Chocolate crack cookies. Chocolate marble cookies with cracks

This cookie with its incredible beauty has long attracted my attention. I recently saw and tried it late at night at Aroma on Zhilyanskaya and realized that it was time to cook it and look for the recipe, which I actually found from Irina Chadeeva. In general, it was possible not to repost, but... I keep this blog primarily for myself (as a book of recipes that I often use myself), I decided to film the process, so as not to look for my favorite recipe later. Since I don’t have much time, I bake a lot at once, because... Every day there are guests and all that.. in general, I have a recipe for a double portion at once, which makes an average of about 30 cookies.
This cookie will catch on with pros, amateurs, and clumsy nerds :) in short, if you suddenly think that your hands are growing out of w... then you will definitely succeed with this cookie :) - because it’s so simple no big deal))) labor costs are almost zero. You don’t need to do anything much and you can even make crooked cookies - they will still turn out elegant. Almost everyone always has such products in the house, and the recipe is completely inexpensive and, most importantly, quick, which is very useful when a crowd of unexpected guests suddenly gathers at your place within an hour. In general, if you have a bar of chocolate lying around at home, some butter, eggs, flour and sugar - hooray! You are saved and be a liver :)

+- 30 cookies at the exit

  • 1 chocolate bar (I take dark chocolate "Crown" 58%)
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 200 g flour
  • 30-40 g butter (small piece per eye)
  • powdered sugar for dipping cookies and creating a patina effect
To begin, collect and weigh the modest set of products stated above. Prepare water bath: Fill a third of the pan with water and place a smaller pan in it. Put it on the stove to boil. Chop a chocolate bar and a piece of butter into an empty pan that is standing in boiling water - let it melt. Stir and be careful not to overheat so that it doesn't bubble.

While the butter and chocolate are melting, beat two eggs and 150 g of sugar with a mixer at medium speed.

Pour the melted chocolate and butter into the resulting egg mixture. A silicone spatula will help you here and further in order to perfectly clean the bowl of chocolate (and more).

Whisk everything together. Into the resulting chocolate mixture add 200 g flour.

Knead well with a spatula. The dough turns out soft and pleasant to the touch, but quite thick - i.e. It definitely shouldn't drip from the spoon.

Use a teaspoon to scoop out a little dough and, helping yourself with a second spoon, fold it into the powdered sugar.

Roll small balls and place cheesecake-type flatbreads about 5 cm in diameter on parchment (baking paper), keeping a distance, because The cookies will increase in volume and may stick together. It is better to use two baking sheets, because... I had a couple of pieces stuck together (I tried to fit everything on 1).

If the cookies are small and neat, bake for 15 minutes at 180C. If the flatbreads come out like crazy and there are far from 30 of them, but about 20 of them, then it will take all 20 minutes for baking to get baked. The moment the cookies begin to crack, the house will smell like fresh chocolate, mmm :)

  • If you are not going to eat cookies that same day, hide them in tin can to keep it fresh.
  • If a cookie has become stale, they say that if you put it in a tin, it will also “go away.”
  • If you don’t have scales, you can easily weigh the butter by eye by putting 1/4 of a 200g pack into the dough.
  • The amount of sugar can be varied depending on the % of bitterness in the chocolate - the higher the %, the more sugar, the less (towards milk), respectively.
  • Beat the eggs and sugar well until the cookies rise.
  • Powdered sugar can be purchased at finished form or make it yourself using a coffee grinder.
  • From special devices You will need a mixer, baking paper (if the baking sheets are not coated with a non-stick coating), and a silicone spatula (you can do without the latter)
  • The other day, a friend had a question about how these cookies turn out - the first batch she got was softer, and the second one was quite hard - so the cookies turned out neither soft nor hard. You can compare them with Soviet gingerbreads, those with “halves of an apple” in glaze (well, that’s me conditionally, you understand what I mean) they are denser on top and softer inside.
  • If you don’t know what to give your friends and relatives for the upcoming holiday, bake them cookies, package them beautifully in a tin and give them as a gift - they will be happy!
  • Well, I remind you once again, if you are not going to limit yourself to making these cookies once, but still bake at least a little, get yourself a scale. Baking does not like hackwork - everything must be accurately and evenly weighed and prepared exactly according to the recipe! Issue price for

If we talk about dishes that involve kitchen alchemy, this would be a prime example. It is incredibly interesting to watch how the balls of dough become covered with cracks, creating intricate patterns. By the way, this recipe, like many other baked goods, came to us from American cuisine.

Fragrant with a pronounced taste of chocolate, this liver is sure to please both children and adults. In addition to the special taste, these cookies also have a rather original appearance. Cracks on the white coating look elegant and festive.

Today I offer a proven and simple recipe chocolate chip cookies with cracks, which I have been using for quite a long time. These cookies, like the American brownie, will be based on dark chocolate. Of course, you can take milk chocolate to prepare it, in this case, the cookies will be sweeter, with less pronounced bitterness.

You can diversify the taste of this chocolate liver with many additives. For example, add a little cognac, ginger powder, cinnamon, finely ground nut crumbs or mint, lemon zest. To make this crackle you will need the following ingredients.


  • Two chocolate bars
  • Butter - 70-80 gr.,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Sugar - an incomplete glass,
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 sachet,
  • Flour - 1.5 cups,
  • Powdered sugar - 80-100 gr.,

Chocolate cookies with cracks - recipe

Break the dark chocolate bars into small pieces. Transfer it to a saucepan with thick walls. Stirring with a spatula, melt the chocolate in a water bath. Making a water bath is quite simple. To do this, pour into a large saucepan hot water. As soon as the water boils, place another pan with the food you want to melt or brew in it. Place the pan with melted chocolate on the stove. Add butter.

