How does the harm differ from different alcoholic drinks? The difference between whiskey and vodka Which is better, rum or tequila.

On strong alcohol in Russia it accounts for 70-75% of total consumption. But if previously vodka was the absolute leader, in recent years its share has decreased somewhat due to cognac, whiskey, rum and tequila. True, not everyone still knows the difference between imported alcohol and native vodka. To fill this gap, I propose to compare whiskey and vodka according to the most important indicators.

1. Technology. Vodka is a mixture of rectified (well purified) ethyl alcohol and water. Strength 40 degrees. Some types of vodka may have a higher strength and/or the presence of aromatic additives. Standardized technology has made it possible to establish production in many countries, but throughout the world vodka is considered a traditional Russian drink. IN pure form it is drunk only in the territory of the former USSR. In Europe and the USA, vodka is considered ideal basis for cocktails, since it has neither smell nor taste.

Whiskey is an alcoholic drink made from barley, rye or corn, obtained by malting (sprouting cereals), fermenting them, distilling the wort and aging the finished distillate in oak barrels for several years. The strength ranges from 40 to 60 degrees. The taste depends not only on the quality of the raw materials; the skill of the distiller and the aging time in barrels are of great importance. Each region has its own requirements for production technology; there are no uniform standards. Whiskey is traditionally made in Ireland, Scotland, USA, Canada and Japan.

According to the production technology, whiskey is closer to moonshine; it is made from only a few types of grains, which increases the cost. In turn, alcohol for vodka is produced from any food starch-containing raw material, for example, potatoes, sugar beets, peas, etc. can be used in a mixture with grain.

2. Organoleptic properties. This refers to the color, smell and taste of the drink. Depending on the aging time in oak barrels, the color of the whiskey starts from light yellow and ends in brown. The taste varies from viscous thick to light floral, this is influenced by the raw materials and the region of production. Island Scotch whiskeys are considered the “heaviest”; their second name is “scotch”.

Whiskey color variety

Good vodka should be moderately strong, transparent, tasteless and odorless. There are no other requirements for its organoleptic characteristics.

3.Culture of use. In this aspect, vodka and whiskey are radically different. In Russia, it is customary to drink vodka in large doses during a feast. Her taste is not important, the main thing is the result, good snack and fun company.

Whiskey is more suitable for connoisseurs of alcohol who gather in a small circle in a calm, quiet place to spend time talking or other interesting activities, such as playing cards. Whiskey is drunk from special glasses in small sips, trying to capture the peculiarities of aroma and taste. It is not customary to dilute or snack it, as this interferes with perception. After tasting, the whiskey is discussed, comparing the chosen brand with others.

For large noisy companies whose members are not experts alcoholic drinks, vodka would be better. For a narrow circle of connoisseur friends, a bottle of good whiskey will help brighten up your vacation, giving you new tasting experiences.

4. Harm to health. There is no consensus on this matter. One group of researchers believes that whiskey is more harmful than vodka, since it contains more foreign impurities, for example, essential oils that cannot be removed by distillation, while vodka is a rectified product that contains nothing but water and alcohol.

Their opponents refer to the work of Russian toxicologists under the leadership of Professor Vladimir Pavlovich Nazhny, who heads the Research Institute of Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Scientists have come to the conclusion that in excessive doses, any alcoholic beverages are harmful, but vodka is the most harmful. The problem is precisely the absence of third-party impurities. Because of this, the body does not immediately recognize the danger, beginning to react with a delay, when the functioning of vital systems has already been disrupted.

Vodka is more addictive than other drinks

Some microimpurities of the distillate partially protect the body from the effects of pure ethyl alcohol and in small concentrations can even be beneficial. It is known that cognac dilates blood vessels, and whiskey improves tone. Other impurities, for example, hydrocyanic acid and fusel oils in grappa (chacha), create an additional burden on the body and are harmful.

The same group of studies concluded that vodka has no equal in the rate of development of physical dependence. With its regular use, alcoholism develops several times faster than from cognac or whiskey.

The conclusion is confirmed by statistics. In countries where distillates are preferred (cognac, Calvados, whiskey, bourbon, etc.), these are Ireland, France and the USA, the number of alcoholics per 100 thousand inhabitants is much lower than in countries where drinks made from rectified ethyl alcohol are popular. Most vodka is drunk in its pure form in Russia, Ukraine and Finland.

