Dry chicken breast. How to choose chicken meat? How many calories in boiled chicken breast without skin

calories chicken breast: 130 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the preparation method

The breast is the most valuable part of the chicken carcass. This is a universal dietary product, dishes from which are included in the diet of therapeutic nutrition. Due to the low fat content, and therefore low energy value, breast fillet is allowed in many diets.

Nutritional value of chicken breast

White meat chicken fillet contains choline, B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, niacin. These components regulate the work of the adrenal glands and the digestive tract, help cleanse the liver. Minerals are represented by potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, phosphorus, sodium. Such a set normalizes the work of the heart, stimulates immune defense during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and during rehabilitation after illnesses.

The calorie content of chicken breast with skin is 135 kcal, without skin - 113.

For the recommended energy value of the daily ration for diets, a serving of cooked fillet will be about 5.5% of the total calories. In addition, 24% of the protein found in white meat corresponds to only 2% of fat, so its regular consumption stimulates the growth of muscle mass without adding fat.

Chicken breast boiled, fried, baked

The way food is prepared largely determines the energy value of the finished dish. For those who adhere healthy eating, you should boil chicken breast without skin and bones. In this case, its calorie content reaches 137 kcal, such meat goes well with both cereals and vegetables.

Steamed breast has a minimum calorie content of 113 kcal.

It is not recommended to fry fillets, because chicken often turns out to be rather dry, and the energy value of the cooked dish increases dramatically (~ 158 kcal). The calorie content of fried breast depends on the amount vegetable oil used during preparation. It is recommended to cook the fillet on the grill, it has fewer calories (~ 150 kcal).

A dietary option for cooking chicken is roasting in the oven. Meat can be marinated in spices and seasonings, add soy sauce, orange juice. Thanks to this, it will be soft and juicy, and the finished dish will become the main component of dinner. But it should be taken into account that additional ingredients increase the nutritional value of cooked meat.

Calorie table of chicken breast per 100 grams

The 100 g calorie table allows you to quickly find the right product and calculate the daily calorie intake. Choose the option of cooking dietary chicken breast.

Chicken fillet - use in diets

Chicken fillet is one of the most low-calorie meats. However, it contains great amount vitamins and minerals, which is important for those who are on a diet and constantly limit themselves. The most useful for a healthy diet is skinless chicken breast, steamed or boiled. Read about in our publication.

By choosing different ingredients with which meat is cooked, you can create real culinary masterpieces. And the control of the nutritional value of ready-made meals will allow you to gradually say goodbye to extra pounds.

Chicken meat is considered the most popular and frequently used all over the world. This is relatively inexpensive meat, and chicken breast is dietary.

Chemical composition

In 100 g of raw meat:

  • 53 g of water;
  • 0.5 g of carbohydrates;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 24 g proteins;
  • 40 mg cholesterol.

And also meat is distinguished by the highest content of vitamins of groups B, C, PP, K, A; macronutrients such as: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine; trace elements: iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese, fluorine, cobalt.

Calorie content of the product in different versions

Boiled chicken breast without skin contains 137 kilocalories, with skin - 165 kilocalories.

Product type Calorie content, kcal
raw 115
raw with skin 171
boiled 137
boiled with skin 165
stewed 151
stewed with skin 184
fried 188
fried with skin 240
in the oven with skin 197
on a skewer 85

The use of chicken breast in dietary nutrition

Chicken breast is ideal for a dietary diet. Few calories, carbohydrates and fats, a lot of protein - what you need. More protein can only be found in seafood. The protein diet used by athletes is most often based on chicken breast.

With this diet, you need to drink more water than normal so that the kidneys are cleansed and harmful substances do not accumulate in them. When dieting, you can’t eat 6 hours before bedtime, as meat is digested for a very long time.

Benefits for the body

The high content of iron and amino acids promotes improve the functioning of the circulatory system, increases hemoglobin. In case of illness, poisoning, poor health, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, broth cooked on white fillet without skin is great for basic nutrition. White chicken meat helps maintain the beauty of hair, skin, nails, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

A large amount of B vitamins accelerates and maintains a normal metabolism. Protein contributes to the rapid saturation and recovery of damaged muscles after training. Properly cooked chicken breast reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol.

How to cook

There are many ways to cook meat, but for diet food suitable for cooking (regular and steamed), stewing (with a minimum amount of oil), baking in the oven. It is important not to overdry the product.

