage is short. You need cylindrical cups. They are lubricated inside with oil, filled 2/3 with minced meat, put in a saucepan with water on a cloth and the sausage is cooked until tender. Cups should be covered with lids. As water evaporates, add water to the pot. Carefully remove the finished sausage from the dietary breast from the cups.

Recipe 8: Diet breast stuffed in a double boiler

Recipe for a spicy diet breast with olives and bell peppers, cooked in a double boiler. A large number of spices are used, which give aroma and rich taste.

Required Ingredients:

2 halves of the breast, that is, one from the chicken;

12 olives;

1 bell pepper;

Spices, you can Korean;

Soy sauce.

Cooking method

In the breasts make a horizontal pocket, the more the better. Brush generously inside and out with soy sauce. Let marinate for an hour. Cut the olives into small pieces, bell pepper into cubes, after removing the core with seeds. Mix together. Add spices to the filling. Fill the pockets in the fillet with a mass, put in a double boiler, sprinkle with spices on top. Cook for half an hour.

Recipe 9: Diet Breast Pate with Nuts

This diet breast pate will be a great addition to bread and diversify a boring menu. It turns out incredibly tender and airy, even those who are not losing weight will like it. Walnuts are high in calories, but there is no need to be afraid of this. This fat is good for the body, and the calorie content of the finished pate is only 214 kcal per 100 g.

Required Ingredients:

Breast 0.3 kg;

Walnuts 0.1 kg;

Salt pepper;


A clove of garlic.

Cooking method

Boil the breast, leave to cool. Chop the onion and garlic, simmer in a pan with a little water. At this time, cut the meat into pieces, pour into a blender bowl. Add walnuts and fried onions. Salt, pepper. Grind thoroughly. If the mass turns out to be thick, you can add a little broth in which the dietary breast was prepared.

If you need to beat off dietary breasts with a hammer, then it is more convenient to do this through cling film. So they will not lose juices, remain whole and will be more even.

When marinating fillets, large pieces should be pierced in several places with a fork or knife. So they are better saturated and will be juicier. The dishes with meat should be covered with a lid or film.

The meat will be tastier and more tender if you add a little sugar or a spoonful of honey to the marinade. Mustard fibers also soften well. These ingredients can be added to any sauces and marinades, even dairy ones.

Soy sauce is a wonderful product for marinating fillets, and it is low in calories. If there is nothing else at hand, then diet breasts can be filled with them. But it is important not to overdo it, as it is quite salty.

As it turns out, diet breasts can be amazingly delicious. And our wonderful recipes confirm this. Let the path to harmony be easy, and the menu varied!

After the timer beeps to let you know that the cooking time is up, remove the lid or foil from the pan and cook the chicken for about twenty more minutes, until it's browned. How to cook juicy You just need to add vegetables to the dish! Open the package with the frozen mixture and pour into the chicken dish, salt and pepper, leave in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

While the chicken and vegetables are cooking, you need to cook the rice. It is best to use a rice cooker for this, but a regular saucepan will also work. Add salt, a couple of black peppercorns, a spoonful of chopped garlic to the rice. It is better to do this at the very beginning of cooking so that the rice absorbs the aromas of seasonings. As soon as the fillet is ready, remove it from the oven, cool slightly, cut into small slices. Put the rice on a plate, put fillet pieces and vegetables on top, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Everything can be served at the table!

Breast in the oven is delicious, but how to fry a juicy chicken breast in a pan? Quite simply! You need a breast or a ready-made fillet, spices or fresh herbs, seasonings, garlic, salt. Take the chicken, if it is a breast, then carefully separate the meat from the bones and rinse in water, then cut into cubes. Peel and chop two or three cloves of garlic with a knife or use a garlic press. Heat a deep frying pan with oil, put the fillet cubes and garlic. And how do you cook a juicy chicken breast in a pan so that it doesn't really dry out? Fry over medium heat for 10-15 minutes, making sure that nothing burns. If in doubt whether the chicken is ready inside and do not want to risk it, add half a glass of water, cover and simmer the dish for 10-15 minutes. For flavor, you can add fresh herbs or fragrant seasonings. The finished dish is best served with vegetables or rice, beautifully decorated on a plate.