5. Intoxication and hangover. Subjective indicators, depending on the individual characteristics of the human body, are difficult to analyze. Theoretically, with the same amount of drinking, intoxication and the degree of hangover are determined by the concentration of third-party substances in the drink. In this case good vodka can be taken as a reference point since it contains no impurities.

But we know that depending on the chemical structure, impurities in distillates can be beneficial or harmful. This means that a hangover from good whiskey will be less than from vodka, since the substances in it partially block the negative effects of alcohol. In the case of bad whiskey, the situation is the opposite - rapid intoxication with a strong hangover the next day.

P.S. Everyone decides for themselves whether to drink vodka or whiskey. In many ways, the choice depends on financial capabilities, the nature of the feast and the company. Both drinks in question have the right to be on your table. The purpose of this article was to show the difference between them, not to determine which is better.

We are used to bragging to each other about the expensive and fashionable drinks we have drunk, and this is due to the culture of consumption. Let me try any of these two drinks and ask you to determine “What did you drink: cognac, brandy, rum, armagnac, calvados?” or "YOU" drank whiskey or gin? and 90% of those trying will not be able to distinguish them. see below.

This is due to the fact that they are all aged in oak barrels. long time. Oak gives these drinks a specific taste and golden color. Moreover, before pouring a new batch of drink into a barrel, it should be planed or sanded at least 1 mm to remove the smell of the previous batch.

This is what they do with barrels as tall as two people and costing many thousands of dollars. You and I can achieve a similar taste and aroma by infusing moonshine (double distillation) by mixing it with finely chopped oak branches.

I would like to note here that oak leaves give the drink a brighter color, but they also add bitterness to the drink.

And now about the differences between all these drinks:

Gin- a strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of at least 45%. Made by distillation grain alcohol with the addition of plant spices, usually juniper berries, coriander, angelica, orris root, almonds and others.

Whiskey(English) whiskey or whiskey) - a strong aromatic alcoholic drink obtained from various types grains using the processes of malting, distillation and long-term aging in oak barrels.

Scotch is a popular alcoholic drink, namely, Scottish e whiskey. Scotland does not have the exclusive right to make whiskey.

As you can see, this is practically the same thing.

Now about another group.

Cognac(French cognac) - strong alcoholic drink, made from certain grape varieties. I wonder how many people can distinguish moonshine (chacha) from different varieties grapes, and even if they are blended.? Well, of course, it is aged for a long time in oak barrels.

Brandy- alcoholic beverage, a general term for distilled products grape wine, fruit or berry mash (usually 40-60% vol. strength). Unless explicitly stated otherwise, brandy is made from grape wine. Naturally, it is also aged for a long time in oak barrels.

Armagnac - drink Gascons. Of all brandy, produced in France, cognac can perhaps only be rivaled by Armagnac. Wine distillation is traditionally carried out using an Armagnac still, i.e. continuously. Repeated run distillation is used for small production volumes.

At the exit from the distillation apparatus, the alcohol composition is colorless and has an alcohol content of 52 to 70 degrees. It is immediately placed in oak barrels, where it acquires a subtle aroma and absorbs tannins and aromatic substances of the tree.

The second stage after aging is dilution, i.e. combining a number of alcoholic solutions of different origins and ages to obtain a homogeneous, harmonious product. "Armagnac" going on sale must have an alcohol content of about 40 percent.

In order to reduce the strength of alcohol solutions, a mixture of distilled water and Armagnac is added to them in several stages.

Rum(English rum, Spanish ron, French rhum) - strong alcoholic drink, made by fermenting and distilling sugar cane by-products such as molasses and cane syrup.

There's no doubt that people love tequila. But what would you say to someone who would assure you of its usefulness? You can tell me in the comments, because I’ll try to convince you of exactly this!

Tequila is a drink of fun, dancing and joy. And it’s not at all clear why people stubbornly continue to order whiskey or vodka in bars and clubs. All in all, here are 15 benefits of tequila to open your eyes. Save this article to your page. And review it on Fridays.

1. Tequila helps lower blood sugar levels

How is this even possible? The thing is that this drink contains agavin - sugar from the agave plant. It forces the body to intensively produce insulin, which means it lowers blood sugar levels and serves as an excellent preventative against diabetes.

And this is not claimed by us, but by specialists from the American Chemical Society. This is a very influential organization!

