Fluffy cooked rice. What is parboiled rice

Before you learn how to cook rice, you need to understand what dish you need it for. Rice for rice porridge is easy to prepare, rice for pilaf or rice for a side dish is more difficult to prepare. Cooks are often interested in how to cook rice as a side dish. We'll tell you how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. First, you need to rinse the rice well; the recipes recommend rinsing the rice in cold water seven times. Secondly, you need to choose the right variety of rice from different varieties prepare different dishes from rice. Recipes for risotto, paella, and pilaf usually contain information about which rice is best to cook them from. Steamed rice is easier and faster to cook, and most importantly, such rice turns out more crumbly. Thirdly, a recipe for cooking rice may contain advice to pre-fry the rice a little so that it does not stick together later. Finally, one more important note on the question of how to cook rice correctly: pour 1 glass of rice with 1.5 glasses of water and cook over low heat. When the water has completely evaporated and the rice is ready, you can start preparing the rice dish. You can cook rice with stew, rice with gravy, rice with minced meat, rice with champignons or other mushrooms. There are many options for what you can cook with rice. Rice- this is a filler, a base. Rice dishes can be meat, fish, vegetarian, or sweet. Side dishes, sweet dishes, and casseroles are prepared from rice. Rice can be cooked delicious side dish by combining it with other grains. These are, for example, rice with corn, rice with beans, rice with peas and corn. Rice goes well with fish and seafood, so rice dishes with seafood are often prepared, such as rice with squid, rice with mussels, boiled rice with shrimp.

Is there some more important nuance to the question of how to cook rice deliciously: you need to know what to season it with and what spices to use. Whether you cook rice in the oven for a side dish, or rice in pots, add a little grated ginger to it, it will give the rice an interesting flavor and spiciness. Rice You can cook without spices, but there are rice dishes and recipes where spices play a key role. Spices are especially popular in Indian cuisine, they cook rice with saffron, rice with curry. Vegetarian dishes Rice is often prepared with various dried fruits: rice with prunes, rice with raisins, rice with dried apricots. Besides this, and meat dishes with rice often contain dried fruits, which are added to rice dishes for a special flavor. For the same purpose, rice with fruits is prepared, for example, rice with apples, rice with quince. Rice is usually seasoned with butter and cream. Rice with soy sauce is traditional for Asian countries.

We hope now you know what to cook with rice. If you are interested in some rice dishes that you have not prepared before, choose the rice dishes with photos.

Today we will tell you how to cook rice as a side dish. It should be noted that there are a great many ways to create such a dish. We will present only a few of them. Which one to choose for serving at the dinner table is up to you to decide.

Cooking rice as a side dish

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a dish. Moreover, this side dish is considered the most satisfying and nutritious. It can be served at the table with meat, sausages, sausages, fish, meatballs, etc.

So, preparing fluffy rice as a side dish involves using the following components:

  • not too coarse table salt - use to taste;
  • settled water - about 1.5 l;
  • long grain rice - 2 cups.

Cooking process

How to boil rice for a side dish so that it turns out fluffy and tasty? To do this, you should sort the cereal well and remove all inedible elements. Next, the product must be placed in a sieve and rinsed thoroughly under cold water.

After the rice is cooked, you should take a large pan and place it on the stove. After adding settled water to the dishes, you need to wait until it boils. Next, you need to pour salt into the seething liquid and lay out all the washed cereals.

Stirring the food regularly with a spoon, wait until it boils again. After this, the cereal must be cooked over low heat until completely soft. As a rule, 20-25 minutes are enough for this.

Final stage

After the cereal becomes soft, but not soggy, the boiled rice needs to be thrown into a sieve and rinsed thoroughly under cold water. Before serving such a side dish, it should be scalded with boiling water and shaken vigorously, trying to remove as much liquid as possible.

How to cook rice as a side dish in a satisfying and tasty way?

The previous option for preparing rice cereal can be used in cases where you want a lean side dish. If you want to do more hearty dish, then we offer you another recipe that recommends additional use of vegetables. For it we will need:

  • settled water - about 1.5 l;
  • sunflower oil - several large spoons;
  • juicy large carrot - 1 pc.;
  • aromatic seasonings and spices - use to taste;
  • sweet salad bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • long grain rice - 2 cups.