Now you know how to cook a juicy chicken breast and you can always please your family with a delicious and healthy dinner.

Chicken breasts are an indispensable product for dietary nutrition. Their white meat is considered the most useful, as it contains a minimum of cholesterol. Chicken breast fillets are quick and easy to prepare. They can be fried, boiled, baked, stuffed, etc. They can be both a festive table dish and a delicious everyday meal.

But not all housewives turn out juicy chicken breasts. To avoid such an incident, before heat treatment, they can be wrapped in fatty bacon, or put in them a few onion rings or a slice of lemon. There are other tricks as well. Chicken breasts, the recipe for which is offered below, will meet all your expectations!

Recipe for chicken breasts "Red crust"

After pickling, chicken breasts are fragrant, juicy, with a golden brown.


  • 1 chicken egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 3 art. l. wheat flour
  • seasoning for chicken


The first thing to do is to prepare the marinade for chicken breasts: to do this, beat the egg in a container with a fork, add mayonnaise, flour, salt and seasoning. Mix everything well. Wash the chicken breasts and remove the skin. Depending on the size of the breast, you need to divide it into several parts. Then place the chicken breasts in the prepared marinade sauce. Cover the container and leave for two hours. After marinating the chicken breasts, heat the pan and fry them on both sides in vegetable oil. The dish is ready.

Chicken breasts with mushrooms

The proposed recipe for cooking delicious chicken breasts will appeal to even the most fastidious gourmets.


  • 400 grams of chicken breasts
  • 100 grams of butter
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 300 grams of fresh mushrooms
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 100 grams of heavy cream
  • salt - to taste


Wash the chicken breasts, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and fry using half the butter. Peel, wash and stew the mushrooms with garlic and oil, then transfer them to the prepared breasts. Pour the cream into the pan, where the oil from the frying of the mushrooms remains, and let them thicken without boiling. Pour the resulting sauce over the mushrooms on the chicken breasts and serve, sprinkled with chopped herbs if desired.

Chicken breasts with potato crust

Chicken breast chops in potato batter are cooked quickly, they are very juicy and tasty.


  • 4 things. chicken breasts
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 potato tubers
  • salt, pepper - to taste


Cut the chicken breasts in half, pepper, salt and beat lightly. Whisk the eggs. Peel potatoes and grate on a coarse grater. Then proceed with the chicken breasts as follows: first dip each of them in an egg, then in a grated potato. Next, they should be fried in vegetable oil in a well-heated pan. Chicken breasts prepared according to this recipe are well served as a side dish with rice or stewed vegetables.

Juicy chicken breast chops

The chicken breast, the recipes for which are offered here, is really juicy and appetizing. Everyone who tries it will be satisfied.


  • 500 grams chicken breast fillets
  • mustard
  • spices, salt
  • dry herbs
  • vegetable oil


Cut the chicken breasts into portions and beat well. Next, grease each piece of chicken breast with a mixture of mustard, dry herbs and spices. Let stand 30 minutes. Then fry the chicken breast chops on both sides in vegetable oil until tender. They are sure to be soft and juicy.

Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce

We offer to cook baked chicken breasts in sour cream sauce with garlic. Very tasty! Boiled rice is a good side dish for this dish.


  • 2 chicken breast fillets
  • 300 grams of sour cream
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 150 grams of cheese
  • salt, pepper - to taste


For chicken breasts, prepare the sauce: add garlic, passed through a press, to sour cream, salt, pepper and mix. Put the chicken breast fillets in a baking dish, completely pour over the sour cream sauce. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 45 minutes.

Chicken breasts baked in foil

To prepare this delicious dish, you do not need to have high culinary skills.


