Liquor made from red currant juice. Homemade black and red currant liqueurs

Currant berries are a delicacy for everyone. Quite tart, not everyone likes them, although almost all owners of summer cottages plant currant bushes.

After all, currants do not require special care, are unpretentious, and the harvest is almost always excellent.

It probably doesn’t make sense to provide any evidence in favor of homemade alcohol before purchasing. In the case of currants, we get not just healthy drink, rich in vitamins, tannins, acids necessary for the body, but also an excellent treat for guests.

Full, rich taste, bright color - all this lifts the mood and turns the evening after the most difficult day of work into a very pleasant one. Currants in themselves have excellent taste, and therefore require a minimum of additional ingredients.

Recipes at home

Let's give 8 simple recipes, which you can use as soon as the harvest at your dacha ripens.

Basic blackcurrant liqueur

This liqueur turns out to be quite strong. To prepare it, take:

  • currants (1.5 kg);
  • sugar (3 kg);
  • liter of water;
  • fresh currant leaves (300 g).

“Fixing” component – alcohol or vodka. If it is vodka, then 900 ml. If it is alcohol, then take the same amount, but first dilute it to 40-45 0.

We wash the leaves. Fill them with alcohol and forget about them for a few days. Cover the berries with sugar, add water on top, set the shutter and keep at room temperature, waiting for the mixture to ferment. Then we filter. Combine with tincture of leaves. Strain the resulting mixture. We insist for another week. We put it in the refrigerator.

From red currant

For 2 kg of berries you will need:

  1. sugar – 5 kg;
  2. vodka – 2 l.

Combine berries and sugar. Let stand for 2 months, filter and fill with vodka. Strain again and store in a cool place.

Mixed currant liqueur

We will mix black currants (500 g) and red currants (250 g). Let's also prepare vodka (0.7 liter bottle) and sugar (half a kilo). You will need more water (a little more than a glass).

After mashing the berries, pour vodka over them and leave to infuse in the room. Then put it in the refrigerator for 10 days, and then strain it. Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Mix syrup and infusion. Place in the refrigerator or underground for 3 months.

Almost "Creme de cassis"

The liqueur a la Creme de cassis turns out to be very sweet, so it will surely appeal to the ladies. It is prepared according to the same principle as the previous one: the syrup is boiled separately from water and sugar (per kilogram of sugar - 500 ml of water).

In another container, black currants (1.5 kg) are infused with brandy (1.5 l). Then the infusion is filtered, mixed with syrup and refrigerated.


Spotykach is good because it leaves the user with an absolutely clear head. But your legs don’t obey you well, so you have to count on your strength.


  • kilogram of black currants;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 750 ml vodka.

Mash the berries and squeeze the juice out of them. Make syrup from sugar and water.

Cherry and raspberries

Take 100 raspberry and cherry leaves, as well as 10 currant leaves. Pour a glass of black currants into the same container. Boil for 20 minutes. Drain and filter. Then add sugar (500 g) and citric acid(1.5 tsp). Bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from stove and cool.

All that remains is to filter the drink and add vodka to it (in a volume of 0.7 l). You can taste it right away.

Clove seeds and currants

Collect a kilogram of blackcurrants. You will also need:

  • clove seeds – 4 pcs;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • vodka - liter.

Mash the berries, pour vodka, add cloves to the mixture. Let this “blank” stand in the sun for 45 days. Then we filter it, add sugar, put it in a dark place and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. After this, store in the refrigerator.

Black Johanna

This recipe requires 2-3 cups of currants. Since Johanna is black, the currants, of course, need black. Mix the berries with a glass of water and a liter of vodka. We insist 3 weeks. Then add sugar (a glass) and put it in a dark room. After 2 weeks, filter. Place in the refrigerator, pouring into clean bottles.

Currant liqueurs are very tasty and pleasant. If this berry grows at your dacha, prepare yourself such a treat. You won't be disappointed!

Aromatic, moderately sweet and slightly sour blackcurrant liqueur, prepared at home, will not leave even the most fastidious gourmets indifferent.