Ingredient Processing

Before boiling rice for a side dish, it should be cleaned of any debris, then placed in a sieve and rinsed thoroughly in cool water until it is completely transparent.

After the cereal is prepared, you need to start processing the vegetables. They need to be washed and cleaned, and then crushed. It is advisable to grate the carrots on a (large) grater, and finely chop the onions.

Cooking rice

Boiled rice according to the presented recipe is prepared exactly as described above. To do this, place it in a very bubbling liquid, add salt and cook until soft for 20-25 minutes. Next, the product must be thrown into a sieve and rinsed thoroughly in cold water. After this, you need to shake the rice vigorously and leave it aside until all the excess moisture is gone.

Sautéing vegetables

How to cook rice as a side dish without using additional ingredients, we described above. But to get a more satisfying and aromatic dish it should be done a little differently. To do this you need to pour sunflower oil into a saucepan and heat it up a little. Next, place the chopped onions and carrots in a hot bowl. Fry the ingredients over low heat for about ¼ hour. During this time, the vegetables should become transparent. Finally, they should be seasoned with pepper and salt.

The process of forming a dish

How to cook rice as a side dish in a tasty and satisfying way? To do this, boiled and dehydrated cereal should be poured into a saucepan with sautéed vegetables. After seasoning the ingredients with any of your favorite spices and seasonings, mix them thoroughly with a large spoon. Next, the side dish should be slightly warmed and placed on plates.

You can serve this dish to family members with any meat (fried, stewed, boiled) and fish. They also go well with boiled rice and sautéed vegetables. sausages, cutlets or meatballs.

Making sticky rice porridge

How to cook rice as a side dish crumbly dish, we told you a little higher. However, such cereals can not only be boiled in large quantities of water, but also made into a satisfying and delicious porridge. For this we will need:

  • not too coarse table salt - use to taste;
  • high fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • Short grain rice - 2 cups;
  • butter - a few small spoons;
  • medium-sized sugar - use according to taste and desire.

Preparation of the main product

To make a side dish of rice in the form of milk porridge, you should purchase not long-grain, but short-grain cereal. After all, it is this variety that contains a large amount of starch, which allows you to make a very viscous dish.

Thus, to prepare milk porridge, you need to sort out the cereal well, and then put it in a sieve and rinse it several times with water until it becomes completely transparent.

Heat treatment

After the short grain rice has been processed, take a small saucepan with a thick bottom and pour into it fresh milk high fat content. Next, the filled container must be placed on the fire and brought to a boil. At the same time, you must ensure that milk product did not “run away” from the edges of the dishes.

When the milk begins to boil strongly, you need to add previously processed short-grain rice into it. Stirring the cereal regularly, wait until the food begins to boil again. After this, the heat must be reduced, season the ingredients with salt and cook for 40 minutes. During this time, the cereal will completely boil and become viscous.

If the porridge starts to burn to the bottom of the pan, but the rice remains a little hard, it is recommended to add a little more milk to the pan.

Final stage

After you get a viscous rice porridge, you need to season it with butter, close it tightly and remove it from the stove. After wrapping the pan in a blanket, it is advisable to keep it aside for half an hour. After this time, the product must be mixed well again and placed on plates.

How to serve it correctly at the dinner table?

You can eat rice porridge prepared according to the method described above without additional ingredients in the form of meat, fish, etc. But for this, it is advisable to add a little sugar to the products during cooking. This will make the dish more complete and tasty. If you don’t add sugar, then this side dish goes well with boiled meat or steamed fish.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how you can make a lean, satisfying and milky side dish from ordinary rice cereal. It should be noted that the preparation of this product does not end there. After all, there are many more ways to do it Tasty dinner using short grain or long grain rice. So, some housewives add green peas, canned corn, fried mushrooms and other ingredients to boiled crumbly cereal. With them, your lunch can take on a completely different feel. taste qualities, which will certainly be appreciated by all invited guests.

Boiled rice is one of the most commonly consumed meals in the world. For example, the Chinese and Japanese eat it almost every day. Perhaps that is why they look so fit. But cook it right fluffy rice not so easy. It often turns out sticky, lumpy and pudding-like.

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How to cook fluffy rice: instructions

To cook fluffy rice, you will need:

  • a thick-walled pan with a volume of about 2 liters - it retains heat better, the rice practically does not burn in it;
  • water;
  • salt.