Diet based on boiled chicken breast

Rules and features of the chicken diet:

  • eat no more than 1100-1200 kcal;
  • for the normal functioning of the kidneys, drink more water than usual;
  • chicken breast meat should be half the diet;
  • it is allowed to use non-starchy low-calorie vegetables;
  • fruits with a minimum sugar and calorie content are allowed.

Sample weekly chicken menu:

Unloading days with dietary nutrition

You can arrange from one to three fasting days with dietary nutrition. Of the products, only 0.7-1 kg of boiled or steamed chicken breast is allowed. Meat should be cooked without salt, from drinks you can use water, tea without sugar, unsweetened freshly squeezed vegetables and fruit juices. Do not eat 6 hours before bed.

Delicious and healthy breast recipe

For baked dietary meat will need:

  • 2 breasts;
  • 3 pieces of garlic;
  • 1/3 st. water;
  • lemon, zest, lemon juice;
  • fresh greens;
  • spices without salt hot pepper, natural herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Put finely chopped or grated garlic on the bottom of the baking sheet. Then add water, lemon juice, zest, herbs. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Roll the fillet in seasonings and place in the marinade. Put slices of lemon on empty places, sprinkle with herbs on top.
  3. Put a baking sheet in a preheated oven to 180 degrees and bake until cooked, it usually takes about half an hour.
  4. To prevent the meat from drying out, pour over the liquid that forms around it, or cover with a baking bag.
  5. Determine the readiness of the dish (a light liquid flows out when cut), let it brew for several minutes and you can start eating.

Tips for cooking chicken breast:

  1. When cooking chicken breast, onions should be used, as their juice will soften the meat fibers.
  2. For even cooking, set the temperature to medium and add more time.
  3. Steam the meat to avoid dryness. If frying in the oven, then always in a culinary sleeve or a baking bag.
  4. If cooked incorrectly, the chicken breast becomes tough.
  5. When defrosting, thaw the meat slightly for greater convenience.


Not always the use of chicken breast is useful. In some cases, it should be used with caution or completely eliminated from the diet.

Chicken breast is great for diet food, it contains many useful substances. And a lot of ways proper cooking this meat will please everyone.

In contact with

Meat is one of the key foods in the diet of any person. It helps restore muscle tissue and give strength. But at the same time, it is quite fatty and has a high calorie content, so it is very important to choose low-calorie meat for your diet, for example, chicken fillet.

Features of chicken breasts

Fillet has a relatively low calorie and energy value, this meat is nutritious and recommended as a dietary product. As for the energy value, there is not so much fat in chicken breasts against the background of a large amount of protein.

Chicken fillet is the most valuable part of a poultry carcass. The composition of the breast contains a lot of animal protein, and it, in turn, is rich in amino acids, which are very necessary for the normal functioning of our body as a whole.

Fresh fillet has a uniform pale pink color, a fresh smell and a dry surface. It's best to buy it chilled., but it is worth remembering that you can not store meat for more than 5 days.

Useful components of chicken fillet

As we have already said, in this part chicken meat contains beneficial amino acids in a protein that is easily absorbed by the body. Also, the breast includes the following components:

Calorie content and bju fillet

There are many options for cooking chicken fillet. It can be:

  • boil;
  • put out;
  • fry;
  • cook for a couple;
  • grill, etc.

But remember that the calorie content of the finished dish also depends on the method of preparation. For example, fried breast will be more high-calorie than baked or boiled. Below are the calculations for the calorie content of the breast, depending on the cooking:

  • raw fillet - 110 kcal per 100 grams of product;
  • boiled meat - 135 kcal per 100 grams;
  • smoked - 204 kcal;
  • stew - 212 kcal;
  • baked - 148 kcal;
  • fried meat - 248 kcal.

As you can see, fried chicken fillet is the most high-calorie, and it also may be harmful to the stomach. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and want to eat right, it is better not to fry chicken breast.

The nutritional value of chicken breast is as follows:

  • fat contains 8.8 grams;
  • proteins - 20.8 g, respectively;
  • no carbohydrates.

Chicken breast in the diet

From a dietary point of view, the most acceptable way to cook chicken breast is to boil it. It's worth saying that low calorie content of such meat- not its only plus, it also saves all useful material and it is also very easy to digest. If your diet menu provides for the intake of low-calorie and healthy dishes, then you should definitely include boiled chicken breasts in it.

