Drawing of a dephlegmator of a distillation column. Do-it-yourself distillation column: purpose, device and assembly features

  • § 3.3. Limitation of leaks of combustible substances
  • § 3.4. Formation of an explosive mixture indoors and outdoors
  • Chapter 4. Causes of damage to technological equipment
  • § 4.1. Fundamentals of strength and classification of causes of damage to equipment
  • § 4.2. Damage to process equipment as a result of mechanical impacts
  • § 4.3. Damage to process equipment as a result of thermal exposure
  • § 4.4. Damage to process equipment due to chemical exposure
  • Corrosion protection
  • Chapter 6
  • § 6.1. Use of natural ventilation of equipment before carrying out repair hot work
  • § 6.2. Use of forced ventilation of equipment before carrying out repair hot work
  • § 6.3. Steaming of devices before carrying out repair hot work
  • § 6.4. Washing of apparatus with water and cleaning solutions before carrying out repair hot work
  • § 6.5. Phlegmatization of the environment in devices with inert gases - a way to prepare them for repair hot work
  • § 6.6. Filling apparatuses with foam during repair hot work
  • § 6.7. Organization of repair hot work
  • Section two. Fire Spread Prevention
  • Chapter 7
  • § 7.1. The choice of technological scheme of production
  • § 7.2. Mode of operation of the technological process of production
  • Production, their removal
  • § 7.4. Replacement of combustible substances circulating in production with non-combustible ones
  • § 7.5. Emergency draining of liquids
  • § 7.6. Emergency release of flammable vapors and gases
  • Chapter 8
  • § 8.1. Dry flame arresters
  • Calculation of the flame arrester according to the method I. B. Zeldovich
  • § 8.2. Liquid flame arresters (hydraulic seals)
  • § 8.3. Closures made of solid pulverized materials
  • § 8.4. Automatic dampers and gate valves
  • § 8.5. Protection of pipelines from combustible deposits
  • § 8.6. Isolation of industrial premises from trenches and trays with pipelines
  • Chapter 9
  • § 9.1. Fire hazards
  • § 9.2. Protection of people and technological equipment from the thermal effects of a fire
  • § 9.3. Protection of technological equipment from explosion damage
  • § 9.4. Protection of people and process equipment from aggressive environments
  • Fire prevention basic
  • § 10.2. Fire Prevention of Solids Grinding Processes
  • § 10.3. Fire prevention of mechanical processing of wood and plastics
  • § 10.4. Replacing liquid and hot liquids with fireproof detergents in the technological processes of degreasing and cleaning surfaces
  • Chapter 11
  • § 11.1. Fire prevention of means of moving flammable liquids
  • § 11.2. Fire prevention of means of moving and compressing gases
  • § 11.3. Fire prevention of means of moving solids
  • § 11.4. Fire prevention of technological pipelines
  • § 11.5. Fire prevention of storage of combustible substances
  • Chapter 12
  • § 12.1. Fire prevention of the steam heating process
  • § 12.2. Fire prevention of the process of heating combustible substances by flame and flue gases
  • § 12.3. Fire prevention of heat-producing installations used in agriculture
  • § 12.4. Fire prevention of the process of heating by high-temperature coolants
  • Chapter 13
  • § 13.1. The concept of the rectification process
  • § 13.2 Distillation columns: their design and operation
  • § 13.3. Schematic diagram of a continuously operating distillation plant
  • § 13.4. Features of the fire hazard of the rectification process
  • § 13.5. Fire prevention of rectification process
  • Fire extinguishing and emergency cooling of the distillation unit
  • Chapter 14
  • § 14.1. Fire hazard of the absorption process
  • § 14.2. Fire prevention of adsorption and recuperation processes
  • Possible ways of spreading a fire
  • Chapter 15
  • § 15.1. Fire hazard and prevention of the painting process
  • Painting by dipping and pouring
  • Coloring in a high voltage electric field
  • § 15.2. Fire danger and prevention of drying processes
  • Chapter 16
  • § 16.1. Purpose and classification of chemical reactors
  • § 5. On the design of heat exchange devices
  • § 16.2. Fire hazard and fire protection of chemical reactors
  • Chapter 17
  • § 17.1. Fire prevention of exothermic processes
  • Polymerization and polycondensation processes
  • § 17.2. Fire prevention of endothermic processes
  • Dehydrogenation
  • Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons
  • Chapter 18
  • §18.1. Information about the production technology required by the fire brigade worker
  • § 18.3. Methods for studying production technology
  • Chapter 19
  • § 19.1. Categories of fire and explosion hazard of production according to the requirements of SNiPs
  • § 19.2. Compliance of production technology with the system of labor safety standards
  • § 19.3. Development of a fire-technical map
  • Chapter 20
  • § 20.1. Features of fire supervision at the design stage of technological processes of production
  • § 20.2. The use of design standards to ensure fire safety of technological processes of production
  • § 20.3. Tasks and methodology of fire-technical examination of design materials
  • § 20.4. Basic fire safety solutions developed at the production design stage
  • Chapter 21
  • § 21.1. Tasks and organization of fire and technical inspection
  • § 21.2. Team method of fire and technical inspection
  • § 21.3. Comprehensive fire and technical inspection of industry enterprises
  • §21.4. Normative and technical documents of fire and technical inspection
  • § 21.5. Fire-technical questionnaire as a methodological document of the survey
  • § 21.6. Interaction of state fire supervision with other supervisory authorities
  • Chapter 22
  • § 22.1. Organization and forms of education
  • § 22.2. Learning programs
  • § 22.3. Methodology and technical teaching aids
  • § 22.4. Programmed learning
  • Literature
  • Table of contents
  • § 13.2 Distillation columns: their design and operation

    As mentioned above, distillation is carried out in special apparatus - distillation columns, which are the main elements of distillation plants.

    rectification process can be carried out periodically and continuously, regardless of the type and design of distillation columns. Consider the process of continuous distillation, which is used to separate liquid mixtures in industry.

    Distillation column- vertical cylindrical apparatus with welded (or prefabricated) body, in which mass and heat exchange devices (horizontal plates 2 or nozzle). At the bottom of the column (Fig. 13.3) there is a cube 3, in which the bottom liquid boils. Heating in the cube is carried out due to the deaf steam located in the coil or in the shell-and-tube heater-boiler. An integral part of the distillation column is a dephlegmator 7, designed to condense the steam leaving the column.