While stirring, allow the butter to completely dissolve into the chocolate.

Remove from heat and let the chocolate cool. Beat eggs into a bowl with sugar.

Beat until you get a fluffy foam.

Add melted chocolate with butter.

Mix the chocolate-egg mixture with a spatula.

Add baking powder.


Sift the flour through a sieve. Add it to the cookie mixture in small portions, stirring constantly.

The finished dough for cracked chocolate chip cookies should be viscous and sticky.

Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour or place it in freezer for 30 minutes. During this time, the chocolate dough will cool and become denser. Pour powdered sugar into a plate. Wet your hands with water. Roll out chocolate dough balls of the same size. The diameter of my balls is 4 cm. You can make them a little larger or smaller. Place them in a plate with powdered sugar and generously roll them in it on all sides.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. To prevent cracked chocolate cookies from sticking, sprinkle them with flour. As you cook, place the cookie balls on a baking sheet in rows, stepping back a couple of cm. After all the liver has been laid out, flatten it on top with your hands. Additionally, sprinkle with powdered sugar through a sieve.

Place the baking tray in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 15 minutes, the cookies will begin to crack and the house will be filled with chocolate aromas. In total it bakes for about 25 minutes. Check readiness using a wooden stick - a match, a torch or a toothpick.

When baking, the main thing is not to overcook it, otherwise the powdered sugar will begin to caramelize and darken. Chocolate cookies with cracks Can be served with hot and cold drinks. I will be glad if this simple chocolate chip cookie recipe comes in handy in the future.

Chocolate cookies with cracks. Photo

We will need:

chocolate, chopped 170 gr.
butter, softened 58 gr. (60 g)
sugar 95 gr. (100 g)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract (taken vanilla sugar taste)
1.5 cups flour (195 gr.) (200 g)
2 tbsp. l cocoa
3/4 tsp baking powder (1 packet)
1/4 tsp salt
powdered sugar for sprinkling cookies

My daughter also has a recipe for these cookies, the composition is slightly different. My daughter says that her recipe tastes better, so I give her the ingredients too. The cooking principle is the same for both options.

100 g chocolate (50% cocoa)
50 g butter
1 egg
1 yolk
60 g sugar
100 g flour
2 tbsp. cocoa
0.5 tsp baking powder
0.5 tsp cinnamon
1 chip salt


Melt chocolate with butter, set aside. Beat eggs with sugar, add vanilla and chocolate-butter mixture, mix everything until smooth. Sift flour with cocoa, salt and baking powder and add to chocolate mass, mix. Place the dough in the refrigerator for about 2 hours until firm enough to form into balls easily.
This is how it looks when working - the consistency is like plasticine

Preheat the oven to 160 gr. Roll the dough into balls and roll them well in powdered sugar(in a very dense layer, lightly pressing on the ball),

Place on a baking tray lined with paper and bake for about 12 minutes until the cookies are ready. Let cool on a wire rack.

You will see the readiness of the cookies by their rise and the appearance of characteristic cracks. You can also prepare a version with nuts by rolling the balls in ground pistachios. It will turn out interesting and beautiful too.

Bon appetit!!!

Amazing chocolate chip cookies with cup aromatic coffee or tea can warm the soul on a rainy autumn day, as well as enliven a friendly conversation. Soft and airy on the inside, with a crispy crust on the outside, chocolate cookies leave no one indifferent. Chocolate lovers will especially like it, and kids are attracted not only by the taste, but also by the unusual texture of the delicacy.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 30 minutes +1 hour (test rest) h


  • wheat flour – 230 g
  • powdered sugar – 300 g
  • cocoa powder – 90 g
  • butter – 90 g
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • vanilla extract – 1 tbsp. l.
  • baking powder – 15 g
  • salt - a pinch
  • powdered sugar for rolling.

How to make cookies:

  1. Combine all dry ingredients: flour, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, salt and baking powder. Sift through a sieve to break up any lumps.
  2. Add butter to dry mixture room temperature and stir with a fork or spoon to form crumbs.
  3. In a separate bowl, crack the eggs and mix thoroughly with the vanilla extract.
  4. Combine the egg mass with the dry mixture and mix well.

  5. Knead the dough and gather it into a ball. Wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour (or overnight). Tip: The dough will be soft and sticky, but it is not recommended to add more flour than indicated in the recipe. After “resting” in the refrigerator, the dough will harden a little and will be easier to work with.

  6. Divide the chilled dough into small pieces (size walnut). Roll them into balls, there are approximately 38 - 40 pieces (depending on size).

  7. Place one ball at a time into a deep bowl with powdered sugar (about 100 g) and roll well until chocolate ball turned out to be covered with powdered sugar on all sides. Gently shake off any excess.

  8. Line a baking tray parchment paper. Transfer the balls in powdered sugar to a baking sheet. During baking, chocolate cookies “diverge” and increase in volume. Therefore, it is necessary to take this into account and place the cookies on the baking sheet at some distance from each other. Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 190 degrees Celsius for exactly 12 minutes, no more. Ready-made cookies remove from the oven and let cool on the baking sheet. Cracks appear on the cookies during baking when the balls increase in volume. There, the chocolate cookies take on an interesting look.
  9. The fragrant chocolate cookies “Cracks” are ready. Transfer to a platter and enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea. This amazing cookies You can also enjoy it with a glass of warm or cold milk.

  • For chocolate cookies, it is advisable to use the highest quality cocoa powder, so the result will be cookies with a pronounced chocolate flavor.
  • The flavor of the cookies can be changed each time using different flavors.