E 160 food additive is dangerous or not. Food coloring E160a - Carotenes, all its useful properties

Name: E160a, Alpha, beta, gamma carotenes
Other names: E160a, E-160a, Eng. E160a, E-160a (Alpha - carotene, Beta-carotene, Gamma-carotene)
Group: food supplement
Kind: food coloring
Effect on the body: safe
Allowed in countries: EU countries, Russia, Ukraine

Description of E160a

Food supplement E160a(Alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, gamma-carotene) is approved for use in the food industry of all countries. Dye E160a(alpha-carotene, beta-carotene) is used to color products in yellow or orange. Natural carotene extract (alpha-carotene) is extracted from vegetable raw materials - from vegetables (carrots), from berries (gooseberries, black currants, blueberries, mulberries), from fruits (apricots and peaches), as well as from corn and red pepper. Food coloring beta-carotene, which is obtained not only during synthesis, but also isolated from natural products during the isolation of other carotenes. Carotene of natural origin has antioxidant properties (slows down the aging of body cells) and contains retinol - vitamin A, which is necessary for vision. These food colorings, unlike some natural dyes, do not change their properties when heated (heat treatment) and are resistant to sunlight. Product color with addition E160a varies from light yellow to orange.

Application of E160a

In the production of dairy products, the use of natural carotene is acceptable. E160a alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, identical to natural, to give the desired color lost after heat treatment. Saturated yellow color is acquired by such foods as butter creams, cream, condensed milk, margarine, spread, mayonnaise, hard cheese, yogurt. Confectionery and soft drinks can also be tinted with dye E160a. Animal food can also be tinted with carotene food coloring. Additive E160a found in cosmetics and some cigarettes.

The effect of E160a on the human body

The antioxidant effect of carotenes on the cells of the body helps to eliminate toxins, preventing their accumulation in the body. Vitamin A contained in carotene improves and maintains vision. It has been observed that carotene enhances the body's resistance to negative radiation exposure. But large doses of beta-carotene have the opposite effect and can harm the human body, since people who smoke cigarettes greatly increase the risk of developing a cancerous tumor in the lungs, and in men after 50 years - prostate adenoma.

There is a fairly common myth that from "all these E one continuous harm." Indeed, even among the food additives approved for use in Russia, there are both carcinogenic and causing severe allergic reactions, while not bringing any benefit. However, there are among them completely harmless, and even useful, such as red-orange organic E160a - beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is divided into two types according to the method of production - E160a (i), synthesized chemically and E160 (ii), obtained directly from bio-raw materials.

The main name of the dye E160a is beta-carotene, or β-carotene, eng. beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is so named because it has structurally identical β-rings at each end of its molecule.

Substance type

Chemical formula: C 40 H 56 .

According to the E160a type, it belongs to carotenes, which, in turn, are terpenoids - oxygen-containing organic compounds (usually of natural origin), their carbon skeleton is formed from isoprene units.

Beta-carotene is a pro-vitamin A (retinol).


The main properties of E160a can be presented in the table:

Index Standard values
Color red-orange or orange-yellow
Compound β-carotene molecules or β-carotene and solvent
Appearance orange monoclinic crystal, orange powder
Smell neutral, but specific persistent smell, it is β-carotene that is the main source, for example, of the smell of carrots
Solubility it is insoluble in pure water, but readily soluble in ether, benzene, hexane, propylene glycol, chloroform and fats.
The proportion of colorants 100%
Boiling point 654.7°C at 760 mmHg Art.
Density 0.941 g/cm3
Melting point 178-179°C
Stability stable, but sensitive to air, heat and light, pyrophoric, that is, it can ignite spontaneously in air at room temperature
Flash point 346°C
acid resistance high


Packed dry beta-carotene in boxes, bags, in liquid form - in plastic bottles and canisters.


The United States and Germany supply most of the chemically synthesized carotene to the world market, in Spain it is mainly produced from blakeslea trispora fungi, in Australia it is made from dried Dunaliella salina algae.

Due to the availability of the source, production or synthesis of E160a has been established around the world.

Among the manufacturers of β-carotene abroad can be named, for example

  • Christian Hansen, Denmark;
  • BASF, Germany;
  • Vitatene, Spain;
  • DSM, USA;
  • Aquacarotene Limited, Australia.