    Distillation plate column works as follows. The cube is constantly heated, and the bottom liquid boils. The steam formed in the cube rises up the column. The initial mixture to be separated is preheated to boiling. It is fed to the nutrient plate 5, which divides the column into two parts: lower (exhaustive) 4 and upper (strengthening) 6. The initial mixture from the nutrient plate flows down to the underlying plates, interacting on its way with the steam moving from bottom to top. As a result of this interaction, the vapor is enriched in the volatile component, and the liquid flowing down, being depleted in this component, is enriched in the hardly volatile component. In the lower part of the column, the process of extraction (exhaustion) of the volatile component from the initial mixture and its transition to steam takes place. Some part finished product(rectified) is supplied for irrigation of the upper part of the column.

    The liquid entering the top of the column for irrigation and flowing down the column is called phlegm. Steam, interacting with reflux on all plates of the upper part of the column, is enriched (strengthened) with a volatile component. The steam leaving the column is sent to the dephlegmator 7, in which it is condensed. The resulting distillate is divided into two streams: one in the form of a product is sent for further cooling and to the finished product warehouse, the other is sent back to the column as reflux.

    The most important element of a tray distillation column is the tray, since it is on it that the vapor interacts with the liquid. On fig. 13.4 shows a diagram of the device and operation cap plate. She has a bottom 1, hermetically connected to the column body 4, steam nozzles 2 and drain pipes 5. Steam nozzles are designed to pass the vapors rising from the bottom plate. Through the drain pipes, the liquid flows from the overlying plate to the underlying one. A cap is mounted on each steam nozzle 3, by means of which the vapors are directed into the liquid, bubbled through it, cooled and partially condensed. The bottom of each tray is heated by the vapors of the underlying tray. In addition, partial condensation of steam releases heat. Due to this heat, the liquid on each plate boils, forming its own vapors, which mix with the vapors from the underlying plate. The liquid level on the plate is maintained by means of drain pipes.

    Rice. 13.3. Scheme of a distillation column: / - body; 2 - plates; 3 - cube; 4, 6 - exhaustive and strengthening parts of the column; 5 - nutritious plate; 7 - dephlegmator

    The processes occurring on the plate can be described as follows (see Fig. 13.4). Let the vapors of the composition L from the lower plate enter the plate, and the liquid of the composition AT. As a result of the interaction of steam BUT with liquid AT(steam, bubbling through the liquid, partially evaporates it, and partially condenses itself) a new vapor of the composition is formed FROM and new composition fluid D, being in balance. As a result of the work of the plate, new steam FROM richer in volatile matter compared to the steam coming from the bottom plate BUT, that is, on a plate of steam FROM enriched with volatile matter. New liquid D, on the contrary, it became poorer in volatile matter compared to the liquid that came from the upper plate AT, that is, on a plate, the liquid is depleted in the volatile component and enriched in the non-volatile component. In short, the work of the plate is reduced to the enrichment of the vapor and the depletion of the liquid with a highly volatile component.

    Rice. 13.4. Scheme of the device and operation of the cap plate: / - the bottom of the plate; 2 - steam pipe;

    3 - cap; 4 - column body; 5 - drain pipe

    Rice. 13.5. The image of the work of a distillation plate on the diagram at-x: 1- equilibrium curve;

    2 - line of working concentrations

    A plate on which a state of equilibrium is reached between the vapors rising from it and the liquid flowing down is called theoretical. In real conditions, due to the short-term interaction of vapor with liquid on the plates, an equilibrium state is not reached. The separation of the mixture on a real plate is less intense than on a theoretical one. Therefore, to perform: the operation of one theoretical plate requires more than one real plate.

    On fig. 13.5 shows the operation of a distillation plate using a diagram at-X. The theoretical plate corresponds to a hatched rectangular triangle, the legs of which are the magnitude of the increment in the concentration of the volatile component in the vapor, equal to mustache-y a , and the magnitude of the decrease in the concentration of the volatile component in the liquid, equal to x B - x D . The segments corresponding to the indicated changes in concentration converge on the equilibrium curve. This assumes that the phases leaving the plate are in equilibrium. However, in reality, the state of equilibrium is not reached, and the segments of the change in concentrations do not reach the equilibrium curve. That is, the working (real) plate will correspond to a smaller triangle than the one shown

    in fig. 13.5.

    The designs of the plates of distillation columns are very diverse. Let's briefly consider the main ones.

    Columns with bubble caps widely used in industry. The use of caps ensures good contact between vapor and liquid, efficient mixing on the plate and intensive mass transfer between the phases. The shape of caps can be round, polyhedral and rectangular, plates - single and multi-cap.

    A plate with grooved caps is shown in fig. 13.6. The steam from the lower plate passes through the gaps and enters the upper (inverted) troughs, which direct it to the lower troughs filled with liquid. Here, steam bubbles through the liquid, which provides an intensive mass transfer. The liquid level on the plate is maintained by an overflow device.

    Columns with sieve plates are shown in fig. 13.7. The plates have a large number of holes of small diameter (from 0.8 to 3 mm). The pressure of the steam and the speed of its passage through the holes must be in accordance with the pressure of the liquid on the plate: the steam must overcome the pressure of the liquid and prevent it from leaking through the holes to the underlying plate. Therefore, sieve trays require appropriate regulation and are very sensitive to regime changes. In the case of a decrease in vapor pressure, the liquid from the sieve plates goes down. Sieve trays are sensitive to impurities (precipitation) that can clog holes, creating conditions for the formation of increased pressures. All this limits their application.

    Packed columns(Fig. 13.8) are distinguished by the fact that in them the role of plates is performed by the so-called “nozzle”. Special ceramic rings (Raschig rings), balls, short tubes, cubes, saddle-shaped, spiral-shaped, etc. bodies made of various materials (porcelain, glass, metal, plastic, etc.) are used as nozzles.

    Steam enters the lower part of the column from an external boiler and moves up the column towards the flowing liquid. Distributing over a large surface formed by packed bodies, the vapor intensively contacts the liquid, exchanging components. The packing must have a large surface area per unit volume, provide low hydraulic resistance, be resistant to the chemical effects of liquid and steam, have high mechanical strength, and be of low cost.

    Packed columns have low hydraulic resistance and are easy to use: they are easily emptied, washed, blown, and cleaned.

    The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical and some practical aspects of the work of a home distillation column aimed at obtaining ethyl alcohol, as well as dispel the most common myths on the Internet and clarify the points that equipment sellers are “silent about”.

