Curly pinscher cake. Cake “Curly Pinscher” - surprise the guests of honor! Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

Cake " Curly Pinscher“So tasty and tender that it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away. There is no comparison with a store-bought cake. This is one of the most delicious cakes. It always works out for everyone. The recipe has been known for a long time and probably every housewife has it. But they rarely bake it, and in vain. “Curly Pinscher” is not much different from “Pancho” cake, but there are differences. There are small variations of Pinscher, but always with sour cream. Cook and enjoy.

Products for the Curly Pinscher cake:
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream 20%
0.5 cans of condensed milk
180 g sugar
2 s. l. cocoa
1/2h. l. soda slaked with vinegar
1.5 cups flour

0.5 l. sour cream 21% or more (you can use heavy cream or half with sour cream)
1 cup of sugar

4 tbsp. l. cocoa, sugar, milk.
40 g butter
You can have nuts, prunes

First, be sure to weigh out the sour cream, otherwise it will liquefy when whipped with sugar. To do this, place the sour cream in cheesecloth on a sieve placed in a bowl. Leave in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours. After that, even cut the sour cream with a knife - it’s thick.

1.Make the cake layers for the Curly Pinscher cake. Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream, condensed milk, slaked soda. Divide the dough into two parts. Put cocoa in one. Then in both - flour. The dough should be like pancakes. Pour into baking dishes. I baked both pans at the same time. Or you can do even better - pour both doughs into one form according to the Zebra cake principle. All the same, the dough is broken and mixed during the laying process. But I didn’t think of it right away. And I made two forms. So, cut one (white) cake lengthwise into two parts. We will place the pieces on it, and the second one along with the other cake
break eggs into half-sized pieces.
You can cut the cakes as soon as they have cooled down.

2.Now the cream for the “Curly Pinscher” cake: lightly beat the sour cream and sugar.

3.Form the “Curly Pinscher” cake. Place the cut portion of the light cake on a tray. (Mine is not very light, so a little cocoa accidentally got in). Lubricate with cream.
Now dip the pieces into the cream and place them very tightly on top, sprinkling them with chopped nuts or prunes if desired.
Shape the cake into a dome or slide. Grease the top with cream too.
Place in the refrigerator. And at this time we make the glaze.

4. Glaze: very simple - mix cocoa, sugar and milk, stir and put on water bath when boiling. After 5 minutes, mix thoroughly. Continue in the sauna until the cocoa dissolves completely. Add oil at the end. Mix. The mixture should be liquid, not thick, otherwise it will be awkward to pour the glaze on top of the cake. Immediately spoon the still hot glaze over the top of the cake. It's very simple, don't be afraid of this procedure. The end result is quite beautiful. Much prettier than just sprinkling with grated chocolate.

More tips: the Curly Pinscher cake should consist mainly of pieces, with only a thin layer of cake on the bottom. And if you make it for two servings, you get a cake weighing 2.5 kg. The Curly Pinscher cake does not soak for long. But delicious... - cannot be described!; You just need to try.

Enjoy your tea!

There’s probably no need to talk a lot about this cake. I'm almost sure that he is familiar and loved by many. This cake is very simple and quick to prepare, but despite this, it turns out surprisingly tasty! There are many variations of making this cake. I suggest you prepare it with the addition of prunes, cognac and walnuts. These additives, in my opinion, make the taste of the cake more multifaceted and interesting, and go well with sour cream. Traditionally, the Curly Pinscher cake is decorated with chocolate chips. I cook it with chocolate icing, which, in my opinion, is tastier and more beautiful. Well, enough words! Let's cook!


Pre-soak the prunes by adding 2-3 tablespoons of cognac and water so that the prunes are completely covered with liquid.
Sour cream dough for cake layers is prepared very easily and quickly using the “mix everything” principle. Add sour cream, eggs, sugar to the condensed milk and mix everything until smooth. Mix soda with flour and, adding in portions, mix into the sour cream base of the dough.

As a result, you should get a thin, pourable dough, reminiscent of sour cream or condensed milk in consistency. Grease the pan in which you will bake the bottom cake layer with butter and lay out some of the prepared dough. The thickness of the bottom cake depends on the amount of dough laid out. If you like the bottom crust to be quite thick, then add half of the prepared dough. Personally, I prefer the bottom crust to be as thin as possible, so I literally spoon out 3-4 tablespoons of batter and just spread it across the bottom of the pan.

To ensure that the cake is as even as possible after baking, cover the top of the dough. parchment paper, cut to the shape of the bottom. Bake in an oven preheated to 190°C until lightly browned.

Add cocoa to the remaining dough and stir. When adding, be sure to sift the cocoa to avoid lumps.