First of all, you need to choose the right variety of rice. You will need long grain rice. Experts recommend jasmine or basmati varieties. You can take steamed rice, the grains of which are less brittle when cooked. It is not recommended to use round-grain varieties, which have a higher carbohydrate content and, most importantly, overcook.

Method No. 1: classic

Measure out the required amount of rice. To prepare a side dish for 4 servings, 1 cup will be enough. Rinse the cereal thoroughly, changing the water up to 10 times. Ideally, you should rinse the rice until it is clean.

After washing the rice, place it in a saucepan and pour hot water. Floury rice should not be cooked in cold water - during cooking it will absorb a lot of water and boil too much, which will turn out to be “sushi rice”. Measure out the exact amount of water so that you don’t have to add liquid when cooking, which can seriously ruin the dish. The proportions depend on what type of rice you decide to cook. Long grain“asks” for one and a half to two glasses of water per glass of cereal, medium grain– two – two and a half, round rice requires from two and a half to three glasses of water, the same amount will be needed to cook brown rice. If rice steamed, then for a glass of cereal you need two glasses of water, if wild- then three and a half glasses.

Immediately salt the rice and cover the pan with a lid.

For a glass of rice you will need a level teaspoon of salt.

Turn on the fire to maximum. The water in the pan should boil quickly – almost immediately. Reduce the heat to low and simmer the rice over low heat for 15 minutes. There is no need to stir the rice or lift the lid.

When the cooking time is over, turn off the heat. Put it on cooked rice top with one and a half tablespoons of melted or butter. Close the lid and leave the rice to steep for 20 minutes. During this time, it will completely absorb the remaining small amount of water, while the grains will be covered with melted butter, which will give the rice additional aroma and a softer taste.

After 20 minutes, open the pan and you will see fluffy white rice, completely dry, grain by grain. We do not recommend rinsing such rice under any circumstances, as this will only spoil it. If you want to add rice to the salad, cool it first.

Method No. 2: with soaking

This method requires preparation: to make the rice crumbly, you need to wash it and then soak it in cold water for a day. Then we cook it according to the same procedure as in the first method, only fill it with water so that it covers the rice by about two fingers. Add salt, mix, close the lid and cook for about 10 minutes over low heat: soaking will cook the rice faster. Then let the rice stand under the lid for 15-20 minutes, and you can serve it.

Another option is to pour boiling water over the rice for an hour or two if waiting a day is too long for you.

Method No. 3: without rinsing

It is believed that it is impossible to cook unwashed rice into fluffy rice. After all, you need to wash off all the starch from the cereal, which is why the rice sticks together. However, this is not quite true.

First you need to heat the pan a little vegetable oil. Then add the rice and fry the cereal for a minute or two, stirring continuously. The rice will quickly turn golden brown. Along with rice, you can add spices: turmeric, barberry. Pour boiling water over it so that the water covers the cereal by two fingers on top. Be careful, water may splash! Add salt, stir, reduce heat to low and cook for about 10 minutes.

This method is especially good when preparing long grain rice, round will behave differently.

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To prevent rice from sticking when cooking, follow these rules:

  • Measure the amount of water accurately. You can focus on the proportions that the manufacturer indicates on the packaging;
  • pour rice only with hot or boiling water;
  • before cooking, rinse it under running water several times until the water becomes completely clear;
  • Do not add seasonings to water with rice;
  • While the rice is cooking, cover the pan with a transparent lid so that you can monitor the cooking process;
  • cook the rice over low heat;
  • During cooking, do not open the lid of the pan so that steam does not escape;
  • After cooking, let the rice sit for a while, covered.

How to cook rice in the microwave

Fluffy rice can also be cooked in the microwave. First, the rice should be thoroughly washed. Next, place it in a microwave-safe bowl and add the required amount of water and salt. Cover the bowl with a lid and place it in the microwave. Cook on full power for approximately 17-18 minutes. During this time, the rice must be stirred twice. After cooking, let the rice stand covered for a while (5-10 minutes), then stir. There is no need to rinse the rice; it will turn out fluffy, beautiful and tasty.

On our planet, rice is one of the most popular cereal crops. It goes well with fish and meat, fruits and vegetables and was known to mankind more than six thousand years ago.