2. It helps fight excess weight

Yes, you read that correctly: tequila has ingredients that help fight obesity. People who drink it regularly rarely suffer from excess weight.

3. A hangover is unrealistic

You may disagree, but most alcoholics who drink tequila don't suffer from a hangover. It's all about the agave sugar. Anything can happen to you in the morning, but not a headache.

4. Tequila is easy to drink

You can drink it in short gulps in the form of shots. Or you can make a tequila boom. And you will never feel like you've had too much to drink!

5. Helps remove cholesterol

And again we return to agavina. This substance has been proven to reduce the level of triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

6. Tequila can help treat colds

Since the 1930s In Mexico, doctors use tequila to make a medicine that helps fight colds. To make a healing extract, you need to mix Blanco tequila, agave nectar and freshly squeezed lime juice in equal proportions.

7. She will help you numb the pain.

Scientists have proven that tequila dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow. This minimizes the negative effects of migraine. Well, when it comes to emotional pain, tequila also has no equal.

8. It improves drug absorption

It seems that this is absolutely impossible to believe. But look what a thing. When the tablets enter your stomach, stomach acid neutralizes at least half of their weight before they reach your intestines.

This is a problem because the body, without knowing it, reduces the effectiveness of the drug. But if you take tablets with tequila, it will serve as something of a protective barrier that protects the medicine from gastric juice. Therefore, even though this method of taking pills seems absurd to you, believe me: it works!

9. This is the only alcoholic drink that diabetics can enjoy

The large amount of sugar contained in any alcoholic drink is a big problem for diabetics. But when it comes to tequila, it turns out that it contains much less sugar. And if you remember about point No. 1, then there will be no questions left at all.

10. You look really cool on the first date.

How many times have you felt panicked on a first date? This is all because you usually don't order anything other than wine there.

Next time order tequila at a restaurant. This will allow you to stand out from the crowd and relax. And also leave a good impression about yourself: believe me, she will clearly appreciate this unconventional move of yours. And tequila is not as vulgar as vodka or whiskey.

11. No heaviness - neither in the stomach nor in the head!

As you know, tequila helps regulate the absorption of fats in the intestines. So no matter how much you drink, you will never get bloated!

12. You don't need to get drunk on cocktails.

Tequila tastes quite good. So you can drink it simply with lime - without soda, without milkshakes and other ingredients.

13. People who love tequila are always cheerful.

Even if you decide to get drunk out of grief, tequila will definitely improve your mood. Have you seen sad alcoholics getting drunk on vodka? Whiskey? Cognac? Gin? As many as you like! But you probably haven’t seen a single bore who alone numbs the pain with the help of tequila.

14. It effectively cleanses your digestive tract

Researchers from the University of Guadalajara claim that blue agave extract, which contains tequila, helps treat Crohn's disease, gastric colitis and even cancer!

15. It helps you fall asleep

Tequila and relaxation always go hand in hand. If you just can't sleep, then all you need is a few shots (or dozens of shots) of tequila! It seems that nothing can be found more effective than this sleeping pill.

It’s no secret that with the existing variety of brands in the world, in Ukraine their choice is still quite scarce. However, leading international corporations, importers and manufacturers represent their brands in our country: Pernod Ricard and Bacardi-Martini Group have their own representative offices, a corresponding subsidiary recently appeared in Ukraine and the French Belvedere, Diageo supplies its drinks through “Bayadera-import”, and Brown-Forman Corporation cooperates with the Ukrainian The Coca-Cola Hellenic. Thanks to these companies, which also carry out an educational mission, when talking about rum, tequila or whiskey, the consumer means not only the category of the drink: he already has a good understanding of specific brands of strong alcohol.