Bake the remaining dough into a cake about 3 cm thick. Bake at 190°C until a wooden stick comes out dry. Cut the chocolate cake into cubes about 3 cm wide.

For the cream, beat sour cream with powdered sugar. In order to finished form the cake looked more geometric and neat, I laid out its top part using a bowl. Line a bowl (of the appropriate size!!!) with cling film. Next you will need to mix the chopped pieces chocolate cake and sour cream. This can be done in different ways. You can take one piece at a time, dip it in the cream and then put it in a bowl, or you can put all the chopped pieces in the cream, stir and put it out. To be honest, I don't like both methods. The first method is very long, but the second method is very easy to turn the sliced ​​cake into porridge. I usually lay out the chopped pieces in batches and try to mix them with the cream VERY gently and carefully.

If you do not have enough experience in preparing such a cake, then so that you match the amount of cream with the number of chopped pieces, divide all the cream and all the chopped cake into 4 parts and mix each part of the cream with a part of the chopped pieces. Sprinkle the laid out pieces with chopped prunes and nuts. Lightly soak the bottom layer of the cake with the cognac liquid remaining after soaking the prunes.

Don't soak too much! This is not a biscuit! And if you get too wet, you risk getting porridge instead of a cake! Cover the bowl chocolate base cake with the soaked bottom layer and place the cake in the refrigerator for 15–20 minutes until the cream sets slightly. Turn the bowl over and remove the film. For the glaze, melt the chocolate, butter and cream in a double boiler or microwave until smooth. Heat up chocolate mixture extremely careful! As a result, you should get a homogeneous flowing chocolate mass. Decorate the top of the cake with frosting.

Place pieces of prunes and nuts on top. Place the cake in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to allow the frosting to set.
Enjoy your tea!!!

P.S. If you cannot buy sour cream that whips well, then you can prepare sour cream as follows (below are examples of sour cream without recalculating its quantity for a given cake):


Soak 1 teaspoon of gelatin with half a glass of milk or water and leave to soak for the time indicated on the package. Take 1 glass of sour cream, place the bowl with sour cream in cold water and beat until a thick, fluffy foam forms. At the end of beating, add 4 tablespoons powdered sugar, stir. Heat the gelatin very gently until the gelatin grains are completely dissolved. Pour the warm gelatin solution into the whipped sour cream. Stir. If necessary (if the sour cream mass is still very liquid), put the sour cream in the refrigerator.


Take 1 cup of cream (33% or higher), 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 3/4 cup of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of starch. Prepare milk-starch jelly: dilute the starch in half the milk, boil the remaining milk, pour the diluted starch into it, mix thoroughly and cool until room temperature. Place the pan with cream and sour cream in cold water or on ice and whisk until a thick, fluffy mass is formed. Without stopping whipping, add powdered sugar, then pour in the jelly and stir.

You can just beat it heavy cream, beat the sour cream separately, add powdered sugar, and then mix the whipped sour cream and cream. The proportions of sour cream and cream can be very different and depend, first of all, on your taste preferences and on how well you managed to whip the sour cream.

This cake wears unusual name"Curly Pinscher" ("Curly Pinscher" or "Pancho", "Don Pancho", " Sancho Pancho" V different variations). Some people think that in appearance he looks like a curly-haired boy.

U pancho recipe supposedly classified, but experienced chefs it was figured out long ago. It can be done for a holiday or just on a day off. This pastry has long been a favorite dessert for many.

Cake Features

The “curly pinscher” cake (“curly pancho”) has a number of features that distinguish it from other delicacies. Those with a sweet tooth note that this is one of the delicious dishes, and recipes for this delicious cake wander from hand to hand.

It consists of pieces of sponge cake dipped in cream and placed on top of another sponge cake layer. The bottom cake is made from part of a large baked sponge cake. Usually a sour cream-based dough is used because it is soft and porous and easily absorbs the cream.

The cake looks very appetizing, although at first it seems that it will turn out sloppy.

Unlike most cakes, which are smooth layers layered with cream, the “Curly Pinscher” is assembled differently. First, a cake is placed on a dish, and a mound of biscuit pieces soaked in cream is formed on it. Don't try to make the surface smooth - the point is to achieve the opposite effect.

The cake cream is prepared quite liquid, for better impregnation. The combination of sponge cake with sour cream makes the cake very tender. Fruits, berries or nuts are often placed between the pieces of cake.

Most often, the “Curly Pinscher” is decorated by pouring glaze over it and sprinkling with nuts, chocolate chips to make it even more delicious. Walnuts, chocolate, and fruits are popular as layers and toppings.