    Alcohol rectification– separation of a multicomponent alcohol-containing mixture into pure fractions (ethyl and methyl alcohols, water, fusel oils, aldehydes, and others) having different boiling points by repeated evaporation of the liquid and condensation of steam on contact devices (trays or nozzles) in special counterflow tower apparatuses.

    From a physical point of view, rectification is possible, since initially the concentration of individual components of the mixture in the vapor and liquid phases is different, but the system tends to equilibrium - the same pressure, temperature and concentration of all substances in each phase. Upon contact with a liquid, the vapor is enriched with volatile (low-boiling) components, while the liquid, in turn, is enriched with low-volatile (high-boiling) ones. Simultaneously with enrichment, heat exchange takes place.

    circuit diagram

    The moment of contact (interaction of flows) between vapor and liquid is called the process of heat and mass transfer.

    Due to the different directions of movements (steam rises, and the liquid flows down), after the system reaches equilibrium in the upper part of the distillation column, it is possible to separately select practically pure components that were part of the mixture. First, substances with a lower boiling point (aldehydes, esters and alcohols) come out, then with a high one (fusel oils).

    A state of balance. Appears at the very boundary of the phase separation. This can only be achieved if two conditions are met simultaneously:

    1. Equal pressure of each individual component of the mixture.
    2. The temperature and concentration of substances in both phases (vapor and liquid) is the same.

    The more often the system comes into equilibrium, the more efficient the heat and mass transfer and the separation of the mixture into individual components.

    Difference between distillation and rectification

    As you can see in the graph, from a 10% alcohol solution (mash) you can get 40% moonshine, and during the second distillation of this mixture, a 60-degree distillate will come out, and during the third - 70%. The following intervals are possible: 10-40; 40-60; 60-70; 70-75 and so on up to a maximum of 96%.

    Theoretically, to get pure alcohol, 9-10 successive distillations are required on a moonshine still. In practice, distillation of alcohol-containing liquids with a concentration above 20-30% is explosive, moreover, due to the high energy and time costs, it is economically unprofitable.

    From this point of view, the rectification of alcohol is a minimum of 9-10 simultaneous, stepwise distillations that occur on different contact elements of the column (packings or plates) along the entire height.

    Organoleptics of the drinkKeeps aroma and taste of initial raw materials.It turns out pure alcohol without smell and taste (the problem has a solution).
    Fortress at the exitDepends on the number of distillations and the design of the apparatus (usually 40-65%).Up to 96%.
    The degree of separation into fractionsLow, substances even with different boiling points are mixed, it is impossible to fix this.High, pure substances can be isolated (only with different boiling points).
    Ability to remove harmful substancesLow or medium. To improve the quality, a minimum of two distillations with separation into fractions in at least one of them is required.High, with the right approach, all harmful substances are cut off.
    Alcohol lossHigh. Even with the right approach, you can extract up to 80% of the total amount, while maintaining an acceptable quality.Low. Theoretically, it is possible to extract all the ethyl alcohol without loss of quality. In practice, at least 1-3% losses.
    The complexity of the technology for implementation at homeLow and medium. Even the most primitive apparatus with a coil is suitable. Equipment improvements are possible. The technology of distillation is simple and clear. A moonshine still does not usually take up much space in working order.High. Special equipment is required, which is impossible to manufacture without knowledge and experience. The process is more difficult to understand, preliminary at least theoretical preparation is needed. The column takes up more space (especially in height).
    Danger (compared to each other), both processes are flammable and explosive.Thanks to simplicity moonshine still distillation is somewhat safer (subjective opinion of the author of the article).Due to the complex equipment, when working with which there is a risk of making more mistakes, rectification is more dangerous.

    Operation of the distillation column

    Distillation column- a device designed to separate a multicomponent liquid mixture into separate fractions according to the boiling point. It is a cylinder of constant or variable section, inside which there are contact elements - plates or nozzles.

    Also, almost every column has auxiliary units for supplying the initial mixture (raw alcohol), controlling the rectification process (thermometers, automation) and distillate extraction - a module in which the vapor of a certain substance extracted from the system is condensed and then taken out.

    One of the most common home designs

    Raw alcohol- a product of the distillation of mash by the classical distillation method, which can be "filled" into distillation column. In fact, this is moonshine with a strength of 35-45 degrees.

    Reflux- steam condensed in the dephlegmator, flowing down the walls of the column.

    Phlegm number- the ratio of the amount of reflux to the mass of the sampled distillate. There are three streams in the alcohol distillation column: steam, phlegm and distillate (end goal). At the beginning of the process, the distillate is not withdrawn so that there is enough reflux in the column for heat and mass transfer. Then part of the alcohol vapor is condensed and taken from the column, and the remaining alcohol vapor continues to create a reflux flow, ensuring normal operation.

    For the operation of most installations, the reflux ratio must be at least 3, that is, 25% of the distillate is taken, the rest is needed in the column for irrigating the contact elements. As a general rule, the slower the alcohol is withdrawn, the higher the quality.

    Distillation column contact devices (trays and packings)

    They are responsible for the multiple and simultaneous separation of the mixture into liquid and vapor, followed by the condensation of vapor into a liquid - the achievement of an equilibrium state in the column. Ceteris paribus, the more contact devices in the design, the more effective distillation in terms of alcohol purification, since the surface of phase interaction increases, which intensifies the entire heat and mass transfer.

    theoretical plate- one cycle of exit from the equilibrium state with its repeated achievement. To obtain high-quality alcohol, a minimum of 25-30 theoretical plates is required.

    physical plate- a real working device. The vapor passes through the liquid layer in the plate in the form of many bubbles, creating an extensive contact surface. In the classical design, the physical plate provides about half of the conditions for reaching one equilibrium state. Therefore, for the normal operation of the distillation column, two times more physical plates are required than the theoretical (calculated) minimum - 50-60 pieces.

    Nozzles. Often, plates are placed only on industrial installations. In laboratory and home distillation columns, nozzles are used as contact elements - specially twisted copper (or steel) wire or dishwashing nets. In this case, the phlegm flows down in a thin stream over the entire surface of the nozzle, providing the maximum contact area with steam.

    Washcloth nozzles are the most practical

    There are a lot of structures. The disadvantage of home-made wire nozzles is the possible damage to the material (blackening, rust), factory counterparts are devoid of such problems.

    Properties of distillation column

    Material and dimensions. The column cylinder, nozzles, cube and distillers must be made of a food-grade, stainless, heat-safe (expands evenly) alloy. In home-made designs, cans and pressure cookers are most often used as a cube.