Whiskey has held the leadership in the niche of non-traditional alcohol for Ukrainians for several years now. Among the brands present on the market are Chivas Regal, Hankey & Bannister, Jameson, Johnnie Walker. However, our monitoring included three other strong drinks: rum, tequila and gin.
The tequila category, despite its growing popularity, is still quite limited: Olmeca, Sauza and Sierra are perhaps its main players. Among the rums presented in Ukraine, the most popular are Havana Club, Bacardi and Captain Morgan. The situation with gin is more complicated: despite the fact that there are a significant number of brands on the market, as for Ukraine, (Beefeater, Gordon’s, London Hill Dry Gin, Seagram’s, etc.), gin is in last place in the KSN ranking. However, it does not close the list: in the tail are sambuca, absinthe and other exotics, which occupy an insignificant niche in terms of consumption volumes.
It's no secret that many of the non-top brands sometimes outperform the recognized leaders in terms of quality. But who recognizes them? Who makes brands popular? To determine the best of the best, there are competitions and ratings. There are hundreds of them, and each has its own criteria and experts. I cannot say how objective they are, but I will mention some of the winners.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
Until recently, industry experts spoke about the potential for growth in rum and tequila consumption. Third in the world after vodka and whiskey, rum is developing largely thanks to bar culture - it is the main component of many famous cocktails. Experts foresee the greatest potential for rum in the markets of Western countries - Italy, Germany, Spain and France. By the way, according to consumer researchers, the film trilogy “Pirates of the Caribbean” has played a significant role in the growth of the drink’s popularity in recent years.
For a long time Bacardi remained the only international brand. Today, it shares its global rum triumph with its main competitor TM Havana Club. Sales of the latter in 2008 grew three times faster than those of other representatives, which allowed the drink to rise from 29th to 25th place in the Impact Magazine TOP 100 ranking. In 2008, Havana Club was recognized at the prestigious San Francisco World Spirits Awards. For its Cuban Barrel Proof rum, the brand received a gold medal (this victory was the third, adding to the list of gold medals that rum has received at the most respected alcohol competitions in the world, such as the Beverage Testing Institute’s International Review of Spirits Awards and the International Wine and Spirit Competition). But Wine Enthusiast magazine in the TOP 100 spirits of 2008 in the rum category gave the top positions to completely unknown in our eastern expanses Appleton Estate Extra Rum, Ron del Barrilito Two Star Puerto Rican Rum and Tommy Bahama Golden Sun Rum. In 2007, Bacardi, Captain Morgan and Havana Club received the title of best in the Drinks Business ranking. It should be noted that it was they who became the leaders and Ukrainian market. However, ratings are, if not absolutely subjective, then certainly contradictory. Each company that distributes drinks according to the TOP lines works purely according to individual, own criteria. And if for each phrase in the Bible there are at least seven interpretations, then the data on brands can be interpreted almost in a polar way. For example, according to the website, as of May 22, 2008, the leading rum was Utkins Fairtrade white rum (Table 1). However, in this case, such an exotic nomination as the ethicality of drinks was considered, and the score was higher, the more ethical, in the opinion of the compilers, the brand is. This list of the best of the best was about the use of organic production methods.

In most cases, of course, the popularity of a drink is ensured, first of all, by its quality, which, in turn, is confirmed at international competitions. Thus, the World Competition 2008/2009 held in Geneva in the white rum category gave prizes to: Isla N Rum (Argentina), Cohete Rum (Panama) and the American Vixen Rum and Octane Rum. The dark rum category includes Bacardi Riserva Limitada and Bacardi 8 (Puerto Rico), as well as Trader Vics Dark Rum and Rogue Dark Rum from the USA. According to the competition, the best among flavored rums were Puerto Rican Bacardi Peach Red and Bacardi Razz, Argentine Isla N Coconut Rum, and Un Poquito Limon Especial from Chile.
Last summer, The New York Spirits Awards in the rum category awarded Bacardi 8, Bacardi Reserva Limitada, Bacardi Select, Beija Cachaca, Don Q Grand Anejo Puerto Rican, Sergeant Classick Gold Hawaiian, Sunset Captain Bligh Golden Rum, Vizcaya VXOP.
The San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2009 considered that the best in the dark rum category were Angostura 5 Year Old Rum, Tobaga, Trinidad and Pampero Aniversario Rum, Venezuela - they were awarded double gold medals. Bacardi Anejo Rum, Rogue Dark Rum and others received gold (Table 2).
From our point of view, the absence of the popular Malibu brand in the ratings is surprising and makes us think about the objectivity and completeness of the coverage of these studies. Whereas in 2004, at the same competition in San Francisco, he received a double gold medal in the Flavored Rum category. However, the best at prestigious competitions are not always the first in local rankings. Therefore, we recommend treating the latter with some skepticism.