Technology and recipe

Curly Pinscher cake is very easy to make at home. Even children can prepare Pancho cake under the supervision of adults - they will especially enjoy assembling it from pieces. The Curly Pinscher cake recipe consists of several basic elements: preparing the sponge cake, preparing the cream, assembling and decorating.

Dough ingredients

The “curly pancho” cake is prepared on the basis of a sponge cake. Almost any will do biscuit dough, porous enough to accept cream impregnation.

For it you will need: Wheat flour, sour cream, condensed milk, cocoa powder, eggs, sugar, soda.

Products for cream

Most often, the Curly Pinscher cake is prepared with sour cream - it soaks the sponge cake very well. So the most common products for him are a glass of good thick sour cream and a can of high-quality condensed milk, also thicker. Density is important, otherwise the sour cream will have too thin a consistency, it will flow, and instead of the “Curly Pinscher” we will have soggy dough in a puddle of cream.

Glaze ingredients

The frosting is the simplest element of this cake. For her, take a few spoons of milk, cocoa powder, butter and sugar. Cocoa can be replaced with dark chocolate. All ingredients are melted together, and while the glaze is still warm, pour it over the cake. You can sprinkle nuts or berries on top of the fresh glaze.

Video of making the Curly Pinter cake

Cooking algorithm

Curly Pancho cake is made according to a certain pattern

First prepare the biscuit. We will tell you how to prepare it in the recipes below, but most often we add cocoa to the dough. Bake the biscuit at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. When it cools down, cut off the top of it, which will become the base of the cake, and chop the rest into pieces. Another option, simpler, is to take store-bought biscuit and work with him.

Mix condensed milk with sour cream for cream. Dip more pieces of biscuit into the cream and place them on the base in the shape of a haystack. The Pinscher cake takes only about five hours to prepare, the active time is about an hour. When it is soaked, you will be able to taste this confectionery masterpiece.

Let's take a step away from the basic instructions and make cherry cake"Curly Pinscher"

Beat three eggs and a glass of sugar together until thick. Add to them two hundred grams of sour cream, two and a half glasses of flour, one and a half tablespoons of cocoa and one teaspoon slaked soda. Stir everything, pour one portion into the mold. All that remains is to bake it in the oven heated to 170 degrees.

Cut off the top of the cooled sponge cake evenly in a layer of half a centimeter to a centimeter and place it upside down on a dish. Cut the rest of the biscuit into pieces of approximately two by two centimeters.

Preparing the cream. Combine four hundred grams of full-fat sour cream, three hundred grams of good thick condensed milk and five tablespoons of powdered sugar. Whisk together sour cream, sugar and condensed milk.

Take one and a half cups of fresh (or defrosted) pitted cherries. Maybe cherries. We soak each piece of sponge cake in cream, and form the cake in levels, sprinkling with cherries and pouring more cream on top.

When you get a signature slide, cool the cake for a short time and pour glaze over it. For the glaze you will need eighty grams of chocolate and thirty grams of butter, which need to be melted together. We put the cake in the cold to soak and wait for our turn to appear at the festive table.

The result is a “Curly Pinscher” cake, the recipe of which has been slightly changed, but it tastes completely different, with cherry sourness.

This "curly pinscher" is based on a simple chocolate sponge cake and condensed cream. You can even call it a chocolate pinscher cake - it has a rich chocolate taste.

Turn on the oven to warm up, the biscuit is usually baked at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

We start by preparing the biscuit. Take two hundred grams of flour, add two tablespoons of cocoa and baking powder, one bag. To get more air test, we sift through everything.

Five chicken eggs beat vigorously with a glass of sugar for a quarter of an hour. Combine with flour, pour into pan and bake. Cool the finished biscuit for several hours. For further work you will need it cold.

For the cream, beat three hundred grams of butter with a mixer and add the contents of a can of condensed milk and two hundred and fifty grams of sour cream to it. Melt eighty grams of dark chocolate and add it to the cream so that both the base and the impregnation come out chocolatey-chocolatey.

Carefully cut off the thin crust from the thick sponge cake - this will be the “foundation”. We cut the rest or carefully break it into not very large pieces. Dip each piece in cream and form a slide out of them. Using the remaining cream, we make the joints less noticeable, and decorate everything with grated chocolate on top, completing the chocolate extravaganza.

Nut cake “Curly Pinscher” from ready-made cake layers

If you want to save time, prepare a cake based on ready-made cakes. You will need three of them, white or dark.

We cut one of the cake layers to the shape of a cake dish. We cut the remaining two and from them and the scraps we will form a “curly pancho”.

But before we start assembling, let's prepare the cream, nut filling and sprinkles. Two hundred grams of nuts, walnuts or peanuts, fried and chopped. Set aside two spoons for sprinkling.