In Russia, one can name NPP AQUA-MDT LLC, the production of β-carotene from algae in the Crimea, PK Galit, has been launched.

You can buy E160a in Russia in companies such as:

  • Bio-Chem LLC;


Stained with beta-carotene:

  • oil;
  • margarine;
  • cheeses;
  • mayonnaise;
  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • confectionery;
  • concentrates;
  • instant soups.

E160a is approved for use by the WHO. Since beta-carotene is necessary for a person, and its harm is minimal, it is approved for use in all countries of the world.

In Europe and the US, E160a(i) (synthetic β-carotene) is prohibited for children aged 1-3 years because it can cause dermatitis.

The norm of use is up to 5 mg / kg of body weight per day.

E160a has a rather funny, though harmless effect - beta-carotene accumulates in subcutaneous fat, turning it yellow, so those who consume it in excess can get a yellow skin tone, which is completely safe, because unlike the vitamin And β-carotene is non-toxic.

Carotene is found in many orange, yellow and green leaves, vegetables and fruits, from which (primarily from the carrot that gave it its name) it was originally learned to extract. Now, bacteria, algae and fungi with a high content of this substance are also used to obtain natural beta-carotene.

Benefit and harm

Beta-carotene has many wonderful properties, but it is worth remembering that it is definitely useful substances can not be. Of the useful, you can indicate what is a source of vitamin A, and, therefore, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, helps to tan safely in the sun, can be a prophylactic against cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, improves immunity.

It is believed that beta-carotene may also be a cancer prevention agent, but according to Pub-Med, the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health in the United States, there is no significant positive effect, and daily intake of beta-carotene at a dose of 20-30 milligrams for smokers and people working in the production of asbestos, on the contrary, increases the likelihood of stomach cancer and lung cancer. Therefore, if a person smokes, it is necessary to be careful about the use of carotene in pure form.

Synthetic carotene is less bioavailable than those derived from natural ingredients, which reduces its benefits and increases the likelihood of allergies.

We can say that E160a is rather a useful supplement, so buying your favorite mayonnaise and regretting your figure, you can console yourself with the content of this dye in it, which can bring undoubted health benefits. But the best source of β-carotene for humans will, of course, be natural vegetables and fruits, especially those combined with fats.

β- Carotene E160a(i) is obtained synthetically (including microbiologically) or isolated from natural sources, including krill, mixed with other carotenoids (El60a(ii) - extracts of natural carotenoids) in the form of water- or fat-soluble forms.β- Carotene is not only a dye, but also a provitamin A, an antioxidant, an effective prophylactic against cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and protects against radiation exposure. It is used for coloring and fortifying margarine, mayonnaise, confectionery, bakery products, soft drinks.

[Nechaev A.P., Traubenberg S.E., Kochetkova A.A., Food chemistry, 2003]

Dye (E160a Beta-carotene) - contains an orange pigment, which in the body turns into vitamin A. There is synthetic beta-carotene (Beta-carotene synthetic) and extracts of natural carotenes (natural extracts). Beta-carotene contains an orange pigment that is converted into vitamin A in the body. Studies have confirmed that large doses of beta-carotene increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers. However, consuming the small amounts found in foods is safe even for them.

Natural food colorings are not only safe at the recommended dosages, but also have a number of useful properties. Curcumin (E100) has antioxidant and antimutagenic effects, riboflavin is vitamin B2. Carotenoid food colors (E160), especially β-carotene (E160a), exhibit statistically significant anticarcinogenic activity when used regularly. According to the recommendations of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the average daily intake of β-carotene should be 3...6 mg.

A large group consists of carotenoid derivatives: flavoxanthin(E161a), lutein(marigold extract, E161b), cryptoxanthin(E161s), rubixanthin(E161d), violoxanthin(E161e), rhodoxanthin (E161f), canthaxanthin(E161g).

For coloring food products(margarine, butter, mayonnaise, fish products, artificial caviar and some other products) use carotenoids isolated from carrots (α-, β-, γ-carotenes), rose hips, peppers, as well as products obtained by microbiological or synthetic means. Carotenoids are resistant to changes in the pH of the medium, to substances substances with reducing properties, but when heated (above 100 ° C) or exposed to sunlight, they are easily oxidized. The most important is β-carotene, extracts of natural carotenes and annatto.