    The minimum length of the pipe of a home distillation column is 120-150 cm, diameter is 30-40 mm.

    heating system. In the process of rectification, it is very important to control and quickly adjust the heating power. Therefore, the most successful solution is heating with the help of heating elements built into the bottom of the cube. Heat input through gas stove not recommended, because it does not allow you to quickly change the temperature range (high inertia of the system).

    Process control. During rectification, it is important to follow the instructions of the column manufacturer, which must indicate the features of operation, heating power, reflux ratio and model performance.

    The thermometer allows precise control of the sampling process

    It is very difficult to control the rectification process without two simple devices - a thermometer (helps determine the correct degree of heating) and an alcohol meter (measures the strength of the resulting alcohol).

    Performance. It does not depend on the size of the column, since the higher the side (pipe), the more physical plates are inside, therefore, the cleaning is better. The performance is affected by the heating power, which determines the speed of steam and reflux flows. But with an excess of supplied power, the column chokes (stops working).

    The average performance of home distillation columns is 1 liter per hour with a heating power of 1 kW.

    Influence of pressure. The boiling point of liquids depends on pressure. For successful distillation of alcohol, the pressure at the top of the column should be close to atmospheric - 720-780 mm Hg. Otherwise, when the pressure decreases, the vapor density will decrease and the evaporation rate will increase, which may cause flooding of the column. If the pressure is too high, the evaporation rate drops, making the operation of the device inefficient (there is no separation of the mixture into fractions). To maintain the correct pressure, each distillation column is equipped with an atmospheric connection tube.

    About the possibility of self-made assembly. Theoretically, a distillation column is not a very complex device. Designs are successfully implemented by craftsmen at home.

    But in practice, without understanding the physical foundations of the rectification process, correct calculations of equipment parameters, selection of materials and high-quality assembly of units, the use of a home-made distillation column turns into a dangerous occupation. Even one mistake can lead to fire, explosion or burns.

    In terms of safety, factory columns that have been tested (have supporting documentation) are more reliable, and they are also supplied with instructions (must be detailed). The risk of a critical situation comes down to only two factors - proper assembly and operation according to the instructions, but this is a problem for almost all household appliances, and not just columns or moonshine stills.

    The principle of operation of the distillation column

    The cube is filled with a maximum of 2/3 of the volume. Before turning on the installation, it is imperative to check the tightness of the connections and assemblies, shut off the distillate extraction unit and supply cooling water. Only after that you can start heating the cube.

    The optimal strength of the alcohol-containing mixture fed into the column is 35-45%. That is, in any case, distillation of the mash is required before rectification. The resulting product (raw alcohol) is then processed on a column, obtaining almost pure alcohol.

    This means that a home distillation column is not a complete replacement for the classic moonshine still (distiller) and can only be considered as an additional purification step that replaces re-distillation (second distillation) with better quality, but levels the organoleptic properties of the drink.

    In fairness, I note that most modern models of distillation columns involve working in the moonshine still mode. To proceed to distillation, it is only necessary to close the connection to the atmosphere and open the distillate selection unit.

    If both nozzles are closed at the same time, then the heated column may explode due to excess pressure! Don't make these mistakes!

    In continuous industrial plants, mash is often distilled immediately, but this is possible due to its gigantic size and design features. For example, a pipe 80 meters high and 6 meters in diameter is considered a standard, in which many more contact elements are installed than on distillation columns for a house.

    Size matters. The possibilities of distilleries in terms of cleaning the cube are greater than with home distillation

    After switching on, the liquid in the cube is brought to a boil by the heater. The resulting vapor rises up the column, then enters the reflux condenser, where it condenses (phlegm appears) and returns in liquid form along the walls of the pipe to the lower part of the column, on the way back coming into contact with the rising steam on plates or nozzles. Under the action of the heater, the phlegm again becomes steam, and the steam at the top is again condensed by a dephlegmator. The process becomes cyclic, both streams are in continuous contact with each other.

    After stabilization (steam and phlegm are sufficient for an equilibrium state), pure (separated) fractions with the lowest boiling point (methyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, ethers, ethyl alcohol) accumulate in the upper part of the column, with the highest (fusel oils) at the bottom. As the selection of the lower fractions gradually rise up the column.

    In most cases, a column in which the temperature does not change for 10 minutes is considered stable (you can start sampling) (the total warm-up time is 20-60 minutes). Up to this point, the device works "on its own", creating flows of steam and phlegm that tend to balance. After stabilization, the selection of the head fraction containing harmful substances begins: esters, aldehydes and methyl alcohol.

    The distillation column does not eliminate the need to separate the output into fractions. As in the case of a conventional moonshine still, you have to assemble the “head”, “body” and “tail”. The difference is only in the purity of the output. During rectification, the fractions are not “lubricated” - substances with a close, but at least a tenth of a degree, different boiling point do not intersect, therefore, when the “body” is selected, almost pure alcohol is obtained. During conventional distillation, it is physically impossible to separate the yield into fractions consisting of only one substance, no matter what design is used.

    If the column is brought to the optimal mode of operation, then there are no difficulties during the selection of the “body”, since the temperature is stable all the time.

    The lower fractions (“tails”) are selected during rectification, guided by temperature or smell, but unlike distillation, these substances do not contain alcohol.

    Return to alcohol of organoleptic properties. Often, "tails" are required to return the "soul" to rectified alcohol - the aroma and taste of the raw material, for example, apples or grapes. After the process is completed, a certain amount of collected tail fractions is added to pure alcohol. The concentration is calculated empirically by experimenting on a small amount of product.

    The advantage of rectification is the ability to extract almost all the alcohol contained in the liquid without losing its quality. This means that the “heads” and “tails” obtained on a moonshine still can be processed on a distillation column and ethyl alcohol safe for health can be obtained.

    Flooding of distillation column

    Each design has a maximum speed of steam movement, after which the flow of reflux in the cube first slows down, and then stops altogether. The liquid accumulates in the distillation part of the column and "flooding" occurs - the termination of the heat and mass transfer process. Inside there is a sharp pressure drop, extraneous noise or gurgling appears.

    Causes of flooding of the distillation column:

    • exceeding the permissible heating power (most common);
    • clogging the bottom of the device and overflowing the cube;
    • very low atmospheric pressure (typical for high mountains);
    • the voltage in the network is higher than 220V - as a result, the power of the heating elements increases;
    • design errors and failures.

    In the 80s of the XIX century, when moonshine began to gain popularity among alcohol lovers, no one could imagine that the distillation columns that brought great amount pure alcohol, at low cost, will be available to the average amateur at a reasonable price.