  • 2 chicken breast fillets
  • 4 things. kumquats (small oranges)
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 small red peppers
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp soy sauce


Wash hot peppers and kumquats and cut into two parts. Separate rosemary into leaves. Onions must be cut into rings. Whip soy sauce with vegetable oil and honey until smooth. Cut chicken breast fillets in half lengthwise. Make 4 squares from foil, each side is 20 cm. In the center of such a square, put a portion of chicken breasts, two halves of a kumquat, half a hot pepper, and onion mugs. Sprinkle all this with rosemary and pour over the sauce. Wrap the foil tightly and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 20 minutes. You can serve boiled rice on a common plate as a side dish for chicken breasts prepared according to this recipe.

Chicken breasts smoked in tea


  • 6 chicken breast fillets
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry white wine
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tsp fresh grated ginger root
  • 1 st. l. black peppercorns
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 0.3 cup black loose leaf tea
  • 0.3 cup rice
  • 3 art. spoons of brown sugar
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1.5 st. l. olive oil


Wash the chicken breast fillets, pat dry with paper towels and cut into 2 parts. In a separate container, mix soy sauce, wine, grated ginger and vegetable oil. Put the chicken breast fillets in the same container. Mix everything thoroughly: the breasts should be completely covered with marinade. Place in refrigerator for 2 hours. After that, dry the fillet again with a paper towel.

In a small frying pan, roast two tablespoons of salt and a little black pepper for 3 minutes. Grate the fillet with this mixture and let stand for an hour at room temperature. Then cover the bottom of the pan with foil in two layers. Mix dry tea with rice, cinnamon and sugar, pour it all into the bottom of the pan, and place a small wire rack on top.

Heat the olive oil in another pan, and fry the chicken breast fillets in it for 3 minutes on each side. Transfer the breasts to a wire rack in a frying pan and place over high heat. Uncovered, heat through for 7 minutes. Then reduce the heat to medium, cook for 8 minutes with the lid closed. After that, remove the pan from the heat, do not open the lid for another 10 minutes. Next, transfer the breasts to a dish, cover with foil and let stand for another 10 minutes. The dish is ready, it can be carried to the festive table!

Breasts baked with pineapple

Chicken breasts cooked according to this recipe are beautiful, tasty and very juicy!


  • 2 large chicken breast fillets
  • 150 grams hard cheese
  • 1 can of pineapple
  • mayonnaise, soy sauce, chicken seasoning, salt


Frozen chicken breast fillet cut lengthwise. Prepare the marinade: to do this, mix soy sauce, mayonnaise and seasonings. Pour marinade over chicken breasts and leave in it for an hour. Then lightly beat them off, put them on a baking sheet in one layer and pour over the rest of the marinade. Salt if necessary.

Arrange pineapple slices on chicken breast fillet slices, sprinkle lightly with syrup from a jar. Next, place everything in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes. Then sprinkle the breasts with pineapples with grated cheese and put them back in the oven until browned. Let the breasts cool slightly and cut into portions. Serve with boiled rice, garnished with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Enjoy your meal!

Poultry meat is a tasty, healthy and, most importantly, dietary product for us! Chicken breast will be an excellent basis for the diet of a losing weight girl, it remains to cook it correctly and tasty.

1. The most optimal way to cook chicken breast is boiling. But here there is a danger of making the meat dry and tasteless. It is best to boil the breast in vegetable broth with spices to your taste. They put the meat in the already boiling salted broth, the scale should be removed in the first few minutes as soon as the meat begins to boil. Then the fire is reduced, close the lid and cook for 20-40 minutes. The time varies depending on whether the original product was frozen or only chilled, if it is a broiler chicken, then it will be cooked in 20-25 minutes, if it is a homemade adult chicken, then it will have to be cooked for an hour and control the readiness. When you are sure that the meat is cooked, turn off the heat and leave it in the broth for a while so that it is saturated with liquid and the aroma of spices.

2. Another great way to cook fillets is on a grill in the oven. Take a whole non-frozen fillet, you can chop it with a fork in several places, salt, season and send it to the grill, not very high, so that it has time to bake and not burn out. If you sprinkle the fillet just before going into the oven, then the taste will be even more tender and piquant. The meat prepared in this way is especially tasty and does not contain a single gram of excess fat.