We make the cream with condensed milk. Mix one hundred and fifty grams of butter, two hundred grams of sour cream and four hundred grams of condensed milk and beat a little. Add a little vanilla and prepared nuts.

We build the “Curly Pancho” cake according to the usual scheme: a foundation cake, and on top of it a bunch of “curly bits” - broken pieces of sponge cake soaked in cream.

Decorate the “hairstyle” with chocolate glaze. Melt seventy grams of chocolate along with 30 milliliters of cream and cover our dessert. While the glaze has not hardened, sprinkle with the remaining nut crumbs.

This version of the cake benefits from the fresh sweetness of the pineapple. Let's make more of it.

For the sponge cake, mix four hundred grams of sour cream, two glasses of sugar, two eggs and beat them well. Add two cups of flour and a teaspoon of soda and mix. Now divide the dough in half and pour two tablespoons of cocoa powder into one half.

Alternately bake two sponge cakes in the oven at 200 degrees and cool. We cut the white cake lengthwise - its half will become the base. We cut everything else into cubes, as the recipe for the Curly Pinscher cake instructs.

The cream this time is very simple: beat four hundred grams of sour cream with a glass of sugar.

We assemble the cake in layers. Spread the base with cream, form the first level of biscuit pieces dipped in cream. Then we take canned pineapple, either cut immediately or into washers, and then you will have to work a little with a knife. The cake will take about a jar. Place a layer of pineapples on top of the sponge cake, then more dough, then fruit, then dough. We lay everything out in a dense, supposedly careless pile, because we have a “curly-haired pinscher” and not a “smooth-haired Doberman”.

When the design is ready, pour glaze over it. Add two tablespoons of cocoa and a tablespoon of powdered sugar to four tablespoons of warm milk and mix. We also put fifty grams of butter there, softened outside the refrigerator, remembering to mix. We cover the cake with the result.

Before serving, you need to let the cake soak - a few hours is enough, or better yet, overnight in the refrigerator.

Children will really like this unusual “curly pancho” with marshmallows and bananas. It doesn’t really matter what kind of biscuit to buy here – whether purchased or prepared yourself. And some even replace it with gingerbread.

This Curly Pancho cake recipe is not much different from the basic one. The main thing in it is the cream and the layer.

We cut the entire biscuit into pieces; we will not leave the cake for the base. Cut a quarter kilogram of white marshmallows into smaller pieces. We also chop three bananas. Place everything in a large bowl or pan.

For the cream, mix four hundred grams of thick sour cream and three hundred grams of condensed milk (you can add the whole can of condensed milk). Pour the cream over the contents of the bowl and gently mix everything, trying not to mash anything.

We put the mixture on the dish on which we are going to make “Pancho” and carefully form a “snowdrift”. On top of the pieces smeared with cream, sprinkle dark grated chocolate thickly onto the cake. After three hours in the refrigerator it will be ready to eat.

Handsome and unusual cake"Curly Pinscher" will become a decoration festive table, and the pieces soaked in cream will melt in your mouth.

Using a mixer, turn the sugar and eggs into a fluffy mass. Beat them until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

After adding cocoa powder and condensed milk, turn on the mixer for a short time. Then add sour cream and soda. Run the mixer on until the ingredients are mixed.

Sift the flour into a larger container, and pour the previously obtained mixture into it. During the mixing process, a thick dough comes out.

If the baking dish is metal, then grease its inner surface with oil and dust it with flour. Divide the dough into two parts, bake each of them for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 Celsius.

Sour cream for cake step by step recipe with photos

While the cakes are baking, beat the sour cream and sugar for the cream.

We sort out the whole nuts, crush the rest with a masher in a thick-walled bowl and add directly to the sour cream. For now we put the cream itself in the cold.

Both cakes must cool, after which we cut one of them into cubes.

Grease the second whole cake thickly with cream. Pour about half of the sliced ​​cake cubes onto it. Lubricate them with cream. Then pour out another portion of the biscuit pieces, which we also spread with sour cream. Use the remaining cubes to form a rounded top of the cake and spread it thickly with cream.

In a small metal container, mix the glaze ingredients. Over low heat with constant stirring, make the glaze homogeneous. Pour glaze over the surface of the walnut Pinscher.

Spread the reserved mixture evenly on top of the cake. walnuts. Place the “Pincher” in the refrigerator for several hours, let the sponge cake soak in the cream.

The cake turns out to be quite impressive, but you can get enough of it with a small piece of it. Therefore, a soft and tasty nutty “Pincher” can be safely prepared for celebrations with a large number of guests.