In order for the calorie content of the fillet to be minimal, it must be cooked in the right way:

  • rinse the meat well;
  • put it in a pot of water and boil;
  • drain the broth 5 minutes after boiling;
  • Pour in new water and cook the meat until tender.

In this way, you will not only reduce the calorie content of meat, but also remove hormones and antibiotics, the remains of which can sometimes be found even after cooking. These products are often fed to birds for better growth.. You need to salt the fillet only at the end of cooking and if desired.

Another way to cook diet chicken breast is to bake it in the oven. In this case, the calorie content will also not be too high. Bake chicken in the oven you can do it yourself, or you can add cheese or vegetables, but then the calories in ready dish there will be more.

But if you love fried chicken, then this type of meat will no longer be dietary, since it contains a lot of calories. But even in this case can reduce calories To do this, fry the meat without oil on the grill. The calorie content of the grilled fillet will be approximately 152 kcal, which is not so much.

The benefits and harms of chicken breasts

As already mentioned, dietary properties and low calorie content are not the only advantages of chicken fillet, it also contains there are many useful ingredients. And this product in one form or another can act as remedy or prevention of certain diseases.

In particular, broths based on vegetables and fillets not only taste good, they are very useful for those who have problems such as:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • SARS;
  • flu.

Magnesium present in chicken meat helps fight fatigue syndrome, improves the immune system and improves memory. Vitamin B is very good for skin rejuvenation, stabilization of metabolic processes and the functioning of the human nervous system.

But remember that certain properties of chicken meat depend on the method of its preparation, most of all the benefits are in non-caloric boiled, stewed or baked chicken meat.

Possible harm

Chicken breast can be dangerous for the body, everything is also partly here depends on cooking method. So, fried chicken fillet can cause problems such as:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

It is believed that chicken fillet itself is completely harmless, it all depends on what to add to it and how to do it.

When following a diet, be careful with chicken skin, it contains fatty tissue in large quantities. In order to cook the breast in one way or another, from it need to remove the skin, although the fillets are sold skinless at the point of sale.

Buy chicken meat from trusted outlets, do not let it be expired, study it before buying for color and odour. Otherwise, meat can cause diseases.

And remember that even the most harmless and useful product cooked incorrectly can not only ruin your figure, but also cause serious illness. This applies especially to chicken fillet.

As you can see, chicken breasts are very healthy meat that can be given even to children in a boiled form. For adults too it is better to cook or use as part of broths, and for the second you can do stewed chicken. Such a diet will be satisfying and healthy.

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Chicken breast is the most dietary product. Boiled, it is served in hospitals and schools, as it has a lot of protein and useful elements. In this type of meat, harmful substances do not accumulate, unlike the thigh part of the chicken.

Chicken breast is a true source of vitamins and minerals that support the immune system. The fillet contains the minimum amount of carbohydrates that contribute to the appearance of fat in humans. Meat has almost all B vitamins. As well as vitamin A, PP and no less important for the body - vitamin C. Contains a large number of macro and micronutrients. Chicken breast is also rich in potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur and other elements.

Beneficial features

Athletes who want to increase muscle mass need to eat a large amount of protein in their diet. Chicken breast contains 40% high-quality, fast-digesting protein. It contains a complex of minerals, vitamins, beneficial elements and amino acids. It contains a minimum of fat and cholesterol.
It is recommended to eat white meat daily - this will improve the functioning of the body as a whole. The vitamins contained in the chicken breast ensure the proper functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. The breast has components that can cleanse the liver of fats. Potassium regulates blood pressure and calcium strengthens bones. Chicken meat helps to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the cardiovascular system. Increases immunity, which helps a person not to get sick even in the hottest, coldest time.


Chicken breast is served boiled, fried, stewed and baked. It makes excellent minced meat for cutlets, meatballs and dumplings. Pancakes and vegetables are stuffed with meat. First and second courses are prepared from fillets.
Fruits, vegetables, berries are used as a side dish, pasta, as well as cereals. The breast is used as a main dish, poured with sauce. To cook tasty and healthy dish from chicken breast, you will need:
chicken breast;

The chicken breast is cut into thin slices and laid out in an even layer in the pan. After - fried on butter and filled with a small amount of water. Stir the meat periodically. As soon as it is ready, you need to add salt, pepper to taste and mayonnaise, then everything is thoroughly mixed. Sprinkle the top with finely grated cheese and garlic. Cover with a lid for 5 minutes and simmer over low heat. The dish is served with a side dish on lettuce leaves.