    To obtain moonshine, clean mash, distillation, apply distillation column. However, the design of this device is simple and can be made by hand, thereby reducing the cost of equipment to a minimum.

    Let's consider how to make it with your own hands, what materials can be used, how to design individual elements and integrate it into a moonshine still.

    To begin with, let's figure out what is rectification:

    • This is a process when one component is released from a mixture under the influence of pressure and temperature.
    • The heating element evaporates the mash, which passes through the filters.
    • Part of it goes back, and part goes on.
    • This is due to the fluid that enters at the bend of the tube.
    • It condenses part of the solution and returns it back.
    • The lighter volatile part goes further, to the last segment, where the water flow is.

    The final product is deposited in the vessel.


    Standard structure, which assumes a copper structure as a base. A material such as copper has excellent thermal conductivity, compression-expansion characteristics.

    Attention! Copper does not add harmful impurities and sediments to the solution, which makes it a reference material.

    However, copper has one significant disadvantage - like any metal, it oxidizes and becomes greenish in color.

    Corrosion processes negatively affect the quality and purity of the product. The metal filters inside the tube are also oxidized and the whole structure becomes unusable.

    Made of polypropylene

    Also a common choice.

    Polypropylene material used in plumbing:

    1. It is cheaper and available at any hardware store.
    2. It does not deteriorate during many heating-cooling cycles and does not crack from temperature changes.
    3. Due to the large number of forms, it is possible to build a structure with any bend.

    The downside is the ingress of impurities into the solution, since part of the polypropylene evaporates during heating.

    From plumbing fittings

    Budget option for design lovers.

    Fitting- these are metal screw-in adapters for connecting pipes and hoses.

    Of these, you can build a column by twisting in a certain order. Any metal can be used for such elements (including stainless steel). There are practically no disadvantages to this design, except that it will take more time to collect and switch.

    Reference! A good column will consist of all the materials described above, combining the pros and leveling the cons.

    How to do it yourself?

    At first, when the moonshine business was just beginning to develop, the devices were made from everything that was underfoot, so the quality of the moonshine was appropriate.

    With the development of the industry, amateurs have learned to make better and better quality products, modernizing installations and supplementing standard designs with new elements.


    In order to design a cube with your own hands, you will need to weld on a sheet of stainless steel, having previously bent it into a cylinder.

    The bottom can also be made by welding the sheet, drained and cut with scissors for metal (you can leave the sheet uncut for greater stability). Tin will serve as solder.

    You can build a sealed lid with your own hands by pasting the joint with rubber, or use a lid from a pan.

    Reference! The cube can be completely made from a pan or a metal can, if the lid provides for the possibility of connection with the rest of the structure.

    How to make a distillation cube with your own hands is described in the video:


    The drawer is a conventional filter, which can be built from an ordinary water mixer or a plastic cup, into which a metal sponge for washing dishes will be rammed.

    A few criteria that are important for a good tsarga:

    • presence of entrance and exit,
    • the ability to detach it to change the filter,
    • the ability to easily replace the body of the structure in case of breakage (therefore, it is recommended to use plastic cups).

    Even a small change in the column diameter seriously affects the parameters. To evaluate, it is enough to remember that the nominal power (W) and productivity (ml / h) are numerically equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the column (sq. mm), and therefore are proportional to the square of the diameter.


    Used as a bait regular wire copper nozzle, Nonetheless you can use a regular metal sponge.

    The purity of the final product and the duration of the rectification process will depend on the packing material. You can build a multi-layer nozzle by combining several elements and materials.

    Selection node

    The selection unit is located on a bend in which there is no separation of the initial mixture, incoming water, and the final product.

    It is desirable to perform it from copper, since plastic structures tend to expand under the influence of temperature, and changing the trajectory of the solution can delay the rectification process, or even stop it.

    Reference! For example, pressure and temperature are not enough for the volatile part of the liquid to overcome the bend and be deposited in the vessel. However, a gentler curve will allow it to pass through and build up easily.

    The ideal material for the sampling unit is copper or stainless steel.

    Elements of construction can be purchased at thematic specialty stores, or in the plumbing department, choosing what is right for your particular design.

    The video shows how to make a do-it-yourself selection node:


    The dephlegmator is a kind of advanced filter:

    • It is installed in close proximity to the selection unit and serves to return part of the solution back.
    • Water entering inside condenses the heavy elements of the solution and separates unnecessary parts from the right ones.

    The reflux condenser can be made of metal, iron, steel, or glass, as it gives off heat well and will contribute to the rapid condensation of steam.


    Most often, refrigeration units of the class are used in moonshine stills. “refrigerator coil”. It received such a name because there is a metal spiral inside, which serves to circulate the liquid. To the naked eye, it resembles a snake that has curled up into a ball diagonally.

    The work of the refrigerator is to pass the liquid through itself and transfer it into the moonshine still. Based on this, it is desirable to make the material of the walls non-metallic, since the metal cools for a long time and transfers heat worse.

    The best material would be:

    • plastic,
    • glass,
    • polymer.

    The refrigerator should contain only two openings - the inlet and outlet of the liquid.

    Between the metal spiral and the walls of the refrigerator there should be water or another liquid that passes the temperature well, since it is this configuration that allows you to absorb heat as quickly as possible and lower the temperature.

    How to make a simple refrigerator for a moonshine is described in the video:

    Pasteurization drawer (optional)

    Pasteurization drawer- this is the final element of the moonshine still, which serves to precipitate and filter the final liquid:

    • It is a pipe covered with heat-insulating material, at the outlet of which there is a filter.
    • It is from there, drop by drop, that the liquid will enter the vessel.

    The design of such a drawer is simple - a pipe made of polypropylene or PVC, sheathed with any heat-insulating material, at the end of which you can install a standard drawer.


    Perhaps the most complex structural element that can increase efficiency and increase the overall performance of a home-made device.

    Automatic control system can independently control the processes occurring in the device, turn it on and off, signal readiness.

    The elements of automatic control also include touch analyzers:

    • pressure meter;
    • temperature sensor;
    • indicators of electricity and liquid consumption;
    • other.

    There is no one universal scheme, since all homemade devices have a different design, length, height, volume and other characteristics.

    Important! Automation can only be installed by experienced users who have an understanding of electronic circuits, the design of a microcircuit, the process of soldering and switching automatic elements. It is much easier to purchase ready-made automation for a moonshine still, and then connect it to the structure.

    The upside is that it saves time. He just needs to describe the design of his device to the seller, who will select the optimal automatic control panel for him.