Carotenoids. Hydrocarbons of the isoprenoid series C 40 H 5b (carotenes) and their oxygen-containing derivatives are plant red-yellow pigments that provide color for a number of vegetables, fruits,fat, egg yolk and other products. They are insoluble in water and highly soluble in fats and organic solvents. The composition of carotenoids is determined by the nature of the raw material source from which it is isolated by extraction. An example of them is p-carotene (the name of this carotenoid comes from the Latin word carata - carrot).

β-Carotene (E160)

β-Carotene (El60ai) is obtained synthetically (including microbiologically) or isolated from natural sources, including krill, mixed with other carotenoids (El60aii - extracts of natural carotenoids) in the form of water- or fat-soluble forms, β-Carotene not only a dye, but also provitamin A, an antioxidant, an effective prophylactic against oncological and cardiovascular diseases, protects against the effects of radiation. β-Carotene (E160a) is used for coloring and fortifying margarine, mayonnaise, confectionery, bakery products, soft drinks.

Of the pigments of this group, it should also be noted lycopene (El60d), yellow-orange dye annatto extract (E160b), an aqueous extract from the outer shells of the seeds of Bixa orellana L., containing bixin pigment (methyl ester of norbixin pigment) C 25 H as the main coloring agent. 30 O 4 , it is approved for coloring margarine, flavored cheeses, cereals. It has antispastic and hypotonic properties. The maximum level of these pigments is 10-50 mg/kg depending on the type of product.

[Educational materials "Food concentrates and additives of processed products" Kasymov S.K., Ph.D., 2013]

Carotenoids (E160 and E161) most often give yellow and orange color to plants. This is a very large group of plant pigments. The most important of them is β-carotene (E160a), which in the human body is also a source of vitamin A and an antioxidant. It is found in carrots, from the Latin name of which (carota) this whole group of pigments got its name.

The red color of the fruits of tomatoes and rose hips is determined by lycopene.

Natural dyes, even chemically modified ones, are sensitive to acids (including fruit), alkalis, atmospheric oxygen, and temperature. They are also susceptible to microbiological deterioration, and some of them may change color depending on the pH of the medium. The advantages of natural dyes are their influence on the taste and aroma of the product (E160c, E150), biological activity (E101, E160a). The “psychological” appeal of the inscription on the label is also important - after all, the consumer usually prefers products with natural ingredients to products with synthetic additives.


Color index C .I .


Heat resistance

Acid resistance (including fruit acids)

Areas of use

El 60a

(i) β-carotene synthetic

Fats, vegetable and butter oils, margarines, cheeses, mayonnaises, fruit drinks, juice drinks, desserts, confectionery, ice cream

E 160a

(ii) Extracts of Nat. carotenes

El 60b

Annatto extracts

Margarines, cheeses, snacks, desserts, ice cream, liqueurs

El 60c

paprika oil resins

Meat products, soups, cheeses, sauces, mayonnaises, drinks, confectionery

El 6lb

fats, vegetable oils, sauces, drinks, confectionery, pastries

Notation me: ++ highly resistant; + stable; ± relatively stable; - unstable; -- unstable.

[Food and dietary supplements: textbook L.A. Mayurnikova, M.S. Kurakin 2006.]

Carotenes are commonly referred to as a group of substances related to antioxidants and anticarcinogens and included in the group of carotenoids. carotene is an orange pigment that is produced during plant photosynthesis.

General characteristics of E160a Alpha-, beta-, gamma-carotenes

Food additives with the international classification code E160a, the so-called alpha, beta and gamma carotenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons, sources. E160a are both natural and synthetic, which, it should be noted, are in no way inferior to natural carotenes (calorizator) in their properties. Name carotene derived from Latin carota- carrot . Chemical (empirical) formula C 40 H 56.

E160a - yellow-orange dye, does not change its properties when heated and is resistant to sunlight. found in fruits and vegetables, is formed during photosynthesis, therefore it cannot be produced by the human body and animals.

Carotenes are vital elements. Being an antioxidant by nature, E160a helps to slow down the processes of oxidation of the cells of the human body, cleanses of harmful toxins. The main positive effect of the use of products containing carotenes is the prevention of eye diseases, in particular, a decrease in visual acuity. E160a is indicated for people with increased photosensitivity, as well as after exposure to radiation.