And it's very easy to prepare. I offer mine to the owners to judge homemade recipe with step-by-step photos taken.


  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 0.5 l (cognac is possible);
  • granulated sugar- 300 gr.

How to make blackcurrant liqueur at home

For making our homemade drink, I specifically chose slightly overripe currants. Well-ripened berries will not add excess acid to the liqueur. And so, first we wash the currants, pouring them into a sieve or colander.

Then, we sort through and remove the remaining twigs and leaves.

We take a three-liter bottle, pour a layer of berries into it and sprinkle sugar on top.

Thus, we alternate layers until the ingredients run out. After this, add vodka to the bottle.

Don't worry, the sugar won't dissolve completely at first. It will dissolve during the process of infusing currant liqueur, gradually. It will infuse for four weeks. First, put the bottle in the sun on the windowsill and shake it vigorously every day. Just vigorous shaking will help us dissolve the sugar.

For another two weeks we infuse the blackcurrant liqueur with vodka in a dark place, shaking the bottle every four days.

Now, all we have to do is strain the liquor. I usually strain it twice. The first time I strain through cotton wool, and the second time through gauze folded in four.

Homemade currant liqueur turned out very tasty and aromatic.

We quickly cool it and invite friends to a tasting. It is better to store homemade blackcurrant liqueur in a glass bottle for no more than two to three years.

Currant berries grow in almost every country house. They are used in many culinary recipes, including when preparing alcoholic beverages. Today we will tell you how to make delicious currant liqueur at home.

Blackcurrant liqueur recipe

  • black currant – 1 kg;
  • currant leaves – 8 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • alcohol – 1 l;
  • water – 750 ml.

Place the processed berries in a glass container, add a few chopped currant leaves, fill with alcohol and close the container tightly. We leave the mixture in this state for about 5-7 weeks, in a warm place. After aging, thoroughly filter the contents of the container through cheesecloth and set aside.

Now we need to cook sugar syrup. To do this, pour the required amount of water into a saucepan, add sugar, stir and cook for about 10 minutes until foaming begins. Then remove the dishes from the heat and cool until room temperature. Combine the currant tincture with sugar syrup and mix thoroughly. Then pour the drink into bottles, seal tightly and leave for 5 days to strengthen taste qualities. Cool the liqueur slightly before drinking.

Currant liqueur with vodka

  • boiled water – 1 l;
  • vodka – 350 ml;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • cherry leaves – 15 pcs.;
  • raspberry leaves – 15 pcs.;
  • currant leaves – 15 pcs.;
  • sugar – 350 g;
  • black currant – 200 g.

We wash all the leaves and place them on a towel to dry. We sort the currants, wash them and put them in a saucepan along with the leaves. Then pour boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 12 hours. After time, filter the liquid, add granulated sugar and citric acid. Bring to a boil, cool, pour in vodka and put in the refrigerator for 2 days. After this, pour the liqueur into bottles and serve it on the festive table.

Homemade blackcurrant liqueur

  • black currant – 4 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

We wash the currants, put them in a bowl of suitable size and add half a portion of sugar. Then pour water into it and mash the berries into a puree using a blender. After this, cover the top with gauze and leave to ferment for about a week, stirring daily, and from the fourth day add 100 grams of sugar to the drink.

When seven days have passed, pour the future wine into a bottle and seal it tightly with a lid. We make a hole in it and insert a special tube, thanks to which the cake will settle into sediment. After 2-3 days, add another 100 grams of sugar and let it completely dissolve. There are still 3 weeks left until final readiness, and then you can bottle the drink and send it to a cool, dark place. As a result, we get a liqueur with a good tart taste, fragrant aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.

Currant and grape liqueur

In order to speed up the process of juice extraction, we alternately pass the grapes and blackcurrants through the juicer. After that in grape juice heat to 30 degrees, add granulated sugar and pour in currant juice. Pour the resulting mixture into glass containers and leave to ferment for 7-10 days. When fermentation is over, filter the liqueur, pass it through a layer of cotton wool, add vodka and pour glass bottles. We seal them with corks and store them in a cool, dark place in a horizontal position.