Tequila boom
While rum sales in Ukraine still leave much to be desired, tequila has been feeling more comfortable in our country for several years now. Although, for the sake of objectivity, we have to admit that in the international arena it is even better. Having expanded beyond its native Mexico, tequila has demonstrated steady growth for several years in a row due to the rapid expansion of sales markets. Between 2002 and 2006, its sales increased by more than 7% annually. The highest increases in consumption were observed in Greece, Canada, South Africa, Australia and Russia. Despite the fact that our neighbors are ahead of us in trends, including among drinks, the sales leader in our niche coincides and this is Olmeca. In 2009, she received gold at a prestigious competition in San Francisco. Along with it, the triumph at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2009 in the Reposado Tequila category was shared by Corazоn de Agave Reposado, Jose Cuervo Reposado Tequila Tradicional, El Relingo Reposado, etc. In other international rankings, other brands are on the first lines. The World Competition 2008/2009 awarded El Mayor Blanco, Aguilla Tequila Blanco, Tejano Blanco and Oro De Jalisco Blanco in the Tequila Silver category. In the Tequila Reposado section, the best winners were Aguilla Tequila Reposado, El Mayor Anejo, Happy Tequila Reposado and Des Colores Reposado. At another competition – Drinks

International 2009 – the best drink blue agave tequila Sierra was recognized, winning five medals: the Seal of Confidence went to Tequila Sierra Reposado, bronze went to Tequila Sierra Antiguo Anejo 100% agave, silver went to Sierra Milenario Blanco 100% agave, and gold went to Tequila Sierra Silver. Tequila Sierra Milenario Extra Mejo 100% agave was also awarded the gold medal and the highest trophy.
The Spirits International Prestige (SIP) competition, held in Los Angeles in November 2009, awarded platinum medals to the following brands: 3 Amigos Blanco, 901 Silver, Azcona Azul Silver, Don Pilar Anejo, El Jimador Anejo, Sauza Tres Generaciones Anejo, Herradura Seleccion Suprema Extra-Aged Anejo, Muchote Reposado, Hornitos Reposado, Real de Mexico Reposado and Republic Reposado.

Gin without tonic
I repeat, the positions of international brands such as Gordon’s, Tanqueray, Beefeater, Seagram’s gin and Bombay Sapphire, international, sometimes not only polar, but it even happens that some of the samples that received high marks in one TOP do not make it into another at all. And the non-participation of a recognized leader in any of the international competitions forces even ardent supporters of ratings to perceive the winners of the competition as such with a grain of doubt. Thus, the World Competition 2008/2009 identified the best gins as Straight Gin - Amsterdam, Tanqueray London Dry Gin - England, Lucky Dry Gin - USA and Gordon's Gin - England. In the category of aromatic gins, according to this competition, the English Tanqueray Rangpur Gin is the leader. It is followed by the American Rogue Spruce Gin and Rogue Pink Gin and the English Excalibur Dry Olive in 2008 and 2009. The Beefeater 24 brand received the highest Gin Trophy award. It also received gold at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2009 (Table 3). ).
Actually, this begs the question: whose objectivity should you trust? One way or another, one thing can be stated unequivocally: those brands that are represented in Ukraine today and are loved by our public are undoubtedly leaders in the most authoritative international ratings. After all, no one will dispute that Havana Club, Bacardi, Olmeca, Sauza or Gordon's Gin are the best. Proven by consumer choice, confirmed by Drinks+.

Valeria Suvertok

“What sound does Tintin make?” "Pop!" replies my highly sensitive three-year-old nephew as my father—he prefers to be called “Tintin” rather than “grandfather”—pops the cork from a bottle of champagne. It has become a tradition in our family to noisily open a bottle of champagne on Christmas Day. After all, after all, this is happening on a solemn occasion. There is no doubt that in the near future our jokes will become as sparkling as the contents of our glasses.

What would happen if we drank neat gin instead? It is quite possible that we would get tired of all this and we would become more irritable than cheerful. What about beer? It will incline you to sleep or encourage you to perform heroic deeds. Cider? Don't even ask. Everyone knows that the effects of alcohol on us depend not so much on how much we drink, but on what we drink. Is there a scientific basis for all this? Through the distillation process we were able to find out some facts.

There was surprisingly little scientific literature on this topic. A 1996 review concluded that, given the same amount of alcohol, brandy has a stronger effect on us than beer, and also makes us more aggressive and emotional - while beer drinkers tend to have longer periods of time. problems with alcohol, and they are more predisposed to driving at this time.