    The device of a home-made moonshine still

    Usually a home-made moonshine still consists of:

    1. a source of fire that heats a vessel with mash;
    2. after passing the boiling point, the steam enters the coil, which is filled with coolant;
    3. the temperature in the coil is maintained by the refrigerator;
    4. after exiting the coil, moonshine enters the drawer, where it is filtered and poured into a vessel.

    Important! Don't skimp on filters! The more there are, the better. Some raw materials are not as good and pure as manufacturers describe them, and the result is a product of terrible quality.

    To compensate for the loss from the dirtiest source, it is recommended to set filters at the input and output of each element.

    How to make and assemble the simplest moonshine at home is described in the video:

    Let's summarize briefly: you can make a design with your own hands.

    There are no complex engineering structures in it, which means that a home-made column will practically not differ in any way from a purchased one, the materials for the columns and you can choose any of the material of the outer wall will depend on the heat transfer parameters, expansion and narrowing of the throughput channel due to thermal drops.

    Attention! The source of heating and accessories can be any, however, the purity and strength of the final product will depend on the quality of all the details.

    We hope that our article has helped you understand what a distillation column is, what structure it has, what processes take place in it and what materials it is made of.

    Manufacturers homemade moonshine strive to ensure that their drink is clean from harmful fusel oils and without an unpleasant odor. To do this, they distill the product several times, as a result of which it is purified. And yet the most the best way the production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages is the use of an apparatus with a distillation column. The principle of its operation and the possibility of self-production will be considered in the article.

    Like the moonshine still, the distillation column produces moonshine, only of higher quality, purified. But above all, it is intended for the production of pure alcohol 96%, which is used as a base in the preparation of various alcoholic beverages.
    Alcohol is a product of rectification, during which the separation of the alcohol-containing mixture (mash, raw alcohol) into separate fractions (methyl and ethyl alcohols, fusel oil, aldehydes) with different boiling points as a result of repeated evaporation of the initial liquid and vapor condensation.

    alembic, filled with alcohol-containing liquid, heats up. During the boiling process, steam is intensively formed, which rises up the column. There, a dephlegmator awaits him, in which the steam is cooled and condensed.

    Did you know? The largest distillation columns reach 90 m in height and have a diameter of 16 m. They are used in the oil refining industry.

    Drops of condensate (phlegm) descend into a column filled with steam. Cooled phlegm flows down through special nozzles, where it meets with hot steam. Heat and mass transfer occurs between them, which is repeated many times and is the essence of rectification.

    As a result, pure vaporous alcohol is collected in the "head" of the column. For final condensation, it is taken to the refrigerator, from which the distillate comes out, that is, the finished product.

    Video: distillation column and the principle of its operation

    Construction of a home distillery

    The device of the distillation column consists of different parts, the dimensions of which must be accurately calculated. For this design you need:

    • a distillation cube, or a container with an alcohol-containing liquid;
    • tsarga, or pipe, which will be the body of the column;
    • a dephlegmator in which steam is cooled and condensed;
    • nozzles with which you need to fill the king;
    • distillate selection unit;
    • water cooler;
    • smaller parts for connecting parts of the structure and for controlling its operation (thermometers, automation).

    Consider each component of the device separately.

    The basis of the whole structure is a distillation cube. This is a container for alcohol-containing raw materials.

    It can serve as any vessel made of copper, enameled or stainless steel. Some moonshiners use a pressure cooker for this if a small amount of alcohol is expected.

    And you can independently weld a suitable container from sheets of "stainless steel".

    Video: how to make a distillation cube with your own hands The main requirements that the cube must meet:

    • absolute tightness: when boiling, the vessel should not let vapor or liquid pass, and the lid should not be torn off by growing pressure;
    • a hole for the release of steam, which will appear if a fitting is inserted into the lid.

    If you buy a ready-made distillation cube, then it already meets these criteria.
    It is very important that the volume of the cube matches the dimensions of the column. For a pipe 1.5 m high and 50 mm in diameter, you need to take a container with a capacity of 40-80 liters, a 30-50 liter vessel is suitable for 40 mm drawers, at least 20-30 liters for 32 mm, and excellent for a diameter of 28 mm suitable pressure cooker.

    Important! The distillation cube must be filled with mash no more than 2/3 of its volume, otherwise, when boiling, the column will “choke».

    The pipe in which rectification takes place is called the tsarga. This is a cylinder with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm and a diameter of 30-50 mm. The effectiveness of the tsarga depends on its height: the higher the pipe, the slower the harmful fractions are separated and the purer the alcohol is.

    The optimal height of the tsarga is 1-1.5 m. If it is shorter, then there will be no room for separated fusel oils in it, and they will end up in the distillate. If the pipe is longer, then the rectification time will increase, but this will not affect the efficiency.
    Drawer side of distillation column with packing Ready-made drawers for moonshine stills from 15 cm long are on sale. You can buy 2-3 tubes and combine them into one. And you can make the tsargu of the desired length yourself. To do this, you need a stainless steel pipe.

    Video: how to make a drawer for a distillation column yourself Threads must be cut from above and below in order to attach the lower part to the cube, and attach a dephlegmator to the upper.

    From below, you also need to attach a grid to hold the nozzles with which the side will be filled. Some home specialists wrap the pipe with insulation, such as foam rubber.

    Did you know? The Panchenkov nozzle was invented in the USSR in 1981 not for the production of alcohol, but to improve the purification of petroleum feedstock for jet fuel.

    Filling the tsargi with nozzles is a prerequisite for rectification. If the pipe is hollow, only the distillation process is possible in it, the result of which will be moonshine, but not pure alcohol. The purpose of the filler is to increase the surface over which the phlegm flows.

    Thus, heavy harmful components are deposited and cannot get into the final product, and a light vapor of pure alcohol is taken away. The filling should completely fill the pipe.

    Any filler made of inert stainless material can serve as a nozzle:

    • glass or ceramic balls;
    • stainless steel kitchen washcloths, finely chopped (they need to be changed from time to time, as the material deteriorates);
    • Panchenkov nozzle (most the best option), which is specially woven from copper or stainless steel. Its advantages: it precipitates phlegm well and does not fail over time.

    Panchenkov nozzle

    Important! The nozzle-washcloth must be made of stainless steel. You can check it with a magnet: it attracts stainless steel.