Rice is suitable for preparing pilaf, soups, it can be added to salads or cooked as an independent dish. However, not everyone knows how to cook rice, because often when cooked it sticks together and becomes not very appetizing.

How long should you cook rice and in what proportions?

Each type of rice has its own proportions and cooking time. For 200 grams of long rice you need to take 400-450 ml of water and cook for 18-20 minutes. For short rice you need water - 350-400 ml, cook the same amount. Brown and wild rice is cooked for 45-50 minutes, you need to take 450-575 ml of water. As a rule, the type of rice is indicated on its packaging.

How to cook rice at home?

Brown rice It is considered the healthiest variety, but the basmati variety is best suited for cooking. Its grains are small, long and crumbly. Of course, it is more expensive than other types of rice, but it is more convenient and easier to prepare.

It is best to measure rice by volume rather than weight. Typically, 65 ml of rice is measured per person. For a family of 4 people it turns out - 260 ml. It is necessary to cook rice in the proportion: 1 to 2, that is, for 1 serving of rice - 2 servings of water. If you took 200 ml of basmati rice, then you need 400 ml of water.

How to properly cook fluffy rice?

Many people don’t know what is the best way to cook rice: in a saucepan, in a double boiler, in the microwave or in a frying pan? It is best to cook rice in a thick cast iron pan. A pan with thin walls heats up unevenly, so the cereal may remain raw on top and burn at the bottom. Pour the required amount of water into the pan and bring to a boil (1 part rice to 2 parts water).

Rinse the rice and pour it into a pan, fill it with the required amount of water. Add salt to taste and 50g butter, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low. To make the rice more crumbly, add 1 tbsp to boiling water. spoon lemon juice or a few spoons of cold milk.

Cover the pan tightly with a lid and cook over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. In this way, the rice is cooked for 15-20 minutes.

How to cook rice in a steamer?

It has long been known that steamed food is much healthier than fried or boiled food. It contains less calories, is easier to digest by the body and practically retains the original taste of food. Rice cooked in a steamer turns out very tender and crumbly.

Cooking rice in a steamer is easy. The steamer has a bowl or tray for cereals. Pour the washed rice into this bowl, add salt to taste and spices. Pour in enough water to completely cover the rice and leave about 5mm of water above it. In the steamer, use only one tier, insert the bowl into it. Cook the rice for 40 minutes (or the time indicated in the instructions). If desired, you can add butter a few minutes before the end of cooking.

How to cook rice in the microwave?

IN microwave oven The rice comes out especially tasty and fluffy. In addition, this is a convenient way of cooking, since it does not require careful attention and is quite fast.

Take a glass of rice, rinse and place in a microwave safe container. Pour two glasses of water, cover and cook for 18 minutes. The rice is ready!

How to cook rice in a frying pan?

The ideal frying pan for cooking rice is a deep one with a lid. Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the rice grains in it. Stir until all the grains are in the oil - this will make the rice crumbly and will not stick together when cooked. After the rice is fried, add water: for 1 part rice - 2 parts water. Once the rice boils, stir it thoroughly once. Do not stir it constantly during cooking - you can break the grains. After the rice is mixed, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and do not open it again until the end of cooking.

How long does it take to cook rice in a frying pan? In this way, brown rice is cooked for 40 minutes, and white rice for 15 minutes. Rice is very easy to overcook, so watch the time carefully. When the time is up, check several grains for doneness. If water has accumulated around the edges of the pan, the rice is not ready yet. Once the rice is cooked, turn off the heat.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls?

Rice is the basis of any roll, so it is important to learn how to cook it correctly. The rice should not crumble, otherwise it will be difficult to shape the rolls.

To prepare the rice you will need: 250 grams of Japanese rice; 2.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar; 2 teaspoons salt; 3 tbsp. spoons of rice vinegar.

Japanese rice is best suited for sushi and rolls - it has good stickiness. You can take round grain, but you shouldn’t take steamed one - it will crumble. Rinse the rice thoroughly in cold water until it becomes completely clear. Place the rice in a sieve and let it sit for an hour. Then transfer the cereal to the pan and add cold water: for 200 grams of rice - 250 ml of water.