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Currant is a berry that every summer resident or rural resident has. There are a large number of recipes based on it, among which there are interesting recipe How to make liqueur from red and black currants at home. At minimum cost The strong liqueur turns out tasty and aromatic.


  • either black or red currants;
  • granulated sugar;
  • currant leaves;
  • alcohol (vodka);
  • water.

To prepare liqueur, use any variety of currant, but in no case combine black and red varieties. The currants are sorted and cleaned. All spoiled berries, including moldy and rotten ones, must be removed to prevent deterioration in the taste of the product. For liqueur they take vodka, alcohol or moonshine, but any of these specified products must be of the highest quality.

Blackcurrant liqueur recipe

  1. IN glassware add currants (1 kg), as well as 6-8 currant leaves, which have been previously chopped, pour in one liter of good vodka, close the jar with a lid. The prepared container is transferred to a warm room for seven weeks.
  2. The resulting liquid is filtered using either a piece of gauze or special filter paper.
  3. Syrup is made from sugar. Add 1 kg of granulated sugar to 750 ml of water and boil for ten minutes over low heat. Remove the syrup from the heat and cool.
  4. Currant tincture and sugar syrup are combined, mixed and bottled. The bottles are corked and left for five days to age, which will improve the taste.

Blackcurrant liqueur is ready, but before serving it is cooled.

Redcurrant liqueur recipe

  1. Currants (1 kg) are poured into a jar, 5-6 leaves are thrown in, as well as 0.5 liters of vodka, covered with a lid and exposed to direct sunlight for 1.5 months.
  2. The resulting juice is filtered.
  3. Boil syrup. For one liter of currant juice, take granulated sugar (800 g) and half a liter of water.
  4. The cooled sugar syrup is poured into the juice with vodka, mixed and poured into glass bottles, the container is closed.

After six days, redcurrant liqueur can be tasted for the first time.

Blackcurrant liqueur with vodka.


1 kg black currants,

750 g sugar,

1 liter of strong vodka.

To prepare this recipe for currant liqueur, we sort out the berries, wash them, separate the berries from the branches and pour them into a jar along with sugar.

We close the jar, and after 1.5-2 months we filter the released juice, add strong vodka or alcohol, filter and bottle.

Blackcurrant liqueur with cognac.

Blackcurrant liqueur with cognac is prepared from: 1 kg of berries, 500 g of sugar, 0.25 l of water, 1 l of cognac and currant leaves.

We sort the currants, wash them, separate the berries from the branches, pour them into a jar, and mash them with a masher.

Add a few currant leaves and fill with alcohol.

We close the jar, let it sit for 1 week, and then strain.

Prepare syrup from sugar and water and mix it with strained juice.

We pour the finished liqueur into bottles.

Spiced blackcurrant liqueur.

Ingredients: 1 kg of black currants, 400 g of sugar, 5-6 buds of cloves, 1 liter of vodka.

We sort the currants, wash them, separate the berries from the branches, pass them through a meat grinder, place them in a bottle, add cloves and fill them with vodka.

We close the bottle, put it in a sunny place and let it sit for about 6 weeks. Then we filter the contents of the bottle and squeeze it through gauze folded in 4-5 layers. Add sugar to the resulting liquid and pour into bottles. Shake the bottles from time to time. When the sugar has melted, homemade blackcurrant liqueur is ready to drink.

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of red currants, 4-5 red currant leaves, 800 g of sugar, 2 glasses of water, 1.5 liters of vodka.

We sort the currants, wash them and separate the berries from the branches.

Pour the berries into the bottle along with the leaves and pour. We cork the bottle and keep it in a sunny place for 5-6 weeks.

Then drain the infusion, strain and add thick syrup made from sugar and water.

Filter the redcurrant liqueur, bottle it and seal it well.