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Most athletes eat at least 2-3 chicken breasts a day, as white meat chicken is traditionally considered one of the best sources of protein due to its low calorie content and minimal fat content. The diet, in fact, is based on chicken breasts - both due to their low price and because of the ease of preparation.

Unfortunately, cheap chicken fillet is one of the most "dirty" types of meat in terms of its content of toxins and preservatives. If you're health conscious, first think about what supplements the chicken is fed to gain a few pounds in a month, then leave the chicken breast in the refrigerator for a week to see if the meat doesn't even start to go bad.

The Hidden Dangers of Chicken Meat

Chicken meat is an extremely favorable environment for the reproduction of various bacteria, significantly surpassing beef and pork in this respect. It is strongly discouraged to use the same cutting board for chicken and other products (especially fruits), and after contact with raw chicken breast, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water.

The reason lies in the fact that in poultry farms, chickens are literally stuffed into cages - as a result, they are smeared in feces from head to toe. When slaughtering chickens and butchering their carcasses, part of the feces inevitably ends up on chicken meat. That is why industrially manufactured chicken must be disinfected with chlorine and other toxic gases.

Harm of cheap chicken fillet

To reduce the cost of chicken fillet, the manufacturer has to reduce the cost of chicken nutrition as much as possible and accelerate its growth cycle. As a result, the cheapest corn-based feeds are used (the question of the danger of GMO products for the health of birds is not even raised) and the most aggressive preparations for rapid weight gain (3) .

The life cycle of an "industrial" chicken is only 6-7 weeks (3) - in fact, it does not matter to anyone how much such a diet will worsen her health, whether she will lose her sight and whether she will be able to walk. Most buyers do not think at all about the quality of chicken meat, they only strive to find the lowest price.

Vitamin content in chicken breast

Despite the fact that chicken breast is usually considered to be “rich” in potassium, sodium and, their content in the fillet is even domestic chicken does not exceed 5-7% of daily allowance- a portion boiled potatoes contains 4-5 times more potassium than a serving of breast. In addition, industrial chicken breast contains significantly less minerals.

The situation with vitamins is even worse. Unlike fruits, any meat, including chicken, does not contain any significant amount of vitamins in its composition. A standard serving (half a chicken breast) provides only 60% of the daily value of vitamin B 3 and 30% of vitamin B 6 (1) . However, these vitamins are found in much larger quantities in any cereal.

BJU and calorie content of chicken breast

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Carrageenan to increase the volume of meat

The vast majority of industrial meat is injected with carrageenan, a special substance that increases the final volume and weight of the product. The water flowing out of the chicken breast when it is fried in a pan does not appear at all from the chicken itself, but from the aforementioned carrageenan. Despite the harmlessness of this substance, it is a direct deception of the buyer.

Essentially, carrageenan behaves like a pseudoplastic, forming a dense gel when room temperature. This substance is widely used in the food industry and, in particular, to give a dense texture to ice cream, milkshakes and other similar products. In some cases, the weight of the chicken breast is 30-40% due to this particular gel.

How to choose chicken meat?

If you eat chicken meat infrequently enough, then one serving of industrial chicken breast is not capable of harming your health. However, if you decide to follow a protein diet for weight loss or muscle gain, and switched to eating mainly chicken, it is important to choose the most quality manufacturer so as not to poison your body with chemicals.

Remember that good chicken meat begins to deteriorate literally on the second or third day, even when refrigerated. The chicken quickly enough begins to smell unpleasant and change color, first to yellow, then to gray. If the purchased chicken fillet lies quietly in the refrigerator for a week, then there are definitely a lot of preservatives in it.


Traditionally, chicken breast is considered to be the best choice for the diet of athletes and people who want to lose weight because of its low calorie content and high protein content. However, few people think about how dangerous to health can be the daily consumption of industrial chicken in large quantities.

Scientific sources:

  1. Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, raw,
  2. The Five Worst Contaminants in Chicken Products,
  3. PETA: The Chicken Industry,