3. Also a great way to cook dietary meat deliciously is to bake it in foil. Fillet or other part of the chicken (pre-remove the skin and remove all visible fat, remember!) salt, pepper, season with your favorite herbs and spices, you can coat with mustard - this will give the meat an indescribable flavor, wrap it in foil and send it to the oven for 20-30 minutes . It turns out very tasty meat, previously marinated in honey, the taste and aroma are magical. Meat in foil is particularly juicy and tender in taste and, again, cooked only in its own juice, without additional fat.

As you can see, there are many ways to cook chicken meat deliciously. A diet based on chicken will allow you to lose weight and at the same time eat tasty and full. Love yourself and be beautiful.

Chicken fillet is considered not only nutritious, but also dietary meat. Plus, it's delicious, of course, if you cook it right. There are many different ways to cook chicken fillet. It can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven or fried. Today we will look at how to cook chicken fillet in a pan.

At first glance, it seems that frying chicken fillet is quite simple. However, many housewives are faced with the fact that the meat after frying becomes dry and tough. That is why, before you start cooking, you need to figure out how to cook chicken fillet so that it is not dry. This will help us with the advice of experienced hostesses:

  • to make the chicken breast juicy, it should be cut into thin slices, and then beat off a little, salt, season with pepper and leave for half an hour;
  • juicy chicken fillet is obtained if it is fried in batter;
  • so that the meat does not turn out dry, use sour cream or any other sauce when frying it;
  • chicken breast after frying can be slightly stewed - then it will be juicy and soft;
  • before frying the chicken fillet in a pan, it can be boiled.

As you can see, there are many ways to cook juicy and tasty chicken breast. Let's look at a few simple and affordable recipes.

Cooking chicken breast in soy sauce with vegetables

If you like spicy and slightly spicy dishes, then try frying chicken fillet according to this recipe. You can serve it with almost any side dish.


  • 500 g chicken breast;
  • soy sauce (add to taste);
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 200 g zucchini;
  • a mixture of peppers (black and red);
  • 3-4 st. l. sesame oil;
  • red bell pepper - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 carrot;
  • fresh or dried herbs (you can take parsley, rosemary and basil);
  • lemon (can be replaced with lime);
  • salt.


This recipe can be modified. So, it will be very tasty if you add green beans or canned corn. And to make the dish colorful, take Bulgarian sweet peppers of different colors.

Tender chicken fillet in sour cream sauce

Now let's cook the chicken breast in sour cream sauce. Such a dish will be very tender and juicy. By the way, sour cream can be replaced with cream.


  • chicken fillet - 600 g;
  • filtered or boiled water - 150-200 ml;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh cilantro (you can take dill or parsley) - 25-30 g;
  • a mixture of spices and salt.


Pan fried chicken recipe


  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 head of red onion;
  • white wine - 40-50 mg;
  • lemon;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • dried cloves;
  • olives (preferably green pitted) - 12-15 pieces;
  • greens fresh or dried (any);
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.


  1. Chicken fillet should be cut into small sticks, and onion should be finely chopped.
  2. Olives cut into rings.
  3. Pour the oil into a hot frying pan and, as soon as it heats up, add the onion. Fry it until it becomes translucent.
  4. Now you need to add the chicken fillet and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Pour wine into the pan, add bay leaves and cloves.
  6. Cover with a lid and simmer our fillets for 20 minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally.
  7. After the specified time, put the olives in the pan and season the dish with spices, salt.
  8. Simmer for another 2-3 minutes, and then remove the pan from the heat. Add greens and garlic (it needs to be squeezed out), and then pour over lemon juice. Meat can be served at the table.

So we met with the most popular recipes for cooking chicken fillet in a pan. As you can see, they are all easy to perform and do not require much time. Experiment, do not be afraid to add new ingredients - and you are sure to cook a real culinary masterpiece. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!