In an earlier study conducted in 1975, 40 male college students were given whiskey or bourbon or vodka to drink and then given an electrical shock. Despite the fact that all students received higher discharges, the more drunk they became, their reactions turned out to be different, and those of them who drank vodka became significantly more aggressive.

Why is this happening? One possible explanation is the presence of “congeners” in a particular drink. These molecules are either found in the plants used to make the drink or are a by-product of the fermentation process, and they are what give the wine, beer or spirit its distinctive taste. Congeners, rather than ethyl alcohol itself, are often blamed for causing long-lasting, severe hangovers—alcoholic drinks high in congeners, such as whiskey-bourbon, have significantly stronger negative effects in the morning than vodka, which practically doesn’t have any of them.

In addition, there is some evidence that related compounds may have a direct effect on intoxication. In 2009, José Andrade of the University of Porto in Portugal gave wine to several mice. He showed that its related compounds—antioxidant polyphenols, to be precise—help counteract the damage ethanol causes to the brain's horn (hippocampus). Those mice that were given red wine retained their orientation ability better than those of their relatives who were injected with the same amount of ethyl alcohol diluted with water.

However, there was bad news for drinkers among Andrade's fellow countrymen. Port wine, which contains about 20% ethyl alcohol, appears to have the same effect as an ethanol solution of the same strength in terms of affecting your hippocampus - a fact that Andrade attributes to the drink's higher sugar content. If you are a port wine lover, then it is best to take a taxi home every time after drinking this drink.

Scotch whiskey lovers would do well to tone down their measure, too. Takashi Hasebe of the Nippon Medical School has shown, albeit with the help of mice, that related compounds entering whiskey from oak barrels As it ages, it interferes with the action of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the blood. A 20 year old single malt whiskey will stay in your system longer than a 5 year old one.

Gin's reputation as a tear-inducing drink may also be explained - at least in its traditional combination with tonic. Contrary to popular belief, this is not because tonic water contains quinine. On the contrary, the effervescence of the tonic increases the pressure in the stomach and thus clears it faster. As a result, you get drunk faster because the gin is in less contact with the stomach walls, which help break down the alcohol into indigestible chemicals. This effect becomes more complex when used to dilute diet soft drinks, because the sugar in normal shakes causes the stomach to perceive them as food, and as a result they take longer to break down there.

Also avoid light caffeinated drinks if you want to get home safely. Researchers at the University of Bristol, in the UK city known as the birthplace of cream sherry, showed last year that mixing caffeine with alcohol may slightly speed up our reactions, but the combination also makes us more awkward. Caffeine invigorates us, and therefore we continue to drink for a longer time, not paying attention to the prohibitions. Vodka with energy drink, may give you inspiration, but it will not keep you from falling into the river.

It's not what we drink, but how we drink, says Vijay Ramchandani of the Bethesda, Maryland-based National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. . You can drink strong alcohol sips, you can sip wine or gulp beer - all of this affects how quickly ethanol enters the bloodstream and how quickly we get drunk. A study by the Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine shows that drinking alcohol on an empty stomach slows the breakdown of alcohol in the blood in both sexes, although women do it better because their livers are larger relative to their body weight. bodies.

In all of this, there is an elephant in the room that may not be noticed - we are talking about our mental attitude towards alcohol. “It is extremely difficult to separate the pharmacological and psychological effects of a drug that has such a global impact on our brains,” says Sally Adams, a psychologist at the University of Bristol who was part of a team of researchers studying caffeinated soft drinks to cut spirits.

How we expect to feel when drinking alcohol has a huge impact on how we actually feel, and some of these expectations may be internalized based on societal expectations. If we expect wine to relax us and not make us incapable of anything and drunk, as is the case with drinking beer or spirits, then this is exactly what can happen. Moreover, “it is very likely that different types of people will choose different types of drinks, but there is always a self-fulfilling prediction,” says Damaris Rohsenow of the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University. in Providence, Rhode Island.

So perhaps champagne makes us more cheerful precisely because we are a certain type of person and have certain expectations. Of course, the people we associate with also play a role in how drunk we end up. If there are tipsy people around us, this means that we begin to behave more like drunk people - even if we are relatively sober. One study looked at psychomotor abilities similar to those required to drive a car and found a decrease in these abilities in people who received feedback from their drunken friends, even if these people only used a placebo. .

So if you're determined to indulge yourself during the Christmas holidays, remember: It's not just about how much you drink, it's about what you drink, how you drink and who you drink with. To your health!

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.