    The selection unit is a small piece of pipe between the drawer and the reflux condenser. Its purpose is to collect phlegm: first come the "heads", that is, harmful alcohol fractions, then the "body" comes out, or alcohol without taste and unpleasant odor.
    A self-made selection unit is done differently, but according to the same principle. For example:

    • to the outer pipe, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the tsarga, a tube of smaller diameter is welded from the inside so that a pocket is formed between them around the circumference, where part of the phlegm will be collected;
    • instead of a tube, a stainless plate is welded inside, corresponding to the inner diameter of the pipe, with a round hole inside: part of the phlegm will be collected on the plate, and part will fall through the hole back into the side.

    Video: do-it-yourself selection node Outside, two holes are made in the pipe for two fittings: a tap is attached to one to remove phlegm, and a thermometer is inserted into the other (smaller) to measure the temperature of the steam.

    The top of the structure is the dephlegmator. Here, the steam cools, condenses, and already in the form of drops goes down.
    With your own hands, you can make several options for dephlegmators:

    1. Dephlegmator shirt or direct-flow made of two pipes of different diameters. Running water circulates between them, and inside a smaller pipe, the steam turns into condensate. The outer pipe can easily be replaced by a thermos body, the neck of which is screwed to the selection unit. In the bottom of the thermos, it is imperative to make a hole for the TCA, that is, a tube for communication with the atmosphere, through which light unnecessary vapors will escape.

      Video: the principle of operation of a direct-flow dephlegmator

    2. Dephlegmator Dimrota more efficient than the previous model. The body is a pipe of the same diameter as the side. Inside it is a thin tube, twisted in a spiral, in which the cold water. If the diameter of the drawer is 50 mm, then the spiral must be twisted from a tube with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 3 m. Then the length of the dephlegmator will be 25-35 cm.

      Video: assembly of a distillation column with a Dimroth reflux condenser

    3. Shell and tube dephlegmator consists of several pipes: small ones are attached inside the large one, in which steam condenses. This model has several advantages: water is economically consumed and steam is quickly cooled. In addition, this structure can be attached to the column at an angle, which reduces its height.

      Video: the principle of operation of a shell-and-tube dephlegmator


    A small cooler, or after-cooler, is needed to lower the temperature of the ethylene flowing from the extraction unit. It is made on the principle of a shirt reflux condenser, but from tubes of a smaller diameter.

    It also has two passages for water: cold liquid enters the lower one, exits the upper one and goes up through the silicone tubes to the dephlegmator for the same purpose.

    The water speed is controlled by a tap.

    Video: how to make a do-it-yourself refrigerator for a distillation column

    The pasteurization cage is not an obligatory element of the column. On the one hand, it complicates the basic design. But on the other hand, it improves it, since it more thoroughly purifies alcohol from head fractions throughout the entire rectification.

    This is a smaller side (30 cm) with an additional selection unit. It complements the main king. "Heads", as usual, come out of the reflux condenser, but not only at the beginning, but constantly.

    Alcohol is collected from the lower selection of a small tsarga. This ensures maximum purity of the alcohol.


    The long process of rectification can last for hours. At the same time, it must be constantly monitored so that the “heads” and “tails” do not accidentally mix with the “body”. It will not be so tiring if you install good automation to control rectification. For this purpose, a BUR (rectification control unit) is designed. The block can do the following:

    • turn on the water for cooling at a certain temperature;
    • reduce power during reflux extraction;
    • stop selection at the end of the process;
    • turn off the water and heating after the end of the selection of the tail section.

    You can automate the process by installing a "start-stop" with a valve: when the temperature rises, it stops the selection, when it stabilizes, it resumes the selection.

    You can do without automation, but it is much easier with it.

    Video: distillation column automation


    • the finished product is the purest alcohol 96% without impurities harmful to health;
    • in distillation mode, you can make moonshine with the desired organoleptic;
    • ethyl alcohol can become the basis of any alcoholic beverage;
    • you can design a device for this yourself.


    • ethylene has no organoleptic properties of the original product;
    • the rectification process is very long: no more than 1 liter of distillate can be obtained in an hour;
    • ready-made structures are very expensive.

    What material is preferable

    Rectification is intended for maximum purification of alcohol from various impurities. The details that make up the column should not affect either the quality or the taste of the product. Therefore, the material must be chemically inert, not susceptible to rust and not affect the taste and smell of the distillate.

    Food grade stainless steel, that is, chromium-nickel stainless steel, is best suited. It is chemically neutral and does not affect the composition of the product.

    The distillation column can be called a new generation of moonshine, because it produces alcohol of the best quality. Making this device with your own hands is quite difficult. But if you put in the effort, festive table will always lead the natural and delicious alcoholic drink own cooking.

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    38 times already

    Of course, among all varieties of moonshine stills, a home distillation column is one of the most difficult to operate and manufacture. Usually, for home brewing use columns industrial production, which can be purchased almost without restrictions in every specialty store. However, it is also quite possible to do it yourself.

    In order to make this apparatus, you need to have its scheme and design drawings, as well as know the main principles of the column and the meaning of the processes occurring in it. And quite a lot of interesting things happen here - the rectification procedure differs from ordinary distillation in its chemical and physical foundations.

    Distillation column: Working principle

    In the column, as in a simple distiller, there is a refrigerator, a heater, and a regulator, which are working and full-fledged elements. However, from the surface of the mash on the path of alcohol-containing steam to the refrigerator coil, there is another complex unit called a distillation column. This node is a high pipe, the cross section of which is 40-60 times larger than its size. The sectional diagram shows how an alcohol or beer column for the preparation of alcohol is arranged.

    Hot steam rises through the pipe, cools slowly along the way, condenses, and flows down, back into the tank. The condensate, while moving from top to bottom, comes into contact with hot steam, reheats, and light-boiling substances turn into steam again. Among these substances is ethyl alcohol.

    When you select the mode of operation of this column so that alcohol vapor begins to condense at a certain height, in which the intake pipe is located, then pure alcohol will begin to flow into the refrigerator, without various impurities. After a certain time, the dynamic equilibrium mode begins in this device, due to the difference in the vapor phase and the heat capacities of the liquid, in addition, the liquid-vapor mixture begins to separate in chemical composition into fractions, which will determine vaporization temperature.

    Vapors of volatile impurities accumulate directly in the uppermost section - acetone, aldehydes and other toxic components. When the temperature of the column on the upper thermometer is more than 70 degrees, they simply go out into the atmosphere, since it is connected to the outside air by a valve or branch pipe and operates at almost atmospheric pressure.