It is believed that an excessive amount of carotenes can provoke the formation of malignant tumors in individuals at risk of developing cancer, but this fact has no scientific confirmation.

Carotenemia or hypercarotenemia is an excess of carotene in the body (unlike an excess of vitamin A, carotene has low toxicity). Usually, carotenemia is not considered a dangerous condition, although it leads to yellowing of the skin (carotenoderma). It is often observed if there is a lot of carrots in the food, but can also be a symptom of more dangerous conditions.

The main use of E160a is as a safe food coloring - the food industry. E160a is found in juices, confectionery, condensed milk, fermented milk products, cheeses. Carotenes of synthetic origin are used in the production of mayonnaise, margarine and soft drinks. In addition to the food industry, E160a is used in agriculture, adding to animal feed.

Use of E160a alpha-, beta-, gamma-carotenes in Russia

Throughout the territory Russian Federation the use of E160a alpha-, beta-, gamma-carotenes as a food additive is allowed according to the standards approved by SanPiN of Russia.

The term carotene (aka food additive E160a) is used to refer to a group of substances having the chemical formula C 40 H 56 . According to the structure, the additive E160a is unsaturated hydrocarbons belonging to the group of carotenoids. Carotene is an orange pigment produced by plant photosynthesis. Carotenes, for example, are responsible for the orange color of apricots. Carotenes cannot be produced by animals or humans.

The name carotene comes from the Latin carota- carrot. This product is naturally rich in carotene. In addition to carrots, the following vegetables and fruits contain especially a lot of carotene: melon, persimmon, apricot, cabbage, parsley, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, mango. As a rule, the higher the intensity of the orange color of the product, the more carotene it contains.

Dye E160a is insoluble in water, but may be soluble in organic solvents and fats. Supplement E160a is a provitamin of vitamin A. Excess carotene can be deposited in the human body in the liver and fats and, if necessary, be synthesized into vitamin A. The yellow color of human fat is the result of the accumulation of carotene. Also, unprocessed carotene in the body of animals can give color cow's milk and products obtained from it (cottage cheese, butter, sour cream).

There are two main forms of carotenes: alpha-carotene (α-carotene) and beta-carotene (β-carotene). There are also g amma-, delta-, epsilon- and zeta-carotene (γ, δ, ε and ζ-carotene), but they are not widely used. The molecules of alpha- and beta-carotene are almost identical, only the positions of the double bonds in the terminal ring of the molecule differ.

In industry, carotene (food additive E160a) is either synthesized chemically or obtained from foods rich in carotene. Depending on the type of production, the E160a additive is divided into two subtypes: synthetic beta-carotene (E160a(i) additive) and natural carotene extracts (E160a(ii) dye).

The United States supplies the world market with most of the carotene obtained synthetically, in Spain it is produced from a special type of fungus, in Australia it is extracted from dried algae. Also, other plants and some types of bacteria can be an industrial source of the E160a additive.

In general, carotene is a vital element. It is the main source of vitamin A in the human body. By its nature, the E160a supplement is an antioxidant - a substance that slows down the processes of cell oxidation in the body. However, an excess of carotene in the body can lead to the disease carotenemia. Since carotene, unlike vitamin A, has little toxicity, usually carotenemia (hypercarotenemia) is not considered a dangerous disease, although it leads to a change in skin tone to a more yellow color.

It is not recommended to consume an excessive amount of the E160a supplement for people at risk of cancer (smokers, people who drink alcohol excessively, workers in the asbestos industry), as several studies have shown that excessive consumption of beta-carotene in food increases the risk of cancer in people of this group. However, there are no studies that prove that this applies to the entire population as a whole.

Beta-carotene is prescribed for people suffering from photosensitivity ( erythropoietic protoporphyria). It also helps prevent cognitive decline. The use of beta-carotene as part of products containing the food supplement E160a cannot cause any harm to the body due to small doses and the body's ability to synthesize carotene into vital vitamin A.

In the food industry, food additive E160a is used as a safe dye. It is found in drinks, juices, confectionery and other products.

In addition to the food industry, beta-carotene is used in the field of nanotechnology and medicine.

The E160a additive is approved for use in food products in Russia, Ukraine and many other countries.