Cover the pan with a lid, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. After this, reduce the heat and cook the cereal for 10-15 minutes - it should absorb all the water. Remove the rice from the heat and leave covered for 15 minutes.

How to cook sushi rice?

Dissolve salt and sugar in rice vinegar and place rice in a shallow bowl. Pour the vinegar dressing over the finished rice, stirring slightly with a wooden spatula.

How to cook steamed rice?

Steamed rice becomes translucent and has an amber-yellow hue. This rice retains 80% of vitamins and minerals. However, the cooking time for steamed rice increases because... after processing - rice grains become harder and cook more slowly regular rice.

How to cook Brown rice?

If it takes 15-20 minutes to cook regular rice, then steamed rice takes 20-25 minutes. But after cooking, the grains do not stick together, the rice remains crumbly and tasty, even after reheating the dish. Otherwise, the cooking method is no different from preparing regular rice.
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Rinse the rice, add to a pan with salted cold water, cook for 20 minutes over low heat under the lid until the water from the pan has completely boiled away.

How to cook rice

You will need: a glass of rice, 2 glasses of water.

1. Measure the rice, pour into a sieve, rinse for a couple of minutes until clear water.
2. Pour the rice into a non-enamel pan, add cold water in a ratio of 1:2 (for example, for 1 mug of rice - 2 mugs of water).
3. Add salt and spices to taste; for softness, you can add a tablespoon of butter.
4. Place the pan over low heat and cover tightly with a lid.
5. Cook the rice for 20 minutes, the indicator of readiness is that the water has completely evaporated.
6. Taste the rice - if it’s soft, it’s ready, if not, add 1/4 cup of water and cook for another 5 minutes.
7. Place boiled rice on plates and serve.

How to cook rice in the microwave
1. Rinse the rice.
2. Place rice in a microwave-safe bowl.
3. Add salted boiling water (for 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of water).
4. Close the container with rice with a lid.
5. Place the rice in the microwave.
6. Set the microwave to full power (700-800 W), turn on for 5 minutes. Mix.
7. Set the microwave to 500 W, cook for another 13-15 minutes.
7. Leave the rice in the microwave without opening the lid for 20 minutes.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker
1. Rinse the rice.
2. Place the washed rice in the slow cooker.
3. Add boiling water at the rate: for 3 multi-cups of rice 5 multi-cups of water.
4. Salt the rice, add oil, set to “buckwheat” or “rice” mode, cook until the signal indicates readiness.

How to simply steam rice in a slow cooker
1. Rinse the rice, drain and place in a rice container.
2. Fill the multicooker bowl with water in the ratio of 1 cup rice to 2 cups water, add spices (pepper, turmeric, rosemary, etc.) and salt.
3. Cook rice in a multicooker using the “steam” mode for 40 minutes, leave with the multicooker lid closed for 5 minutes.

How to cook rice in a double boiler
1. Sort the rice, if necessary, rinse until clear water in a sieve for 1 minute, let the water drain.
2. Place the rice in a bowl, add 1 centimeter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
3. Drain the water and place the rice on the steamer tray intended for rice. It is very important here that the filling of the rice container should not exceed half the volume of this container, since the rice will increase during cooking.
4. Using a spoon, level the rice in the container so that the steam cooks the rice evenly.
5. Fill the steamer reservoir with water.
6. Turn on the steamer, “cereals” mode.
7. Cook rice in a double boiler for 30 minutes.
8. Without stirring the rice, sprinkle it with a spoon of sunflower oil or butter, leave covered for 5 minutes.

How to cook rice in a frying pan
1. Place the frying pan on the fire, add water, salt and add rice in a ratio of 1:2; pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into half a glass of rice.
2. Cook the rice in a frying pan for 15-20 minutes after boiling water under the lid over low, wide heat.
3 minutes before the end of cooking it is allowed to pour in soy sauce taste.

How to cook rice in a bag
Cook white steamed rice in a bag for 12-15 minutes. Cook brown rice in bags for 20-25 minutes. Place the rice in the bag into boiling water - the water needs to be out of proportion with the rice, so that the water covers the bag of rice with a margin of 2 centimeters.

How to cook rice for salad
For any cold salads that can no longer be cooked, cook rice until fully cooked.

How to cook rice for hedgehogs
Cook rice for hedgehogs for 10 minutes less, because... the molded hedgehogs will simmer in the sauce for the prescribed time until the rice is completely cooked.