    At about three-quarters of the height of the column, alcohol vapor begins to collect and must be selected. Below are fusel oils and other elements whose boiling point is higher than alcohol. At the alcohol extraction site, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 75-77 degrees so that this can be realized and a significant size of the column will be required, rather than a larger zone of various fractions, so it is easier to separate one element from another.

    How to make a distillation column with your own hands?

    Do-it-yourself construction of a distillation column at home is not a myth. This is proved by multiple photos and videos on the Internet, as well as posts on forums. Even when they are half the way their owners claim, this unit is worth making. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for the production of moonshine, as such, a distillation column, regardless of whether industrial or home-made production, is not suitable.

    A distillation device is required to obtain alcohol with a minimum amount of additives, including resins and aromatics, which give moonshine a special flavor and aroma. However, the resulting alcohol can be used as the basis for some alcoholic beverages made at home, without worrying about poisoning with esters and methyls or fusel, causing severe hangovers.

    For the re-distillation of ordinary moonshine or raw alcohol, which is obtained in the usual distiller for moonshiners, a rectifier is an indispensable thing. No distillation system can match the quality of the resulting product.

    Manufacturing technology

    At home, a do-it-yourself distillation column will only work properly if its height will be at least 1.9-2.1 meters with an inner diameter of 45-60 mm. This column is difficult to operate, store and manufacture. It is advisable to build it collapsible, on threaded or lamp connections, it is quite convenient to use couplings.

    Coupling will not be a problem when you have experience with a lathe. Otherwise, you will need to use the paid services of specialists.

    Design principle

    The main components of the distillation column are as follows:

    • refrigerator-reflux condenser;
    • frame;
    • thermometers;
    • thermal insulation;
    • nozzle (spiral or disc).

    In the general scheme of the moonshine still, there is also a container for mash, as well as a condensate refrigerator, which is a simple coil. If you correctly make a distillation column, then it will be possible to put it on any moonshine device with a tank of at least 20 liters.

    For smaller sizes it will only be possible to disperse it to a working state and get a couple of liters of alcohol (from a probable yield of 50 percent). The best volume of the evaporator is 27-45 liters. Thus, it is more convenient to adjust the process temperature, which is considered one of the main factors during rectification.

    In addition, the production of alcohol in quantities up to 9-12 liters takes the same amount of time for dispersal and preparation of the column as 4-6 liters. More often than not, saving time is also quite important for reducing the cost of a product.


    The body is preferably made of three parts, approximately the same in length. From below, a flange with a strong cover is welded to a stainless steel pipe for mounting on a distillation tank. The height of the column is quite large - approximately 2 meters. The optimal solution is a flange connection on a sealed gasket. The flanges must be welded so that the entire structure is in a clearly vertical position, only in this case it will work as it should.

    The body elements are connected to each other by threads or clamps - whichever is more convenient. The most important thing is to maintain tightness. The best material for the main pipe is food grade stainless steel.This material has a relatively low thermal conductivity, and heat losses in the column are undesirable, up to the passage of vapor into the cooler.

    The two pieces on the bottom are just pieces of pipe. Nozzles will be installed here - devices that increase the contact area of ​​​​liquid and steam. The most complex uppermost structural element, here:

    • it is necessary to equip a flow-through refrigerator;
    • provide an air valve;
    • socket for thermometer;
    • outlet pipe.

    The flow cooler occupies about half of the top 1/3 of the column. The simplest solution is to wind a stainless or copper coil over the pipe. A more complicated way is to install the same coil, Dimroth cooler or ball cooler inside the pipe.

    For this task, you can purchase a pipe with a larger cross section by connecting it with an adapter to the bottom. In this case, there are a large number of options - the meaning is one, the dephlegmator is obliged to provide a barrier on the path of steam and convert it into condensate before reaching the air valve. Only couples are required to go here. with a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees. When the refrigerator cannot cope with its task, alcohol will be released into the air along with volatile elements.

    The air valve is placed at the highest point and is required to equalize the pressure. You can not install the valve, but simply install a copper thin tube (Ø4-5 mm). The presence of a tube will require special temperature control at all stages of rectification. During the selection of heads, T = 55–65 C must be at the level of the intake pipe.

    The selection is made through a pipe that cuts into the body below the refrigerator with a distance of 3-6 cm from it. It is a simple tube where a silicone hose is connected from a medical dropper.

    The do-it-yourself distillation column works rather slowly, the main intake takes place in the drip mode. This must be taken into account - making 9-12 liters of alcohol can take a whole day.


    This part of the column is one of the most important. Two types of nozzles are used for rectification:

    • spiral, made of steel mesh tightly twisted into a spiral or special wires that are twisted into prismatic spirals, they are simply poured inside the column;
    • dish-shaped, in the form of mesh or cap elements.

    In the first case, a mesh filter is placed at the bottom of the column, which prevents the nozzle from falling out. For the manufacture of a do-it-yourself distillation column, the most effective is a cap-type plate nozzle. In this case, it is necessary to start work with the purchase of plates - the size of the case must correspond to their diameter. It is easiest to pick up a pipe under the plates, rather than vice versa.

    Mesh partitions are much easier to make, which requires only a set of 2-3 mm drills and a drilling machine or drill. Partitions are made of copper, brass or stainless steel. For one meter of column height, 8-10 pieces are needed.

    Spiral prismatic special Panchenkov nozzles (OLTC), mesh or analogues will need to be purchased in specialized stores. You can't make them yourself.. You should not choose dishwashing nets - unknown alloys are used for them, which can react with vapors of impurities or alcohol.

    thermal insulation

    The column must be protected from heat loss to a height not less than the lower cut of the dephlegmator. As insulation, you can choose any elastic heat insulator - tubular basalt foil insulation, penoizol, polyurethane foam. Warming is a pretty important step. If heat losses are avoided, the height of the fractional layers can be reduced by 10-20%. Moreover, the concentration of the substance, in this case - alcohol, will increase in them, clearly preserving the boundaries of the fractions.

    Distillation column automation

    Enough difficult process rectification needs constant supervision and human presence. High-quality automation allows for rectification, without constant supervision. It makes it possible to select the head fractions in a separate container, does not allow "tails" to enter the commercial alcohol.

    The Rectification Control Unit (RCU) will reduce the power during extraction, turn on the cooling water at the required temperature and automatically reduce the extraction at the end. After the selection of tailings, the water and heating will be turned off. The simplest way automation- this is a start-stop installation with a valve that stops extraction during an increase in temperature in the column, after the temperature is restored, extraction resumes. For a home mini-distillery, it is cheaper to purchase automation on specialized forums or assemble it from Chinese components.