Situations when cooking rice

What to do if the rice turns out like porridge
There are several options:
1. If rice is being prepared, for example, for pilaf or another dish where crumbly rice is critical, then you need to cook the rice from scratch. If all cooking conditions have been met, you should take another rice suitable for the dish for cooking.
2. “Porridge” can be fried with an egg in the morning, or cooked as a rice casserole.
3. Boiled rice is suitable for cooking stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls.
4. You can also cook soup using rice “porridge”.

Do I need to stir rice while cooking?
Not only is it not necessary, but it is also impossible. If you stir rice while cooking, it will turn into porridge.

What to do with undercooked rice
If the rice has been cooked for the required time and under closed lid, add a quarter glass of water and cook for another 3 minutes. Then taste the rice and repeat the procedure if necessary.
If it turns out that the rice you cooked yesterday turned out to be a little dry, cook the rice with water and oil - it will become softer after 5-7 minutes of cooking.
If cooled sushi rice turns out to be undercooked, then it is almost impossible to finish cooking it, because... its ability to stick together will not be restored after additional cooking.

What to do if there is no water in the pan and the rice is not ready yet
If the water has evaporated and the rice is dry, you need to add boiling water (half a glass of boiling water for 1 cup of rice), without stirring the rice, and cook the rice for another 3-4 minutes, then taste it.

How to give rice a beautiful color
You can add color to rice by adding spices. To make the rice yellow, you need to add curry or turmeric (for 1 cup of raw cereal - 1 heaped teaspoon). To prepare burgundy rice, after cooking it is recommended to fry it with a small amount of beets (1 cup of rice - 1 medium-sized beet). For original presentation You can cook some of the rice yellow, some burgundy - and mix or serve on a plate next to it.

Rice cooking proportions

How much rice do you need for 2 and 4 servings?
For 4 large servings of rice side dish, 1 cup of cereal is enough.

How many times does rice expand when cooked?
When cooked, rice increases in volume by 3 times. The weight is about the same - from 150 grams of raw cereal you will get 400-430 grams of boiled rice.

About storing rice

How to store boiled rice
Rice is stored covered for 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

I have old rice, can I cook it?
If the rice is old, it will most likely be porridge; it is not recommended to wash such rice; it is better to use it for pureed soups and porridges.

Rice varieties and cooking time

By grain type:
- Long grain rice: thin grains, up to a centimeter long, do not stick together when cooked, eaten with meat or fish. Cook for 20 minutes, the proportions of water and long grain rice are 2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.
- Medium grain rice: small grains half a centimeter long, oval shaped, cooked in soups, paellas and risotto, porridges and pilaf. More viscous when cooked. Cook translucent medium grain rice for 15 minutes, then leave covered for 10 minutes. Soak white medium grain rice in water for 20 minutes, then cook in the same water for 15 minutes. The proportions of water and medium grain rice are 2.25 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.
- Round grain rice - rice with round grains, sticks together well when cooked, so it is ideal for making sushi and casseroles. Cook for 20 minutes after boiling. The proportions of water and short grain rice are 2.5 cups of water for 1 cup of rice, because... it absorbs moisture very well.

About the benefits of rice

Benefits of rice
Unpolished rice is considered the most useful, because... Many vitamins and amino acids are contained in the rice shell.

Children from 5 months can be offered rice in rice porridge.

Rice processing - and benefits
- White rice: polished rice that has lost a significant part of its beneficial properties.
- Rice with a yellowish tint - parboiled rice, in which they are stored useful qualities. Parboiled rice does not stick together when cooked, but may be inferior to other types of rice in taste.
- Brown rice: the healthiest rice, they are accustomed to it from childhood, the most healthy vitamins and amino acids. Perfect rice for a child.
- Wild rice: Black rice and long grain, high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Energy value of boiled rice
Calorie content of boiled rice is 100 calories/100 grams.

Price rice - from 65 rubles/1 kilogram (average data for Moscow as of January 2020).

Rice and development
2 well-known companies began their history with the production and processing of rice. The Japanese company Sony came up with a device for cooking rice in 1946, one of its first inventions. And the Korean Samsung in the 1930s produced rice flour.

Reading time - 5 min.

What are we cooking?

  • Cereals